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Zulfadli. Registration Number: 8146111074. The Language Maintenance of Hokkien Chinese in Kota Langsa. Thesis. Program Study Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana Unimed. 2016.



Zulfadli. Registration Number: 8146111074. The Language Maintenance of Hokkien Chinese in Kota Langsa (Pemertahann Bahasa China Hokkien di Kota Langsa). Thesis. Program Study Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana Unimed. 2016.


viii Use of language in family domain ... 45 Use of language in neighborhood domain ... 49 Living together and see each other frequently ... 52 Use of language in religion domain ... 56

4.1.2 Strategies of language maintenance ... 62

4.1.3 The reason the speaker of Hokkien Chinese maintain their language ... 64

4.2 Finding ... 66

4.3 Discussion ... 67

4.3.1 The factor affecting Hokkien Chinese language ... 67

4.3.2 The strategies of Hokkien Chinese language maintenance ... 69

4.3.3 The reason for maintaining Hokkien Chinese language ... 70


5.2 Suggestions ... 73









1.1 The Background of the Study

Language is needs for every human being to communicate to other

peoples. Language is the basis of all communication. Without language, no

culture in the society will not develope because people will lack a means

whichthey can express their ideas to one another. Language can not be separated

from human life because it plays an important role in the process of social

interaction. Think of language, there happens cooperation and interaction between

people. Talk to our friends, families and associates by using a language as a

medium of communication. All people in the society communicate and express

their feeling by using a language. Sociolinguistics is not study about society but

also the correlation between society and the language.

Nowadays, language shift potentially happen in vernaculars in Indonesia.

Gunarwan (2004) found that Lampung language was shifted because of

Indonesian language pressure. Siregar (1998) also found that language shift

happens in the young generationbilingual society in Medan. The data show that

the language shift happens in Indonesia continually.

Weinreich (1968) defines that language shift is often used to refer to

change at a community level and the terms language loss or non acquisition of



original language with concurent inreace or dominant use of another more widely

use language. If the language shift cannot use of another more widely use

language. If the language shift can not be stop, the minority language will lose.

Language is one of ethnic identity symbol. It means that Indonesia will lose one

of its ethnic identities. In keeping the existence of ethnic identity needs language


Pauwels (2005) states that language maintenance is generallay applied to

individuals or community of speakers continuing to use their language in a

situation of language contact, where there is competition from one or more

languages to be the sole language is important. It is supported by Holmes (2001)

said that where the language is considered as an important symbol of minority

group’s identity, it is likely to be maintenained longer. Language maintenance

refers to the situation where speech community continue to use its vernacular

language. Based on theory, it’s mean that language that maintain by individuals

and communities they retain the language valuethat language will be maintainfor


Tondo (2009) argued that, one of the factors of language shift is

intermarriage, social interaction of interethnic in Indonesia especially marriage

between different ethnic will cause the process of extinction of vernacular

language. The couples of intermarriage family often dificult in maintaining their

own vernacular language and they have to choose one of the language which will



Indonesia is a multicultural country which a lots of varieties of ethnics and

varieties of vernacular language spread all over Indonesia. The varieties of ethnics

group also spread in Kota Langsa, Langsa is a developing city that locate in Aceh

province, in Kota Langsa develop two kinds of social interactions there are

interraction between the same ethnic or intra ethnic and interaction between

different ethnic or interethnic. The interaction between interethnic groups in Kota

Langsa is potentially occur marriage between different ethnic or call as


In Kota Langsa is mayorities communication with Bahasa Indonesia from

dialy communication with other peoples, school, and friendmate. Bahasa

Indonesia is used as the dominant language in Hokkien Chinese families. It

means, when Hokkien Chinese is not in common use in those families, it will be

dengerous stage. The use of Bahasa Indonesia in all activities makes unbalanced

of Hokkien Chinese language and also to protect their language from language

globalization that is English beside Bahasa Indonesia and also human error. The

inter-marriage family find it difficultto apply their local language because they

have different language.

Many Hokkien Chinese can speak different languages in contact their lives

because they are immigrants in Kota Langsa such as Aceh language, Java

language, act. One of the effective ways to cover children’s indigenous language

is throught family and parent habitual action because, parent have a dominat role



home is a good way for nucleus and extend family to keep using the vernacular

language to help the maintenance of language.

The writer choosed Langsa City as a location of his research because of

Langsa City is a city which consists of multicultural ethnics who live in Langsa

City. There are lots of Hokkien Chinese migrants settle and intermarriage in

Langsa City. Hokkien Chinese language use as the language of bussiness. Islam is

the majority religion in Langsa City, Christian is also a part of the population,

Buddism widely adopted by the community of Chinese. Langsa City is rich of

cultural heritage and ethnic differences, however, people still live in peace and

have a strong religius tolerence. Langsa City is near to the capital city of Medan,

North Sumatera, Langsa City as a strategic city for immigrants

Asfind in Langsa City that Hokkien Chinese still maintain Hokkien

Chinese language in communication. The researcher findout the maintenance of

Hokkien Chinese in the following conversation betweenHokkien Chinese.

Table: 1 Chinese Hokkien – English Conversations

No Chinese Hokkien English Language

1 Memey, ai khi talok lu? Memey, where will you go?

2 Wa ai khi khi’a I go to talk a walk

3 Kak hamang lu khi? With whom you go?

4 Wa kaki khi thak hong chia I go alone by bychicle

5 Lu ciak taim syim boi? Did you taken breakfast?



7 wa khi seng a? I go fisrt.

8 Siau syim a Be careful

Based on the conversation above, show that they use Hokkien Chinese

language when they communicate with their friend. The transfer of Hokkien

Chinese language in young generation is still continue, eventhrough their children

use Bahasa Indonesia in daily conversation, but they can speak China Hokkien

language. By using Hokkien Chinese language they can show their identity

asHokkien Chinese. As Carson (2001) said that the maintenance of a heritage

language is vital for the self-identity and esteem of its speakers. The otherhand

they must be protected, preserved and maintained.

The phenomena and the theories above the researcher interest to find out

the factors affecting language maintenance in Langsa City. How they maintain

their language and their reason why they use or maintain Hokkien Chinese

language.The previous research try to see environment their communication from

friendmate and family. I find out thatHokkien Chinese language community. The

factors that influence young generation in maintaining the addressing terms

namely: parents’ role, attitude, demography and environment. In this case, family

tradition very instrumental ethnic identity and politeness are the reasons of young

generation maintenance the addressing terms.

1.2 The Problems of the study

This study is focused on language maintenance ofHokkien Chinese, and



maintain their language. Specially, the study adresses maintenance the following

research questions.

1. What factors do effect the maintenance of Hokkien Chinese in Kota


2. How do the speakers of Hokkien Chinese maintain their native languages?

3. Why do the speakers of Hokkien Chinese maintain their native languages?

1.3 The Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are to answer the research question. To be

more specific of the objectives of the study are:

1) to identify the factors which effect Hokkien Chinese maintenance in Kota


2) to find out how the speakers maintain their native language.

3) to find out the reason why the speaker of Hokkien Chinesemaintain their

language in Kota Langsa.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

A study on language maintenance is closely relate to language planning

program. The maintenance of a language is meant to avoid its disappearence. It is

a fact that the younger generation should be aware of their vernacular that shift in

a big city. There are many language used in Langsa City, because the mayorities

in Langsa City are immigrant from other ethnic. But this study only focuses on

Hokkien Chinese language. Hokkien Chinese is investigated Hokkien Chinese



Therefore, the scope of this thesis is Hokkien Chinese community, and the

second generation take as the subject. It is of prime important to prevent its

existence of the second generation (namely parent), who move from their

hometown to other country, the childrens always maintain their language.

1.5 The Significant of the Study

Findings of the study expect to have both theorietically and

practicallysignificances for develop. Theorietically, the findings of the study add

up more horizons to the theories of language maintain.

Pratically, the findings can be useful guides and references for speakers of

Hokkien Chinese or decision makers to perserve and maintain the Hokkien

Chinese language. In additions, the findings are relevant and useful for goverment

officials in designing theHokkien Chinese language learning programs and the

findings can be reference to further studies of the Hokkien Chinese language.

Futher findings of the study can be referencesfor mapping maintainability of the





5.1 Conclusion

This thesis is about the Hokkien Chinese langguage maintenance among

the speakers in kampung Toko Belakang langsa, it was aimed to found the factors

support Hokkien Chinese language maintenance in Kota Langsa. Based on the

analysis, the conclusions are stated in the following:

1. Factor affecting Hokkien Chinese language maintenance in Kota Langsa

are: living together and see each other frequently, use of the language in

family domain (intramarriage and intermarriage), use of the language in

neighborhood domain, use of the language in religion domain and practice

traditional ceremony. Living together and see each other frequently and

ethno linguistic vitality have big role in Hokkien Chinese language

maintenance. It means that living togther and see each other, they able to

practice and speak the language in their environment and their daily

communication and their daily conversation. Using the language in their

daily conversation affected them to maintain their langauge and increased

their were proud of Hokkien Chinese language, showed their identities.

2. The strategies of language maintenance that conducted by Hokkien

Chinese in Kota Langsa they were as using vernacular language in social



that conducted by Hokkien Chinese in Kota Langsa to maintain Hokkien


3. Proud being Hokkien Chinese and speak Hokkien Chinese language are

reasons of the Hokkien Chinese people in maintaining Hokkien Chinese

language. Futhermore, by using Hokkien Chinese langguage shows their

identity as Hokkien Chinese people. Hokkien Chinese is element of

national culture and also a source of communication Hokkien Chinese

language are other reasons why they maintain Hokkien Chinese language.

5.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusions, there are several suggestions that are need to

be share to some elements:

1. It is suggest to Hokkien Chinese parent to use language in their daily

communication. The habitually in using Hokkien Chinese language effect

their children acquisition. Certainly, the children will learn the language

from their parents. They acquire Hokkien Chinese language and the

children can practice it with their parents and with other Hokkien Chinese

people in their daily communication.

2. It suggest that parent should play important roles to maintain the Hokkien

Chinese, by teaching and practicing Hokkien Chinese languageto the

children at home and also for the young generation of Hokkien

Chineselanguageare suggest to be able to use Hokkien Chinese languageas



3. Indonesia is a country of islands and consist of many ethnic groups. Some

of the ethnic groups are endanger, one of them is Hokkien Chinese. This is

cause by the entry of foreign cultures through several media, which

indirectly affect the development of culture and language. And therefore it

is recomend to all element who responsible for the preservation of

Hokkien Chinese ethnic to perserve the culture and language through

books and articles on Hokkien Chinese culture. And this is actually the

responsible of the elder man of Hokkien Chinese people, to book

information about Hokkien Chinese, to make it easier for the next

researcher to do some research about Hokkien Chinese.

4. To maintain a certain culture is through introducing the culture especially

to the teenegers who affect by some foreign culture. So that it is suggest to

the Hokkien Chinese organization, not to leave the Hokkien Chinese

tradition an dsome gatherings so that the language will be keep use.

5. The next research is suggest to elaborate more about factors affecting

language maintenance, strategies and reasons of maintaining language.

6. To the Hokkien Chinese people, to be aware of this phenomenon and keep




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Table: 1 Chinese Hokkien – English Conversations


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