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Academic year: 2017



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By :

Reni Setian Br Karo ID.Number 4121121023

Bilingual Physics Education Study Program


Submitted to Acquire Eligible Sarjana Pendidikan






Reni Setian Br Karo was born in Binjai on September 19th 1994. Mother’s name is Miah, S.Pd.SD and Father ‘s name is Tambah Karo-Karo. The writer is the third of three children in family. In 2000, the writer entered SDN 024767

Binjai and graduated in 2006. In 2006 the writer continue her education in SMPN

8 Binjai and graduated in 2009. In 2009, the writer continue her education to

SMAN 3 Binjai and graduated 2012. In 2012, the writer was accepted in

Bilingual Physics Education Study Program in Department of Physics, Faculty of




INVESTIGATION (GI) TYPE USING MACROMEDIA FLASH was taught using Cooperative Learning Model Of Group Investigation (GI) Type Using Macromedia Flash SMAN 1 Sidikalang in subject matter of dynamic electricity class X Academic Year 2015/2016, to know the physics outcomes of the students was taught using conventional learning model, and to know the effect in physics outcomes of the students was taught using cooperative learning model of group investigation (GI) Type using macromedia flash.

The type of research is quasi experimental research. The population were all the student of class X, consist of 11 classes. Two class is selected random cluster sampling as sample. One class as experimental class was tretment by Cooperative Learning Model Through Group Investigation type using macromedia flash and another class as control class was treatment by conventional learning. Instrument that used as learning result test, in the form of multiple choice questions as the amount is twenty items that contains of five options and already valid.

The result of quantitative analysis of pretest mean experimental class and control class homogeneous and the posttest mean is experimental class is higher than in control class. Data of result research is taken from normally distribution and homogeneous. To test the hypothesis, used the t-test with significant level α 0.05. If tcount > ttable that means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected thus the are significant difference between the physics outcomes of student in experimental classs and in the control class. Because of the difference it means there are significant effect of Cooperative Learning Model through Group Investigation type using macromedia flash toward physics outcomes of students in higher outcomes than conventional learning.




The writer say the praise and gratitude to God almighty, for all the grace and blessing that provide health and wisdom to the writer that this study can be

completed properly in accordance with the planned time. This thesis entitled “The Effect Of Cooperative Learning Model Of Group Investigation (GI) Type Using

Macromedia Flash toward Physics Outcomes Of Students SMAN 1 Sidikalang” is arranged to acquire the scholar degree of Physics Education, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan.

In this occasion, the researcher would like to Mr. Dr. Eidi Sihombing, M.S.

as thesis supervisor who has guide and give suggestion to researcher from

beginning until complete this research. Thanks a lot for Mr. Prof. Dr. Nurdin

Bukit, M.Si, Mrs Dr. Mariati P. Simanjuntak, M.Si and Mr. Dr. Makmur Sirait,

M.Si who give critics and suggestion to the researcher from the planning of

research until the finish of thesis writing. Thanks a lot also for Mr. Dr.

Rahmatsyah M.Si as academic supervisor and thanks to Mr. Muhammad Kadri,

M.Sc and Mr. Drs. Junhut Hutahaean, M.Si as the content validator in this

research. Appreciation was also presented to the Headmaster of SMAN 1

Sidikalang Mr. Drs. Alben Sianturi, thanks to Mrs Melfa Mariyati, S.Pd as the

physics teacher also to the entire staff in SMAN 1 Sidikalang who also helped the

researcher during did the research.

The researcher would like to say thanks especially to my beloved parents

Tambah Karo-Karo and Miah, S.Pd for all pray, love, support sincerely for the

researcher. Thanks to all the researcher friends in physics bilingual 2012.

Medan, June 2016




Table of Contents


Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Prepace iv

Table of Content v

Figures List ix

Tables List x

Appendix List xi


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 6

1.3. Problem Limitation 7

1.4. Problem Formulation 7

1.5. Research Objective 7

1.6. Research Benefits 8


2.1. Theoretical Framework 9

2.1.1. Learning Definition 9

2.1.2. Learning Outcomes 9



2.1.4. Cooperative Learning Model 12 Characteristics of Cooperative Learning 13 Goals of Cooperative Learning Model 14 Syntax For Cooperative Learning Model 14 Theoretical and Empirical Support Cooperative Learning 15 The Concept of Democratic Classrooms 15 Intergroup Relations 16 Experiential Learning 16 Advantages And Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning 16 Various Cooperative Learning Model 19 Cooperative Learning Group Investigation (GI) 21

2.1.5. Conventional Learning 22

2.1.6. Learning Media 23 Objectives of Media 24 Macromedia Flash 24 Function of Media 25

2.2.Literature of Subject Matter 26

2.2.1. Dynamics Electricity 26 Current 26 Measuring the Electric Current 28 Switch and Fuse 29 Potential Difference 30 Ohm’s Law 32 Resistance and Resistancity 34 Resistor Types 34 Fixed resistor 34 Variable Resistor 35 Series Circuit 38 Paralel Circuit 39


vii Kirchhoff’s Second Law 42 Electrical Power and Energy 44

2.3. Preceding Research 47

2.4. Conceptual Framework 49

2.5. Research Hypothesis 51


3.1. Place and Time of Research 52

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 52

3.2.1. Population of Research 52

3.2.2. Sample of Research 52

3.3. Variable of Research 52

3.4. Type and Research Design 53

3.4.1. Type of Research 53

3.4.2. Design of Research 53

3.5. Instrument of Research 54

3.5.1. Cognitive Instrument 54

3.5.2. Content Validity 54

3.5.3. Prediction Validity 55

3.5.4. Reliability of Test 56

3.5.5. Level of Difficulty Test 56

3.5.6. Test Distinguishing Features 57

3.6. Techniques of Collecting Data (Procedure of Research) 57

3.7. Techniques Of Data Analysis 60

3.7.1. Determine Data 60

3.7.2. Determine Deviation Standard 60

3.7.3. Data Conditional Test 61 Normality Test 61 Homogeneity Test 61




4.1 Research Result 64

4.1.1. Description of Research Data 64 Research Data of Pretest and Posttest 64 Pretest Data 64 Posttest Data 66

4.1.2 Testing Analysis of Data 67 Normality Test 67 Homogeneity Test of Data 67

4.1.3 Hypothesis Test of Research 68

4.2. Discussion 69


5.1. Conclusion 74

5.2. Suggestion 74





Figure 2.1. Goals of Cooperative Learning 14

Figure 2.2. Electric Circuit 26

Figure 2.3. The flow of positive electric charge 26

Figure 2.4 Charges in motion through an area A 27

Figure 2.5. Ammeter in series circuit 29

Figure 2.6. Ammeters 29

Figure 2.7. Switch type 30

Figure 2.8. Electric charge in some objects 30

Figure 2.9. The potential difference 31

Figure 2.10. the way of string up voltmeter 32

Figure 2.11. Voltmeter scale 32

Figure 2.12. Graph of the relationship between I with V 33

Figure 2.13. Using the multimeter 35

Figure 2.14. Installing voltmeter and ammeter in the circuit 35

Figure 2.15. Series circuit 39

Figure 2.16. Parallel Circuit 40

Figure 2.17. Kirchooff’s first law 41

Figure 2.18. A generalised circuit the application of Kirchhoff ’ s laws 43

Figure 3.1. Scheme of research procedure 59

Figure 4.1. diagram of pretest data 65





Table 2.1. Syntax of cooperative learning model 15

Table 2.2. Categories of Cooperative Learning Models 19

Table 2.3. Comparison of Four Approaches to Cooperative Learning 20

Table 2.4. Phase of Group Investigation Type 22

Table 2.5. Color coding for resistor 34

Table 2.6. The factors that impact resistance 36

Table 2.7. Resistivity and Temperature coefficient of resistivity 38

Table 2.8. Preceding Relevant Research 47

Table 3.1. Design of research of two group 53

Table 3.2. Spesification of Instrument Test 54

Table 4.1. Data of Pretest in Experiment Class and Control Class 64

Table 4.2 Summary of The Calculation of The T – Test 65

Table 4.3. Data of posttest in Experiment Class and Control Class 66

Table 4.4. Result of research the pretest and postest data 67

Tabel 4.5. Normality Test of Experiment Class and Control Class 67

Tabel 4.6. Summary Results of Homogeneity test 68




Appendix 1. Lesson Plan 1 78

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan 2 88

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan 3 98

Appendix 4. Student Worksheet 1 110

Appendix 5. Student Worksheet 2 117

Appendix 6. Student Worksheet 3 124

Appendix 7. Specification Table Of Instrument 131

Appendix 8. Instrument Assessment 141

Appendix 9. Instrument Of Content Validation 146

Appendix 10. Calculation of Test Validity and Test Reliability 147

Appendix 11. Calculation of Difficulty Level Result Physics Learning 150

Appendix 12. Calculation of Distinguishing Test 151

Appendix 13. Pretest and Posttest Data 153

Appendix 14. The Calculation Of Data 155

Appendix 15. Normality-Test 158

Appendix 16. Homogenity Test 162

Appendix 17. Hypothesis Test 165

Appendix 18. List of critical value for liliefors 170

Appendix 19. Table of Normality-test 171

Appendix 20. Table of F-distribution 172

Appendix 21. List of percentil value of t-distribution 174




According to Hasan (2011) education is an effort in prepare human resource

have expertise and skill appropriate the demand of nation building, in which the

quality of nation is strongly influenced by educational factor. Embodiment of

quality people become one of responsibility in education, especially in prepare

students to be subject of act showing the superiority, creative, independent, and

profesional in each area. Effort increasing educational quality can be achieved

optimally, if done development and improvement to the educational component


Education basically is one of effort to provide knowledge, insight, skill, and

specific expertise to individuals in order to explore and develop their talent and

personality, through education human try to develop itself face every change

occur caused advancement of science and technology. Therefore, the issue of

education need receive attention and serious treatment relate to the quantity,

quality, and relevance.

Increasing the quality of education has been done by the government among

others by complementary facilities and infrastructure, increasing quality of

teachers, and improvement of curiculum that emphasize developing aspects that

lead to improvement and development of life skills are realized through

competence achievement of student to adaptable, and succeed in the future.

The aims of education program for in the field of Mathematics and Sciences

to prepare professionals of education who have knowledge foundation, technical

skills, and professional values and attitudes in planning, conducting, managing

instructional activities, developing learning resources, evaluating learning

achievements, and solving problems pertaining to the profession in the field in the

context of subject teaching, 1) this perspective views teacher not as a storeroom of facts and ideas, but as “a source and creator of knowledge and skills needed for



focused on the substance, which is what should be learned by the pre-service

teachers and the best way to encourage them to learn it (Sinaga , 2014).

According to Mondolang (2013) learning physics education secondary

school (SMP), often get notes as the learning that has value learning outcomes are

low compared to the value of the results of the other study subjects.

Presently, the teaching approach in the physics lessons in secondary school

classrooms seems boring and uninteresting. This is particularly true when one

considers that the conventional method of chalk, board and talk are predominantly

in vogue. Notwithstanding the call for the use of modern approach in the form of

constructivist view, many teachers still use the conventional approach (Akanwa,

2014). Physics teacher still apply conventional learning characterised with relying

on the use of the expository method is explaining, giving examples, asking

questions, and giving assignments classically. Learning model like this shows that

teacher still be central in learning, while students are less empowered ability to

optimally so that the activity and participation of students is less meaning. At least

varied learning methods are used and using media has not been optimal become a

problem that can be ignored. Using media less attractive cause students get bored

and not interested to follow learning activities in earnest.

Speaking about the study results, it can not be separated from the process of

learning that occurs in self-learners. The learning process is less according to the

student characteristics and the characteristics of the matter will result in less than

the maximum outcomes that can even result in understanding the wrong concepts

(misconception). According to Slameto (2010 : 1) suggests that the overall

process of education in schools, learning is the most basic activity, which means

that the success or failure of many educational achievement depends on how the

learning process experienced by students as learners.

Teaching experience taught in SMAN 1 Sidikalang there are some problems

in the process of student learning: 1) physics outcomes of student in class X

SMAN 1 Sidikalang on physics still low, 2) learning implementation still use the

conventional model, 3) using media is not optimal, 4) the learning process is still



learning process in the class, 6) students assumed physics is passive lesson and

difficult to leaned, 7) students are less socialize in learning process, 8) teachers

explain the matter to students in one way, 9) students are not interested with

physics lesson, 10) physics tend to solved with mathematical approach.

Besides, based on the result of interview with one of physics teacher at

SMAN 1 Sidikalang, she revealed that difficulty in learning is difficult to motivate and encourage the students’ interest to do the physics exercises. Then, the students less motivated and less active in asking questions during the physics learning process. The students aren’t motivated to learn in group, they felt difficult to solve the physics problem and the students often memorize

mathematical formula of physics than try to understand the concepts and

principles of physics.

Based on the problems above, some students SMAN 1 Sidikalang is passive

in learning process and other is quite, although not understand yet subject learned

by teacher, cause learning environment is not interesting and communicative,its

cause grade of some students is low. The physics average mare obtained by

students didn’t reach the minimum completeness criteria (MCC) known as KKM.

It is necessary to use a learning model so that students outcome can be

improved, especially in the teaching of dynamic electricity. There is a possibility

of less precise application of learning model as a factor in the lack of ability of

students to solve problem of dynamic electricity.

According to Hayat (2008) that the assessment should be an integral part of

the learning process (a part of instruction) and must be understood as an activity

to streamline the learning process. Therefore models of learning and assessment

techniques regarded as the components are very important in improving student

learning outcomes.

The Application of learning is teacher-centered, hampering efforts students

to optimize the outcomes in physics. Resolve the problems, need media or

visuallization method that is easy to understand students such as using a computer

with a projector, posters and other media. The application of conventional



particularly physics, so the variety and creativity is required in learning model,

especially active learning.

According to Yasemin (2013) active learning is the leading one among new

education strategies. Problem based learning, inquiry based learning, project

based learning and cooperative learning models rank as part of active learning.

One of active learning strategies is cooperative learning model. Cooperative

learning is one of widely encountered models in the areas of theory, research and

education applications besides it calls much attention to teachers and researchers.

During the past decade, a new approach called “Cooperative Learning” seemed to attract a lot of attention and became popular. Even though most college

courses are taught in a competitive or individualistic manner, more is understood

about the effectiveness of cooperative learning than almost any other facet of

education. Cooperative Learning strategies demand a facilitator that transfers

greater responsibility for knowledge acquisition, organization and application

from the teacher to the student (Marzban and Fatemeh, 2014).

Cooperative learning has been defined as" small groups of learners working

together as a team to solve a problem, complete a task, or accomplish a common

goal". The cooperative learning model requires student cooperation and

interdependence in its task, goal, and reward structures. The idea is that lessons

are created in such a way that students must cooperate in order to achieve their

learning objectives.

Cooperative learning activities also offer the opportunity to develop and

practice strategies for learning and using language. Especially social-affective

strategies such as asking for help and cooperation. Cooperative learning can

provide a very pleasant learning atmosphere (Marzban and Fatemeh, 2014).

In recent years, studies involving cooperative learning, one kind of

student-centered approach have emerged as an internationally important area of social

science research among researchers. Many studies have been conducted in

different settings of education, using different kinds of cooperative learning

techniques, such as Learning Together (LT), Jigsaw Grouping,



Division (STAD), and Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI).

Cooperative learning can be defined as a learning model in which students

help each other’s learning on academic topics by forming small groups, self

-confidence of individuals grow, their skills for communication develop, power of

solving problem and critical thinking rises and they actively attend the education


Cooperative learning model has many type, among them group investigation

(GI). In group investigation, students are actively engaged in planning and

carrying out investigations and presenting their findings to peers and others. Then,

the classroom should be organized to reflect the larger social order and students

should be required to work in democratic problem-solving groups to study

academic and real life problems using democratic processes and scientific

methods of inquiry. Selection of the group investigation type in physics learning

is good and has great potential in the success because it is easy in practice. This

prompted the researchers choose group investigation type cooperative learning. In

addition, by applying the group investigation type in physics lessons in class will

create an atmosphere of active learning, communicating, sharing, giving and

receiving, this situation can increase understanding of the matter and increase the

interaction among the students, it will increase student learning outcomes,

particularly physics.

Cooperative learning model type group investigation had been examined by

Giawa (2014) the result of research focus on student’s learning outcomes of his research in SMA N 1 Sei Rampah on dynamic electricity topic of physics. That

were obtained: pre-test mean value of experiment class was 3,190 and 4,575 for

control class and then post-test mean value of the experiment class was 6,138 and



Based on previous thesis above used of group investigation method in

learning process. The success of cooperative learning offers a proven, it is one of

the great choices models of teaching to improving learning outcomes of students

in dynamic electricity matter. Besides, to increase the physics outcomes in

dynamic electricity matter, the research use the cooperative learning model type

group investigation using macromedia flash, because previously research lack of

using media.

Using the appropriate media can make more meaningful learning. Physics

matter tend to be filled with mathematical calculations if poured in a conventional

way will make the students easily bored. Learning use media such as macromedia

flash can facilitate teachers to demonstrate lessons. For example, animation,

experiments can be done as originally. Besides experiments that take a long time

can be shortened so learning activities more effective.

Therefore delivery of matter is not only in text form tent to abstract and

monotonous but more real and can be applicated. Based on the above background,

the author try to do research with the cooperative learning model group

investigation (GI) to improving student learning outcomes, and the author take the

title: The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model of Group Investigation Type

Using Macromedia Flash toward Physics Outcomes of Students SMAN 1 Sidikalang AY 2015/2016.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on background above, we can identify of problems to be studied :

1. Physics outcomes of student in class X SMAN 1 Sidikalang on physics

still low

2. Learning implementation still use the conventional model in physics

3. Using media is not optimal

4. The learning process is still teacher-centered

5. The students are less active in asking during learning process in the class

6. Students assumed physics is passive lesson and difficult to learned



8. Teachers explain the matter to students in one way

9. Students are not interested with physics lesson,

10.Physics tend to solved with mathematical approach

1.3. Problem Limitation

The extent of problems and lack of expertise, time and cost, the writer need

to make limitation of problems. Several limitation of problems are :

1. Learning model used is learning model group investigation type using

macromedia flash toward physics outcomes of students

2. Learning outcomes of students in class X SMAN 1 Sidikalang in even

semester academic year 2015/2016

3. This research will be conducted on students of class X SMAN 1

Sidikalang in even semester academic year 2015/2016

4. The subject matter is dynamic electricity of class X SMAN 1 Sidikalang in

even semester academic year 2015/2016

1.4. Problem Formulation

To explain the problems in study, formulation of problems are :

1. How the physics outcomes students taught using cooperative learning

model group investigation type using macromedia flash in dynamic

electricity ?

2. How the physics outcomes students taught using conventional learning

model in dynamic electricity ?

3. Is there the effect of physics outcomes of students taught using

cooperative learning model group investigation type using macromedia

flash in dynamic electricity

1.5. Research Objective

The objectives of the study are as follow:

1. To know the physics outcomes of the student was taught using cooperative

learning model group investigation type using macromedia flash in



2. To know the physics outcomes of student was taught using conventional

learning model in the material dynamic electricity

3. To know the effect in physics outcomes of the students was taught using

cooperative learning model type group investigation using macromedia

flash in dynamic electricity

1.6. Research Benefits

The expected benefits of this study are: 1. For students

Result of study is very benefit for students in order to create the positive

behaviors such as working together in solve the problems, active in physical

activities so increasing physics learning outcomes of students.

2. For physics teacher

Provide reference for teachers in choose learning model in order to

improving the quality of learning process in increasing student achievement

especially in physics.

3. For high school institution

Result of study can provide a valuable contribution to improving the

quality of education. Principal is expexted to facilitate teacher to be able to

implement cooperative learning model group investigation type, so teachers

are not only use conventional model continuously.

4. For university student

As information matter for university student who conduct study using

cooperative learning model in improving the quality of the learning process in


5. For researcher

Researcher will know more about problems that appear in learning and

teaching activities, especially in cooperative learning model and as





Based on the research with cooperative learning model grouo investigation

type using macromedia flash for classroom experiments and the conventional

model for the control class, then from the analysis data and hypothesis testing

concluded as follow :

First, the average value of the students outcomes was learned by the

cooperative learning model group investigation type using macromedia flash is

43.57 before given treatment and 76.65 after given treatment. It shows that there

is increase the outcomes students

Second, the average value of the students outcomes was learned by the

conventional learning model is 45.59 before given treatment and 70.40 after given

treatment. It shows that there is increase the outcomes students

Third, there are effect between the sudents physics outcomes that was

learned by cooperative learning model group investigation type using macromedia

flash. It showed based on the posttest data of cooperative learning model group

investigation type using macromedia flash higher than the conventional learning.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the the research result and discussion before, researcher gives

suggestion that to the next researcher who want to do research using cooperative

learning model group investigation type sugggested to be more guide the sudents

to be more active while work in group by ask the students in group what students

already to do in group so the students will be motivated to be active in solving the

group students worksheet and investigation.

The next researcher suggested before start to learning process, first should

have explained to the students how the implement the cooperative learning model

group investigation type so when learning process the students already know what


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