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Testing the Equality of Covariance Opera


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arXiv:1404.7080v1 [math.ST] 28 Apr 2014

A test for the equality of covariance operators

Graciela Boente, Daniela Rodriguez and Mariela Sued

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina

e–mail: gboente@dm.uba.ar drodrig@dm.uba.ar msued@dm.uba.ar


In many situations, when dealing with several populations, equality of the covariance operators is assumed. An important issue is to study if this assumption holds before making other inferences. In this paper, we develop a test for comparing covariance operators of several functional data samples. The proposed test is based on the squared norm of the difference between the estimated covariance operators of each population. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and for the situation of two samples, under a set of contiguous alternatives related to the functional common principal component model. Since the null asymptotic distribution depends on parameters of the underlying distribution, we also propose a bootstrap test.



In many applications, we study phenomena that are continuous in time or space and can be considered as smooth curves or functions. On the other hand, when working with more than one population, as in the finite dimensional case, the equality of the covariance operators associated with each population is often assumed. In the case of finite-dimensional data, tests for equality of covariance matrices have been extensively studied, see for example Seber (1984) and Gupta and Xu (2006). This problem has been considered even for high dimensional data, i.e., when the sample size is smaller than the number of variables under study; we refer among others to Ledoit and Wolf (2002) and Schott (2007).


recently, Panaretoset al. (2010) considered the problem of testing whether two samples of continuous zero mean i.i.d. Gaussian processes share or not the same covariance structure.

In this paper, we go one step further and consider the functional setting. Our goal is to provide a test statistic to test the hypothesis that the covariance operators of several independent samples are equal in a fully functional setting. To fix ideas, we will first describe the two sample situation. Let us assume that we have two independent populations with covariance operators Γ1 and Γ2. Denote byΓb1 and Γb2 consistent estimators of Γ1 and Γ2, respectively, such as the sample covariance estimators studied in Dauxois et al. (1982). It is clear that under the standard null hypothesis Γ1 = Γ2, the difference between the covariance operator estimators should be small. For that reason, a test statistic based on the norm of Γb1−Γb2 may be helpful to study the hypothesis of equality.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduce the notation and review some basic concepts which are used in later sections. Section 3 introduces the test statistics for the two sample problem. Its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis is established in Section 3.1 while a bootstrap test is described in Section 3.2. An important issue is to describe the set of alternatives that the proposed statistic is able to detect. For that purpose, the asymptotic distribution under a set of contiguous alternatives based on the functional common principal component model is studied in Section 3.3. Finally, an extension to several populations is provided in Section 4. Proofs are relegated to the Appendix.


Preliminaries and notation

Let us consider independent random elements X1, . . . , Xk in a separable Hilbert space H

(oftenL2(I)) with inner product,·iand normkuk=hu, ui1/2 and assume thatEkX

ik2< ∞. Denote by µi ∈ H the mean of Xi, µi = E(Xi) and by Γi : H → H the covariance

operator of Xi. Let ⊗ stand for the tensor product onH, e.g., for u, v ∈ H, the operator

uv:H → His defined as (uv)w=hv, wiu. With this notation, the covariance operator

Γi can be written as Γi=E{(Xi−µi)⊗(Xi−µi)}. The operator Γi is linear, self-adjoint

and continuous.

In particular, ifH=L2(I) andhu, vi=RIu(s)v(s)ds, the covariance operator is defined through the covariance function of Xi, γi(s, t) = cov(Xi(s), Xi(t)), s, t ∈ I as (Γiu)(t) =


Iγi(s, t)u(s)ds. It is usually assumed that kγik2 =




I γi2(t, s)dtds < ∞ hence, Γi

is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. Hilbert–Schmidt operators have a countable number of eigenvalues, all of them being real.

Let F denote the Hilbert space of Hilbert–Schmidt operators with inner product de-fined by hH1,H2iF = trace(H1H2) = P∞ℓ=1hH1uℓ,H2uℓi and norm kHkF =hH,Hi1F/2 =

{P∞ℓ=1kHuℓk2}1/2, where{uℓ :ℓ ≥1} is any orthonormal basis ofH, whileH1,H2 andH are Hilbert-Schmidt operators, i.e., such that kHkF <. Choosing an orthonormal basis {φi,ℓ : ℓ ≥ 1} of eigenfunctions of Γi related to the eigenvalues {λi,ℓ : ℓ ≥ 1} such that

λi,ℓ≥λi,ℓ+1, we getkΓik2F =P∞=1λi,ℓ2 . In particular, ifH=L2(I), we havekΓikF =kγik.


or not. For that purpose, let us consider independent samples of each population, that is, let us assume that we have independent observations Xi,1,· · ·, Xi,ni, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, with

Xi,j ∼Xi. A natural way to estimate the covariance operatorsΓi, for 1≤i≤k, is through

their empirical versions. The sample covariance operator Γbi is defined as




ni ni



Xi,j−Xi⊗ Xi,j−Xi ,

where Xi = 1/niPnj=1i Xi,j. Dauxois et al. (1982) obtained the asymptotic behaviour of


Γi. In particular, they have shown that, whenE(kXi,1k4)<∞,√ni



converges in distribution to a zero mean Gaussian random element of F, Ui, with covariance operator Υi given by

Υi =




− X


λimλirφi,m⊗φi,m⊗˜φi,r⊗φi,r (1)

where ˜stands for the tensor product in F and, as mentioned above, {φi,ℓ :ℓ ≥1} is an

orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions ofΓiwith associated eigenvalues{λi,ℓ :ℓ ≥1}such that

λi,ℓ≥λi,ℓ+1. The coefficients sim are such that s2im=λi,m, whilefimare the standardized

coordinates of Xi −µi on the basis {φi,ℓ : ℓ ≥ 1}, that is, fim = hXi −µi, φi,mi/λ

1 2


Note that E(fim) = 0. Using that cov(hu, Xi−µii,hv, Xi−µii) = hu,Γivi, we get that


im) = 1, E(fim fis) = 0 for m6=s. In particular, the Karhunen-Lo´eve expansion leads


Xi =µi+



λ 1 2

i,ℓfiℓφi,ℓ . (2)

It is worth noticing thatEkUik2F <∞so, the sum of the eigenvalues ofΥiis finite, implying

thatΥi is a linear operator overF which is Hilbert Schmidt. Thus, any linear combination

of the operators Υi, Υ = Pki=1aiΥi, with ai ≥ 0, will be a Hilbert Schmidt operator.

Therefore, if{θℓ}ℓ≥1 stand for the eigenvalues of Υordered in decreasing order,θℓ≥0 and


ℓ≥1θℓ<∞. This property will be used later in Theorem 3.1.

When H=L2(I), smooth estimators, Γbi,h, of the covariance operators were studied in Boente and Fraiman (2000). The smoothed operator is the operator induced by the smooth covariance function


γi,h(t, s) =






Xi,j,h(t)−Xi,h(t) Xi,j,h(s)−Xi,h(s) ,

where Xi,j,h(t) = RIKh(t−x)Xi,j are the smoothed trajectories, Kh(·) = h−1K(·/h) is a



Test statistics for two–sample problem

We first consider the problem of testing the hypothesis

H0 :Γ1 =Γ2 against H1:Γ16=Γ2 . (3)

A natural approach is to consider Γbi as the empirical covariance operators of each

popula-tion and construct a statistic Tn based on the difference between the covariance operators

estimators, i.e., to defineTn=nkΓb1−Γb2k2F, wheren=n1+n2.

3.1 The null asymptotic distribution of the test statistic

The following result allows to study the asymptotic behaviour of Tn=nkΓb1−Γb2k2F when

Γ1 = Γ2 and thus, to construct a test for the hypothesis (3.1) of equality of covariance operators.

Theorem 3.1. Let Xi,1,· · ·, Xi,ni, for i = 1,2, be independent observations from two

independent samples inH with meanµi and covariance operator Γi. Let n=n1+n2 and assume also that ni/n → τi with τi ∈ (0,1). Let Γei, i = 1,2, be independent estimators

of the ith population covariance operator such that √niΓei−Γi


−→ Ui, with Ui a

zero mean Gaussian random element with covariance operator Υi. Denote by {θℓ}ℓ≥1 the eigenvalues of the operatorΥ=τ1−1Υ1+τ2−1Υ2 withPℓ≥1θℓ<∞. Then,

nk(Γe1−Γ1)−(Γe2−Γ2)k2F −→D



θℓZℓ2, (4)

where Zℓ are i.i.d. standard normal random variables. In particular, if Γ1 = Γ2 we have thatnkΓe1−Γe2kF2 −→D P1θℓZℓ2.

Remark 3.1.

a) The results in Theorem 3.1 apply in particular, when considering the sample covari-ance operator, i.e., when Γei =Γbi. Effectively, whenE(kXi,1k4) <∞,√ni



converges in distribution to a zero mean Gaussian random element Ui of F with

co-variance operator Υi given by (1). As mentioned in the Introduction, the fact that

E(kXi,1k4)<∞ entails that Pℓ≥1θℓ<∞.

b) It is worth noting that if qn is a sequence of integers such that qn → ∞, the fact

that P1θℓ < ∞ implies that the sequence Un = Pqn=1θℓZi2 is Cauchy in L2 and

therefore, the limit U =P1θℓZℓ2 is well defined. In fact, analogous arguments to

those considered in Neuhaus (1980) allow to show that the series converges almost surely. Moreover, since Z12 χ21, U has a continuous distribution function FU and so FUn, the distribution functions of Un, converge to the FU uniformly, as shown in


Remark 3.2. Theorem 3.1 implies that, under the null hypothesis H0 : Γ1 = Γ2, we have that Tn = nkΓb1 −Γb2k2F −→ UD = Pℓ≥1θℓZℓ2, hence an asymptotic test based on

Tn rejecting for large values of Tn allows to test H0. To obtain the critical value, the distribution of U and thus, the eigenvalues of τ1−1Υ1+τ2−1Υ2 need to be estimated. As mentioned in Remark 3.1 the distribution function ofU can be uniformly approximated by that ofUnand so, the critical values can be approximated by the(1−α)−percentile of Un.

Gupta and Xu (2006) provide an approximation for the distribution function of any finite mixture of χ2

1 independent random variables that can be used in the computation of the (1α)percentile of Pqn

ℓ=1θbℓZℓ2 where θbℓ are estimators of θℓ. It is also, worth noticing

that underH0:Γ1 =Γ2, we have that fori= 1,2,Υi given in (1) reduces to








where for the sake of simplicity we have eliminated the subscript 1 and simply denote as

sm=λ1m/2 withλm them−th largest eigenvalue of Γ1 and φm its corresponding

eigenfunc-tion. In particular, if all the populations have the same underlying distribution except for the mean and covariance operator, as it happens when comparing the covariance operators of Gaussian processes, the random function f2m has the same distribution as f1m and so, Υ1=Υ2.

The previous comments motivate the use of the bootstrap methods, due the fact that the asymptotic distribution obtained in (4) depends on the unknown eigenvalues θℓ. It is clear

that when the underlying distribution of the processXiis assumed to be known, for instance,

if both samples correspond to Gaussian processes differing only on their mean and covariance operators, a parametric bootstrap can be implemented. Effectively, denote by Gi,µi,Γi the

distribution of Xi where the parameters µi and Γi are explicit for later convenience. For

each 1ik, generate bootstrap samplesXi,j⋆ , 1jni, with distributionGi,0,Γbi. Note

that the samples can be generated with mean 0 since our focus is on covariance operators. Besides, the sample covariance operatorΓbi is a finite range operator, hence the Karhunen–

Lo´eve expansion (2) allows to generateXi,j⋆ knowing the distribution of the random variables

fiℓ, the eigenfunctions φbi,ℓ of Γbi and its related eigenvalues bλi,ℓ, 1 ≤ ℓ ≤ ni, that is,

the estimators of the first principal components of the process. Define Γb⋆i as the sample covariance operator ofX⋆

i,j, 1≤j≤ni and further, let Tn⋆ =nkΓb ⋆


2k2F. By replicating

Nboot times, we obtain Nboot valuesTn⋆ that allow easily to construct a bootstrap test.

The drawback of the above described procedure, it that it assumes that the underlying distribution is known hence, it cannot be applied in many situations. For that reason, we will consider a bootstrap calibration for the distribution of the test that can be described as follows,

Step 1 Given a sample Xi,1,· · ·, Xi,ni, let Υbi be consistent estimators of Υi for

i= 1,2. DefineΥb =bτ1−1Υb1+bτ2−1Υb2 withτbi=ni/(n1+n2).


Step 3 GenerateZ1∗, . . . , Zq∗n i.i.d. such thatZi∗∼N(0,1) and letUn∗ =


j=1θbjZj∗2. Step 4RepeatStep 3Nboot times, to get Nboot values ofUnr∗ for 1≤r≤Nboot.

The (1α)quantile of the asymptotic distribution of Tn can be approximated by the

(1α)quantile of the empirical distribution of Unr∗ for 1r Nboot. Thep−value can

be estimated by pb=s/Nboot wheresis the number of Unr∗ which are larger or equal than

the observed value ofTn.

Remark 3.3. Note that this procedure depends only on the asymptotic distribution of Γbi. For the sample covariance estimator, the covariance operator Υi is given by (1).

Hence, for Gaussian samples, using thatfij are independent and fij ∼N(0,1),Υi can be

estimated using as consistent estimators of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Γi, the

eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the sample covariance. For non Gaussian samples,Υi can

be estimated noticing that

simsirsiosipE(fimfirfiofip) =E(hXi,1, φi,mihXi,1, φi,rihXi,1, φi,oihXi,1, φi,pi) .

When considering other asymptotically normally estimators of Γi, such as the smoothed

estimatorsΓsi forL2(I) trajectories, the estimators need to be adapted.

3.2 Validity of bootstrap procedure

The following theorem entails the validity of the bootstrap calibration method. It states that, underH0, the bootstrap distribution ofUn∗ converges to the asymptotic null

distribu-tion ofTn. This fact ensures that the asymptotic significance level of the test based on the

bootstrap critical value is indeed α.

Theorem 3.2. Let qn such that qn/√n→ 0 and X˜n = (X1,1,· · ·, X1,n1, X2,1,· · ·, X2,n2).

Denote by FUn|X˜n(·) = P(U

n ≤ · |X˜n). Then, under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, if √

nkΥb Υk=OP(1), we have that



n|X˜n, FU)


−→0, (5)

whereFU denotes the distribution function of U =P1θℓZ2, withZℓ ∼N(0,1)

indepen-dent of each other, and ρk(F, G) stands for the Kolmogorov distance between distribution

functions F and G.

3.3 Behaviour under contiguous alternatives

In this section, we study the behaviour of the test statistic Tn under a set of contiguous


with alternatives satisfying a functional common principal model. In this sense, under those local alternatives, the processesXi,i= 1,2, can be written as

X1 =µ1+ ∞



λ 1 2

ℓ f1ℓφℓ and X2 =µ2+



λ(2n,ℓ) 1 2

f2ℓφℓ (6)

with λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ . . . ≥ 0, λ2(n,ℓ) → λℓ at a given rate, while fiℓ are random variables such

that E(fiℓ) = 0, E(fiℓ2) = 1, E(fiℓ fis) = 0 for ℓ6=s. For simplicity, we have omitted the

subscript 1 inλ1,ℓ. Hence, we are considering as alternatives a functional common principal

component model which includes as a particular case, proportional alternatives of the form

Γ2,n =ρnΓ1, with ρn → 1. For details on the functional principal component model, see

for instance, Benko et al. (2009) and Boente et al. (2010).

Theorem 3.3. Let Xi,1,· · ·, Xi,ni for i = 1,2 be independent observations from two

independent distributions in H, with mean µi and covariance operator Γi such that Γ2 =

Γ2,n = Γ1+n−1/2Γ, with Γ = P1∆ℓλℓφℓ⊗φℓ. Furthermore, assume that Xi,j ∼ Xi

where Xi satisfy (6) with λ2(n,ℓ) = λℓ(1 +n−1/2∆ℓ) and that E(kXi,1k4) < ∞ for i = 1,2. Let n = n1 +n2 and assume also that ni/n → τi with τi ∈ (0,1). Let Γbi be the sample

covariance operator of theith population and denote by

Υi =







where sm = λ1m/2. Then, if P=1λℓ∆ℓ < ∞, P∞ℓ=1λℓ∆ℓσ4,ℓ < ∞, P∞ℓ=1λℓ∆2ℓσ4,ℓ < ∞,


ℓ=1λℓ∆2 <∞ and P∞ℓ=1λℓσ4,ℓ<∞, withσ42,ℓ=E(f24), we get that

a) √n2Γb2−Γ1


−→U2+τ21/2ΓwithU2 a zero mean Gaussian random element with covariance operatorΥ2.

b) Denote by {θℓ}ℓ≥1 the eigenvalues of the operator Υ=τ1−1Υ1+τ2−1Υ2. Moreover, let υℓ be an orthonormal basis of F such thatυℓ is the eigenfunction of Υrelated to

θℓ and consider the expansion Γ=Pℓ≥1ηℓυℓ, withPℓ≥1η2ℓ <∞. Then,

Tn =nkΓb1−Γb2k2F −→D





ηℓ √



whereZℓ are independent and Zℓ∼N(0,1) .


Test statistics for



In this Section, we consider tests for the equality of the covariance operators of k popula-tions. That is, ifΓi denotes the covariance operator of thei−th population, we wish to test

the null hypothesis


Let n = n1+. . .+nk and assume that ni/n → τi, 0 < τi < 1, Pki=1τi = 1. A natural

generalization of the proposal given in Section 3 is to consider the following test statistic

Tk,n=n k



kΓbj−Γb1k2F, (8)

whereΓbi stands for the sample covariance operator ofi−th population. The following result

states the asymptotic distribution of Tk,n, under the null hypothesis.

Theorem 4.1. Let Xi,1,· · ·, Xi,ni, for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, be independent observations from

k independent distributions in H, with mean µi and covariance operator Γi such that

E(kXi,1k4)<∞. LetΓbi be the sample covariance operator of thei−th population. Assume

Remark 4.1. Note that Theorem 4.1 is a natural extension of its analogous in the finite–dimensional case. To be more precisely, let Zij ∈ Rp with 1 ≤ i ≤ k and 1 ≤ j ≤

ni be independent random vectors and let Σbi be their sample covariance matrix. Then, √n

iVi=√ni(Σbi−Σi)converges to a multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and

covariance matrixΥi. Let


whereIp stands for the identity matrix of orderp. Then, straightforward calculations allow


Therefore, under the null hypothesis of equality of the covariance matricesΣi, we have that

nPki=2kΣbi−Σb1k2 =k√nAVk2 −→D Pkp


ℓ=1θℓZℓ2whereV= (V1, . . . ,Vk)andθ1, θ2, . . . , θkp4

are the eigenvalues of Υ. Note that the matrix Υ is the finite dimensional version of the covariance operatorΥw.

Remark 4.2. The conclusion of Theorem 4.1 still holds if, instead of the sample covariance operator, one considers consistent and asymptotically normally distributed estimatorsΓei of

the covariance operatorΓi such that√ni(Γei−Γi)−→D Ui, whereUi is zero mean Gaussian

random element of F with Hilbert Schmidt covariance operator Υei. For instance, the

scatter estimators proposed by Locantore et al. (1999) and further developed by Gervini (2008) may be considered, if one suspects that outliers may be present in the sample. These estimators weight each observation according to their distance to the center of the sample. To be more precise, let us define the spatial median of the ith population as the value ηi

such that

ηi= argmin θ∈H E

(kXi−θk − kXik) (9)

and the spatial covariance operator Γs i as

Γsi =E (Xi−ηi)⊗(Xi−ηi)/kXi−ηik2 , (10)

with ηi being the spatial median. It is well known that, when second moment exist, Γsi

is not equal to the covariance operator of the ith sample, even if they share the same eigenfunctions when Xi has a finite Karhunen Lo`eve expansion and the componentsfiℓ in

(2) have a symmetric distribution, see Gervini (2008). Effectively, under symmetry of fiℓ,

ηi =µi and we have thatΓ s i =




i,ℓφi,ℓ⊗φi,ℓ with








The point to be noted here is that even if Γs

i is not proportional to Γi, under the null

hypothesis H0 : Γ1 = . . . = Γk, we also have that H0s : Γ


1 = . . . = Γ


k is true when the

components fiℓ are such that fiℓ ∼ f1ℓ for 2 ≤ i ≤ k, ℓ ≥ 1 which means that all the

populations have the same underlying distribution, except for the location parameter and the covariance operator. Thus, one can test Hs

0 through an statistic analogous to Tk,n

defined in (8) but based on estimators of Γs i.

Estimators of ηi and Γsi are defined through their empirical versions as follows. The

estimator of the spatial median is the valueηbi minimizing overµthe quantityPnj=1i kXi,j−

µk while the spatial covariance operator estimator is defined as


Γsi = 1

ni ni



(Xi,j−bηi)⊗(Xi,j−bηi) kXi,j−ηbik2


Gervini (2008) derived the consistency of these estimators and the asymptotic normality of bηi. Up to our knowledge, the asymptotic distribution of Γb



However, we conjecture that, when the componentsfiℓin (2) have a symmetric distribution,

its asymptotic behaviour will be the same as that of


Γsi = 1

ni ni



(Xi,j−µi)⊗(Xi,j−µi) kXi,j−µik2


since bηi is a root−n consistent estimator of ηi =µi. The asymptotic distribution of Γb s i is

beyond the scope of this paper while that of Γesi can be derived from the results in Dauxois et al. (1982) allowing us to apply the results in Theorem 4.1 at least when the center of all the populations is assumed to be known.

Remark 4.3. As in Section 3, a bootstrap procedure can be considered. In order to estimateθℓ, we can consider estimators of the operatorsΥi for1≤i≤kand thus estimate Υw. Therefore, ifθbℓ are the positive eigenvalues ofΥwb , a bootstrap procedure can defined

using Steps 3 and 4 in Section 3.


This research was partially supported by Grants X-018 and X-447 from the Universidad de Buenos Aires,pid 216 andpip 592 fromconicet, andpict 821 and 883 fromanpcyt, Argentina.


Proof of Theorem 3.1. Since ni/n → τi ∈ (0,1), the independence between the two

estimated operators allows us to conclude that, √


o D

−→ √1τ


U1− 1 √τ


U2 ∼U,

where U is a Gaussian random element of F with covariance operator given by Υ =

τ1−1Υ1+τ2−1Υ2. Then, we easily get

nh(Γe1−Γ1)−(Γe2−Γ2),(Γe1−Γ1)−(Γe2−Γ2)iF −→D




where{θℓ}ℓ≥1 are the eigenvalues associated to the operatorΥ.

Proof of Theorem 3.2. Let ˜Xn = (X1,1,· · ·, X1,n1, X2,1,· · ·, X2,n2), ˜Zn = (Z1,· · ·, Zqn)

and ˜Z = {Zℓ}ℓ≥1 with Zi ∼ N(0,1) independent. Define Ubn( ˜Xn,Z˜n) = Pqn=1θbℓZℓ2, Un( ˜Zn) =Pq=1n θℓZ2 andU( ˜Z) =P∞ℓ=1θℓZ2.

First note that |θbℓ−θℓ| ≤ kΥb −Υkfor each ℓ (see Kato, 1966), which implies that




|θbℓ−θℓ| ≤



On the other hand, we have

We also have the following inequalities

P(Ubn≤t|X˜n) = P(Ubn≤t∩ |Un− U|< ǫ|X˜n) +P(Ubn≤t∩ |Un− U|> ǫ|X˜n)

As we mentioned in Remark 3.1, FU is a continuous distribution function on R and so, uniformly continuous, hence limǫ→0 supt∈R ∆ǫ(t) = 0, which implies thatρk(F

Proof of Theorem 3.3. Using the Karhunen–Lo´eve representation, we can write


(1/n2)Pnj=12 (Z0,j⊗Vj+Vj⊗Z0,j). Using thatX2,j−µ2=Z0,j+Vj, we obtain the following

expansion Γe2−Γ1=ΓbZ0+ΓbV +Ae.

The proof will be carried out in several steps, by showing that √n

where U2 is a zero mean Gaussian random element with covariance operator Υ2. Using that the covariance operator ofZ0,j is Γ1, (A.5) follows from Dauxois et al. (1982).

We will derive (A.2). Note that X2,j −µ2 = Z0,j +Vj and Γb2−Γe2 = − X2−µ2⊗

X2−µ2. Then, it is enough to prove that √n2 X2−µ2=√n2 Z0+V=OP(1).

By the central limit theorem in Hilbert spaces, we get that √n2Z0 converges in distri-bution, and so it is tight, i.e., √n2Z0=OP(1).

where the last bound follows from the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality and the fact that E(f2


thath(1 + ∆ℓ/√n)1/2−1

Finally, to derive (A.4) note that analogous arguments allow to show that

E(n2kAe −E(Ae)k2) ≤

concluding the proof of (A.4). The proof of a) follows easily combining (A.2) to (A.5).

b) From a), we have that√nΓb2−Γ1


−→Γ+(1/√τ2)U2whereU2 a zero mean Gaussian random element with covariance operator Υ2. On the other hand, the results in Dauxois et al. (1982) entail that √n1 element with covariance operator Υ1 and so, √n





To conclude the proof, we have to obtain the distribution of kΓ+Uk2F. Since U is a zero mean Gaussian random element of F with covariance operator Υ, we have that

U can be written as P1θ1/2Zℓυℓ where Zℓ are i.i.d. random variables such that Zℓ ∼

N(0,1). Hence,Γ+U=P1ηℓ+θ1/2Zℓ

υℓand so,kΓ+Uk2F =Pℓ≥1


2 =





concluding the proof.

Proof of Theorem 4.1. Consider the process Vk,n ={√n(Γbi−Γi)}1≤i≤k. The

indepen-dence of the samples and among populations together with the results stated in Dauxois et al. (1982), allow to show that Vk,n converges in distribution to a zero mean Gaussian

random elementU of Fk with covariance operator ˜Υ. More precisely, we get that

{√n(Γbi−Γi)}1≤i≤k−→D U= (U1,· · ·,Uk)

whereU1,· · ·,Ukare independent random processes ofF with covariance operatorsτi−1Υi,


LetA:Fk→ Fk−1be a linear operator given byA(V

1,· · ·, Vk) = (V2−V1,· · ·, Vk−V1). The continuous map Theorem guarantees that A(√n(Γb1−Γ1),· · ·,√n(Γbk−Γk))−→D W,

whereW is a zero mean Gaussian random element ofFk−1 with covariance operatorΥw=

AΥ˜A∗ whereA∗ denote the adjoint operator ofA. It is easy to see that the adjoint operator

A∗ : Fk−1 → Fk is given by A∗(u1, . . . , uk−1) = (−Pki=1−1ui, u1, . . . , uk−1). Hence, as

U1,· · ·,Uk are independent, we conclude that

Υw(u1, . . . , uk1) =



Υ2(u1), . . . , 1



+ 1










Tk,n=n k



kΓbj−Γb1k2F −→D




where Zℓ are i.i.d standard normal random variables and θℓ are the eigenvalues of the

operator Υw.


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