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The Analysis of Translation-Shift of The English Noun Phrase Used in The Garfield `Takes Up Space` Comic.


Academic year: 2017

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Fit ri Wulandari

English Depart ment , Dian Nusw ant oro Universit y


This st udy direct s t o analyze t ranslat ion-shift s of t he English noun phrase in t he Garfield “ Takes Up Space” Comic.The researcher used a descript ive qualit at ive met hod. Based on t he dat a, 100 clauses w hich have 106 rank shift s of noun phrases found in t he dat a. The f irst cat egory is Phrase t o Phrase Dow nw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 49 phrases or 46,2% in t his t ype. The second cat egory is Phrase t o Phrase Upw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 28 phrases or 26,4% in t his t ype. The t hird cat egory is Phrase t o Word Dow nw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 26 phrases or 24,5% in t his t ype. The fourt h cat egory is Word t o Phrase Upw ard Shift w it h 2 phrases or 1,9%. The last cat egory is Phrase t o Clause Upw ard Rank Shift ; t here is 1 phrase or 1% in t his t ype. The researcher does not f ind any phrases in Clause t o Phrase Dow nw ard Rank Shift .

M oreover, t he researcher found t he rank shift cat egory based on Cat ford’s frame w ork (1974: 8) used in bilingual comics “ Garfield t akes up space” . By using t he t heory of shift s by Cat ford, it can be seen clearly t hat shift s occur in t he t ranslat ion of English Noun Phrase int o Indonesian. Based on t he dat a, t he most dominant cat egory is St ruct ure Shift w it h 59 phrases w it h 55,7%; t he second level is Unit Shift w it h 23 phrases or 21,7%, t he t hird level is Int ra Syst em Shift w it h 16 phrases w it h 15,1%, furt hermore t he fort h level is Class Shift w it h 8 phrases or 7%.


: Noun, Phrase, Shift .


Translat ion is t he process of changing speech or w rit ing from one language (source language) int o anot her language (t arget language) (Richard, 1985:299).Translat ion is an import ant phenomenon t hat has a huge effect on everyday life, t hat is w hy t he desire t o know and t o underst and informat ion, namely science, t echnology, and know ledge, t ranslat ing from source language and t arget language is needed. Translat ion is basically a change of form. When t he form of language is spoken, it is referring t o t he act ual w ords, phrases, clauses, sent ences, paragraph, and so on, w hich are spoken or w rit t en. Translat ion is t ransferring an idea, know ledge or purpose from Source language (SL) t o Target language (TL).In t ranslat ion t he form of t he source language is replaced by t he form of recept or t arget language. Translat ion must t ake int o account const raint s t hat include cont ext , t he rules of grammar of t he t w o languages, t heir w rit ing convent ions, and t heir idioms. A common misconcept ion is t hat t here exist s a simple w ord-for-w ord correspondence bet w een any t w o languages, and t hat t ranslat ion is a st raight forw ard mechanical process.

Shift ing is a major concept in sent ence analysis in t ranslat ion. The concept of Shift ing helped us a lot t o learn how a unit of different level can be brought dow n t o creat e int erest ing st ruct ures. The concept of Rank Shift ing does not exist in t radit ional grammar of English. Alt hough, it exist s in all modern grammars of English in t heir ow n part icular w ay e.g. Phrase St ruct ure Grammar labels a shift ing clause as a sent ence. Cat ford (1978: 73) st at es t hat by shift , w e mean t he depart ure is made of from formal correspondence in t he process of going from t he source language t o t he t arget language. Shift s occur w hen t he source language t ext is t ranslat ed int o different grammat ical or phonological form in t he t arget language t ext . Cat ford (1965) st at es t hat t here are t w o major t ypes of shift : level shift s and cat egory shift s.


int rasyst em shift . This st udy is concerned w it h t he t ranslat ion shift analysis of t he English noun phrase int o Bahasa Indonesia.

Translat ion-shift is t he focus of analysis because t he t ranslat or has shift ed t he forms t o keep t he meaning const ant so t hat t he messages can be communicat ive and nat ural. This st udy t ries t o find out t he shift s in form and meaning in t he Bahasa Indonesia t ranslat ion of English noun phrase. This is because t he core of equivalence and shift s are in t he form and meaning. In equivalence and shift s, t he meaning is more import ant t han t he form. Besides t hat , equivalence focuses on cases w here t he language describes t he same sit uat ion by different st ruct ure. How ever, many people are st ill confused in different iat ing t he w ord order in head w ords of t he English and Bahasa Indonesia noun phrases. It is because t he English and Bahasa Indonesia head w ord are not t he same. In Bahasa Indonesia noun phrases, t he head w ord is head-init ial posit ion, w hile in English t he head w ord is head-final posit ion. Therefore, t he core of t he phrase is head w ord, w hich is used t o det ermine t he meaning and t he w ord class. Based on t hat reason, t his st udy is conduct ed t o analyze t ranslat ion-shift s of t he English noun phrase in t he Garfield “ Takes Up Space” Comic.


Research Design

This research used a descript ive qualit at ive met hod t o analyze t he noun phrase const it ut ion and t hen explain if t here w as any shift in t ranslat ion occurred or even t he loss and gain of informat ion occurred in t he t ranslat ion of t he dat a. This st udy used a descript ive qualit at ive met hod t o st udy t he problem, because t his st udy concern w it h t he meaning of t he w ord in t he dat a.



House (under Ballant ine Books), Universal occasionally Andrew s M cM eel Publishing. Indonesian publishing by Nexx media Inc. in Oct ober 2012.

Unit Analysis

This st udy is focused on Translat ion-shift s of t he English Noun Phrase used in t he Garfield “ Takes Up Space” Comic. The unit of analysis of t he research t ook 100 noun phrases randomly of t he ut t erances found in Garfield “ Takes Up Space comic. The Source Language is English, and t he Target Language is Indonesian as t he dat a t o be analyzed.

Data Collection

The dat a w ere collect ed by using document at ion in t he form of Garfield “ Takes Up Space” Comic, as:searching several comics in t he several w ebsit e and books shop; choosing t he comic; reading t he comic; and finding t he noun phrase.

Data Analysis

In analyzing t he dat a, t he researcher used t he follow ing st eps: comparing t he noun phrases found in t he source t ext (ST) w it h t he t ranslat ion in t he t arget t ext (TT) t o see if t here are shift s t aking place; Ident ifying t he kinds of shift s; and analyzing t he shift s and describing t he reason for each shift


Table 1. Level of Rank Shifts in noun phrase of bilingual comic

“Garfield takes up space”


Level of Rank Shift

Shift Category





1. Dow nw ard Rank Shift Clause t o Phrase 0 0

Phrase t o Phrase 49 46,2%

Phrase t o Word 28 26,4%


Upw ard Rank Shift Word t o Phrase 2 1,9%

Phrase t o Phrase 26 24,5%

Phrase t o Clause 1 1%





upw ard rank shift ; t here are 28 phrases in t his t ype. The t hird cat egory is phrase t o w ord dow nw ard rank shift ; t here are 26 phrases in t his t ype. The fourt h cat egory is w ord t o phrase upw ard shift w it h 2 phrases. The last cat egory is phrase t o clause upw ard rank shift ; t here is 1 phrase in t his t ype. The researcher does not find any phrases in clause t o phrase dow nw ard rank shift .

Next , t he researcher present s t he rank shift cat egory based on Cat ford’s frame w ork (1974: 8) used in bilingual comics “Garfield t akes up space”. The most dominant cat egory is st ruct ure shift ; t he second unit shift , t he t hird level is int ra syst em shift , furt hermore t he fort h level is class shift . The t able of frequency of dist ribut ion of each kind of shift cat egory used in “ Garfield t akes up space” can be seen as follow s:

Table 2. Category of Rank Shifts in noun phrase of bilingual comic

“Garfield takes up space”


Category of Rank Shift





1. St ruct ure Shift 59 55,7

2. Unit Shift 23 21,7

3. Int ra Syst em Shift 16 15,1

4. Class Shift 8 7,5




Downward Rank Shift

There are 75 phrases found as t he dow nw ard rank shift s. Dow nw ard shift s t ake place w hen a source language unit is subst it ut ed by a low er-in-rank t arget language unit . M oreover dow nw ard rank shift is also divided int o clause t o phrase, phrase t o phrase and phrase t o w ord. They are explained below :

Excerpt 1:

Data 6

Page 4, Balloon 3



These are t he memories t hat last a life time.



Perist iw a ini akan diingat seumur hidup.

const it ut ed by adject ive (life) + noun (t ime). In t he t arget language, t he noun phrase has const it ut ion of only noun phrase (seumur hidup). M oreover, it can be concluded t hat t he informat ion of definit e pronoun (a) because it is not t ranslat ed int o t he t arget language. Here, t he t ranslat or did not t ranslat e t he definit e pronoun because it is st ill underst andable by t he reader. In addit ion, t he source language w ill be ambigous, because t he t ranslat ion becomes “ sebuah umur hidup”. This rank shift s is called t he st ruct ure shift . Alt hough, t he noun phrase in t arget language is also t ranslat ed int o t he noun phrase in source language. This st ruct ure shift happens due t o dif ferent linguist ic syst em bet w een English and Bahasa Indonesia. The definit e pronoun can be t ranslat ed int o morpheme ‘se-‘ in Bahasa Indonesia w hich has meaning ‘sat u’. The t ranslat or does shift ing t o make t he t arget language is more nat ural and underst andable by t he reader. He uses st ruct ure and grammar of Bahasa Indonesia as adjust ment t ow ard t he t arget language.

Excerpt 2:

Data 18

Page 16


Balloon 9



An imagination is a powerful t ool. It can t int memories of t he past , shade percept ions of t he present , or paint a fut ure so vivid t hat it can ent ice... Or t errify, all depending upon how w e conduct ourseles t oday..



Imajinasi memang ampuh unt uk menorehkan kenangan masa lampau,

membent uk pikiran masa kini, at aupun melukiskan masa yang akan dat ang secara hebat at aupun mengerikan...t ergant ung bagaimana kit a bersikap saat ini...


Upward Rank Shift

There are 29 phrases can be found in t he dat a. It is also divided int o t hree levels; clause t o phrase, phrase t o phrase, phrase t o w ord. The explanat ion can be seen follow :

Excerpt 3:

Data 39

Page 44, Balloon 6



But , t he greed just rips myheartstrings



Namun keserakahan merobek relung hatiku

Here, t he form of t he source language is compound noun. It is formed from noun (heart) + noun (st rings). How ever, it can be seen t hat t he t arget language is t ranslat ed becomes noun phrase. The w ord ‘heart sring’ is t ranslat ed int o ‘relung hat iku’. The t arget language noun phrase const it utes int o noun (relung) + noun (hat iku). So, it can be cat egorized as a unit shift s.

Excerpt 5:

Data 19

Page 23, Balloon 4



Come on, Garfield. Dad’s gonna t ake us int o t ow n t o see the new stoplight.



Ayo, Garfield. Ayah mengajak kit a melihat lampu lalu lintas yang baru.

linguist ic syst em of Bahasa Indonesia noun phrase does not use t he same syst em as in English language. The noun phrase in English and Bahasa Indonesia are have a different st ruct ure. In English, t he noun phrase const it ut es as det erminer + noun phrase (adject ive+noun), but in Bahasa Indonesia const it ut es as noun phrase + adject ive phrase.

Excerpt 6:

Data 10

Page 9, Balloon 1



This is all part of the joy of having pets.



Ini bagian dari kegembiraan memiliki hew an peliharaan.

The English noun phrase is t ranslat ed int o a clause in t he t arget language. The noun phrase ‘all part of t he joy pet s’ has t he const it ut ion of det erminer (all) + noun phrase (part of t he joy of having pet s). Then, t he noun phrase is t hen const it ut ed out of t he noun (part y) + noun phrase of (of t he joy of having pet s). The second noun phrase is const it ut ed as det erminer (t he) + noun phrase (joy of having pet s). The noun phrase it self consist s of modifier (joy) + preposit ional phrase (verb, of having) + noun (pet s). M eanw hile in t he t arget language t ext , it becomes a clause w hich has t he const it ut ion of verb (memiliki) + adverb (hew an peliharaan). Therefore, w e know t hat t he t ranslat ion shift occurs in t his dat a, because t he noun phrase in t he source language t ext is t ranslat ed int o a clause in t he t arget language t ext . And based on t he t heory, t his t ype of shift is called a class shift . Therefore, it can be said t hat t here is an occurrence of t ranslat ion shift in t his dat a in w hich t he noun phrase in t he source language t ext is t ranslat ed int o verb phrase in t he t arget language t ext . There is no loss or gain of informat ion in t his t ranslat ion.



There are 100 clauses w hich have 106 rank shift s of noun phrases found in t he dat a. The first cat egory is Phrase Dow nw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 49 phrases or 46,2% in t his t ype. The second cat egory is Phrase Upw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 28 phrases or 26,4% in t his t ype. The t hird cat egory is Phrase t o Word Dow nw ard Rank Shift ; t here are 26 phrases or 24,5% in t his t ype. The fourt h cat egory is Word t o Phrase Upw ard Shift w it h 2 phrases or 1,9%. The last cat egory is Phrase t o Clause Upw ard Rank Shift ; t here is 1 phrase or 1% in t his t ype. The researcher does not find any phrases in Clause t o Phrase Dow nw ard Rank Shift .

The researcher found t he rank shift cat egory based on Cat ford’s frame w ork (1974: 8) used in bilingual comics “Garfield t akes up space”. By using t he t heory of shift s by Cat ford, it can be seen clearly t hat shift s occur in t he t ranslat ion of English Noun Phrase int o Indonesian. There are some shift in t ranslat ion occurs in t he English noun phrases w hich are also t ranslat ed int o noun phrases in Indonesian as t he t arget language. From t he dat a, t he most dominant cat egory is St ruct ure Shift w it h 59 phrases or 55,7%; t he second level is Unit Shift w it h 23 phrases or 21,7%, t he t hird level is Int ra Syst em Shift or 16 phrases w it h 15,1%, furt hermore t he fort h level is Class Shift w it h 8 phrases or 7%.








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