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The Description Of Plot Found In Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Novel Obsidian


Academic year: 2016

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First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT, the almighty God for His

blessing and leading me during all my life. Praise is to the prophet Muhammad SAW,

the leader of messangers and guiding of faithful so that I could finish my study to

fulfill one of requirements for the degree of Ahli Madya from the English

Departement, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

Then, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studieis,

University oof Sumatera Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, and all the staffs for

their help during the period of study in this faculty.

I would like to thank to Drs. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as the head of

English Department for giving all facilities and oppurtunities during my academic

years and completing this paper. I would like to express my special gratitude to my

supervisor, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. for his support and beneficial

suggestion, and their willingness to share time in correcting this paper throughout the

preparation of this paper and the period of doing this paper. I also would like to thank

to Drs. M. Syafi’i Siregar, M.A. as my reader who gives the correction and advices

to finish this paper, and all lecturers who have given so much knowledge throughout

my academic years especially to my academic supervisor. I would like to thank to

Kak Putri who always helps me in administration process.

My best deepest appreciation and love are dedicated to my beloved father

Hairul Hidayat and my beloved mother Nurizmah, who always pray, support, and



and my little brother Ahmad Farhan, and the whole of my family, I would like to

thank a lot of their love, support and time to share and lead me.

My special thanks is dedicate to my best Fake Friends, Nanda Yustika Sari

(bunda), Shella Novianti (Mbak), Lara Rizqy Yoriza Purba (Kakak), Yuni

Asyifah Natalia Lubis (Bou), Alfi Navais Muthyah Ritonga (Etek). Who always

help and support me every time in every condition, thanks for their love and care,

thanks for their having great time together and spending our time, money and energy

for three years in sweet memories, thanks for their crazy and for the unforgettable

moment that we did and always live my life. I love you girls, you are so amazing.

And I say thanks to Muhammad Rizki as a expert and charismatic senior who

always give me some information about paper.

I would like to thank to all of my senior and junior who always support me,

give me some question about when I am graduation. Thank to my classmates in A

and B class who have the same spirit to get the success. For all brothers and sister in

SOLIDAS (Student of English Diploma Association) who have give support.

Finaly, i realize that this paper is far from being perfect. I have done my best

to complete this paper. Therefore, the writer will accept the suggestion from the

readers because this paper is not perfect. Finally, i hope this paper would be useful for

the readers in future.

Medan, July 11th 2014

The Writer











1.1.Background of the Study

There have been various attempts to define what literature is. Literature can be

considered as a product of imagination in writing form. It reflects the result as the

value of an art work. Taylor (1981:1) says that literature, like other arts, is essentially

an imaginative act, that is, an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering,

and interpreting life experience.

The major forms of literature are novel, poem, drama and short story. They have

much in common. Poem is focused on lyrics written by stanza; drama related to

performance on stage by using dialogue; short story is a short form limited in

members of page.

In this paper a novel is used as the material of the discussion, which the novel

itself belongs to the literary work. Revee (1985) says that novel is a picture of real life

and manners, and of the time in which it is written. Based from the quotation above, a

novel seems as the portrayal of human life and behaviour in reality. In other words,

the novel tends to be the representative of the activity of human real life, which

concerns too many things and aspects such as: ambition, feeling, emotion, desire,

obstacles in life, problem, etc.

Fananie (2001:93) says that plot is construction which is made to read on of a



experienced by actors. It means an entire series of events contained in the story,

caused or experienced by actors.

The Novel which deals in this paper are written by Jennifer L. Armentrout entitle

Obsidian. Jennifer L. Armentrout was born June, 11, 1980,Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States. She spends her time reading, working out, watching zombie

movies, and pretending to write. She shares her home with her husband, his K9

partner named Diesel, and her hyper Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an

author started in algebra class, where she spent her time writing short

stories…therefore explaining her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes Adult and

Young Adult Urban Fantasy and Romance.

The novel tells Alien who live around human and the writer want to know how

the Alien live a life in this planet. Generally, Aliens are strange for human, sometimes

frightening. But in this story Aliens are different and it makes the novel unique and

creative on it’s own. The writer have never read a novel about aliens who were

beings of light so definite It makes the writer interest to describe of plot in this novel.

Finally, the research of this paper focuses on the plot used in the novel written by

Jennifer L. Armentrout entitle Obsidian. This is the background as well as the reason

why this paper focus on the description of plot found in this paper.

1.2.Problem of the Study


3 1.3. Scope of the Study

The description of this paper is limited to plot in the novel. Therefore, the

scope of this paper is Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action is restricted

to the plot found in this novel.

1.4. Objective of the Study

The objective of this paper is to describe plot found of the novel.Thepurpose

of writing this paper, the writer hopes the readers wil get some knowledge about the

plot. Then the writer wants to explain and describe to readers about the story or plot

of this novel.

1.5. Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the significance of this description is to increase the literary

understanding in terms of literary works and plot found in novel Obsidian.

Practically, it has significance for the readers to understand what plot is in a novel.

1.6. Method of the Study

The writer uses qualitative description metheod in doing in this paper. The

primary of data sources is Obsidian novel and the secondary of data sources are

books and internet.Method of the description in this paper is a library research. The

writer collects some data to support the description, finding the related data to the



element which are about plot. The data in the words, texts and quotations from. The

writer reads and notes that data then selects to be interpreted. Having understood the

story of the novel, the writer can analyze the plot of the novel and make the




Fiction writing is any kind of writing that is not factual. Fictional writing most

often takes the form of a story meant to convey an author’s point of view or simply to

entertain. The result of this may be a short story, novel, novella, screenplay, or drama,

which are all types (though not the only types) of fictional writing styles.

2.1 Novel

Novel is a length story which tells about life experience of human being. It

can be made base on imagination. The imagination is not really life experience, it is

impossible in real life. Rene (1985) says that novel is a picture of real life and

manners, and of the time in which it is written. Based from the quotation above, a

novel seems as the portrayal of human life and behaviour in reality. On the other

words, the novel tends to be the representative of the activity of human real life,

which concerns too many things and aspects such as: ambition, feeling, emotion,

desire, obstacles in life, problem, etc.

Watson (1979:3) says that novel is the name of a literary kind, and there is a

story to tell about how, over the centuries, its substance has widened and its



work, narrate about the life in centuries ago. Of course, novel is a way to send

message in social, such as in novel find character that plays role hero and felon. Hero

in novel will be success but not felon will be loser. From this message the reader can

get inspiration that hero is good but felon is bad.

Reading a novel can help reader to think the conversation of character, it

makes the imagination improved became more criticism. Because the reader thinks

what thing is good to support. In the beginning of novel is not interesting in the

ending, because it takes the attention the reader to read the whole story. Watson

(1979:3-4) says that novel is a way of learning about how things were or

are-cognitive instrument; and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider how

often in conversation we use them to make points or answer questions.

Novel is usually written in the past tense because the author tells story that

happens in the past, the author imagine the story firstly then interpret it in writing so

the imagination first then writing in the past tense. In addition novel is written in past

tense because it is a heritage of senior novelist, like saying of Watson (1979:6-9) says

that why most novels are mainly composed in the past tense? And why is it that when

readers or critics recount the plot of a novel, or any part of one, they commonly

translate it into the present? The simplest answer to these questions is that we

conventionally associate past tense with telling a story, and present tense with

analysis. In ordinary conversation, it is worth nothing, anecdotes are usually in the


7 2.2 Plot

Plot is one of the elements of fiction and organized the sequence of events and

actions that make up the story. A novelist uses plot to arrange the sequence of events.

In most stories, these events arise out of conflict experienced by the main character.

The conflict may come from something external, like a dragon or an overbearing

mother, or it may stem from an internal issue, such as jealousy, loss of identity, or

overconfidence. As the character makes choices and tries to resolve the problem, the

story's action is shaped and plot is generated. In some stories, the author structures the

entire plot chronologically, with the first event followed by the second, third, and so

on, like beads on a string. However, many other stories are told with flashback

techniques in which plot events from earlier times interrupt the story's "current"


Plot must be effective and it includes a sequence of incidents that bear a

significant causal relationship to each other. Causality is an important feature of

realistic fictional plot because something happens because of a result something else.

In other words, it's what mostly happened in the story or novel or what the story's

general theme is based on, such as the mood, characters, setting, and conflicts

occurring in a story. An intricate, complicated plot is known as an imbroglio, but

even the simplest statements of plot can have multiple inferences, such as with songs



Talking about plot means we talk about the actions or events that are usually

resolved at the end of a story. The fictional plot maybe a struggle between opposing

forces, love and many others and it is usually resolved by the end if the story.

There are five essential parts of plot:

2.2.1 Exposition

The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed.

The exposition is the introduction to the characters and setting of the story. The

exposition hooks the reader, providing enough interest and information to the

intended audience to encourage the reader to continue reading. Every story must have

a beginning, the start, or exposition, is where the characters and setting are

established. During this part of novel, the conflict or main problem is also introduced.

2.2.2 Rising Action

This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in

the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax). The rising action

introduces the conflict or problem in the story. This part of the plot tells us what it is

that the main character or protagonist is facing. During the rising action, the main

character struggles with this conflict or problem. The conflict may be:

a) Character vs. character: the problem the protagonist faces is one involving another



b) Character vs. society: the protagonist faces a problem involving something in the

society in which they live (example: racism)

c) Character vs. self: the character has some internal struggle inside themselves

d) Character vs. nature: the protagonist struggles with some natural force (tornado,

harsh climate, etc.)

After the characters and main problem have been established, the main

problem or conflict is dealt with by some kind of action. In this part of the story, the

main character is in crisis. This is the place for tension and excitement. The

complication can arise through a character’s conflict with society, nature, fate, or a

number of themes. In this part of the story the main character is aware a conflict has

arisen and takes some kind os step to battle this crisis.

2.2.3 Climax

The climax is the high point of the story, where a culmination of events

creates the peak of the conflict. The climax usually features the most conflict and

struggle, and usually reveals any secrets or missing points in the story. Alternatively,

an anti-climax may occur, in which an expectedly difficult event is revealed to be

incredibly easy or of paltry importance. Critics may also label the falling action as an

anti-climax, or anti-climactic. The climax isn't always the most important scene in a

story. In many stories, it is the last sentence, with no successive falling action or


10 2.2.4 Falling Action

The falling action is the series of events which take place after the climax; it is

where the protagonist must react to the changes that occur during the climax of the

story. The events and complications begin to resolve them. The reader knows what

has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and

denouement). Following the climax, the story begins to slowly wind down. Falling

action, one of the two final story elements, shows the result of the actions or

decisions the character has made. This eventually leads to the final part of the novel,

this crisis resolution.

2.2.5 Resolution

The part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing or

suggesting the outcome of the conflict. The resolution, also often called denoument,

which is French for “to untie” or “unraveling”, is the conclusion of the story. Here,

the conflicts are resolved, all lose ends are tied up, and the story concludes with either

a happy or sad ending.

In a story, the events maybe rise and fall repeatedly and actually a plot

develops a series of complications or intensification of the conflict that leads to a

moment of great tension. Sometimes the author will use some techniques in writing

the plot to make the story more interesting or to add a twist or turn. Foreshadowing is

where the author may hint at what might happen in the future. Flashback is where the



present. Irony is when the author has something happen in the story that is the

opposite of what the reader expects.

Plot can be divided into two types, they are closed and open. This division is

based on the way how an author presents the resolution of his story, they are:

1) Closed plot: in this type of the plot the end of the story is clear because the author

presents a definite resolution of conflict. Most narrative works use closed plot,

because the end of the story is clear, readers do not have to think a lot about it.

2) Open plot: this type of plot has little or no resolution at all. The author, however,

creates some clues in the story that will lead his readers to conclude the resolution of

the story. “ Crane in his work, The Concept of Plot states that any novel or drama

represents a composite of three elements: action, character, and thought. Plot is, thus,

the particular synthesis of the three elements. Razali Kasim (2005:20) divides plot

into three kinds,

a) Plot of Action: in this kind of plot the interest lies in “what happens next”, while

the character and thought are portrayed minimally. We rarely, if ever, find any

serious or intellectual issues.

b) Plot of Character: this kind of plot deals with the process of change in the moral

character of the protagonist.

c) Plot of Thought: this kind of plot deals with the process of change in the thought of

the protagonist and in his feeling.

In a well plotted story, things precede or follow each other not simply because



nothing is relevant or accidental; everything is related and causative. The controlling

impulse in a connected pattern of causes and effects is conflict which refers generally

to people or circumstances that a character (often the protagonist) must face and try to

overcome (often the antagonist). Conflict brings out the extremes of human energy,

causing characters to engage in the decisions, actions, responses, and interactions that

make up most stories. Conflict is the major elements of plot because opposing forces




3.1 Exposition

The exposition of this novel is beginning in West Virginia. Katy and her

mother move from Florida to West Virginia because they want to leave all the

sadness that is in Florida. Since his father died, her mother always trying to forget the

sadness by her work. After her father died, her mother always want to stay away

from their house. Finally they decided to move as far away as possible from house to

West Virginia

Daemon is an Alien and he has a twin sister who is also an alien. They are

from beyond the Abell, It is the farthest galaxy from the Earth, about thirteen billion

light years from here. And he is about another ten billion or so. There is no telescope

or space shuttle powerful enough to travel to his home. There never will be. The

name of his planet. It was called Lux. And he is called Luxen. He came here in a

meteorite shower fifteen years ago, with others like him. But many came before them,

probably for the last thousand years. Not all of their kind came to this planet. Some

went farther out in the galaxy. Others must’ve gone to planets they couldn’t survive

on, but when it was realized that Earth was sort of perfect for them, more came here.

After explaining about himself, Daemon explained that the presence of him

and the other Luxen was known by some locals who think that they are God only

knows what And no branch of government who knew about them but not their power.



harmless freaks. While Katy was the only one who knows they are. DOD will

intervene and do something that is not desirable to katy if Katy inform someone

about them. Besides, there are others out who want to have the power that the Luxen

have, especially the power of Daemon. They will do anything to get Daemon to and


“I don’t know. I just do. And honestly, no one would believe you. And if you made a lot of commotion, you’d bring the DOD in, and you don’t want that. They will do anything to make sure the human population isn’t aware of us.” (Obsidian, p. 183)

They are Arum and their planet was destroyed by Arum. Arum is the only

enemies of the Luxen who want to steal their power. They come from Luxen’s sister

planet. They destroyed the Luxen’s house. The Arum is the children of the shadows,

they have the determination to suffocate all the light that is in the universe.

“The Arum are the children of the shadows, jealous and determined to suffocate all light in the universe, not realizing for one to exist so must the other. Many Luxen feel that every time an Arum is killed a light in the universe fades away. It’s the only thing I remember about Mom.” (Obsidian, p. 193)

There are Arum are in this planet with Katy and Daemon. The Government

thinks that they are Luxen. Luxen do not tell the truth to the DOD because they think

that the DOD will realize the power of Luxen through the Arum. They will do

anything to make sure the Luxen stay secret. Therefore Katy should not let anyone

know about the Luxen. Luxen will not let the DOD find out about Katy, because if



“But I do remember the name of our planet. It was called Lux. And we are called Luxen.That’s Latin for light. We came here in a meteorite shower fifteen years ago, with others like us.But many came before us, probably for the last thousand years. Not all of our kind came to this planet. Some went farther out in the galaxy. Others must’ve gone to planets they couldn’t survive on, but when it was realized that Earth was sort of perfect for us, more came here.” (Obsidian. p. 175)

Daemon watched Katy for a few moment and said that he and his kind were

too young to know what the name of our galaxy was. Or even if his kind felt the need

to name such things. And finally he remember the name of his planet.

3.2 Rising Action

Daemon invite Katy to go hike in the Rocks and she accept the invitation from

Daemon. In there, Daemon surprisedly by a bear who were immediately behind Katy.

He try not to make Katy shocked and scared. But Katy finally know. Daemon started

yelling and waving his arms, but it didn’t faze the bear. The bear rushed them.

Suddenly, katy fainted after hearing the blast of heat. And it turned out the blast was

from a Daemon. He use his power to scared it off.

After a few weeks, Katy went to the library by herself. Time passed faster,

suddenly the library took on a gloomy aura. the librarian turned off most of the lights,

and she was having trouble making her way back to the front desk. After registering

books borrowed, the librarian turned her back and dashed off to lock up. Katy also

walked to her car with the rain pouring down. When she was looking for her car keys,



help Katy to borrow him a jack. Katy initially ignored the man however, eventually

he lent the jack.

Unexpectedly, The stranger smiled and then pushed her hardly. The stranger

is Arum who have found the trace on Katy that makes Arum easily find her. He

attacked Katy and threated to tell where Daemon and his kind. Katy does not know

the identity of Daemon and the enemies, she does not understand what the Arum

mean. Arum more angry. But suddenly Daemon come against Arum and help Katy

from the attack.

Daemon invite Katy back to take a walk at night because there was something

that he want to talk to Katy. He said that Katy cannot be friends with him and his

sister. It makes Katy angry and hurt. She headed around Daemon and started walking.

She knows that Daemon will run after her. Angry and disgusted with herself, she

nearly broke into a dead run from the pursuit of Daemon. And suddenly there was a

truck racing toward her. Around fifty feet away. She could not escape from a truck

was going to hit her. But it will not happen because Daemon stooped a truck that will

hit Katy with the light that is his power. Katy shocked to see Daemon who very

different. Daemon lit from the inside. his entire body being replaced

by an intense reddish-yellow light that swallowed him whole. After the incident, Katy

know what Daemon is. He tell Katy that he is an alien.

When the Luxen use their abilities around people, they will absorb Luxen’s

light. And they are lit up like the fireworks.and the Arum will use Katy to get to the



When Daemon save Katy from stopping the truck can be tracked and bear attack, the

trace on Katy, make the Arum to find Katy and almost killed Katy. Before, the Arum

don’t come their house a lot, because they don’t think any Luxen are there. Because

the beta quartz in the Rocks throws off Luxen’s energy signature. While that’s one of

the reasons why there are a lot of Luxen there. Even so, Arum is heading where Katy

is. They saw Katy’s trace and then Katy is a huge risk with the trace. If Arum find

Katy, they will kill her.

“Humans are like glow-in-the-dark T-shirts to us. When we use our abilities around you, you can’t help but absorb our light. Eventually, the glow will fade, but the more we do, the more energy we use, the brighter the trace. Arum don’t come here a lot, because they don’t think any Luxen are here. The beta quartz in the Rocks throws off our energy signature, hides us. That’s one of the reasons why there are a lot of us here. But there must have been one coming through. He saw your trace and knew there had to be one of us nearby. It was my fault.” (Obsidian, p. 206)

3.3 Climax

After the incident in the dance party night, when Simon was trying to tempt

Katy, Daemon came to the save her. He managed to make Simon fear and regret.

After that Daemon take katy home. Half way home, suddenly Daemon out the words

that make Katy surprised and he immediately slamming on the brake. When Katy try

to see what caused such Daemon. And it turns out he realized that there was a man

who was standing in front of their car. He knew the man. They are Arum. As if it was



long, dark and shiny. It is a kind of dagger sharp. It is Obsidian. Obdisidian is the

only thing that can kill Arum. Daemon gave it to katy to protect herself from Arum.

“This is obsidian—volcanic glass. The edge is wicked sharp and will cut through anytA

‘p-0ahing,” he explained quickly. “It’s the only thing on this planet, besides us, that can kill the Arum. This is their kryptonite.” (Obsidian, p. 275)

After a few times using his strength, finally Daemon managed to kill one of

the three Arum. After seeing his brother killed by Daemon, both Arum was not

received. Then they joined their power to destroy Daemon. Sending Daemon

spinning up into the air. Daemon’s light form faded and bringing him down to his

knees on the side of the road. Daemon did not have to kill them anymore. She seemed

exhausted by the light of issuance. Finally Katy jumped forward and brought it down

with every ounce of strength she had with Obsidian dagger in her hand. She managed

to kill one another between the two Arum. And then the remaining Arum left them.

Barruck is Arum remaining. He was really angry and will definitely find

Daemon and Katy to revenge against his family. The bad things that Barruck will be

back to get revenge on his family and he was afraid that the DOD will know where

Katy are. Daemon and his kind worry about the return of Barruck. Katy is lit up

because of she was with Daemon when Arum attacked. Daemons emit a burst of light

so that the sign was attached to the body of Katy. It makes Barruck easily find Katy

and kill her. Daemon and his kinds try to find how to make Barruck appear before



“She’s lit up like a freaking disco ball,” Ash said accusingly. “I could probably see her from Virginia.”

“She was with me last night when the Arum attacked,” Daemon responded calmly. “You know that. Things got a little…explosive. There was no way I could cover what happened.” (Obsidian, p. 293)

Barruck is Arum remaining. He was really angry and will definitely find

Daemon and Katy to revenge against his family. He is not only want to kill Daemon

and want to have his power, but also he want to kill Katy who have been killed Arum

with Obsidian. He try to find Katy and Demon in a good time. Katy have a plan to

lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kind. Because if Barruck managed to

find Katy, he will use her to destroy Luxen. She carry out her plan to go to the Fields

near the school for lure Barruck there and then the Luxen come and take him down

together. And it happen ed when Katy lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his

kind. He found Katy in the Fields near the school for lure by herself. But Barruck did

not hesitate directly kill Katy. He try to revenge against of his family. And after that,

he attacked back her and try to destroy her. No mercy. A few later, Daemon and his

kind came to save Katy from Barruck attacke in the Fields. They try to destroy the

remaining of Arum back who want to kill Katy. Finally, Barruck is dead.

“If you make my trace stronger, I can definitely lead him away from here. And he won’t come here and Daemon”


20 3.4 Falling Action

After the first incident of Arum attack in the Fields, Katy is lit up like a

freaking disco ball. The Luxen are worry about the return of Barruck. Because the

trace on Katy makes Arum can find her back easily use her to get to Daemon. And

Arum can contact DOD to inform them that Katy knows about identity of Luxen.

DOD will interverne and do something is undesirable to Katy. Or she will be

disappear. Daemon and his kind try to how to deal with the last Arum. Because

Barruck is gonna see her no matter where Luxen put her. The Luxen are in danger.

They try to get the trace off her, then that will buy them time to find Barruck. So, The

boys of Luxen, they are looking for Baruck. They are going to continue searching and

keep an eye on things. Arum will not stop until he has Daemon. So Daemon should

be protect her from Arum attack. He will not let Arum destroy her because she would

be a weakness to him.

“I killed two of his brothers and gave you the means of killing the third.” He was totally at ease discussing the fact that there was a deranged alien out to kill him. He had balls. I liked that about him. “Arum is vengeful creatures, Kitten. He won’t stop until he has me. And he will use you to find me, especially since you came back. They’ve been on Earth long enough to recognize what that can mean. That you would be a weakness to me. (Obsidian, p. 307)

The boys of Luxen spotted Baruck. He is heading this way Luxen are in

danger of the trace on Katy and she is a weakness of Daemon. Because of that, Katy

have a plan to lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kinds and let the guys



he will use her to destroy Luxen. Katy carry out her plan to go to the fields near the

school for lure Barruck there and then the Luxen come and take him down together.

After the incident that Katy was lure Barruck in the field, Daemon and his

kind searching the whole country to make sure that there are no Arum. And they have

not seen a single one. After that, Daemon gave Katy something reached into the front

pocket of his jacket. And it ws a piece of Obsidian about three inches long, polished

and shaped into a pendant. The glass was shiny black. It seemed to hum against her

skin, cool to the touch. The silver chain it hung from was delicate, spiraling over the

top of the pendent. The other edge was sharpened into a fine point.

“Yes, Mommy. I’ve been with another group, searching the whole damn state to make sure there aren’t any Arum that we’re not aware of,” Daemon said, his deep voice soothing a weird ache within me at the same time I wanted to thump him upside the head. (Obsidian, p. 350)

“Believe it or not,” Daemon said, “even something as small as that can actually pierce Arum skin and kill them. When it gets really hot you’ll know an Arum is nearby even if you don’t see one.” (Obsidian, p. 352)

3.5 Resolution

In the end, Daemon and Katy have been killed Arum on their way. Daemon

killed Arum with the light that is his power and Katy killed them with the only thing

that can destroy Arum‒Obsidian. Arum is dead. There are not Arum anymore.

Daemon and his kind have been searched in a whole country to make sure there are



normal, although not entirely. Even though he wanted to post something on her blog

but she can not because the laptop damaged by Daemon

“Wait a sec. You think we should be together because of some kind of freaky alien mojo that has connected us? But two minutes ago you were bitching about being stuck with me?” …

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t bitching. I was pointing out that we are stuck together. This is different…and you’re attracted to me.” My eyes narrowed. “I’ll get back to that last statement in a second, but you want to be with me because you now feel…forced?”

“I wouldn’t say forced exactly, but…but I like you.”

Daemon has fallen in love with Katy but he is embarrassed to admit, as well

as Katy. Katy is not sure of Love’s Daemon. Because she guess that Daemon does

not love her because he was bitching about being stuck with her. She want to Daemon

love her of hearth but Daemon does not understand. She still does not want to admit

that she also loves Daemon. She is ngry because Daemon assume that the just stuck

in situation like that. They accuse each other that they fall in love.




4.1 Conclusion

The plot used in the novel of Jennifer L. Armentrout, Obsidian is progressive

plot. Progressive plot means that the plot content is chronologically narrated. It

simply contains the beginning, middle, and an ending.

The exposition of the story is to introduce the character, the setting or place

where the events take place. The main character is Katy, has a neighbor are cool, sexy

and arrogant. The setting is West Virginia, house, school, and the Field. West

Virginia is small town. Katy and her mother move in West Virginia because her

mothers always remember with the death of her husband. Florida was dad, katy


She has a neighbor who is an alien. He named is Daemon. He is an alien from

beyond the Abell, It’s the farthest galaxy from the Earth about thirteen billion light

years from here. And they have the only enemies who want to steal their power. They

called is Arum. They want to destroye the Luxen and they have the determination to

suffocate all the light that is in the universe.

The conflict happens when Daemon left the trace on Katy that makes Arum

can find her easily to use her to get to Daemon and his kind. When Daemon or his

kinds use their abilities around people, they will absorb Luxen’s light. And they are

lit up like the fireworks. When Daemon save Katy from stopping the truck can be



killed her. The Arum use Katy to get to the Luxen. They can find Daemon and his

kind with the trace on Katy and knew there had to be one of Luxen nearby.

After dance party incident, Daemon take Katy home. Suddenly Then the car

simply turned off, engine, and lights. They saw the man in front of their car and they

are Arum. Arums find them and try to kill Daemon and Katy. He gave Katy some

kind of black glass shaped into a dagger, sharpened to a fine point on one end and

leather binding on the other. That is this is obsidian—volcanic glass. Obsidian is the

only thing on this planet, besides Luxen, that can kill the Arum. it is their kryptonite.

The falling action in the story is when Daemon try to protect Katy from Arum

attack. And he does not let DOD to find Katy who knows about identity of Luxen.

DOD will interverne and do something undesirable to Katy if they knows about Katy.

Daemon try to searching Barruck who makes inform DOD about Katy is. Daemon

and Katy alltogether kill the Arum who want to steal Daemon power and try to kill

his girl. He gave Katy a piece of Obsidian about three inches long, polished and

shaped into a pendant. The glass was shiny black. It is the only things that can destroy


Resolution of the plot in this novel is that Daemon has fallen in love with

Katy but he is embarrassed to admit, as well as Katy. Katy is not sure of Love’s

Daemon. Because she guess that Daemon does not love her because he was bitching

about being stuck with her. She want to Daemon love her of hearth but Daemon does



ngry because Daemon assume that the just stuck in situation like that. They

accuse each other that they fall in love.

4.2 Suggestion

Plot is sequence of events which have cause and effect relationship. Plot is

important to know because it frames the conflict as expressed in the story. There will

not be a story of literary work if there is no plot. Fananie once said that plot is the

construction which is made to read on of a sequence of events that are logically and

chronologically related, and caused or experienced by actors. It means an entire series

of events contained in the story, caused or experienced by actors.

After analyzing Obsidian, I would hope that the reader can understand the

entire story significance of the plot in a literary work. Reading a novel since that

novel is one of a familiar literary works to anyone. So the writer hopes that this paper

will be helpful for the readers, who wanted to know about plot and its elements or


Plot elements can be divided into five; exposition, rising action, climax,

falling action, and dénouement. In this case, Obsidian is a good novel and is suitable

for teenager and adult. It tells you how one should really want to protect his love

from the enemies and I want to the readers understand to take a good massage from




Armentrout, Jennifer L.2012. Obsidian United States of Amerika: Liz Pelletier Collection Book

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Fananie, Zainuddin. 2000. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University.

Mahsun. 2005. Metode Penelitian Bahasa. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Martin, J.R. 1984. Language, Register, and Genre. Victoria: Deakin.

Roberts, Edgar V & Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. Literature An Introduction to Reading And Writing. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Samsuri. 1982. Analisa Bahasa. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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A. Biography of Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout was born on June 11th, 1980 in Martinsburg, West

Virginia, United States. When she is not hard at work writing, she spends her time,

reading, working out, watching zombie movies, pretending to write and hanging out

with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. She shares her home with her husband,

his K-9 partner named Diesel and her hyper Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of

becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent her time writing short

stories. Therefore explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes Young Adult

Contemporary, Urban Fantasy/Paranormal and Romance. She writes New Adult and



(Spencer Hill Press) the Lux Series (Entangled Teen) and the upcoming YA Don't

Look Back (2014) and untitled YA (Fall 2014) from Disney/Hyperion. She is also

published with Harlequin Teen and HarperCollin She also writes Adult and New

Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is

published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She started writing seriously in 2007 with her first book, a young adult

paranormal romance, and she got a contract on that in 2010 through a small press,

Spencer Hill Press. They published it in October 2011. She started out like most

authors do looking for an agent but she could not get one. Once her book came out.

She was able to get one. Since 2011, she has had 13 books come out. All the books

that have come out are with Entangled Publishing and Spencer Hill. My Harlequin

Teen book doesn’t come out until the end of this year and my Disney Hyperion books

are scheduled to come out in 2014.

She decided to self-publish in the first place is came up with the idea in the

shower and wrote the book in 20 days in January. She can write pretty fast. She sent a

partial to her agent and they loved it. They targeted about four-to-five publishers and

it was really well-received and all the editors loved it but it got turned down at every

publisher because the new adult market is very risky. It is hard to get it into

bookstores. And the market is getting flooded. So, they had this book they thought

would sell it but couldn’t.

When they found out they could not sell it Kevan and I had a serious



knew some authors who had done it and had some help getting copy editors and

cover designers and other people to help. They formed a marketing plan that we

thought would work. She has a platform but they wanted to reach beyond her

readership so that is when they decided to do the three-day $0.99 deal and it worked.

It has all happened so quickly. She wrote the book in January, they published it in

February. It is been an insane couple of months.

Jennifer Armentrout has two nominations in this year’s Goodreads Choice

Awards 2013 – the best books of 2013. The categories are: Adult Fantasy and

Science Fiction But really, we only care about ROMANCE ANDYOUNG ADULT

FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION – the two categories featuring Jennifer

Armentrout books!

The 2013 Goodreads Choice Awards have three rounds of voting open to all

registered Goodreads members. Winners will be announced December 03, 2013.

Opening Round: November 04 – 09. Voting open to 15 official nominees, and

write-in votes can be placed for any eligible book (see eligibility below). Semifwrite-inal Round:

November 11 – 16. The top five write-in votes become official nominees, bringing

the total to 20 nominees in each category. Additional write-ins no longer accepted.

Final Round: November 18 – 25. The field narrows to the top 10 books in each

category, and members have one last chance to vote! 2013 Eligibility Books

published for the first time in the United States in English between November 26,



Books published between November 17, 2013, and December 31, 2013, will be

eligible for the 2014 awards.

B. Summary of Obsidian Novel

Katy and her mom move to a small town in West Virginia from Florida. Her

mother name is Kellie Swartz. Katy and her mother moved to West Virginia because

they want to leave all the sadness that is in Florida. Ever since Dad died, her Mom

had started working more and more. She used to want to be home. Then it seemed

like she wanted to be as far away as possible. She had d finally given up on that

option and decided they needed to drive far away. At least since they had gotten in

West Virginia, even though she was still working like a demon, she was determined

to be more in Katy’s life.

She doesn’t like her new house because it looked like something straight out

of a horror movie. But she has beautiful neighbor but arrogant. His name Daemon

Black. They met when Katy came to his house and asking about the quickest way to

the grocery and a place that sold plants. But that question make her tears of anger and

embarassement burnt her eyes because Daemon is so arrogant and start to mock her.

Daemon has sister, she name Dee. She is different from Daemon. She is a good

person and she wants to makes friends with Katy. Although Dee's brother Daemon is

a complete jerk to Katy. While Katy tries to adjust to living in the small town, she



Dee took Daemon’s car keys and until he play nice with Katy, he does not get

them back. It’s too damn annoying for him to get replacements. Dee hid his keys. She

is good at hiding stuff, too. He has already torn the house apart, and he cannot find

them unfortunately she has left town and will not be back until Sunday. He is

supposed to take Katy swimming tomorrow. If he does that, then Dee will tell him

where his keys are hidden—and he has to be nice. Those plans involve him getting

his car keys back. And it also plans to daemon apologize to Katy but in the beginning,

she does not want to forgive him but finally she did.

When Katy and Daemon went to hiking in the Rocks, on the way, they get in an

argument; she walks in front of a truck since she is so angry she is not paying

attention. Daemon turns into a beam of light and rescues her from in front of the

truck. Katy finds out Daemon and Dee are aliens called Luxen, and there is another

alien race called Arum which is the Luxen's enemies. The governments know about

the Luxen being on Earth, but allow them to stay as long as national security is not

breached. Daemon tells Katy the reason he has been mean to her even though he is

attracted to her is that his brother Dawson became involved with a human girl called

Bethany and they were both killed.

Arum is the only enemies of Luxen. They want to destroy Luxen and steal

their power. When the Luxen use their abilities around people, they will absorb

Luxen’s light. And they are lit up like the fireworks.and Arum will use Katy to get

to the Luxen. But the glow will fade if the more energy they use,the brighter the trace.



trace on Katy, make the Arum to find Katy and almost killed Katy. The Arum use

Katy to get to the Luxen. They can find Daemon and his kind with the trace on Katy

and knew there had to be one of Luxen nearby.

After in the dance party night, half way home, suddenly Daemon out the

words that make Katy surprised and he immediately slamming on the brake. When

Katy tries to see what caused such Daemon. And it turns out he realized that there

was a man who was standing in front of their car. He knew the man. They are Arum.

As if it was planned, Daemon reached down and yanked up his pants leg. He held

something long, dark and shiny. It is a kind of dagger sharp. It is Obsidian.

Obdisidian is the only thing that can kill Arum. Daemon gave it to katy to protect

herself from Arum. And after the incident of Arum attack in the Fields, Katy is lit up

like a freaking disco ball. The Luxen are worry about the return of Barruck. Because

the trace on Katy makes Arum can find her back easily use her to get to Daemon.

And Arum can contact DOD to inform them that Katy knows about identity of

Luxen. DOD will interverne and do something is undesirable to Katy. Or she will be

disappearing. Daemon and his kind try to how to deal with the last Arum. The boys of

Luxen spotted Baruck. He is heading this way Luxen are in danger of the trace on

Katy and she is a weakness of Daemon. Because of that, Katy have a plan to lure

Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kinds and let the guys meet her in the field

and take him down together. If Barruck managed to find Katy, he will use her to

destroy Luxen. Katy carry out her plan to go to the fields near the school for lure



After the incident that Katy was lure Barruck in the field, Daemon and his

kind searching the whole country to make sure that there are no Arum. And they have

not seen a single one. After that, Daemon gave Katy something reached into the front

pocket of his jacket. And it was a piece of Obsidian about three inches long, polished

and shaped into a pendant. The glass was shiny black. It seemed to hum against her

skin, cool to the touch. The silver chain it hung from was delicate, spiraling over the


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