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Academic year: 2017



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Lisnawati Tumanggor Reg. Number 4123332010

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





TO INCREASESTUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Base is explained. The aim of this research, to obtained Student Worksheet (LKS) who have met the eligibility Criteria presentation standards BSNP, How student achievements improve problem based learning (PBL) with innovative student worksheet (LKS) on the topic of acid-base, the research sample take at random sampling of two class as experiment and control class. As a means of collecting data used objective test of student achievement that are 20 questions that test the validity, reliability of 0.681, level of difficulty and distinguishing matter. The results of data processing showed the students in the experiment class the average value of the pre-test 37.83 and post-test 82.00 with the average gain is 0.688. The pre-test and post-test the experimental class is normal where normality pre-test 9.15 and the post-test normality 8.2. While students in the control class having an average value of test 25.5 and post-test 51.17. Average gain is 0.427. The pre-test and post-pre-test in normal control class is where the normality of pre-pre-test of 10.9 and a post-test normality of 9.25. Homogeneity of data can be seen from the pre-test and post-pre-test which proved to be homogeneous. Pre-pre-test on former experiment class and control class is 1.743 and post-test at the former experiment class and control class is 1.125. While the percentage increase in the results of the experimental class learning to be 68.8% and 42.7% in the control class. Where the result of the tcount right parties obtained tcount= 6.200 greater than ttable = 1.672. tcount > ttable (6.200 > 1.672) at α = 0.05 in which the increase of 37.81%. Base on the perception of chemistry Lecturer (as validator expert) and chemistry teacher to Problem Based Learning (PBL) with innovative student Worksheet (LKS) developed on topic Acid-Base are good views of the average of 3.699 validation value, which means Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Innovative student worksheet (LKS) on Topic Acid-Base in class XI in accordance curriculum in 2013 was valid and worth used.




First of all praise the Lord to Almighty Jesus Christ because His blessing

who can give me healthy, strength and peaceful. The writer would like to express

sincere appreciation to Thesis Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si for his

professional expertise, invaluable guidance, persistent, encouragement, patience,

enthusiasm and generous contribution of his valuable time in supervising this

thesis as well as conducting of this research. And also thanks to Prof. Dr. Retno

Dwi Suyanti, M.Si, Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si and Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si as

Thesis Examiner for their patience, guidance, assistance and comments in the development of writer’s thesis. And then thanks a lot to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Si, Ph.D as the writer’s academic supervisor Gratitude and sincere appreciation are extended to all of lecture and staff in Chemistry Department of

State University of Medan (Unimed).

The writer didn’t forget to say thanks to principal and chemistry teacher of SMAN 2 Kisaran for giving the permission to conduct research in the school

and also for students who participated. And grateful to Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi

Suyanti, M.Si for assessing and standardization the innovative Student Worksheet

(LKS) and validator instrument test on topic Acid and Base.

Especially thanks so much to beloved parents Mr. Tumanggor and Mrs. S

Mahulae as the writer source inspiration who always give the writer love,

encouragement, pray and support during the study. And thank you to brothers and

sisters they are Swardi Harto SE, Hayenni S.Kep.Ns, Nellyana S.Pd and

Andronikus, that always give the writer inspiration, support, motivation, suggestion, love and pray in all of writer’s life in every condition until now. And thanks to best friends, Hariaty Purba, Putri dian hamian, Nova Haloho, Fridayuni

Simanjuntak, Rina Sitindaon, Dian purnamasari and Elviana Manihuruk. And also

for Bilingual Chemistry Education’12 (CESP 12) for all of your love and the last

boarding house sri erliani Gurning and Nitha nainggolan for helping to give



Finally The writer realized that it is still have a weakness in arrangement

this thesis. But writer has given maximum effort to finish this thesis. Therefore,

the writer receiver’s cricism and suggestion to make this thesis be better.

Hopefully, this thesis can be useful for the education development.

Medan, Juni 2016


Lisnawati Tumanggor



1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. Problem Formulation 4

1.4. Problem Limitation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 5

1.6. Research Benefits 5

1.7. Operation Definition 6


2.1. Framework Theory 7

2.1.1. Definition of Learning and Learning Outcomes 7

2.1.2. Learning Outcomes 7

2.1.3. Teaching Materials 8 Instructional Materials 8 Kinds of Teaching Material 9 Eligibility Standards Content Instructional 9

Materials Chemistry



Materials Chemistry Eligibility Standard Presentation of Teaching 10

Materials Chemistry

2.1.4. Student Worksheet (LKS) 10 Definition Student Worksheet (LKS) 10 Benefit LKS 11 Functional Student Worksheet (LKS) 12 Types Student Worksheet (LKS) 12 Characteristics of Student Worksheet (LKS) 13 Production Method Student Worksheet (LKS) 13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Student 16

Worksheet (LKS) and How to Overcome

Shortcomings Implications Worksheet Students in Learning 17

2.2. Learning Model 18

2.2.1. Problem Based Learning Model 18

2.2.2. Excellence and Weakness of Problem Based Learning 21

2.3. Theory Acid- Base 22

2.4. Framework of Concept 31

2.5. Hypothesis 31


3.1. Location and Time Research 33

3.2. Population and Sample 33

3.3. Research Variable 33

3.4. Research Design 33

3.5. Research Instruments 34

3.5.1. Content Validity Tests 34

3.5.2. Difficulty Index 35

3.5.3. Distructor 36



3.5.5. Reliability Tests 37

3.6. Data Collection Techniques 38

3.7. Data Analysis Techniques 42

3.7.1. Normality Test 43

3.7.2. Homogeneity Test 44

3.8. Hypothesis Testing 44

3.9. Test Improved Learning Outcomes (Gain) 45


4.1. Survey Student Worksheet (LKS) Chemistry 47

4.2. Analysis Student Worksheet (LKS) SMA 47

4.3 Development and Standardization of Innovative 55

Student Worksheet (LKS)

4.4. The Role of The Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) 65

on Learning Student Achievement

4.4.1. Standardization Instrument Test 65 Validity Instrument Test 65 Difficulty Index 66 Distructor 66 Discrimination Index of Instrument 66 Reliability instrument Test 67

4.5. Analysis Data Result 67

4.5.1. Calculating Average Values Pretest and Posttest

Class and Class Experiment Control 67

4.5.2. Improved Learning Outcomes 68

4.5.3. Normality Test Data 68

4.5.4. Homogenity Test Data 69

4.5.5. Hypothesis Test 70

4.5.6. Percentage Improved Learning Outcome 71




5.1. Conclusion 74

5.2. Suggestion 75




Table 2.1. Stages Model PBL 20

Table 2.2. Examples of Acid 22

Table 2.3. Examples Bases 23

Table 2.4. Table Acid-Base Conjugation 24

Table 2.5. Price K w water in different temperatures 26

Table 2.6. Universal Indicator color 31

Table 3.1. Research design 34

Table 3.2. Classification of Content Validity Analysis 35

Table 3.3. Validity Criteria Analysis Average Value 43

Table 4.1. The results of the questionnaire assessment of

students based on eligibility student worksheet

(LKS) content by Chemistry Teacher ratings 47

Table 4.2. The result of the questionnaire student worksheet

(LKS) based on the language to feasibility

assessment chemistry Teacher 49

Table 4.3. The results of the questionnaire student worksheets

based on the merits presentation by rating

Chemistry Teacher 51

Table 4.4. The results of the questionnaire based on a

assessment module graphic judgment Chemistry Teacher 53

Table 4.5. The results of the questionnaire based on a

feasibility assessment LKS content by votes

Lecturer Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 57

Table 4.6. The results of the questionnaire based on the

feasibility language LKS votes by rating

Lecturer of Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 59

Table 4.7. The questionnaire results LKS ratings based

feasibility presentation by rating Lecturer of



Table 4.8. The questionnaire results LKS ratings based

eligibility feasibility graphic by rating

Lecturer of Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 63

Table 4.9. Range End Validation of Innovative student worksheet 65

Table 4.10. The Result Achievement average pre-test and post-test 67

Table 4.11. Results Acquisition Gain Average Experiment and

Control 68

Table 4.12. Normality Test Data Pre-Test and Post-Test 69

Table 4.13. Homogeneity Test Data Pre-Test and Post-Test 70

Table 4.14. Result Hypothesis Test 70




Figure 3.1. Procedure on the Development and

Standardization LKS Chemistry in high school 31

Figure 3.2. Design Research Scheme 41

Figure 4.1. Feasibility Level LKS Analyzed 54

Figure 4.2. Tabulation average Range of Validation of

Innovative Materials Worksheet students acids and

bases Class XI Based Component Content

Feasibility, Feasibility Language, Presentation



Appendix 7. Research Instruments After Validation 135

Appendix 8. Key Answer Research Instrument After Validation 138

Appendix 9. Observation Sheet Field Evaluation Affective and

Psychomotor Student 139

Appendix 10. Table of Validation Test 145

Appendix 11. Calculation of Instrument Validity 146

Appendix 12. Table Reliability Test 149

Appendix 13. Calculation of Reliability Test 150

Appendix 14. Difficulty Index of Instrument 151

Appendix 15. Difficulty Index of Instrument 152

Appendix 16. Item Distracter of Instrument 154

Appendix 17. Discrimination Power 159

Appendix 18. Discrimination Index of Instrument 160

Appendix 19. Assessment of Student Work Sheet Chemistry

Lesson Senior High School Class XI 162

Appendix 20. Table Assessment Questionaire for Teacher

to Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS)Topic

Acid-Base Class XI 175

Appendix 21. Table Assessment Questionare of Lecturer

to Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) on



Appendix 22. Table Assessment Questionaire for Teacher and

Lecturer to Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS)

Topic Acid-Base Class XI 183

Appendix 23. Result Data of Students in Experiment and

Control Class 187

Appendix 24. Calculation of Averange, Standard

Deviation,Variance Experiment Class and

Control Class 189

Appendix 25. Calculation of Normality 191

Appendix 26. Calculation Homogenety Test 195

Appendix 27. Hypothesis Test 197

Appendix 28. Data Improvement of Learning (Gain) Class 199

Appendix 29. Data Learning Outcomes Enhancement

(Gain) Class Experiment 201

Appendix 30. Increasing Percentage of Learning 203

Appendix 31. Table Learning Activity Individual Student

Class Experiment 204

Appendix 32. Table Activity Student Individual Class Control 206

Appendix 33. Data Activity Student Individual 208

Appendix 34. Table Activity Group Student Class Experiment 210

Appendix 35. Table Activity Group Class Control 211

Appendix 36. Data Activity Group Class Experiment 214

Appendix 37. Tabulation Effective Student Class Experiment 216

Appendix 38. Table Psychomotor Student Class Experiment 218

Appendix 39. Data Achievement Student Class Experiment 222

Appendix 40. Table of Critical Value Chi Squared Distribution (X2) 224

Appendix 41. Table value in Distribusi-t (Tabel t) 225

Appendix 42. TABLE VALUE r-Product Moment 226

Appendix 43. Daftar Nilai Persentil Distribution F 227

Appendix 44. Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) 228



mutual relationship, the teachers are required to create a meaningful and effective

learning process so that the learning process can run smoothly and learning

objectives was achieved.

Education is a forum for educating the nation, because through education to

create well-educated human resources capable of facing the development of

increasingly faster times. However, if the quality of education is still low, then

that is created are human resources low until now the quality of education in

Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory result. This condition also occurs in

chemical education at this time. One indicator of the quality of education is the

acquisition of student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes can be seen

from the success of teachers deliver the subject matter that the results meet the

specific instructional objectives of the lesson material, absorptive capacity and the

level of students' understanding of the lessons delivered. (Djamarah and Zain,


Chemistry including, one branch of science, because investigations of

chemistry using scientific procedures. Chemistry is the science that studies the

composition or structure of matter, changes in shape, as well as the

Accompanying energy (Keenan, 1986).

Chemistry as one of specialization in science subjects in class XI.

Classroom XI is a science that is rich of abstract concepts. Chemistry is not a new

subject for students, but Often found a high school student who considers

chemical materials complicated and difficult, to learn, so students have first felt



(2012) states that the causes of low student achievement the caused by several

factors, both factors of teachers, students, environmental and other factors that can’t be controlled. Teacher of factors is not possible using a tool that can be integrated in all teaching and learning activities and require teachers to be more

creative in the implementation process so that teaching and learning activities to

teach still lead to a conventional method. To improve the quality of student

learning outcomes, teacher required in order to create a good learning. Learning

can be done by developing a model of learning and instructional media. The

learning model is as a design that describes the details of the process and the

creation of environmental situations that allow students to interact so that changes

or developments to the students. While the media is a means of communication

and complementary means that it contains elements that build on the

communication. (Arsyad, 2011)

In accordance with the results of observations and interviews with one of the

teachers who teach in high school, there are various factors that Affect the poor

quality of the learning that students Considered that the subject matter, especially

its chemical acids, bases and salts that difficult. This Affects students 'attitudes

were less enthusiastic in taking into account the lessons so that students Easily

bored and talking to himself when the teacher was teaching, as well as the lack of

students' understanding of the concepts being taught. In addition, the lack of

interaction between students resulted in the lack of cooperation among the

students when completing about chemistry, visible when the teacher Gives

homework, students prefer working individually rather than discuss or work

together so that the students' ability to solve problems is limited. Other factors,

roommates Affect the poor quality of teaching chemistry in the materials acids,

bases and salts items, namely congestion of communication, students feel less

confident in asking questions, argue and Actively Participate in the learning

process. Due to the lack of activity of students during the learning process which

makes the lack of understanding of the students' learning results Obtained by the



To solve this problem, it requires a paradigm shift in learning. Some

paradigms are Necessary adaptation of Arnyana (Ida, 2010) items, namely: (1) of

the teacher's role as a source of knowledge Became friends learning, (2) of

learning based on facts towards problem-based or project, (3) of the habit of

repeating and rehearsal towards the planning and investigation, then the

application is developed in learning problem-based learning, learning model of

Problem Based Learning (Ida, 2010). Also in this case required innovation in the application of models and associated methods of teaching chemistry in everyday

life. Innovation is in addition carried out by the teacher in the learning process in

the classroom, and also can be done by developing students' worksheets used in

chemistry learning. One medium that is used to supplement the learning models

using Problem Based Learning is a media student worksheet (LKS). Media LKS

is a type of handout is intended to help students learn directionally. This media is

expected to increase of students' understanding of the study material with PBL

methods, so that students have a sense of curiosity and Able to motivate and

encourage the student activity in learning (Fadlana, 2013).

The use of Problem Based Learning teaching has proven models provide

good results and improve student achievement. It can be seen from the results of

research conducted by Ida (2010) in his study on the implementation of Problem

Based Learning (PBL) on student learning outcomes Judging from the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) states that the implementation of Problem Based Learning effect on student learning outcomes in terms of IQ in students XI IPA SMAN 1 Ubud. The same is stated by Researchers Ulfah (2013) in his research on

the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) with student worksheet

media to improve the ability to think critically and logically. The results Showed

that the application of the Model Learning Problem-based learning improve

learning outcomes and the ability to think critically and logically students,

evidenced from the first cycle of an average percentage of 68.33% with high

criteria and the second cycle into 88.96% by very high criteria, In line with the

research above, Fadlana (2013) Reported the results of research through a



Macromedia Flash and Student Worksheet (LKS) on learning achievement in terms of student motivation on the material acids, bases and salts classes VII SMP

Negeri 1 Jaten Karanganyar 2012/2013 school year shows the effect of PBL

teaching models with Macromedia Flash and worksheets on student achievement.

Based on the above background, Researchers interested in conducting

research with the title “The Development of Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Innovative Student Worksheet to Increase Student’s Achievement on topic Acid and Base.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background can be identified the following issues:

1. Low students' understanding of the concepts being taught

2. Presentation of the material is complicated, less interesting, monotonous

and boring

3. The lack of availability of worksheets that require students perform simple

experiments and comes with practice questions that relate to experiments

designed that because student worksheet focused on the usual practice


4. The use of models with learning media, Instant confirmation has not been

used in the learning process

1.3. Problem Formulation

In accordance with the background and limit the problems Mentioned

above, the formulation of the problem in this study are:

1. Is the problem based Learning (PBL) with innovative student worksheet

(LKS) has been prepared in compliance with the eligibility criteria of the

standard presentation BSNP, Lecturer, through the perception of chemistry

teacher and expert validation?

2. How student achievements improve problem based learning (PBL) with



1.4. Problem Limitation

A restriction on the problem needs to be done so that the research is well

done. Limitations of problem in this research are as follows:

1. The study was conducted in SMA 2 Kisaran

2. The research material is acid-base

3. Research conducted by providing innovative student worksheet


4. The study was conducted by using model problem base learning (PBL)

1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the formula above problems, while the objectives of this study are:

1. Obtain problem based learning (PBL) with innovative Student

Worksheet (LKS) which have been prepared in compliance with the

eligibility criteria of the standard presentation BSNP, through trials

against student learning outcomes, through the perception of chemistry

teacher and expert validation.

2. Obtain data on increase student achievement taught using base on

learning model of problem based learning (PBL) with innovative student

worksheet on the topic of acid-base?

1.6. Research Benefit

As for the benefit of this research are:

1. For Researchers

Researchers gain a lot of knowledge about the use of student worksheets

based innovative learning model of Problem Based Learning to student



2. For student

Chemistry help improve student achievement of students in the learning

process materials acids, bases.

3. For Teachers

Insightful thinking teachers in teaching so to as leave a way of learning that

is less attractive and monotonous by developing innovative learning models.

4. For Schools

Improve the quality and the quality of schools through improving student

learning student achievement and teacher performance in school.

5. For student or researcher Further

As information material for research to developed a better future research.

1.7. Operational Definition

a. Model learning Problem Based Learning is a learning model that

begins with giving problems to students where the problem is

encountered or an everyday experience - the students. Furthermore,

students solve the problem of finding new knowledge. (Rusman,


b. Innovative student worksheet is someone's attempt to use

reasoning, the ability of imagination, a variety of stimulant and

individuals surrounding the new product both for themselves and

the environment and student worksheet type of handout is intended

to help students learn in a focused and Able to Enhance students

'understanding of the study material (Mulyasa, 2013).

c. Student achievement is a student achievement in participating in

the learning process at a level that Followed and is a manifestation

of the ability of self-optimal after receiving lessons (Sudjana,




5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that

1. The Student Worksheet (LKS) based on Problem Based Learning

(PBL), which was developed for the materials Acids and Bases XI has

met the eligibility criteria presentation standards BSNP the average

feasibility of Content 3.875, the feasibility of language is 3.533,

feasibility of presentation is 3.375, feasibility of graphic is 3.81 which

mean that the Innovative LKS according curriculum in 2013 is valid

and worth used

2. Based on trials that have been done can be concluded that the learning

model Problem based learning with innovative student worksheet

(LKS) effect on improving student achievement on the subject of acid

and base. This proved alternative hypothesis is accepted, which

previously had been proven that the data pre-test and post-test in both

classes is normal and homogeneous. Moreover, it also happens

percentage increase in student achievement of students who were

taught by learning model Problem Based Learning with the problem

base learning with innovative student worksheet (LKS) amounted to

68.8% greater than in conventional learning models amounted to



5.2. Suggestion

Based on discussion and conclusions have stated above then author

recommend things following:

 For teachers and prospective teachers, applying learning to using Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) to facilitate the achievement of

instructional objectives and may enhance the activity and student learning

outcomes, particularly chemical subjects. In addition, for teachers and

prospective teachers is important to check the content, language, and

presentation graphic of the book will be used for students so there are no

misconceptions and material incomplete.

 For subsequent researchers in other who can to do more research just suggested using Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) learning model that

is different and in line with the development technology can make it a

comparison of teacher in improved the quality of education, especially in




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Table 4.8. The questionnaire results LKS ratings based
Figure 3.1.   Procedure on the Development and
Table Grid Test Materials Acids and Bases


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