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The effectiveness of using english songs from youtube towards students’ vocabulary mastery : a quasi-experimental study at the seventh grade of Ruhama Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang


Academic year: 2017

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(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade of RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang)



NIM. 1110014000055







RAHMAH, FEBRIA AFIA 2015, The Effectiveness of Using English Songs

from YouTube towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A

Quasi-Experimental study at Seventh Grade in RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang academic year 2014/2015), Skripsi, The Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. Advisor II : Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd.

Key Words : Vocabulary, English Songs, YouTube.

The aim of this study is to find the effectiveness of English Songs from YouTube in teaching English vocabulary which was observed and analyzed from students of seventh grade at the Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA

The method of this study is quantitative by taking 60 students as the sample from 92 students of populations. The sample of students was divided into two classes; 30 Students for experimental class and 30 students for control class. Before giving treatment, the writer gave pre-test. Then the writer taught in the experimental class by asking students to listen to the English songs and in control class without asking students to listen to English songs. After four meetings, the writer gave the post-test to both classes. The scores of pre-test and post-test were collected from twenty multiple-choice questions, then, it was analyzed by using t-test.

The finding of this study shows that teaching vocabulary by using English

songs from YouTube was effective. It is proved by t count (4.01) which is higher

than t table in the degree significance 1% (2.39). It is considered that the null hypothesis (Ho) in this study is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which

states that there is significant difference between students’ vocabulary scores

taught by using English songs from YouTube and without by using English songs from YouTube is accepted. It means that the English songs from YouTube are




RAHMAH, FEBRIA AFIA 2015, The Effectiveness of English Songs from

YouTube towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (Penelitian

Kuasi-eksperiment pada kelas 1 di SMP Islam RUHAMA Tangerang

Selatan tahun ajaran 2014/2015), Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. Pembimbing II : Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci : Kosakata, Lagu berbahasa Inggris, YouTube.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan efektivitas lagu berbahasa Inggris dari YouTube dalam pengajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dan dianalisis pada siswa kelas tujuh SMP Islam RUHAMA.

Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan mengambil 60 siswa sebagai sampel dari 92 populasi yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelas: 30 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa untuk kelas kontrol. Sebelum memberikan pengajaran menggunakan teknik lagu berbahasa Inggris dari YouTube, Peneliti memberikan pra-tes. Kemudian peneliti mengajar di kelas eksperimen dengan meminta siswa untuk mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris dari YouTube dan dikelas kontrol tanpa meminta siswa mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris dari YouTube. Setelah empat pertemuan, peneliti memberikan purna-tes kepada kedua kelas. Pada analisis data penilaian pra-test dan purna-test menggunakan dua puluh pertanyaan pilihan ganda disetiap test, setelah itu di analisis dengan menggunakan rumus t-test.




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praised is due to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given His loving and blessing to the writer to finish her “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed in the different ways hence this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching science in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Education.

The first, the writer would like to thank to her beloved parents Drs. Asep Ahmad Zenal Aripin, M.Pd., Siti Alfiah, S.Ag. and her lovely brother Muhammad Muhyidin who always pray, support, and motivate her to finish her study. The writer also would like to give her sincere and deepest thanks to her advisors, Mrs. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd and Mr. Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd., who have given the precious help, the guidance, and the advice patiently to the writer during the completion and the development of the study.

Then, the writer also realizes that she will never finish this paper without the help and contribution of people around her. Therefore, the writer would like to give her best gratitude and appreciations to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching science Syarif Hidayatullah, State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Didin Syafruddin, Ph.D., as the Vice Dean of Academic of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching science, an inspiring figure who always inspires and motivates her.



4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of the Department of English Education.

5. All lecturers in The Department of English Education who always give the writer motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.

6. All students of the seventh grade of Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA as the participants of this study and especially the English Teacher, Ms. Siti Romlah, S.Pd.

7. Beloved Yomi Handayani, Tika Maulidah, Tias Atma Andriani, Gayatri Chitrasari, and Ima Febri Yanti, her colleagues, mentors, and best friends. Thank you for love, guidance, integrity and friendship.


Budi Kurniawan, M.Pd., her most enthusiastic cheerleader in life. 9. All of her friends at The Department of English Education academic

year 2010, at the Student Executive Board of FITK (BEM-FITK), and at Islamic Student Association of Ciputat Affiliate. Thank you for the brotherhood, support, and experiences.

10.Her brothers and sisters at Research and Language Development Program 2014 of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, thank you for always making our dreams alive, of course dreams are for real.

The words are not enough to say many appreciations for their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah SWT, the Almighty God, bless them all. Moreover, the writer also realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this paper better.

Jakarta, March 17th, 2015






ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv







A. Background ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 5

C. Limitation of the Study ... 6

D. Formulation of Problem ... 6

E. Objective of the Study ... 6

F. Significance of the Study ... 6


A. Vocabulary ... 7

1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 7

2. Types of Vocabulary ... 8

3. What Need to be Taught ... 10

4. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary ... 12



6. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary ... 15

B. Song ... 16

1. Definition of Song ... 16

2. Function of Song ... 17

3. Advantage and Effectiveness of Song in Teaching Learning Process .... 18

4. YouTube and Songs ... 19

5. Teaching Vocabulary Through Song ... 20

C. Relevant Study ... 21

D. Thinking Framework ... 23

E. Research Hypothesis ... 23


A. The Research Design ... 25

B. The Place and Time of the Study... 26

C. The Population and Sample ... 26

D. The Research Instrument ... 26

E. The Technique of Data Collecting ... 27

F. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 28

G. Hypothesis Test ... 30

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 32


A. Data Descriptions ... 33

B. Data Analysis ... 38

1. Normality Test ... 38

2. Homogeneity Test ... 40



4. Hypothesis Test ... 45

C. Interpretation of Data ... 45


A. Conclusion ... 47

B. Suggestion ... 47






Table 3.1 Pre- and Post-test design ... 25

Table 4.1 Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Class ... 33

Table 4.2 Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Class ... 35

Table 4.3 Interview Specification and the Students’ Responses... 37

Table 4.4 Normality Pre-Test Result between Experimental and Control Class .. 44

Table 4.5 Normality of Pre-Test Using Lilliefors ... 39

Table 4.6 Normality Post-Test Result between Experimental and Control Class 39 Table 4.7 Normality of Post-Test Using Lilliefors ... 40

Table 4.8 Pre-Test of Homogeneity of Variance ... 41

Table 4.9 Post-Test of Homogeneity of Variance ... 41







APPENDIX 1 Material planning of Pre-Test... 52

APPENDIX 2 Pre-Test ... 54

APPENDIX 3 Material planning of Post-Test ... 56

APPENDIX 4 Post-Test ... 58

APPENDIX 5 Instrument Test ... 61

APPENDIX 6 Interview Sheet ... 66

APPENDIX 7 Output Instrument Anates ... 70

APPENDIX 8 Lesson Planning of Control Class (Animal)... 80

APPENDIX 9 Lesson Planning of Experimental Class (Animal) ... 92

APPENDIX 8 Lesson Planning of Control Class (Things) ... 101

APPENDIX 10 Lesson Planning of Experimental Class (Things) ... 109



One of English components that have to be taught to the students is vocabulary. It has the role as an important part in language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is also one of the most important elements in language. It is an essential component of all aspects of language and a crucial component in requiring and understanding language. We cannot speak well if we do not master it.

One of the objectives in teaching English to Indonesian people is to enable student to read and understand books written in English. To achieve that purpose, the students need a large number of words of English language to master. As Schmitt said, “No matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way.”1

From this statement, it could be understood that vocabulary is one of the items that have to be mastered by the students in learning English, because no one can speak English if they have limited vocabulary. In the other words, without a proportional amount of vocabulary, anyone will get trouble in his or her reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

For instance in Indonesia, English is regarded as the first foreign language in this country that must be learnt by the students from primary school until university.2 It means English is a very important subject at every level of education. In fact, English becomes the only foreign language which is included in National Examination (Ujian Nasional) from Junior High School to Senior


Nobert Schmitt and Michael Mc. Charthey, Vocabulary,(Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 140



High School.3 Moreover, there are a lot of book sources written by English in the university level.Thus, learning English has been an important thing to do.

In junior high school, English just targeted in functional indicated with ability both oral and written communication to solve the problem of daily activity. The objective of teaching vocabulary for elementary level in the countries that the status of English language as a foreign language mentions that students can apply the vocabulary to interact with people in their nearest environment, and the target of vocabulary mastery are about 2000 words after several years of study for second language learners.4

In the Curriculum 2013, “The students read, watch or listen to the examples of being studied from a variety of sources, directly and / or through a recording, by taking into the social function, the structure of text, linguistic elements, also the format to convey or write.”5From this statement, it means in teaching learning process, the teachers are hoped to develop their students’ ability to communicate to others by giving them practice pattern, which contains the vocabulary items for everyday situation. By knowing and understanding the vocabulary, students will successfully achieve the four English language skills.

However, mastering vocabulary is not easy, because English vocabulary for daily living requires more times, it is more difficult to master by foreign learners than English grammar. The learners should first concentrate on learning that most frequently used and therefore most important English vocabulary for their practical real life needs. Besides, the other difficulties in learning and using English vocabulary include fixed word collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms, proverbs and regional differences in vocabulary usage. Furthermore, there are differences in English usage in English-speaking countries in terms of spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. In addition, to help students in mastering


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 46 Tahun 2010 tentang Pelaksanaan Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional, Pasal 9.


Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Edin Gate: Perason Education Limited, 2003), p. 20


Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, When English Rings the Bell: Buku Guru,


English, many teachers have used different methods and techniques for the same purpose, to understand, to learn, and to remember vocabulary more easily. But, sometimes the technique that used by the teachers such substitution drill and memorizing words make the students tend to be passive in developing sentences.

In this case, according to the students whom the writer has ever taught about English, they encounter problems in mastering vocabulary. This case also happened to the students at the seventh grade of RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang. They encounter the problem in reminding vocabulary. They only remember vocabulary at that time when they do the substitution drill or memorizing, after that they forget it. So the students are not motivated to master their vocabulary. Besides, it is supported by the result of interview to the English teacher and students in preliminary study that the students’ difficulties come from the weaknesses of the student ability in memorizing the words; therefore they did not have ideas about what a word mean and when they use it. Secondly, the students often have difficulty when they do the task because the teacher gives them limited vocabulary. Furthermore, it can be assumed that there is poor vocabulary competence among the students where the study is conducted.


From the description above, the creative way in vocabulary mastery is needed. Those findings have serious consequences for students in English learning, especially vocabulary mastery and student’s achievement in English.

The teaching of vocabulary for junior high school needs creative, appropriate and different strategy from ordinary way, in other that the students can feel enjoyable and become active in the classroom. The teacher also should stimulate them to use the words which they have already known and brainstorm them about the new words around the topic, even though it appears in their native language. One of the strategies which can fulfill these requirements is by using song from YouTube.

Using song from YouTube in students’ vocabulary mastery is considered to be able to make the students easier to master vocabulary without pressure but fun. Song is considered as one of alternative ways to improve English especially on vocabulary; like what Wrenshall said; “there is also plenty of evidence that song help memorization, and the rhythm and rhyme of the lyrics can certainly help vocabulary as well.”6

Moreover, songs are fun and familiar to students’ ears, because songs are easy to find in the television, cassette, radio, and mp3 player. In addition, using songs from YouTube also would instantly motivate students to learn the language as they are able to listen the songs as well as read the lyrics projected on the screen.

Based on the Curriculum 2013, song has contribution in learning process as bellow:

Core Competency: Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on their curiosity about science, technology, art,

culture relevant with phenomena and occurrence that happened” Basis Competency: Comprehend the message within song” 7


John Wrenshall, Using song to Improve Communication Competence. (Bangkok: November. AUA Language Center, 2002), p .43.



From the statement above, Song is considered to be one of the resources that can be utilized in the teaching and learning of English. Through the appropriate songs which are chosen from YouTube, the students can comprehend the knowledge factually, conceptually, and procedurally. In relating to master vocabulary, it means at once we practice our listening; we catch new words we never heard before. In other words, while singing, the students are able to read the lyrics and this indirectly encourages them to learn new words.

This research is important to be done, because most of students at RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School are still unwilling to master their vocabulary. The writer thought that using songs from YouTube as a supplementary aid can affect students’ willingness to master vocabulary. This research is hoped to provide useful information about English song for teacher and students. The teacher is hoped that they can take advantages from the information about English song from YouTube and he or she can evaluate it whether this strategy is better to be applied in the classroom.

Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to propose the English songs from YouTube towards students’ vocabulary mastery. She wants to know whether English song from YouTube is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, the writer will focus on the effectiveness of the English songs from YouTube towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

C. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background mentioned above, the problems can be identified as follows:

1. Most teachers have not been able to create the atmosphere of learning interesting and fun.

2. Low achievement in English subject may be caused by lack of teacher’s effort to provide the appropriate strategies for the students to master vocabulary.


4. The students consider that English is difficult; they get the difficulties to differentiate vocabulary.

D. Limitation of the Study

Based on the problem identification, the writer focuses on the effectiveness of the selected English songs from YouTube towards students’ vocabulary mastery. It will be conducted to the students at the seventh grade of RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang.

E. Formulation of the Problem

Dealing with limitation of the problem, the researcher would like to formulate the problem as follow “Are the English songs from YouTube effective towards students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang?

F. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know whether English song from YouTube is effective towards students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of RUHAMA Islamic Junior High School at South Tangerang.

G. Significance of the Study



the study. It includes definition of vocabulary, types of vocabulary, what need to be taught, techniques, problems in teaching vocabulary, definition of song, function of song, advantages of song, YouTube and songs, teaching vocabulary through song, relevant study, thinking framework, and hypothesis of study.

A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

The word of vocabulary has many meanings. Many definitions can be found about vocabulary from some experts, but the writer only chooses several of them which are important to be discussed.

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects that is supposed to be learnt when people are learning a language. It is considered to be the main focus of learning a foreign language since there is a belief that learning a foreign language is similar to learn its vocabulary. Vocabulary is also very important in English teaching and learning. Ghazal said that words are perceived as the building blocks upon which knowledge of the second language can be built.1 It means that if the learners do not know the meaning of words, they will have difficulty in understanding what they see, read, and learn. They cannot practice or build the language if they are lack of vocabulary.

Hatch and Brown said, “vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or a set of words that individual speakers of a language might use.”2 According to Richard and Renandya, they assert that “vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and


Lotfi Ghazal, Learning Vocabulary in EFL Context through Vocabulary Learning Strategies, (Novitas Royal. Vol. 1, no. 2., 2007), p. 84.


Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education,


provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learners often achieve less than their potential.”3 Penny Ur also asserts that “vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the word we teach in the foreign language.”4

The term of vocabulary also stated on Walch’s book, “Vocabulary is collection words that you hear and read throughout your life. Your own vocabulary will never stop growing. The larger your vocabulary is, the more you will understand what you hear and read. Your writing and speaking will improve too.”5

This statement is supported with the reality that songs are fun and familiar to students’ ears, because songs are easy to find in the television, cassette, radio, and mp3 player; the students can always improve their vocabulary.

From the statements above, it shows that vocabulary is the basic of language. It is words that can be used by individual speaker and is a very important tool to master a language. The vocabulary of a person is defined either as the set of all words that are understood by that person of the set of all words likely to be used by that person when constructing new sentences.

2. Types of Vocabulary

In language area, there are numerous kinds of vocabulary based on several experts. First, dealing with the characteristic of the words, vocabulary is divided into two kinds.

a. Active vocabulary: it refers to language items which the learners can use appropriately in speaking and writing. Active vocabulary also called as productive vocabulary.


Jack C Richards and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255.


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 60.



b. Passive vocabulary: it refers to language items that can be recognize and understood in the context of reading and listening. It is the vocabulary that readers have a general sense of a word’s meaning but are not sure of its many meanings or nuances of meaning. It is also called as receptive vocabulary.6

Second, dealing with frequency and range vocabulary often occur in the language, it can be divided into four levels as follow:

a. High frequency words

High frequency words are the 2000-3000 most frequent word families. The first priority is in vocabulary learning because these words in account for 80% or more of the running words in any written or spoken text.

b. Low frequency words

All the rest of the word families which of these words are known or are worth learning depend on leaner’s personal interest, educational background or current studies, area of employment; social, cultural natural environment and so on. The words just occur rarely

c. Academic words

Words families occur much more frequently in academic texts (textbook, lectures, handouts, journal article, reference manual, seminar presentation) than in non-academic usage, across of different disciplines.

d. Technical words

Low frequency word families which are used in particular discipline, profession, sport, culture or other special field. They are normally known only by people with an interest or expertise in relevant area. 7


Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee, From Reader to Reading Teacher (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 139.



In addition, Nation also identifies the categories of knowledge about vocabulary:

a. Form: Readers recognize the word in print and distinguish its various grammatical forms (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). b. Position: Readers know the grammar patterns and structures in

which a word can occur and the words that frequently appear before or after it, the collocations.

c. Function: Readers know how common or rare the word is and what types of situations and texts it would most likely occur. d. Meaning: Readers know the various meanings and nuances of a

word as well as its synonyms.8

Based on the references above, we can know the classification of vocabulary that it has its own utility when it is used. Furthermore, words are a part of people’s way of living or tools to communicate in language which is used by a person for showing and telling their opinion and ideas based on their need. In other words, the richness of person’s vocabulary is popularly thought to be a reflection of level education.

3. What Need to be Taught

Vocabulary acquisition is needed to learn a foreign language by language learner especially young learner. So, it’s important to know the aspects to be taught to learn vocabulary at the basic level by knowing a word such as its form and its meaning.

a. Word formation

Word formation is how the word is constructed. Vocabulary item, whether one-word or multi-word, can often be broken down into their component. Exactly how these components are put together is another piece of useful information such as sub-,

un- and –able, this will help students guess the meaning of words

like ungrateful, unhappy, and unsure.



Another way vocabulary items are built is by combining two words (two nouns, or a gerund and a noun, or a noun and a verb) to make on item, such as swimming pool, book store, and follow-up.

b. Aspects of meaning

How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be useful in teaching. There are various such relationships with meaning:

1) Synonyms: items that mean the same, or nearly the same; for example, clever and smart may serve as synonym of intelligent. 2) Antonyms: items that mean the opposite; rich is an antonym of


3) Hyponyms: items that serve as specific examples of general concept; dog, lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal.

4) Super-ordinates: general concepts that cover specific items;

animal is the super-ordinate of dog, lion mouse.

5) Translations: words or expressions in the learners’ mother tongue those are (more or less) equivalent in meaning to the item being taught. 9

As mention before, vocabulary is a set of word include word family. There are so many to be taught to master vocabulary because knowing vocabulary form and its meaning is required to basic level. Vocabulary formation is how the vocabulary is constructed and vocabulary meaning is how vocabulary reflects to its vocabulary. In addition there are several relationships with vocabulary meaning, such as synonym, antonym, hyponym, super-ordinates and translation.



4. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, the teachers should have some techniques in order to make students familiar with the vocabulary, so that they understand new word easily. The technique functions not only to help the students grasp the meaning of the words quite easily, but also to vary the teaching activity in order to avoid the boredom on the part of students. According to Allen, there are three techniques of teaching vocabulary:

a. Alphabetical order: Even for a list of new words on the textbook page, alphabetizing way is appropriate in helping students to find a word

b. Showing the meaning of the words through pictures, explanation in mother tongue, and definition in simple English

c. Drawing attention to meaning before drilling words. 10

When teach a word, we teach three things as follows: a. Teach the shape or form of the word

b. Teach the meaning of the word

c. Teach both the form and the meaning of the word together.11

There are also varied ways a new word can be presented to learners, as follow:

a. Ideas for presenting specific items

Select an item from vocabulary taught in foreign language textbook you know. Think how the meaning of this item would best be presented to learners who are encountering it for the first time and write down some ideas.

b. Studying further techniques

Put your practical suggestions aside for the moment, study list of different techniques of presenting the meaning of new vocabulary.


Virginia Freanch Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983), pp. 10-13.



c. Application and comparison

Identify which one or more of the techniques were used in your own idea for presentation. 12

In presenting vocabulary, based on the statement above, the teacher is also supposed to transfer the meanings of the words. Then the students are taught to use the words properly in full sentences. There are several references which are offered as follows:

a. The vocabulary items should be centered about one topic

b. Whenever a familiar word is met in a new context or situation, it should be taught a practice.

c. Vocabulary items are taught in the same way we teach everything else; we give our students an understanding of the meaning in many ways: we dramatize, we paraphrase, we give the equivalent if necessary, and we use only appropriate technique.

d. We practice vocabulary as we practice structure. In substitution drills, transformation drills, questions, and answers, etc.

e. Reintroduce the same vocabulary items many times with all the structures, in all the situations in which they can logically be used.13

Based on the references above, it shows that vocabulary teaching is how the teachers teach a list of a word with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language to the students. Vocabulary teaching includes some of the most complex problem in the field of education. It is influenced by ideas on the nature of language in general, by ideas on the particular language being taught, and by ideas on how the language learned.


Penny Ur, op.cit., pp. 63-64.



5. Decisions about Content in Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should know how vocabulary reaches the classroom. In other words, the teacher should prepare the content beforehand about what the teacher select from. Here, Gairns and Redman identify four main sources:

a. The course book. This will include the written and spoken texts, activities for the presentation and practice of grammatical structures, testing exercises, and so on. Even the instructions for classroom activities can form a source of new vocabulary.

b. Supplementary materials (not designed specifically for vocabulary development) provided by the educational institution or selected by the teacher himself. This may include texts, drills, narratives, role plays, exercises, video, songs, etc.

c. The students. A wide range of unanticipated and unpredictable items will inevitably surface from student enquiries, queries, and errors.

d. Specific vocabulary activities designed by the teacher for his particular group of students.14

After knowing what we select from in order to get the content in teaching vocabulary. We also should know the criteria for selection, because the items of content should be useful. Gairns and Redman explain the various criteria for selecting the content are based on several things below:

a. Frequency: the contents of frequency should not be accepted uncritically or used dogmatically to dictate. Their value must be judged against the source of the data and criteria governing inclusion of the data, as this may greatly affect their relevance to students.

b. Cultural Factors: based on the utterances of native speakers the students will obviously reflect the cultural interest of speakers.



c. Need and Level: the students who are required to read technical reports in English in their native country will have different lexical needs to those learners.

d. Expediency: the classroom will often dictate the need for certain vocabulary, without which the students may fail to understand their teacher, fellow students or the activity they are supposedly engaged in.15

6. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary

Correlating with our culture and its rules, English as a foreign language has many differences. Furthermore, English as one of the subjects in our school has many difficulties and problems either in teaching or learning process. That’s why we have to learn deeply and properly.

In teaching vocabulary, there are several problems found. The factors have various kinds. It can be related to the words or used to call intra-lexical factors, or they can involve how well the learners of first language matches the second language or it is called as cross linguistic factors.16 Another fact is also found when students attempt to translate a passage by looking up too many words. When they meet a word that they don’t know, they take the dictionary and look up the meaning. The problem arises when they select the right words to know the meaning of sentence but use the improper words grammatically.

Many problems that we met related to teaching vocabulary also refer to the students and teacher. Coady and Huckin consider some of the typical meta-cognitive attitudes that both teachers and students can hold toward teaching and learning of vocabulary in a second or foreign language as follows:


Ibid., pp. 57-61.



 Vocabulary is typically neglected in foreign or second language instruction

 In general, students feel that word are very important and are eager to learn them

 In contrast, teacher tend to feel that words are easy to learn and grammar is a challenge

 Many teachers and students feel that teaching vocabulary is a low level intellectual activity unworthy of their full attention

 Consequently, many teachers seem to conclude that words are going to be learned naturally from reading and do not need to be taught.17

B. Song

1. Definition of Song

Songs are one of the most captivating and culturally rich resources that can be easily used in language classrooms. As Griffee say that “the word song refers to pieces of music that have words, especially popular songs such as those one hears on the radio.”18 In the same field, Griffee also states that:

Songs have elements in common with speech and poetry, they are a unique form. Both songs and speech are vocally produced, are linguistically meaningful and have melody. Both songs and poetry use words to convey meaning, both are usually written down before publication, both can be put to music and both can be listened to.19

Finally, it shows that a song is a piece of musical composition of words, verse, or poem which is sung or uttered with modulation of the voice which expresses the thought and feeling. Song is powerful. Many


James Coady and Thomas Huckin, Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, (New York: Cambrigde University Press, 1997), p. 74.


Dale T. Griffe, Songs in Action, (New York: Prentice Hall International, 1992), p. 3



people can be moved to tears or other strong emotions by music, and song can acquire strong emotional associations with people, events, and places. Song has personal quality that makes the listener react as if the songs were being sung for the listener personally.

Hence, the writer assumes that listening to English songs can be one of alternative media in concerning junior school students’ enhancement to their learning English ability.

2. Function of Song

The functions of song according to Lo and Li, “songs are invaluable tools to develop students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and can be used to teach variety of language items such as sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjective, and adverbs.”20 Furthermore, Weda claim that the teaching of English to young learners by using songs has many benefits. One of those benefits is the students will feel comfort and relax because of its good atmosphere which will enhance their proficiency.21

In the same field, Lo and Li also explain that the activities through songs offer a great deal of advantages in promoting of English, they therefore state that the advantage of songs is stimulating students’ interest and enhancing their involvement.22

From the explanation above, there are many functions of songs in the view of linguistic, psychology, cognitive, social and culture. It is used not only for fun but also for education as in teaching English especially in improving students’ vocabulary. It also can be considered that songs with easy text would help the students develop English proficiency, especially vocabulary.


R. Lo & H.C. Li, Songs Enhance Learner Involvement, (English Teaching Forum, volume 36, no. 21, 1998), pp. 8-11.


Sukardi Weda,Songs Enhance Young Learners’ involvement in Learning English,

(Jakarta: Atmajaya University, Center for Studies on Language and Culture, 2009), 102



3. Advantage and Effectiveness of Song in Teaching and Learning Process

There are many advantages in using songs in the language classroom as follows:

a. Songs and music can be used to relax students and provide an enjoyable classroom atmosphere

b. Songs contain examples of colloquial speech. The natural language of songs as opposed to the artificial language in many textbooks, so it takes language input.

c. Every song is a culture capsule containing within itself a significant piece of social information, of it has much cultural input.

d. Songs can be used as texts in the same way that a poem, short story or novel or any other piece of authentic material can be used.

e. Songs and music as supplements; can be used to supplement a textbook or can serves as the text itself.

f. Songs have much related to students’ interest

g. Other advantages related to teaching which has several correlation with teaching in many aspects as follows

- Song can be used as a launching pad for conversation - Songs are especially good at introducing vocabulary

because it provide a meaningful context for the vocabulary - It provides a natural context for the most common

structures such as verb, tenses, and prepositions.

- Songs can be provided for some languages with a suitable way to teach and practice the several skills.

- It can be used for pattern practice and memory retention.23



Based on the statements above, it shows that song or music is a manifestation of culture and has been used in classes in many ways and for different reasons, through music which creates a relaxed learning environment for students. In general, songs and music affect our emotions; many people can be moved to tears or other strong emotions by music, song can acquire strong emotional associations with people, events and places.

4. YouTube and Songs

YouTube is a free video-hosting website that permits people who are the member of YouTube to upload and download video content freely.24 This uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated content such as video blogging and short original videos. Unregistered users can watch the videos for free, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos.

Figure 2.1: The overview of YouTube Website


Margaret Rouse, YouTube, t.t.,(www.techtarget.com).


YouTube is also famously known as the largest video sharing site on the web.25 It is because most of the videos found on YouTube are created by professional film maker until amateurs. They use YouTube to share their work. Virtually all types and genres of video content such as songs, homemade music, tutorials, films, CCTV records, and many more are posted on the site.

In this case, songs provided in YouTube have a good place because when you search songs in YouTube and find it in different case, you can choose one, two, or three of them according to what you need; official video of songs with or without lyrics, video of songs with lyrics on the screen, etc.

From the discussion above, YouTube and songs have a relationship each other. YouTube serves songs in much kind of case. Hence, we can choose the appropriate songs which we need from YouTube.

5. Teaching Vocabulary Through Song

Using songs in the classroom is a special thing. Songs provide the material in English that students want to understand. They want to be able to sing the song and understand them. It is become teacher’s responsibility to provide an appropriate song. In choosing the appropriate song, Griffee lists four categories:

1. The class, it is including the total number of the students and their age, the time of the day, the language level of the students, and their musical interest

2. The teacher, it is including the teacher’s age and musical interest, the classroom support to convey the songs, and teacher’s purpose.

3. Classroom opportunities, it is including the teacher’s level of independence in determining the material of curriculum, free class time, and lesson supplement.



4. The music, the kind of music interest, the song that requires support to the lesson, and lesson plan.26

After deciding the criterion of appropriate songs, we can find the song in YouTube. Then, we can use one of many ways to introduce the songs and to improve vocabulary in the classroom as follows:

1. Vocabulary songs

- Play the song with no reparation and no hand-outs.

- Tell the students to listen to the songs that you will give them the words in a minute.

- Give the students the lyrics face down.

- When every student has a copy, tell them to turn the lyrics over and play the song again.

- Tell them to listen to the song and circle any word or phrase they do not understand.

- Discuss the circled word.27

There are so many ways in serving vocabulary in classroom by using songs. We need to be well-prepared in teaching vocabulary by using songs. We need to concern about the class, the students, the teacher in order to choose an appropriate songs. After that, decide the suitable ways in conveying the song to the students.

C. Relevant Study

The first previous study was conducted by Suzanne Medina in 1993 “Acquiring Vocabulary through Story-Songs”. It is an experiment on elementary school learners. There were four experimental groups. The first one listened to the spoken version of the story with the pictures used to illustrate the main ideas of the story; the second group also listened to the spoken version of the story but without illustrations. The third group listened to the sung version of the story with the illustrations shown and the fourth group listened to the sung version of


Griffee., op.cit., pp. 6-8. 27


the story without pictures. There were some pre-tests and two posttests to measure the amount of vocabulary acquired by the learners. The results of this study support the idea that songs can be beneficial in terms of vocabulary acquisition and retrieval. The combination of the sung version and the pictures was the most effective one.28

The second previous study was conducted by Shaheen Ara in 2009. “Use Songs, Rhymes, and Games in Teaching English to Young Learners in Bangladesh”.This study is about how to improve the educational system in learning second language (English) for children through songs, rhymes, and games. This study used qualitative method that set out to convey the complete understanding of how fun activities can improve learning process. As the result, this research showed that the high motivation of students resulting from enjoyable lessons in the primary schools where learning takes place through songs, rhymes, and games or other interesting activities which is retained throughout their academic life.29

The third previous study was conducted by ChunxuanShen 2009 “Using English Song: an Enjoyable and Effective Approach to ELT” This research explain about the application of song in English Language Teaching. This research also provides the arguments and practical support for using English song in ELT. The result of the research shows that using English song will not weaken but reinforce the effect of teaching.30

These three previous studies above give many benefit for the writer related to her topic. The first study showed that songs can be beneficial in terms of vocabulary acquisition and retrieval. The combination of the sung version and the pictures was the most effective one. The second previous study also gives the benefit for this research, by conveying the complete understanding of how fun activities, song can improve learning process. This research also showed the


Suzanne L. Medina, The Effect of Music on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, (National Network For Early Language Learning, Volume 6 no. 3, 1993), pp. 1-8.


ShaheenAra,Use Songs, Rhymes, and Games in Teaching English to Young Learners in Bangladesh, (The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, volume2, no. 3, 2009), pp. 161-172.



high motivation of students resulting from enjoyable lessons in the primary schools where learning takes place through songs. The last previous study proved using English song will not weaken but reinforce the effect of teaching. Thus, these studies give input for this research that song can improve students’ vocabulary mastery which can be proved by the writer to the samples of this research.

D. Thinking Framework

There are two variables in this study; they are “English songs” from YouTube as independent variable and “students’ vocabulary mastery” as depedent variable. The research focuses on experimental research because the writer intends to know whether English song from YouTube is effective toward students’ vocabulary mastery. Besides that, the writer intends to know whether mastering vocabulary using English songs from YouTube along is better than mastering vocabulary without using English songs from YouTube along with it at seventh grade of Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA.

As has been discussed about songs from YouTube previously, songs being a source of motivation, interest, and enjoyment, it is much easier for students to imitate and remember language than words which are just spoken. It is because songs contain words, expressions of high frequency, repetition, the stress, and intonation pattern of the language. Moreover, YouTube website provides a wide variety of content which is suitable for English teaching especially in learning the language. In this case, while singing, students are able to read the lyrics and this indirectly encourages them to learn new words as they are able to view the video clips as well as read the lyrics projected on the screen.


more motivated in class. By engaging in a pleasurable experience, they are relaxed and their inhibitions about acquiring a second language are lessened. Those who are taught in a fun and creative way, love attending the lessons and this in turn becomes a great way for teachers to achieve success with their students. Moreover, the use of internet technologies like the YouTube website to teach vocabulary is one of these experiences.

Thus, it is suitable with the purpose of this strategy is to allow student do the retention about the new word that they find, so the new word will stay along in their mind through the songs from YouTube.

E. Research Hypothesis

This research is to know whether using the selected songs from YouTube in teaching vocabulary is effective for the students to master vocabulary and learn English. To find the answer of the problem, the writer should propose research hypothesis as below:



the population and sample, the research instrument, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and statistic hypothesis.

A. The Research Design

The research design of this study is quasi-experimental study, using comparison or control group to investigate research question (without random assignment)1, which aims to know whether English songs from YouTube is effective towards students’ vocabulary mastery. The quasi-experimental design describes in the following table:2

Table 3.1

Pre- and Post-test Design

Select Control Group Pre-test No Treatment Post-test

Select Experimental Group

Pre-test Experimental Treatment


Based on the table above, the writer takes two classes, the experiment class and control class. Before giving treatment, the writer gives pre-test to both of classes. Then the writer teaches the students in experimental class by using English songs from YouTube and in controlled class without using English songs from YouTube. After four meetings, the writer gives the post-test to the both classes. It is given to know the effectiveness of English songs from YouTube towards students’ vocabulary mastery.


Alison Mackey and Susan M. Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design, (New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005), p. 146



B. The Place and Time of the Study

The research is held at the seventh grade students of Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA which is located at South Tangerang, from January 5th until 30th, 2015

C. The Population and Sample

Population is the universe of people to which the study could be generalized, and a sample is the subset of people from the population who will participate in the current study.3 In this research, the population is the whole students of the seventh grade at Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA, they are 96 students that are divided into three classes namely class VII 1, VII 2, and VII 3. For the research, the writer determines the sample by using purposive sampling; the sample is taken on the basis of their judgment of their typicality or possession of the particular characteristics being sought.4 Here, the writer takes the sample based on teacher’s judgment that she judged. The two classes that the writer takes had almost same average value. Therefore, the writer takes two classes namely class VII 2 (30 students) as the control class and class VII 3 (30 students) as the experimental class, this is because according to the English teacher’s view in the school; those classes are appropriate to be the object of this research.

D. The Research Instrument

The writer uses pre-test and post-test as the research instruments to collect the data. The test is used in order to know the different achievement between the experimental class and control class after the treatment. Before the test is given to the students, the writer has already measured the validity and reliability of the test. Validity is “the individual’s scores from an instrument make sense are meaningful, and enable you, as the writer, to draw good conclusions from the


Scott W. Vanderstoep and Deirde D. Johnston, Research Methods for Everyday Life, (San Fransisco: Jossey-bass, A Wiley Imprint, 2009), p. 26.


Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Research Method in Education,


sample you are studying.”5

Validation in language testing is needed to ensure the defensibility and fairness of interpretations based on test performance.

According to Jones, “reliability in testing denotes dependability, in the sense that a reliable test can be depended on to produce very similar results in repeated uses.”6

In this research, the writer measures the validity and reliability of the research instrument by using ANATES V.4. For the ANATES result, it can be seen on the appendices.

The secondary data is gotten from students’ interview. Interview allows a wider channel of communication and deeper exploration of issues.7 It is conducted to strengthen the data which are gotten from the test, to know the students’ perception about English songs from YouTube, and to make sure whether the techniques is successful to prove students’ vocabulary mastery which is applied in experimental class or not. The interview is done to the 10 students. In this case, the writer uses simple random sampling technique to get data from students’ interview. “Simple random sampling involves picking a certain number of participants out of the total number of possible participants in the sampling frame. In simple random sampling, a fixed percentage of the total sampling frame is selected for participation.”8

E. The Technique of Data Collecting


1. Pre-test

The pre-test for the students is carried out to get their score. The students are given a multiple choice test about vocabulary. This test does to know students’ ability about vocabulary mastery. (See Appendix 1)

2. Post-test

The post-test is given in multiple choices also. This test is conducted to know the improvement of students’ ability in vocabulary mastery after the writer gives treatment to students. (See Appendix 3)

3. Interview

The interview consists of seven questions to be answered. This is conducted to strengthen the data through knowing the students’ perception after the treatment. (See Appendix 6)

F. The Technique of Data Analysis


1. Testing Requirement a) Normality Test

Normality test is done on two classes; those are experimental class and control class. Normality test is used to know whether the data from both sample groups which is examined comes from the population of normal distribution or not.9 The writer uses SPSS v.18

for Windows to do normality test which is Analyze-Descriptive

Statistic-Explore-Plots-Normality Plots with Tests, the steps as


1) From the menu at the top of the screen click on Analyze then Descriptive then Explore.

2) Move all of the data into the Dependent list

3) Under Display ensure that there is only a tick next to Plots. 4) Click on the Plots tab to open the plots dialogue box.

5) Under Boxplots click None, and remove any ticks under Descriptive. Place a tick in Normality plots with tests. Under Spread vs. Level tick none.

6) Click Continue, and then OK.

b) Homogeneity Test

After normality test gives indication that data is distributed normally, so it needs to do homogeneity test. It is used to know the similarity of the two conditions or population. If the significant value ρ > 0.05, it means that the population has similarity.11 The writer uses

SPSS v.18 for Windows to do homogeneity test which is Analyze-

Compare Means- One Way ANOVA- Option- Homogeneity of

Variance, the steps as follows:


Budi Susetyo, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010), p. 271.


Andrew Garth, Analysis Data Using SPSS (A practical guide for those unfortunate enough to have to actually do it), (USA: Sheffield Hallam University, 2008), p. 73



1) From the menu at the top of the screen click on Analyze then Compare Means then One-Way ANOVA

2) Move the data from experimental class into the Dependent list and the data from control class into the Factor

3) Under Contrast and Post-Hoc ensure that there is a tick next to Options.

4) Click on the Options tab to open the options dialogue box. 5) Place a tick in Homogeneity of variance tests.

6) Click Continue, and then OK. 12

c) Specification of Interview

After conducting the research and getting the result. The writer does the interview to the selected students from the technique of simple random sampling. This interview questions are related to what question that is needed to be asked, how to arrange the question, how long the interview will be done, and how to formulate the questions.13 Moreover, Patton explains the six kinds of question that can be an orientation in formulating the interview questions as follows:

1. The question which is related to the experience 2. The question which is related to the opinion or value 3. The question which is related to the feeling

4. The question about knowledge

5. The question which is related to the sensory perception 6. The question which is related to background or demography14

G. Hypothesis Test

For hypothesis test, the writer uses t-test to find out whether there is significant difference between experimental class and control class in this study.


Budi Susetyo, op. cit., pp. 71-72


Lexy J. Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2001), p. 140



The writer uses t-test which is adapted by Anas Sudijono to find the result. There are several steps before applying the t-test formula.15 The formula of t-test which is used in this research is:


t0 = The value of ‘t’ count

M = Mean variable of experimental class M2 = Mean variable of controlled class SEM 1 = Standard Error of experimental class SEM 2 = Standard Error of controlled class

The procedures of calculation are as follows: 1. Determining Mean of Variable X

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y

3. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable X


4. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable Y


5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X



6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y

7. Determining Standard Error of different of Mean of Variable X and Variable Y

8. Determining to with formula:

9. Determining Degrees of Freedom (df) in significance level 1%:


N1 = The total number of experimental class N2 = The total number of controlled class SD1 = Standard deviation of experimental class SD2 = Standard deviation of controlled class

H. Statistical Hypothesis

After gaining the t-test, the writer compares T-test and T-table. Testing hypothesis uses criteria with significant degree 0.01. The conclusion is gained as follows:

H0 is accepted if (to) < (tt) in significant degree 0.01. Ha is accepted if (to) > (tt) in significant degree 0.01.

Ha : There is a significant difference between students’ achievement in vocabulary mastery which is taught by using English songs from YouTube and without English songs



After presenting the materials to both experimental class and control class, the writer measured students’ vocabulary mastery by using a test. The testing was done in two classes; those are VII-3 as an experimental class and VII-2 as a control class. The writer got the data from objective test which was multiple choice forms of the control class and experimental class. The test consisted of 20 test items. The accumulation of the correct item was multiplied by 5. So, it would be accumulated to 100 points of the test.

1. The Data of Control Class

In the following table is the score of pre-test and post-test in control class.

Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Control Class



Control Class

Gained Score Pre-test Post-test

1 60 65 5

2 55 60 5

3 40 65 25

4 60 60 0

5 60 75 15

6 65 65 0

7 50 60 10

8 60 70 10

9 65 65 0

10 65 75 10


12 40 60 30

13 45 60 25

14 60 70 10

15 70 75 5

16 70 65 -5

17 60 75 15

18 80 75 -5

19 55 65 10

20 65 65 0

21 65 80 15

22 60 75 15

23 60 85 25

24 80 80 0

25 65 75 10

26 70 80 10

27 65 80 15

28 65 65 0

29 75 85 10

30 55 75 20

∑ n = 30 ∑ X0 = 1845 ∑ X1 = 2120 ∑ X2 = 295

Average 61.5 70.66 9.83

Max 80 85

Min 40 60


2. The Data of Experimental Class

In the following table is the score of pre-test and post-test in experimental class.

Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class



Experimental Class

Gain Score Pre-test Post-test

1 50 75 25

2 60 70 10

3 45 75 30

4 55 70 15

5 50 65 15

6 60 75 15

7 45 70 25

8 75 90 15

9 40 65 25

10 55 85 30

11 50 70 20

12 70 85 15

13 50 70 20

14 50 65 15

15 65 75 10

16 50 70 20

17 65 80 15

18 65 70 5

19 60 60 0

20 55 75 20

21 45 65 20


23 50 75 25

24 70 90 20

25 75 95 20

26 50 65 15

27 60 70 10

28 60 85 25

29 60 90 30

30 75 85 10

∑ n = 30 ∑ X0 = 1715 ∑ X1 = 2260 ∑ X2 = 545

Average 57.16 75.33 18.16

Max 75 95

Min 40 60

From the table 4.1 above, the score of pre-test and post-test of experimental class showed that the highest score on the pre-test was 75 and the lowest score was 40 with the average at 57.2. Then, the average of the pre-test increased on the post-test up to 75.3. The highest score of post-test was 95 while the lowest score was 60. It can be seen that the experiment class gained score about 18.1 points.


Table 4.3

Interview Specification and the Students’ Responses


B. The Analysis of Data 1. Normality Test

Testing normality test in this research used Kolmogorov-Smirnov methods in SPSS v.18 to count the normality of each test. The test would be normal distribution if the result of calculation from SPSS Statistic 18, the number showed less than the result in Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the number of sample (n) is 30. The results of normality test of the data are presented as follows:

Table 4.4

Normality Pre-test Results between Experimental Class and Control Class

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Experiment Class Control Class

N 30 30

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 57.1667 61.5000

Std. Deviation 9.62068 9.57277

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .172 .204

Positive .172 .157

Negative -.095 -.204

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .941 1.120

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .338 .163

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

The normality calculation above used One-Sample

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. From the table 4.03, it can be seen that the absolute difference

(D) of Experiment Class data is 0.172. It is much less than absolute difference

in Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the closest Kolmogorov-Smirnov critical


Table 3.1 Pre- and Post-test design ......................................................................
Figure 2.1 The overview of YouTube Website ....................................................
Figure 2.1: The overview of YouTube Website
Table 3.1 Pre- and Post-test Design


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