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Academic year: 2017



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This chapter presents and discusses about background of the study, statement

of the problems, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and

limitation, and definition of the key terms. Each section is presented as follows:

1.1Background of the Study

As a social being, human being cannot live alone. They need other people to

create interaction. In daily relationships, people can use many kinds of ways to make

interactions; those are by behavior, sign, and language. Language is an important

media to communicate with people. According to Johnston (2008), “language is the

process or set of processes used to ensure there is agreement between the sender and

receiver for meanings assigned to the symbols and the schema for combining them

used for each communication”. This idea tells us that language is a process to transfer

messages between the sender and the receiver to communicate, in order to create

interaction and get information.

Nowadays in globalization era, English becomes an international language that

should be learned by people. Moreover, English becomes a window of the world

because it gives update information about cultures, languages, politics and economy

from different countries. By learning English, people have got the key for mastering

the knowledge since most of books are written in English. For those reasons, it is



In learning English, there are four skills to master the communication: listening,

reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and reading belong to receptive skills that

people receive the language when listening and understanding the message when

reading. Whereas, speaking and writing belong to productive skill that people

Writing belongs to productive skill that is related to the way to generate and organize

the ideas. Moreover, “writing is an instrument of power…writing is particularly

important for the principle of individual responsibility” (Neler, 2011). It can also be

stated that writing is an important ability as instrument of power that should be learnt

by each individual. In order to write, we need letters join together to make words or

sentences to communicate or share information. From those theories, we can also

learn that writing is difficult skill because it is not only just writing on the paper.

Writing also produces accuracy, complete sentences and phrases. It is difficult to

organize the idea in written text, because the content of writing must be related to the

topic in order to be understood by people. Another reason why writing becomes the

difficult skill to be mastered for the learners is because it is more complex and

complicated to produce or organize the ideas in written text. This argument is also


Brown (2001) claims that product of writing is the result of thinking. Writing is

thinking process to convey ideas or information in written form in order to be

understood by others. The process of writing itself is not just putting words on the

piece of paper. Hedge (2005) writes that process of writing generally requires quite a

lot of classroom time. In other words, process of writing needs more time to think,

because it is very important to build a coherent text, related to the topic, well chosen

words and punctuations. In the process of writing, teacher will guide students and

give them feedback or respond in writing. So that writing process gives the students

the opportunity to use both expressive writing and to use writing as a tool for learning

and thinking.

In developing writing skill, teacher should give writing direction and respond to

the students since writing involves all accuracy aspects: grammar, vocabulary,

punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. Brown (2001) states that in the school,

writing is a way of life. Without some abilities to express in writing, students will not

pass the course from elementary school until university graduate courses. Students

need to write in order to succeed in mastering the subject matter. As EFL students,

learning to write is not easy. They face some difficulties, such as how to start writing,

how to generate ideas, lack of vocabulary, and etc. According to Harmer (2004),

teacher should respond positively and encouragingly to the content of what the

students have written. Following this idea, teacher can give feedback on students’



In many schools, writing has a bad reputation for both teachers and students. For

the teacher, the score is far from the expectation because of many mistakes in

accuracy of writing and about the content. It makes harder to teach and explain how

to write well. Hancock and McDonald (2000) states that students do not like writing

because it is like an opportunity to make a lot of mistakes, whether it is about the

wrong grammatical or the content is not related to the topic. For many students,

writing is boring activity. Most of students have no idea to write and then they are

getting lost in writing. When the teacher gives them a topic to write, they are

confused to express their idea in a written form.

In teaching writing, teacher should explore students’ motivation. Harmer (2001)

states that “teaching writing is the way where a teacher has to give writing direction

to the students, stimulate them to get ideas, help the students when they lose their

words, and always give support.” Following this idea, we learn that the teacher

should help the students to find out and organize the ideas in written text. Teacher can

also help the students when they are getting lost in writing. To help students solve the

difficulties in writing, teacher should be creative to find out the appropriate

techniques in teaching writing.

There are many ways to attract students’ attention in writing class. One of them is

by using picture series as a media for teaching writing. According to Suryawan

(2008), “picture series is series of pictures in which each has certain stories that has

strong correlation between one and another that is used as media of teaching.” By


Picture series as visual media are very useful for teaching writing. The teacher can

use picture series in teaching learning process, because it makes more effective. In

addition, picture series help the students to understand the material which is given by

the teacher better. Teacher can give some pictures which are related each other to

express the material and then stimulate the student to speak English by using picture

series. Those activities make students more active, meaningful, and fun in the

learning process so that they can write their own idea based on that picture series.

In the previous research, Awaliah (2014) on “The Effectiveness of Picture Series towards Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text” found that the result of the score

in experimental class which is taught by using pictures is higher than the control class

which received the normal treatment without using pictures. It can be concluded that

pictures was very effective and applicable for helping the students in writing a

narrative text.

Another research is from Febryanto (2012). In his thesis entitled “Using Pictures

to Improve Students’ Writing Skill at SMP Muhammadiyah 06 Dau Malang” showed

that the students are more enthusiastic and attentive to the lesson because the picture

is the real thing to describe. Interesting and colorful pictures can attract students’

interest and avoid their boredom. Suyanto (2007) stated that “color pictures will be

more attractive because children love colorful pictures.” So, the students will be not

bored in the classroom and they will be more interested in learning to write if teacher



MAN Kota Batu is located at Pattimura street no.25 Batu. In that school, the

media such as LCD in every class and computer laboratory are sufficient. So that it is

easier for the teacher to teach every subject by using media. In the researcher’s

interview with the senior of English teacher at the school, the teacher said that she

taught English at the hour after the break time or in the last hour. At that time, most

of the students were already tired, sleepy and bored. Then the teacher used picture

series so that the teaching learning process can be more interesting and fun.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher was interested in conducting a

research about using picture series in teaching writing at MAN Kota Batu. The

researcher wanted to know the implementation of picture series in teaching writing at

MAN Kota Batu. The researcher also tried to investigate the advantages and

disadvantages of picture series in teaching writing used by the teacher.

1.2Statement of the Problems

1. How is the implementation of picture series in teaching writing at MAN Kota


2. What are the advantages of picture series in teaching writing at MAN Kota Batu?

3. What are the disadvantages of picture series in teaching writing at MAN Kota


1.3Purposes of the Study

1. To know the implementation of picture series in teaching writing at MAN Kota


2. To investigate the advantages of the implementation of picture series in teaching

writing at MAN Kota Batu.

3. To investigate the disadvantages of the implementation of picture series in

teaching writing at MAN Kota Batu.

1.4Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. English Teacher, to give inspiration so that the English teacher can apply picture

series media in order to motivate students in writing skill.

2. Students, to get motivation in developing their writing by using picture series.

3. English department students, to give more explanation about the implementation,

advantages and disadvantages of picture series in teaching writing. The findings

of this study will support them to understand about it.

4. The next researchers, to add an additional or source of information about the

implementation, advantages and disadvantages of picture series in teaching



1.5Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the teaching of writing skills by using picture series

used by the teacher of MAN Kota Batu, more specifically focusing on the

implementation, advantages, and disadvantages of picture series. Meanwhile, the

study is limited on the students of senior high school for the second grade at MAN

Kota Batu.

1.6Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, the key terms used in the study are defined as


1. Picture series is “series of pictures in which each has certain stories that has

strong correlation between one and another that is used as media of teaching”

(Suryawan, 2008). In this research, picture series is defined as sequence of images

that has relation of chronological events between one images with another image.

Picture series is used as media of teaching to make easier the students in

expressing their ideas.

2. Teaching writing is “the way where a teacher has to give writing direction to the

students, stimulate them to get ideas, help the students when they lose their

words, and always give support” (Harmer, 2001). In this research, teaching

writing is defined as a process to guide the students to write, giving them


3. Effectiveness is the achievement of planned or desired result (Truscott, 2003). In

this research, effectiveness id defined as producing the desired result.

4. MAN Kota Batu is the name of the school that is analyzed in this study. It is






Novi Indah Sari







This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana

Degree in English Education


Novi Indah Sari







“Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya

bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai

(dari sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain).

Dan hanya kepada Tuhanm

ulah engkau berharap.”

QS: Al-Insyirah: 5-8

“When there is a will, there is a way”

“Jangan menunda

-nunda suatu pekerjaan karena waktu tidak akan bisa

menunggumu. Hargai waktumu karena waktu yang hilang tidak akan

pernah kembali”


Novi Indah sari


I dedicate this thesis especially to:

My beloved Mother and Father

My beloved Brother

My beloved Friends




In the name of Allah, the Almighty and Merciful. Praise is only to Allah, for all

His abundant blessing, mercies, and guidance, so that the writer is able to complete this

thesis writing.

The researcher is fully aware that this thesis cannot be finished without other people’s help. Therefore, in this opportunity she would like to express her deep gratitude to the following people:

1. Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M. Kes, the dean of Faculty Teacher Training and

Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

2. Dr. Sudiran, M.Hum., the head of English Department.

3. Dr. Masduki, M.Pd, as the first advisor who has given his support, suggestions,

criticism, guidance, and motivation for writing this thesis. He has done so much

to help the writer finish this thesis.

4. Mrs. Laela Hikmah, M.Ed, as the second advisor for her guidance, advice, and

feedback in writing the thesis. Thanks a lot for the spending time and energy to revise the researcher’s thesis.

5. My beloved parents and family who always motivates, supports, and prays for

finishing this thesis.

6. Drs. Winarso, the headmaster of MAN Batu who has given permission to

conduct the research at the school..

7. Mrs. Emmy Suzana, S.Pd, the English teacher of MAN Batu who helped the

researcher during the research in the process of collecting the data by observing

and interview.

8. Students of XI Science 1 and XI Science 4 at MAN Batu for their cooperation.

9. Her beloved parents who are never tired giving material, support, and pray so

that the researcher is able to finish this thesis.


vii motivates the researcher.

13. All people who cannot be mentioned one by one.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore,

suggestion is needed for the progress of the next study. The researcher hopes that this

research would be beneficial to the readers.

Malang, 12 September 2015


viii 1.1Background of the Study……… 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems……….. 6

1.3 Purposes of the Study………. 7

1.4 Significance of the Study……… 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation……….. 8

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms………...… 8


2.2 The Process of Writing………. 12

2.3 Teaching Media……… 15

2.4 Picture………...… 17

2.4.1 Definition of Picture……… 17

2.4.2 Kinds of Picture………... 18

2.4.3 Picture Series………...… 19

2.4.4 Teaching Writing by Using Picture Series……….. 20



3.1 Research Design………...……… 25

3.2 Research Subject………... 26

3.3 Data………... 26

3.4 Data Collection and Research Instrument……… 27

3.4.1 Observation……….. 27

3.4.2 Interview……….. 28

3.5 Data Analysis……… 29


4.1.1 The Implementation of Picture Series in Teaching Writing………. 30 The First Meeting…...………...………. 32 The Second Meeting………... 36 The Third Meeting……….. 40

4.1.2 The Advantages of Picture Series in Teaching Writing……….. 43

4.1.3 The Disadvantages of Picture Series in Teaching Writing…...…..…. 47

4.2 Discussion………. 49


5.2 Suggestion………. 57

5.2.1 For the English Teacher………... 57

5.2.2 For the Next Researcher………... 58 REFERENCES



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