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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg Number: 2122220017






Meisahrina, Nina. 2122220017. Tenor Configuration by Indonesian Official Speech Responses to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT). A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.

This study is aimed to figuring out how tenor configuration can be seen in the speech responses to LGBT by using the four types of tenor and it is to finding out the things that influence in the social relationship between participants involved in the communication and also to see how the way the social relationship is played by addressee and addresser in the public sectors. Tenor Configuration by Indonesian Official Speech Responses to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender using the theory of Saragih. The use of tenor configuration is purposed to make the readers understand the text easily and persuade the readers to do something as the texts mean. The writer focuses on the analysis of types of tenor in twenty one of speech responses about the LGBT, and finally, found the most dominant configuration that appear in the speech responses about LGBT. The data of speech responses to LGBT taken from youtube and it takes from different twenty one of speech by Indonesian official in different place and situation. The writer found that from the four types of tenor in the speech responses to LGBT mostly use in number seven configuration. This research used descriptive quantitative method in which the writer analyzing the data by describing the four types of tenor that realized in the speech responses to LGBT.



the writer has received a lot of help from many people. Thus the writer would like

to express her gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts. 3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature


4. Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department. 5. Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English and Literature


6. Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.,Ph.D., her First Academic Advisor, Inspirational Passion in teaching, consultant, who had already motivated her to finish the thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and corrections during completing this thesis and also for Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., her Consultant and Second Academic Advisor for giving advices and supervising during her academic year.

7. Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum., her Examiner, for the suggestion and correction.



9. All of the Lecturers of English Department, for their valuable lessons, knowledge, advices, and guidance during her academic years in English Department.

10.Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., the Administration staff of English Department, who helped her to fulfill this thesis.

11.Her parents, Elvi Juniar and Mulyono who have given her a lot of attention, caring, and support financial.

12.Her sweetheart Unnamed who gave her a lot of support, attention, kindness, motivation, suggestion and thanks for his time.

13.Her beloved friends Syulika Daulay, Diah Mutiara Isnaeni, Ika Nurita Kinanti, for the four years and still counting friendship and the support in the very sad and happy situations.

14.Her beloved friends Faridah Hannum Siagian, Nurjana, Dara Yulliyanti, for their laugh, love, and support.

15.Her beloved companions in English Literature A and B 2012, for all beautiful moments they shared together during the academic years in the English Department.

Lastly, the writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect and still needs some improvement. Hence, the writer would like to have the readers’ implicative

suggestions for making this thesis more dependable afterward.

Medan, August 2016

The writer,



3. A Special Occasion Speech ... 23

D.LGBT ... 24

1. Lesbian ... 25

2. Gay ... 25

3. Bisexual ... 25

4. Transgender ... 26

E. Relevant Studies ... 26

F. Conceptual Framework ... 28


A.Research Design ... 30

B. Source of data ... 30

C. Technique of Collecting Data ... 32

D.Technique of Analyzing Data ... 33


A.Data ... 35

B. Data Analysis ... 36

C. Research Findings ... 48


A.Conclusion ... 49

B. Suggestion ... 50










APPENDIX 1. The analysis in twenty one speech

responses by Indonesian official to LGBT ... 53 APPENDIX 2. The Script in twenty one speech





A. The Background of the Study

The population of Indonesia is mostly Muslim religions. In general the

teaching of religions is interpreted conservatively so it doesn't disagree on

homosexuality and affect the views of society as a whole in a way that is negative,

although there are a number of religious individuals are more progressive and

being received. But the case of LGBT in indonesia is increasingly lively and

popular not only among the usual but in some Indonesian artist is also involved as

LGBT in the case of artist as homosexual abusers such as Syaiful jamil. Many of

the responses that come out from people regarding this case. All languages spoken

between the speaker and the listener contains many meanings.

Language is the most important component in the continuation of human

life. Language itself defines as the roles which people may take the situation in

which they are communicating with one another. Language is the inventory of

human experience of life.

What people do with language can be realized in any kind of forms like

speech, discussion, interview, even in the literary work like poems, novels, short

stories and others. People use language, in any kind of forms, in order to achieve a

purpose. In other word, they have goals that they want to achieve by using

language. It means that people use language not just to kill time or to show their

linguistic ability. It shows what systemic linguists say that language use is



Halliday (2004: 8) stated that a „language‟ is a resource for making meaning

a semogenic system, together with the processes which instatiate the system in the

form of text (spoken and written discourse); and „meaning‟ is understood in

functional terms-in relation to the social contexts in which language has evolved

with the human species.

Use the language to make sense of the experience, and to carry out the

interactions with other people. This means that the grammar has to interface with

what goes on outside language: with the happenings and conditions of the world,

and with the social processes can engage in. But at the same time it has to

organize the construal of experience, and the enactment of social processes, so

that it can be transformed into wording (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014: 25).

Language have many factors such to whom people are talking, to give the

information to the others, to discussion and speech etc. The factors that are

mentioned turn out to be the cause of language variety. The variation of language

or dialect is related to the users or speakers of language. On the other hand,

variety of language or register is related to the use of language.

Register analysis is concerned with the three controlling variables: field,

tenor, and mode. In considering these three variables, Halliday is making a claim

that of all the things going on in a situation at a time of language use only these

three variables have a direct and significant impact on the type of language that

will be produced. Field concerns with the topic of situation or in another word

what is going on or what activity is taking place. Mode refers to the channel or



writing. Meanwhile, tenor deals with things that influence the situation indicates

the relationship between the speaker and the addressee. How the social

relationship is played by addressee and addresser.

According to Halliday the environment, or social context of language is

structured as a field of significant social action, a tenor of role relationships and a

mode of symbolic organization. Taken together these constitute the situation, or

“context of situation”. of a text (Halliday, 2000: 55).

Halliday and Matthiessen (2014: 32) stated that the combinations of field,

tenor and mode values determine different uses of language – the different

meanings that are at risk in a given type of situation. There are systematic

correspondences between the contextual values and the meanings that are at risk

in the contexts defined by these values.

This study attempts to apply one of the three types of register system of

analysis, it is tenor. In this analysis, tenor will be discussed through in Indonesian

official speech responses to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT).

The writer chooses the tenor in speech responses to LGBT in order to

find out the things that influence in the social relationship between participants

involved in the communication and also to see how the way the social

relationship is played by addressee and addresser in the public sectors. In a

public speaking, sometime a person has the opportunity to deliver

uninterrupted message or no to a few individuals or a few million individuals.

So that tenor most important as supporting this study. Beside that the ability to



communication. For this situation the value of effective and ineffective

communication extends into the political arena. Such as in the conflict of the

LGBT in nowadays.

So that the writer would like to discuss more detail about this conflict in

the tenor of text about responses to LGBT. A text here is a process, product,

spoken, written or signal it is resulted from interaction. This is to confirm two

things. Firstly, there is no text without conflict or interaction between the

addresser and addressee. Thus there is no texts are dialogic aspects between the

addresser and addressee. In other words, this confirm that all texts are dialogic.

Secondly, there is no text without participants. This implies that the tenor of text

is deterministic to the text.

The cases of the LGBT are give any attention to all of society in the world

and moreover this cases also become trending topic issue in the world. About this

issue the writer here very interested to analyze and consider that tenor are

important to be analyzed in each Indonesian official speech responses about the

LGBT. Here the writer will put the twenty one speech responses about the LGBT

that is from; Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Islam (MUI)), The

Ministry of Social Affairs, The Ministry of Women‟s Empowerment, The

Ministry of Religious Affairs, The MUI Commission, The Public Counsel LBH

Jakarta, The former Minister of religious affairs in the seventh development

Cabinet, The Head of the Muslim Fraternity Ties, The Governor Of Jakarta, The

Former Head of Nadhlatul Ulama and A prominent Islamic Indonesia, The



Commissioner KPAI, The Head of The Board of Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia,

Psychiatrist Jakarta, Journalist Rappler Indonesia, Deputy Head of Committee III

parliament, The Communication Expert, The Hade Vice of The Indonesia

Broadcasting Commission, The Cross-Religious Figure, and The Islamic

Network Anti Discrimination. The script sample from The commision Indonesian

Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Islam (MUI))- Hh speech responses can be seen

as following:

“Jelas kalau menurut MUI yang seperti itu, ya pemerintah harus cepat turun

tangan. Untuk melarangnya, bila perlu dibuatkan Undang-undang untuk

melarang hal seperti ini. Apalagi kalau perkawinan sejenis jangan sampai

pemerintah membolehkan perkawinan sejenis. Pandangannya kan itu singkatan

dari Lesbian, gay, bisexual dan transgender. Ya kalau khusus lesbian, saya sudah

katakan itu kalau dalam hadits dikatakan “sihakulmaratizinanbainahuna”

perempuan melakukan hubungan antara sama-sama perempuanlah gitu yaitu

lesbi nah itu dianggap sebagai perbuatan zina. Sesama mereka itu haram

hukumnya. begitu juga kalau laki-laki malah keras. Operasi ganti kelamin itu

haram hukumnya tidak boleh mengganti. Kalau dia tetap melaksanakan dia suda

berdosa dan hukumnya tetap sesuai dengan hukum yang sebelum dia operasi.

Kecuali dalam hal, misalnya memang dia itu tidak sempurna kejadiannya, tidak

sempurna , tidak laki-laki tidak perempuan gitu”.

From the sample script above will be seen the aspect of tenor:

Status : Unequal



Affect : Positive

Context : Infrequent

The configuration of tenor found in HH speech responses number (02) is

[Formal/Unequal/Infrequent/+Affect]with the following descriptions

a) The formality is formal where the managerial meeting the situation is formal.

b) The status employed is unequal status because she use personal pronoun

of “saya”. Saya here is refers that there is the different degree between her and other people.

c) The contact constructed in the speech responses here is infrequent it means

that in those statement use basic word. Such as “Apalagi kalau, seperti, tidak, dalam hal”.

d) The affective involvement here is positive affect because she said that

Operasi ganti kelamin itu haram hukumnya tidak boleh mengganti” from the bold words that it is refers to engagement to humanity to didn‟t

contravene with that.

B. The Problem of the Study

From the background of the study, the writer formulates the problem as


1) What kinds of tenor configuration are there in the texts of LGBT?

2) How is the system of tenor realized linguistically ?



C. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study are :

1) To describe the configuration of tenor in the text of LGBT.

2) To describe linguistic realization of tenor.

3) To reason for the linguistic realized.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study will be focused on the analyzing the tenor configuration in

Indonesian official speech responses to LGBT.

E. The Significance of the Study

This research will be divided into two benefits:

1) Theoretically, to student especially in english literature to understand the way

of tenor configuration analysis in this thesis.

2) Practically, to public speaker and all of the readers who want to know more




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the following

1. There are eight kinds of tenor configuration in the text of LGBT, they are:

(a). [Formal/Equal/Frequent/Frequent/+Affect], (b). [Formal/Equal/Frequent/-Affect],

(c). [Formal/Equal/Infrequent/+Affect], (d). [Formal/Equal/Infrequent/-Affect], (e).

[Formal/Unequal/Frequent/-Affect], (f). [Formal/Unequal/Infrequent/+Affect], (g).

[Formal/Unequal/Infrequent/-Affect], (h). [Informal/Equal/Frequent/+Affect]

2. The system of tenor are realized by four elements such as:

a. The formality can be seen from the context or situation that influence in the text, such

as formal and informal.

b. The status are divided into two kinds they are equal and unequal. The equal status can

be seen from the language use such as in the personal pronoun of “kita, kamu”, and

unequalstatus such as “saya, anda

c. The contact is divided into two parts frequent and infrequent. The frequent contact can

be seen through language style in the text while infrequent can be seen from its formal

foreign language.

d. The affection is divided into two sides that are positive and negative. The positive refers

to someone feeling while negative is not .

3. The Tenor configuration mostly used is [Formal/Unequal/Infrequent/+Affect] because



B. Suggestion

In the relation to the conclusion suggestions are staged as the following:

1. It is suggested that the students of English Department should learn and know how to

realize a text into tenor configuration.

2. It is advised that other researchers who want to analyze the Tenor configuration in a

discourse, should understand the field of the context and also the meaning from four

types of tenor.

3. For those who want to analyze about this subject should understand about Systemic



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Table 4.1 Configuration and speech responses ...........................................


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