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Evaluation of Fermented Rice Bran-Tofu Waste by Monascus purpureus in the Diet on Performance and Quality of Meat Broiler


Academic year: 2017

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Evaluation of Fermented Rice Bran-Tofu Waste by Monascus

purpureus in the Diet on Performance and

Quality of Meat Broiler

Nuraini*, Suslina A Latif, & Ade Djulardi

Faculty of Animal Science, University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

*e-mail: naninuraini63@yahoo.co.id, nani_nuraini0505@yahoo.com


An experiment was conducted with 80 unsexed broilers of the Arbor Acress strain to evaluate utilization of fermented product by Monascus purpureus in broiler diet on performance and carcass quality. This study involved a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% of fermented product by Monascus purpureus in diets) and 4 replicates per treatment. Diets were isonitrogenous (22% crude protein) and isocaloric (3000 kcal/kg diet). Measured variables were performances (feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion), quality of meat carcass (fat and cholesterol). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance for CRD. Increasing fermented product by Monascus purpureus levels in the diets increased feed consumption, weight gain but decreased (P<0.01) feed conversion, meat carcass (fat and cholesterol). In conclusion, up to 20% of fermented product by Monascus purpureus could be included for the broiler diet to increased performances and decreased 33.88% cholesterol of meat broiler.

Keywords: feed conversation, fermentation, meat cholesterol, Monascus purpureus


Product fermented high carotenoids (β carotene and monacolin) based on

by-product could be used as alternatve poultry det, subttuted conventonal feed stuffs stll mport. In Indonesa some of corn, soybean meal and fsh meal are stll m-ported from abroad. It resulted n a hgh cost of dets for poultry. The utlzaton of waste materals from agrcultural or ndustral wastes (by-products) s often appled to overcome the problem of feed shortage n poultry ndustry. Feed dversfcaton n the poultry det s one of many attempts to reduce the cost of feed n the poultry ndustry.


hypercholesterolemia. Results of the research before, reported that utlzaton

fer-mented products by Monascus purpureus (hgh monacoln) substtuted corn 40.06%

and decreased cholesterol of meat 35.09 respectvely (Nuran, 2012). Esenbrand

(2005) reported that used of 2.4 g/day product fermented wth Monascus purpureus

contanng 10 mg monacoln (lovastatn) for 12 weeks decreased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, trglycerdes and ncreased HDL cholesterol blood serum of rats. Accordng Endogrul (2004), monacoln or lovastatn s secondary metaboltes

pro-duced by M. purpureus as hypocholesterolema agent.

Substrate for fermented product hgh carotenod can used sold substrate based on agro waste/waste agrcultural products such as waste of (sago, cassava and tofu)

are wdely avalable n the area of ​​West Sumatra (Nuran et al., 2009). Wastes are

potentally large to be used as anmal feed, because hgh avalablty, whle stll contanng nutrent content and not compete wth human needs. The success of a sold meda fermentaton of carotenod fung s depend on the gven optmum condtons such as: substrate composton, substrate thckness, noculum dose and duraton of ncubaton. Result of the research before reported that the optmum

condtons of M. purpureus to produce rch monacoln and to ncrease the nutrent

content of fermented products were composton of substrate contan of a mxture of 80% rce bran and 20% tofu waste, the thckness of the substrate 1-2cm, noculum

dose 10% and long ncubaton 8 days. Nutrent content of fermented product by M.

purpureus ncreased f compare wth before fermentaton. Proten content ncreased from 14,85% to 20,22 %, monacoln ncreased from 0 mg/kg to 400,71 mg/kg. So

that ths experment want to study the effect of feedng fermented product by M.

purpureus (hgh carotenod monacoln) n the det on performance and qualty of meat broler.

Materals and Methods

One hundred (100) 4 days old CP 707 broler chcks were study n ths exper-ment. The chcks were ndvdually weghed and randomly selected and allocated

to each of the ffe dfferent level of fermented product by M. purpureus. Product

fermented contan 60% rce bran wth 40% tofu waste then added aquades (water content 70%), strrng evenly, sterlzed the materal 30 mnute after bolng water,

then allowed to reach room temperature. Inoculated wth 10% noculum M.

purpu-reus and ncubated for 8 days (Nuran et al., 2009). After the fermentaton products

are harvested, dred by usng sunlght. Own dets were formulated from ngredents

such as corn, soybean meal, fsh meal, rce bran, product fermented by M.

purpu-reus, coconut ol and CaCO3. The brolers were gven a det wth 22% crude proten


The expermental desgn used was Completely Randomzed Desgn (CRD)expermental desgn used was Completely Randomzed Desgn (CRD) wth 5 treatments were: 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of fermented product n the det and 4 replcatons. The varable observed were feed ntake (g/brd), weght gan (g/brd), feed converson, meat cholesterol(mg/100g), meat fat (%). Data obtaned was subjected to analyss of varance. Where sgnfcant dfferences occurred, the means wll be separated usng Duncan multple range test (DMRT).

Results and Dscusson

Feed Consumpton, Body Weght Gan and Feed Converson: The effect of

feedng fermented product by M. purpureus on performance and qualty of meat

brolers are presented n Table 3. Increasng product fermented by M. purpureus n

Table 1. Composton of raton treatments (%)

Feedstuff Treatments (%)


Corn 52.50 50.50 48.50 46.50 44.50

Rce Bran 9.75 7.50 5.25 3.00 0.50

Soybean Meal 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00

Fsh Meal 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00

Coconut Ol 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50

RBTWF 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00

Topmx 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

Amount 100 100 100 100 100

Note: RBTWF= Rce Bran-Tofu Waste Fermented.

Table 2. Ingredent content and energy metabolsm of raton treatments

Ingredent Treatments (%)


CrudeProten (%) 22.04 22.04 22.05 22.6 22.03

Ether Extract (%) 4.90 5.14 5.37 5.61 6.09

Crude Fber (%) 4.87 5.23 5.59 5.95 6.26

Calsum (%) 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96

Phosphor (%) 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.55

ME (Ccal/kg) 3,003.30 3,003.75 3,004.20 3,004.65 3,022.50


the broler det were sgnfcantly (P<0.05) affected feed consumpton, weght gan, feed converson meat cholesterol and meat fat.

Feed consumpton of broler hghest at the treatment usng 20% product

fer-mented by M. purpureus, t showed that the fermented product by M. purpureus

preferred (palatable) up to 20% n the det, eventhough wth reducton of corn and

soybean meal n each of these treatments. Ths s caused by fermentaton wth M.

purpureus produced a dstnctve flavor that s preferred brd (palatable). In

accor-dance wth the opnon of Murugesan et al. (2005), fermentaton products have a

preferred flavor and has a few vtamns (B1, B2, and B12) that are preferred when compared to orgnal materal.

The effect of feedng fermented product by M. purpureus on weght gan, the

present data demonstrated that treatment fed PF 20% and PF 15% (986.99g/brd and 959.70g/brd, respectvely) hgher than (P<0.05) as compared to brds fed PF 10%, 5%, and PF 0% (893.69g/brd,858.72g/brd and 782.42g/brd, respectvely). Hgh weght gan of broler, t mean hgh feed nutrent n the det whch use to

pro-duce meat, so t can ncrease weght gan. Accordng Gunawardana et al. (2008),

weght gan s nfluenced by feed ntake, especally proten ntake. Hgh weght gan

ndcate that the product fermented by M. purpureus untl level 20% n broler dets

that reduce the use of corn and soybean meal (40.34% and 35.67%, respectvely) was stll preferred (palatable) by lvestock. In addton, the hgh weght gan n treat-ment E (20% PF) compared to treattreat-ment A (0% PF) due to the product fertreat-mented by M. purpureus produced unsaturated fatty acd were olec acd (omega 9), lnolec

acd (omega 6) and lnolenc acd (omega 3) (Ln et al., 2005). Accordng Grobas

and Mateos (1999), 1.5% to 2% lnolec acd s needed for brds durng growth or the producton phase of the frst egg layng perod. Lnolec acd defcency n the det can reduce egg producton.

Table 3. Broler performance fed fermented rce bran-tofu waste by Monascus purpureus



The low feed converson rato at treatment E than n treatment A s caused by feed ntake and weght gan also dffered sgnfcantly (P<0.05). Accordng

Var-kooh et al. (2010), feed converson rato s the rato between feed ntake n

produc-ng a number of meat. Feed converson can be used as a pcture of the producton coeffcent, the smaller value mean more effcent use of feed to produce meat.

Meat Cholesterol and Meat Fat

The data of meat cholesterol and meat fat showed that the treatment fed PF 20% had lower mean value (P<0.05) of meat cholesterol and meat fat than the ment PF 15%, PF 10%,PF 5% and PF 0%. Low cholesterol of meat broler n treat-ment E compared to other treattreat-ments, assocated wth the use of fertreat-mented product

rch monacoln. Increasng fermented product by M. purpureus n the det caused

the hgher content of carotenods monocoln. Monacoln s hyphocholesterolema agent. Accordng to Erdogrul and Azrak (2004) that red yeast rce (fermentaton by

M. purpureus) produced monacoln that can nhbt the acton of the enzyme-CoA reductase Hydroksmetyl Glutaryl (HMG Co-A reductase) that play a role n the for-maton of mevalonat n the synthess of cholesterol so that cholesterol s not formed.

The results of ths study showed that fermented product by M. purpureus untl level

20% decreased meat cholesterol 33.88%.


Increasng fermented product by Monascus purpureus n the det can mproved

the performance and meat qualty of broler. Feedng fermented product by M.

pur-pureus up to 20% n broler det obtaned 986.99 g/brd body weght, feed conver-son rato 2.14 can reduced meat cholesterol 33.88%.


The author was very greatfull for the fnancal support of Strategs Nasonal 2009-2010 from Drectorate General of Hgher Educaton, Mnstry of Natonal Ed-ucaton, Republc of Indonesa.


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Table 1. Composton of raton treatments (%)
Table 3. Broler performance fed fermented  rce bran-tofu waste by Monascus purpureus


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