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Improving students speaking ability using information gap activities : a claaroom action researreh at-a grade of sma triguna utama ciputat


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(A Classroom Action Research at X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences in Partial of

Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata 1 (Bachelor of Arts) in

English Education Department



NIM: 106014000342









(A Classroom Action Research at X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences in Partial of

Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata 1 (Bachelor of Arts) in

English Education Department



NIM: 106014000342

Approved by


Dr. Fahriany, M. Pd

NIP: 197006111991012001








The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training Certifies that the “Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Ability using Information Gap Activities (A Classroom Action Research at X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat)”, written by Rhohmatillah, student’s registration number 106014000342 was examined by the committee on August 6th, 2010, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title ‘S.Pd’, (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the Department of English Education

Jakarta, August 3rd, 2010


CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd ( )

NIP. 1964121 199103 1 002

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd ( )

NIP. 19730625199903v 2 001

EXAMINERS : 1. Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA ( )

NIP. 1949112 219780 3 100

2. Nida Husna, M. Tesol ( )

NIP. 19720705 200312 2 002

Acknowledged by:

Dean of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences



Rhohmatillah, Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Information Gap Activities (A Classroom Action Research at X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat)”. Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2010.

This research is conducted in order to improve students’ speaking ability through information gap activities at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat and also to help the English teacher of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat in managing classroom activities communicatively, so that it will encourage the students to speak English.

In conducting this research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the method of research. She taught English speaking using information gap activities at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama. This research consisted of three cycles and each cycle consisted of four elements, they were: planning, action, observation and reflection. Each cycle was conducted in three meetings, so the researcher conducted this research in nine meetings for one month and three weeks. To collect and analyze the data, the researcher used the information from interview, observation, questioner, and the students’ achievements in pre-test and post-test in order to support the data collected.

The result of this research shows that using information gap activities in teaching speaking at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama can motivate the students to speak English and improve their speaking ability. The students’ responses showed that they were interested to learn English speaking because they thought that the activities were interesting. Moreover, the students’ achievements in pre-test and post-test which are analyzed by using the method of speaking assessment stated by Arthur Hughos showed a significant improvement. The students’ average score in pre-test was 62. 6 and the average score in post-test was 70. 9, while the improvement of students’ average score in pre-test and post-test was 8. 2. From this result, the researcher concluded that teaching speaking using information activities at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama can improve students’ speaking ability.

Key Words: Speaking Ability, Information Gap Activities



Rhohmatillah, Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Information Gap Activities (A Classroom Action Research at X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat)”. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2010.

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa melalui metode information gap activities di kelas X SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat dan juga untuk membantu guru bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat dalam mengelola kegiatan kelas yang komunikatif agar dapat mendorong siswa untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) sebagai metode penelitian. Peneliti dan guru bahasa Inggris berkolaborasi dalam mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode information gap activities di kelas X SMA Triguna Utama. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga siklus dan tiap siklus terdiri dari empat unsur, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Setiap siklus terdiri dari tiga tatap muka. Peneliti melaksanakan penelitian ini dalam sembilan tatap muka selama satu bulan tiga minggu. Untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan informasi dari wawancara, observasi, angket dan untuk mendukung data peneliti juga melaksanakan pre-test dan post-test.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan information gap activities dalam mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas X SMA Triguna Utama dapat memotivasi siswa untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Respon dari siswa menunjukkan bahwa mereka tertarik untuk belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris karena menurut mereka kegiatan yang digunakan menarik. Di samping itu, pencapaian siswa dalam pre-test dan post-test yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode penilaian kemampuan berbicara menurut Arthur Hughes menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-test adalah 62, 6 dan nilai rata-rata pada post-test adalah 70, 9, sementara peningkatan nilai rata-rata pada pre-test dan post-test adalah 8, 2. Dari hasil ini, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pengajaran speaking dengan menggunakan information gap activities di kelas X SMA Triguna Utama dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa.

Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Berbicara, Information Gap Activities



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world, who gives the writer guidance

and strength, so she could finish this scientific paper (skripsi). Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his


This skripsi is presented to the English Education Department of Tarbiya

and Teaching Sciences Faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements for Strata 1 (S1). This research could not be

completed without a great deal of help of many people, especially Dr. Fahriany,

M. Pd, as her advisor who has patiently given valuable advice and guidance to

finish this research paper.

Her gratitude also goes to those who helped her in finishing her work,

among others:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada, MA, as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teaching Sciences of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Department of UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Mrs. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd, the secretary of English Education Department

of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

4. All lecturers in English Education Department who have taught and educated

the writer so she knows many things.

5. Mr. Sajiko, S. Pd as the headmaster of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat who has

allowed the writer to conduct this research in SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat,

and All teachers and administration staffs of SMA Triguna Utama who have

helped and supported the writer in finishing this research.

6. Mrs. Burdah, M. Pd, the English teacher of SMA Triguna Utama who has

given her ideas and times and also has guided, advised, and supported the


7. Her best gratitude to her beloved parents, Mr. Zulkarnain Nasution and Mrs.

Zaida, B.A, and her beloved brother Ihsan Badroni Nasution, who always

give supports, motivations and moral encouragements to finish this research

paper. Thanks a lot for all your supports and prays to her. She is nothing

without you.

8. Her best friend, Ummi Kalsum, who has given her times to help the writer in

finishing this research paper.

9. H. Mukhlis Mubarrok Dalimunthe, Lc, M.SI, her fiancée, thank you for your

support, your help and your patient so that the writer can finish this research

paper on time.

10. Her friends in English Education Department whose names are cannot be

mentioned one by one (thank you for being my best friends in happiness and


11. Her friends in IKAPDH Jakarta (Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Pondok Pesantren

Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru Jakarta) and SEMARI Banten (Serumpun

Mahasiswa Riau).

The writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect. Therefore, the

writer expects some suggestions and critics for this paper. At last, the writer hopes

that this research paper will be useful for all.

Jakarta, June 23rd, 2010

The writer



The Approval Sheet of Advisor

The Endorsement Sheet of Examination Committee

Abstract……….. i

Acknowledgement………. iii

Table of Content……….... v

List of Tables………. viii

List of Figures……… ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study………...………... 1

B. Limitation and Formulation of Study…...………... 5

C. The Objective of Study………...………. 5

D. The Significance of Study………..…. 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Teaching Speaking………...……… 6

1. The Nature of Speaking ………... 6

2. Element of Speaking ……….. 7

3. The Aim of Teaching Speaking ………...….. 8

4. Classroom Speaking Activities………...… 10

B. Information Gap Activities ……...……….. 12

1. The Nature of Information Gap Activities ………. 12

2. Speaking Activities Based on Information Gap Principle…...14


B. Research Location……..………. 17

C. Subject of Study…..………... 17


D. Research Instrument………..………. 17

E. Technique of Data Collecting…….………... 18

F. Technique of Data Analysis…….……….... 21

G. Action Procedure……….……….. 22

1. Cycle I…………...………... 24

2. Cycle 2………. 25

3. Cycle 3………. 26

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Description of Data ………..………... 28

1. Data of Observation……… 28

2. Data of Interview……… 29

a. Data of Interview with English Teacher of X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat………... 29

b. Data of Interviews with Students of X Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat……….. 30

3. The Implementation of Information Gap Activities in Teaching Speaking….………... 31

4. The Improvement of Students’ Speaking Achievements...…... 47

5. Students’ Responses on the Implementation of Teaching Speaking by Using Information Gap Activities .……….... 54

B. Interpretation of Data …….………. 57

1. Data of Observation……… 57

2. Data of Interview………..….. 57

3. The Implementation of Information Gap Activities to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability………. 58

4. Students’ Achievements in the Tests………..………. 59



A. Conclusion ……....………. 61

B. Suggestion …….………. 61


APPENDICES A. Lesson Planning ………. 65

B. Instruments of Tests ……… 72

C. Data of Interviews ……….. 74

D. Questioner ……….. 78



Table 4.3 : The Scores of Speaking pre-test………... 48

Table 4.4 : The Scores of Speaking Post-test………. 50

Table 4.5 : Standard of Six by Gronlund……… 52

Table 4.6 : The Comparison Scores of Pre-test and Post-test………. 52



Figure 3.1 : Action Research Cycle……… 22

Figure 3.2 : Action Research Planning……… 23




A. Background of Study

The emergence of globalization era which has caused no distance

between countries in this world, force people to decide an international language

to overcome the communication problems when people from different countries

with different languages meet in some occasions. Today, the first international

language is English. Therefore, almost all people in this world try to master

English in order to be accepted in this globalization era.

The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has

created a huge demand for English teaching around the world.1 Millions of people today want to improve their command of English or to ensure that their children

achieve a good command of English. The opportunities to learn English are

provided in many different ways such as through formal instruction, travel, study

abroad, as well as through the media and the Internet. The worldwide demand for

English has created an enormous demand for quality language teaching and

language teaching materials and resources.

Communication is an essential need for human being. Language as a

means of communication has an important role to reveal an intention to someone

else. Since language is a means of communication, it is not enough for students to


Jack C. Richards, Communicative Language Teaching Today, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.1


learn words, phrases and grammatical features if they want to produce language in

their daily communication or to interact with others in English. Therefore, we

should consider the goal of English teaching today, that is to develop what Hymes

in Jack C. Richard’s referred to as “communicative competence”. Communicative

competence is a definition of what a speaker needs to know in order to be

communicatively competent in a speech community.2

One of the ways in communication is through speaking. Therefore, the

most important thing that should be noticed in teaching speaking is how to

activate all of language elements, such as vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation, which students have possessed to communicate, since the main

function of language is a means of communication. It means that the goal for

students learning English speaking is that they are able to use language to

communicate effectively and appropriately for all life’s requirements, both social

and academic. 3 The students have to be able to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings orally in English without thinking for a long time before saying what they

wish to say.

Speaking in a second or foreign language has often been viewed as the

most demanding of the four skills.4 Many people today realize that their aims to study English is to be able to communicate in English, it is suitable with the

theory of language according to communicative approach that is “language as a

means of communication”.

Students often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of

language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning

process. Effective teachers teach students speaking strategies that they can use to

help themselves expand their knowledge of the language and their confidence in

using it.


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching A Description and Analysis, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 69.


Teresa Walter, Teaching English Language Learners, (New York: Pearson Education, 2004), p. 16.



The frequency in using the language will determine the success in

speaking ability. Therefore, teacher should create a teaching strategy that

stimulates and motivates student to talk in English. Since English in Indonesia is a

foreign language, so the most comfortable place for the students to speak English

is in the classroom. There are three main reasons for getting students to speak in

the classroom. Firstly, speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities –

chances to practice real-life speaking in the safety of the classroom. Secondly,

speaking tasks in which students try to use any or all of the language elements

they know to provide feedback for both teacher and students. Finally, this is also

the opportunities for the students to activate the various elements of language they

have stored in their brains.5 Unfortunately, this condition rarely occurs to the students of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat.

In teaching speaking at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama, the teacher

teaches the students traditionally. The teacher asks the students to read a dialogue

in the textbook together. Then, the teacher asks the students to perform that

dialogue in front of the class without asking them to develop a more

communicative dialogue using their own way. So, they only memorize the

dialogue and most of the students do not know how to use some expressions

taught by their teacher in a real communication. This teaching strategy can not

help the students to use language as a means of communication.

This strategy influences the teaching of speaking which cause many

problems. First, it relates to the condition of students who are lack of vocabulary

which will make them unable to say words or sentences in a real communication.

Second, the students get used to speak Indonesian language while the most

comfortable place for the students to speak English is in the classroom, since

English in Indonesia is a foreign language. Fourth, most of the students are not

confident to use English in speaking class. For instance, when the teacher asks

them to come forward to have a conversation with their friends, they refuse it.



They are shy to perform English conversation in front of their friends.

Consequently it makes them uninterested in learning English.

The teacher also has difficulties to teach in large class. The main problem

is the way to manage it. During the teaching hours the teacher should make the

students pay attention to the materials given to them and also to their friends’

performances in front of the class. It needs hard work for getting students

attention without giving them an interesting activity for more than one hour.

Based on the problems above, the writer tries to give a solution for the

teacher to implement an English teaching strategy which can motivate and give

more opportunities for the learner to speak English in the class, that is information

gap activities. This strategy is designed to create students’ interests to learn with

pleasant. In an information gap activity two speakers have different bits of

information, and they can only complete the whole picture by sharing that

information-because they have different information, there is a ‘gap’ between

them.6 Using information gap activities in teaching speaking will encourage the students to speak and it will activate the various elements of language they have

stored in their brains. Another advantage of information gap activities is that

students are forced to negotiate meaning because they must make what they are

saying comprehensible to others in order to accomplish the task. These types of

activities are extremely effective in the foreign language classroom. They give

every student opportunity to speak in the target language for an extended period of

time and students naturally produce more speech than they would otherwise. In

addition, speaking with peers is less intimidating than presenting in front of the

entire class and being evaluated.

Based on the problems above, it encourages us to think how to manage a

classroom activities to be a communicative class so that the students can

participate actively in the teaching and learning process and then we can achieve

the objective of English learning as stated above, that is “communicative

competence”. So, in presenting this paper the writer will try to study how to



improve student’s speaking ability by using information gap activities at X grade

of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat.

B. Limitation and Formulation of Problem

1. Limitation of the Problem

The writer limits the study to the implementation of information gap activities

to improve the students’ speaking ability at X grade students of SMA Triguna

Utama Ciputat.

2. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of this study is: How significant is the students’ speaking

ability better after they are taught using information gap activities?

C. The Objective of the Study

This Classroom Action Research (CAR) is conducted in order to improve

students’ speaking ability at the X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat through

information gap activities.

D. The Significance of Study

The results of this research is expected to be useful for the English

teacher of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat especially in teaching speaking, so that

the teacher can manage classroom activities communicatively by using

information gap activities in order to encourage their students to speak or to state

their ideas orally in English. For students themselves, it can motivate them to try

to speak English as often as possible, so that they can improve their ability in




A. Speaking

1. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is an important instrument of communication. People use it

almost constantly. As human beings, especially as social creature we have a need

to make meaning of our surroundings. We have a need to express our thoughts,

opinions, or feelings in order to be accepted in social life. “Speaking does not only

make sound by the speech organs but ideas and emotions. Speaking is the active

use of language to express meaning so that other people can make sense of them,

therefore, the label of productive use of language can be applied to speaking”.7

While another expert said that speaking is “the process of building and sharing

meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of

contexts”.8 To express their ideas in foreign language, the learners will use their

existing language resources, built up from previous experience of language use.

The word speaking has many different meanings or definitions on

linguistics’ views. Another definition of speaking is making use of words in an

ordinary voice, offering words, knowing and being able to use a language


Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 40.


Hayriye Kayi , Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language.(Nevada: University of Nevada), Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XII, No. 11, November 2006, p. 1. From: http://iteslj.org/ http://iteslj.org/Articles/Kayi-Teaching Speaking.html.


expressing one-self in words, acquired through listening and reading.9 While the

definition of speaking ability is “the ability to produce sentences, to express, to

state, or to deliver thoughts, ideas and feelings. Speaking is human behaviors

which use physics: psychological, neurological, semantic, and linguistic and in

general it can be considered as a tool of social control”. 10

Referring to the definitions above, we may conclude that speaking is

giving oral expression to thoughts, opinions, or feelings in a variety of contexts by

using speech organs that is built up from previous experience of language use.

2. Elements of Speaking

In speaking, it is very important for student to acquire the ability to

express their ideas and opinions. Consequently, this competency should be

mastered by the learners of language. According to Jeremy Harmer, there are two

elements of speaking. First, language features, consists of:

1. Connected speech is the modifying in sounds production or utterances such as assimilation, omission, addition, weakened (through contraction and stress patterning)

2. Expressive devices are the alteration of the speed, volume, and stress of utterances to show the feeling. The use of this device contributes the ability to convey meaning.

3. Lexis and grammar related to the ability to use a number of common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions.

4. Negotiation language is the ability to get benefits from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.11

The second element of speaking is mental or social processing, consists of:



1. Language processing: the ability to process language in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out in forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are intended. 2. Interacting with others. This means that speaking also involves a good

deal of listening, and understanding of how the other participants are feeling.

3. Information processing: the ability to process the information the moment we get it. 12

Therefore, the English teacher should consider these elements of

speaking in teaching speaking to their students, so that they will have a good

ability in speaking. Furthermore, as explained by Arthur Hughos that for assessing

spoken English production, teachers have to asses students’ pronunciation,

grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.13 Although his theory does not

mention explicitly about the element of speaking, however the implementation to

assess the spoken English production is dealing with the elements of speaking

itself. Of course grammar and vocabulary here should be based on the curriculum

and students’ expectations.

3. The Aim of Teaching Speaking

Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching.

Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued

and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a

repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, today's world requires

that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative skills,

because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to

follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers (2nd Edition), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 130.



One of the characteristics of speech in everyday life is that speech is

spontaneous. That is, in most situations, people do not plan ahead of time what

they are going to say. Only in more formal situations, such as when a person has

been asked to give a speech, do people plan and organize their speech.15

The fact

that speech is spontaneous means that it is full of false starts, repetitions,

incomplete sentences, and short phrases. Therefore, teachers may require their

students to do more forward-thinking and planning than native speakers do in real

life. Another aspect of producing spoken language is the time-constraint. The

students must be able to produce unplanned utterances in real time, otherwise

people will not have the patience to listen to them.

Based on the facts explained above, we should consider the goal of

English teaching today, that is to develop “communicative competence” rather

than a mere mastery of structures, vocabulary items, or pronunciation.

Communicative competence is the aspect of our competence that enables us to

convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings interpersonally within

specific contexts.16

4. Classroom Speaking Activities

Most English teachers face the problem of having passive students who

show no willingness to speak in class, or students who seem interested enough to

speak but find it difficult to express themselves.

Traditional classroom speaking practice often takes the form of drills in

which one person asks a question and another gives an answer. The question and

the answer are structured and predictable, and often there is only one correct,

predetermined answer. The purpose of asking and answering the question is to

2006), p. 1. From: http://iteslj.org/ http://iteslj.org/Articles/Kayi-Teaching Speaking.html.


Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 21.



demonstrate the ability to ask and answer the question.

In contrast, the purpose of real communication is to accomplish a task,

such as conveying a telephone message, obtaining information, or expressing an

opinion. In real communication, participants must manage uncertainty about what

the other person will say. Authentic communication involves an information gap;

each participant has information that the other does not have. In addition, to

achieve their purpose, participants may have to clarify their meaning or ask for

confirmation of their own understanding.17

To create classroom speaking activities that will develop communicative

competence, which is the aim of teaching speaking as explained above, instructors

need to incorporate a purpose and an information gap and allow for multiple

forms of expression.18 Therefore, the teacher should provide students with communicative activities in which the student can engage actively in teaching and

learning process.

They must use the target language to share some information. For

instance, one student has the direction to a party and must give them to a

classmate. One type of speaking activity involves the so-called ‘information

gap’-where two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole.

Because they have different information, there is a ‘gap’ between them.

Speaking activities which can improve students’ speaking competence as

suggested by Richards19 are:

1. Information-gap activities: this refers to the fact that in real communication, people normally communicate in order to get information they do not

possess. In this activity, each student has different information and they


Gillian Brown and George Yule. Teaching the Spoken Language, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 13.


Developing Speaking Activities,



need to obtain information from each other in order to finish a task. They

must use target language to accomplish it.

2. Jigsaw activities: these are also based on the information-gap principle. Typically, the class is divided into groups and each group has part of the

information needed to complete an activity. The class must fit the pieces

together to complete the whole. In so doing, they must use their language

resources to communicate meaningfully and so take part in meaningful

communication practice.

3. Task-completion activities: puzzles, games, map-reading, and other kinds of classroom tasks in which the focus is on using one’s language resources to

complete a task.

4. Information-gathering activities: student-conducted surveys, interviews, and searches in which students are required to use their linguistic resources to

collect information.

5. Opinion-sharing activities: activities in which students compare values, opinions, or beliefs, such as a ranking task in which students list six

qualities in order of importance that they might consider in choosing a date

or spouse.

6. Information-transfer activities: These require learners to take information that is presented in one form, and represent it in a different form. For

example, they may read instructions on how to get from A to B, and then

draw a map showing the sequence, or they may read information about a

subject and then represent it as a graph.

7. Reasoning-gap activities: These involve deriving some new information from given information through the process of inference, practical

reasoning, etc.


B. Information Gap Activities

1. The Nature of Information Gap Activities

Information gap activity is an activity which is based on information-gap

principle that in real communication people normally communicate in order to get

information they do not possess.20 Real communication is likely to occur in the

classroom if students practice language forms on their own way and use their

linguistic and communicative resources in order to express their ideas. In so

doing, they will get available vocabulary, grammar, and communication strategies

to complete a task.

Another definition of information gap activity is an activity where two

speakers have different bits of information, and they can only complete the whole

picture by sharing that information-because they have different information, there

is a ‘gap’ between them.21

In an information gap activity one person has

information that the other lacks. They must use the target language to share that

information. For instance, one student has the directions to a party and must give

them to a classmate.

Information gap exists when one person in an exchange knows something

to other person does not.22

Therefore, if we create an activity based on this

statement, the activity is in the form that the students work in pair or in group and

each student has different information and they have to share each other’s

information in order to complete a task.

Referring to the definition above, we can conclude that the principles of

information gap activities are that each student has different information and they

need to obtain information from each other in order to finish a task. They must use

target language to accomplish it.


Jack C. Richards, …….., p. 19


Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English, (Harlow: Pearson education limited, 2007), p. 129.



For information gap activities to work, it is vitally important that students

understand the details of the task (for example, that they should not show each

other pictures).23

It is often a good idea for teachers to demonstrate how an

activity works by asking a student to come to front of the class and performing the

activity with the teacher, so that everyone can see exactly how to do the activity.

Many English learners cannot say what they wish to say in English, even

though they had years of English learning. Therefore, we need to actively engage

students in speaking activities that are enjoyable and that are based on a more

communicative competence as the goal of teaching speaking. One of the

challenges faced by many second language-teachers is motivating their students to

speak in the target language, confident students always participate and students

who are less confident are reluctant to speak. Even when students speak in the

target language, they are usually answering a question and this approach greatly

limits students output. Oral presentations provide opportunities for students to

speak in the target language for an extended period of time and these activities are

useful, but they should not be the only opportunities, students have to speak at

length. Because students prepare for this presentation by writing a script and then

rehearsing it, they have difficulty to speak in the target language spontaneously

because they only have a little opportunity to do so. When students choose to

learn a language, they are interested in learning to speak that language as fluently

as possible. One solution is by using information gap activities.

These types of activities are extremely effective in the L2 classroom. They

give every student the opportunity to speak in the target language for an extended

period of time and students naturally produce more speech than they would

otherwise. In addition, They can help to reduce such fears by maintaining a friendly

atmosphere in the class and providing opportunities for students to practice alone or

with another student and then increasingly with a larger group of students.24 Thus,


students can practice speaking in front of their peers who face the same situation.

Speaking with peers is less intimidating than presenting in front of the entire class

and being evaluated. Another advantage of information gap activities is that

students are forced to negotiate meaning because they must make what they are

saying comprehensible to others in order to accomplish the task.

2. Speaking Activities Based on Information Gap Activities

The teacher should design the speaking activity so as to provide an

opportunity for learners to produce language that they had recently learnt (e.g.

through open or cued dialogues) in order to prepare the learner for later

communicative activity by providing them with the necessary linguistic forms and

the necessary links between forms and meanings.

The principle underlying communicative activities is that the teacher

structures the situation so that learners have to overcome an information gap or

solve a problem. Speaking activities based on information gap principle can be

divided in to some categories,25

those are:

1. Identifying pictures: learner A has a set of four, five or six pictures which are very similar in content, but contain a number of distinguishing features.

Learner B has a copy of these pictures. Learner A must find out which of the

pictures learner B is holding, by asking him questions about it.

2. Discovering Identical pairs: in this activity the students work in group, for instance one group consists of five students. Four pictures are given among

four students and the fifth learner in the group holds a duplicate of one of

these pictures. He must ask the others to discover which learner has the

picture identical to his own.

3. Discovering sequences or locations: learner A has a set of six patterns. These are arranged into a sequence from one to six. Learner B has the same set of



patterns, but these are not in sequence. Learner B must discover the sequence

of A’s pictures and arrange his pictures in the same way.

4. Discovering missing information or features: learner A has information represented in tabular or picture form. However, some items of information

have been deleted from the table or picture. Learner B has an identical table

or picture, but different items of information have been deleted. Each learner

can complete his own table or picture by asking his partner for the

information that he lacks.

5. Communicating patterns and pictures: learner A has an assortment of shapes which he arranges into a pattern. Learner B has the same shapes. They must

communicate each other so that B can reproduce as exactly as possible the

same pattern as A.

6. Discovering differences: learner A and B each have a picture (or map, patter, etc). The pictures are identical except for a number of details. The

learner must discuss the pictures in order to discover what the differences are.

7. Following directions: learner A and B have identical maps. Only A knows the exact location of some building or other features. He must direct B to the

correct spot.

8. Pooling information to solve a problem: learners have to pool information in order to solve a problem. For instance, learner A has a town plan showing the

location of interesting places. Learner B has a list of a bus timetable. Together

they must devise an itinerary which would enable them to visit, say, five

places during one ay, spending at least half an hour at each.

9. Reconstructing story-sequences: a picture-script story (without dialogue) is cut up into its separate pictures. One picture is handed to each member of a

group. Without seeing each other’s pictures, the learners in the group must




A. The Aim of Study

The aim of this research is to know how to improve students’ speaking

ability by using information-gap activities at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama

Ciputat. The writer hopes it will give a pleasant activity for students, so it will

motivate them to speak English.

B. Place and Time of Study

This research took place at SMA Triguna Utama that is located in Jl. Ir. H.

Juanda, KM. 2, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten. The writer conducted this

research for one month and three weeks. It began from March 31st, 2010until May 20th, 2010.

C. Subject of Study

The subject of this research is X grade students of SMA Triguna Utama

Ciputat in 2009/2010 Academic Year. There are 40 students in X grade.

D. Research Instrument

The research instruments used in order to complete the data needed

include observation, documents of teaching-learning process, interview and

questioner. In order to support the data of teaching and learning process, pre- test

and post-test were conducted in order to know how the students’ scores better

after they are taught using information gap activities.


E. Technique of Data Collecting

There are three techniques of data collecting applied in this study, they are

observation, interview, questioner and test in order to support the data of teaching

and learning process.

1. Observation

The writer did the observation directly toward English teaching and

learning-process in X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat 2009/2010 Academic

Year. In speaking lesson, the writer observed students’ speaking skills, such as;

pronunciation, vocabulary,grammar and their braveries in speaking lesson.

2. Interview

One of the ways to get deep and more information in the classroom is by

using interview. The writer interviewed the English teacher and the students of X

grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat. The interview was conducted structurally

by using interview guide and it was conducted once in a week after the teaching

and learning process has finished. The interview was about problem in speaking

lesson before and after using information gap activities in speaking lesson.

3. Questioner

The questioner was given to the students of X grade of SMA Triguna

Utama Ciputat in order to know their responds toward the process of teaching and

learning speaking by using information gap activities and also about their

motivations and problems in learning English speaking before and after they were

taught using information gap activities.

4. Test

The test is used to compare students’ speaking achievements before

conducting the research and after conducting the research. The form of the test


research, the writer conducted an oral test. The test used is based on the activity

based on information gap principle as explained in chapter 2.

Giving score of the speaking test is the most challenging of all language

exams. That is why many people do not even try to measure the speaking skill.

According to Arthur Hughes, there are five components to analyze of the speech

process such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


In order to give score to the students’ ability in the five aspects mentioned

above, the writer used the ‘Proficiency Descriptions’ stated by Arthur Hughes in

his book.27 The proficiency descriptions are:


1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.

2. Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.

3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciation lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary.

4. Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.

5. No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker.

6. Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent”.


1. Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in stock phrases.

2. Constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.

3. Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.

4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding

5. Few errors, with no patterns of failure.

6. No more than two errors during the interview.


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers (2nd Edition), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 130.




1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation. 2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas.

3. Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topic.

4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.

5. Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations. 6. Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated

native speaker.


1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.

2. Speech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences. 3. Speech is frequently hesitant; sentences may be left uncompleted.

4. Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and grouping of words.

5. Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptively non-native in speed and evenness.

6. Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s.


1. Understands too little for the simplest type of conversation.

2. Understand only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topics; requires constant repetition and rephrasing.

3. Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may require occasional repetition and rephrasing.

4. Understands quite well normal educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing.

5. Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for very colloquial or low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.


F. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer conducted this classroom action research collaboratively with

the English teacher of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat. The data collected

were analyzed in some ways as shown below28:

a. Reducing the data

This is the first component in analyzing the data that contains selecting

processing, focusing, and summarizing the data from field notes. In this step, the

writer selected, limited, and summarized the data from the implementation of

teaching speaking using information gap technique.

b. Displaying the data

The second step of analyzing the data is describing the data in narrative

which the research conclusion will be possible to be done. In this step, the writer

described the result of the research which is described in systematic and logic

sentence, therefore the result is understandable. The form of displaying is not

always in the sentences, but it can also be displayed in table form which supports

the narrative data.

c. Drawing Conclusion

The last step is the writer made conclusion of the research. Then the

writer also verified the conclusion. The technique is by discussing the research

conclusion with the collaborator of the research. This step is very important to be

done in order to get a good research conclusion.



G. Action Procedures

In this Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer used the CAR

principle to collect the data. This research consisted of three cycles and each cycle

consisted of four elements. The writer described the cycles through the scheme of

action research designed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart as follows:

Figure 3.1

Action Research Cycle

(Adapted from Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006)29



A plan for action was being established, as detailed in figure below:

Figure 3.2

Action Research Planning

- Ask students’ responses

- Observe the class while students are practicing

- Give expressions and vocabularies needed

- Explain the instruction for practicing - Practice (sharing information with

restricted cooperation

- Students Perform in front of class - Make lesson planning

-Choose suitable topic and teaching aids -Develop evaluation form for students.

- Evaluate teaching and learning process

- Analyze students’ achievement - Revise the action planning for the

next cycle

- Identify the problem in cycle 1

- Revise the lesson plan

- Reselect the topic and teaching aid which will motivate students

- Give an example of related conversation

- Practice an information gap activity (sharing information with unrestricted cooperation)

- Perform in front of the class

- Analyze students’ achievement

- Discuss with the English teacher - Evaluate action 2

- Observe students’ participation.

- Observe students’ achievement

- Strengthen students’ motivation to speak English

- Develop the activities toward spontaneous speak.

- Group work ( sharing and processing information)


Cycle I

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer makes the lesson plan and then chooses the

topics and teaching aids to imply the information gap activities. In this phase, the

writer uses dialogues, short paragraphs, list of related expressions and vocabulary

items, draw material and other things used in information gap activities. The

writer also makes the evaluation form to know about students’ achievements at

the end of this cycle.

b. Action

The writer gives an example of conversation and also some related

vocabulary items needed when students are engaged in an information gap

activity, that is sharing information with restricted cooperation. Then, the writer

asks the students to work in pairs with their partners. For instance, learner A has a

set of four, five or six pictures which are all very similar in content, but contain a

number of distinguishing features. Learner B has a duplicate copy just one of

these pictures. Learner A must find out which of the pictures learner B is holding,

by asking him questions about it. If student A has found the picture held by

student B, now it is student B’s turn to act like student A to find out which picture

is held by student A. At the end of the meeting, the writer calls the students two

by two to perform as what they have practiced in front of the class.

c. Observation

In this phase, the writer observes the students’ responses, participations,

and achievements which are found during the teaching and learning process.

Sometimes, the writer also asks some students’ opinions about the process of


d. Reflection

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data of

teaching-learning process. Then, the writer reflects herself by seeing the result of the

observation, whether the teaching learning process of speaking using information

gap activity is good to imply in teaching learning process at X grade students of

SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat or not. If the first plan is unsuccessful, proven by

students’ achievements, the writer will make the next plan (replanning) to solve

students’ problems and also to get a better result.

Cycle 2

a. Planning

After identifying the problems found in cycle 1, the writer will revise the

lesson plan and reselect the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so that

they will get a better achievement in speaking.

b. Action

The writer gives an example of conversation to prepare students for

practicing information gap activities (sharing information with unrestricted

cooperation). For instance, the writer asks students to work in pairs with their

partners. Student A has a set of 7 pictures. These are arranged into a sequence

from one to seven by himself. Learner B has the same set of pictures, but these are

not in sequence. Learner B must discover the sequence of A’s pictures and

arrange his own in the same way as A’s. The writer tells them that they may not

see each other’s pictures, the only way they can do is describing their pictures to

each other and speculating on how they are arranged. If student B has found the

way student A arranged the picture, now it is student A’s turn to act like student B

to find out how student B arrange his pictures.

At the end of the meeting, the writer calls the students’ names three by

three, for instance namely student A, student B, and student C. Then, the writer


student B and C have to describe and ask student A in order to arrange their

pictures as A’s.

c. Observation

In this phase, the writer observes the students’ responses, participations,

and achievements which are found during the teaching and learning process. The

writer uses photography and also video for several times to collect the data.

d. Reflection

In this phase, the writer evaluates students’ progresses in their speaking

ability after taught using information gap activities. The writer will also ask the

English teacher’s opinion about students’ improvements in speaking. Further

more, data reduction will be used to decide a better plan for the next cycle.

Cycle 3 (If needed)

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer strengthens students’ motivations to speak

English by creating a lesson plan which will develop students’ speaking ability in

spontaneous situation.

b. Action

The writer uses sharing and processing information activities to engage

students to a more spontaneous speaking activities, so that they will be able to

speak fluently and correctly without thinking for a long time. In this phase,

students will work in group of four or five. At the end of the class, each group will

perform their ideas or decisions of a problem to the whole class and other students


c. Observation

The writer observes students’ achievements based on their participations

in group work and also their performances in front of the class.

d. Reflection

The writer analyzes the data collected, especially students’ progresses in

speaking English based on their scores in the test

During the process of the action research in the X grade of SMA Triguna

Utama Ciputat, the writer uses the diary and document as the instrument for

gathering the data. Diaries contain personal accounts of the observation on

feelings, reactions, interpretations, reflections, explanations and documents of

teaching and learning process which are used to provide information related to the

problem under investigation. The documents used by the writer are lesson plan




In this research finding, the writer presents the data that have been

collected. The data description consists of the description of data from

observation, data from interview, data from questioner, the implementation of

teaching speaking using information gap activities and the improvement result of

the implementation of Information gap activities in teaching speaking at X grade

of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat.

A. Description of Data

1. Data of Observation

Based on the observation conducted by the writer in March 31st it is known that in teaching speaking at X grade of SMA Triguna Utama the teacher teaches

speaking by giving a dialogue on the whiteboard to the students and then she

reads it and followed by students together. Then, the teacher asks the student to

memorize and perform that dialogue in front of the class without giving them a

more communicative activity to practice the material that has been given to the

students or asking them to develop a more communicative dialogue using their

own way. So, they only memorize the dialogue and most of the students do not

know how to use the expressions taught by their teacher in real communication,

even they do not know the meaning of dialogue that they memorize. This teaching

strategy can not help students to use language as a means of communication.


This strategy influences the teaching of speaking which cause many

problems. First, it relates to the condition of students who are lack of vocabulary

which will make them unable to say words or sentences in a real communication.

Second, the students get used to speak Indonesian language in the classroom. For

instance, when the teacher asks them to come forward to have a conversation with

their friends, they refuse it. They are shy to perform English conversation in front

of their friends. Consequently it makes them uninterested in learning English.

The teacher also has difficulties to teach in large class. The main problem

is the way to manage it. During the teaching hours the teacher should make the

students pay attention to the materials given to them and also to their friends’

performances in front of the class. It needs hard work to get students’ attentions

without giving them an interesting activity for more than one hour.

2. Data of Interview

a. The Description of Data from Interview with English Teacher of X

Grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat

Based on the interview with the English teacher of X grade of SMA

Triguna Utama conducted by the writer in March 31st, it is known that she found some problems in getting students’ attentions and participations in the classroom,

furthermore, the students of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama Ciputat are very

active and noisy, it is very difficult to get their attention and to keep them silent.

The English teacher thought that the cause may be because not all students

motivated in learning English. Besides, it is very difficult to motivate the students

to speak English or to perform in front of the class.

The English teacher of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama teaches speaking

by introducing new dialogue to the students, then she asks them to practice it with

their friends, and then she asks them to memorize it and perform the dialogue that


asks the students to make a story in their homes, and the next meeting she asks

them to tell that story in front of the class.

From this interview, it is also known that the English teacher is very rare

facilitates the students of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama in communicative

activities or even in real communication inside or outside the classroom. The

reason is that the time of teaching and learning process inside the classroom is

very limited, so it is very difficult to find a suitable activity in this situation.

Sometimes, she also invites the students to speak English when she meets them

outside the class, however she usually has to mix it with Indonesian language, or

even translate it into Indonesian language because the students look confuse and

cannot respond correctly to her speaking.

According to the English teacher of X grade of SMA Triguna Utama, the

students’ ability in speaking English are still low, however they have shown some

improvements compared to their ability before they learn in SMA Triguna Utama.

At first, they look fear to speak, but now they are braver to speak English.

b. The Description of Data from Interviews with Students of X Grade of

SMA Triguna Utama

Based on the interviews conducted by the writer to the ten students of X

grade of SMA Triguna Utama, it is known that most students like English,

however some students are not motivated to learn English because they thought

that learning English is very difficult and boring.

The students of grade X of SMA Triguna Utama have some problems in

learning English that they can not understand English well and they do not brave

to speak English because they are rarely involved in speaking activity and also

because of the lack of vocabulary items. Most students are motivated in learning

to speak English, however, sometimes they are bored because they are always

asked to memorize.

The students said that their English teacher teaches them by introducing a


Sometimes, they also tell a story in front of the class, but it is very rare. The

students also said that their English teacher sometimes uses English in the

classroom, however because the students do not understand her, she changes it

into Indonesian language. The students admitted that their braves in speaking is

improved, however they still have some difficulties in expressing their ideas or

thoughts orally.

3. The Implementation of Information Gap Activities in Teaching Speaking

Based on the information from the data collected, the students were not

interested in learning English. They were difficult to learn English, especially

speaking. Their scores of the English test were poor. They felt the way to teach

English was monotonous or not interesting. They needed a method to make them

pay attention to the English lesson.

They had limited vocabulary items, they like to use their native languages

more than English to express their opinions, and they had less motivation in

speaking class. The teacher had a problem when she teaches in the class. The

problem was that the teacher had a difficulty in handing the passive students and

the hyper active ones who always make a lot of noises in the class during the

teaching learning process. To overcome the problem in that class, the writer used

information gap activities to support the teaching-learning process. The writer

teaches the students using information gap activity as the technique of teaching

the students. The topics used in this research were giving the direction,

unforgettable experience, shapes, daily activities, job vacancy, travelling and the

beauty of Indonesia.

In this research implementation, the writer arranged pre-test and post-test

orally. The test is aimed to measure the students’ achievements in speaking. In the

pre-test, the writer used a kind of information gap activity, that is identifying


Table 4.3 : The Scores of Speaking pre-test………………………... 48
Figure 3.1 : Action Research Cycle…………………………………
Figure 3.1 Action Research Cycle
Figure 3.2  Action Research Planning


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