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Teachers’ Perception: The Use of Flashcard and Its Effects on the Vocabulary Mastery of Hearing Impaired Students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta


Academic year: 2017

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SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Yuliani Puspita Dewi 2012 054 0004

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Statement of the Authenticity

I am a student with the following identity: Name : Yuliani Puspita Dewi

NIM : 20120540004

Program Study : English Education Department Faculty : Faculty of Language Education

University : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that this thesis with the title of “Teachers’ Perception: The Use of Flashcard

and Its Effects on the Vocabulary Mastery of Hearing Impaired Students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta” is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this thesis. Others’ opinion or findings included in this thesis are quoted in

accordance with ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, August 1st 2016




First and foremost, all praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who gives

health and capability to finish this undergraduate thesis. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Ms. Indah Puspawati S.Pd., M.A for her help, support, and patience at throughout my undergraduate studies. One of many things that makes me grateful is Ms. Indah very patience at teach me writing my

undergraduate thesis with correctly. She always spends her time to answer my questions. Then, I also belief that she have good passion to teach how to writhe qualitative research.

Besides my advisor, I would like to say thanks for the skripsi examiners: Ms. Sri Sudarsi., S.S., M.InT. and Ms. Noor Qomaria A, S.Pd.,M.Hum Thanks for your comments and encouragement, even for hard question which incented me to widen my research for various perspectives.

Besides that, I cannot finished my undergraduate thesis without support from my family. I want to say thanks for my father ‘Sulasmono’ because always gave me support and prayed. Then, thanks for my mother ‘Sumarni’. She also always supports

me and being someone who listen my problem. I also want to say thanks for my little sister ‘Febriyani Puspita Pratiwi’ because she gave me idea to make a research that

has relationship with hearing impaired students and thanks for your support and prayer.

Then, for ‘Hardiansyah Rizky Mahendra’ thanks always support me from first



For my best friends,‘Kawaii’ (Nur, Tivani, Erlin, Lia, Anisa, Erni, Reni and Lina). Thanks to spending your time to playing, sharing, traveling and learning together with me. Thanks always support me and always beside me .

The last is for my friends in KKN 39 UMY 2015 (Lia, Zelin, Devy, Pepi, Niki, Siska, Aviq, Edy, Rangga, Gigih, Ripul, Ijul, Hario and Taufiq). Thanks gave me good memories in university. I am very happy can work for society with them.


vi Abstract

Hearing impaired students are special students because they need special treatment. Then, in Indonesia teacher of hearing impaired students teach by using curriculum that the government design for hearing impaired students as a reference. This curriculum describe that hearing impaired students have to take similar subject with normal students like science, mathematics, social and English language. In learning English, hearing impaired students is important to have good vocabulary knowledge because they can get difficulties when they do not have it. There are many media that the teachers of hearing impaired used to teach new vocabulary such as flashcard, picture, realia and logiko. Then, flashcard is one of media that appropriate for hearing impaired students to learn new vocabulary. This research aimed to know teachers’ perception about the use of flashcard and the effect of using flashcard on the

vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Descriptive qualitative was used in this research. In this research, the researcher used interview to get the data. There are two teachers of hearing impaired students as participants. The first finding showed that there were three important aspects at using flashcard in the classroom of hearing impaired students such as the times of using flashcard, function of using flashcard and appropriate activities that teachers use to teach new vocabulary by using flashcard. Second finding showed that flashcard can help hearing impaired students in learning new vocabulary and flashcard also can improve vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. Other findings were about the use of other media such as picture, realia and logiko. The teacher also explained some challenges at using flashcard.



Table of Contents

Cover ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of Authenticity ... iii

Acknowledgement ... iv

Abstract ... vi

Table of Contents ... vii

List of Figure ... ix

List of Appendices ... x

Chapter One (Introduction) ... 1

Background of the Research ... 1

Identification and Limitation of the Problem ... 5

Formulation of the Problem ... 6

Purpose of the Study ... 7

Significance of the Study ... 7

Outline of the Research ... 8

Chapter Two (Literature Review) ... 10

English Vocabulary Learning ... 10

Method for English Vocabulary Learning ... 11

Flashcard as Media for English Vocabulary learning ... 12

English Vocabulary Learning for Hearing Impaired Students ... 13

Flashcard as Media to Learn English Vocabulary for Hearing Impaired Students ... 15

An Overview of SLB N 1 Bantul ... 18



Conceptual Framework ... 20

Chapter Three (Methodology) ... 23

Research Design ... 23

Research Setting ... 23

Research Participants ... 24

Data Collection Method and Instrument ... 24

Data Collection Procedure ... 25

Data Analysis ... 26

Chapter Four (Findings and Discussion) ... 28

The Use of Media to teach English Vocabulary ... 28

The Use of Flashcard in the Classroom ... 30

The Teachers Perception about the Effect of Using Flashcard ... 36

Kinds of Other Media Used to Teach Vocabulary ... 41

Challenge of Using Flashcard ... 44

Chapter Five (Conclusion and Recommendation) ... 47

References ... 50


ix List of Figure



List of Appendix


Chapter One Introduction

In this research, the researcher discusses teachers’ perception on the use of flashcard and its effect on the vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. Then, first chapter discusses background of the study, identification and limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study and outline of the study.

Background of the Study

Hearing impaired students are special students who learn in special school for disabled students. In Indonesia, hearing impaired students can learn in extraordinary school or Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB). In SLB, they can get some new knowledge such as science, language, mathematics and social. The government of Indonesia regulates about education for disabled students in article 5 point 1, 2 and 4 of the law no. 20 of 2003 about National Education System states:

Paragraph (1) Every citizen has the same right to obtain a quality education; Paragraph (2) Citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and / or social entitled to receive special education; Then, paragraph (4) Citizens who have the intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education. In Indonesia, hearing impaired students follow the curriculum that has been designed by the government that specially designed curriculum for them. Based on Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006, the curriculum design of hearing impaired students has some purposes to make them have a good ability in


that their teacher use, which should be appropriate with curriculum for disabled students in Indonesia.

In learning English language, hearing impaired students have similar subjects with normal students. They also need to learn four skills in English language such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Hearing impaired students need to have those skills because it is written in syllabus based on Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) for hearing impaired students. Based on KTSP (2006), there are four points of the standard competence such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. In learning four skills in English language, the students need to learn the basic knowledge in English language.

One of basic knowledge in English language is vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is an important part for beginners in English language learning. Nam (2010) argued that vocabulary does not only support four language skills, but also facilitates between English as Second Language (ESL) students and content-area classes in which these students often find that lack of vocabulary knowledge is difficult to learn. Vocabulary knowledge is an important part for beginner English learners because when the students do not have good vocabulary knowledge, they can get difficulties in learning English language skills. It is because in learning English skill hearing impaired students need to have many vocabularies to make them understand with English language.

There are many methods to learn new English vocabulary such as by using dictionary, reading book, and using flashcard. Laufer and Hill (2000) as cited in Nam (2010, p. 128) stated that “in order to learn unknown words while reading a text,


learn new English vocabulary because it is a simple way to learn new English vocabulary. Komachali and Khodareza (2012) argued that “one way to add new words to one’s vocabularies is by locating words in the dictionary and learning what

they mean” (p. 134).

Second, reading books is one of methods to learn new vocabulary because from reading book the students can get new English vocabulary. Then, reading story books is also an easy way to learn new English vocabulary because some story books have pictures to help students learn new vocabulary. Snow (1983) and Wells (1985) as cited in Williams (2012, p. 502) explain that “since the early 1980s, research has

indicated that storybook reading offers a potentially rich context for accelerating young children’s language development that is, their development in all components

of language”. Third, flashcard is one of media that can be used by teacher or students.

Flashcard can be appropriate for learning new vocabulary because flashcard contains pictures, words or sentences and it can make students interesting to learn new

vocabulary. Komachali and Khodareza defined that “A flashcard is a cardboard

consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it” (p. 137).

There are many media for hearing impaired students to learn English

vocabulary but the teacher should know the appropriate media for them. It is because hearing impaired students need a special treatment in learning. The special treatment can use by the teachers are choosing appropriate media to learn new vocabulary. Then, teachers can do an observation to know the appropriate media to teach hearing impaired students. By doing observation, teachers can know the media or tools that is appropriate with their ability.


because hearing impaired students is visual learner and visual aid can be appropriate for them. Moores (2010) shared that deaf students are visual learners. The contents in the flashcard especially pictures can help hearing impaired students know a new word quickly because as visual learners, they can see the picture and this picture also can help teacher to share a new word for their students.

The role of the teachers in the classroom also have important part of learning teaching process for hearing impaired students. Not all of the teachers can teach hearing impaired students because they need skills to teach the students. Teacher of hearing impaired students should have characteristic to be a master teacher of hearing impaired students. Sheetz and Martin (2008) as cited in Smith and Allman (2010) argued that there are six characteristics of master teachers of the deaf such employing cognitive strategies, being up-to-date, having a passion for teaching, working

collaboratively, demonstrating strong communication skills and, creating independent learners. The teacher should not only have characteristic to teach hearing impaired student, but they also should have ability to choose appropriate media to help hearing impaired students learn new vocabularies.

Then, every teachers of hearing impaired students have their own perception about the appropriate media for hearing impaired students in learning new vocabulary. Based on the researcher’s observation, some teachers of hearing impaired students

used flashcard in the beginning of the semester. It was because the teachers wanted to introduce material by learning new vocabulary first.

In this research, researcher viewed the teachers’ perception on using flashcard


Yogyakarta had hearing impaired class. Then, the location of the school was near with the researcher’s university so that it made the researcher easy to collect the data. Teacher’s perception was important to know about the use of flashcard and its effect in disabled’s class.By the teacher’s perception, the researcher could know about how

to used flashcard in disabled class because of many teachers did not know how to used flashcard in disabled class. So this research was important to give knowledge for the teachers that want to teach hearing impaired students about how to use flashcard in the classroom of hearing impaired students. Teacher’s perception also can be used to know the effect of using flashcard because the teachers know about students’


Identification and Limitation of the Problem

The hearing impaired students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta were beginner learners in English language learning while English language is a foreign language for them. As beginner learner in English language, hearing impaired students had difficulties in learning English language because English language as a foreign language was different with their mother tongue. Hearing impaired students also had difficulties to hear teachers’ explanation in the class, thus, the teacher used

sign language to teach them.

Although they had difficulties in learning process, the hearing impaired students should learn new vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is important because they should have good vocabulary knowledge to learn four skills in English language. It is because hearing impaired students need to have many vocabularies to understand English language. There are many media for hearing impaired students to learn


vocabulary. Although those media might be effective for hearing impaired students, teachers should understand the effect of every media that they use for their students. So, the teachers could improve vocabulary knowledge of the students by

understanding the effect of using media and knowing how to use media to help their students in learning new vocabulary.

Teacher and students could learn new vocabulary by using many tools, but not all of those media can be appropriate for hearing impaired students. Flashcard could be appropriate tools for hearing impaired students because they felt difficult to hear teachers’ explanation. As a beginner, hearing impaired students needed interesting

media to learn new vocabulary and flashcard that contain pictures that can help them to understand new words and teachers’ explanation in interesting way.

Further, the researcher limited this research with discussed about the use of flashcard as media to learn new vocabulary by using teachers’ perception in order to know how to use flashcard in disabled class and to know the effect of using flashcard on the vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. The researcher investigated the teachers’ perception in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta because this school has

classes for hearing impaired students. Formulation of the Problem

The main goals of this research were to find out the teachers’ perception of the

use of flashcard and its effect on the vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. The research questions followed the goal were:

a. How do the teachers of hearing impaired students use flashcards in the

classroom in SLB N 1 Bantul?

b. What is teacher perception about the effect of using flashcard on hearing


Purpose of the Study

From research questions, this research was intended to find out:

a. The use of flashcard in the classroom in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. b. The teacher perception about the effect of using flashcard on the hearing

impaired students’ English vocabulary.

Significance of the Study

There are five significant points of this study that might give valuable contribution to hearing impaired students, teachers, researcher, other researcher and educational institution.

Hearing impaired students. Flashcard is effective to hearing impaired students, so they can use flashcard as tools to learn new vocabulary at school or at home.

Teacher. This study can help teachers in disabled class to know the

effectiveness of using flashcard to improve student’s vocabulary. When flashcard is

appropriate to be used, it can be one of media that teacher can use to improve hearing impaired students’ English vocabulary.

The researcher. This study can give new knowledge for the researcher such as activities that can appropriate for hearing impaired students at learn new

vocabulary by using flashcard, effect of using flashcard for hearing impaired students and function of using flashcard.

Other researchers. This study can help next researchers to know the advantages and disadvantages of using flashcard to improve deafness students’


Educational institution. Educational institution or school can help to give teacher many flashcards to help teacher in teaching hearing impaired students, so teacher can help students to improve their English vocabulary.

Outline of the Research

This undergraduate thesis consists of five chapters, namely introduction, literature review, methodology, finding and discussion, and conclusion.

Chapter One discusses about research introduction. This chapter consists of background, problem and limitation of the research, formulation of the problem, purpose of the research, significance of the research, and outline of the research.

Chapter Two presents a review of related literature. This chapter consists of three sub-chapters; first, it will present some definitions of the terminology used in this paper. Then, researcher will discuss the previous study and conceptual framework used in this paper.

Chapter Three discusses about research methodology. This study employed qualitative method. The participant of the study was the teacher of hearing impaired students in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. This research was conducted using

descriptive qualitative to collect the data.

Chapter Four reports the finding and presents the discussion. Firstly, the finding reports the use of media and method to teach hearing impaired students. Secondly, the use of flashcard in the classroom in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The next finding is about the teacher’s perception about the effect of using flashcard on the hearing impaired students’ English vocabulary. The last finding is challenges of

using flashcard in the class and how to overcome the challenges


emerged from the findings. The researcher also proposed some recommendations for hearing impaired students, the teacher, other researcher and the educational


Chapter Two Literature Review

The purpose of this study is to know the teachers’ perception on the use of flashcard and its effect on the vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. This literature review discusses five important aspects that is related to this study. English Vocabulary Learning, Methods for English vocabulary learning, Flashcard as a method for English vocabulary learning, English vocabulary learning for disable students, Flashcard as method to learn English vocabulary for disable students. Then, this chapter will explain the theoretical framework of the study.

English Vocabulary Learning

This part will discuss about some points such as definition of English vocabulary and types of English vocabulary.

English vocabulary. Vocabulary is essential thing in English language because learning English language without know English vocabulary is impossible. Especially for beginner learner in second language learning. Komachali and

Khodareza (2012) explained that “Vocabulary learning is an intrinsic part of language teaching” (p. 134). When students do not learn enough vocabulary at the first time

learning English language, it will be difficult for them during the teaching and

learning process they will be unable to understand some words. Mustapha (2011) said that learning vocabulary is one of the greatest challenges that learners will looks in the process of second language learning.


adapted Dolch list divide in many parts, like mix of words that have either a single meaning or multiple meaning, content words (nouns, action verbs, adjectives, and adverbs), function words (e.g., but, the, is). Other type of vocabulary is Bridge phrases. Dimling (2010) defined bridge phrases as the English phrases that need translation in American Sign Language (ASL) for theoretical meaning. The Bridge phrase list contained 423 signed phrases from the pre primer through third-grade levels (e.g., fall down, clean up). Both two types of vocabulary are important. However, beginner English learners are better to learn adapted Dolch words first because content word and function words are important to make a simple sentence. Methods for English Vocabulary Learning

There are many ways to learn English vocabulary. In this part the researcher explains several methods or activities that teacher can use in learning new English vocabulary.

Activities to learn new vocabulary. There are many ways to learn new vocabularies such as reading, song, newspaper, flashcard, etc. Grillo and Dieker cited in Jitendra et al. (2013) said that learning vocabulary during independent reading is very inefficient for students with reading difficulties, vocabulary and word-learning skills must be taught. Therefore, from this perception, learning vocabulary by reading is not efficient and teacher is better to look for other method for their students

learning vocabulary. Other way to learn new vocabulary is by searching the meaning of new word in dictionary. Komachali and Khodareza (2012) explained that looking for new words in dictionary and learning the meaning of those words are ways to add new words to one’s vocabularies. However, this activity is slow method to increase


cited in Espin and Deno (2013) found that vocabulary knowledge to be the strongest predictor of student performance on content-study tasks.

Song is also material that teacher can used to learn new vocabulary. This type of activity can be enjoyable and useful for language learners. The lyrics of the original song acting as a ‘structural template’ for their versions makes effective activity into a

latter-day substitution drill (Mishan, 2005). Hearing impaired students can learn new vocabulary through lyrics in the song. However, the challenge of using song in the class is that sometimes the pronunciation of the singer is unclear and the hearing impaired students got difficulties to hear a sound.

Hearing impaired students can also use newspaper to learn new vocabulary because there are many articles in newspapers. Beginner students especially hearing impaired students are less appropriate to learn vocabulary using newspaper. Mishan (2005) shared that the language of newspaper is apparently difficult and the language in newspapers are often being a problem to learners with lower level. Then, the appropriate tool or material to deafness or hearing loss in learning English vocabulary are flashcards. Scrivener (2005) explained that flashcard is very useful teaching aid, especially at beginner of the semester.

Flashcard as a Media for English Vocabulary Learning

This part will explain the use of flashcard to learn new vocabulary. First, in this part will explain the definition of flashcard. Then, advantages of using flashcard will be discussed in this part.


vocabulary. Komachali and Khodareza (2012) defined that the initial introduction of new words can used by word list and flashcards but later most students continue to use them to do a review. According to Grillo and Dieker (2013), flashcard can help and support students in learning process. Flashcard can help students because picture and explanation in the cards can help students to remember new vocabulary. Grillo and Dieker (2013) shared that the students may have an opportunity by The Study Stack cards to put key vocabulary words into their memory storage with support of a mnemonic device and practice. Brown cited in Komachali and Khodareza (2012) explained that one main advantage of flashcards is that they can be taken almost anywhere and studied when one has a free moment. Flashcard is also able to students not bored in learning new vocabulary because pictures or words in flashcard are full of color.

Advantages of using flashcard in learning new vocabulary. As a leaning aid, flashcard have many advantages. Inayah (2010) shared that in learning new vocabulary, flashcards are useful and effective method to help students. Flashcards are easy to carry anywhere, so, we do not need to carry heavy books so much because it is inconvenient. Aliponga and Johnston (2013) explained that play word card games where they have to generate a sentence with a randomly chosen word from their collection. Allow the students to do extensive reading with graded readers at their level to allow them to encounter some of their high frequency words they are studying.

English Vocabulary Learning for Hearing Impaired Students


Hearing impaired students. Hearing impaired students are the ones who have difficulties in hearing voice/sounds. Then, those students are visual learners because by learning using visual tools they can easily learn some materials. Moores (2010) shared that deaf students are visual learners and deaf students’ brain may have different structured from the hearing brain. Another consistent theme is that a sign language should be the natural language of a deaf child from birth. However, the students who have deafness or hearing loss can learn in general school or in special school since some of the students can use hearing aid. On the other hand, family should help students who have hearing impaired in language teaching because family like a teacher for students in home. Sarant, Holt, Dowell, Rickards, and Blamey (2009) added that children’s intervention programs needs parents’ participation to

predict spoken language abilities for children in this study.

Hearing impaired students in learning new vocabulary. There are many types of disabled students and one of type of disabled students is deafness hearing impaired students. Ferndale and Watson (2013) shared that there are large focuses on the individual and the medicalization about definitions, understanding of ‘disabling’ condition, understanding about hearing impaired students, and about their learning process. The students who have hearing lost are same with other students that they need learning vocabulary to help them in learning English language.

There are many ways to learn new vocabulary for hearing impaired students and one of them is from textbook. Students can get many new vocabularies when they read text book in the school or read book story with pictures. Snow and Wells cited in Williams (2012) explain that since the early 1980s, research has indicated that

storybook reading offers a potentially rich context for accelerating young children’s


Moreover, the hearing impaired students can improve English vocabulary mastery when the teachers give good instruction using textbook or book with pictures.

Through pictures, hearing impaired students can easy to remember new vocabularies. Then, other simple way to hearing impaired students in learning new vocabulary is by using flashcard. Flashcard is also efficient to hearing impaired students because in flashcard also contained picture, word, and sometime have definition or explanation. Picture in the flashcard also make students interesting because the picture is colorful. Flashcard as Media to Learn English Vocabulary for Hearing Impaired Students

In this part, the researcher discusses about flashcard as appropriate media for hearing impaired students in learning new English vocabulary. Then, the researcher also discusses the way to teach hearing impaired students using flashcard.

Teaching English vocabulary for hearing impaired students using flashcard. In teaching hearing impaired students, teachers cannot just explain some materials without using visual tools because it can be difficult for the students.

Teachers need to know the learning style that is appropriate with the students. Mishan (2005) examined that to stimulate the second language acquisition process, learning style is an essential learner variable and one that is strongly relevant to learners’


discussion, and conversation. Then, kinesthetic learners choose movement and activity, including doing projects, active games, etc. From this perception we can know that deafness students have visual physical sense and they are visual learners.

Hearing impaired students are visual learners so that the learning style that is to them is the use of physical senses. Moores (2010) explained that hearing impaired students are visual learners and the process of getting information is different with hearing learners or auditory/visual learners. Hearing impaired students can learn by written word and using picture and it is very appropriate for them. From those learning style, hearing impaired students can use flashcards to learn new vocabulary because flashcard is appropriate teaching aid for hearing impaired students. Moores (2010) stated that first, the process information of deaf learners is different from hearing learners because they are visual learners. Second, the deaf intelligence or mind is different from the hearing intelligence or mind. Third, natural language such as American Sign Language (ASL) should be the main means of communication and instruction. Therefore, from this statements the teachers can know that hearing impaired students are visual learners and the teacher should give appropriate learning style for them.


p. 208). Those preparations can help teacher in teaching process, for example, to make students can understand with teacher instruction easily.

Understanding the learning style and earlier identifications are important for hearing impaired students in learning process. However, in learning vocabularies, the hearing impaired students’ teacher can use flashcard because as a visual learner they

will easily learn using media that use their visual. Teacher can use flashcards with many activities. Scrivener (2005) explained that there are many teacher activities that can be used using flashcards. First, to quickly show the meaning of a lexical item, e.g. to iron. Second, to illustrate presentations of language, for example by giving visual image to an imaginary character e.g. ‘This is Marilyn. Every day she gets up at six o’clock…’, etc. Third, to tell story, providing occasional image to give students something tangible to look at and help their understanding, e.g. ‘…and then a large

green lorry turned around the corner and drove towards them’. Fourth, as prompts to

remind them of a specific grammar point or typical error, e.g. flashcard with the word past on it to quickly remind students to make verbs in the past form. Fifth, as seeds for student-based storytelling activities, e.g. handing out a small selection of picture to groups of students and asking them to invent a story that incorporates all those images. Sixth, as prompts for guessing games, definition games, description games, etc. for example one person in a team has a picture of a person, which they describe. Then the others students are shown a pile of seven pictures (including the original one) and have to work out which picture was described.


learning. Grillo and Dieker (2013) shared that language learning development might be coupled with mnemonics to be effective. Mnemonics in this perception is flashcard because flashcard is tool for students to easily remember new vocabularies.

Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB)

In Indonesia, the disabled students can learn in Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB). SLB is special school for disabled students. According to Sunardi (2010), in the first of 20th century, dr. Westhoff opened an institution that help blind people in training for looking a job. Folker School is the first SLB in Indonesia, the location of this school was in Bandung and the first school for hearing impaired students was also built in Bandung in 1930. Currently, Indonesia has 1312 SLB based on kompas.com (2013). In Indonesia, not all of SLB has major for disabled students.

Disabled students in Indonesia follow educational system or curriculum that the government of Indonesia make for them. Until now, the government of Indonesia change the curriculum in four times (1977, 1984, 1994, KTSP and 2013). KTSP is curriculum that hearing impaired students in SLB N 1 Bantul use this times. The meaning of KTSP is competency based. Based on this curriculum, the teacher should be creative to make material of the subject being interesting for their students. When using KTSP the teachers should be aware with differences characteristic of the students because this curriculum use students as the center of learning in the process teaching and learning.


impaired in SLB N 1 Bantul, the teacher applied students centered learning. So, maximum members in the class are 8 students. The teachers use Bahasa and sign language to communicate with the students.

Review of Previous Studies

This research is supported by several previous studies. (Hariyani, 2011)yani (2011) conducted a research entitled “The Effect of Using Flashcards on the English

Vocabulary Achievement of the Seventh Grade Students at SMP Negeri 1 Wuluhan in The 2010/2011 Academic Year”. Based on her research, flashcard could have

significant effect for vocabulary achievement of the students. In this research, the researcher used flashcard media because flashcard can be help the students memorize and understand the meaning of new vocabulary and this research conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Wuluhan. The researcher used experimental research to get the data. Based on the result of her research, flashcard had significant effect for vocabulary

achievement of the students in SMP Negeri 1 Wuluhan. Then, she also suggested the English teacher to use flashcards as a teaching media to teach vocabulary and use various media to teach English subject especially vocabulary.

The similarity of her study and my current study is using flashcard as a media to learn English vocabulary. However, in my research had some differences with Hariyani’s research. First, my research wanted to know the effect of using flashcard

from teachers’ perception. Second, my research focused on discussing the effect and

the use of flashcard in hearing impaired class. Third, my research used descriptive qualitative in the research.

Another study that is in line with this research was conducted by Hertati (2012) entitled “The Effect of Using Flash Cards on the Seventh Year Students’


research was to know a significant effect of using flashcards on the vocabulary achievement. Her research also used experimental research to collect the data and she also use homogeneity analysis to get homogeneous participants. Then, the result of her research showed that most of the students had good achievement in vocabulary using flashcard.

The similarity of Hertanti’s research with my research is the use of flashcard

as a media to learn English vocabulary in junior high school. However, my research focus to know about teachers’ perception toward the use and the effect of flashcard in

hearing impaired class. The participants of my research were the teachers that teach hearing impaired students. My research also used descriptive qualitative in data collection method.

Conceptual Framework

Luckner and Cooke (2010) shared that communicating, reading, thinking, and learning require vocabularies as an essential thing. There are many ways to learn new vocabularies, for example, using a song, newspaper, text book, flashcard and others. Learning new vocabulary by flashcard is more appropriate for hearing impaired students. Scrivener (2005) explained that flashcard are very useful teaching aid, especially at beginner of the semester (p. 333). Then, hearing impaired students is a visual learner because they learn easily by visual object. Mishan (2005) added the meaning of the use of physical senses are such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic or hand-on. Visual students learn by stimuli, the written word, films, pictures, etc. Hearing impaired students are visual learners and from Mishan’s perception, visual


Baleghizadeh and Ashoori (2011) explained that flashcard is a card containing a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it. Drilling can be effective to deafness or hearing loss students to learn new vocabularies by flashcards. Harmer (2005) explained that drilling grammar items, cueing different sentences, and practicing vocabulary are suitable activities in language learning using flashcards (p. 134). However, a study about teacher perception: the use and its effect of using flashcard on hearing impaired students’ English vocabulary was never conducted in English

Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Thus, a study about the use and its effect of flashcard in English vocabulary learning on hearing impaired students was very important to conduct because this study can help teacher and students with disabilities know the effect of using flashcard to learn new


The theories were used to provide a basic investigation of the use and the effect of flashcard on vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students based on teacher perception. Those concerns with how to use flashcard in hearing impaired class and the effect of using flashcard on hearing impaired students’ English


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Hearing impaired student’s difficulties in learn new vocabulary:

1. Beginner in learning English Language.

2. Difficult to hear a sound.

Focus of the study:

Learn vocabulary by flashcard for hearing impaired students


Interview with the teacher that teach hearing impaired students

There were three important things at using flashcard:

2. Frequency at using flashcard.

3. The functions of flashcard. 4. Activities that can

Challenges face by the participants at using flashcard:

1. Difficult to explain abstract words 2. Flashcard did not practical

3. Did not have complete flashcard Looking for teacher perception of the use and its effect of flashcard on vocabulary mastery of hearing

impaired students

2. The way of teacher at teach new vocabulary. 3. The effect of using flashcard in learn new


Chapter Three Research Methodology

This chapter presents research design, population and sample of the research, data collection method and the last part of this chapter will discuss about data analysis of this research.

Research Design

In this research, the researcher used qualitative research method to collect the data. Creswell (2012) argued that qualitative research can appropriate to be employed when it is identify research participants’ opinion, believe, or even perception. Based on Creswell’s description, qualitative research was stated appropriate for this research

because this research discussed about teachers’ perception toward the use of flashcard and its effect on the vocabulary mastery of hearing students.

Thus, descriptive qualitative was used to collect the data and answer the research questions. Descriptive qualitative research is a research to describe

phenomenon which is like hearing impaired students that needs appropriate media to learn new vocabulary (Sukmadinata, 2006). The reason of using descriptive

qualitative was to describe about teachers’ perception in using flashcard in disabled

class and to know the effect of using flashcard. Research Setting


Research Participants

The researcher chose English teachers in SMPLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta as the research participants. There were some criteria of choosing the participants. First, the English teachers ever teach hearing impaired students using flashcards in the class. Second, the teachers in have experience in teaching English language to hearing impaired students.

This research used total sampling to look for the participants. Total sampling was appropriate approach for this research because the researcher needed deeper information from the participants that understand with using flashcard in hearing impaired class. Creswell (2012) stated that “in any given qualitative study, you may decide to study a site (e.g., one college campus), several sites (three small liberal arts campuses), individual or groups (freshman students), or some combination” (p. 206).

The total English teachers in SMPLB N 1 Bantul were two teachers so that the numbers of participant were two teachers. So, total sampling was appropriate approach for this research because all of the English teacher in SMPLB N 1 Bantul could be participants. Those teachers were appropriate to be participants because the teachers have had the basic knowledge of the students at first time in learning English language. So, the teacher already knew the effect of using flashcard in class for the disabled students.

Data Collection Method and Instrument


appropriate method because the researcher want to know about teachers’ perception about the effect and the use of flashcard to vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. Other reason why choose interview was because the teachers know how to use flashcard in the disabled class and teachers also know about the ability of the hearing impaired students. Creswell (2012) explained that “a qualitative interview occurs when the researchers ask one or more participants general, open-ended questions and record their answers” (p. 217).

The researcher will use one-on-one interview. Creswell (2012) argued that “one-on-one interview is a data collection process in which the researcher asks

questions to and records answers from only one participant in the study at a time. In a qualitative project, you may use several one-on-one interviews” (p. 218). The reason of choosing one-on-one interview was to get deeper information from the participants and to make sure that both two participants have their own perception about the use flashcard in hearing impaired class.

The interview was using Indonesian language in order to make deeper

understanding for both participants and researcher. Other reason of using Indonesian language was to make the researcher closer with participants so that it might make participants feel free to answer questions from the researcher. The interviews were recorded using voice recorder in mobile phone. The researcher also used interview guideline to make sure that the questions in interview appropriate with topic discussion about the use of flashcard and its effect on the vocabulary of hearing impaired students.

Data Collection Procedure


in this research. First, the researcher made an interview guideline to make sure that the questions answer research questions. Second, the researcher looked for

appropriate participant for the research. The researcher found a school that has hearing impaired class in Google and went to the school to get some information about how to collect the data in SLB N 1 Bantul. Third, the researcher went to Regional Development Planning Agency or Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) to get the permit letter to collect the data. Fourth, the researcher gave the permission letter to staff in SLB N 1 Bantul. After institution gave

permission, the researcher met the teachers who taught hearing impaired students and asked them to be the participants. Fifth, the researcher gave explanation about the research as it was important to make participants answer all questions in the interview clearly. Then, the researcher and participant made a schedule to do the interview.

After scheduling, the researcher focused on time, place, and facilities that were used in interview process. In the interview, the time of interview was 10-15 minutes because the researcher needed many information from both participants. In other words, the researcher conducted deeper interview to get specific data that were related to the research.

Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data to answer the research questions. There were some steps to analyze the data that the researcher got from interview activities. First, the researcher transcribed the interview result of the participants. Creswell (2012) argued that “transcription is the process of converting audiotape recordings or field notes into text data” (p. 239). In this activity, the


According to Creswell (2012), member checking is an activity in which the researcher asks the participant in the research to check the accuracy of the transcription. Then, in the member checking section, both participants did not have problem with the

transcribing that the researcher wrote.

After doing a member checking, the researcher analyzed the data by using coding. Creswell (2012) stated that “coding process is to make sense out of the data,

divide it into text or image segments, label the segments with codes, examine the codes for overlap, and redundancy, and collapse these codes into board themes” (p.


Chapter Four Findings and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings to answer the research questions based on the two participants. The researcher used pseudonym to call the participants. The pseudonym of participants are Dini as first participant and Putri as second participant. This chapter also presents the discussion of the findings and relates them with some references which have been explained in chapter two. The findings of this research reports the data from interview to reveal this study based on research questions. First, this research presents the findings of the use of flashcard in the classroom in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Second, this research presents the finding of the teachers’

perception about the effect of using flashcard on the hearing impaired students’

English vocabulary. This chapter also discusses other findings that the researcher got from interview section.

Flashcard as a Media to Teach New Vocabulary for Hearing Impaired Students One of media that the teachers of hearing impaired students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul used is a flashcard. Then, both participants used flashcard to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired students.

The use of flashcards to teach new vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Both participants used flashcards and pictures to teach English vocabulary for hearing impaired students. One of the reason of using picture and flashcard was explained by Dini. She shared that she used pictures or flashcards at she cannot take the real thing such as elephant or other things that the teacher could not bring those things into the class. Dini reported that “I use realia when it is easy for me to bring


Then, Putri also used flashcard as a media to teach new vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Putri also reported that “there are many nouns that I can explain by

using picture or flashcard”.

Discussion about flashcard as a media to teach English vocabulary for hearing impaired students.

Both participants used flashcards as media to teach new vocabulary to hearing impaired students. Komachali and Khodareza defined that “A flashcard is a cardboard consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it” (p. 137). The reason of

using flashcard was explained by Putri. Based on Putri, there were many vocabularies that she can explained by using picture and flashcard. Putri’s explanation was

supported by Gallion (2016). Gallion (2016) explained that deaf or hearing impaired students had exposure Dolch sight word flashcards along with sign language and picture would help enhance the vocabulary knowledge and recognition of the word. Vacca (2005) explained that:

Dolch words are list of words generally found in most basal reader. The list of Dolch word contained 435 symbols divided by grade level from preprimary through third grade. The contents of adapted Dolch list divide in many parts, like mix of words that have either a single meaning or multiple meaning, content words (nouns, action verbs, adjectives, and adverbs), function words (e.g., but, the, is).


The Use of Flashcard in the Classroom in SLB N 1 Bantul Yogyakarta.

Every participant in this research had her perceptions about the use of media used in teaching English vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Both participants have similarities at using flashcard as a media to teach hearing impaired students. In using flashcard for hearing impaired students, there were three important things that the participants explained. Those things are time of using flashcard, functions of flashcard for hearing impaired students and activities to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired students.

The times to use the flashcard in the class. Both participants had

differences about frequency of using flashcard. Based on the interview, Dini often used flashcard to teach hearing impaired students because she taught 7th grade who

were mostly have very less English language knowledge. Dini reported that, “I often

using flashcard to teach hearing impaired students 7th grade because it is the first time for them to learn English language”. Different with Dini, Putri rarely used flashcard to

teach hearing impaired students. Putri shared, “I rarely use flashcard”. Putri used flashcard just in first meeting at introduction of new topic. Putri explained, “I use flashcard to introduce some words, I explain new word with using picture and word in the flashcard”.

Then, in SLB N Bantul the times of learn English language for hearing impaired students were 2 x 35 minutes in every week. This time was very short because students just had 70 minute every week, hence, the teachers should choose effective method to teach new vocabulary for hearing impaired students.


SMPLB N 1 Bantul used flashcard to introduce subject topic. Second, participants used flashcard to explain many vocabularies that have relationship with daily life.

First, Putri used flashcard at first time of topic subject discussion because she wanted to introduce new vocabulary for students and help students to understand with topic that teachers discuss. Putri shared that:

I use flashcard at the first discuss subject topic and to introduce new vocabulary. Sometimes, although hearing impaired students can open the dictionary, they have difficulty to learn new vocabulary. When using picture in the flashcard students can learn new vocabulary easily.

Second, the teacher used flashcard to explain some vocabularies that have relationship with daily life. Some vocabularies that have relationship with daily life were such as, something in the class, something in the home, number to explain a time, and other. Here, Dini reported that:

The function of flashcard is to explain some vocabularies such as things in the class, things in school area, animals, plants, and stationary. Then, I also explain numbers and colors by using flashcard. The important is learning numbers to learn about times. So, hearing impaired students of 7th grade are like kindergarten or elementary students that first time learn English language. From Dini’s and Putri’s explanation, the researcher knew that teacher usually

used flashcard to introduce new vocabulary to the students. Introducing new vocabulary might help students in learning subject topic that the teachers give. Students also would know about some vocabularies that have relationship with daily life activity.


SMPLB N 1 Bantul conducted when using flashcard to teach new vocabulary. Those activities were showing flashcards, passive activity, active activity, and games. The activities that the participants shared will be explained in this part.

First activity was showing the flashcard in front of hearing impaired students. In this activity the teacher showed flashcard and asked students to do some activities. Dini explained that:

At using flashcard I show the flashcard in short time. Then I ask students to remember the vocabulary on the flashcard. After that I show flashcard again and students should guess vocabulary that appropriate with the picture in the flashcard.

Second, other way to teach new vocabulary for hearing impaired was

explained by Putri. She used passive activity rather than active activity. Putri reported, “I teach vocabulary by using easy subject first, from passive activities to active

activities”. Putri also explained about passive activity:

Passive activity that I use is preparing cards and some words. Then, showing some cards that contained picture to students. After that, showing some words to students and ask them to choose a word that appropriate with picture that teacher shows.

Third, in active activity, teacher asked students to write a vocabulary after showing the flashcards. Putri reported that “active activity that teacher use is flashes some flashcard in short time and ask students to write vocabulary that they see before in the flashcard.” By doing active activity that Putri used, teacher could know the


Fourth, game was also one of activity that teacher can used to teach new vocabulary by using flashcard. Putri shared about using game as an activity to teach hearing impaired students as follow:

I also use flashcard game to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Sometimes, I divide students in the group then I show a flashcard in front of students and ask students to make a gesture that appropriate with a picture in the flashcard. Then, other students should write vocabulary that is appropriate with the gesture that student makes. Competition activity in the game can make students interested.

At playing a game by using flashcard, the participant divided students in small group and asked them to do some activities. Putri reported that “at playing a game I divide students in the group and ask them to do some activities”. Sometimes, Putri did not divide students to play a game. Putri explained that “Sometimes, students play

individual role in the game. When I divide students in groups, every group contained two up to three students.”

Discussions about the use of flashcard to teach new vocabulary for

hearing impaired students. The three aspects were times of using flashcard, function of using flashcard and activities at using flashcard. The first is about time of using flashcard. Both participants had different frequency at using flashcard in the

classroom. Dini often used flashcard because she taught hearing impaired students 7th grade. Meanwhile, Putri rarely used flashcard because she used flashcard only at the introduction of new topic. It means that she just use flashcard to teach new vocabulary in a very limited of time. The other reason why the teacher used flashcard to teach new vocabulary in limited time, it might be because the time to learn English


to learn new vocabulary was also supported by expert. August, Carlo, Dressler and Snow (2005) as cited in Gallion (2016) shared that, “in most situations, there is

limited time to give direct vocabulary instruction” (p. 6). From this perception, the researcher concluded that the time to learn English language was effective by using flashcard in the classroom and the time to learn English language was limited because of limited time to study English provided time by the school.

Second, there were two functions of using flashcard for hearing impaired students based on participants’ perception. Those functions were to introduce subject

topic and to explain many vocabularies that have relationship with daily life. First function was to introduce new topic. In this function, Putri used flashcards to introduce new topic because when using picture in the flashcard, students can easily understand new vocabularies than learning by dictionary. Putri’s perception was in

line with Nadziroh (2010) finding. She explained that:

Flashcard is so useful to help the teacher in the English learning process. The teacher is easier to explain of material and give example clearly, because the students can see a picture that appropriate with the theme, so the students are easier to receive teacher explanation.

Then, the second function was to introduce vocabulary that has relationship with daily life. In this function, Dini explained many vocabularies that have influence with daily life such as something in the class, something in the home, numbers, colors and times. This perception was in line with Kasihani and Suyanto (2008) as cited in Nadziroh (2010). They explained that the use of flashcards in the English teaching learning process was to help students to be familiar and stable with numbers.


passive activity, active activity, and game. In the activities that the first participant explained before, the first activity was to show flashcard in short time, ask students to remember the picture in the card, and ask them to say the word that is appropriate with the picture.

The activity that first participant explained was like a drill activity. Drill activity is suitable to help teacher teach new vocabulary for hearing impaired students and it is supported by Harmer. Harmer (2005) explained that “with lower level

students a traditional use for picture especially flashcard is in cue response drills. We hold one up (the cue) before nominating a student and getting a response”. Then, he

also said that drilling grammar items, cueing different sentences, and practicing vocabulary are suitable activities in language learning by flashcards. Then, Dini’s activity about showing flashcard also had a purpose to introduce new vocabulary and it was in line with Dimling (2010). The function of flashcard to introduce some vocabulary supported by Dimling (2010) who explained that:

As noted earlier, vocabulary (i.e., Dolch words and bridge phrases) was

chosen for each student based on his or her existing vocabulary repertoire. The teacher introduced words or phrases by showing a word or phrase,

fingerspelling it, and demonstrated the sign for it; the students then repeated it.

Second activity was passive activity. In this activity, Putri showed flashcard to the students. She also prepared some vocabs that have relationship with picture in the flashcard. After showing flashcard, Putri asked the students to choose appropriate vocabulary with the picture. This activity was like matching activity. Then, the


stage, the teacher gives exercises to the students in order to practice the subject items being learnt, making completion, matching, and word classification.

The third activity was active activity. In this activity, Dini flashed some flashcard and asked students to write vocabulary that they saw. This activity was like production activity. Cross (1991) as cited in Nugroho (2012) explained that “in the

production stage the students are expected to apply the newly learn vocabulary though the speaking activities or writing activities” (p.5).

The last activity that participant shared was playing game. At playing game, the teachers asked students to do some activity and the students are interested with activity that teacher give. This activity was appropriate to help hearing impaired students in learning new vocabulary because students were interested with this activity. The activities that participants shared before was supported by Scrivener (2005). It is because Scrivener also explained about using game. Scrivener (2005) explained activities that teacher can use by using flashcards such as prompts for guessing games, definition games, description games, etc. For example, one person in a team has a picture of a person, which they describe. Game activity that Putri used was in line with Scrivener because Putri used guessing game to learn new vocabulary by using flashcard.

The Teacher’s Perception about the Effect of Using Flashcard on the Hearing Impaired Students’ English Vocabulary


students is to improve students’ English vocabulary. Starting from students did not know about vocabulary until they know.” Then, the improving of vocabulary mastery

of hearing impaired indicated by some steps. They are discussed as follow: Using flashcard makes learning new vocabulary can be interesting activity and make students easier to learn new vocabulary. According to the participants, flashcard also made students interesting in learning new vocabulary. Both participants shared that their students were interested when using flashcard. Dini reported that “students were interested in learning vocabulary by using a picture in the flashcard.” Then, Putri also reported that “flashcard is a media that can help students

understand new vocabulary, make learning vocabulary being interesting, and I hope students can remember the vocabulary by learning with Flashcard.”

After students interest use flashcard to learn new vocabulary, they can more understand with topic discussion. Play a game using flashcard can make students understand more with the topic discussion. It was because after the students became interested in learning vocabulary, they could understand more with the topic discussion. Based on Putri’s perception, learning vocabulary with playing a game by using flashcard was good way for hearing impaired students in 7th grade because it is first time for them to learn English language. Putri reported that “gaming method with using flashcard to learn new vocabulary is good for hearing impaired students of 7th grade”. Playing game is interesting activities for students because they did not just listen to teachers’ explanation but also doing some activities. So, it could make students understand more.

When teacher explain new vocabulary by using flashcard, students did not just see teacher’s explanation but also can learn how to write a vocabulary


Putri, active activities like the researcher has discussed before can help hearing impaired students learn to write a word. Putri reported that “writing activity using

flashcard make students understand how to write word correctly. It is because hearing impaired students have difficulties in writing a word completely”. Hearing impaired students had different capability with normal students. Like Dini’s explanation, it was important for hearing impaired student like kindergarten or elementary students learn how to write words correctly. It is because their vocabulary knowledge would not be useful when they cannot write the word correctly.

After having many vocabularies knowledge and know how to write vocabulary correctly, students can easy understand the text. By learning vocabulary through using flashcard, hearing impaired students could easily understand a text. Dini reported that, “the effect of using flashcard for hearing

impaired students is to make them more understand with the text.”

Discussion about teachers perception about the effect of using flashcard for hearing impaired students can improve vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. The effect of using flashcard for hearing impaired students was that it can improve vocabulary mastery of hearing impaired students. It was based on participants’ perception. Also, it was in line with Grillo and Driker (2013). According

to Grillo and Dieker (2013), flashcard can help and support students in learning process. Thus, other researcher who was looking for improvement of using flashcard toward vocabulary mastery for students also shared that students’ vocabulary has improvement based on her action research. Nadziroh (2010) shared that based on her findings, flashcard can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.


students can understand a text. Students can understand more because the teachers explained some vocabularies in the first time of topic discussion. This has been discussed in the function of using flashcard. Thus, it is also in line with Aliponga and Johnston (2013) who said,

Play word card games where they have to generate a sentence with a randomly chosen word from their collection. Allow them to do extensive reading with graded readers at their level to allow them to encounter some of their high frequency words they are studying.

The second reason is that by learning vocabulary using flashcard, students also can learn how to write a word correctly. It is because hearing impaired students have difficulties in writing a word completely. This was Putri’s explanation and is

supported by Moravkova (2011). She explained that hearing people usually learn to write and read in their first language, in contrary to deaf, whose first language might be sign language who learn to read and write is their second language. From

Moravkova’s (2011) explanation, the researcher concluded that hearing impaired students have difficulties to write because hearing impaired students’ first language is sign language. Then, by learning vocabulary using flashcard, as Putri explained, can help hearing impaired students to learn how to write correctly. So, the improvement of vocabulary mastery is not just from how much they know vocabulary, but also understand how to write a word correctly.


good for hearing impaired students of 7th grade. Putri’s and Dini’s explanation are

supported by Nugroho (2012) who explained that:

Flashcard can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing structure and words order or a variety of games. The use of flashcard is related to the characteristic of elementary school students as children who commonly feel interesting in something with attractive shape and color.

Based on Nugroho’s explanation, the researcher concluded that flashcard was good media for hearing impaired students because it made the students interested in learning new vocabulary and cause of attractive shape and color. Then, teacher can play a game by using flashcard because the content of flashcard was interesting. So, when students were interested with the teacher’s game activity, they can understand more with topic discussion.

The fourth reason is that flashcard made learning new vocabulary became interesting and makes teachers easier to explained new vocabulary. Both participants agreed that flashcard was an interesting media to learn new vocabulary. Then, it is in line with Nadziroh (2010) who said that:

Flashcard is so useful to help the students in the English learning process. The teacher is easier to explain of material and give example clearly because the students can see a picture that is appropriate with the theme. So the students are easier to receive the explanation of the teacher. Beside that, the teacher can improve the students’ interest.

Based on participants’ and Nadziroh’’s perception, the researcher concluded


Kinds of Other Media Used to Teach English Vocabulary for Hearing Impaired Students

There are three others media that teacher of hearing impaired students in SMPLB N 1 Bantul used to teach new vocabulary. The media are realia media, picture and logiko.

The use of realia to teach vocabulary to hearing impaired students. Realia is media which the teacher can take the real things into the class. Realia is media that Dini used to explain noun words that teacher could bring the real things into the class and show for the students. Dini reported:

I use realia media to teach hearing impaired students. Realia is real media that we can take into the class. I use realia when it is easy to me to take these things into the class. When it is difficult, I use picture or flashcard. For the example is elephant; I cannot bring elephant into the class. I often invite the students to get out of the class to go to garden to look for many things in the garden such as tree, leaves, and others.

From Dini’s explanation, she used an object that was easy to carry into the class to show new vocabulary to hearing impaired students. Based on Dini’s activity,

students could know the name of the thing that Dini brought into the class. So, it made the students understand more with the name of the things.

The use of logiko to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Logiko is also one of media that teacher used to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired students. Dini reported:


vocabulary and picture. Then, the back of the card has vocabulary that is related with a picture ahead of card.

Based on Dini explanation logiko is media that have card containing many vocabularies and also have place to put the card inside. This media also have pin to connect picture and vocabulary. Then, in back of the card have some pictures and vocabulary that explain those pictures. The purpose of using logiko media was to explain new vocabulary to hearing impaired students. Indeed, the students were interested with this media because of the pins in logiko. Dini reported that, “students also are happy using logiko media because of the pins in logiko show the English word by a picture.”

4.1 Picture of Logiko media


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework


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