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The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the Jakarta post Newspaper


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I am DONI RAMADANI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except

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Judul kertas karya ini adalah The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the

Jakarta post Newspaper. Dalam kertas karya ini, penulis membahas tentang



The title of this paper is The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the

Jakarta post Newspaper. In this paper, the writer explains about the definition



In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful. First of

all, I would like to say thanks to Allah as the Owner of the entire things on the

Earth. There is none co-equal or comparable unto Allah, the One. I will never

forget to remember and Shalawat to the Last Prophet Muhammad as the massager

of Allah to bring Dienul Islam to be Rahmatan Lil’Alamin.

First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God for

blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one

of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department

Faculty of Culture, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

My beloved parents SAAT and GEMI, for loving, caring, and for their

support. Thanks for being my inspiration mom. My sister and brother

RENI SUSIANI and SUSANTO. Thank you for all your motivations,

advices, prays, loves and financial. I present this paper for you.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture studies,

University of North Sumatera.

Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English Diploma Study

Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Dra. Hartisari, M. A

as my supervisor and Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.

A as my reader. Thank you for the valuable time in giving the correction


• All lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me advices and


My special friend, Joko Hadi Sunawan, thanks for supporting me

morally, financially, spiritually, in completing this paper.

Brother Andre Sitepu, thanks for being my sisters and best friends too. I

will never forget your kindness to me.

My best friends: Lenni, Yolanda, Agnes, Erwin Sipahutar, and

Maria Margaret, Lenny Simanjuntak and all of my friend in English

Diploma III A and B. Thank you for your support, cares and other things

that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship

during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together.

Medan, ….………. 2011

The writer,





ABSTRAK ... iii





1.1 Background of The Study ... 1

1.2 The Problem of Study ... 2

1.3 The Scope of Study ... 2

1.4 The Purpose of The Study ... 2

1.5 Significance of The Study ... 3

1.6 The Method of The Study... 3


2.1 The Definition of Sentences... 4

2.2 The Kind of Sentences ... 4


3.1 Simple Sentence ... 7

3.1.1 Subject ... 9

3.1.2 Predicate ... 10


3.4 Complex Sentence ... 12

3.5 Compound-Complex Sentence ... 13

3.6 The Uses of Simple, Compound and Complex Sentence ... 14


4.1 Data... 17

4.2 Analysis Data ... 17


5.1 Conclusion ... 24

5.2 Suggestion ... 24



Judul kertas karya ini adalah The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the

Jakarta post Newspaper. Dalam kertas karya ini, penulis membahas tentang



The title of this paper is The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the

Jakarta post Newspaper. In this paper, the writer explains about the definition


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of Study

Language is one of the important things in human’s life, it plays a great

role in human’s communication or in interacting to the others. By using the

language, people can express their feelings or get some informations. As the part

of culture, language has the rules which have to be followed by its users, for

example, the roles of sentences including simple sentence, compound sentence,

complex sentence, etc.

A sentence is a verbal structure that reflects something about the world. It

puts words in relation in order to map our understanding of the sensible structure

of the things. If we think any further along this line, we will be in the realm of the

linguistics philosophy, so let us keep the simple things. A sentence is a unit of

expression; it arranges the part of speech to mirror a perception or an

understanding. Word clusters named nominal, verbal, adjective, and adverbial are

combined to form the sentence. For example, we will use the sentence although

there is no general agreement on what a sentence really is.

The language used in the newspaper is to present the grammar and the

exact meaning of the language. And the compound sentence in the newspaper

plays the important rule in the sentence in order to make the reader understand the

idea of its contains. So in this occasion, the writer will try to make a brief of

Compound sentence found in the Jakarta post newspaper which is taken in the

daily newspaper. “The Jakarta Post newspaper” is one of the English Newspaper


1.2 Problem of Study

The writer would like to formulate the problems:

1. Most of people who want to communication in English do not understand

about the compound sentence and when we must use the compound sentence.

2. It is very often of the non-native speakers of English misinterpreted the

compound sentence. So they can not catch the idea of compound sentence.

3. To find out the types of sentence used in Jakarta Post Newspaper.

1.3 The Scope of Study

When we want to discuss about the compound sentence there will be a

problem of things to be discussed. As we know there are many kind of sentences

which are very important to study, but it is certainly impossible to explain them

one by one in this paper. Therefore on this occasion the writer wants to be limited

this discussion just focused in the compound sentence.

1.4 The Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to show the readers the pattern of the

compound sentence, to find out any types of the compound sentence used in the

Jakarta Post Newspaper and make the learners understand the usage of simple,

compound, complex and the compound-complex sentences. The writer also

wishes that the readers will know and understand about the kind of sentences and

when we must use them. And the writer really hopes that the learners can use

them correctly based on the English structure in the studies or in the daily


1.5 The Significance of Study

By writing this paper, the writer hopes that the learners can improve their

knowledge about English especially about the sentence and they can control it or

make it better when they connect to the others. In addition, the writer believes that

this paper can enrich the knowledge to the person who wishes to study about

English and it can be one of the literature materials for the knowledge’s


1.6 The Method of Study

The method was applied for this writing is the library research. To

complete this paper, the writer will collect all the required data from the Jakarta

post Newspaper was published on Monday, November 15, 2010 at page 1, page 2

and Page 3. So it means that data are written in the Jakarta Post Newspaper.

In order to get the percentage of compound sentences that mostly occur in

the Jakarta Post Newspaper, the following formula from Nawawi (1991; 150) will

be used:

X x 100% = N


N = Number of compound sentences

Y = Total number of all data


2. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SENTENCES 2.1Definition of sentence

A sentence is a group of words which make a statement clearly (it may a

request, question, command, wishes or imperative) and it can be followed by a

period, question mark and imperative mark. The sentence contains the subject,

predicate, object and complement. The subject of the sentence includes the noun

or pronoun that does the thing as shown by the verb. Manurung (2007:58) says

that a sentence is a group of words that make sense to the reader or hearer,

contains both subject and predicate (verb) that expressed clearly or implied.

2.2 The Kind of Sentences

The sentences can be divided into four based on the kind, which each kind

have the different functions and pattern in English. The four kind of sentences are

Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamative sentence.

Declarative Sentence

The declarative is the sentence which is stated in the statement. The

declarative sentence ends with a period mark (.). The declarative sentence can be

divided into two: Affirmative Sentence and Negative sentence.

Affirmative sentence is a sentence which stated the positive statement.


- He sometimes comes late the school.

- You must obey the traffic lights.

- Benjamin Franklin has made the important contributions in many areas.

- The sun rises in the East.


Negative sentence is the sentence which stated the denial statement.


- He is not at school.

- She is not my English teacher

- I never eat the bread every morning

- I do not understand what you are talking about.

- My parents are not work at the farm now.

Imperative Sentence

The imperative sentence is the sentence which states the command or

prohibition. The imperative sentence ends with a period (.) or an exclamation

point (!).


- Don’t make a noise!

- Fasten your seatbelts when the sign is illuminated.

- Give Anto a digital camera for his wedding party.

- Please, throw the rubbish into its place.

- Do your homework by yourself!

- Do not smoke in this area!

- Do not bring your pets in this hotel.

Interrogative Sentence

The interrogative sentence is the sentence which asks a question and it

needs an answer. The interrogative sentence can be divided into two: Yes/No


Yes-No Question is a question that needs an answer with yes or no.


- Do you speak English or Germany?

- Do your parents give you the permit to go Bukit Lawang?

- Do you go to the supermarket with me in the evening?

- Did your mother go back from the office?

- Does she come to the office on time?

The informative Question is a question that needs the information as the answer.


- What did your father say to you last week?

- Where do you buy that computer?

- Why do you come to the school late?

- What did Ayu give to Budi for his birthday?

- How long have you been in that company?

Exclamative Sentence

The exclamative sentence is the sentence which expresses a feeling of an

amazement, a surprise or even a compliment of something.


- What a good watch she received for her birthday!

- What a difficult question it is!

- What a beautiful picture it is!

- What a lovely purse it is!

- How nice your new bag it is!



A sentence in English is traditionally described as a simple sentence, compound

sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence which they have

their own functions and their own pattern in English.

3.1 Simple Sentence

The simple sentence is a sentence which contains the subject and the

predicate and it has a complete meaning.

A simple sentence has a single subject and verb.


- The girls dance. S V

- Most of the students like to study English. S V

- David eats the durians. S V

- They walk to the school every day. S V

- The teacher teaches English. S V

- My Mother went to Bali last month. S V

A simple sentence may have more than one subject.


- Dani and Budi study English together. S S V


- Yani and her friend went to theater last Monday. S S V

A simple sentence may have more than one verb.


- The naughty boy took and stole my money. S V V

- He always studies and does his homework. S V V

- The woman smiled and waved to me. S V V

- The headmaster called and punished the naughty students. S V V

- My father flew to Camp David and began work on the subject. S V V

A simple sentence may have several subject and verb.


- Doni, and Anto lubricated my motorcycle, filled the oil filter and washed my S S V V V


- The lecturer and the dean make a new rule and applied it to the campus rules. S S V V

- Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon and left on the bus S S V V

before I arrived. V

- The President and his advisors flew to Camp David and began work on the job S S V V


3.1.1 Subject

The subject of a sentence is a noun (it may the names of the person, place,

thing or idea) or pronoun (they, we, he, she, I, you and it) that do the things as

shown by the verb. The subject of the sentence usually comes first but sometimes

it put after the predicate.


- My money were stolen by the robber

- The robber stole my money.

In the first sentence (which it is in the passive voice), my money is the subject

while the second sentence (active voice) the robber is the subject and my money is

the object.

- John broke the window.

- The window broke

In the first sentence, the window is the object, while in the second the window is

the subject. But the relation of the window to the event described by the sentence

is the same in two cases.

Forming the Subject.

A subject of the sentence can be formed in many ways. It can be formed

from the noun, gerund, phrase, infinitive or clause.


- The farmers are at farm. (Noun)

- Eating is a pleasure. (Gerund)

- The large bus parked outside the building. (Phrase)


3.1.2 Predicate

A predicate (verb) is one of the two main parts of

something about the subject. The predicate must contain the verb and sometimes it

modifies the subject. There are two kind of verbs; action verb and linking verb.

The action verb is a word that expresses an action of the subject.


- The dog barked loudly.

- She kissed me last night.

- He does all of his assignments everyday.

- My cousin went to Jakarta last month.

- She takes the breakfast every day.

A verb that consists of the auxiliary verb and verb is called a verb phrase.


- The birds can fly high.

- She will study English tomorrow morning.

- He must obey the school rules.

- They are going to get up early tomorrow morning and go fishing.

- We must come to the campus on time.

The linking verb is the various forms of verb to be.


- They were at the school at 7 yesterday.

- They are my friends.

- I am the student of D3 English Program at University of North Sumatra.


3.1.3 Simple Subject and Simple Predicate

The simple subject tells about who or what the sentence is talking about.

The simple subject is usually just a single noun. When the subject of a sentence

consists of several words, there is always one word which is more important than

the other word because it does the thing in the sentence.


- A piece of bread would satisfy his hunger.

The subject is the noun “piece“ with the other words of subject, “a“ and “of

bread“ modifying the noun. “Piece“ is the simple subject. Likewise, a sentence

has a simple predicate which always the verbs that link up with the subject.


- The young boy was punished by his mother.

In the example above the young boy is the simple subject and was punished is the

simple predicate.

3.2 Compound Sentence

A compound sentence is the sentence which consists of two main clauses

(independent clause) but there is no subordinate clause. The main clause is joined

together by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so). And it is

placed a comma before the coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.


- My friend invited me to a tea party, but my parents did not let me go.

- Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, and they left on the


- Philip and Erwin left on the train before l arrived, so I did not see them at the

train station.

- Some of the campers went into the woods to find dry tree branches for

cooking, and the others built the tents.

- Rini and Rati are chitchatting by the door, John is reading his book, Dodo is

flattering Angelina on the class corner, but Didit is sleeping on his desk.

- Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I did not see them at

the bus station.

3.3 Complex sentence

A complex sentence is a sentence which consists of one main clause (a

complete statement) with one or more independent clause. The main clause is a

group of words that has both a


as, as if, before, after, because, though, though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as, as long as, since, until, unless, where, wherever, whose, who, while, which, whether, where, wherever.


- The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow. Main Clause Subordinate Clause

- When the dog barked, the baby woke up at once. Subordinate Clause Main Clause

- Doni dressed the turkey, while his sister greased the roasting pan.


- Although I loved her, she did not love me. Subordinate Clause Main Clause

- Although I studied English for 4 months, I failed the test. Subordinate clause Main clause

- While I was eating the lunch, my mother began to fell ill. Subordinate clause Main clause

- Because I forget the examination schedule, I missed the test. Subordinate Clause Main clause

- While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late. Subordinate clause Main clause

- After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at Subordinate clause Main clause

the train station.

3.4 Compound-Complex Sentence

Compound-Complex sentence is a

main clause and one or more subordinate clause. The compound-complex

sentence is one of the four basic sentence structures. The other structures of

sentenced are the


- When the power line snapped, jack was listening to the stereo, and Doni was Subordinate clause Main clause

reading in bed. Main clause

- After l returned to the school following a long illness, the English teacher gave Subordinate Clause

- me make up work, but the history instructor made me drop her course. Main Clause Main clause

- Jack forgot his friend's birthday, so he sent him a card when he finally Main Clause Main clause Subordinate


- Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I Subordinate clause Main clause

haven't found anyone to go with. Main Clause

- He went to the market because he needed more milk, and then he made Main clause Subordinate clause Main clause

the pudding.

3.5 The Uses of Simple, Compound and Complex Sentence

The Uses of Simple Sentence

A simple sentence in communication is commonly easy to understand because it

short and to the point. Generally, a clear communication will make a good using of

simple sentence, a final simple sentence after the detail can summarize the key point.

A simple sentence is consists of a single clause.


- The dog sat on the mat.

- The cat ate the mouse.

- He sat on the chair.

- They studied English two hours ago.

- The girl talked to me yesterday.

A simple sentence consists of single clause and it states a clear statement.


- The services at that hotel are expensive.

- The knowledge is expensive.

- The weather is cloudy.

- The inside of room is so cool.


A simple sentence uses to make an important point to the hearers and readers.


- I hate you.

- The only missing you.

- I love you.

- I am longing on you.

- I miss you so much.

The uses of Compound Sentence

A compound sentence can be use to make a complex communication in daily

conversation, adding more detail to what would be a less informative of the

simple sentence.


- She loves him, but he does not love her.

- I care with her, but she never care to me.

- Andy misses her girlfriend, but she does not miss Andy.

- I always do the assignment from the campus, but Dani never does the

assignment from the campus.

A compound sentence is used to make more complex and more persuasive

meaning of the sentence.


- I want to take a lunch then go to the office.

- She wants to come to my house then to your house.


Compound sentences do not have to be complex. By keeping the simple clause,

you can still keep the whole of simple sentence.


- She wants go to the theater so she has a good evening out.

- I must study hard every night so I can improve my knowledge.

- He must not come late to the school so he will not get the punishment.

- I must pay attention to the teacher’s explanations so l can understand the


The Use of Complex Sentence

A complex sentence is used to emphasize one more idea in a sentence.


- Because I forgot the final exam schedule, I missed the final exam.

- The English teacher at our school is very cruel to us so we hate him.

- The woman stopped at the store before she went home.

- Because of the rain, the museum cancelled the picnic.

- The idea that writer wants to emphasize here is that I missed the final exam,

the English teacher at our school is very cruel to us, the woman stopped at the

store, the museum cancelled the picnic are express as a complete thought. The

less important idea-because I forgot the exam schedule, so we hate him, before

she went home, Because of the rain are the subordinated to the complete



The data was gathered from the Jakarta Post Newspaper and the writer

collected them only from the headlines issued on Monday, November 8, 2010 at

page 2; Students join relief aid, or go home. Small, Hands-Free Camera Takes

Step Toward Use by Nonprofessionals. SBY’s Thousand of Friends and Zero

Enemies. BI Lauded For Proposed Measures to Tackle Inflows. Page 3; Flights to

Jakarta resume, but Yogyakarta airport stays closed. Obama Foreign Policy Likely

to Face Challenges. Certain Numbers Believed to Bring Fortune, Other Bad Luck.

The Futility of a Currency War. Page 16; U.S mayor rejects China trade disputed.

A Green Life Style: It’s About Thinking Small. US Moves in Asia Aimed At

China: Gates. Page 17; Doubts grow in Asia over plan to bolster the

U.S.economy. The Threat From Yemen. Mythical Perceptions of Nature and


4.2 Analysis Data

In this analyzing the data the writer found the use of compound by placing

comma before coordinating conjunction that is: The data of this research are

compound sentence, complex sentence, with total 39 data. The result of the

analysis shows that compound sentence with conjunction but shows the

comparison 2 data or 5.12%, the compound sentence with conjunction but shows

the contrast 15 data or 38.46%, compound sentence with conjunction and shows

the additional idea 7 data or 17.96%, compound sentence with conjunction so


data or 2.56%, complex sentence with subordinator because shows the reason 2

data or 5.12%, complex sentence with subordinator as shows reason 2 data or

5.12%, complex sentence with subordinator therefore shows the affect 1 data or


Compound Sentence

Coordinator But used to show the comparison.

- “In the long term there is a hope that capital inflows will become good

investment, but in the short term they work to strengthen local currencies and

that is a problem (page 17 Doubts grow in Asia over plan to bolster the U.S.


- In this light, the long expected upcoming visit by US president Barack

Obama next week should not only be in remembrance of his childhood in

Indonesia but it should also open more opportunity for mutually beneficial

bilateral relations.

Coordinator But used to show the contrast is:

- But with the criticism of its policies mounting, the united state appear to have

diverted attention to its self and away from china (page 17 Doubts grow in

Asia over plan to bolster the U.S. economy).

- Criticizing China was a popular campaign tactic for the Democrats and

Republican candidates alike in many U.S campaign this year, but Mayor

Michal R.Bloomberg of New York has leapt China’s defense (Page 16 U.S

mayor rejects China trade disputed).

- Merapi is located 550 kilometers from Jakarta, but the volcanic ash from the


which is 400 kilometers aways. (Page 3 Flights to Jakarta resume, but

Yogyakarta airport stays closed)

- She kindly paid a visit to a nature disaster area and applauded the Indonesian

Parliaments, but at the same time applied pressure of the issue of Indonesian

security forces abusing Papuans. (Page 2 SBY’s Thousand of Friends and

Zero Enemies).

- Australia would grant the US military expanded use of its bases, but a US

defense official cautioned that any decision on such a possibility was months

away at least. (Page 16 US Moves in Asia Aimed At China: Gates).

- Many of us have high ideals when it comes to preserving the environment, but

one Jakarta resident argues that it is better to think small and about oneself to

make the biggest impact. (Page 16 A Green Life Style: It’s About Thinking


- Most recently Yemeni forced completed a military offensive in Shabwa

province in the south of the country but with limited success. (Page 17The

Threat From Yemen).

- We expected to see more of that in the coming week and months but this time

in cargo security.(Page 17 The Threat From Yemen).

- I tried to change my car license plate number to that figure but it would have

cost me a lot. (Page 3 Certain Numbers Believed to Bring Fortune, Other Bad


- A staffer asked me to come up to the fourth floor but l could not find a button


- American leadership is critical to solving the climate crisis but yesterday’s

election made our ability to provide that leadership much tougher. (Page 3

Obama Foreign Policy Likely to Face Challenges).

- The package is ready but it will be applied depending on the impact of US

quantitative easing on the capital flow and exchange rate. (Page 2 BI Lauded

For Proposed Measures to Tackle Inflows).

- There is absolutely no rigid and definitive indicator to assess Yudhoyono’s

foreign policy but there should be a balanced examination of the successes

and shortcoming of foreign policy outputs and outcomes. (Page 2 SBY’s

Thousand of Friends and Zero Enemies).

- Achievement is not simply measured by the output of actions that fulfill

targets or objectives but it is also important to assess how the process of

arriving of those achievement is undertaken. (Page 2 SBY’s Thousand of

Friends and Zero Enemies).

- Profit margins may fluctuate but the volume of imports and exports do not.

(Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

Coordinator And used to show two clauses that have similar meaning.

- Benny said he and his friends were planning to use the money to buy mats and

blankets for refugees in the nearest evacuation center (page 2 Students join

relief aid, or go home).

- Mythical and religious perspectives which can easily be distorted by the

preachers. (Page 17 Mythical Perceptions of Nature and Survival.


- Washington and its Asia Pacific allies have grown wary of China’s intentions.

(Page 16 US Moves in Asia Aimed At China: Gates).

- Noah and his people were confronted with a great flood. (Page 17 Mythical

Perceptions of Nature and Survival).

- Those two were drowned in the flood swept by away by mountain like waves

and burned by hot lava and ashes were not punished because of their wrong

doings. (Page 17 Mythical Perceptions of Nature and Survival).

- The group remains intent on conducting, and is developing its presence. (Page

17 The Threat From Yemen).

- Many people often paid to much attention to recycling and failed to focus on

ways to reduce acquiring waste. (Page 16 A Green Life Style: It’s About

Thinking Small).

Coordinator So used to show the reason.

- There is a country on the other side of the world that is taking their taxpayers

dollar and trying to sell subsidize things so we can buy them cheaper and have

a better product, and we are going to criticize that?(Page 16 U.S mayor rejects

China trade disputed).

- I tried to change my car license plate number to that figure but it would have

cost me a lot so I postponed my plan to do so. (Page 3 Certain Numbers

Believed to Bring Fortune, Other Bad Luck).

Complex sentence

- If these predictions become reality, AQAP will no longer need to rely upon


- Because no one changes their pricing consumers on the home front have no

incentive to shift their consumption pattern when a currency depreciates.

(Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

- Exporters are supposed to cut their foreign prices if their home currency falls

in value. (Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

- Importers are supposed to raise their domestic prices if the currency shifts.

(Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

- Importers and exporters price to market and only their prices if local

competitors do. (Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

- Importer will take a reduction in their profit margins if currencies move

against them. (Page 3 The Futility of a Currency War).

- If the mere threat of penalties under the law does not entice large international

companies to leave iran, she will call for the administrations to start punishing

those companies. (Page 3 Obama Foreign Policy Likely to Face


Subordinate even as used to show the possibility.

- Mr. Bloomberg praised china for showing a much greater interes lately in

environmental protection, even as he accused the country of having allowed

water pollution and other problem (Page 16 U.S mayor rejects China trade


Subordinate because used to show the reason.

- The combination of the numbers 6464 brings bad luck because it ends with


- Once again the victims like all Indonesians are innocent people but were

plagued by misery and because of this we have to extend our hand to help

them. (Page 17 Mythical Perceptions of Nature and Survival).

Subordinate therefore used to show the affect.

- It is difficult to find a public trash can in the city and I do not want to litter

therefore I made one for myself. (Page 16 A Green Life Style: It’s About

Thinking Small).

Subordinate As used to show the reason.

- As he has said many times, he believes all Americans should be rooting for the

President succeed (Page 16 U.S mayor rejects China trade disputed).

- As described in many science books, natural disaster and global climate

change led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Page 17 Mythical Perceptions of



5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the use of compound sentence in the Jakarta Post

Newspaper, it can be concluded that the use of compound sentence is very

essential thing in forming a sentence, not only in writing but also in conversation.

According to the result of the analysis, the writer drew the conclusions as follows:

1. There are 17 compound sentences with coordinator but. The most frequently

element used are the conjunction but which show the contrast. There are 7

compound sentences with coordinator and which show the additional idea, 2

compound sentences with coordinator so that show the reason.

2. There are 13 complex sentences. The most frequently used in the sentence with

subordinator if 7 data. There is only 1 complex sentence with subordinate even as,

2 with subordinator because, 2 with subordinator as, 1 with subordinator


5.2 Suggestion

After gave some examples and made the conclusion, the writer of this

paper would like to present some suggestion to the reader as follows: The use of

Compound sentence with coordinator in the first sentence of the paragraph has to

reduce. It will be better to use the short and simple one in the position to get of

great affect for the reader. The article of the Jakarta post Newspaper are good used

to teaching of the students of practice in forming simple, Compound and Complex



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