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The educating Game Helps Childern In Learning Irregular Verbs


Academic year: 2017

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Children will learn the concept of verb tense by hearing and imitating. Most children start out by generalizing the past tense rules they hear in some regular verbs for application to irregular verbs. It means that listening may not be an adequate learning method for children. With practicing, memorizing, reading and doing activities, children can learn irregular verb tenses. Games are a fun and effective way to practice with irregular verb tenses. Based on that reasons, in this job training report I try to solve the problem by offering UniCard; new teaching strategy.


v Abstrak

Anak-anak mempelajari konsep kata kerja dengan mendengarkan dan meniru. Kebanyakan anak-anak mulai dengan menyamaratakan kaidah past tense yang mereka dengar dalam beberapa kata kerja beraturan untuk penggunaan kata kerja tak beraturan. Itu berarti bahwa mendengarkan mungkin bukanlah metode yang memadai untuk anak-anak. Dengan berlatih, menghafal, membaca dan melakukan aktifitas, anak-anak dapat mempelajari kata kerja tak beraturan. Permainan adalah cara yang efektif dan menyenangkan untuk berlatih kata kerja tak beraturan. Berdasarkan alasan itu, dalam laporan kuliah kerja lapangan ini saya mencoba memecahkan masalah tersebut dengan menawarkan UniCard; strategi baru dalam mengajar.




First of all, I would like to thank Lord for His blessing and guidance

during my study at Indonesia University of Computer especially throughout the process of writing my job training report. My appreciation also goes to my parents

and family for their love and spiritual support in my life. I also thank my brother Rohani, who helps me making design of UniCard. Besides, I would like to thank my fiancé who always encourages and prays for me.

I also would like to show my heartfelt thanks and enormous gratitude to my tutor Mrs. Retno Purwani Sari, S. S., M. Hum., who offered me enlightening

instructions, patient guidance and valuable suggestions, which contributed to the completion of my job training report. In addition, my gratitude is also given to the lecturers of Faculty of Letter at Indonesia University of Computer for their

valuable teaching.

Last but not least, I am very grateful to all my classmates, friends who





Ditujukan sebagai salah satu kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Lapangan


English Department

Faculty of Letters

Indonesia University of Computer




Besarnya jumlah siswa/siswi dalam setiap kabupaten, manjadi lahan untuk

meraup keuntungan dengan memasarkan/menjual produk-produk pendidikan guna membantu siswa/siswi dalam memahami pelajarannya.

“Bisnis yang tidak ada matinya”, ini adalah ungkapan yang paling tepat

untuk bisnis di bidang pendidikan, selama kreatifitas, mau berusaha dan kesabaran manusia masih ada. Karena setiap tahun berapa banyak orang tua yang sibuk

mandaftarkan anaknya ke sekolahan/madrasah yang baru, dan berapa banyak jumlah siswa/siswi baru pada setiap tingkatan pendidikan dalam satu kabupaten.

Dan hal itu juga lah yang melatarbelakangi saya untuk membangun usaha bisnis UniCard ini.

UniCard merupakan produk edukasi yang unik dengan desain yang

menarik bagi siswa/siswi dalam menguasai pelajaran. UniCard merupakan produk pendidikan yang menawarkan sistem belajar baru. UniCard adalah kartu dengan

desain yang unik, menarik, berisi irregular verb dan rangkuman rumus-rumus tenses yang mudah di terapkan untuk membantu kesulitan belajar siswa dalam menghafal irregular verb dan tenses, praktis sangat efektif dan menyenangkan,

sesuai kurikulum, mempercepat dan mempermudah siswa/siswi dalam belajar dan sebagai pengganti buku pelajaran. Produk edukasi ini didesain menarik bagi



Proses produksi UniCard ini dimulai dengan mengumpulkan materi yakni kata kerja tak beraturan (irregular verb). Materi-materi yang sudah dikumpulkan

disajikan dalam bentuk kartu edukatif yang unik. Proses pembuatan desain diawali dengan membuat desain kartu dasar, kemudian membuat desain untuk

kartu yang diputar. Setelah proses pembuatan desain selesai lengkap dengan isinya yaitu kata kerja irregular dan rumus tenses, maka kartu siap dicetak. Proses produksi termasuk proses pencetakkan dilakukan di kantor kami di percetakan

Ardie Putra Grafindo, Jl. Kasuari 9 No. 69 Cikarang Baru.

Dibawah ini merupakan bagan mengenai tahapan proses produksi


Pengumpulan Materi Desain Kartu



Analisis STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)

Target yang ingin dicapai adalah penjualan dapat mencapai sedikitnya 100

buah selama satu bulan masa penjualan. Untuk mencapai target yang diinginkan tentu saja membutuhkan strategi penjualan dan upaya-upaya marketing yang

inovatif untuk mendistribusikan produk tersebut. Strategi penjualan yang akan dilakukan adalah dengan menawarkan produk ke sekolah-sekolah, bekerjasama dengan guru bidang pendidikan, sistem konsinyasi ke koperasi atau toko buku

dengan harga khusus (diskon), penjualan langsung yaitu penjualan langsung kepada konsumen, dijual kepada tetangga, kerabat, teman, keluarga, dll. Penjualan

secara Direct Sell door to door, dari sekolah ke sekolah, di kompleks-kompleks perumahan, dan menyebarkan brosur sebanyak-banyaknya.

Lokasi yang dipilih untuk mendistribusikan produk tersebut adalah di

kabupaten Bekasi, khususnya kota Cikarang. Lokasi yang ditentukan dekat dengan toko buku, kompleks perumahan, sekolah-sekolah, mulai dari Taman

Kanak-Kanak sampai Perguruan Tinggi, dimana banyak terdapat pelajar dan pengajar.

Dengan strategi peenjualan yang berlokasi di tempat strategis, segmen

konsumen yang dituju adalah anak-anak usia 8 tahun sampai dewasa, mulai dari Sekolah Dasar, SMP, SMA sampai Perguruan Tinggi.


Kebijakan Produk, harga dan Promosi

Harga yang ditawarkan untuk produk ini relatif murah. Untuk reseller Rp. 6000 dan untuk konsumen langsung Rp. 7000. Dari harga yang ada, saya

benar-benar berusaha untuk membuat para pelanggan merasa puas dengan produk yang saya tawarkan sehingga para pelanggan benar-benar merasa tidak dirugikan dan

merasa pantas mengeluarkan sejumlah budget untuk membeli produk ini.

Promosi yang saya lakukan lebih ke penyebaran brosur-brosur dan pemasangan pamflet-pamflet di simpang-simpang jalan atau di depan

sekolah-sekolah. Dengan begitu, para calon pelanggan bisa mengetahui produk yang akan saya jual.

Risk Analysis

Kesulitan yang saya hadapi dalam pengembangan usaha ini adalah

banyaknya produk-produk mainan edukasi dengan keunggulan-keunggulan tersendiri, sehingga cukup sulit untuk menumbuhkan rasa percaya pelanggan pada

produk yang saya tawarkan, selain itu pembuatan desain yang cukup rumit menjadi salah satu kendala dalam mengembangkan usaha ini.

Untuk menanggulangi resiko ini, kami akan berupaya membuat desain

semenarik mungkin agar para calon pelanggan tertarik dengan produk yang akan kami tawarkan dan berupaya membuat desain yang sederhana namun tetap unik



Rencana pengeluaran awal

No Aktivitas Alokasi Biaya

1 Percetakan Rp. 300.000

2 Plastik Rp. 10.000

3 Kancing Rp. 15.000

4 Perlengkapan/ATK Rp. 35.000

5 Biaya Tak Terduga Rp. 100.000

6 Transportasi Rp. 50.000

7 Brosur/Pamflet Rp. 90.000

Jumlah Rp. 600.000

Modal yang didapatkan berasal dari orang tua kami.


Pictures of UniCard

Muka Depan Kartu yang Diputar

Muka Belakang Kartu Dasar




Laporan Jalannya Usaha

Ditujukan sebagai salah satu kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Lapangan


English Department

Faculty of Letters

Indonesia University of Computer



UniCard adalah bisnis yang saya dirikan dalam rangka kegiatan kuliah kerja lapangan di jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Komputer Indonesia. UniCard

merupakan produk edukasi yang unik dengan desain yang menarik bagi siswa/siswi dalam menguasai pelajaran. UniCard merupakan produk pendidikan yang menawarkan sistem belajar baru. UniCard adalah kartu dengan desain yang

unik, menarik, berisi irregular verb dan rangkuman rumus-rumus tenses yang mudah di terapkan untuk membantu kesulitan belajar siswa SD sampai SMA

dalam menghafal irregular verb dan tenses. Produk edukasi ini mempermudah siswa/siswi dalam belajar, sebagai pengganti buku pelajaran dan juga dapat

meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa.

Besarnya jumlah siswa/siswi dalam setiap kabupaten menjadi lahan untuk meraup keuntungan dengan memasarkan/menjual produk-produk pendidikan guna

membantu siswa/siswi dalam memahami pelajarannya. Dan hal itulah yang melatarbelakangi saya untuk membangun usaha bisnis UniCard ini.

Prospek usaha ini cukup menjanjikan, dilihat dari banyaknya jumlah pelajar serta banyaknya institusi pendidikan yang menunjang kemajuan usaha ini. “Bisnis yang tidak ada matinya”, ini adalah ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk

bisnis di bidang pendidikan selama kreatifitas, mau berusaha dan kesabaran manusia masih ada. Karena setiap tahun berapa banyak orang tua yang sibuk


Proses produksi UniCard ini dimulai dengan mengumpulkan materi yakni

kata kerja tak beraturan (irregular verb). Materi-materi yang sudah dikumpulkan disajikan dalam bentuk kartu edukatif yang unik. Proses pembuatan desain

diawali dengan membuat desain kartu dasar, kemudian membuat desain untuk kartu yang diputar. Setelah proses pembuatan desain selesai lengkap dengan

isinya yaitu kata kerja irregular dan rumus tenses, maka kartu siap dicetak. Proses produksi termasuk proses pencetakkan dilakukan di percetakan Ardie Putra Grafindo, Jl. Kasuari 9 No. 69 Cikarang Baru. Lokasi yang dipilih untuk

mendistribusikan produk tersebut adalah di kabupaten Bekasi, khususnya kota Cikarang. Lokasi yang ditentukan dekat dengan toko buku, kompleks perumahan,



Bisnis yang saya jalankan selama kurang lebih 1 bulan ini telah sesuai

dengan business plan yang telah saya buat sebelumnya. Hanya ada sedikit perubahan dalam biaya produksi karena saya ingin menekan seminimal mungkin

biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk berjalannya bisnis ini sehingga biaya produksi UniCard ini tidak sesuai dengan biaya produksi yang saya cantumkan dalam business plan yang telah saya buat sebelumnya.

Strategi penjualan yang dilakukan adalah dengan menawarkan produk ke sekolah-sekolah, bekerjasama dengan guru bidang pendidikan, sistem konsinyasi

ke koperasi atau toko buku dengan harga khusus (diskon), penjualan langsung yaitu penjualan langsung kepada konsumen, dijual kepada tetangga, kerabat, teman, keluarga, dll. Penjualan secara Direct Sell door to door, dari sekolah ke

sekolah, di kompleks-kompleks perumahan, dan menyebarkan brosur sebanyak-banyaknya. Total produk yang saya cetak adalah 100 buah, sedangkan total




Penjualan grosir (60x6000) Rp. 360.000 Penjualan eceran (39x7000) Rp. 273.000

Total Pendapatan Rp. 633.000

Pengeluaran awal

Percetakan Rp. 400.000

Plastik Rp. 10.000

Kancing Rp. 15.000

Brosur/pamflet Rp. 20.000

Biaya tak terduga Rp. 20.000

Total Pengeluaran Rp. 465.000

Laba Kotor Rp. 168.000

Beban Usaha:

Biaya Transportasi Rp. 20.000

Print & fotocopy Rp. 8.000

Total beban usaha Rp. 28.000




Dari awal perencanaan bisnis ini, saya menekan seminimal mungkin biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk berjalannya bisnis ini. Tingkat penjualan yang awalnya

rendah dan jauh dari apa yang diharapkan, setelah beberapa waktu mengalami peningkatan yang disebabkan banyak faktor seperti strategi pemasaran yang saya tetapkan untuk menguasai target pasar.

Dilihat dari tingkat penjualan yang terus meningkat pada bisnis yang saya jalankan ini, menggambarkan bahwa ada respon positif yang diberikan oleh

masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya orang tua dan para pengajar yang ingin membantu anak-anak maupun murid-murid mereka dalam memahami pelajaran melalui mainan edukasi.


Sampai saat ini, bisnis yang saya jalankan memberikan gambaran positif bahwa bisnis di bidang pendidikan bisa bertahan dan bahkan terus mendapatkan tingkat pendapatan yang semakin baik lagi untuk jangka panjang ke depannya.

Tentu saja hal ini harus ditunjang dengan adanya kreatifitas tinggi, semangat berusaha, serta kesabaran yang harus dimiliki oleh siapapun yang ingin



Perincian Penjualan

1. SDIT Cordova 20 buah

2. SDIT Al-Kautsar 20 buah

3. Toko Buku Sanjay 20 buah

4. Direct sell door to door 11 buah

5. Pemesanan 18 buah

6. Keluarga/teman/kerabat 10 buah

Total Produk yang Terjual : 99 buah

Sisa Produk : 1 buah


1 misconceptions. It is possible to learn a language as well as to enjoy oneself at the same time. Games are one of effective ways of doing this. Well-chosen games are

invaluable as they give children a break and at the same time allow children to learn language. Moreover, games can enhance the children’s desire to learn the

language. Based on that reasons, I created an educational game to help children in learning English vocabulary, especially English irregular verbs; one of essential words in making grammatical and natural English sentence.

In addition, games provide effectiveness on learning English in various ways. Since games bring in relaxation and fun, children can accept and retain new

words more easily. Moreover, through games children experiment, discover, and interact with their environment, it is good for their social development. Games also add variation to a lesson and increase motivation. For that reasons, in this job



English irregular verbs. “The education game helps children in learning irregular verbs” is chosen as the title of this job training report.

1.2 Scope

The writer restricts the problems into four points: 1. What are the characteristics of children as learners?

2. What are the benefits of using UniCard in learning irregular verbs

3. What are the problems in the using of UniCard? 4. What is the solution of the problem?

1.3 Objectives

1. Describe the characteristics of children as learners.

2. Describe the benefits of using UniCard in learning irregular verbs. 3. Describe the problems in the using of UniCard.

4. Describe the solution of the problem.

1.4 Significant to knowledge

Theoretically, the description of how education games help children in learning irregular verbs may give valuable contribution in supporting the idea that

mentions games are effective and useful in language learning.



1.5 The framework of the theory

Children love to play and use their imagination” (Slattery and Willis, 2001). Based on the assumption, it will be considered that children will learn their lessons more effectively if they use the learning method which gives them the

freedom in playing and using their imagination. They love to learn while playing. Language games, for example, are believed can give the positive effect and joyful learning to the children in developing their language skills.

Playing language games will help the children to develop language and thought. In the activities of language games, the children will develop their ability

to say what they mean to say and to express them clearly. “Language games refer to games that children which enable them to learn the language” (Wittgenstein as

cited in Shawver). It can be said that language games not only function as time

filling activities but also they can bring some educational values that enable the children to learn the language. There are a great number of language games. So

teachers have a variety of choices. However, teachers must choose the appropriate games with the characteristics of the children; one of them is UniCard.

UniCard is designed as an educational game that can help children in

learning English irregular verbs. It can be played at home or school, in group or individual. UniCard is a creative card with 80 irregular verbs and tenses. The main



There are almost 300 irregular verbs in the English language. Irregular verb are tricky verbs. A verb considered to be irregular, does not follow the

regular pattern of adding a -d or an -ed to the end of the verb in the past tense and past participle verbs such as “am,” which becomes “was”; “tell,” which becomes “told”; and “sing,” which becomes “sang.” These are called irregular verbs

because they do not follow the regular pattern. Therefore, irregular verbs are hard for some children to learn, but it can be easy if they have a knack for memorizing

words as stated by Steven Pinker:

"Irregular forms are just words. If our language faculty has a knack for memorizing words, it should have no inhibitions about memorizing past-tense forms at the same time. These are the verbs we call irregular, and they are a mere 180 additions to a mental lexicon that already numbers in the tens or hundreds of thousands." (Steven Pinker, Words and Rules. Basic, 1999).

It can be concluded that if children have a knack for memorizing words, they can learn irregular verbs easily. Activities and games can help them to remember irregular verb forms.

1.6 Research Method



The method of collecting data that was used is observation and interviewing. I did observation in SDIT Cordova and SDIT Al-Kautsar. The

participants are students and teachers in those schools. I interviewed students and teachers by asking questions to get direct answers.

1.7 Place and Time

I did the job training in PT. Ardie Putra Grafindo that is located at Jl.

Kasuari 9 No. 69 Cikarang Baru, SDIT Cordova and SDIT Al-Kautsar. I worked and did observation for about a month, started on 25 July until 24 August 2011. I





2.1 Description of The Company

UniCard Company is a business that I built in order to do the job training; one of the course requirements at the faculty of letters, Indonesia University of Computer. This business manufactured a unique educational product which is

named UniCard; a card with attractive design to help children and students in learning English. UniCard offers a new learning system. It shows the change of

verbs to the form of the present, past and past participle. It is also equipped with tenses. UniCard is designed uniquely and attractively to attract children and students interest. Children can use it easily to learn irregular verbs and tenses. The

teachers also can use it to teach students irregular verbs through game, so learning English should not really make children bored easily.

2.2 Vision and Mission

2.2.1 Vision



2.2.2 Mission

To achieve the visions, this company creates an education game that

motivates children to learn English irregular verbs. The game is designed attractively and uniquely to interest children in learning English irregular verbs.

2.3 Production Process

The production process began with collecting some verbs and their change

to the form of the present participle, past, and past participle. I collected 80 verbs as I stated in the table.

say do let tell Give lead ring think drink

see go lie wake Grow lend rise teach drive

set be fly wear Hang lose shall throw fight

buy hit put send Have make shine write catch

sew run sell will Hear mean sleep begin leave

sit eat sing blow Hold meet speak break fight

cut get tell come Hurt must spend bring become

win may take fall Keep read stand catch understand



They are provided in a unique card. The process of making design begins with designing a basic card that contains verbs and their change to the form of the

present participle, past and past participle, then designing a circle card. After the process of making design is finished, the card is printed. The production process

is done at the printing office, PT. Ardie Putra Grafindo. It is located at Jl. Kasuari 9 No. 69 Cikarang Baru.

2.4 Marketing Ways

This company has marketing ways, such as offering product to schools and

bookstores, collaborating with the teachers, selling the product to the consumers, neighbors, relatives, friends, family, and distributing brochures so that people know about our product and order it.

2.5 Organization and Management

The business of UniCard was built to help children in learning English irregular verbs. I got the fund to build this business from my parent. I built and managed this business with Mr. Rohani. His responsibilities are making a design

and printing UniCard. My responsibilities are noting the transactions, making the financial reports, buying the equipments, marketing the product and giving the



2.6 Structure of Organization

Finance, Marketing

and Operational

Lanita Ermawati

Creative Design






3.1 The Characteristics of Children as Learners

As learners, children have some characteristics. Based on my observation at SDIT Cordova and SDIT Al-Kautsar, children are comfortable with routines. It means that they need habit to learn. Children learn in a variety of ways, for

example: by listening, by imitating and by doing things. The teachers teach their students English using the video, so children learn English through what they see

and hear in the video, and they usually imitate what they have seen and heard in the video. Because children only imitate what they see and hear, they do not understanding about the rule of language. Children will learn the concept of verb

tense simply by hearing and using more speech as they grow and develop. Most children start out by generalizing the past tense rules they hear in some regular

verbs for application to irregular verbs, which can lead to errors like using "taked" instead of "took". Therefore, in teaching English, the teachers need to know how to teach English for children.

Teachers must make learning English enjoyable and make sure children feel comfortable, and not afraid to take part. Based on my observation and

interviewing, the teachers are fond of praising their students in class to make children feel comfortable in class. They also try to accompany their explanation with media in order to the children understand easily. It is needed many ways to



videos. However, sometimes the teachers have the difficulties in teaching English to their students.

Teaching English as a language is sometimes a hard job to perform because of the number of impediments the teacher may encounter. The difficulties

that teachers meet are most of the time the lack of motivation for the students to learn English since they are not exposed to hear and practice English everywhere and all the time.

To take up this challenge, the teachers have recourse to games to enhance the children’s desire to learn the language. In the whole process of teaching and

learning by games, the students can take part widely and open-mindedly. To win the games each student or group competitively answers the questions addressed by the teacher or other students or groups.

Children learn better when they have the feeling that they are making progress. This happens when the atmosphere in the classroom facilitates it. The

teachers use game to create this kind of atmosphere. They also use game to repeat the material. Children are bored when they learn by reading a text book, but they are happy when they learn by using games, so learning English should not really

become children getting bored for children because educational games are easy ways of learning English with full of fun.

There are a great number of educational games. So teachers have a variety of choices. However, in deciding which game to use in a particular class and which games will be most appropriate and most successful with their students,



Teachers should also be able to play and overact sometimes to help students feel comfortable and want to join the activity. This means that the

teachers should thoroughly understand the game and its nature and be able to lead the game. Before teaching their students by using game, teachers explain the rules

of game clearly until the students understand. Teachers also demonstrate the game because it can be very helpful to help students understand it and help them follow the rules.

In addition, they should consider when the game should be used. Teachers use game as short warm-up activities at the beginning of class and when there is

extra time near the end of class, so game do not disturb their lesson. Teachers should consider the level of the game to fit their students' language level. Game that is used in the first class is different with the third class. In the first class,

teachers use game that contains pictures. They should also choose the game that fits the purposes of that class or the content. Teachers use a language game in

language class and they use math game in math class.

It is quite difficult to find a game that meets all of the teachers' requirements. Some games must be adapted in order to fit students' language

level, natures, and characteristics. The most important factor is that games should be used when they can give students both fun and educational meaning, otherwise



There is an educational game that can give students fun and educational meaning. The game is UniCard. UniCard is one of the language games. UniCard

is an education game that can help children in learning English irregular verbs. UniCard shows the change of verbs to the form of the present participle, past and

past participle. It can be played at home or school. Children can also play it with their friends. UniCard is created to make children learning irregular verbs easily because many irregular verbs are commonly used and they need to be memorized.

3.2 The benefits of using UniCard in teaching and learning

irregular verbs

In the previous discussion, it is explained that UniCard can helps children in learning English irregular verbs, so it can be said that UniCard not only

function as time filling activities but also it has a great educational value. UniCard can be a very useful teaching technique for the effective and joyful learning.

There are many benefits of using UniCard in teaching and learning irregular verbs.

Teaching irregular verb tenses to children can be difficult because there is

no system or formula to remember which verbs are irregular. Moreover, there are a large number of students who are not interested in English classes. The way of

teaching commonly makes the students lazy and bored. The teacher needs something different to make students interested because mostly children are very easy to get bored. Therefore, teacher needs something interesting which can



motivate children to learn irregular verbs. Children can make memorizing irregular verbs fun using UniCard. Another benefit of using UniCard is increasing

students' proficiency. Playing UniCard in the classroom can enormously increase students' ability in understanding irregular verbs and lower students’ stress.

UniCard can lower students' stress in the classroom. In conventional classrooms, there is a lot of stress put on students trying to master the second language (English). Schultz (1988) said that

"...Stress is a major hindrance in language learning process. This process [Learning language in traditional way] is by its nature time consuming and stress provoking...raise the stress level to a point at which it interferes with student attention and efficiency and undermines motivation...one method has been developed to make students forget that they are in class....relax students by engaging them in stress-reducing task (games)."

There is a high level of stress in the classroom because students have to face unfamiliar or unknown grammatical structures, words, texts and so forth.

Therefore, students often feel uncomfortable and insecure in class, which inevitably affects their ability to learn. UniCard can help lower their anxiety, make them feel comfortable and want to learn irregular verbs. It is believed that

when students play games, they relax and have fun. Since students know that they are playing games and want to communicate efficiently they do not worry about



Another advantage of using UniCard is that it involves "friendly" competition. When playing UniCard, students are trying to win or to beat other

teams for themselves or on the behalf of their team. They are so competitive while playing because they want to win. In the class, students will definitely participate

in the playing UniCard.

My observation and interviewing with the teachers who use UniCard as a teaching aid showed that by using UniCard, the students became more interested

and motivated in the learning irregular verbs. The students learn irregular verbs using UniCard without being bored. As a result, their vocabulary (irregular verbs)

increased. UniCard also helps the students in building a good relationship with their friends as well as increasing their achievement in learning irregular verbs.

In short, language games used in the classroom are very effective and

supportive activities in contributing to students' language proficiency. Unfortunately, because of limitations of time and curriculum, teachers normally

have to cover all the content and materials, which students will be tested on, and it is not always easy to incorporate games into the class.

Nevertheless, it can be seen that games are very useful and can be used to

develop students' language learning and also provide the students an opportunity to practice communication. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers try some



3.3 Problems in The Using of UniCard

Based on my observation and interviewing, there are some problems that

are faced in using of UniCard. First, children do not know how to play it at first. Second, they do not understand the rules of the games.

3.4 Solution of the Problems

There are some solutions to solve the problems that are faced in using of

UniCard. For the first problem, teachers should demonstrate how to play UniCard because it can help students understand how to play it. For the second problem, to

use UniCard in classroom, it is equally important that before playing it, the rules of UniCard are clearly explained and well understood by the students. It can help students follow the rules. Otherwise, they will misunderstand the purpose of the




Recently, using games has become a popular technique exercised by many educators in the classrooms and recommended by methodologists. Many sources,

including the ones quoted in this work, list the advantages of the use of games in foreign language classrooms.

Though the main objectives of the games (UniCard) were to acquaint

students with new words, especially irregular verbs, they also helped develop the students' communicative competence.

Although, it cannot be said that games are always better and easier to cope with for everyone, an overwhelming majority of pupils find games relaxing and motivating. Games should be an integral part of a lesson, providing the possibility

of intensive practise while at the same time immensely enjoyable for both students and teachers.

From the observations, I noticed that those groups of students who learned irregular verbs with games felt more motivated and interested in what they were doing. My research has produced some evidence which shows that games are

useful and more successful than other method. Having such evidence at hand, I wish to suggested the wide use of games as a successful way of acquiring



It can be seen that games are very useful and can be used to develop

students' language learning and also provide the students an opportunity to practice communication. Therefore, I suggested that teachers try some games that

may be useful to their students in order to enhance students' proficiency and help them meet their goals, and at least to try new things in teaching because the



Abstract iv

Abstrak v

Acknowledgement vi

Contents vii


1.1 Background to the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objectives 2

1.4 Significant to Knowledge 2

1.5 The framework of the theory 3

1.6 Research Method 4

1.7 Place and time 5









Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements






1. Student’s Profile

Name : Lanita Ermawati

Address : Jl. Kasuari 9 No.69 Cikarang Baru

Place & date of birth : Tangerang, 20th June 1989

Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Phone : 08986182105

E-mail : vinc_laannyytha@yahoo.com

2. Educational Background

a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1995-2001 SDN Mekar Mukti 06

2 2001-2004 SMP YAPINK

3 2004-2007 SMA YAPINK


43 b. Informal Education

No Course/Seminar Year

1. Arabic Language Course (Uncertified) 2005

2. Seminar on Copywriting I (Certified) 2009

3. Seminar on Copywriting II (Certified) 2010

4. Seminar on Feminist, Feminine and Text (Certified) 2011

3. Competency

I have the competencies as follows:




Wright, Andrew et al. 1984. Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press.

Kim, Lee Su. 1995. Creative Games for The Language Class. Pinker, Steven. 1999. Words and Rules.

Lee, W. R. 1979. Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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