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Academic year: 2017



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Cohesive Device in English Texts of the State Examination

for Senior High School Students in Indonesia


Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora


ERWINSYAH PUTRA SEMBIRING Registration Number: 8116111007







ERWINSYAH PUTRA SEMBIRING. Registration Number 8116111007. Cohesive Device in English Texts of the State Examination for Senior High School students in Indonesia. Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan, 2016.



ERWINSYAH PUTRA SEMBIRING. Registration Number 8116111007. Cohesive Device in English Texts of the State Examination for Senior High School students in Indonesia. Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan, 2016.



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful whom

he would like to express his sincere gratitude, Allah the almighty who has

given his blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing

this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of the

Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of


This thesis would not also have been possible brought into existence

without the help of a great many people. At first, in particular, the writer

would like to express his gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.,Ph.D and

Dr.Anni Holila Pulungan.M.Hum., his first and second advisers for their so

generous assistance, guidance, advice, and precious time they spent on

supervising and guiding this thesis.

Secondly, the writer would also like to express his gratitude to the head

of English Applied Linguistics Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and his

secretary, Dr.Anni Holila Pulungan.M.Hum and Farid who have assisted

him in the process of administration requirement during the process of his

study in the postgraduate program. Special thanks to the all lecturers of the

English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan who have

given their valuable knowledge to his in their lectures.

The writer also would like to sincerely thank to anonymous participant

who contributed suggestions, critics and advises to this study as reviewers

and examiners, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Dr. Syahron Lubis.

M.A., and Dr. Zainuddin , M. Hum. For their appropriate and helpful

commentaries and constructive suggestions.

My greatest and sincere thanks and never ending gratefulness are

fully dedicated to my beloved parents, Alm. Polen Sembiring and Habsyah

Siregar, for their endless love, patient and support in providing everything

that make this possible to me. Special thanks is addressed to my beloved

brothers, Fitra wahyudi Sembiring and Mhd, Habibi Sembiring, for their



Special thanks to my beloved wife and my son, Maulida Afriyani

Lubis and Idraki Rashdansyah Sembiring for love, prayer, and support who

patient spent time to finish my thesis.

Then, his gratitude goes to the students of LTBI A XX 2011, who

had given him encouragement, experience and fun time altogether for the

whole semesters. laugh and joy, the fun and pleasure together will always

go beyond the academic experiences in writing this thesis, Rizal, Hiskia,

Vidya, Pak Agus , Kak Yohana, Kak Sarifah and all of his colleagues are all

valuable and inspiring when writing the thesis.

Lastly, he offers his regards and blessings to all of those who

supported his any aspect during the completing this thesis. He confesses that

he has done his most to accomplish this thesis but he realized it is still far

from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive, criticisms, suggestions or

comments will be highly appreciated

Medan, 18 June 2016 The writer,











1.1The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2The Problems of the Study ... 5

1.3The Objective of the Study ... 5

1.4The Scope of Study... 6

1.5The Significance of the Study ... 7


2.1. The theoretical Framework ... 8

2.1.1. The Nature of Language ... 8

2.1.2. Functional Grammar ... 9

2.1.3. Textual Function ... 11

2.1.4. Text ... 11

2.1.5. Social Context ... 13

1 Situation Context ... 14

a. Field ... 15



3.1 The Research Design ... 46

3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ... 47

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 47

3.4. Instruments of Data Collection………. 48

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 48

3.6 The Trustwortiness of the Study ... 49

3.6.1 Credibility……….. 49

3.6.2 Transferability……….50

3.6.3 Dependability………. 50

3.6.4 Conformability………... 51


4.1 Data Analysis ………. 53

4.1.1 Reference……….…. 54

4.1.2 Substitution………...………….. 55

4.1.3 Ellipsis………...……….. 56

4.1.4 Conjunction………..……….. 58

4.1.5 Lexical Cohesion ………...……. 59

4.2 Context situation used in cohesive devices ……… 61

4.3 Findings……… 62

4.4 Discussion………. 64




5.2 Suggestion……… 67

REFERENCE ……….. 68




Table Pages

Table 4.1.1 Table Reference………... 54

Table 4.1.2 Table Substitution………. 55

Table 4.1.3 Table Ellipsis………. 57

Table 4.1.4 Table Conjunction………. 58







Appendix 1 Reference ………..………... 70

Appendix 2 Substitution ………..………... 85

Appendix 3 Ellipsis ……….. 100

Appendix 4 Conjunction……….. 114

Appendix 5 Lexical Cohesion ……… 129

Appendix 6 Context of Situation …..……….. 144




1.1. The Background of the Study

The state examination is a formalization process, a setback and degrades

the spirit of education. It is nothing more than a theater by the government in the

name of state building and is extremely formalistic. But rejecting national exam

merely based on the "government's failure" was not enough and not the

appropriate way to solve problems related to education,

There are several factors that affect the level of comprehension of each

text, such as the level of legibility of text, the level of the choose of topics and

levels of choose that sentence can all affect a student’s understanding of a text,

my assumption in the text UN are always that test every years have a readability

level sufficient difficult to understand the level of legibility of text. Can be seen

from the level of cohesion. Halliday and Hasan (1976:7) says “ the more cohesive

devices used in the text the better the text will be." This is one important thing to

help students understand the text, furthermore the social context is the choice of

topic for the text, because my assumption that context which is general can be

help the student in understanding the text compare topic artificial is still

unfamiliar for students. So this study was designed to look at the existing level in

about the UN and social context that is often applied in that context.

As one of the organizers of the UN in 2013, Chairman BNSP, Djemari

Mardapi, asserted no objection if an audit carried out by other state institutions



including the UN. Related to the formulation of a script about the UN, said

Djemari depth study has been done and tested by experts and practitioners of

education. Then, the UN supervision since a matter of scanning the answer sheets

printed until the test results through computer devices. The supervision of the

universities involved. Referring to the process Djemari sure of being tested this

year had the same quality in each area although there are many variants of the

manuscript. Then, when the examination takes place, the organizers already have

a scenario that can be done when there obstacles in the implementation of the UN.

For example, if there is a shortage about the steps taken as a matter of taking a

backup, look for a similar problem at another school or copying questions. To

minimize delays in packet about the school, the junior high level UN 2013 which

starts on Monday (22/4), the distribution will be given priority to remote areas.

"Previous (distribution about the UN high school level) preferred area of the city,"

he said.

The type of questions that tested in the state examination, especially senior

high school was divided into 2 they are for IPA and IPA, for IPA are mathematic,

Indonesian, English, biology, physics and chemistry, while for IPS are

mathematic, Indonesian, English, economics, geography, sociology from 2 majors

senior high school for about English and Indonesian were no differences between

the majors IPA matter and IPS, so for question English IPA and IPS are same

This situation depict Indonesian state examination situation in general that

the difficulty level of the text in the UN is different in each region of Indonesia



central and regional levels of education in order to do the evaluation by

government in terms of the quality of education in Indonesia.

However, the reality is contrary to the expectation. The students’ reading

ability in secondary level, even in university level is still unsatisfactory. Some

studies about reading ability were carried out in order to reveal the causative

factors of low level of students’ reading ability. There are two main factors effect

a reader’s ability, namely linguistics and non-linguistics factors. linguistics factors

constitute grammatical aspects, vocabulary, background knowledge (schema)

about the topic being read, ability to comprehend the text as a unity, awareness of

the text organization, ability to apply the interactive reading process: top-down

and button- up, etc. Non-linguistics factors, on the other hand, are effected by

psychological and environmental aspects. The focus given to linguistics a factors

in this study.

The success of teaching and learning at school is much endorsed by the

use of good teaching materials in class (Nunan, 2003:8). Textbook is one of

teaching materials that is used as the main resources of teaching and learning.

Cohesion as the binding component of word, phrase, and sentences in a

text is considered to contribute to the quality the text UN Senior High School. A

good text must be cohesively connected as to produce meaning. This statement is

well explained by Martin (2007: 47) with an argument that the coherence, a clear

meaning, is much influenced by cohesive devices and texture. Cohesion has often

been neglected in language teaching where sentences have created, manipulated

and assessed in isolation. it has been assumed that the students’ difficulties arise



sentences level: whereas, difficulties can easily arise from problems with

cohesion: findings the referent for a pronoun, for example, or recovering a phrase

or clause lost thought ellipsis.

According to Halliday ( 1994: 311), cohesion refers to Relation within the

text that are not subject to limitation; relations that may involved of any extent,

both smaller and large than clauses, from single word to lengthy passages of text;

and that may hold across gaps of any extent, both within the clause and beyond it,

without regard to the nature of whatever intervene.

There are four cohesive devices in English, namely: by reference, ellipsis,

conjunction and lexical organization. Reference is the meaning of a presupposing

item, we have to refer to its presupposed item. For example, she is my sister. She

refer to certain person, substitution is the replacement of an element by another

element. Reference is built through semantic relation, but in substitution it is

through grammar and linguistics form. For example: “who said that?” that is the

substitution of” we are going to lose.” Ellipsis has the same function as

substitution. The difference is in Ellipsis the presupposing item is deleted. For

example “do you understand?” Andy asked “yes (I understand)” Bobby answered.

The sentences “I understand “is omitted. Conjunction differs from the other four

types of cohesion in a way that it does not refer to a certain element of

presupposed item.

The existence of good text UN for Senior High School is inseparable with

students’ achievement in their test result by their ability in reading. Reading is an

important skill for students to absorb information from a text or a discourse. these



with logical thinking that acquisition comes first , then production . a speaker or

writer will be stuck when producing a speech or a text without sufficient

information through reading .

Considering the fact above, the significance of the receptive skills,

especially reading skills, especially reading skill is doubtless. It is reasonable that

reading skill be made the core of learning language in English teaching. It is also

expected that the learners are able to read a variety of reading texts, to increase

mastery of vocabulary and grammatical feature of language as well. This thought

is still relevant up to the present demand of learning English in Indonesia, which

is based competence.

Thus, this study is an attempt to expose the use of Cohesive Devices which

are applied in English reading Text of State Examination (UN), especially in

reading section. Because Cohesion indicates the “non-structural text-forming relations” (Halliday and Hasan 1976: 7). It is means that the more cohesive

devices used in the text the better the text will be.

1.2. The Problems of Study

This study attempts to expose the types of cohesive relation in the English

text used by UN (State Examination) of Senior High School. The intended

cohesive relations are those occurred between sentences in the Text. The research

problem are stated as following.

1. What are the types of cohesive device found in the in the text UN English



2. What is the dominant types of cohesive devices realized in the text UN

English (state examination) in senior high school of 2010- 2015?

3. In what context is the cohesive devices used in the English reading texts of

UN (state examination) in senior high school of 2010-2015?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, the objectives of the research are

1. to identify the types of cohesive devices used in relating sentences

available in Text UN English (state examination) in senior high

school of 2010-2015

2. to find out the dominant types of cohesive devices used in the

reading texts available in the text UN English (state examination) in

senior high school of 2010- 2015 and

3. to find out the context which the cohesive device are used

1.4 The Scope of study

The study is focused on the analysis of English Subject of UN (States

Examination) examination texts that purposefully select the reading sections of

the test. The state examination test selection is senior high school from 2010-2015

sessions. The total numbers of reading test sections are 25 texts UN from years

2010-2015 and selected as the scope of the study.

English text is chooses because it has important role as a source of

knowledge for the students of Junior High School in learning a language. Since



1.5The Significance of the Study

The significant of study is generally to give great theoretical and practical

contribution to researcher as well as teachers. Theerotically, The findings of this

study are expected to be useful theoretically and practically in some respects:

1. Theoretically, the findings are expected to add up more horizons in theories

of language evaluation, particularly that related to evaluates in large scale.

In addition the findings can be references to further studies Cohesive.

2. Practically, the finding can be beneficial potentially for the student and

teachers in Senior High School level, will have knowledge about Cohesion

especially in Text in UN and as materials for teachers English. And English

teacher are in a good position to teach cohesion to the student for help the

student understanding text in UN and help the student to pass the state

examination and increase the value of students, especially the value of State

Examination English. In additional the Government can improve the quality

of the text in the state examination for Student High School, especially the

quality of their attention on the matter of State Examination (UN) and the




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that:

1. It was found all cohesive devices used in whole text state examination

(UN) from years 2010 until 2015 were namely: reference, substitution,

ellipsis, conjuction and lexical cohesion

2. Based on the data the dominant types cohesive devices from text English

state examination (UN) in years 2010 until 2015 were Reference


3. After analyzing 25 texts English state examination (UN) from years 2010

until 2015 with context situation conducted. Found that the context

situation used in the texts were of three elements, namely, field, tenor and

mode and in Specifically, field used the elements of arena or social activity , participant’s characteristics and semantic domain And in tenor

found used three elements from four there were formality, status or power,

affection. And in mode found used elements Planning, Distance,

Involvement and medium or channel.

5.2 Suggestion

As what the researcher result shown that the analyzed cohesive device in

texts English state examination (UN) from 2010 until 2015. Categorized cohesive


67 a. English texts used by the student in the class to learn how to produce good

and accepted sentences

b. English teacher and the headmaster can be involved in the process of

learning English used texts as knowledge to teaching.

c. For the writer state examination is also expected to involve in controlling

the quality of English Text state examination (UN) every years used in test

UN. So the students can get knowledge from learning texts in order the

student may understand the texts better




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Figure 2.1 Construal Social Contexts and Text…………………………..... 14 Figure 2.2 Stratified Social Contexts and Text…………………………....


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