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Academic year: 2017



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5.1.Result and Discussion of material Investigation

5.1.1. Investigate the Fine Aggregate to Obtain the Results. 1. Investigation of the organic matter content.

Investigate the organic matter content is important because the organic matter content can reduce the quality of the concrete. To know whether it is possible to be used or not can be seen from the color of the sample. The relationship between the color and possibility of fine aggregate can be seen from Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Relationship between the Color of the Solution and Organic Mater Content

No. Color Organic Mater Information

5 Light flaxen Less organic matter

content Good to be used

8 Flaxen

Rather much organic matter


Can be used

11 Dark Yellow

A lot of organic

matter content Not really good to be used

14 Dark Orange

A lot of organic

matter content Cannot be used 16 Dark Red A lot of organic



(5-1) After the sand washed using NaOH 3% and kept for 24 hours, the solution is appropriate with the color of Gardner Standard Color No. 8 so that the sand can be used for the experiment.

2. Investigate the amount of mud in sand

Fine aggregate should not contain of mud until 5% greater than the density of dry oven. If the mud levels exceed 5%, the fine aggregate should be washed because the high value of mud can reduce the bind between fine aggregate and geopolymer paste. So, the quality of the concrete can be bad. The value of the investigation can be seen in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Investigation of Mud in the Sand. Investigation weight (gram) Weight of sand

(A) 99

So, the amount of mud in the sand can be calculated as follow:




Based on SK SNI S-04-1989-F, fine aggregate cannot have the amount of mud more than 5%. If the mud is more than 5% so that the fine aggregate should be washed because the high content of mud will decrease the bond between sand and paste and it makes the quality will decrease.

3. Density and Absorption

The result of the density and absorption test of fine aggregate can be seen in table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Result of the Density and Absorption Test of Fine Aggregate

Information Value

A Dry Weight Sample 500 gram

B Weight Sample (SSD) 178

C Weight of Sample from the Oven 482,13 gram

D Bulk Density =


E Bulk Density SSD =


F Apparent Density =


G Absorption=




2.712%. So the sand can be used in the geopolymer concrete. The absorption of the split is 3.701%

4. Water Content

The water content test of fine aggregate is equal to 1.6635 %. The calculation of the water content of fine aggregate can be seen in appendix A.3

5.1.2. Investigate the Coarse Aggregate to Obtain the Result 1. Investigation of the organic matter content.

Coarse aggregate shall not contain the mud 1% greater than the density of dry oven. If the mud levels exceed 1%, the coarse aggregate should be washed, because of the high levels of mud would reduce bond coarse aggregate in the concrete mix. The investigation value of the mud in coarse aggregate can be seen in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Investigation of Mud in the Coarse Aggregate

Investigation Weight

(gram) Weight of coarse aggregate

(A) 99.3

So, the amount of mud in the sand can be calculated as follow:




W= the amount of the mud in the coarse aggregate A = the weight of coarse aggregate after dried in the oven

The amount of mud in coarse aggregate is <1% so that the coarse aggregate can be used as the material of the specimen.

2. Density and Absorption

The result of the density and absorption test of coarse aggregate can be seen in table 5.5.

Table 5.5 Result of the Density and Absorption Test of Coarse Aggregate

Information Value

A Dry Weight Sample 500 gram

B Weight Sample (SSD) 505 gram

C Weight of Sample in the Water 293,5 gram

D Bulk Weight Density


E Bulk Weight Density (SSD)


F Weight Density (Apparent)



The coarse aggregate is restrained in the sieve no. 4 (4.75mm). The weight of the sample is 500gr. From the requirement, the density of the coarse aggregate for the normal concrete is around 2.4-3 gr/cm3. The density of this test is 2.3711%. So the coarse aggregate can be used in the geopolymer concrete. The absorption of the coarse aggregate is 1%

3. Water Content

The water content test of coarse aggregate is equal to 1,342%. The calculation of the water content of coarse aggregate can be seen in appendix A.4

5.2.Slump Test



Table 5.6 The Result of Slump Test at 14 days and 28 days


Slump Value (14 days)

Slump Value (28 days) Metakaolin : Silica Fume (cm)

75:5 0 0

50:5 0 0

25:10 2 0

The differences value in the experiment is because the amount of additional water to make the mixture is easy to be done. If the amount of additional water is high the mixture will be too wet and the value of the test will be higher.

5.3.Weight Density of Concrete

The types of concrete can be grouped based on the weight of the concrete type. Concrete grouping based on its density can be seen in Table 5.7.

Tabel 5.7 Specification of Weight Density of Concrete

Type Weight Density

(gr/cm3) Usage

Very Lightweight

Concrete <1,00 Non Struktur

Lightweight Concrete 1,00-2,00 Lightweight Structure

Normal Concrete 2,30-2,50 Structure

Weight Concrete >3,00 Light shield



In this research, the age of the concrete is divided into two types; 14 days and 28 days. In day 14, the highest value of the density is in the percentage of both metakaolin and silica fume as much as 25:5. The value is 1.9519 gr/cm3. The complete value can be seen in Table 5.8 and the chart can be seen in Figure 5.1.

Tabel 5.8 Average Weight Density in 14 days

Pozzolan Weight Density


Average of Weight Density (gr/cm3) Metakaolin : Silica Fume

25:5 Figure 5.1 Weight Density in 14 Days Chart


Precentage of Metakaolin and Silica Fume (%)



In day 28, the highest value of the density is in the percentage of both metakaolin and silica fume as much as 25:5. The value is 1.9287 gr/cm3. The complete value can be seen in Table 5.9 and the chart can be seen in Figure 5.2.

Tabel 5.9 Average Weight Density in 28 days

Pozzolan Weight Density


Average of Weight Density (gr/cm3) Metakaolin : Silica Fume


Figure 5.2 Weight Density in 28 Days Chart


Precentage of Metakaolin and Silica Fume (%)



The value of weight density is depends on the sample. It is because of the process of the compaction from the sample itself. Based on the table above, weight density of the geopolymer concrete is belongs to lightweight concrete. The biggest value of the average weight density of concrete comes from the geopolymer concrete with the proportion of the metakaolin and silica fume; 25:5 in 14 days. The value is 1.9519 gr/cm3

5.4.Compressive Strength of Concrete

Compressive strength test is done at the age of 14 days and 28 days. The test is done by machine (UTM) with Shimadzu brands. The test results from the small cylinder (day 14) are already change into the normal size of the concrete (150 mm x 300 mm). The compressive strength value of the research can be seen in Table 5.10 and the chart of compressive strength test can be seen in Figures 5.3 and 5.4.

Table 5.10 Compressive Strength Test

Pozzolan Compressive Strength (Mpa)

Metakaolin Silica Fume 14 days 28 days

2.02273 1.20311

1.88520 1.13744

50% 5%





1.21979 0.61374

1.08817 0.62426

75% 5%





0.63963 0.19685



Figure 5.3 Compressive Strength Column Chart

Figure 5.4 Compressive Strength Line Chart

Based on the test, the highest value of the compressive strength is 2.071743

Precentage of Metakaolin and Silica Fume (%)

14 days

Precentage of Metakaolin and Silica Fume (%)

14 days



The value of the mixture should be higher because both metakaolin and silica fume have higher percentage of SiO2 (Silica) and both of them also contain of Calcium Oxide (CaO). CaO will has a reaction with NaOH become Ca(OH)2. SiO2 will be react with Ca(OH)2 become Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) that will be used as a paste. The mixture should be strong enough.Na2SiO3 also used as alkali of the geopolymer. The Na2SiO3 will react with NaOH and make a strong binder.

From the result, the values of the concrete are very low. According to the author, the values are low because they do not have a good proportion of CaO. So, the reaction is not properly. From the table below, it is known that all of the materials only have a good proportion in Silica, but not in Calcium Oxide while the composition of CaO in cement is really big; 64.67%. The composition of the contents can be seen in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11 Composition of the Contents

Content Name cement Metakaolin Silica Fume

SiO2 Silica 21.03% 66.39% 85%

CaO Calcium Oxide 64.67% 3.08% <1

Fe2O3 Iron Oxide 2.58% 5.00% -

MgO Magnesia 2.62% 9.64% -

Na2O Alkali 1.34% 2.97% 8,72%

5.5.1. Research Comparison



temperature, type, and environment. This research will be compared with the research from Lisantono and Hatmoko (2009) that also use metakaolin and bagasse ash as the materials. The tables of the comparison value can be seen in table 5.12 and table 5.13.

Table 5.12 Compressive Strength of the Test


Pozzolan Compressive Strength (Mpa)

800°C 40 min’ 12M

Metakaolin Silica

Fume 14 days 28 days

Table 5.13 Compressive Strength of Lisantono and Hatmoko Research

Combustion of

Pozzolan Compressive Strength (Mpa)

500°C 25 min’ 8M

Metakaolin Bagasse

Ash 14 days 28 days



Based on the comparison, the highest value of the compressive strength in this research is 2.071 MPa in day 14 with the ratio of metakaolin and silica fume as much as 25:5. The highest value of the compressive strength in Lisantono and Hatmoko (2009) research is 0.852 MPa in day 28 with the materials are metakaolin and bagasse ash. The tables show that the temperature of combustion, time of combustion and molarity of NaOH of both researches are different. That can be one of the reasons why the values of both researches are different. From the result of Lisantono and Hatmoko (2009), the highest proportion is in the metakaolin and bagasse ash in day 28. But, in day 14 the highest value is in the proportion of 50% of metakaolin. The lowest value of the result in Lisantono and Hatmoko (2009) is in the result from the bagasse ash. The values are 0.325 MPa in 14 days and 0.344 MPa in 28 days. There will be an effort how to increase the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete based on metakaolin. But, according to the theories and researches from the other researchers, metakaolin should be strong material from concrete.

5.5.Modulus Elasticity of Concrete



Table 5.14 Modulus of Elasticity Test


Compression Average


Table 5.15 Average of Modulus of Elasticity Test

Modulus of Elasticity Average Modulus of Elasticity



modulus of elasticity is 3.234 MPa. The highest value of strain is in the proportion of metakaolin and silica fume; 50:5. The value is 0.0719 and the value of modulus elasticity is 2.583 MPa. The highest value of modulus of elasticity is in the proportion of metakaolin and silica fume; 25% : 5%. The value is 3.234

Figure 5.6 Modulus of Elasticity Chart



Table 5.1 Relationship between the Color of the Solution and Organic
Table 5.2 Investigation of Mud in the Sand.
Table 5.3 Result of the Density and Absorption Test of Fine Aggregate
Table 5.4 Investigation of Mud in the Coarse Aggregate


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