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An analysis on the difficulties of learning regular and irregular verb faced by the second grade students of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere


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A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of S. Pd. in English Language Education



NIM. 104014000308






A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of S. Pd. in English Language Education By


NIM. 104014000308

Approved By Advisor

Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil M.Ag NIP.150 244 628





The examination committee of Faculty of Tarbiyah and teachers’ Training certifies that the “Skirpsi” (Scientific Paper) entitle “An Analysis of the Difficulties of Learning Regular and Irregular VerbFaced by the Second Grade Students of SMPI HidayatulAthfal Cinere”written by Rizki Awaliah, Student’s Registration Number: 1040140000308, was examined on November 4th, 2009, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of ‘S.Pd.’ in English Language Education at the Department of English Education

Jakarta, November 10th, 2009 THE EXAMINATION COMMITTEE

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M. Pd (………….…………)

NIP.1964121 199103 1 002

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd (……….)

NIP. 150 293 236

EXAMINERS : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (………)

NIP. 1964121 199103 1 002

2. Prof. Dr. Hadjid Harnawidagda (………) NIP. 150 011 332

Acknowledgement by

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama :Rizki Awaliah

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 19 Februari 1986

NIM : 104014000308

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi




Dosen Pembimbing :Drs. Nasiffudin Djalil, M. Ag

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis. Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqosah.

Jakarta, 26 Oktober 2010 Mahasiswa Ybs.



Awaliah, Rizki, 2009, An Analysis on the Difficulties of Learning Regular and Irregular Verb Faced by the Second Grade Students of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere, Skripsi, Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta

Advisor: Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M. Ag.

Key Word: Difficulties.

Regular and Irregular Verb

The main point which is discussed in this skripsi is about analysis on the difficulties of learning regular and irregular verb faced by the second grade students. As we know that one of the foreign languages, which is taught in the schools of our country is English language. To have good English, the students have to master the four basic language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides the four skills, they are sub skills; grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. But in fact, the students are still lack of knowledge in mastering the grammar, because there are some students who say that in learning English grammar is more difficult than the others. Therefore, in this skripsi the writer will study about difficulties faced by the students in learning grammar, which is learning regular and irregular verb. The writer only takes past tense and past participle of regular verb and past tense and past participle of irregular verb.

The method used in this research is descriptive with quantitative analysis. The writer describes the data of the test and then they are analyzed by using the formula


= f x 100 %


After that the writer asks the students about their reason or difficulty in doing test by doing interview. By analyzing the error, the writer finally knows which part of lesson that has not yet been understood by the students. The population of the research is the second grade students of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere with 16 students and the writer takes 12 students to be the samples.



Awaliah, Rizki, 2009, Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Regular dan Irregular Verbyang Dihadapi oleh Siswa kelas Dua SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere, Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

Dosen Pembimbing: Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M. Ag.

Kata Kunci: Kesulitan.

Regular and Irregular Verb

Topik utama yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah tentang Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Regular dan Irregular Verb yang Dihadapi oleh Siswa. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa salah satu bahasa asing yang diajarkan di sekolah sekolah di negara kita adalah bahasa Inggris. Agar memiliki bahasa Inggris yang baik, para siswa harus menguasai empat keterampilan dasar berbahasa yaitu:mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Disamping itu ada yang disebut dengan sub skill yaitu: tata bahasa, kosakata dan pengucapan. Tetapi pada kenyataannya para siswa masih mempunyai pengetahuan yang kurang tentang tata bahasa, karena ada beberapa siswa yang berpendapat bahwa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris materi tentang tata bahasa itu lebih sulit jika dibandingkan dengan materi yang lain. Oleh karena itu dalam skripsi ini penulis akan mempelajari tentang kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh siswa dalam mempelajari tata bahasa yaitu dalam belajar Regular verb dan Irregular verb. Penulis hanya mengambil past tense dan past participle dari Regular verb serta past tense dan past participle dari Irregular verb.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan analisa quantitative. Penulis mendeskripsikan data dari tes kemudian data tersebut di analisa menggunakan rumus


= f x 100 %


Setelah itu penulis bertanya kepada siswa siswa tentang alasan atau kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tes dengan melakukan wawancarra.. Dengan menganalisa kesalahan, penulis akhirnya mengetahui bagian mana dari pelajaran tersebut yang belum dimengerti oleh siswa. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas dua SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere sebanyak 16 siswa dan penulis hanya mengambil 12 siswa sebagai sampel.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world, for His Mercies and Blesses, and He Has given the writer chance, ability, easiness, in finishing this ‘skripsi’, entitled: AN ANALYSIS ON THE DIFIICULTIES OF LEARNING REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERB FACED BY THE SECOND GRADE SRUDENT OF SMPI HIDAYATUL ATHFAL CINERE. Mercy and peace of Allah be upon the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him, His family and followers.

This’skripsi’ is presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1 (S1) at English Education Department.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude to her beloved mother Hj. Nurhayati who has given her best loving, guiding, supporting the writer’s studying, and her praying in every time both day and night for the writer’s success. And also her greatest inspiration her beloved father H. Marhali (Alm.) who has given her a lot of sacrificing, kindness, biggest love and unforgettable sweet moments.

The writer would like to express her gratitude to Drs.Nasifuddin Djalil, M. Ag., her advisor , for time, correction advice and his valuable help in the process of writing this skripsi.

The writer realizes that she would not complete writing this ‘skripsi’ without the help of people around her. Therefore, she would like to give her gratitude ansd appreciation to:

1. All lecturers in English Department who always give their precious knowledge.

2. Drs. Syauki, M. Pd., The Head of English Department


4. Prof. DR. Dede Rosyada, M.A., as the dean off Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty.

5. Abdul Halim, S. Pd. I, The head of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere, all the teachers and second grade students of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere who had sincerely spent their time and valuable help in collecting the data that the writer needed.

6. The Writer’s Sister and brothers: Sulaiman, Siti Muhibah and Lukman Hakim and her nephew and nieces for giving spirit and pray.

7. All friends in English Department especially in class A-2004 and her close friends: Ade Laili Akhiliyyah, Mutiara Fani, Lailatussaidah, Liza Fauziah and Hangi Latifah for the great friendship

8. All friends who had prayed and motivated for her, Arifah Hilyati


Alfi Syahrin , Siti Suharsih, Aisyah Henry, Nurafniati Khairunnisa , and Yeni Handayani..

9. All friends in her ‘Spiritual Voyage’ especially Hj. Romlah Hasan and Hj. Dra. Imas Masiti for the praying, all the valuable lessons, friendship and brotherhood.

Words are not enough to say much appreciation for all their help and contribution in finishing this ‘skripsi’. May Allah guide and give them the happiness throughout their life, may Allah the Almighty bless them, Amin.

Jakarta, October 2009







CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the

Study……….. …… 1

B. Limitation of the Study……… 3

C. Formulation of the Problem………. 3

D. Significance of the Study………. 4


A. Grammar………


1.The Definition of Grammar………... 5

2.The Scope of Grammar……….. 7

3.The Purpose and the Role of Grammar……….. 8

B. Verb………


1. The Meaning of Verb………. 13

2. The Kinds of Verb………. 13

3. The Form of Verb………. 14

4. The Use of the Verb……….. 20

C. The Difficulties in Learning Regular and Irregular

Verb……… 23


A. Purpose of the Study……….. 26

B. Place and Time of the Study……….. 26

C. Design of the Study……… 26


E. Technique of Collecting Data……… 27

F. Technique of Analysis Data………... 27


A. Data Description……….


B. Data Analysis……….


C. Interpretation Of Data



A. Conclusion………


B. Suggsetion……….





Table 2.1 Aspect of the Teaching / Learning of Structure ……….9

Table 3.1 Number of Items of Regular and Irregular Verb………...28

Table 4.1 Regular and Irregular Verb and each item……….……30

Table 4.2 Students’ Score of Test


Table 4.3 Students’ Response Distribution on Each Item of Test………32

Table 4.4 Frequency of Error in Past Tense of Regular Verb……….. 34

Table 4.5 Frequency of Error in Past Participle of Regular

Verb……….36 Table 4.6 Frequency of Error in Past Tense of Irregular

Verb……… …38

Table 4.7 Frequency of Error in Past Participle of Irregular

Verb……… 40

Table 4.8 Percentage of Difficulty in Learning Regular and Irregular

Verb………... 42





This chapter presents nd discusses the background of the study, limitation of the study, formulation of the problem, and significance of the study.


Background of The Study

Language is Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Language is the principal means used by human beings to communicate with one another. Language is primarily spoken, although it can be transferred to other media, such as writing, if the spoken means of communication is unavailable, as may be the case among the deaf, visual means.

Discussion about the importance of language, Sidney Greenbaum stated in his book “Good English and The Grammarian” that:

Schools should teach about language for a variety reason. First, an understanding of the nature and functioning of language is a part of general knowledge that students should acquire about themselves and the world they live in. Language study has a place in curriculum as justifiable as (say) biology, geography and history. For language is both our most personal possession (every individual’s language is unique to some extent) and at the same time a facility that contributes most to our relationships with others (it is the major means of human communication). Secondly, linguistics (the study of the language in all its aspect) is a central discipline for the social sciences and humanities, just as mathematics is important for the physical science. Its relationship to other disciplines is evident in the hybrid disciplines that focus on language: psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, the sociology of language and philology. Even at elementary levels, the study of the language provides a useful introduction to research methods and argumentation, since language data are readily available: students can draw on their knowledge of the language and can easily collect samples of the language of others1.

First of all it is quite clear that as a statement of simple fact English is an international language in that it is the most widespread medium of



international communication, both because of the number and geographical spread who use it for its speakers, and because of the large number of non-native speakers who use it for part at least of their international contact2.

One of the international languages that have important role in the world is English. In the schools of our country, English becomes one of the important subject material taught at school, even it includes as one of material of national examination. In Indonesia, English is considered as the first foreign language and becomes compulsory subject learned by all students from the elementary school or even in the kindergarten up to the university level.

English is different from Indonesian language. Every language has its own characteristic, rules and skill.

In learning English, there are four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) that should be mastered by the students. Besides the four skills., there are language sub-skill or language component( Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation), they are also should be mastered by them.

Grammar consists of form and rules, as Dianne Larsen-Stated that:” Grammar is about form and one way to teach form is to give students rules; however grammar is about much more than form and its teaching is ill served if students are simply given rules”.3

However, it is not easy to master Grammar, Especially for students in the second grade of Junior High School. Most of them say that Grammar is a boring lesson and it makes them confused. If they want their English is good they should master the grammar and able to differentiate the kind of grammar such as, `tense, comparison degree, the use of modal , passive voice, etc. and it is not easy to do, as the writer found when she taught in SMPI HIDAYATUL ATHFAL Cinere.


Christopher Brumfit, English for International Communication, (London: Pergamon Pres Ltd., 1982), p. 1



One of the difficulties which is faced by the students in learning regular and irregular verb is lack of remembering of the past tense and past participle change of whether that is regular or irregular verb.

Based on the statement described previously, the writer would like to discuss about: “AN ANALYSIS ON THE DIFFICULTIES OF LEARNING REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERB FACED BY THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMPI HIDAYATUL ATHFAL CINERE”. The writer chooses this title because there are many students still face difficulties in using Regular and Irregular Verb. By observing the students’ difficulties in using Regular and Irregular Verb, the writer tries to identify and to analyze them. The writer hopes it can make teaching and learning better and can give a new idea for her how to teach Regular and Irregular Verb well.


Limitation of the Study

The writer will limit the study in analysis on the difficulties faced by student at second year of HIDAYATUL ATHFAL Islamic Junior High School in using past tense and past participle of regular verb and past tense and past participle of irregular verb, as material in the second semester of second grade.


Formulation of the Problem

Based on the statement above the writer would like to formulate the problem as follows:

1. Which is more dominant frequency of difficulty in using irregular verb or regular verb?

2. Why do they face difficulties in using regular and irregular verb?


Significance of the Study




This chapter presents and discusses about the theoretical framework which consist of : grammar, verb, and the difficulties in learning regular and irregular verb



1. The Definition of Grammar

The word grammar has many meanings. The definition of grammar will be explained as follows.

According to David Nunan in his book Second Language Teaching and Learning, Grammar is:

a. An analysis of the structure of the language, either as encountered in a corpus of speech or writing (a performance grammar) or as predictive of a speakers knowledge (a competence grammar)

b. An analysis of that structural property which defines human language ( a universal grammar)

c. A level of structural organization, which can be studied independently of phonology and semantic. 4

Penny Ur stated in her book “Grammar Practice Activities: a Practical Guide for Teachers” that grammar may be roughly defined as the way a language manipulates and combines words (or a bits of words) in order to form longer units of meaning.5

Craig Hancock sated Grammar is the natural, inherent, meaning-making system of the language, a system that governs the way words come


David Nunan, Second Language Teaching and Learning (Boston: Massachusatts, Heinle and Heinle Publisher, 1999), p. 97



together to form meaning; Grammar is also the study of the system, the various theories or perspective that attempt to understand and describe it. A popular idea of grammar – and one that we are discarding – is that grammar is the set of prescriptive rules that limit the language we have available.6

According to Mark S. LeTourneau, Grammar is the discipline that studies the structure of sentences in human language.7 While Scott Thornbury said grammar is a system of rules (or patterns) which describe the formulation of a language’s sentence.8

In book, “Language introductory reading” there is a sub chapter discussing about Revolution in Grammar written by W. Francis. He divided the meaning of grammar into three. Francis writes:

The first thing we mean by “grammar” is “the set of formal patterns in which the words of a language are arranged in order to convey larger meaning”. It is not necessary that we be able to use them. In fact all speakers of language above the age of five or six know how to use its complex forms of organization with considerable skill; in this sense of the world –call it ”Grammar 1”-they are thoroughly familiar with its grammar.

The second meaning of “grammar” —call it “Grammar 2”—is “ the branch of linguistic science which is concerned with the description analysis, and formulization of formal language patters.” Just as gravity was in full operation before Newton’s apple fell, so grammar in the first sense was in full operation before anyone formulated the first rule that began the history of grammar as a study.

The third sense in which people use the word “grammar” is “linguistic etiquette.” This we may call “grammar3.” The word in this sense is often coupled with a derogatory adjective: we say that expression “ he ain’t hetre” is “ bad grammar.” What mean is that such an expression is bad linguistic manners in certain circles? From the


Craig Hancock, Meaning Centered Grammar (London :Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2005), p. 6


Mark S. LeTourneau, English Grammar, (Orlando: Harcourt College Publisher, 2001), p. 2



point of “Grammar 1”it is faultless; it conforms just as completely to the structural patterns of English as does “he isn’t here.” 9

Then, according to Jeremy Harmer The Grammar of a language is the description of the ways in which words can change their foerms and can be combined into sentence in that language.10

Another definition come from Sidney Greenbaum, he stated Grammar refers to the properties and processes that underlie the use of the language— that underlie the ability of speakers to speak and understand the language.11

2. The Scope of Grammar


Talking about scope of grammar, there are three main points that are focused in grammar. They are form, meaning and use.

Figure 2.1

Three Dimensional of Grammar


Virginia P. Clark, Paul A. Eschholz, and Alfred F. Rosa, Language Introductory Reading. (USA Martin’s Press, Inc. 1972), p. 112


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Languge, 3rd Edition, (England:Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 12


Sidney Greenbaum, Good English and…. p. 23


How is it formed MEANING

What does it




Larsen described about Three-Dimension Grammar framework as below:

Our framework takes the form of a pie chart. Its shape helps us to make salient that in dealing with the complexity of grammar, three dimensions must concern us: structure or form, semantic or meaning and the pragmatic conditions governing use 12

Grammar has so many forms. The first is form; every form has their own characteristics that depend on the using. According to Krashen, grammar teaching is attention to the forms of the language acquisition. More recently, research suggested that without some attention to form, learners run the risk of fossilization. A focus on form does not necessarily mean return to the drill-and repeat type methods teaching. A focus on form may simply mean correcting a mistake13. Usually, in grammar book, the form is divided into Tenses etc. In this case, Irregular Verb and Regular Verb are included in miscellaneous things in grammar.

The second is meaning. Meaning has an important place in Grammar. It becomes a focus in teaching learning grammar. The third thing is use. How to use grammar, when we use grammar, and where we use it become a discussion things and also an important things. Furthermore, we will discuss how the state of the three things above in teaching learning grammar.

3. The Purpose and the Role of the Grammar in Language


Jeremy Harmer stated that our aim in teaching grammar should be ensure that students are communicatively efficient with the grammar they have at their level. We may not teach them the finer points of style at the


Dianne Larse-Freeman, Teaching Grammar in Teaching English as a Second Languge or Foreign Languge (Marianne Celce et al editor), (USA: Heinle-Heinle Publisher, 2001) p. 253



intermediate level, but we should make sure that they can use what they know.14


In teaching anyone of structures, one should be – getting students to learn quite a large number of different, though related, bits of knowledge and skill: how to recognize the example of the structure when spoken, how to identify its written form, how to produce both its spoken and written form, how to understand its meaning in context, and produce meaningful sentences using it themselves. All these “bits” may be presented in the form of a table, thus:







Listening Perception and

recognition of the spoken form of the structure

Comprehension of what the spoken structure means in context Speaking Production of

well-formed examples in speech

Use of the structure to convey meanings in speech

Reading Perception and

recognition of the written form

Comprehension of what the written structure means in the context Writing Production of

well-formed example in writing

Use of the structure to convey meaning in writing



Some teachers, and/or the course books they use, have a tendency to concentrate on some of these and neglect others: they may spend a lot of time on getting the forms right and neglect to give practice in using the structure to convey meanings: or they may focus on written exercises and fail to cover the oral aspects satisfactorily. It is important to keep a balance, taking into account, of course, the needs of the particular class being taught.

In the organization of grammar teaching, Penny Ur explained some best way to teach grammar, what t kinds of teaching procedures should be used and in what order- will have to take into account both the wide range of knowledge and skills that need to be taught. The organization of usage suggested here to represent only a general framework into a wide variety of teaching technique will fit. Ur advocates a traditional four-stage approach to the teaching of grammar items:

1. Presentation, making the structure salient through an input text in which the item appears

2. Isolation and explanation. Ensuring that the students understand the various aspects of the structure under investigation

3. Practice. Getting students to absorbs and master the language 4. Test. Getting learners to demonstrate mastery15.

The function of such exercises is simply to help make the rules of form clearer and to ensure that they are learnt more thoroughly. A learner who has worked through a series of them may find it easier, eventually, to express him or herself correctly, in language that will be acceptable to a native speaker. But because they give no practice in making meanings with the structure (and are therefore, incidentally, usually not very interesting) these exercises have limited usefulness; so we should move on to meaning-based practice as soon as we feel our students have a fundamental grasp of the rules of form and their application.



Christopher Brumfit says in his book that there is only one method for teaching grammar. The method never varies and it is called explanation, which of course is something has been known all along. Explanation is always the method: it is up to the teacher to decide what kind of explanation is the most suitable in any given circumstance. If a child says to his mother ‘you buyed this mummy’ and mother gently corrects:’ not buyed, dear, bought’, mother is giving an appropriate lesson in grammar. If teacher are teaching young children English as a foreign language and one of them says ‘ I haven’t got some milk’ and they say: I haven’t got any milk. Using any is because they are saying not’, they are giving their pupils a grammatical explanation. when explaining, teachers use every means at their disposal, including contrasts with the mother-tongue if necessary; they know that a particular sr\tructure will interfere with one in the target language. It goes without saying that explanations may be elicited from students as well as given by teachers.16

Scoot Thornbury stated there are basic principles for grammar teaching: they are The E-Factor and The A-Factor.

The E-Factor: Efficiency = economy, ease and efficiency

Given that dealing with grammar is only a part of a teacher’s activities, and given that classroom time is very limited, it would seem imperative that whatever grammar teaching is done as efficiently as possible.efficiency, in turn can be broken down into three factors: economy, easy and efficacy

When presenting grammar, a sound rule of thumb is: the shorter the better. It has been shown that economy is a key factor in the trainig of technical skills: when learning how to drive a car or operate a computer, a little prior teaching seems to be more effective that a lot. The more instructor piles on instructions, the more compused the trainee is likely to become. The same would seem to apply in language teaching: be economical.

The ease factor recognises the fact that most teachers lead busy lives, have many classes, and simply cannot afford to sacrifice valuable free time



preparing elaborate classroom materials. Of course, the investment of time and energy in the preparation of materials is often acomponied by a commitment on the part of the teacher to making them work, but, realistically, painstaking preparation is not always going to be possible. Generally speaking, the easier an activities is to set up, the better it is.

Finally and the most important is efficacy. This factor is the least easy to evaluate. Learning, like language, resist measurement. Of course, there are tests, and these can provide feedback to the teacher on the efficacy of the teaching/learning process. Nevertheless, testing is notoriously problematic. Moreover, there is much greater skepticism nowadays as to the extent that teaching causes learning.

Efficiency, then, can be defined as the optimal setting of three related factors: economy, ease, and efficacy.

The A-Factor: Appropriacy

No class of learners is the same: not only are their needs, interest, level and goals going to vary, but their beliefs, attitudes and values will be different too. Thus, an activity that works for one group f learners, i.e that fulfils the E-factor criteria- is not necessarily going to work for another. It may simply not be appropriate. Hence, any classroom activity must be evaluated not only according to criteria of efficiency, but also of appropriacy. Factors to consider when determining appropriacy includes:

The age of the learners Their level

The size of the group

The constitution of the group What their need are

The learners’ interest

The available materials and resources

The learners’ previous learning experience and hence present expectations


The educational context17




The Meaning of The Verb

In the site of answers.com, there is stated that:

Verb, part of speech typically used to indicate an action. English verbs are inflected for person, number, tense and partially for mood; compound verbs formed with auxiliaries (e.g., be, can, have, do, will) provide a distinction of voice. Some English verb like forms have properties of two parts of speech (e.g., participles may be used as adjectives and gerunds as nouns). Verbs are also classified as transitive (requiring a direct object) or intransitive. In Latin verb inflection, voice and mood are indicated in every form. Most languages have a form class resembling that of English verbs. In many of them, unlike English, these words may form complete sentences, e.g., in Spanish, “I am singing” is expressed by the single word canto. Some languages (e.g., Turkish) can convey a great deal of information through modifications of form in the verb stem and ending, without the aid of auxiliary forms. A single word, for example, can indicate reciprocity, reflexivity, necessity, time, infinitive, number, person, and voice, as well as negative, causative, imperative, and intensive meanings. 18

Another stated that a verb is a word that expresses an action or otherwise helps to make a statement.19

And according to Knud Schibsbye verb is defined as the sentence-forming element of a word-group.20


The Kinds of Verb

All verbs are described as either regular or regular., according to the manner in which the principal parts are formed.


Scoott Thornbury, How to Teach Grammar…p. 25-27 18



John E. Warriner, English Grammar and Composition, ( USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1982), P. 122




Regular Verb

A regular verb is one that forms its past and past participle by adding – d or –ed to the infinitive form.21

Approximately 98% of all English verbs are morphologically regular (’regular as to form’). English regular verbs all have just four forms: the base form, the -s form, the –Ed form, and the –ing form. The base form is used throughout the present tense except in 3. sg. (the third person singular); the base form also constitutes the imperative, appears as the second element in the future and the conditional tenses, and makes up the second element in modal constructions. When preceded by the preposition to, the base form constitutes the infinitive, which is widely used in complementizing clauses22


Irregular Verb

An irregular verb is one that forms its past participle in some other way than does a regular verb, usually, but not always, by a vowel change within the verb. 23

The 300 or so English verbs that are irregular ( which constitute only about 2% of the total number of verbs in the language but include many that are frequently used) have either three, four, five, or even eight forms.24


The Forms of the Verb

a. Regular Verb Form

The forms of a regular verb (i.e., a four-form verb whose forms manifest no vowel or consonant changes whatsoever) are now presented: Process (the base form)


John E. Warriner, English Grammar ... P. 124


Richard V. Teschner and Eston Evans, Analyzing the Grammar of English (USA: Georgetown University Press, 2000), p. 47


John E. Warriner, English Grammar … P. 124



— To process (the infinitive):

“I want to process these applications.”

I /you/ we/ they process (i.e., 1. sg. {first person singular}, 2. sg., and 1. pl../ 2.pl./3.pl. present tense forms, that is to say, all present tense forms that are not 3.sg., for which see below)

— process (imperative = the command form): “Process these applications right now!” — will process (future tense):

“I will process 500,000 more applications tonight.” — would process (conditional tense)

“I would process even more if I could.” — might process ( a modal construction)

“ I might process all the applications for the whole country.”

Processes (the third- person singular present tense form): “ He processes applications for the fun of it.” “ That new computer processes with incredible speed.” (Etc)., etc. Any singular subject that is not the first person—I —or second person — you—is automatically third person, a fact which emphasizes the third person singular’s great importance. { the same is true in the plural: any person not first — we —or second —you —is automatically third{)

Processed (the past tense form and the past participle form): PAST TENSE:

“I processed vast quantities of data yesterday.”

PAST PARTICIPLE (Which is typically used in perfect tense) “ I have processed all of three applications today.”

Processing ( the present participle { which is typically used in progressive tenses, for which gerund form):

“ I was processing that data when the phone rang” “ I enjoy word processing.”25



In weak verbs, the preterit is formed with the suffix -ed: work worked., If the base ends in e, -d is simply added to it: hone honed; dye > dyed.

Where the base ends in a consonant plus y, the y changes to i before the -ed is added; deny denied.

Where the base ends in a vowel plus y, the y is retained: alloy alloyed.

The rule for doubling the final consonant in regular weak verbs for the preterite is the same as the rule for doubling in the present participle; see above. 26

Here the pronunciation guides: Group A

Voiceless sound: – p – k – s – ch – sh – f – x – h - pronounce ED as “T” Example: Ask, asked = ask(T)

Ed as “T” asked baked brushed cooked cracked crashed

danced (da:ns) + t dressed


Group B

Voiced sound : – l – v – n – m – r – b – v – g – w – y – z – and vowel sounds (diphthongs) pronounce ED as “D”

Example: Allow, allowed = allow(D) Ed as “D”



advised (ad’vaiz) + d agreed

allowed answered appeared

Group C: T or D pronounce ED as “ID” Example: Need, needed = need (id) Ed as “ID”

accepted afforded attended arrested collected contacted counted decided defended demanded divided ended expanded expected 27

b. Irregular Verb Form

Many irregular verb have five forms: three of the forms just presented for process (base, 3.sg. present, present participle) plus non-identical forms for the past tense and past participle. An example of a five form irregular verb is break, whose five forms are compare here with the regular verb process.

Break/ process (BASE)

Breaks/ processes ( 3. S.G. PRESENT) Broke / processed (PAST TENSE)


http://esl.about.com/od/beginnerpronunciation/a/past_pronounce.htm, 3rd


Broken/ processed (PAT APRTICIPLE)

Breaking/ processing (PRESENT PARTICIPLE)

If break were regular, its past tense and past participle forms would both be breaked. As an irregular verb, however, its past tense form is characterized by ablauting (‘ any vowel change that alternates’) in which /e/ /o/ ( /brek/ /brok/) and its participle form is characterized by both ablating and / (e) n/ additional. Ablating involves many different types of vowel changes. Here are some of them:

/U/ / /, / I / (do does, did e / (say says, said)

(catch caught)

I (sit sat)

/ / (run ran)

/I/ / / (drink drank drunk) /i/ /e/ (eat ate)

/ai/ /u/, /o/ (fly flew flown) /o/ / / (g o gone)28

The remaining irregular verbs involve irregularity only in the past and/ or past participle form, and fit the following nine morphological patterns:

The Nine Morphological Patterns of Irregular Verbs Three-Form Verbs

Verbs like bet have identical base base/past part. forms: Bet (base; past; past part.)

Four –Form Verbs

(A) Identical past/ past participle:



(1) Both ablauthing and consonant difference: Catch:

Catch [k ] (base)

Caught [k t] (past; past participle.) (2) ablauting only:


Sit (base)

Sat (past; past participle.) (3) Consonant difference only:


Spend (base)

Spent (past; past participle.) (B)Identical base/ past participle:

Ablauting only: Run:

Run (base; past participle) Ran (past)

Five-Form Verbs (all with non-identical base/ past/ past participle): (A) Ablauting only:


Drink (base) Drank (past)

Drunk (Pat participle)

(B)–(e)n marking past participle plus ablauting: (1) two different vowel sounds:

—same vowel in base and past participle: Eat:

Eat (base) Ate (past)


—same vowel in past and past participle: Break:

Break (Base)

Broke (Past)

Broken (Past Participle) (2) three different vowel sounds: Fly:

Fly (base)

Flew (Past)

Flown (Past Participle)

Two highly frequent five-form verbs—do, and go—do not confirm to any of the above patterns and must be treated individually as “eccentrics.” (Phonetic transcription and commentary is added).


Do [du] (base)

Did [dId] (past) (ablauting but /d/ regularity) Done [d n] (past participle) (ablauting with -n) Go:

Go [go] (base)

Went (past) (this form is phonetically unrelated to the verb’s base) Gone [ g n] (past participle)29


The Uses of The Verb

a. Past Tense

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical Reference Guide” The Past Tense indicates definite time terminating in the past, whether a time word is given or not.’ The Past Tense may refer to:

a.One even completed in the past e.g. – I saw him last might



- They left two hours ago

b. Repeated events completed in the past and no longer happening e.g. - Last year it rained frequently in this area

- When I was young, I went swimming every day c. Duration of an even completed in the past

e.g. -he lived in New York for thirty years and then he decided to return to French

- in Columbus’ day, people believed that earth was flat30 Meanwhile, Milda Broukal and Ingrid Wisniewiska said that, there are three main uses of past tense:

1. to describe an action that happened at a definite time in the past E.g. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed mount Everest (in 1953)

2. To talk about actions that happened in a sequence in the past E.g. I came home, picked me up my mail and left

3. With time expression such as yesterday, last night/week/month/year, Wednesday, for days/ week, years ago and in 2004

E.g. I saw a great movie last night31

George Wishon and Julia Burks said “Past Tense is used to report a state or activity which can be described to a definite past tense time. There are two past tense auxiliaries in English:

1. The past tense of the verb use combines with to to form auxiliaries.

e.g. – I used to be a boy scout

- I used to get up at 5:30 every morning


Marcela Frank, Modern English A Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1972), p. 73



2. The past form of do as an auxiliary is used with simple form of the verb to express emphasis.

e.g.-I did study for the examination

- No matter what Lisa said, he did finish the work32

Another explanation stated by Douglas Biber and his friends in Grammar of spoken and written English about the use of past tense that “

Past tense also has a common special use when it is back shifted from the present in reported speech or thought. That is, reports of earlier or thought can be given in the past tense when the original quote ( in the case of speech) was presumably in the present tense. In these cases the tense of the verb in the indirect quote is adapted to agree with the past tense of the reporting verb:

1. a girl at work said she worked at Woolworths Direct speech ‘I work at Woolworths’

2. Then the next day he said he no longer loved me Direct speech ‘I no longer love you

3. I thought I was going to going to go home early Original thought ‘I am going to go home early

4. Abbey said there was a meeting planned to discuss the contract this week.

Direct Speech ‘There is a meeting planned to discuss the contract this week’. 33

b. Past Participle

We use the past participle in the following ways:


George E Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, ( New York: American book Company), p. 195-196



Participial phrases: to shorten the sentence, by omitting the subject in the beginning of sentence

E.g. Irritated by the inefficiency, the boss yelled at the workers.

Based on the results of the tests, we changed our plan.

Participial adjectives: verb III that have function as adjective E.g. - The bored students sat quietly through the lecture. - I was pleased to see that the boss liked my idea.

With the perfect tenses: tense which happened in the past and still have effect until now

E.g. - I've stayed at the hotel several times.

- Peter hadn't earned enough money to buy a car yet.

With the passive voice: change of object as subject that followed by to be + VIII

E.g. - The store was closed by the time we got there. - Electrical charge is carried by subatomic

particles. 34


The Difficulties in Learning Regular and Irregular Verb

As it mentioned in chapter I, the students usually find the difficulties when they learn regular and irregular verb. Generally, they find the difficulties because of their mother-tongue, they also confused in differences between forming past tense and past participle of regular and irregular verb. Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum in A Students Grammar of the English Language give differences between irregular and regular verb:

1. Irregular verbs either do not have the regular –ed inflection



2. Irregular verb typically, but not necessary have variation in their base vowel:

Choose-chosen-chosen, write-wrote-written

3. Irregular verb have a varying number of distinct form. Since the-s and –ing forms are predictable for regular and irregular verb alike, the only one forms that need be listed for irregular verb are the base (V), the past (V-ed1), and the past participle (V-ed2). 35

For Irregular verb, the case is more complicated. One generalization we can make is the following: if a verb form ends in –en, it is a past participle. In other words, al –en forms are past participle forms: for example, given, been, driven eaten, taken. Unfortunately (for it would make the identification of past participles much simpler), the converse is not true. Not all past participles end in –en. For example, we have already seen that the past participle form of regular verbs is the same, superficially, as their past tense form: both end in –ed (e.g., walked climbed, breathed). In fact, the identical forms for both the past tense and past participle are one characteristic of regular verbs.36

Other verbs behave like irregular verbs, in that their past participle is distinct from their past tense form ; yet these forms do not end in –en the characteristic past participle suffix for irregular verbs. Examples include I have run a mile/ sworn my oath/ sung a song/ rung a bell.

Because the irregular verb almost has no the rules of the form and unpredictable, students can remember it well, unless they will make mistake. For example:

1. I cutted the grass yesterday (false) I cut the grass yesterday (true)


Randolph Quirk and Sidney Grenbaum, A Studen’ts Grammar of the English Language, (England:Pearson Education Limited,1990), p.29



2. the newspaper was readed by me (false) The newspaper was read by me (true )

Although regular verb is easy, students should know the rules too, because there are some rules in it. For example:

1. I stoped the bus at the bust station(false) stoped: must be added by double ‘p’ stopped

2. She tryed to be better student (false) tryed: the end letter must be changed by ‘I’ tried



This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study. It comprises of the purpose of the study, place and time of the study, design of the study, population and sample, techniques of collecting data, and technique of analysis data.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to know which more dominant frequency of difficulty in using irregular verb or regular verb is, why they face difficulties in using regular and irregular verb, and analyze them to find out how to surpass the difficulties in using regular and irregular verb.


Place and Time of the Study

The research was held at SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere, which is located on Jl. Persahabatan No. 9 Rt 06/02 Cinere- Limo- Depok. The research was begun by doing observation on Thursday, May 7, 2009. She gave test on Thursday, May 28, 2009 and interview the students on Friday, May 19, 2008.


Design of the Study

This study is descriptive-evaluation in a form of quantitative research about analysis on the difficulties faced by the students in learning regular and irregular verb at the second grade of SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere. The descriptive study is designed to obtain the currents status of phenomena and is directed toward determining the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study. This study is also called evaluation because it tries to evaluate objectively about teaching regular and irregular verb and it is also called a quantitative research because the writer uses some numerical data which is analyzed statically.


data of research the writer made observation at school and fixed population and sample for her research. After that the writer collected data with giving a test. The writer examined the test and gave score. Next, the writer made interview with students who got bad and good score to know why they face difficulties in using regular and irregular verb.


Population and Sample

In Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation stated:

Population is a set (or collection)of all elements processing one or more attributes of interest. 37

The population is the entire group of individuals that wanted information about. Population in this study is all of the class VII, they are 16 students.

Sample is a part of the population of interest, a sub-collection selected from a population. A good sample is a sample which reflects maximal population.

At the beginning of the research, the writer wanted to take all population as sample because the total students of second grade only 16 but unfortunately the students who absented are 4 so she took 12 students as the sample or 75% of population.


Techniques of Collecting Data

There were three techniques of collecting data applied in this study; they were observation, test and interview.

1. Observation

It is the main technique in collecting data about learning English in the classroom. In this case, the researcher acted as an observer who observed the teaching learning process without being involved in the process. Therefore, this technique can be categorized as non-participant



The writer did the research by teaching the material in the class VIII and explained about Regular and Irregular Verb.

2. Test


For Test, The writer gave test to students to know which more dominant frequency of difficulty in using irregular verb or regular verb is, the writer wrote 20 questions about regular and irregular verb with 5 items for past tense of irregular verb, 5 items for past participle of irregular verb, 5 items for past tense of regular verb and 5 items for past participle of regular verb.



3. Interview

And the last is interview; an interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. It used as supplement of the data needed which are not covered by observation technique and test, such as the reason why the students find the difficulties in learning regular and irregular verb. Therefore, this interview is also used to convince the researcher about the data gained through other technique. The interview technique is the form of semi-structured held the technique by utilizing the interview guide containing the




a.Past Tense b. Past Participle

5 5


a. Past Tense b. Past Participle

5 5


main points as the objective of researcher. This interview was done to collect data by means of dialog directly, with informants who consist of 6 students of second grade who got bad score.


Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis that is used in this research is descriptive analysis technique (percentage), which was described in the table of percentage. In the table of percentage, the writer used formula:

P = percentage

F= Frequency of wrong answer N= Number of Sample38

After having percentage and frequency the writer then looked for the whole average by using the formula:

P= Persentage

F= Frequency of wrong answer N= Number of Sample

n= Number of item test

Besides the percentage, she also used the result of interview for analyzing the students’ difficulties.


Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistic Pendidikan(Jakarta:PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2005) p: 43


P = x 100 % Nxn





This chapter discusses about the finding based on the data gained during research. It presents and discusses the findings as follows: (1), data description, (2) data analysis and (3) data interpretation.


SMPI Hidayatul Athfal Cinere only has one second grade class and the writer only took 12 students as sample


Having done the test, the writer collected the data needed. The Test covered four Regular and Irregular Verb areas which consisted of 20 questions. After that the writer analyzed the students’ errors in Regular and Irregular Verb, and counted the errors by tabulating and calculating the result of errors. Finally the writer changed the result of the errors into percentage.


Regular and Irregular Verb and each item

Adapted from students’ test item NO




a. Past Tense b.Past Participle

1,2,4,8,14 7,9,10,13,18 2 IREGULAR VERB

a. Past Tense b.Past Participle


In the table 4.`1, the test consists of 20 items which are divided into 4 parts of which has 5 questions for Past Tense of Regular Verb(number of items are 1,2,4,8,14, Past Participle of Regular Verb (number of items are 7,9,10,13,18), Past Tense of Irregular Verb (number of items are3,15,16,19,20) and Past Participle of Irregular Verb( (number of items are 5,6,11,12,17).

B. Data Analysis


After the writer did the research , she got the English test score about frequency of students’ error in regular and irregular verb.


Students’ Score of Test Result No



1 Student 1 60 2 Student 2 45 3 Student 3 85 4 Student 4 60 5 Student 5 50 6 Student 6 85 7 Student 7 65 8 Student 8 50 9 Student 9 70 10 Student 10 45 11 Student 11 40 12 Student 12 60



Highest Score


Lowest Score


Based on the table 4.2 above, the writer got the English score from the test about regular and irregular verb that had average score 59.58. The lowest score is 40 and the highest score is 85.


Then, on the following table, the writer would present students’ response distribution on each item of test


Students’ Response Distribution on Each Item of Test

NO Number of Items

Right Wrong

1 Number 1 12 0

2 Number 2 5 7

3 Number 3 9 3

4 Number 4 8 4

5 Number 5 0 12

6 Number 6 8 4

7 Number 7 10 2

8 Number 8 11 1

9 Number 9 9 3

10 Number 10 9 3

11 Number 11 6 6

12 Number 12 5 7

13 Number 13 11 1

14 Number 14 9 3

15 Number 15 4 8

16 Number 16 8 4

17 Number 17 1 11

18 Number 18 7 5

19 Number 19 3 9

20 Number 20 6 6


From the table above, it could be known that the most error that students made is in number 5, all the students answered wrongly, otherwise number 1 is the less error that students made, no students did the wrong.

After the writer got the students’ test score, she would analyze the student’s’ errors. After the writer analyzed some errors, she would count the number of errors by tabulating and calculating the result of errors. She would process the calculation of result of the test by changing the result of result of results into percentage.

Next in the explanation below, the writer would like to analyze about the students’ difficulties when they learn regular and irregular verb (past tense and past participle) with the observation, test, and interview result.

a. Observation

The writer did the observation by observing the students when they were in the teaching-learning process and their activity in classroom and out of classroom.

From the observation, the writer could state that when the teacher was explaining the regular and irregular verb, some of the students focused on their teacher’s explanation but the others talked each other and exactly they didn’t focus on it.

Then, when the writer observed their activity in rest time, some students who didn’t focus on English lesson of regular and irregular verb ignored the irregular and regular verb lesson and they didn’t want to know at all but the other students asked the recent lesson to the some student who focused on it.

b. Test

1. Past Tense of Regular Verb



Frequency of Error in Past Tense of Regular Verb

Regular Verb Number of Item Frequency of Error (F)

Percentage (p) of error, N=12=100%

1 0 0 %

2 7 58.3 %

4 4 33.3 %

8 1 8.3 %

14 3 25 %

Past Tense

5 items 15 Total 25%

Adapted from students’ test item

The table above shows about the students’ error from exercise about Regular and Irregular verb in past tense of regular verb. It consists of 5 questions. None of students got the false answer of number 1. The percentage of error of number 1 is the lowest from all items, that is 0 %.From that table it is also known that number 2 is the highest one with percentage 58.3%.

The explanation from the table above is that in number 1 there is no student or 0 student who made errors, in number 2 there are 7 (58.3%) students who made errors, in number 4 there are 4 (33.3%) students who made errors, in number 8 there are 1 (8.3%) student who made errors and in number 14 there are 3 (25 %) students who made errors.

From the table above, to find out the whole average. It is used the formula: F

P = x 100 % Nx5



= 25 %

The data shows that there are 25% students who got difficulty in past tense of regular verb

After she analized about the table, she would like to analize about all item in past tense of regular verb, as follow:

1. Theytheir lesson two days ago.( discuss)

In item number 1, there were 0 student or 0% who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is discuused.

2. On our way home last week, we at some places.( stop)

In item number 2,there were 7 students ot 58.3% who chose the wrong answer.The righr answer is stopped.

3. Last Saturday night , my friendme to come to her birthday party.(invite) In item number 4, there were 4 students or 33.3% who chose wrong answer.The right answer is invited.

4. Mr. Amru was a doctor. Hein this hospital ten years ago. (Work) In item number 8, there were 1 student or 8.3% who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is worked

5. On last vocation, I … to National Museum. (Visit)

In item number 14, there were 3 student or 25 % who chose the wrong answer.The right answer is visited

2. Past Participle of Regular Verb

The following table will present about frequency of error in past participle of regular verb.



Frequency of Error in Past Participle of Regular Verb Regular Verb Number of Item Frequency of

Error (F)

Percentage (p) of error, N=12=100%

7 2 16.6%

9 3 25%

10 3 25%

13 1 8.3%

18 5 41.6%

Past Participle

5 items 14 Total 23.3%

Adapted from students’ test item

From the table above, we know that in Past Participle form, many students made a mistake in number 18. It can be known from the table above that item number 18 has the highest percentage from the others; it had 41.6%. Otherwise number 13 was the lowest one because it had the smallest percentage, only 8.3%.

The explanations from the table 4.4 above are that in number 7 there are 16.6%who made errors or 2 students, in number 9 are 3 students or 25% who made errors, in number 10 there are 3 students or 25 % who made errors, and in number 18 there are 5 students or 41.6% who made errors.

Based on the table above, to find out the whole average. It is used the formula:


= x 100 % 12x5



= 23.3%

The whole average showed that there are 23.33% students who got difficulty in past participle of irregular verb

After she analized about the table, she would like to analize about all item in past participle of regular verb, as follow:

1. Danang has… the Rocky Mountain for 4 hours. (climb)

In item number 7, there were 2 students or 16.6% who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is climbed

2. I had neve …the football competition in Senayan. (watch)

In item number 9,there were 3 students ot 25 % who chose the wrong answer.The right answer is watched

3. My families have… here for years. (live)

In item number 10, there were 3 students or 25 % who chose wrong answer. The right answer is lived

4. Last year, this picture wasby an artist. (paint)

In item number 13, there were 1 student or 8.3%who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is painted

5. England was … by the Norman in 1066. ( invand)

In item number 18, there were 5 student or 41.6 % who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is invanded

3. Past Tense of Irregular Verb

The following table will present about frequency of error and percentage form of past tense of irregular verb.



Frequency of Error in Past Tense of Irregular Verb Irregular Verb Number of Item Frequency of

Error (F)

Percentage (p) of error, N=12=100%

3 3 25%

15 8 66.6%

16 4 33.3%

19 3 25%

20 6 50%

Past Tense

5 items 24 Total 40%

Adapted from students’ test item

The table above shows that number 15 is the highest because many students made errors on this number. The percentage of number 15 is 66.6%.. And the lowest number is number 3 and 19, they have 25% or 3 students who made errors.

The explanation from the table above is that in number 3 there are 3 students or 25% who made errors, in number 15 there are 8 students or 66.6% who made errors, in number 16 there were 4 students or 33.3% who made errors, in number 19 there were 3 students or 25% who made errors, and in number 20 there were 6 students or 50% who made errors.

Based on the table above, to find out the whole average is using the formula:


P = x 100 % Nx5




The table 4.5 expressed that generally there were 40% students who made difficulty in past tense of irregular verb.

After she analized about the table, she would like to analize about all item in past tense of irregular verb, as follow:

1. Mother ... to the market an hour ago. (go)

In item number 3, there were 3 students or 25% who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is went .

2. When I was five-years old, my aunt ... the beautiful doll. (give)

In item number 15, there were 8 students or 66.6 % who chose the wrong answer.The right answer is gave.

3. Five minutes ago, Joko was at home. He ... his homework. (do)

In item number 16, there were 4 students or 33.3% who chose wrong answer. The right answer is did.

4. The birds ... in the sky last morning. (fly)

In item number 19, there were 3 students or 25 %who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is flew.

5. They ... the wild tiger the day before yesterday. (catch)

In item number 20, there were 6 students or 50 % who chose the wrong answer. The right answer is caught .

4. Past Participle of Irregular Verb

The following table would present about frequency of errors and percentage in the form of past participle of irregular verb



Frequency of Error in Past Participle of Irregular Verb

Irregular Verb Number of Item Frequency of Error (F)

Percentage (p) of error, N=12=100%

5 12


Figure 2.1 Three Dimensional of Grammar
TABLE 4.1 Regular and Irregular Verb and each item


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