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A Skripsi

Submitted to the faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Sarjana Pendidikan

Written by: Oryza Septaviana






A Skripsi

Submitted to the faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Sarjana Pendidikan

Written by: Oryza Septaviana




Approval Sheet

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Faculty of Language Education

Department of English Education

Difficulties Faced by Students of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Doing Group Discussion

We hereby approve the Skripsi of Oryza Septaviana


Candidate for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

May 26th 2016 _______________________ Ika Wahyuni Lestari, S.Pd, M.Hum. The Skripsi Supervisor

May 26th 2016 _______________________ Sri Sudarsi, S. S., M.InTM. Examiner 1

May 26th 2016 _______________________ Puput A, S.Pd. M. A.M. Examiner 2

Accepted Yogyakarta, May 26th 2016

_______________________ Gendroyono, M.Pd.


Statement of Authenticity

I am a student of English Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with the following identity:

Name : Oryza Septaviana

NIM : 20110540079

Program Study : English Education Department Faculty : Language Education

University : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi with the title “Difficulties faced by Students of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Doing Group Discussion” is unquestionably my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this paper. Others’ opinions or findings included in

this skripsi are quoted in accordance with the ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, May 26th 2016



First of all, I would like to express my greatest and deepest praise to Allah SWT for giving me mercy, health, opportunity and who has always been my companion especially in the hard times during my study and my skripsi writing. I would like to express my second appreciate to my beloved parents and brothers for endless love, pray and patient. Therefore, I can finish my final course report in English Education Department of Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta.

My appreciations are also addressed to my best supervisor Miss Ika Wahyuni Lestari, S.Pd, M.Hum. For the patiently guiding, suggesting and supporting me in writing proposal until the completion of this skripsi. My gratitude is also addressed to all PBI lecturers who have given me useful knowledge, advices, and motivations. I express my thanks to all staff of EED UMY who helped me complete the information and requirements.

My deepest appreciation is addressed to all of my friends, students of 2011 especially for class C (MUBE) thank you for the friendship and wonderful

moments during the study at PBI UMY. I address my gratitude to my close friends Sofi, Emi, Mbak Hus, Mas Ari and Mas Janan thanks for friendship and kindness. The last, thankfulness also goes to all my friends who cannot be mentioned here one by one.

Yogyakarta, May 26th 2016



COVER………. ……… i

APPROVAL SHEET...………... ii




ABSTRACT……….. ix

Chapter One Introduction Background of the Research ... 1

Identification and Limitation of the Problem ... 4

Research Questions ... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 5

Significances of the Study ... 5

Chapter Two Literature Review Speaking ... 6

Definition of Speaking ... 6

Component of Speaking ... 8

Characteristics of Spoken Language ... 10

Difficulties in Speaking ... 12

Group Discussion ... 13

Definition of Group Discussion ... 13

Types of group Discussion……….. 16

Difficulties in Group Discussion ... 19

Review of Related Studies ... 22


Chapter Three Methodology

Research Design ... 26

Research Setting ... 27

Research Participants ... 27

Instruments of the Study ... 28

Techniques of Data Collection ... 28

Data Analysis ... 29

Chapter four Finding and Discussion Difficulties faced by EED Students in Group Discussion ... 31

Lack of Vocabulary………... 31

Pronunciation Mistake……….. 33

Grammar Mistake……….. 33

Shyness………... 35

Fear of Making Mistake……… 36

Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion ... 38

Recommendation ... 39

Lecturers……… 39

Students………. 40

Researcher………. 40

Other Researchers………... 40

References ... 41



Speaking skill is an important skill that students should master when they learn language. The ability of speaking can measure the success of learning language. To develop student speaking ability student need a technique to

improve their speaking skill. One of technique to develop speaking skills is group discussion. Group discussion is one of the method has been implemented at English Education Department of UMY in language teaching and learning processes. Through discussion, the students practice to communicate with others in groups. Despite the benefit provided in group discussion, students commonly face some difficulties in doing group discussion. The purpose of this research is to find out the difficulties faced by students of EED of UMY in doing group

discussion. This research used descriptive qualitative research design and used interview as the research instrument. The research was conducted in December 2015 at English Education Department of UMY. The participants of this research consisted of three female students of English Education Department of UMY batch 2014 who had experience in group discussion based on criteria. In analyzing the data, the researcher used open, axial and selective coding. The result of this research showed that, there were five types of difficulties faced by students of English Education Department of UMY in doing group discussion. The

difficulties were lack of vocabulary, grammar mistake, pronunciations mistake, shyness and fear of making mistake.


Chapter One Introduction

This research is to investigate students’ difficulties in doing group discussion. This chapter consists of five parts. They are background of the research, identification and limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, and significance of the study. Background of the Research

Speaking is a language skill that must be mastered by students. This skill is an important indicator for the success of students, especially in learning English. By mastering speaking skill well, students can communicate what they feel and think about something, express their ideas and also maintain good relations with others. Beside that, speaking skills is one of the four language skill that should be taught and mastered by students. This is because the speaking skill is used to improve the ability to have good communication and to develop students' skills in speaking.

Bashir (2011, p.38) states that, “speaking is a productive skill in the oral mode. It is like the other skills, it is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just

pronouncing words”. It means that speaking is a productive activity which does not only involve

producing words, but also thinking and cultivating ideas. Speaker must have an ability to convey an idea or opinion, so that the idea that their have in their mind can be understood by other people. Therefore, mastering speaking skill is important because by mastering speaking skill, people can carry out conversation with other, give the ideas and exchange the information with others.


communicate, to express opinion and to persuade someone about something or clarify

information. In other words, he or she can communicate his or her ideas well to other people. In speaking, students should master the elements of speaking, such as vocabularies, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. In line with this, according to Nunan (1999), speaking requires learners to not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistic competence), but also understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language (sociolinguistic competence). So, speaking is very important because by mastering speaking skill the students can carry out conversation with others, give the ideas, and exchange the information. Therefore, by speaking in the classroom, the learners should work as much as possible on their own, talk the information to another directly.

Based on the explanations above, students need a technique to increase their speaking to be more effective. There are many activities used by the teacher for teaching speaking to increase students’ speaking skill. One of the techniques that can be used to develop students’ speaking

ability is group discussion activity. Group discussion is seen as an active learning process so that group discussion is one of the best methods of learning speaking in foreign language (Argawati, 2014). This method can help the students to improve their speaking skill. Through group

discussion, the students will be able to express, to exchange about opinion and share their ideas on what they learn with their friends in group. This activity makes the student become more confident and be able to participate actively and also give useful feedback to explain more about something.


issue”. He states that discussion technique provides opportunities for students’ thoughtfulness

about the information received in class so that they are able to solve the problem in discussed. The discussion means a group of student discusses some problems based on the topic given to solve the problem together. The students will have more attention and interesting

speaking learning process using this technique because they have more opportunity to share their ideas and work collaboratively in a group. Then, they can imagine the real and certain object based on their mind as creative as possible.

English Education Department (EED) of Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is one of departments which applies group discussion in language teaching and learning

processes. Many lecturers in EED of UMY always use group discussion in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. However, based on the researcher’s experience, in the

process of learning in doing group discussion, some students often mentioned some difficulties when they were doing a group discussion. They frequently use their native languages because they found it difficult to use the foreign language. They also mentioned that they were also too shy and afraid to take part in the conversation with their friend when they had discussion in the classroom. As a result, most students still use Indonesian Language when they joined the in class discussion.

From the explanation above, the researcher is interested to investigate the students’ difficulties in doing group discussion at EED of UMY. Therefore, the researcher wants to find more information about their difficulties in doing group discussion when it is implemented in the process of group discussion.


In this research, the researcher found some problems in the process of group discussion in the classroom faced by the students of EED of UMY. The problems could be caused by internal factor that the students have difficulties when they are doing group discussion; for example, they are difficult to convey their ideas in group discussion. They are shy and lack of self confidence, scared of making mistakes and also students have no confidence which could make student feel ashamed to speak. So the researcher would like to explore more information about students difficulties faced in doing group discussion.

Research Questions

Based on the explanations above, the problems of the research could be formulated as follow: What are the difficulties faced by the students of EED of UMY in doing group discussion?

Purposes of the Study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the difficulties faced by students of EED of UMY in doing group discussion at EED of UMY.

Significances of the study

The researcher expects that this research will be useful for;


Students. This research gives the students knowledge to develop and increase their speaking skills in doing group discussion. It will help students to overcome the difficulties in doing group discussion and to motivate students to be more active and confident when they are giving ideas in group discussion, especially when they learn speaking skills in the classroom.

Other researchers. The result of this research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research about group discussion or speak skills. By reading this research, the readers are expected to gain much information in order to develop and improve their


Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature

This chapter deals with the literature related to the research. This chapter consists of explanation about the theory of group discussion and the theory of speaking. There are several theories related to the group discussion such as definition of group discussion, types of group discussion, advantages and disadvantages of group discussion, difficulties in doing group discussion. Meanwhile, related to the theory of speaking, there are also several theories, namely the definition of speaking, the component of speaking, the characteristic of spoken language and the difficulties of speaking. Besides, the review of related study and conceptual framework are also explained in this chapter.


Speaking is the basic of language abilities because speaking is a verbal communication. It is the way people communicate to each other. When people speak, they can interact and use the language to express their ideas, feelings and thoughts. Speaking skill must be mastered by

students because it is very important for them to communicate in the class or outside class. There are many definitions of speaking proposed by some experts in language learning.

Definition of speaking. Chaney (1998) said that, “Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts”. So, by using this technique the students can memorize vocabulary easily and learn


speak, we are constantly estimating the hearer’s knowledge and assumptions, in order to select

language that will be interpreted in appropriate with student intended meaning (Littlewood, 1984). In studying speaking, the students must master the knowledge of the language concerning choosing the right forms, putting them in the correct order. In the use of language, speaking skills refers to what to say, how to say it and how to develop ideas. From the above definitions, it can be inferred that speaking ability is a skill, which is communicating the speech sound for expressing and conveying messages or ideas.

Skills in speaking should always be improved for learners. So, that they can do good communication, and deliver the ideas fluently. Fluently means that the learners are required to use the correct vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In line with that, speaking requires learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, or pronunciation, but they also understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language (Nunan, 1999).

Brown (2004, p.140) also “defines speaking as “a productive skill that can be directly and

empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and

effectiveness of a test- taker’s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test”. This necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of

an oral product test. So, student should master several speaking components, such as: comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

In addition, related to speaking ability, Tarigan (1981) states that speaking ability is a skill to communicate a speech articulation or to speak a talk for expressing an idea and a


It can be concluded that speaking ability is a skill, which is communicating the speech sound for expressing and conveying a messages or ideas

Burkart (1998) says that speaking is an activity which involves the areas of knowledge, they are the mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary); it is the use of the right words in the right order with the right pronunciation. The functions (transaction and interaction); it is knowing that the clarity of message is essential (transaction/information exchange) and when precise understanding is not required (interaction/relationship building).

Components of speaking. Speaking is also one of the language arts that is most

frequently used by people all over the world. The art of speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous use of the number of abilities which often develop at different rates. Here is the component of speaking skill. According to Syakur (1987), speaking is a complex skill because at least it is concerned with components of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency.

Grammar. Grammar is the rules that show how words are combined, arranged or

changed to show certain kinds of meaning. It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence

in conversation. It is in line with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978) that it is the students’ ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate one. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.


success in their vocabulary learning. Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. (Willid, 1990)

Pronunciations. Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer language when they are speaking. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the components of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. There are two features of pronunciation; phonemes and supra segmental features. A speaker who constantly mispronounces a range of phonemes can be extremely difficult for a speaker from another language community to understand (Gerard, 2000).

Fluency. Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate

that the speaker does not have to spend a lot of time searching for the language items needed to express the message (Brown, 1997).

Characteristics of spoken language. There are some problems with speaking.

According to Brown (1994), the characteristics of spoken language can make oral performance easy as well as in some cases difficult. There are several problems with the characteristic of spoken language.

Clustering. Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize their output both cognitively and physically through such clustering.


Reduced forms. Contractions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc are special problem in teaching spoken English. Learners who never learn colloquial contractions sometime speak too formal in causal context. They become bookish and stilted.

Performance variables. In spoken language there is a process called thinking time. During this thinking time, learners can employ a certain number of performance, pauses, backtracking, and correction. Some example of thinking time in English such as like uh, um, well, you know, I mean.

Colloquial language. The learners should also know about the words, idioms and phrases of colloquial language and that they get practice in producing these forms.

Rate of delivery. It is one of the characteristics of fluency. The teacher should help learners to achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of fluency.

Stress, rhythm, and intonation. This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation because the stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey important massages. But the fact that learners of English often find it difficult to pronounce English words, to stress the right syllables, to follow the stress- timed rhythm and intonation patterns of spoken English.

Interaction. The greatest difficulty that the students face in learning to speak originates from the interactive nature of most communication. Engaged in the process of negotiation of meaning with many discourse constraints, learners have to do the complex task of choosing what to say, how to say, when to say, etc. Learners are also affected by their interlocutors’


Affective factors. In the process of learning speaking, students often encounter the risk of saying out things that may be wrong, stupid and incomprehensible. At those times, they tend to be anxious because they do not want to be judged by other learners.

Meanwhile, the elements of speaking according to Harmer (2007) are a) different speaking event– various dimensions of different speaking events are suggested in order to describe different speaking genres; b) conversational strategies—the successful face-to-face interaction depended on knowledge of turn-taking; c) functional language, adjacency pairs and fixed phrases— when teaching speaking, we need to make students aware of fixed phrases, functional sequences and adjacency pairs.

Difficulties in speaking. According to Zhang (2009), speaking remains the most difficult skill to master for the majority of English learners, and they are still incompetent in

communicating orally in English. According to Ur (1996), there are many factors that cause difficulty in speaking, and they are as follows:

Inhibition. Students are worried about making mistakes, fearful of criticism, or simply shy. Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real time exposure to an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language.

Nothing to say. Students have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling. And they cannot think of anything to say.


little talking time. This problem is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all.

Mother-tongue use. In classes, all or a number of the learners share the same mother tongue for many reasons. Firstly, they may tend to use it because it is easier. Secondly, they feel unnatural to speak to one another in a foreign language and lastly because they feel less

“exposed” if they are speaking their mother tongue. If they are talking in a small group it can be

quite difficult to get some class- particularly the less disciplined or motivated ones to keep to the target language.

Through the kind of difficulties in speaking sections above, we can know most of the difficulties that students often encounter in learning speaking skill. Based on these views, this research intends to investigate what difficulties that the students encounter in teaching and learning speaking skill with the purpose of giving solutions to the identified problems and improving the students’ speaking skill.

Group Discussion

The implementation of group discussion is as one variety of teaching techniques in improving students speaking competency. Before defining what group discussion is, it is necessary to understand each term in it.


Schmuck (2001) also gives another definition about what a group is. According to him, group may be defined as a group of people interact and exchange ideas to solve the problem based on the topic that they are discussing. Hoover (1964) says that a group may be described as a group of people seeking to satisfy individual needs through the exchange of ideas with other.

Based on the definitions above, it could be summarized that a group is a collection of individuals in the same place in which there are interactions among the members. A collection of students in a classroom itself is actually referred to as a group. However the group is a big one. One of the important components of learning is the opportunity for active practice and feedback. As classes get larger and larger, the survival of such opportunities grows less and less. In this case small group plays role.

An additional definition comes from Hoover (1997) that discussion is the process of talking things over among two or more persons, preferably face to face. He adds that the total discussion process ideally is a cooperative effort on the part of a number of individuals to work together as a group, through the exchange of thought orally, toward some group objectives. Risk (1991) states that discussion means thoughtful consideration of the

relationship involved in the topic or problem under study. Ur (1997) says that thinking out some problems and situations together through verbal interchange of ideas is simply called as to discuss. From those definitions, it can be concluded that discussion is the exchange of information, opinion, and ideas.


and in different social roles. In addition, it also allows students to be creative and to put themselves in another person place for a while.

Moreover, Subroto (2002) also highlights that discussion is a strategy in teaching in which the teacher gives great opportunity to the students for having scientific dialogue in gathering opinions, making conclusion, or giving an alternative solution to a certain issue. He asserts that discussion technique provides opportunities for students’ thoughtfulness about

information received in class so that they are able to solve the problem discussed. By regarding the strengths and logical reasons described above, it is obvious that discussion technique encourages students to communicate in English

According to Long and Porter (1985), using group discussion in second language

learning is increasing the potential of group work for increasing the quantity of language practice opportunities, for improving the quality of student talk, for individualizing instruction, for

creating a positive affective climate in the classroom, and for increasing student motivation. According to Nation (1988), group work can help learning in the following ways:

learning the content matter in the activity, learning new language items from other participants in the activity, development of fluency in the use of previously met language items, learning

communication strategies, and development of skill in the production of comprehensible spoken discourse. All these serve as the learning goals which can only be achieved through speaking activities in group work.


participants are free to express their own opinion on a specific topic. Also, it can provide a discussion or exchange of information, opinions, ideas, and elements of experience with the intention to get a clearer understanding together.

The positive effect of doing a group discussion is explained by Ornstein (2000). He states that dividing students into small groups seems to provide an opportunity for students to become more actively engaged in learning and for teacher to monitor students’

progress better. It can also enhance students’ cooperation and social skills. Group discussion is

an important activity at college level for students because it helps students to train their self to discuss and argue about the topic given. It helps students to express their views on serious subjects and in formal situations. It improves their thinking, as well as their listening and

speaking skills. It also promotes their confidence level. It is an effective tool in problem solving, decision making and personality assessment. Participants should know how to speak with confidence, how to exhibit leadership skills and how to make the group achieve the goals.

Types of group discussion. According to Deptan (2001) as cited on Billik (2013), the point of group discussion is to exchange ideas or experiences which are that excavated directly from the participant. In this process, students are obliged to get involved actively, by providing greater opportunities to express feelings and thought without any sense of pressure. According to Raharja (2002), to give students discretion to participate actively, teacher is expected to provide various type of group discussion. Here are some types to organize group discussion.


different opinion join them. Student from the other circle can replace speaker in the inner circle by tapping them on the shoulder if they feel confident that they can present the topic better.

Buzz group. In this buzz group, participants are separated to small groups that consist of 2-3 people and they talk rapidly about one certain topic to give comment or feedback which will be included in plenary discussion. Each group discusses a problem for a few minutes before the solution are reported to the whole class.

Panel. A small group consists of three to six learners discuss a certain topic viewed from many aspects. The members sit in a half – circle and are led by a moderator. Physically, panel can face to audience, but the audience is not involved in the discussion.

Syndicate Group. The class is divided into several groups consist of 3 -6 student. The teacher gives the problem to discuss in each group. Then each group has a task to discuss, read references and arrange report in the conclusion form. The conclusion of each group is given to the teacher to be discussed further.

Brainstorming Group. Every group gives idea or opinion freely. Each member also has chance to give opinion. The purpose is that each group member can respect other opinion whatever it is, develop self-confidence and encourage each member to give idea or opinion

Plenary discussion. In plenary discussion, all participants can join to explain a topic or particular concept so all the participants’ understanding are expected to be the same. In here, the discussion will be based on the result from small discussion like buzz group.

Whole Group. Class is one group discussion. Whole group deals if the member of the learners is not more than fifteen.


Symposium. Some experts are inviting to give speech about various aspects of certain subject in front of the audience for five twenty minutes. A leader controls the process of

discussion. Afterwards, the audience asks some question or opposes and then the experts answer the question of give further explanation.

Those are some types or models in discussion. By choosing between these models, it is realized that small group discussion gives a good learning process in the classroom. Surely, this model can be conducted in the classroom or smaller groups. So, the discussion can be influential in improving student achievement.

Difficulties in group discussion. Thornbury (2005) states that “being skillful assumes having some knowledge that is relevant to speaking can be categorized either as knowledge of feature of language (linguistic knowledge) or knowledge that is independent of language (extra linguistic knowledge) ” (p. 11). He emphasizes that linguistic knowledge plays an essential role

in speaking skill. If any feature from this knowledge is lacking or poorly performed, students can find problems within their speaking development. There are some psychological factors that hinder students from practicing their speaking in doing group discussion. These difficulties are due to lack of vocabulary, pronunciation mistakes, grammar mistakes, lack of self-confidence, shyness and anxiety.

Lack of vocabulary. To achieve oral proficiency, students need the appropriate selection of words when they are speaking, and using these words and expression accurately. Thornbury (2005) states that “spoken language also has a relatively high proportion of words and

expression” (p.22). Thus, learning foreign languages requires a great knowledge of


struggling with their limited words and expression. Therefore, these limitations of vocabulary affect the amount of their participation in speaking activities.

Pronunciation mistakes. Bada, Genc and Ozkan (2011) assert the importance of

pronunciation in speaking skill that “in speaking, they compete with limited time to recall words,

and also take care of their pronunciation speaking is often dealt with at pronunciation level” (p.

122). Usually students have unpronounced speech that reflects the lack of experience with English sounds, rhythms and words stress and student’s poor listening to native speakers or because of teacher’s miss pronunciation as non-native speaker. Therefore, pronunciation

mistakes are one of the main factors that impede the students from doing their speaking activities freely and without any stress. This is the reason that leads to the students’ difficulty participate in

group discussions. of participation.

Grammar mistakes. In fact, grammar knowledge is one of the most important aspects of being a professional in speaking skill. EFL learners have to achieve this knowledge to improve their oral ability without any obstacles. However, students often prefer to keep silent rather than producing grammatically- incorrect structure of expression because they are scared about being ridiculer behind their teachers and classmates. According to Davies and Pearse (2000), “many

people do not like speaking in front of large groups of people. This is especially true in a foreign language, because we may worry about producing utterances with many errors or oddities in them.” (p.10)


the confidence in themselves. Thus, lacking self-confidence leads them to say a few words to avoid making mistakes and embarrassment.

Shyness. Shyness is purely psychological problem that EFL student are suffering from. According to Harmer (1992), Shyness is the most obstacles that students of English as a foreign language face because they feel uncomfortable to speak in front of their classmates and their teachers. Students often do not participate in EFL classroom in natural manner because of shyness, so they are not able to perform in their tasks and achieve their goals. This will affect obviously their participation and lead them to a low participation or even to none.

Fear of making mistakes. In group discussion class, students cannot express themselves in foreign language and do not participate appropriately in the oral lessons for the reason that they are worried about making mistakes, fearful about public correction. As Ur (2000) states, “learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom,

worried about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or loosing face, or simply shy of the

attention that their speech attracts). Therefore, fear of making mistakes can considered as another obstacle for students’ participations.

Anxiety. It is one of the main obstacles for many EFL learners. Anxiety is the negative emotion that creates trouble in learning process for the students. Anxious student do not learn well as well as do no communicate effectively in classroom situation. According to Wrench, Gorham, and Virginia (2009), “many students do not learn when they are fearful, anxious,


apprehensive, or scared” (p.12). Anxiety reveals more when students try to participate in the classroom, so that they feel uncomfortable about speaking English in front of their classmates as Review of Related Studies

Some research in line with this current research also had been conducted by several researchers. Menggo, et al. Made (2013) (English Language Education Postgraduate Program Ganesha University of Education Singaraja, Indonesia) researched “The Effect of discussion

Technique and English Learning Motivation toward Students Speaking Ability”. In this research, the researchers used the quantitative method, by using the study used a 2 x 2 factorial design, which involved a sample of 96 students. The data were collected using questionnaire and a speaking test that were analyzed by Two-way ANOVA. The results of the study indicated that (1) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between the students who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional

technique; (2) there was a significant interactional effect between the teaching techniques applied and students’ motivation toward their speaking ability; (3) there was a significant

difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional

technique; and (4) there was significant difference in speaking ability between the students with low English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the conventional technique.

Another research was successfully done by Aziz (2013). It was entitled “Improving


filed-notes, questionnaire and speaking test. The result of this study showed that the students’ speaking ability improved from 55 in average to 75.85 after the researcher implemented the group discussion in the classroom. Moreover, the researcher found that the students

communicated actively in their groups through oral interaction. It indicates that the research was successful.

Other research was conducted by Billik (2013) with the title “Student Perception on The

Role of Group Discussion in Interpersonal Speaking Class”. This is qualitative research and the data were obtained through direct interview to the subjects. This research revealed that the use of group discussion was effective in giving more opportunity to student to practice speaking


Conceptual Framework

Group discussion is one of the methods which can be applied in class activity, especially in speaking class. It can improve the speaking ability of students by making group in discussion material given. The advantages of this method are doing together in learning activity, and demands students to give the strong arguments and also defend them. Some students of EED of UMY had difficulties in doing group discussion. The students were shy and not confident when they were giving opinion in group. According to Thornbury (2005) there are seven factors that cause students’ difficulties faced in doing group discussion. They are lack of vocabulary,



Figure1. Students’ difficulties in doing group discussion (Thornbury, 2005) Student difficulties

in group discussion

Lack of vocabulary

Pronunciation mistakes

Grammar mistakes

Lack of self-confidence


Fear of making mistake Conceptual Framework


Chapter Three Research Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher would like to discuss the method of this research in order to answer the research questions as mentioned in chapter one. This chapter consists of research design, research setting, research participants, instrument of the study, technique of data collection and data analysis.

Research Design

In this research, the method that researcher used was the descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data, which was aimed to find out the student difficulties faced in doing group

discussion. According to Bogdan and Taylor (2004), qualitative method is a research procedure that obtains descriptive data in written or spoken form from the people and their behavior which is being observed. This approach was used to seek the understanding of a phenomenon or other certain problem by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables. So, qualitative research is considered to get the data and information in depth based on the

experiences and feelings the participant in this research. The researcher used this method because she wanted to know the difficulties faced by student in doing group discussion. It was


Research Setting

This research was conducted at English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The researcher chose this place to be the research setting because the researcher found some problems related to the study of this research. Besides, the place was not too far from the researcher’s home as the researcher was also studying in EED of UMY.

Therefore, the researcher will be easier to gather the data. It would help the researcher to the data collection from respondents. This research was conducted in December 2015.

Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The researcher chose three female students of EED of UMY in batch 2014 as the participants of the research to conduct the interview. Female students were chosen because they were more experienced and cooperative in making


enough to get data and information and to answer the research question. Indeed, qualitative research does not specify the number of respondent since it prioritize the quality rather than quantity.

Instruments of the Study

In order to obtain the data of this research, the researcher used mobile phone and interview guidelines as instrument of the research. In this research, mobile phone was used in order to record all the data from participants when they were answering the questions. Before the researchers conducted the interview, the researcher made interview guideline to help the

researcher easy to obtain the data from interview and to make interview effective. In this research, the participants were interviewed one by one directly or face to face using Indonesia Language. Indonesia Language was used because it is the first language of the researcher and the participants. It was to help the respondents in understanding the question during interview. The researcher recorded the interview using mobile phone. After interview was done, the results of the interview were transcribed by the researcher.

Technique of Data Collection

In technique of data collection, the researcher collected the data through interview to answer the research question. This research used interview as data collection method. According to Hancock (2002), “interview is often used in qualitative research and considered as an

appropriate method since it is concerned with the information, understanding and also the

feelings of the individual” (as cited in Purwanto, 2015, p. 27). In this research, the interview was


the researcher chose respondents based on criteria. Then, after determining the participant to be interviewed, the researcher made appointment for the interview to the participant. After that, the participants were interviewed one by one and recorded using mobile phone. The next step was transcribing the result of interview. Then, the researcher did member checking after doing the transcribing.

Data Analysis

After the researcher obtained the data from the respondent, the researcher started to analyze the data interview using coding. According to Strauss and Corbin (1990), coding is the process by which concept are identified and developed in terms of their properties and

dimension. Besides that, there were three steps in coding from the grounded theory. The first was open coding. According Strauss and Corbin (1990), “open coding is the process of breaking dawn, examining, comparing, conceptualizing and categories data. Second was axial coding. According Strauss and Corbin (1990, p. 96), “Axial coding is that set of procedures that

researcher follows, whereby the data that were originally segmented into small units of fractions of a whole text are recombined in new ways following the open coding”. The last step was


Chapter Four Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents the result of the research. This chapter reports and discusses the finding of the research about difficulties faced by students of EED UMY in doing Group

Discussion”. The researcher reports the finding and connects it with some theories to support the

research and to obtain the answer of the research question. Difficulties Faced By EED Students in Group Discussion

To answer the research question of this research, the researcher took the data through interview with three participants of EED of UMY in batch 2014. The researcher found some finding with the difficulties faced by student in group discussion. Base on the data from interview, there were six problems in doing group discussion which were encountered by the participant in this research. They consist of lack of vocabulary, pronunciation mistake, grammar mistake, lake of self-confidence, shyness and fear of making mistake.

Lack of vocabulary. According to the data analysis, lack of vocabulary was found as one of the difficulties in doing group discussion for two of the participant in this research. There were two participants saying that lack of vocabulary is the problem in doing group discussion. The following statement was stated by two participants below:

“So actually we have what to say in our brain. But it is difficult to speak up. Moreover it uses English. So it is usually get inferred with Bahasa Indonesia, too”. (P2.11)

Sometime, the difficulties in group discussion maybe when I should answer question

from the lecture given in group discussion and if the lecturer speaks using English, it is very


For instance, participant two said that when they have to speak English, they have to make a sentence but they have not memorized lot of vocabulary in English. So, sometimes they still using Bahasa Indonesia when they speak in group discussion. Besides that, participant one also had difficulties when she should answer question given from the lecturer. Sometime, she had difficulties to understand the meaning of the word when the lecture speaks English, because they lack of vocabulary.

Supporting the data above, Thornbury (2005) stated that in EFL classes many students often find some difficulties when they try to express what they want to say because they find themselves struggling with their limited word and expression. This statement shows that

students’ vocabulary mastery was very limited, so they cannot spoke fluently. They found it was

difficult to make sentence when they tried to express their ideas. They do not know how to say it when trying to speak in English because they did not have many vocabularies. So, they still use Bahasa Indonesia and also still try to remind the words when they speak. If they had limited vocabulary, they will have limited competence in speaking also.

Pronunciation mistake. Meanwhile, another difficulty of group discussion faced by student was pronunciation mistake. Sometimes, the students still mispronounce the word when they are speaking English. It can be seen in the following statement below:

“Sometimes I found it difficult to learn or practice to speak English because my friend did not speak English well too. So, I did not understand what he wanted to say”. (p2.12)


because their friend did not speak English well too. The statement above is supported by Bada, Genc and Ozkan (2011) who said that usually students have unpronounced speech that reflects lack of experience with English sounds, rhythms and words stress and student’s poor listening to native speaker or because of teacher’s miss pronunciation as non-native speaker. Therefore,

pronunciation mistakes are one of the main factors that impede the students from doing their speaking activities freely and without any stress. They were not fluent at speaking English so that when they had to speak English, they felt difficult. It was hard for her to communicate with other student in speaking class because some of the students were not fluent in speaking English.

Grammar mistake. Based on the data gained, the entire participant found difficulty in grammar. The participants said that they were not good in grammar, too. The following statement is stated by one of the participants.

I‟m also afraid my English grammars are wrong. Sometimes I had to speak incorrect grammar. For example, I am still confused using has or had when I speak English. (p1.08)

Sometime I‟m still confused to use correct tenses. For example I‟m confused using was or am when speak using English language”. (p1.11)

In grammar of course I‟m still lack of grammar, but the important thing is we can speak

first. My friend surely will help me when I am making mistake in speak English”. (p2.12)

Yes of course, in grammar is very difficult to determine the correct and wrong sentence.

I‟m confused which one that must use „was or am’ when I speak English”. (p3.05)


grammar when they are giving opinion in group discussion. Also, the students could not express the idea because of the limited understanding on grammar. In line with that, according to Davies and Pearse (2000), “many people do not like speaking in front of large groups of people. This is

especially true in a foreign language, because we may worry about producing utterances with many errors or oddities in them.” (p.10)

Lack of self-confidence. Based on the responses to the question that the researcher asked in interview, participant one and three said they felt unconfident when they had speak to give opinion in group discussion. Two participants gave their responses as these following statements below:

I feel lack of confidence because my speaking ability is still not good enough”. (p2.14) “I was still unconfident because, I was afraid of making mistakes when I speak in front of

the class. So, my weaknesses are, I‟m study English but I have confidence to speak in front of the class or speak English aloud”. (p3.08)


Shyness. Based on the data from interview, there was one participant said that she felt shy when they had to speak English. It was explained by participant one as in the statement below:

I‟m shy because I‟m afraid my friend will laugh at me if I make mistake when I speak using wrong grammar or vocabulary the words”. (p1.10)

I was still unconfident because, I was afraid of making mistakes when I speak in front of

the class. So, my weaknesses are, I‟m study English but I have confidence to speak in front of the class or speak English aloud”. (p3.08)

Participants one thought her speaking ability was not good, and she was afraid when she talked. She thought that if she makes mistake such as in pronouncing and wrong vocabulary, or when she did not know how to say, her other friends will laugh at her. It can be concluded that students feel shy when they speak the foreign language because they think they will make mistake when they talk. Beside, the statements above indicate that, the cause of shyness is that they feel their speaking ability is not really good. For instance, participant two said that when they were not ready to deliver their opinion then they fear of making mistake in saying

something. So, the students were not sure that they could do something well since they know any confidence to do things. Moreover, students are lack of confidence and feel that they cannot speak English because they thought that they did not have the ability to speak English well with their limited knowledge of the language.


natural manner because of shyness; so they are not able to perform in their tasks and achieve their goals.

Fear of making mistake. Another finding about student difficulties faced in group discussion is fear of making mistake. There are two participant mentions that they have the same opinion. The following statement was stated by the participants below:

I know what I want to deliver but I fear of making mistake when I speak English. I‟m also afraid my English grammars are wrong. Sometimes I had to speak incorrect grammar. For example, I am still confused using has or had when I speak English. (p1.08)

Sometimes, I am still difficult to express my opinion. So, I was fear of making mistake

when speak English.” (p2.10)


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter summarizes the result of the research. This chapter is divided into two parts, namely conclusion and recommendation. In the first part, the researcher presents the conclusion of the research on the difficulties faced by student English Education Department of UMY in doing group discussion. In the second part, the researcher provides several recommendations related to the research.


The objective of this research was to find out the difficulties faced by student of English Education Department of UMY in doing group discussion. This research used qualitative research design. To answer the research question, the researcher conducted interview to three female student of EED of UMY batch 2014 who had experiences in group discussion. In analyzing the data, the researcher used open, axial, and selective coding.

Based on the responses from the participant in the interview, there had been some difficulties that student faced in doing group discussion. The result of this research showed that, there are six difficulties faced in doing group discussion by student of English Education


making mistake, were commonly caused by student are afraid of making mistake when they had speak English in group discussion class.

According to Thornbury (2005), there were seven difficulties that student faced in doing group discussion. They are lack of vocabulary, grammar mistake, pronunciation mistake, lack of self-confidence, shyness, fear of making mistake and anxiety. However, in this research, the researcher only found five difficulties that students faced in group discussion. They were lack of vocabulary, grammar mistake, pronunciation mistake, shyness, and fear of making mistake. In other word, the researcher found that the students in English Education Department of UMY had no difficulties in lack of self confidence and anxiety when doing group discussion.


Based on the conclusion, the researcher intended to dedicate several recommendations for the researcher, lecturers, students, and other researchers.

For the lecturers. The result of this research was expected to be useful for the lecturers to know some the difficulties that were faced by the students at EED of UMY in doing group discussion. Hopefully, the lecturers can encourage students to speak without fears. Also, the lecturers were expected to bring the procedures in leading group discussion in a fun way. In addition, the lecturers can help the students to overcome the problem dealing with when they were doing in group discussion.


For the researcher. The researcher would get more knowledge and experience in doing this research especially about group discussion. Also, the result of this research can be a

reference and example to the researcher to understand the kind of difficulties in group discussion.

For other researchers. The researcher hoped that the result of this research can be a reference and give knowledge for other researchers who will conduct similar research. Moreover, they have more observation and analysis to gain the data. The researchers can also look at


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Research Question Theory Interview question What are the difficulties faced

by the student of EED of UMY in doing group discussion?

Apakah anda sering mengikuti kegiatan diskusi kelompok di dalam kelas ?

Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika belajar di kelas dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok?

Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang metode diskusi kelompok?

1. Lack of vocabulary 2. Pronunciation mistake 3. Grammar mistake 4. Lack of self confidence 5. Shyness

6. Fear of making mistake 7. Anxiety


Participant 1

Transcription Open Coding

A Selamat pagi

B Selamat pagi

A Sebelumnya terimakasih atas kesediannya untuk di wawancara

B iya mbak

A oke disini saya akan mewawancarai anda tentang kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam diskusi kelompok, langsung aja ya ke

pertanyaan pertama. B iya mbak

A Apakah anda sering mengikuti kegiatan diskusi kelompok di dalam kelas ?

B Lumayan sering. apalagi kalu dosen nya itu suka yang diskusi diskusi kayak gitu mbak group

P1. 01 siswa sering mengikuti kegiatan diskusi kelompok di dalam kelas

A oh jadi selama tiga semester ini sering ya mengikuti diskusi kelompok

B iya mbak sering

A Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika belajar di kelas dengan menggunakan metode group discussion?

B Sebenernya sih kalok perasaan nya tu kadang seneng ya mbak, kalok tapi seneng itu kalok missal nya kita itu satu group sama orang yang sesuai sama kita, eee gak perlu sama temen yang akrab sih tapi cuma sama jangan yang terlalu sama orang yang selfis gitu lho mbak yang egois yang pokok nya apa pendapat dia pasti bener kayak gitu lho. dia gak dengerin jawaban dari orang lain gitu, tapi kalok misalnya sama grup yang biasa aja yang mau berbagi pendapat nya gimana ini

P2.02 Siswa merasa senang ketika mengikuti kegiatan diskusi di dalam kelas.


sesuai dengan kemampuan anda atau bagaimana ?

B Kalo kemampuan itu gak papa ya sama, misalnya sama orang yang lebih gak harus yang setara gitu lho. enggak sama yang pintar atau yang lebih bodoh gak papa. tapi jangan yang sama orang yang apa yang omongan nya dia itu harus bener apa yang jawaban dia itu harus di peganga bener gitu

P1.04 Siswa tidak menyukai teman yang egois dalam diskusi kelompok

A oh oke berarti anda gak milih milih teman dalam diskusi kelompok kan ya, yang penting lebih nyaman sama teman yang mw berbagi pengetahuan ya

B Iya mbak seperti itu

A Selama mengikuti diskusi kelompok apa saja kesulitan yang anda hadapi dalam diskusi kelompok ?

B eee… kadang sih kalok yang kesulitan nya itu ya paling kalok jawab jawab pertanyaan yang di kasih dosen. apa lagi kalo yang dosen nya mesti pake bahasa inggris gitu lho mbak. kan kalok kita kerja kelompok itu pasti ada pertanyaan mesti di jawab dari dosen gitu mbak

P1.05 Siswa sulit ketika menjawab pertanyaan yang di berikan dosen

A Sulit karna pertanyaan terlalu susah atau gimana ?

B Dosen kan nerangin pake bahasa inggris jadi kaya ada yang gak ngertinya gitu mbak, kadang- kadang kurang mengerti apa yng di sampein sama dosen

P1.06 Siswa kurang mengerti apa yang di sampaikan dosen

A contoh nya itu seperti apa, selain itu kesulitan nya apa aja apakah dari speaking nya atau yang lain ?

B ho’o dari speaking ya itu tadi mbk kalok misal dosen nya mesti pake bahasa inggris jadi kurang mengerti apa yang di sampein sama dosen karna vocab saya masih sedikit

P1.07 Siswa mempunyai kesulitan dalam speaking


bahasa inggris nya tu salah gitu lho mbak takut grammar nya juga salah kan suka kebalik balik missal nya kalok ini mesti pake has apa had gitu lho.

menyampaikan pendapat nya

A Ada factor lain selain itu ? B Malu mbak

A malu ya, kenapa malu, apa alsan yang membuat anda malu ?

P1.09 Siswa merasa malu

A Nah itu karna takut di ketawain sama temen. karna bahasa inggris nya juga masih kurang grammatical nya juga masih banyak yang salah, ya kita kan kalok missal nya kalok ngomong bahasa inggris itu kan ada orang yang kalok ngomong bahasa inggris yang penting dia ngomong gitu lho mbak gak peduli dia grammar nya bener atau salah. Tapi kalok aku ini wah ini gunain present apa gitu lho pake was atau I itu masih agak-agak bingung, kalok ngmong nya itu

insyallah itu udah bisa tapi itu grammar nya itu entah salah atu bener.

P1.10 Siswa malu karna takut di tertawakan teman dan malu karna kemampuan berbicara nya kurang bagus

P1.11 siswa masih bingung

menggunakan present was atau I ketika berbicara bahasa inggris.

B oh jadi masalah nya di grammar juga ya, selain itu ada lagi gak ?

Eee… gak ada sih, gak ada mbak.

A Dalam diskusikelompok, anda lebih suka teman yang seperti apa?

B Kalok untuk group diskusi itu sebenernya gak, kayak yang aku bilang tadi lho mbak gak mesti temen deket yang mesti tapi yang penting itu temen sekelas itu yajangan egois gitu lho mbak. Kita ngasih pendapat tapi dia dengerin pendapat kita tapi dia tetap

besikukuh itu pendapa dia gitu lho.apalagi sama temen yang gak mau dengerin pendapat kita dia sibuk sama orang yang menurut dia lebih pintar aja gitu lho lebih pas untuk gak ngasih kesempatan sama orang lain gitu

P1.12 Siswa lebih suka dengan teman yang tidak egois


A Menurut anda apakah besar dan kecil nya jumlah anggota dalam diskusi kelompok itu mempengaruhi keefektifan ny tidak?

B sebenernya sih kalok untuk group diskusi itu saya itu gak teralalu suka ya mbak soalnya saya itu lebih suka ngerjain sendiri. Tapi kalok missal nya untuk group yang lebih kecil atau besar tu yang kayak nya lebih kecil aja

P1.13 Siswa lebih suka dengan jumlah kelompok yang lebih kecil

A Alasan nya apa ?

B kalok lebih kecil itu kayak nya lebih

personal antara satu sama lain kalok besar itu kan belum tentu semua orang itu bisa git lho mbak. Tapi kalok missal nya kecil group nya missal ber dua atau bertiga itu kita itu kan bisa lebih e gimana menurut kamu ini ini gitu.

P1.14 jumlah kelompok kecil lebih personal

P1.15 jumlah anggota kelompok yang besar tidak ada peluang untuk


A Berarti ada peluang gitu ya untuk ngomong kalok group size ny kecil?

B sebenernya bukan juga peluang sih mbak kalok kita ikut dalam suatu diskusi tu kita bisa lebih ngerti apa yang kita diskusiin gitu A jadi anda lebih suka dengan group size nya

kecil ya

B iya mbak terus kecil tapi dia itu ikut ngomong semua gitu lho mbak

A ikut menyampaikan pendapat semua ya B bukan semua, misalnya kalok group yang

kecil mentang mentang kecil ya cuma aku doang yang ngomong atau dia aja kan kasian yang ngomong sendirian. Kalok besar itu kemungkiann sebagian yang ngomong ya mbak. Terus tempat duduk nya juga mbak kalok diskusi itu kan tata letak duduk nya kalok kita lurus aja itu gimana kita saling lihat ujung ke ujung kan gak bisa

P1. 16 Siswa lebih berpartisipasi dalam small group dari pada large group

P1.17 Selain itu pengaturan tempat duduk nya juga mempengaruhi


Participant 2 A Selamat pagi B Ya selamat pagi

A Sebelum nya terimakasih atas kesediannya untuk di wawancara

B Iya mbak

A Oke disini saya akan menyakan beberapa hal tentang diskusi kelompok

A Langsung aja ya ke pertanyaan pertama B Iya mbak

A Apakah anda sering mengikuti kegiatan diskusi kelompok di dalam kelas ?

B Iya sering P2. 01 Siswa sering mengikuti kegiatan

diskusi di dalam kelas A Sering nya itu setiap hari kuliah atau mata

kuliah tertentu saja

B Ya kayak apa ya, misalnya kalok ada persentasi gitu, jadi sebelum masuk ke persentasi nya itu kita disuruh. jadi kita di kasih pertanyaan, terus kita di suruh apa, di suruh di bikin kelompok minimal 3 orang nah itu setiap pertanyaan di suruh di diskusikan

P2.02 sebelum persentasi dosen

memberikan pertanyaan materi untuk didiskusikan

A Oh jadi dosen nya sering menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok ya sebelum persentasi

Bagaiamana perasaan kamu ketika belajar di kelas menggunakan metode diskusi


B Kalok diskusi kalok untuk saya ya enak, jadi P2.03 Siswa merasa senang belajar bersuara mana yang gak gitu lho mbak.

A Okee saya rasa cukup. Terimakasih ya atas informasinya


RB.04 melalui diskusi kelompok respondent berbagi informasi baru dengan teman

A Berarti kamu seneng ya belajar di kelas dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok

Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang metode diskusi kelompok ?

B Kalok menurut saya diskusi bagus. Karna selain kita bisa dapat informasi, mungkin kan kalok diskusi kita gak sama temen main kita ya kita bisa sama temen yang mungking ya gak begitu deket jadi mungkin kita bisa lebih deket lagi kita bisa dapat informasi juga

P2.05 metode diskusi kelompok sangat bagus

P2.06 selain mendapat informasi baru respondent juga lebih akrab dengan teman

A Selain itu manfaat nya diskusi kelompok itu apa ja ?

B Manfaat ya itu tadi, saya kan orang nya apa ya kurang bergaul juga ya jadi kalok diskusi mungkin itu salah satu alternative saya buat bisa deket lagi sama temen temen yang lain gitu

P2.07 manfaat diskusi kelompok bagi respondent yaitu salah satu alternatif untuk menambah teman

A Nah selama mengikuti diskusi kelompok itu kesulitan apa yang kamu hadapi ?

B eee.. biasanya ada P2.08 Siswa mempunyai kesulitan dalam diskusi kelompok

A Apa aja ?

B Eee… ini apa, jadi kan ada setiap group itu kan pasti orang nya berbeda beda ya,k an kita misalnya ada yang pendapatnya mau di denger tapi kita ini apa namanya kita punya pendapat lain jadi mungkin susah

ngungkapin nya gitu

P2. 09 Siswa susah mengungkap kan pendapatnya

A Maksudnya susah ngungkapin pendapat ya ? B Iya jadi saya tu takut salah ngomong nya

gitu, jadi ngomong nya itu ada di otak kita tapi ngungkapin nya susah apalagi ngomong pake bahasa inggris gitu, biasa nya di selip selipin pake bahasa Indonesia nya juga

P2.10 Siswa takut salah ketika mengungkapkan pendapat nya



B Eee… kalok pronunciation nya itu mungkin ini apa sulitnya itu, kadang saya tu kurang ngerti apa yang diomongin sama temen ketika diskusi kelompok pronounciation nya itu kurang jelas jadi sulit di situ. Grammar juga gitu, kalok grammar yang pasti masih banyak kurang nya yang penting kita ngmong dulu lah nanti temen yang lain ada yang benerin lagi,

P2.12 siswa kurang mengerti dengan pronunciation teman yang kurang jelas

P2. 13 Grammar siswa masih banyak kurangnya


Figure1. Students’ difficulties in doing group discussion (Thornbury, 2005)


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