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Teaaching simple present tense through accelerated learning approach : a pre-experimental study at Sony Sugema College Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang


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THROUGH ACCELERATED LEARNING APPROACH (A Pre-Experimental Study at Sony Sugema College

Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang) A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Tarbiya and Teachers Training Faculty in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Strata-1 (S1)

Written by: Dzulfikar Al-A’la





1428 H/2007 M


THROUGH ACCELERATED LEARNING APPROACH (A Pre-Experimental Study at Sony Sugema College


2 A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Strata-1 (S1)

Written by:

Dzulfikar Al-A’la 102014023735

Approved by Advisor

Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd.

NIP. 150270348




1428 H/2007 M




Tangerang)”, written by Dzulfikar Al-A’la, student’s registration number: 102014023735, was examined by the Committee on 11 June 2007, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of ‘S.Pd.’ (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the Department of English Education.




CHAIRMAN Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. NIP. 150 041 070


SECRETARY Nida Husna, M.Pd. NIP. 150 326 910


EXAMINERS 1. Drs. H. Munir Sonhadji, M.Ed.

NIP. 150 050 682


2. Drs. H. A.M. Zaenuri, M.Pd. NIP. 150 188 518


Acknowledged by:




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise be to Allah the Lord of the World. Peace and blessing be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

This skripsi is presented to the English Education Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of strata-1 (S1).

The writer would like to express his great honour and deepest gratitude to the following person:

1. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA. the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training.

2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd., the head of English Education Department. 3. Nida Husna, M.Pd., the secretary of English Education Department.

4. Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd., the writer’s advisor who has guided the writer patiently to carry out his work from beginning till the end.

5. All lecturers of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta who have taught him during the study.

6. His beloved parents, H. M. Eko Slamet Riyadi and Dra. Hj. Intan Rosmadewi who always pray for his success.



8. His beloved brothers and sisters; Ritchie Ramadhan, A.Md., Hudaibiyah Al-Fauqi, Mujahidah Raihanah, Fawwaz Ibrahim, Roidah Sobirah, Radiah Mardiyah, Hannah Siti Hajar Karimah, Khalillah Muta’ali, Sajjad, and Sasa, who always support him.

9. All his wonderful friends in English Education Department. He will never forget them.

10.To all may have given their help in writing this skripsi that the writer could not mention one by one.

May Allah, the Almighty bless them. Finally the writer realizes that this skripsi is not perfect. Therefore, he would like to accept any constructive suggestion to make this skripsi better.




Table 1 Specification……… 21 Table 2 The Pre-Test Scores………... 24

Table 3 The Post-Test



Table 4 The Comparison of the









LIST OF TABLE………..viii











1. The Definition of Simple Present Tense ... 16

2. The Pattern of Simple Present Tense ... 17




1. Approach... 21

2. Basic Concept of Accelerated Learning Approach ... 23

3. Design: Objectives, syllabus, learning activities, roles of learners, teachers, and materials. ... 25

4. Procedure ... 26

5. Strength and Weaknesses ... 27








1. Conceptual Definition ... 30

2. Operational Definition ... 30

3. Specification (table 1)... 31


1. Pre-Evaluation... 31

2. Giving a treatment ... 31

3. Post-Evaluation ... 32





1. The Pre-Test Scores ... 35

2. The Post-Test Scores ... 36

3. The comparison between the pre-test and the pre-test Scores... 36










A. Background of the Study

English has already become an International language for communication. English is used in daily life in terms of education and as a means of transferring knowledge whether orally or written.

In Indonesia, English has become an obligatory subject beginning from Junior High School up to the University. That is why the students are expected to master English, including the ability of using the simple present tense as a part of English Grammar.

However, in reality students are not able to use the simple present tense. This can be proved by the fact that the students’ English score are still categorized low under six.



On the other hand, one of the easiest rules to explain is the use of the -s

morpheme on the third person of the simple present. We always add –s and -es with

the pronoun he, she, and it. This is a straightforward rule, but it needs qualifying

immediately. Simple Present can restate it by saying that we add -s to all verbs for

third person singular of the simple present unless they are modal verbs (must, can,

will, should, etc.), so simple rule has become slightly less simple.1

The low level of students’ ability in using the simple present tense is caused

by many factors internally as well as externally. Internally, the ability in using the

simple present tense is affected by motivation in learning, interest in learning,

students learning styles and so on. Externally, is including teachers, methodology in

teaching English.

In teaching English, method can influence the students’ ability in using the

simple present tense. Because, methodology can help students to acquire the lesson

easily, so teacher can choose the best methodology to be used in teaching simple

present. Therefore, he took this factor to be proven whether it is true or no in

influencing student when they learn simple present tense in the classroom.

The writer would like to make a research about the simple present tense that

is taught using the Accelerated Learning.

It is necessary to look for a new way in teaching English grammar especially

the simple present tense in order to make teaching effective, efficiencies and find out




the suitable approach that can increase motivation and interest of the student in

studying grammar. It depends on the technique of the teachers used in the classroom.

One of the learning and teaching approach is Accelerated learning trying to

give a new style for learning approach and offer the better result. It would like the

students to be more motivated and successful. One way of doing this is to encourage

the students to participate more in the learning process. Based on the background

above, he will try to make a research about “TEACHING SIMPLE PRESENT


Pre-Experimental Study of ninth grade of Junior High School at Sony Sugema

College Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang).

Why the writer chooses Sony Sugema College BSD as his object of research,

because, the score of the students was generally under average when they were

following Try Out that was held once in two month. Most of them got score under

six. Therefore, that is why this institution will be used as a place of his field research.

B. Identification of the Problem.

From the explanation above he can identify some problems occur as follows:

1. Are there any significant changes in learning the simple present tense through

Accelerated Learning Approach?

2. How does the teacher apply Accelerated Learning Approach in teaching The

Simple Present tense?



tense through Accelerated Learning Approach?

4. How are the results of the students’ score of the simple present tense taught by

Accelerated Learning Approach?

There are many problems can be identified. However, the writer limits the

research problem in the students’ scores of simple present tense, which is taught by

Accelerated Learning Approach.

C. Statement of the Problem

Statement of this research is “Is there any increase in the students’ scores

after being taught by the Accelerated Learning Approach?”

D. Significance of the Study

1. The result of this study will be useful for the students to improve their ability

in using the simple present tense.

2. The result of this study is expected to be applied by the teachers in teaching

the simple present tense through Accelerated Learning.

3. The result of this study is a description how important to use better approach

in teaching English especially teaching the simple present tense. So, the

headmaster is expected to encourage his teacher to use Accelerated Learning

Approach in teaching the simple present tense.

4. The result of this study is expected to be read by stakeholders in order to give



E. Organization of the Study

This paper will systematically divided into five chapters: The first chapter is

introduction, explaining about the main problem of this paper, including background

of the study, identification of the problem, statement of the problem, significance of

thestudy, and organization of study.

The second chapter is the theoretical framework and consists of two parts.

Part A explains about Simple Present tense; explaining about definition of simple

present tense, the pattern of simple present tense, and the usage of simple present

tense. Part B explains about Accelerated Learning Approach, containing Approach,

Basic Concept of Accelerated Learning, Design, Procedure, and the Strength and the

Weaknesses of Accelerated Learning Approach.

The third chapter is Research Methodology. It consists of Objective of the

Study, Place and Time of the Study, Research Method, Population and Sampling,

Instrumentation, Procedure of Collecting the Data, Technique of Data Analysis.

The fourth chapter is Research Findings. It consists of the Description of

data, and the Interpretation.

The fifth chapter contains the conclusion and suggestion. It is a core review




A. Simple Present Tense

1. The Definition of Simple Present Tense

Simple present is identical to the base of verb (except in the cause of “be”)

and adds –s for third person singular (Also called present (tense) simply).2 It must

add -s or –es when the subject is a third person singular such as he, she and it. For

example, I know or he knows.

According to Trask, R. L., in a dictionary of grammatical terms in

linguistics, present which is the tense category occurring in some languages is most

regularly used to refer to actions or states in progress at the moment of speaking, or

which at least includes this function as one of its major uses. The term is sometimes

used to label a tense form of rather wider applicability than this; in English, for

example, the name ‘present’ is regularly used for the tense which would more

explicitly be called the ‘non-past’, as it contrasts only with a past tense.3

In particular, the present tense is used to speak or states and processes which

hold at the present moment, but which began before the present moment and may


Sylvia Chalker, et.al., Dictionary of English Grammar, (New York: Oxford, 1998). 3



well continue beyond the present moment, as in the Eiffel Tower stands in Paris and

the author is working on chapter two.4

The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the

present, and will be true in the future. It expresses general statements of fact and

timeless truths. The simple present is also used to express habitual or everyday


Thus, he can conclude that simple present is the tense that is used when we

want to state an action that is fact or habitual action; usually it uses the base of verb

except for the third person singular, which is added –s or –es. For example, I write

the letter. However, for He/she/it we must add –s or –es so it would be He writes the


2. The Pattern of Simple Present Tense

The simple present has the same form as the infinitive but adds an s or es for

the third person singular. For instance, infinitive: to work, simple present: I work, you

work, he/she/it works.6 The present tense also the only tense is still used form

distinction for person and number. The distinction is that the third person singular add

-s or –es to the form used in other person and number. The form of this tense is

(he/she/it + -s or –es form of verb or I/you/they/we + simple form of verb).


Bernard Comrie, Tense, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), p. 37. 5

Betty Azar Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 1999), third edition, p. 13.




a. Use the –s form with third person singular subject (He, She, and It) in

the simple present tense. And add does not to negative form.7


Affirmative The Race starts in Paris

Negative She Does

b. Use the simple form with all other subject (you, we, they), and add do

not or don’t to negative form.


Affirmative Trees lose their leaves

in autumn.



To be, do or does with an asterisks is a form of negative question are used to

indicate the speaker’s idea about what he believes is or is not true, or attitude (e.g.

surprise, shock, annoyance, anger).8 Use the following rules to spell the –s form

correctly: 1). for most verbs, add –s to the simple form for examples I drink coffee.

He drinks tea, I read books, and she reads newspaper. 2). –es to verb that end in o, s,

z, sh, x, and ch (unless the ch is pronounced with the sound of k). I go to work early.

She goes to work late. I watch the news. He watches the opera. 3). Omit a final –y

and add –ies unless the letter a, e, i, o, or u comes before the –y. I hurry to work. He

hurries home. I buy the food. She buys the furniture. 4). for the verb has, use the

irregular form has and put do not or does not for negative statements. Affirmative : I

have English class today. She has a good racket. Negative : I do not have English

class today. She does not have a good racket. Interrogative : Do you have English

class today? Does she have a good racket? Short answer : Yes, I do/ No I do not.

Yes, she does/No she does not. Long answer : Yes, I have English class today. Yes,

she has a good racket. No, I do not have English class today. No, she does not have a

good racket. 5). Adverbs of frequency.9 The term of frequency is used for those

adverbials that answer the question “How often? Or how many time?” the following

adverbs like always, usually, sometimes, seldom, and never are often used with the

simple present tense to indicate frequency. These adverbs often used in affirmative


Betty Azar Scrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara and Prentice Hall, Inc. 1993), p.A15.




and question. Affirmative : I seldom go to class late. Question : When does she

always have breakfast? When do you usually get up? 6). Longer time expressions that

describe repeated action usually come at the beginning or the end of the sentence for

emphasis. The buses run every hour. As a rule, I do not go to the office on Saturday.

c. Some verbs are used only in simple tense.

Some verbs are used only in simple tense. For example, you cannot say, “I am

knowing.” You can only say I know. Here is a list of verbs that are not normally used

in continuous tense (but are exceptions):10 Want, like, belong, know, suppose,

remember, need, love, see, realize, mean, forget, prefer, hate, hear, believe,

understand, seem. Have (when the meaning is ‘posses’). Think (when the meaning is

‘believe’). 1). Do you like London? (Not ‘are you liking’). 2). He does not

understand. (Not ‘he is not understanding’). 3). These shoes belong to me. (Not ‘are

belonging’). 4). what do you think Tom will do? (What do you believe he will do?)

5). what are you thinking about? (What is going on in your mind?)

3. The usage of simple present tense

The simple present tense performs the following function.11

a. Express general truths. For examples are Coffee comes from Brazil, Costa

Ricans speak Spanish, Lead is heavy.


Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985), p. 6.




b. Express and habitual actions, often with such adverbial expression as

frequently, usually, every day, and so on. It is also the usual present tense

form of stative or “private” verbs, such as wish, hope, fear, love, like,

understand, and know. For examples are I spend every summer in the

mountains, they usually go to Miami in winter, she always studies very

hard, Lisa understands Portuguese, She loves her husband.

c. Express future time with a future time adverbial. For example are she

leaves next week, Classes begin the day after tomorrow, the team plays in

St. Louis next month.

B. Accelerated Learning Approach

1. Approach

Method, as a unified,-cohesive set of design features, is now given only minor

attention. The profession has at last reached the point of maturity where we recognize

that the diversity of language learners in multiple worldwide contexts demands an

eclectic blend of task, each tailored for a particular group of learners in a particular

place, studying for particular purposes in a given amount of time. David Nunan

1991b: 228) sums it up nicely: "It has been realized that there never was and probably

never will be a method for all, and the focus in recent years has been on the

development of classroom tasks and activities which are consonant with what we



dynamics of the classroom itself."12

According to Anthony’s model, approach is the level at which assumptions

and beliefs about language and language learning are specified; method is the level at

which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the particular

skills to be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which the content will be

presented; technique is the level at which classroom procedures are described.13

Anthony’s model serves as a useful way of distinguishing between different

degrees of abstraction and specificity found in different language teaching proposals.

Mackey’s model of teaching analysis concentrates on the dimensions of selection,

gradation, presentation, and repetition underlying a method. His model fails to

address the level of approach, nor does it deal with the actual classroom behaviors

teachers and learners, except as these are represented in textbooks. Hence, it cannot

really serve as a basis for comprehensive analysis of either approaches or methods.14

Despite the changing status of approaches and methods in language teaching,

the study of past and present teaching methods continues to form a significant

component of teacher preparation programs. The reasons for this are the following:

• The study of approaches and methods provides teachers with a view of how

the field of language teaching has evolved.


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles; an interview approach to language pedagogy, (New York: Longman, 2001), second edition, p. 40.


Douglas Brown, Ibid. 14



• Approaches and methods can be studied not as prescriptions for how to teach

but as a source of well-used practices, which teachers can adapt or implement

based on their own needs.

• Experience in using different teaching approaches and methods can provide

teachers with basic teaching skill that they can later add to or supplement as

they develop teaching experience.

So according to the writer, approach is a set of correlation beliefs dealing

with the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach describes how people

acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions

that will promote successful language learning.

2. Basic Concept of Accelerated Learning Approach

Accelerated Learning is a systematic approach to teaching the whole person,

containing specific core elements that, when is used together, empower students to

learn faster, more effectively and joyfully. To occasionally turn on a baroque tape or

hang a few posters is to use but a few elements of the whole process.15

Accelerated learning is the most advanced teaching and learning approach in

use today. It is a total system for speeding and enhancing both of the design process




and the learning process. What makes Accelerated learning so effective is that it is

based on the way we all naturally learn.16

Accelerated learning is a natural learning. It is based on the way people

naturally learn. The beautiful thing about Accelerated Learning is that we already

know all about it instinctively. As children, we practiced it everyday of our lives. We

learned all the basics not through sitting in a classroom, reading a book, or staring at a

computer screen, but through interacting with other and with the world using our

whole bodies, our whole mind, and our whole selves.17

Accelerated learning is potential for learning which has been left largely

untapped by most conventional learning methods. It does this by actively involving

the whole person, using physical activity, creativity, music, images, color and other

method designed to get people deeply involved in their own learning.

Thus, the writer can make a conclusion that Accelerated learning is an

approach that uses humanistic approach so that learners can learn faster but in happy

condition that makes the learners easier to learn the subject. There are several reasons

why learners more fun using this approach because the design is made based on daily

activities that close to their habit. So they can accurately learn with joyful.


…….., www.alindex.html 17



3. Design18: Objectives, syllabus, learning activities, roles of learners,

teachers, and materials.

According to Dave Meier, the specific objective of Accelerated Learning

Approach is to awaken learners to their full learning ability, to make learning

enjoyable and fulfilling for them again, and to contribute to their full human

happiness, intelligence, competence, and success.

In addition, accelerated Learning is the result to be reached and is not the

method, which is used. All of the methods that can speed up and improve learning

involve in Accelerated Learning. Therefore, all of the methods that cannot motivate

learning speedily and improve it, do not involve in Accelerated Learning even that

method is assumed smart and creative or fun.

However, accelerated learning is a natural learning. It is based on the way

people naturally learn. The beautiful thing about Accelerated Learning is that we

already know all about it instinctively. As children, we practiced it everyday of our

lives. We learned all the basics not through sitting in a classroom, reading a book, or

staring at a computer screen, but through interacting with other and with the world

using our whole bodies, our whole mind, and our whole selves.19


Dave Meier, The Accelerated Learning Handbook, (New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2000), p. xxi.




Accelerated Learning is an integrated philosophy of life and leaning as such

the completely new view of things that de-mechanized and re-humanized learning.

Therefore, it puts the learners (not the teacher, not the material, not the presentations)

in the center of things. The learner has an active, negotiation role, should contribute

as well as receive.

In the Accelerated Learning classroom, the teacher sets the tone – positive,

alive, friendly – greeting each student who comes in the door with a warm comment

or affirmation. Eye contact, a friendly gesture and a few simple words: “Hello! Glad

you are here. We are going to have a great day!” over time, the teacher has

established a rapport that makes the students feel safe and relaxed.

The classroom itself is carefully arranged: lighting, plants, seating

arrangements, music, posters that reinforce lessons and value have been well

thought-out to contribute to the learning environment.

4. Procedure20

The teaching frame is the element that brings it all together into a harmonious

flow. A strong frame gives the content structure, effectively taking students through a

successful learning cycle. Dr. Lozanov's original process includes three phases:




1. Preparation: Beginning the class by preparing the students for learning.

Planting early suggestions, including the ease of learning the material and an

overview of content. Create a global picture and make connections with prior


2. Activate: Giving the students an experience of the learning. Create total

learner involvement. This includes active concerts, hands-on activities, and

demonstrations and debrief.

3. Passive: The lesson continues with reflection and review. Use this time for

passive concerts and other review activities, followed by an appropriate close

celebrating the learning.

5.Strength and Weaknesses

The strength of Accelerated Learning Approach, as follows: Arousing learners

creative imagination, Getting learners totally involved, Creating healthier learning

environments, Speeding and enhancing learning, Improving retention and job

performance, Speeding the design process, Building effective learning communities.

The weaknesses of Accelerated Learning Approach, as follows: Ignoring the

process of learning because accelerated learning is based on the result, making a

crowded environment in the class that not suitable for Asian students’ learning





A. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know any increases of the students’ scores of

the simple present tense after being taught by the Accelerated Learning Approach.

B. Place and Time of Study

This research of the study was held at Sony Sugema College BSD, which is

located on Ruko Barcelona Blok E9/17–18 Sektor 14, BSD, Tangerang. First, the

writer asked the permission to do a research to the institution on 7 May 2007. Then,

he started to do the research in that institution.

The research had been done since 14 May 2007 until 23 May 2007. The

research consisted of giving pre-test, threatened the experiment class by applying

accelerated learning approach in teaching simple present tense, and giving post test

after doing the treatment in the classroom, the writer collected the data from pre-test



C. Research Method

In this research, the writer used pre-experimental method by using “one group

pre-test and post-test design.” where the writer did the reasearch in a single group

only. He used the same material to treat the students.

The method is used to know any increases of the students’ scores of the simple

present tense after being taught by Accelerated Learning Approach.

D. Population and Sampling

The population of this research is the ninth grade of Junior High School of

Sony Sugema College BSD, Tangerang. The ninth grade of Junior High School in

SSC BSD has three classes, they have 52 students. Therefore, the writer chose class

IX SMP1 and IX SMP2 that consist of 31 students, which is a sample of this study, as

his experiment class.

E. Instrumentation

In this research, the writer used the test which is made by himself. The material

of the test will be taken from their handbook and other related books about simple

present tense. The test was divided into two parts. The pre-test had been given before



treatment to the class. The question consisted of thirty questions that are multiple-choice model. The scores were calculated and analyzed in analysis of the data.

1.Conceptual Definition

Simple present is the tense, used when we want to state an action that is fact or habitual action; usually it uses the base of verb except for the third person singular, which is added –s or –es. For example, I write the letter. However, for He/she/it we must add –s or –es so it would be He writes the letter.

2.Operational Definition



3. Specification21 (table 1)

No. Present Tense No. item Total

F. Procedure of Collecting Data

Collecting Data is one important thing in the research that can be determined the result of the research, as follows:


The writer did the pre-evaluation by giving the students an evaluation as mentioned above as a pre-test. The test consists of thirty-three items that are multiple-choice model. They were only given one hour to finish completing the test.

2.Giving a treatment

The writer would explain about the process of teaching simple present taught by accelerated learning approach. The steps in teaching simple present tense through Accelerated Learning Approach are as follows:




a.Preparation is begun the class by preparing the students for learning. The writer plants early suggestions, including the ease of learning the material and an overview of content. He creates a global picture and makes connections with prior learning.

b.Activate by giving the students an experience of the learning. He creates total learner involvement. This includes active concerts, hands-on activities, and demonstrations and interview. After that, he starts to teach simple present systematically according to the plan of teaching. c. Passive by continuing the lesson with reflection and review. The writer

uses this time for passive concerts and other review activities, followed by an appropriate close celebrating the learning.


The writer did the post-evaluation by giving the students a post-test. The test was the same as the pre-test. However, post-test was given after the treatment had been given by teaching simple present tense through Accelerated Learning Approach.

G. Technique of Data Analysis




SE MD to= 22

MD : Mean of differences; the average score from the differences gained scores between I variable and II variable, which are calculated with the formula;



ΣD : Total score between I variable (X variable) and II variable (Y variable). And D is gained with formula; D = X-Y

N : Number of Cases

SDD : The standard deviation from the differences between score of X variable and Y variable, which is gained with the formula;


SEMD : The standard error from mean of differences that is gained with the formula;

df : Degree of freedom with formula: N-1






A. The Description of Data

After conducting the research, the writer obtained two kinds of data; the

scores of the pre-test and the scores of the post-test:

1. The Pre-Test Scores

After analyzing the data of the pre-test scores, it shows that the mean

(X ) is 66.58 the standard deviation is 10.42 the median is 66 the highest score is

86, and the lowest score is 46.

The data of the pre-test can be seen in the table 2 below:

Table 2



2. The Post-Test Scores

After analyzing the data of the post-test scores, it shows that the mean

(X ) is 78.26 the standard deviation is 11.65 the median is 80 the highest score is

95, and the lowest score is 46.

The data of the post-test can be seen in the table 3 below:

Table 3

No Score Post-Test No Score Post-Test

1 70 17 78

3. The comparison between the pre-test and the pre-test Scores

To compare the result of the pre-test and post-test, the researcher uses



a. The Comparison of the Test Result.



Based on the data in table 4, the writer calculated the result of

D = −362and


9956 D =

. Then, the writer tried to find out the standard deviation with the


To find out the mean of differences (MD) between variable X and Y, the

writer used the formula;

After gaining the result of SD2 = 5.3, the writer calculated the standard error

from mean of differences (SEMD) between variable X and Y:



The last calculation is determining the result of to (t observation) of the test

with formula:

The result -4.73 indicated that there was a difference of degree as much as

-4.73. Regardless the minus, it does not indicate negative score.

Then, to complete the result of the research, the writer tried to find out the

degree of freedom

( )

df with formula:

At the degree of significance of 5% = 2.04

At the degree of significance of 1% = 2.75



The result of analyzing the data by using the above formula shows that the

coefficient is 4.73 this means that there is a significance increase that the simple

present tense taught by accelerated learning.

B. The Interpretation

Having analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test by using t-test formula, the

result shows that the coefficient is 4.73 this means that there is a significance

increases teaching simple present tense through accelerated learning.

From the result of calculation, it is obtained the value of the to is 4.73 the

degree of freedom (df) is 30 (obtained from N-1) = (31 – 1 = 30). The writer used the

degree of significance of 5% and 1%. In the table of significance it can be seen that

on the df 30 and on the degree of significance of 5% and 1%, the value of degree of

significance are 2.04 and 2.75 comparing the to with each value of the degrees of

significance, the result is 2.04 < 4.73 > 2.75. Since to score obtained from the result

of calculating, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis

(Ho) is rejected.

1. If the result of calculation to (t observation is higher than tt (t table), to > tt.

So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted. It means there is significance difference between variable X and

variable Y.

2. If the result of calculation to (t observation) is lower than tt (t table), to<tt, so,



rejected. It means there is no significance difference between variable X and

variable Y.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students’ score

of the simple present tense taught by accelerated learning approach is better. It means

that the accelerated learning approach can improve the students’ ability in

understanding the simple present tense. This is because theoretically, accelerated

learning approach has some characteristic that may increase the students’ ability in

mastering the simple present tense. The characteristics of the accelerated learning are

1) A positive learning environment, 2) Using appropriate and effective music to

enhance learning, 3) Using peripherals, 4) Teachers should establish credibility to

their student, 5) Creating positive atmosphere in learning, 6) Using art and drama, 7)

Using active and passive concert, and 8) Three passes of teaching procedure:

Preparation (preparing learner to learn), Active (providing learning experience), and

Passive (reflection and remedy).23






A. Conclusion

Based on the data described previously, it can be concluded that the

accelerated learning can improve the students’ scores of simple present tense can be

proven from the result of the analysis of the research. It has answered the question of

this research that there is a significance increase in students’ scores after being taught

by accelerated learning.

B. Suggestion

There are some suggestions that can be given in relation to the writer’s

conclusion, the suggestions are as follows;

1. Teachers are suggested to use accelerated learning specially in teaching the

simple present tense. They had better prepare the material well. In fact, the

students will be easy to learn something if the material are related to their

environment or what they always do in daily life.

2. The students are suggested to learn the simple present tense by following the

accelerated learning procedure.

3. The headmaster should consider the accelerated learning approach to improve

the students’ abilities specifically in teaching English generally to increase the




Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar, New York: Longman, 1999, third edition.

_______, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara and Prentice Hall, Inc., 1993.

Azra, Azyumardi, Prof. Dr. MA., et.al. Pedoman Penilisan Skripsi, Tesis, dan Desertasi, Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press, 2002, cetakan ke-2.

Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by Principles; an interview approach to language pedagogy, New York: Longman, 2001, second edition.

Chalker, Sylvia and Weiner, Edmund, Dictionary of English Grammar, New York: Oxford, 1998.

Comrie, Bernard, Tense, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

De Potter, Bobbi, Accelerated Learning, Newhorizon for Lerning, 2001, (http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/accelerated/deporter.htm).

_______, Accelerated Learning, www.horizon.org.

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, England: Longman, 2002, third edition.

Meier, Dave, The Accelerated Learning Handbook, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2000.


Appendix 1 34

Parrot, Martin, Grammar for English Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Richards, Jack. C. and Rodgers, Theodore, S., Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: a Description and Analysis, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Sudijono, Anas, Drs., Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Pustaka, 1987), Cet. ke-12.

Thomson, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University Press, third edition, 1981.

Trask, R. L., A Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics, London and New York: Routledge, 1993.

Werner, Patricia K., Interaction II, A Communication Grammar, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1990.

Wishon, George E. and Burks, Julia, M., Let’s Write English, New York: Littion Educational Publishing Inc. 1980.


Appendix 1 35

Nukilan Tabel “t” Untuk Berbagai df

Harga Kritik “t” Pada Taraf Signifikansi: df atau db

5% 1%

1 12,71 63,66

2 4,30 9,92

3 3,18 5,84

4 2,78 4,60

5 2,57 4,03

6 2,45 3,71

7 2,36 3,50

8 2,31 3,36

9 2.26 3,25

10 2,23 3.17

11 2,20 3,11

12 2,18 3,06

13 2,16 3,01

14 2,14 2,98

15 2,13 2,95

16 2,12 2,92

17 2,11 2,90

18 2,10 2,88

19 2,09 2,86

20 2,09 2,84

21 2,08 2,83

22 2,07 2,82

23 2,07 2,81


Appendix II 36

The Test Items of the Simple Present Tense Name : _____________

Date : _____________

Class : _____________ Time : 1 Hour

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d, on your answer sheet! 1. I _____ a student.


38 week. Arrange into good sentence! a. Beckham plays once football a week. b. Beckham plays a week once football. c. Beckham a week plays football once. d. Beckham plays football once a week. 9. Zidane washes the clothes every Sunday. What is interrogative form of the sentence above?

a. Did Zidane wash the clothes every Sunday?

b. Does Zidane wash the clothes every Sunday?

c. Does Zidane washes the clothes every Sunday?

d. Will Zidane wash the clothes every Sunday?

10.Kaka drinks a glass of milk every day. What is negative form of the sentence above?

a. Kaka didn’t drink a glass of milk every day.

b. Kaka don’t drink a glass of milk every day.

c. Kaka doesn’t drink a glass of milk every day.

d. Kaka is not drink a glass of milk every day.

11.She _____ a teacher a. is not

b. are not c. do not d. does not

12.He _____ an astronaut a. is not

b. are not c. do not d. does not

13.You _____ a carpenter a. is not

b. are not c. do not d. does not

14.Budi ____ any brother a. has not

16.Bayu and Banu _____ any money a. doesn’t want

b. really wants c. have not d. are upset

17.The students ______ any book left because of flood

a. never come b. don’t have c. always do d. will sell

18.Henry does not play guitar every night. What is the positive form of the sentence above?


39 19.Alonso doesn’t drive a car every

tournament of race.

What is the interrogative form of the sentence above?

a. Does Alonso drives a car every tournament of race?

b. Did Alonso drive a car every tournament of race?

c. Does Alonso drive a car every tournament of race?

d. Doesn’t Alonso drove a car every tournament of the race?

20.Does not –the fried rice- hot – Rooney - when – it – eat - is. Arrange into good sentence!

a. Rooney does not eat the fried rice when it is hot.

b. Rooney is eat it when the fried rice does not hot.

c. Rooney is the fried rice when it doesn’t hot.

d. The fried rice is eat when Rooney doesn’t hot.

21._____ you a football player? a. is

b. am c. are d. was

22.______ Budi the best student in this school?

a. is b. am c. are d. was

23.______ whale the largest animal in the world?

25.Does the lion _____ any fur?

a. burn b. have c. take d. eat

26.Do the dog and the cat ______ sharp teeth?

a. broken b. have c. stands d. will take

27.Does the president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono _____ a child?

a. adopt b. take care of c. taken away d. have

28.Do you study every night? Arrange into positive form! a. You are study every night b. You studies every night c. You study every night d. You is study every night 29.play– in– do– the - field? – they –

basketball. Arrange into good sentence! a. They do play basketball in the field? b. They play do basketball in the field? c. Do they play basketball in the field? d. Do basketball they play in the field? 30.Does your teacher teach every day?

What is the positive form of the sentence above!


Appendix III 40

SKENARIO PEMBELAJARAN Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (SLTP)

I. Identitas

Subject English Kelas/Semester IX (II) Waktu 1 x 45 (pertemuan I) Tema Simple Present Tense

Materi To be

II. Standar Kompetensi

Dapat memahami Simple Present Tense sehingga dapat digunakan secara lisan maupun tertulis. III. Kompetensi Dasar

Dengan penguasaan bentuk to be siswa diharapkan mampu menggunakannya sesuai dengan masing-masing kata ganti orang.

IV. Indikator

Membedakan penggunaan to be untuk masing-masing kata ganti orang dalam bentuk present. V. Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

1) Language Focus

Subject Pronoun To be

I Am We Are You Are They Are She Is

He Is it Is

Long Form Short Form

Singular Plural Singular Plural


Appendix III 41

You are You are You’re You’re

She is She’s

He is He’s

It is

They are



Appendix III 42

VII.Strategi, Model, Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran.

1) Strategi Two ways communication

2) Model Horse Shoe

3) Pendekatan Accelerated Learning Approach

4) Metode Pembelajaran Pair (face to face) and Group Work

5) Skenario Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu

1. Pendahuluan

8.1.1. Salam dan tegur sapa

8.1.2. Guru mengabsen siswa

8.1.3. Guru memberikan motivasi

5 menit

2. Kegiatan Pokok

Language Focus

siswa mampu membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan

simple present dan pronoun dengan diberikan berbagai

contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sambil diiringi musik


35 menit


8.3.1. Guru memberikan tugas tentang keterampilan

berbahasa yang telah dilatihkan. 3.

8.3.2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengungkapkan hambatan yang dialami selama

proses pembelajaran.

5 menit

SKENARIO PEMBELAJARAN Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (SLTP)

I. Identitas

Subject English

Kelas/Semester IX (II)


Appendix III 43

Tema Simple Present Tense

Materi Auxilary verb do and does

II. Standar Kompetensi

Dapat memahami Simple Present Tense sehingga dapat digunakan secara lisan maupun tertulis.

III. Kompetensi Dasar

Dengan penguasaan bentuk auxilary siswa diharapkan mampu menggunakannya sesuai dengan masing-masing

kata ganti orang.

IV. Indikator

Membedakan penggunaan auxilary untuk masing-masing kata ganti orang dalam bentuk present.

V. Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

1) Language Focus

Subject Pronoun Auxilary Auxilary


VII.Strategi, Model, Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran.

1) Strategi Two ways communication

2) Model Face to face

3) Pendekatan Accelerated Learning Approach

4) Metode Pembelajaran Pair (face to face) and Group Work

VIII. Skenario Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu

1. Pendahuluan

8.1.1. Salam dan tegur sapa

8.1.2. Guru mengabsen siswa

8.1.3. Guru memberikan motivasi

5 menit


Appendix III 44

Language Focus

8.2.1. Siswa mampu membuat kalimat dengan

menggunakan auxilary dan pronoun dengan

diberikan berbagai contoh dalam kehidupan

sehari-hari sambil diiringi musik instrumen.

8.2.2. Siswa diberikan sebuah dialog untuk diperaktekkan

didepan berkaitan dengan materi yang diajarkan.


8.3.1. Guru memberikan tugas tentang keterampilan

berbahasa yang telah dilatihkan. 3.

8.3.2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengungkapkan hambatan yang dialami selama

proses pembelajaran.

5 menit

SKENARIO PEMBELAJARAN Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (SLTP)

I. Identitas

Subject English

Kelas/Semester IX (II)

Waktu 1 x 45 (Pertemuan III)

Tema Simple Present Tense

Materi Verb for sigular and plural


II. Standar Kompetensi

Dapat memahami Simple Present Tense sehingga dapat digunakan secara lisan maupun tertulis.

III. Kompetensi Dasar

Dengan penguasaan bentuk auxilary siswa diharapkan mampu menggunakannya sesuai dengan masing-masing

kata ganti orang.

IV. Indikator

Membedakan penggunaan auxilary untuk masing-masing kata ganti orang dalam bentuk present.

V. Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

1) Language Focus

Subject Pronoun Verb


Appendix III 45 Akhiran –es ditambahkan bila kata kerja yang digunakan diakhiri

dengan huruf s, o, x, ch, sh, dan jika diakhiri

dengan huruf y maka harus diganti terlebih

dahulu dengan i kemudian ditambahkan –es.

Contoh seperti berrikut ini:


S O X Ch Sh Y

Kiss kisses Go Goes Fix Fixes Teach Teaches Wash Washes Cry Cries

VI. Media pembelajaran

1) Picture

2) White Board

3) Marker

4) Text Book

VII.Strategi, Model, Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran.

1) Strategi Two ways communication

2) Model Horse Shoe, face to face

3) Pendekatan Accelerated Learning Approach

4) Metode Pembelajaran Individual, Pair

VIII. Skenario Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu

1. Pendahuluan

8.1.1. Salam dan tegur sapa

8.1.2. Guru mengabsen siswa

8.1.3. Guru memberikan motivasi

5 menit

2. Kegiatan Pokok

Language Focus

8.2.1. Siswa mampu membuat kalimat dengan

menggunakan verb yang benar dalam simple present

dengan diberikan berbagai contoh dalam kehidupan

sehari-hari sambil diiringi musik instrumen.

8.2.2. Siswa diberikan sebuah dialog sehari-hari untuk

diperaktekkan didepan berkaitan dengan materi yang


35 menit

3. Penutup 5 menit



Appendix III 46 8.3.1. Guru memberikan tugas tentang keterampilan

berbahasa yang telah dilatihkan.

8.3.2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengungkapkan hambatan yang dialami selama



Table 1 Specification………………………………………………
No Table 2 Score Pre-Test No Score Pre-Test
No Table 3 Score Post-Test No Score Post-Test
Score Post-Test Table 4 D=


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