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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


VISTA GUSTINA SIMANUNGKALIT Registration Number: 8136111060





Simanungkalit, Vista Gustina. Registration Number: 8136111060. Metadiscourse of Economics Texts with Different Genres. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate school, State University of Medan. 2016.



Simanungkalit, Vista Gustina. NIM: 8136111060. Metadiscourse pada Teks Economi dari Berbeda Jenre. Tesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.




The greatest thanks are given to The Almighty God, my savior Jesus Christ for His mercy, guidance, and loving care which have been given to the writer so this thesis could be completed. This thesis is a scientific writing that has to be completed in order to fulfill one of the academic requirements for the degree of Magister Humaniora at the English Applied Linguistics Study Program; Postgraduate School, State University of Medan.

However, in the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge her deepest gratitude and would like to express her sincere thanks for the assistance of those following numbers of people who have given valuable suggestions and useful influences on the writing.

The highest appreciation goes to her first advisor Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., and her second advisor Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., for their patient guidance, excellent advices, and precious time in guiding her to complete this thesis.

Her gratefulness also goes to the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., and to Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Muin Sibuea, as the Director of Postgraduate School at State University of Medan, who have assisted her in the requirement of administration process during the study in the Postgraduate School at State University of Medan.

Furthermore, the writer would like to thank to her reviewers or examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., for their constructive comments and suggestions in advancing the thesis quality. The writer also would like to express her thanks for all lectures who teach her during the academic years of LTBI.







3.1. Research Design ………...22

3.2. Data and Source of Data ………...23

3.3. The Technique of Data Collection ………24

3.4. The Procedure of Data Collection ……….24

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ………25

3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study ………...27


4.1. Data Analysis ……….31

4.1.1. The Types of Metadiscourse used in Economics Texts ……..31

4.1.2. The Reasons for Using Metadiscourse in Economics Texts with Different Genres……….40

4.2. Research Findings ……….50

4.4. Discussion ……….50


5.1. Conclusion ………52

5.2. Suggestion ……… 52





Table 3.1 Research Design……….….22

Table 3.2 The Source of Data Collection………23

Table 4.1 Textual Metadiscourse………36

Table 4.2 Interpersonal Metadiscourse………...39

Table 4.3 Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Textbooks…………...41

Table 4.3a Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Book Texts in Different Number……….…42

Table 4.3b Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Book Texts in Different Types………42

Table 4.4 Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Journal………44

Table 4.4a Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Journal in Different Number………...46

Table 4.4b Writing Style of Using Metadiscourse in Economics Journal in Different Types………...47









Appendix 1 ………55

Appendix 2 ………70

Appendix 3 ………79

Appendix 4 ………99




1.1The Background of the Study

Metadiscourse is a conceptualizing interaction between text producers,

their texts and text users (Hyland, 2005:1). Metadiscourse is used by writers to

convey their perspective to the readers and their texts so that the metadiscourse is

able to guide the readers to have the same perspective on what the witers want in

their text. In other words, the use of metadiscourse is not meant to expand

referential material but to help the readers to connect, organize, interpret, evaluate

and develop attitudes toward the texts. Examples are You will probably think that .

. .; Does this sound . . . to you?; Correct me if I’m wrong,but . . .; as you will see;

dear reader (Hyland, 2005:3).

According to Hyland (2005), metadiscourse consists of two dimensions;

they are interactive dimension and interactional dimension. Interactive dimension

is also called textual metadiscourse. It indicates the writers concern for the

audience’s background knowledge, interests and abilities. It is divided into four

categories; they are text connectives (logical connectors, sequencers, reminders,

topicalizers), code glosses, validity markers (hedges, emphatics, attributors), and

narrators. Interactional dimension is also called interpersonal metadiscourse. It

draws the reader’s attention to the author’s perspective towards the main



categories; they are illocution markers, attitude markers, and commentaries.

In addition, in using metadiscourse, the writer consider the imagined

readers of his text, meaning that what and how the metadiscourse are used by the

writer depends on who the reader of the text will be. This type is writer-reader

interaction. Adel (2006:20) said that if the reader of text is students,

metadiscourse that is usually used in the text are in this essay; . . . will be

discussed in the following; see page 16; to conclude; strictly speaking; I will

summarize . . . ; in brief .

Metadiscouse is a part of genre. This is obviously seen from the definition

of the genre itself. Genre, according to Swales (1990:58), is a class of

communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative

purposes. Genre consists of two main parts; they are generic structure and

lexicogrammar. The generic structures of a text recur or repeated to achieve the

same communicative purpose, therefore the generic structure is static (Swales:

2004). Meanwhile, lexicogrammar may change from one text to another in its

attempt to achieve the communicative purpose. These changes depend on the

writer, context and situation; therefore, in the use of lexicogrammar, the genre is

dynamic.The dynamicity of genre depends on writer’s style communicative need

of cultural social context (Bhatia, 2004:27).

Morley (2000:20) states that Lexicogrammar is concerned with the classes

of lexical unit and grammatical unit. Lexes are group of words, phrases, and

sentences. Metadiscourse may be classified as lexicogrammatical because it is



genre lexicogrammar may also happened to metadiscourse in a genre, for example

Economics text.

Economics text, based on Bruce (2003:8), belongs to social genre. Social

genre refers to socially recognized constructs according to which whole texts are

classified in terms of their overall social purpose. Economics text is a text that is

often used in social life. It can be in academic genre and pure Economics text.

Metadiscourse of economics text with different genres, namely academic

genre and pure Economics genre can be seen in the preliminary data below:

That is why, as you will see with stellar examples from companies such as chipmaker Micron, telecom calling card King IDT, and the credit scoring maven Fair Isaac, the acquisitive Master Cyclist executive team always uses its highly sophisticated understanding of the business and stock market cycles to tactically time any key acquisition or divestiture to the business cycle.

(N, TWTS,p.6,ln.10)

The sentence above is put from academic genre, Economics textbook. The phrase

as you will see shows one type of metadiscourse that is commentaries. It explicitly

addresses readers directly to drawing them into an implicit dialogue to stellar

examples from companies. It shows readers that the writer recognizes their needs

and is seeking to engage them in a dialogue. Metadiscourse is also found in pure

economic genre. It can be seen from sentence below:

As noted in a petition by the US AFL-CIO to the Office of the US Trade Representative, “workers in China frequently are paid less than the country’s minimum wage, denied overtime pay, denied collective bargaining rights and often subjected to abusive treatment.



The sentence above shows that the word As noted in a petition is one of

metadiscourse types, namely text connectives that is reminder. With this text

connective, the writers remind the reader that workers in China frequently are

paid less than the country’s minimum wage, denied overtime pay, denied

collective bargaining rights and often subjected to abusive treatment plays the

important roles. It also remind the readers of the writer’s attitude about it can be

seen in petition by the US AFL-CIO to the Office of the US Trade Representative.

Therefore, in this study will be focused on what and why metadiscourse be

used in Economics texts. The metadiscourse will be investigated through the

variation of the writers and the dynamicity of genre. It will be investigated

through the different social genres in Economics text. They are academic genre

and pure Economics genre. In academic genre, this study will focus on textbooks

and journal articles in different writers. While in pure Economics genre, this study

will focus on Economics report.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

In line with the background of the study, the problems of the study are

formulated as the following:

(1)What types of metadiscourse are used in Economics texts with

different genres?

(2)Why are the metadiscourse used in Economics texts with different



1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The overall objectives of the study can be described as the following:

(1) to find out what metadiscourse are used in Economics texts with

different genres,

(2) to explain the reason of metadiscourse is used in Economics texts with

different genres.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study attempts to investigate the metadiscourse in different genres.

They are Academic genre and Economics genre. In academic genre, there are

Textbooks and Journal Articles. They are in the Economics text. In pure

Economics genre, there is Economics report.

1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant

theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the results of this study are useful to:

(1) enrich of linguistic knowledge in the field of metadiscourse,

(2) widen horizon in the theory of metadiscourse.

Practically, the results of this study are useful for:

(1) other researchers who are interested in conducting researches or any



(2) lecturer and university students in using metadiscourse to be

cooperative in sharing information, expressing opinion, evaluating

group work, and other academic process that use metadiscourse,

(3) writer and reader in following communicative principles in order to be

successful in delivering meaning, building harmonious

communication, and creating good relationship in writing in different





5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the metadiscourse of economic text in different genre, the

conclusions can be drawn as the following:

1. All metadiscourse occurred in economic text in different genre. They are

Textual functions: (1) text connectives,(2) code glosses, (3) validity

markers, and (4) narrators and Interpersonal function: (1) illocution

markers, (2) attitude markers, and (3) commentaries.

2. The reasons for metadiscourse of economics texts with different genres

were writing style factors and communicative needs of social context


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the research findings, some suggestions are drawn as follows:

1. It is suggested that economics experts who interested in writing economic



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Table 3.1 Research Design………………………………………………………….….22
Figure 3.1 Interactive Models ………………………...……………………………….26


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