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Students' Difficulties in Learning Present Perfect Tense : a case Study at the Third Year students of akuntansi of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat


Academic year: 2017

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(A Case Study at the Third Year ofThird Year Students of Akuntansi of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat)

A paper presented to the Tarbiyah faculty and teacher’s training

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

In A partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education



NIM: 103014026941









A Case Study at the Third Year of SMK Puspita Bangsa

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

In A Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education

Approved by the Advisor

Drs. Mas’ud Ma’da, M.A

NIP. 150 012 951






The examination committee of the Faculty of Tarbiya and teachers’ training certifies

that the ‘skripsi’ entitled ‘STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (A Case Study at the Third Year Students of

AKUNTANSI of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat), written by Dani Setiawan,

student’s registration number: 103014026941 was examined by the committee in June

9st 2008 on Monday, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of ‘S.Pd’ (Bachelor of Arts) in English

Language Education Department.

Jakarta, JUNE 9th 2008

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M. Pd. ( ) NIP: 150 246 289

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd. ( )

NIP: 150 293 236

EXAMINERS : 1. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. ( )

NIP: 150 188 518

2. Dr. Syauki, M. Pd ( )

NIP: 150 270 348

Acknowledged by:

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA.



In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praise be to ALLAH Lord of the Universe for his blessing guidance, love,

help who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this ‘skripsi’. Peace and

blessing be upon the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and his family, his companions and

his followers.

This ‘skripsi’ is presented to English Education Department of faculty of Tarbiya

and Teacher’s training, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a

partial fulfillment of requirements for the Degree of Strata I (S1) entitled:


( A Case Study at the third Year Students of AKUNTANSI

of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat).

The writer would like to say his gratitude to his beloved father (IWAN

SUPRIADI) and beloved mother (ETI SETIAWATI), Dodi Setiapriadi, Dien Hadi

Setiadi and Diany Rahmawanti as his brother and sister, who always give motivation

and support in various endeavors and moral encouragement to finish his study.

In this occasion to, the writer would also like to give his great appreciation,

honor and gratitude to Mas’ud Mada, M.A, as his advisor, for his time, guidance, kind

ness, contribution and patience in correcting and helping him in finishing this


His gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers of English Education department who has taught the writer

during his study.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. the head of English department.

3. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A as dean of Tarbiyah faculty.

4. Mrs. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd. As the writer’s academic advisor in English

Department, especially in A class.

5. M. Asmian, SH. as the Principal of SMK Puspita Bangsa, Ciputat, Rozikin, A.

Md as the English teacher and all staff of SMK Puspita Bangsa, Ciputat who


6. All his friends that he cannot mention them one by one in A, B & C class

who always help and give the writer support, time and remind him in

accomplishing this “skripsi”. May Allah guide and give them all happiness

through out their lives. Amen.

Finally, the writer realizes that this ‘skripsi’ is far from being prefect. Therefore,

the writer would like to accept any constructive criticism and suggestion to make this

‘skripsi’ better.

Jakarta, June 5th


The Writer






A. Conclusion ………. 29

B. Suggestion ……….. 29




1. Table 3.1: Tenses Area and Each Item ………. 20

2. Table 3.2: Students Score of Test Result ………. 21

3. Table 3 : Frequency and Percentage of the Difficulties in the Form of Present

Perfect Tense………. 22

4. Table 3.4: Frequency and Percentage in Distinguishing the Usage of Present




A. Background of the Study

As a foreign language in Indonesia, English has an important position and

clearly needed by many learners to deliver thought and interact in a variety of

situations. Therefore, people realize without mastering the language, interaction and

all kinds of activity among the people will breakdown. Because when we learn a

language, we learn to communicate through the language we have learned.

But, with mastering English, the students can develop their knowledge: science,

technology, art and relations with other countries.

It is necessary for them to know and master the grammatical rules of the

language to get good understanding, some students find some difficulties in learning


Nowadays, English is the most common language used throughout the world.

English is the most widespread medium of international communication because of

both the number of geographical spread of its speakers, and the large number of

non-native speakers who use it for part at least of their international contact.1 In Indonesian school, English is determined as a compulsory subject in the national

curriculum. It is taught beginning from junior high school up to the university.

English is also used not only to apply for a job but also to communicate with

people from different nations. Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers noted that

“today English is the world’s most widely studied foreign language; five hundred

years ago it was Latin, for it was the dominant language of education, commerce,

religion and government in the western world.”2

Many writers believe that in learning English as a foreign language or second

language the learner should, first of all, master the grammar structure system, the

basic structural patterns of the present perfect tense items.

Grammar is one of the language aspects which are taught to every language

learners. It is the basic knowledge and important role in understanding the English


C. J. Brumfit, English for International Communication, (Oxford: Oxford Pergamon Press, 1981), p. 1


language. As said by Paul Robert that “grammar is a body of generalization about

how people says things. In order to make generalizations, we must agree on the

meaning of terms for the things we wish to talk about. Grammar accuracy is only part

of communication to convey a message, where grammar is merely a tool”.3 By learning grammar, we can communicate our message clearly and precisely.

Penny Ur noted that “grammar is defined as words are put together to make

correct sentences. It doesn’t only affect how the units of words are combined in order

to make correct sentences but also affects their meaning.4

But students who learned English meet a number of problems, especially with

the grammar as the language that can be confusing. Some students think of grammar

as rather boring subject..

We all know that English is different from other language whether on the

vocabulary, phonology and structure system those have great deal of influence to

Indonesian students in learning English.

Teaching all foreign language is stressed on mastering the four basic skills:

listening, speaking, reading and writing. And also the knowledge of grammar is one

of the important factors that students should master. Because a grammar is needed

even in communicative ways. Grammar traditionally has a central role in language

teaching particular theories of grammar and learning associated with them have

provided justification for syllabus and in methodology in language teaching for


In Understanding English, the student must understand the structure of English

or grammar, understand to using it in oral or written. Because most of the students get

difficulties to make sentences correctly with a tense. It is usually happened in – the

Paul Robert, Understanding Grammar (New York, 1954) p. 123


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 75



language, has only two inflected tenses: Past and Present.6 The time of the action is commonly expressed by the verb. With tense, student can know when the time action

occur, and understand the correspondence between the form of the verb and their

concept of time.

The present perfect tense is a construction made up of a construction made up

of the auxiliary have + the past participle form of the main verb. It is used to indicate

an action that took place at an indifinite time or over a period of time in the past, but

still has relevance in the present. The time of the actions is not mentioned and it is not


W. Stannard Allen in living English structure stated: “English has three main

divisions, Past, Present and Present Perfect Tense…”7 Absolutely, the verb in English influenced by the “time”, when it happens or will happen (past, present and present

perfect tense). So a verb should be concord or related with the time.

When “state” happened in the past it must be followed by the “adverb of

time”. Because In Indonesian language there is now use “the time”strictly even now,

past or future. Beside that there is a tense that used to indicate an action or “state”

happened in the past, but it was contiunous to the present or still true at present we

call “present perfect tense”. And the common signals are: since. For, this week, up to

now, so far, not yet, once, often, twice and three times etc.8

Most learners also confused with the forms of present perfect tense and their

usage and they have difficulty in using them appropriately.

Based on the background above the writer takes a title of this paper”

Student’s difficulty in Learning Present Perfect Tense” (A case study at SMK

Puspita Bangsa)

B. Limitation of the Study

The writer limits the study on the error of the third year students of SMK Puspita

Bangsa Ciputat. These errors are taken from the test focused on Present Perfect tense.

C. Statement of Problem


Kathryn Riley and Frank Parker, English Grammar Prescriptive, descriptive, Performance (USA:1988) p.106


W. Stannard Allen, Living English Structure (London: Longman, 1987), p. 75



Based on the background of study, the writer formulates his problem as

follows: “Which is more difficult for students between form and usage of present


D. Objective of the study

The objectives of writing this paper are:

1. To know some problems found by the students of SMEA Puspita Bangsa in

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Puspita Bangsa Ciputat as place for investigation

to be discussed. In field research the writer observes some difficulties and problems

found by the third year students in teaching learning process of present perfect tense

after collecting and processing the data the writer would like to offer an alternative to

solve the problem.

F. Organization of Study

This skripsi divided into four chapters, as follows:

The first chapter explains the introduction, the background of study, limitation

of the study, statement of the problem, the objective of the study, the method of study

and organization of study.

The second chapter discusses the theoretical framework and explain about

tense and present perfect tense. Which covers the form and the usage of Present

perfect tense.

The third chapter consists research methodology and findings. Research

methodology consists of: object of the research, location, place and time, population

and sample, technique of data collecting, instrument of research and technique of data

analysis. Moreover, research findings covers data description, data analysis and data


The last chapter consists of two parts, they are conclusion and suggestion.It is a




A. Tense

The word “tenses” derived ultimately from the Latin word “tempus” meaning

“time”.9 The word tense stands for a verb form or series of verb forms used to express a time relation. Tense vary in different language. Tenses may indicate whether an

action, activity, or state is past, present, or future.10 The commonest tenses found in languages are present, past, and future; when the situation described in the present

tense is related as simultaneous with the moment of speaking (e.g. John is singing);

the situation described in the past as related prior to the moment of speaking (e.g.

John was singing); while the situation described in the future as relates subsequent to

the moment of speaking (e.g. John will sing). Since tense refers to the time of the

concurrent with, or following the act of speaking.12 In other words, deictic refers to an interval or period of time which contains the moment of utterance. It can be expressed

by some words: yesterday, now, tomorrow.

In talking about tense, it is only focused on the time of the situation that is being

described, but it also discusses about form of verb. McCawley says that “tense are not

features by themselves but underlying verbs”. Almost all verbs can show the

differences between the present, past and future time by changing in the verb form.

From this, can be also defined as “the time of the action on state expressed by the

verb”.13 However, it should be pointed out that time in relation to action is a concept


John Lyons, Linguistic Semantic an Introduction, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 312


A.S. Hornby, Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, (Low-Priced Edition, 1975),p.78


Bernard Comrie, Aspect: An Introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problem, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), p. 2


John I. Saeed, Semantics: 2nd edition, (UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 125



that exists in the mind of the speaker, reader or listener. Tense is a actual usage, refers

consistently only to grammatical forms.14

So time, as Lyons says, tense is “grammaticalizes the relationships which held

between the time up the situation that is being describe and the temporal zero point of

the deictic context”.15

Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude that tense is a verb

form or series of verb forms used to express a time relation. Tenses may also indicate

whether an action, activity or state is past, present or future. when the situation

described in the present tense is related as simultaneous with the moment of speaking

(e.g. John is singing); the situation described in the past as related prior to the moment

of speaking (e.g. John was singing); while the situation described in the future as

relates subsequent to the moment of speaking (e.g. John will sing).

The Present Perfect tense is a construction made up of the auxiliary have + the

past participle form of the main verb. It is used to indicate an action that took place at

an indifinite time or over a period of time in the past, but still has relevance in the

present. The time of the actions is not mentioned and it is not implied.


• I have seen that movie

• He has read the book

• Have you ever studied Greek?

B. The form of the Present Perfect Tense.

A.J Thomson and A.V Martinet said, “The present perfect is formed with the

present tense + the past participle. And for negative is formed by adding not to the

auxiliary. The Interrogative is formed by inverting the auxiliary and subject.16



Like all the perfect tenses, the present perfect is formed by combining some

form of the verb to have with a past participle (e.g. opened, finished, believed, done).

In thus case it simple present tense of the verb to have that is used as the auxiliary (or

helping) verb:17

Don Le pan, English Checklist (Common Errors in English), (Binarupa Aksara, 1991), p.12 S + have / has + V3 + (…..)


singular noun (e.g, Frederick / Mrs Franz). With pronouns, have is contracted to

apostrophe + ve (‘ve) and has to apostrophe + s (‘s).18 b. Negative

2). To make a negative of the verb be, we use the following formula:

18 Betty S. Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989), p.161

S + have / has + not + V3 + (…..)

S + have / has + not + been + Substantive (Adverb of place) + (…)


Have I been absent for 2 days ?

Haven’t I finished my assignment?

Hasn’t Anna watched the scary movie?

She has worked They have worked Haven’t / hasn’t + S + been + Substantive (adverb of place) + (……)


It has worked

The passive forms of the present perfect tense (using the verb to hit as an example)

are as follows:

A passive sentence can be used when it consists transitive verbs.

C. The Usage of the Present Perfect tense

Betty S. Azar said, “the present perfect expresses the idea that something

happened (or never happened) before now, at an unspecified time in the past. The

exact time it happened is not important. If the is a specific mention of time, the simple

past is used.19

She also said, “the present perfect also expresses the repetition of an activity

before now. The exact time of each repetition is not important. “(e.g: We have had

four driver test this semester).

The present perfect tense lays stress upon the completion of an action at the

time when the speaker expresses the thought. Like the present tense, the present

perfect has extended its meanings and functions somewhat beyond the perfection of

an act in the present. It may indicate any of the following time meanings:

1. An act just completed, often with the help of an accompanying modifier:

Example : I have this very minute finished reading your note



At last, you two have found each other

2. An action beginning in the past and continuing into the future:

Example: I have been hearing too many political speeches

He has been sitting here in this chair since noon

3. An action completed at any time before the present:

Example: I have bought two dresses since you got yours20

According to English Page.Com, the concept of "unspecified time" can be very

confusing to English learners. It is best to associate Present Perfect with the following


1. Experience

The Present perfect used to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have

the experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a

certain experience. The Present Perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.


• I have been to France.

• I have been to France three times.

• I have never been to France.

2. Change over Time

The Present perfect used to talk about change that has happened over a period of



• You have grown since the last time I saw you.

• The government has become more interested in arts education.

• Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.

• My English has really improved since I moved to Australia



3. Accomplishments

The Present perfect used to list the accomplishments of individuals and

humanity. You cannot mention a specific time.


• Man has walked on the Moon.

• Our son has learned how to read.

• Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.

• Scientists have split the atom.

4. An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

The Present perfect often used to say that an action which we expected has not

happened. Using the Present Perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to



• James has not finished his homework yet.

• Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.

5. Multiple Actions at Different Times

The Present perfect also used to talk about several different actions which

have occurred in the past at different times. Present Perfect suggests the process is not

complete and more actions are possible.


• The army has attacked that city five times.

• I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.


Marcella Frank in Modern English said, “The present perfect tense represents time

that begin in the past and extends to the present, either in actual fact or in the mind of

the speaker. It is not used with definite time words like “yesterday and last year”.21 The kinds of time words that express past to – present time are:

a. Since or for:

Example: I have lived here for three years or I have lived here since 1979.

b. So far, Up to now, Up to present:

Example:We have had no trouble with our television set so far ( or up to now)

c. Frequency words: always, never, ever, often, sometimes, occasionally.

Example: He has always lived in this town or this is the best book I have ever


J.B. Alter said, “The present perfect tense of the verb is used to show an action

that happened only a short time ago. The word ‘just’ is used to show this. And the

time expression is not mentioned in sentences in the present perfect tense. “ e.g.: My

father has just washed his car.22

happened in the past but related to the present moment. It is used commonly to show

that the action has just been completed, or at least the effect of the action is still felt at

the moment of speaking.


Marcella Frank, Modern English: Exercise for non – native speakers, part I: parts of speech (New Jersey: Prentice hall. Inc.1972)

22 J.B. Alter, Guided English Skills primary I, (Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1991), 1st ed. P.106





A. Research Methodology

1. Object of the Research

SMEA / SMK PUSPITA BANGSA Ciputat students are divided into three

grades. They are the first grade or class A, the second grade or class B and the third

class or C. The writer took the third class at the object of the research.

2. Place and time

The writer decided to the research at SMEA / SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat

which is located on Jl. Aria Putra, No.9 Ciputat. He did this research from 26th up to February 29th 2008. SMK / SMEA Puspita Bangsa has two kinds of expertise, which is: Business and Management and also Tourism. There are 16 theoritical classes for

teaching and learning activities and also 5 practical classes for students practical

activities which are : front office room, secretary room, accountant room, house

keeping room and serving room.

There 14 facilities in the school, which are as follows :

1. Third floor building

2. Air conditioner room

3. Language lab.

4. Computer and internet lab.

5. Music studio.

6. Small hotel.

7. Sales lab .

8. Kitchen room

9. Musholla

10.Sport facilities : Futsal Volleyball

Basket ball Badminton


Headmaster : Mohammad Asmian, S.H

Vice of headmaster in students’ field : Mulyono, S.E

Vice of headmaster in curriculum field : Nunung St N, S.Pd

There are 36 teachers in Puspita Bangsa :

1. Drs. Abd. Rozak 19. Sumarja, SS.

2. Dra. Hj. Dedeh R. 20. Rozikin, A. Md

3. Dra. Hj. Aini Soegirwo 21. Dra. Maryanah

4. Drs. Marjono 22. Dra. Umaeroh

5. Budi Utomo, S.Ag 23. Nofrianto, A.Md

6. Drs. Mukija HS, MM 24. Nurdin, S.Ag

7. Jumadi, S.Pd 25. Zaenal Arifin, SE.

8. Hasan Basri, SE. 26. Subarianto, SE.

9. Nina Yulestina, SE. 27. Samsi, S.Pd

10. Edi Suwarno 28. Tri Adji A, S.Pd.

11. Dasril, S.Pd. 29. Handayani, S.Pd

12. Mudalih, S.Ag 30. Ruzayanah, S.Pd.

13. Suyadi EW. 31. Elya Juliawati, A.Md

14. Setyadi 32. Gustrio Linda, S.SI

15. Nurdin, S.Pd 33. Zwesty Faj Inggriani, S.Pd.

16. Mawardi Asik, BA 34. Bambang Adi.

17. Drs. H. Agus Sofyan 35. Sartuti, S.Pd.

18. Suwarno SE. 36. Dra. Sri Rahayu.

Chief de programme

1. Tourism : Suyadi EW.

2. Business and Management : Nurdin, S.Pd

3. Population and Sample

The number of SMEA / SMK PUSPITA BANGSA is 124. They are divided

into two classes : Class Akuntansi and Class Ekonomi. The writer took 25 % of


Here are the students’ rekapitulation of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat :

4. Technique of Data collecting

In collecting data, the writer uses test. Here is the technique of data collecting.


Test was given for the third grade students of SMEA / SMK PUSPITA

BANGSA CIPUTAT to find out the difficulties which faces by students in Present

Perfect Tense and got the English test score.

5. The Instruments of the Research

In his research, the writer used test as the instrument to get the data. He made

the test that covered Present Perfect Tense. The writer gave the test about form (

regular and irregular of past participle) and distinguishing usage present perfect tense

and past tense. The test consisted of 20 items, 10 items were for the regular and

irregular verbs, the form of test was mulitiple choices. And 10 items were for the

distinguishing usage present perfect and simple past tense by completing the

sentences. So, every correct item gets 5 points.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis used by the writer in this research is descriptive

analysis technique (percentage), which is described in the table percentage. In this

table percentage he used formula:

P = F X 100 % N

P = Percentage


N = Number of sample which is observed

After having the frequency and percentage of difficulty, the writer then looked

for the average mark by using formula:

P = F X 100 % N X n

p = percentage

f = frequency

N = Number of students

n = Number of items

B. Research Findings

1. Data description

There were two types of test were given to students to take students’ score in

present perfect tense:

a. Form : to test the students’ ability in difference the regular and irregular verbs and

irregular verbs of past participle.

b. Usage: it is used to test whether the students are able or unable in distingushing the

usage of present perfect and simple past tense


TABLE 3.1:

Tenses Area and Each Item


1 The form of present perfect tense

a. regular verb

b. irregular verb

Part A



2 Distinguishing the usage of present

perfect tense and simple past tense

Part B

1 - 10

2. Data Analysis

After the writer did the research, he got the English test score, the frequency and

percentage of students’ difficulties in the form of present perfect tense and

distinguishing the usage of present perfect and simple past tense.


Student’s score of Test Result


1 Student 1 90 18 Student 18 60

2 Student 2 80 19 Student 19 60

3 Student 3 50 20 Student 20 30

4 Student 4 30 21 Student 21 50

5 Student 5 30 22 Student 22 50

6 Student 6 20 23 Student 23 50

7 Student 7 80 24 Student 24 50


9 Student 9 80 26 Student 26 45

10 Student 10 75 27 Student 27 45

11 Student 11 75 28 Student 28 50

12 Student 12 50 29 Student 29 50

13 Student 13 70 30 Student 30 20

14 Student 14 60 Average Score 50,5

15 Student 15 75 Highest Score 90

16 Student 16 50 Lowest Score 20

17 Student 17 50

Based on the table above, the writer got the English score from the test about

present perfect tense that the average score 50,5, the highest score was 90 and the

lowest score was 20.

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage of the Difficulties in the Form of Present Perfect


No. Present Perfect Tense Item


Frequency of




1. Form or regular verb 1 2 6%

2. Form or regular verb 2 5 16 %

3. Form or regular verb 3 10 33 %

4. Form or irregular verb 4 14 47 %

5. Form or irregular verb 5 5 16 %

6. Form or irregular verb 6 15 50 %

7. Form of regular verb 7 13 43 %


9. Form of irregular verb 9 10 33%

10. Form of regular verb 10 3 10%


85 281 %

To find out the whole average is using the formula:

These items were about the students’ difficulty in form of present perfect tense

which consisted of the difficulty in the form of regular and irregular verb of past

participle. They covered in 10 questions.

Firstly, the writer would like to convey the students’ difficulty in regular verb

of past participle based on the table above. In item 1, there were 2 students or 6 %

who made errors. In item 2, there were 5 students or 16 % who made errors. There

were 10 students or 30 % who made errors in item 3. In item 4, there were 14 students

or 47 % who made errors. There were 43 % or 13 students who made errors in item 7.

In item 10, There were 3 students or 10 % who made errors.

The Second was the difficulty in the irregular verb of past participle as followed:

In item 1, there were 2 students or 6 % who made errors. In item 4, there were 14

students or 47 % who made errors. There were 5 students’ or 16 % who made errors.

In item 6, there were 15 students or 50 % who made errors. There were 8 students or

27 % who made errors in item 8. In item 9, there were 10 students or 33 % who made


After he analyzed about the table, he would like to analyze about all items in part


1. In item 1, there were 2 students or 6 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the regular verb of past participle. The correct answer is : He said that he had lost his

suitcase in the airport, including his pasport and his travel document.

2. In item 2, there were 5 students or 16 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the regular verb of past participle. The correct answer is : Shenny couldn’t attend her

friend’s birthday party until she finished her assignment..

3. In item 3, there were 10 student or 30 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the regular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: My uncle have visited

Hawaii when I was a little girl several years ago.

4. In item 4, there were 14 students or 47 % who chose the wrong answer. It was

about the irregular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: He has promised of

buying me a new bicycle but the bad storm he made her to change the plan.

5. In item 5, there were 5 students or 16 % who chose the wrong answer. It was

about the irregular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: Have you ever eaten

the lobster before ?

6. In item 6, there were 15 students or 50 % who chose the wrong answer. It was

about the irregular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: My friend from USA

have spent a lot of time visiting some of interesting places in Jakarta.

7. In item 7, there were 13 student or 43 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the regular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: I have already missed too

many classes, because I was absent from class again for the rest of the term.

8. In item 8, there were 8 students or 27 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the irregular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: Up to now, Professor


9. In item 9, there were 10 students or 33 % who chose the wrong answer. It was

about the irregular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: In her whole

lifetime, Anna has never seen snow

10. In item 7, there were 3 student or 10 % who chose the wrong answer. It was about

the regular verb of past participle. The correct answer is: The manager have just

opened his café when I got there.

From the analyzing above, the writer concluded that three of the most difficulties in

part A of form test are in item 6 ( 50 %), item 4 (47%) and item 7 ( 43%).

Table 3.4

Frequency and Percentage in Distinguishing the Usage of Present Perfect and


10. a. Present Perfect Tense

b. Simple Past Tense

10 28 92 %

Total 10 190 585 %

To find out the whole average is using the formula:

P = F X 100 %

perfect and simple past tense. But the fact, the students are still difficult / confuse to

distinguish the usage of both. And from the table above was shown that In item 1

perfect and simple past tense is 63.33 %.

From the description above, the writer would analyze all items in part B, as


1. In item 1, there were 9 students or 30 % who chose the wrong answer.

The correct answer: My brother have wrote several plays when just finished his

second tragedy.

2. In item 2, there were 12 students or 40 % who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: The Bell have just rung when I arrived at the school


3. In item 3, there were 13 students or 43 % who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: I flew over Loch Ness last week then have you seen the Loch

Ness monster.


The correct answer: The police have pursued the suspicious man in the highway

after he stole someone’s car which park in the parking lot.

5. In item 5, there were 17 students or ( 57%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: The lights have just turned off when I did my assignment

6. In item 6, there were 18 students or (60%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: Mr. Hilton have worked as a cashier for twenty – five years,

then he retired and went to live in the country.

7. In item 7, there were 18 students or (60%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: The concert began at 2.30 and lasted for two hours. So,

Everyone have enjoyed it very much.

8. In item 8, there were 22 students or (73%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: Miss Liza have already been a English teacher for twelve

years, she was a warm and nice person that ever know.

9. In item 9, there were 25 students or (83%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: He was exactly a stranger, my family and I haven’t met

him before.

10. In item 10, there were 28 students or (92%) who chose the wrong answer

The correct answer: They have lived in Malaysia for four years and then went

to Canada.

From the analyzing above, the writer concluded that three of the most

difficulties in part B of the distingushing the usage of present perfect and simple past

tense are in item 8 ( 73 %), item 9 (83%) and item 10 ( 92%).

5. Data Interpretation

After analyzing the items of area tested and explaining the frequency of error

in each item, the writer presented the difficulties in learning present perfect tense, as



Kind and percentage of difficulty in Present Perfect Tense

No Kind of Difficulty Percentage of Error

1. The form of Present Perfect Tense

a. Regular Verb

b. Irregular Verb

28 %

8 %

20 %

2. Distingushing the usage of Present Perfect

Tense and Simple Past Tense

63.33 %

The table above shows that there are 28 % error in the form of present perfect. 8%

error comes from regular verb and 21 % error comes from irregular verb. Then,

difficulty in distingushing the usage of present perfect and simple past tense is

63.33%. The table shows that higher difficulty in learning present perfect tense was


Hasil Wawancara

Date : 26 – 02 – 2008

Place : Classroom

Interviewer : Mr. Roziqin, S.pd

1. SMEA Puspita Bangsa menggunakan kurikulum apa?

Jawaban: - Kurikulum 2004


2. Apa buku yang bapak gunakan sebagai materi untuk mengajar siswa?

Jawaban: Yudhistira ( English In Progress)

3. Metode apa yang bapak gunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa inggris terutama sekali

mengenai tenses?

Jawaban: - Brainstorming - Making sentences

- Dialogue - Discussing the patterns

4. Apakah Bapak memberikan materi grammar dengan cara menyuruh siswa untuk

menghafal rumus – rumusnya?

Jawaban: Tidak

5. Kesulitan apakah yg bapak rasakan, ketika mengajarkan materi grammar?

Jawaban: Penguasaan vocabulary & Parts of the speech yang kurang bagi

siswa sehingga menghambat pengajaran materi Grammar.

6. Apakah di sekolah ini mempunyai kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg bersangkutan dgn

Bahasa Inggris?




A. Conclusion

The writer has concluded that the students are still confused in using present

perfect tense, it was 28 % students who still get difficulties in form of present perfect

tense, 8% error comes from regular verb and 21 % error comes from irregular verb.

So, the highest percentage of student’s error in present perfect tense is 53.63 %. Then,

the errors in distingushing the usage of present perfect and simple past tense is

63.33%. The result illustrates that distinguishing in the usage of present perfect and

simple past tense have a higher difficulty than the form. So, it reveals that most

students find some difficulty in learning present perfect tense, actually in usage.

B. Suggestion

There are some suggestion to the teacher in order to the students can not make

an error in a time anymore. Here are the suggestions:

1. The teacher could explain more clearly about usage of present perfect tense.

2. The teacher should be creative in using the method of English teaching.

3. The teacher should give many exercises to the students about usage in the present

perfect tense.

4. The should pay the attention about usage in the present perfect tense.

5. The students should learn more about usage in present perfect and simple past to



Allen W. Stannard, Living English Structure, London, Longman, 1987.

Alter, J.b Guide English Skills Primary 1, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1991, 1st Edition. Azar, Betty S. Fundamentals of English Grammar, New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1949,

2nd Edition.

___________ Understanding and Using English Grammar, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989.

Brumfit, C. J., English for International Communication, Oxford: Oxford Pergamon Press, 1981

Comrie, Bernard, Aspect: An Introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problem, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976

De Clerck Renaat, Tense in English, Cambridge University Press, London & New York, 1991.

Frank Marcella, Modern English: Exercise for non – native speakers, part I: parts of speech (New Jersey: Prentice hall. Inc), 1972.

George E. wishorn and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, Little Educational publishing Inc, 1980, New York.

Harman Susan Emolyn, Descriptive English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Inc 1990.

Hornby A.S, Guide to pattern and usage in English (Low – priced edition, 1975).

Le pan Don, English Checklist (Common Errors in English), Binarupa Aksara, 1991, Indonesia.

Lyons, John, Linguistic Semantic an Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995

McCauley, Tense and time Reference in English: Its structure and Use in discourse, (London, Routledge, 1991.

McKay, Sandra L., Teaching Grammar; Form, Function and Technique, London: Prentice Hall International, 1987.

Murphy, Raymond, Grammar in Use, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Parrot Martin, Grammar for English language teacher, Cambridge University Press, 2000.


Secco Margaret Close, Has / had (The present perfect tense and simple past). Longman, Canada, 1979.

Swan, Michael, Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1980.

Team of five, Improving Reading Skill in English, Jakarta: Darul Ulum Press,2001

Thompson, A.J and Martinet, A.V, A practical English Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Fourth Edition.

Ur, Penny. A Practical guide for teachers, Cambridge University Press, 1988

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi, Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press, 2002, cet. Ke 2.


Appendix 1 Research Instrument

Choose the correct past participle answer by crossing (X) from these questions below.

1. He (say)…….. that he had lost his suitcase in the airport, including his pasport

and his travel document.

a. said b. saying c. says d. say

2. Shenny couldn’t attend her friend’s birthday party until she (finish)……. her


a. finish b. finishing c. finisheded d. finished

3. My uncle (visit)…….. Hawaii when I was a little girl several years ago.

a. visits b. visiting c. visited d. visit.

4. He has (promise)…….. of buying me a new bicycle but the bad storm he made

her to change the plan.

a. promises b. promised c. promise d. promising

5. Have you ever (eat)…….. the lobster before ?

a. eating b. eats c. eated d. eaten

6. My friend from USA have (spend)…….. a lot of time visiting some of interesting

places in Jakarta.

a. spent b. spending c. spended d. Spend

7. I have already (miss)…… too many classes, because I was absent from class

again for the rest of the term.

a. misses b. missing c. missed d. misseded

8. Up to now, Professor Williams has (give)……….. our class five mathematic tests.

a. gives b. given c. gived d. giving

9. In her whole lifetime, Anna has never (see)…….. snow

a. seen b. seed c. seeing d. saw

10. The manager have just (open)……… his café when I got there.


Appendix 2


Complete fill in the blank below by using present perfect and simple past.

1. My Brother (write)... several plays when just (finish)... his second tragedy.

2. The Bell (ring)………. when I (arrive)……… at the school yesterday.

3. I (Fly)...over Loch Ness last week then have you (see)... Loch Ness

monster there.

4. The police (pursue)…….. the suspicious man in the highway after he (steal).

………. someone’s car which park in the parking lot.

5. Lights (turn)…….. off when I (do)……. my assignment.

6. Mr. Hilton (work)... as a cashier for twenty – five years, then he (retire)...

and went to live in the country.

7. The concert (begin)...at 2.30 and lasted for two hours. So, Everyone

(enjoy)... it much.

8. Miss Liza (be)……. a English teacher for twelve years, she (be)……..a warm and

nice person that ever know.

9. He (be)…….. exactly a stranger, my family and I (meet)……..him before.


Appendix 3

Lembar Jawaban

1. A. 6. A

2. D 7. C

3. C 8. B

4. B 9. A


Appendix 4


1. Have wrote and arrived

2. Have just rang and arrived

3. Flew and have you seen

4. Have pursued and stole

5. Have just turned and I did

6. Have worked and retired

7. Began and have enjoyed

8. Have already began and was

9. Was and haven’t met



table percentage he used formula:
TABLE 3.1:
Table 3 Frequency and Percentage of the Difficulties in the Form of Present Perfect
Table 3.4 Frequency and Percentage in Distinguishing the Usage of Present Perfect and


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