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Medan, August 2015

Khalida Haris



Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin. Great thankfulness to Allah SWT for always giving the

writer blessing, endless love, health, strength and mercy, especially in process of accomplishing this thesis.

This thesis has been written to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S1) at English and Literature Department of Faculty of Language and Arts in State University of Medan.

In accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by so many beloved people and the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

Prof Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd as the Rector of State University of Medan, who had

given cooperation

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum. As the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts for the

management and administrative process.

Prof. Hj Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the head of English and Literature Department as well as

her thesis advisor, for the advice, guidance, comment, and precious time in supervising the draft of writing during the the completion and this thesis.

Syamsul Bahri S.S, M.Hum as the Head of Alpplied Linguistics Program for presence

and availability regarding her academic requirement.

Dra. Sri Juriaty Ownie, M.A. as her academic advisor for helping the writer in choosing

the title of this thesis.

Dra. Meisuri M.A and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as her thesis examiners, for the

advice, inputs, comments and guidance and all her beloved lecturers in English and Literature Department.

Her beloved family, her wonderful parents; Abdul Haris and Suinah, her dearest sister and brothers: Widya Tejaningsih, M. Hafiz Haris, and M. Naufal Haris, thank you for the understanding and the big support in prayer, love, motivation and financial while accomplished this thesis.

Her beloved friends in English Literature B 2011; Tina Fitri Siregar, Riandi, Ichwan

Choise Sirait, Ester Tarigan, Cinta Laswarna Berutu, and Lisbet Ambarita thanks

for your love, happinesss and friendship. Her special thanks also go to all friends in English Literature A and B 2011 that cannot be mentioned one by one.

Her beloved Housemate; Masrianisyam Sitorus, Ade Anita, Yati, Noferianti, Siska,

Emy, for your love and support to the writer all day long to complete this thesis.



Finally, the writer admits that this this thesis still far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer would like to invite the readers to give suggestion for the improvement of this thesis later on.



Haris, Khalida. 2015. Code Mixing in Trans 7 Hitam Putih Talk Show Program. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan.

The study deals with the code mixing in Hitam Putih Talk Show Program on Trans 7. The objectives of study were to identify the types of code mixing used, to find out the most dominant type of code mixing used, and to describe the reasons of the code mixing used in the talk show. The data consisted of three episodes of Hitam Putih Talk Show on April – October 2014. The findings show that there were 116 insertions (32, 86%), 149 alternations (42, 2%), 88 congruent lexicalizations (24, 92%). The most dominant type of code mixing was alternation because the

host often clarified the guest’s statement to make the audience more understand what the guest said before, so they combined their speech with other language.



CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A.Theoretical Framework ... 7



A.Data ... 28

B.Data Analysis ... 28

1. Types of Code Mixing are Used in Hitam Putih Talk Show ... 31

2. Code Mixing Dominantly Used in Hitam Putih Talk Show ... 34

3. Reason of Using Code Mixing Applied by The Host And The Guest Star in Hitam Putih Talk Show ... 35

C.Research Findings ... 36

D.Discussion ... 39


B.Suggestion ... 41





Table 4.1 The Percentages of Code Mixing in Hitam Putih Talk Show ... 28 Table 4.2 The Percentages of Reason’s Code Mixing in Hitam Putih Talk

Show... 33 Table 4.3 The Type of Code Mixing Dominantly Used in Hitam Putih



Appendix A. The Identification of The Types of Code Mixing in Hitam

Putih Talk Show ... 45



religion. There are so many ethnic groups in Indonesia like Javanese, Sundanese,

Bataknese, and Padangnese, etc. Mostly Indonesian people are bilingual. In daily

life, they usually speak their own mother tongue language beside their national

language, Bahasa Indonesia. Because of the situation, many people mix two or

more language in their daily conversation like Javanese and Indonesian.

Furthermore the influence of globalization may also create new culture,

life style, and make the effect to the language use that can make the people in

society use different mode of language. Such as: the use of code mixing.

Not only in daily life, can the phenomenon of code-mixing also easily be

found in TV programs, novels, and magazines. And the language which is

commonly mixed with is English. In this case English is International language

where many countries in the world use it in every occasion either spoken or

written communication. As the effect, nowadays Indonesian language is also

influenced by English when they interact with each other.

An example of code mixing that we can find in Indonesian Television

program, such as talk show. Many celebrities guest with a mix blood like Cinta

Laura, Manohara, and Cathy Sharon that is commonly mix their Indonesian with



English naturally because they have long stayed in abroad and English is their

mother tongue language. But not all the celebrity guest can speak English well, for

example Tukul Arwana and Olga Syahputra. They just want to show to the

audience that they can also speak English. Even though, their English are bad.

The Example of Code Mixing between Indonesian – English :

1. So you don’t care what people say? Nggak peduli apa yang orang katakan

tentang Marshanda? Positif atau negative?

(So you don’t care what people say? No matter what people say about you?

Positive or negative?)

2. Pokoknya ini bagus kan? Ok another surprise kamu harus pake ini sampai

akhir acara

(It’s really good right? Okay, for another surprise you have to wear this until

the end of the program)

3. Anak saya tetap anggap saya sebagai sosok tante Lena tapi dia tahu ini

Daddy. I’m her biologic father. Ya udah ini ayah biologicku.

(My daughter still regard me as Aunty Lena but she know I’m her bilologic

father. So this is my biologic father).

4. Sama mantan mertua saya dekat. I mean, mereka sangat.Tapi nggak

gampang. Saya coba untuk merangkul mereka., merangkul ibu saya.

(I’m very close with my ex mother in law. But it is not easy. I try to be

close with her)

5. Aku mau audisi karena aku screen actors guild. Ibaratnya kayak kita



sampai ratusan. Kita udah beda.Yang license actor sama yang pengen jadi

actor udah beda.

(I want to join the audition because I’m a screen actor guild? It’s mean

that if want to drive the car we need a license. So I don’t need to queue.

We are different. The license actor and the actor wannabe are really


In addition, the researcher found that there are previous studies that focus

on code mixing. Daulay (2012) studied An Analysis Code Mixing in Bukan

Empat Mata Talk Show. She analyzed the phenomena of using code-mixing on

TV program, particularly in the talk-show Bukan Empat Mata within a

multilingual communities, such as Indonesia. She is also elaborate the theory,

factors, types and the using of code-mixing.

Another research on Code Mixing, by Dwita (2011) studied Code Mixing

in Belajar Indonesia Program of Trans TV. The result of his research is to find out

the dominat types of code mixing in the TV Program.

Panjaitan (2014) studied Code Mixing used by the Presenter on Visi Fm.

She analyzed the forms of code-mixing, that are used by VISI FM’s Presenters

and the form of code- mixing that is dominantly used by VISI FM’s presenter.

This research applied descriptive quantitative method. The object of this study is

presenter of VISI FM namely Deris and Lia.

Other study by Rebekawati (2013) on Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss.

She analyze the type of code mixing dominantly used and to determine whether in



Boss Novel. The source of data was the sentences of novel entitled My Stupid

Boss Novel. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method.

One of the previous researches on Code Mixing, Sipayung (2013) studied

The Analysis of Code Mixing in Movie from Bandung with Love. This journal

discussed about the dominant type of code mixing in the movie by the character.

The previous study found that the most dominant type of code mixing uttered by

Vega (starring by Marsha Timothy) was Lexical code mixing.

To distinguish this study with the previous studies above, the researcher

will use Muysken’s theory and find the dominant types of code mixing which

occurs in “Hitam Putih” Talk Show. “Hitam Putih” Talk Shows as one of

inspiration and reflection of the reality in this world can be a good example to be

learned to explain the phenomena of code mixing in daily life. Therefore, related

to the situation which is use of English mixed with Indonesian Language. So the

writer is interested in investigating code mixing in verbal communicating,

especially in talk show “Hitam Putih”.

B. The Problem of the Study

The problem statements of this research were focused of the code mixing

that was used in Hitam Putih’s Talk show. This problem statement will be

specified as follows:

1. What are the types of code mixing occurred in “Hitam Putih” Talk Show



2. What type of code mixing is the most dominantly used in “Hitam Putih”

Talk Show?

3. Why is the dominant type of code mixing used in “Hitam Putih” Talk

C. The Scope of the Study

Code mixing becomes the phenomena of language in our society because

each individual is born into a community whose norms of behavior to shape his

language experience. At least, in his infancy and childhood that community will

determine the conditions for his learning and use of languages. In this case, this

research was restricted to analyze the types of code mixing in Hitam Putih’s

Talkshow. The program was played during for 75 minutes. The writer analyzed

the code mixing in a few episodes because the celebrity’s guest in “Hitam Putih’s

Talk Show usually used code mixing in English. So, the scope of study in this

research only talk about code mixing in English and Indonesian Language that

were used by the host and the celebrity guest.



3. To describe the reason of the used of the dominant type code mixing in

“Hitam Putih” Talk Show.

E. The Significance of Study

To make an interesting TV Program, a TV Station must find the way to

make a successful TV program to gain the audience’s attention to watch this

program. Because of that, the producer of this program must to understand and

created a good communication between the host and the guest.

It is expected to be useful in theoretically and practically for:

1. As a references to contribute to the study of linguistics, especially to

provide an explanation of code mixing, the types of Code Mixing and also

the theory of Code Mixing.





A. Conlusions

After analyzing the types of code mixing were used in Hitam Putih Talk

Show program on Trans 7 applied by the host and the guest star as follows:

1. Three types of code mixing were found in three episodes of Hitam Putih

conversation and the main reason why the program used code mixing was

because of social community with the percentage of 33,33% in talk show .

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestion as follows:

1. For other researcher who want to conduct code mixing study as their



2. They can use the different object of the research such as movie, magazine,

novel, advertisement or songs.

3. It is suggested that the speaker should be concerned about the use of code

mixing that is utterance in talk show although the study about mixed




Bhatia, T.K., & Ritchie, W.C. 2004. Handbook of Bilingualism. London: Blackwell Publishing

Bloomfield, Leonard. 1933. Language. Chicago : University of Chicago Press

Breadsmore, Hugo. B. 1982. Bilingualism : Basic Principle. London: Multilingual Matters

Daulay, Wardah. 2012. An Analysis of Code Mixing in Bukan Empat Mata Talk Show. Linguistica, Vol 1, No 1

Downes, W. M. 1998. Language and Society. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Gumperz, J. Jhon. 1982. Discourse Strategies in Interactional Sociolinguistics 1. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

McKay, Sandra. L. 1995. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Cambridge : Cambridge Applied Linguistics

Muysken, P. 2000. Bilingual Speech : A Typology of Code Mixing. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Panjaitan, Pinta Omasuli. 2014. Code Mixing Used By The Presenter of Visi Fm. Linguistica, Vol, 3 No 4.

Rebekawati, Aini. 2013. Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss Novel. Linguistica Vol 2, No 4

Sipayung, Elisabeth. 2013. The Analysis of Code Mixing in Movie From Bandung With Love. Linguistica, Vol 2, No 1

Sitio, Yusa Dwita. 2011. Code Mixing in Belajar Indonesia Program of Trans TV. Unpublished Journal. Medan : State University of Medan

Stockwell, Peter. 2002. Sociolinguistics: A Resource Book for Students. London : Routledge.



Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York : Monton Publisher

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitam_Putih_(acara_TV) Accessed on March 3th 2015

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_change Accessed on April st 2015

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television Accessed on March 20th 2015

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans7 Accessed on March 20th 2015

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deddy_Corbuzier Accessed on March 20th 2015

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnez_Mo Accessed on March 20th 2015


Table 4.1  The Percentages of Code Mixing in Hitam Putih Talk Show .......  Table 4.2  The Percentages of Reason’s Code Mixing in Hitam Putih Talk


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