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NOll Destructive Measurement of Catechin Content in GUlllbir (Um'aria gal1lbir Roxb.) Using NI R Spectroscopy


Academic year: 2017

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Department of Agricultural Engineering

;.セ セ f。cijセy of AjjriculturaltN」セョッャッァケ Unlvtr.lltas GlldjahMads



BLLLNォNセL August


0 13

The International Symposium on

Agricultural and 8iosystem Engineering


"Improving The Role of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

Toward Food & Energy Self-sufficiency and Sustainable Agriculture"

Supported by: Sponsored by:



dO •






Lilik SuuaTso



Prof Dr, Sakae ShihusaIVa(Tokyo Uni versit y ofAgricul [lire andTeehnology, Jap"n)

Prof. Dr. Sumio Kawano (Kagoshima CnivcrsilY. Japan)

Prof: Dongil Chang. Ph.D. (Chungnam セ。ャゥッョ。ャ Uni\"ersity. Korea)

Associate Professor Taka:.hi Okayasu. Ph.D. (KYliShu Uni\er;;iIY)

Prt,)f. Vinod Jindal. Ph.D. (Visilling Profcs:l>or..\1ahidol Uni\crsit)'.Thllil::md)

Prof. lk Sahid SusanTo(L:niH:rsimsGadjah Marla, lndonc:.ia) Prof. Dr. Budi Rahardju (Unhersitas G:ldjah ;,,'Iada, Indonesia)


The Inlcnl:llional Symposiulll Oil Agricullural and lJiosystcm [ngilll'('ring 2013

ThclIle : Improving The Role of Agricultural and l3iosystclll Engineering Toward Food and

Em:rgy Self-sul"ticiency and Su:.:tainable Agriculture:

Published 「セG :

Jurusan Tcknik PenanianFukulJasTcknologi Penanian Unin:rsitas G<ldjah i\lada

JI. Flom :'\0.1 Bulaksumur. Yogyakana. IndonC'sia 55281

Telephant' fa:-- :-62-274-5635-12

£-moil: U!pJfp@.ugm.oc,id

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])on'l to qUOle, reproduce and translate :':0111e or all of these boob without the permission of

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The Illternational Symposium on AClltullural orHI B,osystem ei|セゥャ|セセGャョァ (ISABE) 2013


Foreword .

Li!lt ofCOntCnt .


. II

Inlonn:uiz:ltion Agricuhure in Japan Author: Tnkashi Okayasu

SUB-TII[.\I[: POSTH...\IH/[ST.--\1\'1) FOOO [i'"GIi\EEnL'\'G


dセGウゥァョ ofThcnnal Conductidty Apparatus Base on Tran::.iC'nt-statc Radial Cylindcr A-I Method

Authors: Bal11bang Dwi Argo, \v,'ahYlInallto A. Nugroho. VOl'S B. Pristya and Ubaidillah

Effect Extraction \'1cthod of Composilion Fatt)' Acid Dieng Carica Seed" Oil i|Mセ (Carica candamarcensisHOK)as Edible Oil

Authors: Dcwi Larasati, Haslil1r1 andBUl1lbclllg KUl1arto

Adsorption Equilibrium Sntdies of Hio-Based Butanol from Fennelllation Broth by A-3 Immobilized of PotatO Starch Sorbenl

Authors: Dina Wahyu, Tsair-Wang Chung

Q\1ality rセGカェ・キ oCThr("c Types ofmセ|ャQァッ・ウエ」」ョ Using Ultmsonic Wavc" /\--1

Authors: EllllllY Dannawmi, Amir Hnlllzah

Intluence of Air Flow Rate on DI)'ing Characterislics ofClo\c .-\-5 Authors: Jun:lcdi Muhidong, lnge Scorpi Tulliza (lnd Ishak

pセイヲッイャQQ。ョイNZ・ Tesl of EC]LlipmciIl And N|セ c|セG hines Of BClI1[IIW !,vliIIer for A-n

Mcchanization Technology DC\'clopmC'nt Of Hanana ャGイッ」セウウゥョァ In South Kalimaman Provine..:


Til<.> Imernatlonalsケイョーッセゥオュ on Agritultur;; andbャッセケウエ・ュ Engineennll(rSAB::) 2013

Continuous Dehumi di tita tiOIl of Organic Sorbent Powder ill Two Connc\:ted A-7 Fluidizcd Beds with A Cooling and A Heating Pipe

J\uthors :Sukmawaty,Syahrul

Method of Waxing on Quulily and Shelf-life ofSemi-Clltting :Vlangosteen in Low A-S

TempcffilUre Stomgc

Authors: Usman ,\hmad. bnmy. Dannuwati. and :\Iur Ruhma Rcfilia

AcithtiedSodiulll ChloriteTreatments for Improving Shelf-life of Unripe Shredded A-9 Papaya

Authors: Vinod K. Jindal. PompailinSimatand NipOli Chmnchan

Fighting for Malnutrition in Indonesiaby Production of Anificial Rice Based on ..-\-10

ArrowRoot and Cassava with Addition of Cowpea

Authors Danial Fatchllrmhman, \Venny Bekti Sunarharum, Anugerah Dany

I'riyal1lo,Fathy Fasial Bal1£tnllll

Produci Featun:sandCOSlAnalysis


fl.10CAS (ModIfiedCassa\'aSt.areh) Based A-II Bakel)'PrOOllC!:;

Authors: Darmawan Ari Nugroho. Ibnu WahidFA

Fuel Feeding Rate ControllingBase on tlKTemperatureDistributioll Simulation 011 /\-12 Rosella Pod (Hibiscll.\' sabd(lI"!Ur/ finn) DI)'illg Prol'css

AUlhors: Dyuh Wulandani. Leopold Oscnr ;-iclwan. IMad..: Dewa Sllbrata

Idelllification ofdセエ・ョョゥョ。ャャ| Factors in Processing and Technology: A Case Study A-13

ofFruit ProcessingIndustries (Fl'ls) in Indonesia

Author: Ida Bagus Suryaningrat

ProfileッヲtィセG Pe<ll1lll Moistun: ContelH During Deep Bcd Drying

Authors: Ans<lr, Sirajllddin,Widhiantari



Theャョャ・ュ。ャGHャョセ SymposIum onAgri'll!llJr011o1ndSoosyslem Eniョ・セイゥョァ (lSA6Ejl013

-Effect LindakCacao Fntir Macurity(Theobroma Cacao F.)wnh High Level of A-15 Polyphcnolsas Amioxidanls

Au\hors :Jumriah Lrll1gkong and ivlulyrni Iv!. Thahir

Studyof Active Packaging System byUsing Ethylene Adsorber10Prolong the A-16 StOt1Igo: LiteofAvocndo Fntits(P('rseaolllericlIJw Miff)

Author: Lilik Pujantoro. Andi :-.l'urfaid.1.h and Yadi Haryadi

The Dc\、ッーュセエQi of Technology Bundle in Packaging of Export Quality of A-17

\ ャ。ャャァッセエ・・ョウG T ranspomn ion

Authors: Ni Luh Yulial1ti and Gcdc Arda

Synthesis ofChitos<ln·Ag+<IS Anlibackrifll l'vbterial 1\-18

Authors: Shinta Rosalia Dcwi.Sri Juari Santosa and Dwi Sis\\anw

Developmcnt of Collee ャゥ」。ョセ Calfeine Extraction using PressurenndTempcr:.Hurc A- [9 Controllable ReactOr

Author: Sukrisno WidyotOlllO

Optimiz:llion ofThc High Refined C..--lIulosc Process Production frol11lhc Sago A-20 Fiber\V,lsleby j\ Ddigniticmion pイッ」セGウウ Involving Nitric Acid. Sodium hydroxid-:

and Hydrogen peroxideasThe Dcligniljcming Agent

Author: Suprmno


Technical Allalysis and Performance Test of A Small Scale Hanana Milling


,\uthors : ;\dc M Krnll1:1clibrala,Totok j-krwnntoand 130yRic:lI'c!o


The International Symposium on Agricultural and Boosys:em :nginecrmg (.SABE) 2013

Oesign of t-.lcnsurcmen! System \\'aler Comen! in Pressurized Chamber withollt B-2 Disturbing the Process

Authors: Anang L.'1striytanto. Sudjito S . Roedy Sand SUlllardi

DC50ign of Farm Road Construction at the Tel1iary Plot of Paddy Field B-3 Authors: Aso:p S:lp<..'i. Erizal. Tatang SUlllarna

Acrodynamics Properties of Castor Bcan and It's Application for Blower Syslem at 13-4 Ricinus CaSlOr Bean Ilulling Machin\:

Authors: Cahyawan C:tlllr Edi \'brg:llla, Rahmat Sahani. and Baklruddin

The EtTectofSugarcanc Liller Compost toSoil Physical r-,..lechanical Properties and 13-5 Ramon Sugarcane Perfonnancc

Authors: Iqbal. TinekC' Mandang.E. :"'amaken Semhiring, セiNaN Chozin

Tillage CharUl:t\.'rblics of Rotavators in F3ml:l.nd Conditioll of Korea H-u

Authors: Dae-Cheol Kim, Ju-Seok"\lam. t\lyoung-Ho Kim and Dae-Chun Kim

Feasibility Alwlysis of Palm Oil \1il1 Efl1ucnt lJtilizalion as A Source of Electrical 8-7 Energy

Authors: Supriha\in, E. Gumbira-Sa'id, O. SlIpnlllo. D,O. Suryanto and SMonu

Potentia I Product iOIl of i\griculturnl 13 yprodl.1cls :lnd The Economic Feasibi lily of B-8 Rice Straw as /\ Fecdstock for Bioelhanol in Korea

Authors: Yconghw3n Bac, Kidong Park, Keul11 Joo Park

Snldy on Oil Palm Fresh Fwit BUllch Bruise in I bnc:::.ling and Transpol1mion as A 8-9 Function (0Quali(y

Authors: Andreas \\'ah)'\l Krisdiano and Lilik SUliarso

Application of KUBOTA DC-uOfor PaddyWei Field Han'esling B-IO



イィセ iョZセイョ。エゥッョ[ILG Symposium un AiricuエオイセQ and Biosys(em Eng,neenog (I$A:I:!1013

Engineering Charactcristics and POIenlial Energy ofDil Palm Fntit Bunches B-II


Authors: Wawnn HCnll.:lWan. Dcsrial. Muhanumtd Iqbal Nazamuddin

Design of Iron Whc<.:1 of A Light Tractor for Crop l\laintenancc in L;nconsolid::ucd B-12

Paddy Field

Authors: !':'adilC P.A,S, l. W. ASllka. D, \1, SlIbnlta and A. Azis

Design ::mdPerformance Test oft\ktnl Kiln Venturi Drum Typefor Coconut Shell H-I}


Authors: S. Endah Agustina nnd Nllrul Hasanah

Design of Sugarcane(Sacc:/wl"l/m Officiiml"lllllL)CUlling :'vlachine for Seedling H-l-l

Pr..:paration with Bud-chip \Iethod

Authors: Siswoyo Soekamo, Luqman Budi Seti.:lwanandAskin

The Clay (omCn! Effect on the Formation of Shallow t\lolc Drainage: An 13-15

Experimental Study

Authors: Siti Suhary,:ltlill. 13nl1lbang Pllrwalltalla. Abdul Ro.mq and Nluhjidin


The Usageof Shaft to Shaft Transmission for ROli\l"YSaw Crusher for Paddy Stl"Uw 8-16 Authors: Tri Tlingglll, Tamaria Panggabcan and Hildal\gustina

Functional Intcr.lction between Pressure- and SoilSinkage for TCITl'strial Robotic 13-17 |Gセィゥ」ャ・ウ

Author: Lenny S:lulia

Design A Mechanical Device for セエョォゥョァ Briquettes 8-18

Authors: Wiludjeng Tris.:lsiwi. AgllS t-.largiwiY3mo. Petru" Hary Tjahja SOl'dlbyo

A Method of Workload Application fur Tractortイ。ャ|ウュゥセウゥッョ 8-19

Authors: Su (hul Kim,Yoo Joo Kim. SCling lae Park


The IntErnallOnal Sympos,urn on Agricultural ond B,osYltemeョセゥョ・・イゥイ・ !ISAB:) 2013

SCB-TIIL\IE: LA:'\'U A:\'D W.-\TEn IlESOCnCES J:::'\'Gl:\'EERI.'IG

Waler Conservation Concern inSuwk:lrta, ャョ、ッョNNZセェ。 C-l

Author: Agus Suyamo

Influcnceof Increasing Rain dueto Climatecャゥ。ャャセ」ッョ Forest Slope Stability in Aso C-.::' City. Kumamoto Pr..:lecturc.J:IP:lIl

Authors: Aril Aditian andT..:tsuya Kubota

Evaluation on Land Usc towardthe Environment SUpp0l1 ill POllorogoRegency C-3

Authors: I3nl11bang Rnhadi,TUllggul Sutnn Haji,Euis Elili Nurlelilland i\lovin


The Potential andConstraint!>of Agricultural EnginecringApplication inTidal C-4

Lowlands SUPPOl1 Sustainable Food Crops Farming lA Cas\,.' Study of Form..:r

tイZャャャセュゥァイ。エゥッョ Areaof Banyuasin Regency, South Sum:ltra Province. Indonesia) Authors: Husin, Robiyanto H. Susanto. Henyamin Lakitan.Ardiyan Saptawan and Yl. Yazid

The EffcL·\ ofElcvaliol1 Oil PlllllliJ1gC<lknclerill \\'i;st Timor uセゥャ|ァ Agriculluml C-5

r。ゥャャAセQQQ Inde.\ (ARI) tvlclhods

Authors: Jonathan E.Koehuall andJuliScty:mto

Ana! ysis of Soi I Erosion011 The Catchment Ar.:a of Musi Hydro-POWc'r Plan!, C-f)

Bellgkulu Province

Authors: Khairul Amri. A. Halim,:'\!gudiamoro :'Ind1\1. FaiLBare-hia

Distribution and Char<l<.:teri:'lic of Landslide'i in Vokanie- \ lountains of West Java. C-7


Authors: Ngadisih. Ryuichi Yatabc. t'elr.L P. I3handary and Ranjan K. Dahal


rheIntc,nat,onal SVmp<Hium on Ag,iluJturJI Jnd Biosy,lemセョァゥョ・HGLゥョャャ (ISABE)2013

S...dimcnt Relmed Disasters Induced by Imcnsc Precipitation During I lurricane cセs

Events in :\IllC\'O Leon, mセGクゥ」ッN

Auchors; Luura Sanchez-Cascilla, Tetsuya Kubota. Israel Cnnw-Silva and Hasna\\ ir

Prediction of Water Balance10Detennine Growing Period ofsャャァ。イセG。ャQ・ C-9

(Saccharum OfficiI/arumL.)In Kalasan. Sit-man

aオエィッセ : K:unelia Dwi Jayanti,iセオイオ Sudira and Bambang I-Iendro Sunarmimo

EtTeclofSilica Extr:tClcd from Sugar Cane Bagasse and Compo:.t to Soil's Physical C-10

Properties Under Rninfall Simulator

Authors: ,\1usthofn Lmfi, Hafidz YuswandhilOUand Wahyun::uuo Agung:\l

Detenn;n;ng The Rclat;onships 8clwecn Soil Elecmeal CondnCli,ily nnd Some Soil C-II

Properties Measured by The Real-Time Soil Sensor (RTSS)

Author:. : Ni Nyoman Slllastri, Sakae Shibusflwa find f....I;l:.akazll Kodnira

lmpkmenlingAMinimum Em ironmcntal Flow nnd Its Effectson Wafer Managemelltnt Sckmnpung IrrigatiollArea

Authors: Endro Pr3scryo Wnhono. D. Legonoand!stinrtolind 13.


C(Jl1stmim and Accclcnning Factors of Hydrology aile! \Yakr Resources in C-13

Monsoon rセァゥッャQ for The Devclopment ofIrrigated Paddy Lal\d:A C:lse Snldy ,·n

!.lnli Island

Author: S::lhidSUSal1lO

Dcvdopmellt of !:lio-System Management for Land and\V<Iter Conservat ion of ("-14


AUlhor: Snhid Susanro


Th.. JII:erll"tiollaf Symp:llil,lm 011 Agri(l,lflllraJ JOe' Biosysr",m rlleioeermg (JSMlE)セoャ}

Prospec!i\'cs of Water Table Management on Reclaimed Tidal Lowl3nds with C-15

SubsurJilcc Drainage Systems (Case Srudy of Banyll Urip of Banyl.lasin, South

Sumatera Province. Indonesia)

Authors' Erry Koriyami. Robiyall1o H. Susanto. Dedi Setiablldidaya.


and F.X. Suryadi

Load Force of Water in Tuocsall Irrigation Waler-Scooped Wheel

Authors: .\Johanllnad Agita Tjandra and Apri Roma Habeahan

Organic Y1ulching for Soil Water Conservation

Author: :'\1uhjidin Mawardi

I'erfonnnncc of Rotary Sprinkler on The 01)' Land

Author: Silli ;-"f ur Fl1ridah. Daniel Useng. ,\lahmud Aehmad. Aryuni

Soil Const'rvation sエイセャャャGァケ for Potentially Landslide Areas in Gilltllllg

Sllh-Watershed. Celllral Java Province. Indonesia

/\uthors: Nur Airnlll Pulungfln. Chandnf SCly:man, So:kar Jatiningl)'as, Jllnun Sanohadi


Water Quality (0005 and COD) Mapping of West Tanull Calla I as \\Imer R\,.'sourees JorJrrigalion

Awhors : MouJi Dc Rizka Dewantoro and Yan El J{izal U.D.







CllllfilCICrislic of Friction and Shading Rate for AJ-Screl'n Curtain 0-2

Authors: Wonsi" Choi, Sunmi Choi. Kyungran Kim. Changju Lee. Jacyoung !3yun. undSungyoung Park, and Daeyoung Park


Tne InternJI onal Sympo,:um On Agritu.\UfJI ,,00 B,osystemセョァゥョ・・ヲャャャX (ISABE) 2013

Utilization of Cassava Ped as Feed by Fcrmenwtiotl (Z,'1"O \Vast(' Application in D-3 Mocnr IndllStly)

Authors: Andrew Setinwan. Gcnsi Ginting. Sukatiningsih. Achmad Subagio

Ulilization of Tofu Liquid WasH: as Growing \lC'dia lor Hair Wom1(TI/bifex sp.)10 D--t Reduce Environmental Pollution

AllIhors : Arief Muammnr, Aditya \'Iahendra, Astin R. Safitri

Cultivation ofChlol"ello5/). ill Tofu Processing W:lstcwater Using Raceway 0-5 Recirculated PondIlioreactor

Authors: WahyunantoA. t\'ugroho. r..'lustofa Lutti

Effect ofTransicni Organic LOJd f1ucnlation using Cassava |v。セエ・ Water on D-6 Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor

Authors: Yllsroll Sugi<"lrlo. Pratin Kulbv:lllijayn

Reduction of (vlctal t-.lercury Concentration by The Plant's \·131a Lele(A::olla

pinllOIaR. H,..) lor Irrigation Waler

Amhors: Rllsnam. ,\smi\\arti and ;"laid:lr Pratomo



Inoculation of Uromyel:ldium Teppcrinnum Causes Gall Rust Disease in Various 0-8 ProvenmlCI,.'::' Sengon(Fafca/(l,.ia mofllcc{/I/(I(f\liq.)

Authurs: j\ricf t-.tu3mmar, Gila i\lcidiana. Filria R. RatmacJllnti. Sili H.f'.:urrohm:1h and Diah Rachmaw.:ui

Spectral Imaging Technology for Quality r.:valtmtion of Agricultural イ|Gャ。ャ・イゥ。ャセ D-9 AlIlhor: Byoung-Kwan Cho


TheQBH」イョセエゥッBji SYln ..セウゥオュ onAericullUfJI,mcBiOWIlemHョfLャiQ」」イゥョセ lISABE)20 1J


Phenotypic Characters Analysis of Cross Melon(Cucumis metaL.) Tacapn


Authors: Gallies Riza Arislya ,Andi"a Tripranl\ldya Ollggo. Budi Sctiadi D;ll)'otlO

Yield Function .'Vlodel of Vegetable Crops

Author!'.: Ralunan Ari[ Rahmad Hari I>umomo and HildaAgustina

Jelent!fic,ltioll of:"Jilrogcll Sw tliS in BmssicajUII("(:'{/L. Usi 11gCoIor MomCllt,

G LCMand 13ackpropagarion Ncural Network

Authors: [ Putu Gede I3udisanjaya.I. K.G. Dilflna Pulra andI セケッャャャ。ョ Satya Kumara




Rcal Time [)cto:ctionof Pin Hole on Worm-eaten Chestnut with 2CCD Camera 0-13

Authors: Soo Hyun Park,$00 Hee Lee. Seong t\lin Kim and Sang Ha Koh

Growth and Liglll Utilization EfficictKy of LCtltu:e as Affected by Frcquency and 0-1-1

DutyRatio of LED Illumination

Authors: JacSu Lco..: and Yong Hycoll Kim

i\ \Iodel-Based Approach for Extracting Viscoelastic Propenies from Ultrasound D-15 McasuretllCnls

Authors: Sri \Vnluyo.YaGlIO. (j;lJ)gYao"me!Jinglu T(Ul

Energy and{ュゥAGNウゥッョセ on LClnuru(Sardinellasp.) Fishing in Bali Stmit 0-16

AUlhors; Miftahul Choiron, \Vahyu Supanono.Ag. Suryandono

Scale·upofProduction Systcm Prior to COlllmcn.:ial mッセウ lSphagfl/l1ll sfJ-) Rooftop 0-17


Authors: Mirwan Cshada, WHdan Fnjar I3achtinr. Ario \\'ic<!ksol1o.llaruhiko


The RoJ.: ofSct'd Producer in Mainwining Corn Production Susl<linabilily

Alllhors: \\'inda Amilia. Didik Pumadi. Hcnry Yuliando



Theiョャ・イョSエッッョセQ Symposium en Agritvl(UrJI and B,owstem Engineeril\& (ISAB£) 2013

5 ri

Non DCSInH:live Measurcment of C:Hcchin ComelH ill Gambir(Unctlritl gambir 0-19

Roxb) Using NIR Spectroscopy

AUlhors: Andasuryani, Y.A. Purwanto. I.\\'.Budiaslra, K. Syamsll and Lady C.E.Lengkey

NonDestructivc Prediction or Ripc-St.:lge Qualityof .\1:lt1go FrtlitCV 'UL'dvng dMセHj

Gmeu'stored in Low Temperature byL\'IRSpeclroscoPY

Authors: Yohanes ATis Purwanto, Putri Wulandari Zainal, SUlrisno,L'SIll:lll

Ahmad. Yoshio Makino, Sciichi 0:.hit3, Yoshinori Kawagoc and Shinichi Kuroki


Production Oplimization ofCmde Palm Oil al PTPK VII Unll Usaha l3etung by E-l Csing Goal Programming Mcthod

Authors: Ra11l11"d Hari PUl'1l01110, En doArgo Kll11COroand |セ[ャQゥウ Scpli:1I1

Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Selection ofl-krbal Product {Mセ

Author:.: luh PUlll \\"rasimi. DC\\'a Ayui\nom Yuarini_ Ida Ayu i\lahalllla Tuning",{ and 1Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya

Subak Devcloplllcml'rograms to lmpkment Agro-[colOurism E-3 Authors: SumiY.:lti_ Wayan Windia. [ Wayan Tikuand Ni ;':yoillan Sulnstri

A Sll1dy on Delenninant Factor1\fTcr.:1ing pcGイヲッョョ。ョ」セ of Palm Oil Productivity in E-t Pc1alnwan Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia

Authors: \Vidya Alwarrilziand PUlll [langga

Oesignof Wireless Measurcrncnl of Soil Gases nnd Soil Environmcnl Based on eセU

Programmable Systcm-oll-Chip lPSOC)

Authors: AriefSudar1ll3ji. Akio Kiwg:lwa and Junichi t\killl


Tile Internil:lOrlillsケューosiセュ onaァョ」オャエGセイji i1ndBrnystem Engmeennl:1s/.SEj 2013


Development of UV and Violet Illumination SystC'm with High Power LED for [-6 Fluon.:sccncC' lm.:lging

Authors: Ho)'oung Lee, Moon S. Kim. Soo HYUll Park and Sung Ha :.Ioh

Development or Real Time Change Point Analysis lorFidd En\"ironmcrHal Informal ion inAgriculture

Authors: Andri Prim.:! Nugroho. Takashi Okrlyasu. tvluneshi MilsuOka. Eiji Inoue.

Yasumaru Hirai and Lilik SUliurso

Simphfi,-d Aigmilhm "" D,ily Time SlOp Sin",I,"ion ofSl3nd,lono PV SjSlcm E-S

Using Po:ak Sun HOllr Data

Authors: Dimas FimHlllda AI Rila and Sycd Ihl5ham-ul Hag Gilani

- - ' - - "

Image Processing Method for Counting of fish Eggs and Fish Juveniles

!\uthors: ! Wayan ASlika and F:ljartvlulyailli

Institutional Culturc in bイ。ョエ。セ Watcrshed Management Author :セオァイッィッ Tri Waskitho


C· I 0

Modeling and Simulation of Oil Palm I'I:lIll<lIion Producti\ilyBas;:don Land E-I r

Quality and Climalc using Artificial j\'eural Ndwork Author: HCn11antoro

Application ofFuuyqオ。ョエゥヲゥ」セャャゥッョ Theory I in The Criteria Selection of Gate £-12

Opermioll in Hlawong Irrigation Syslem. I:bntul, Yogy<lk:!I1<l Alllhors : Mllrtiningrurn. i\'kga I'rimarini and Saiful Rochdyallio

Kinelic of Drying of Sliced Tunneric with r-.lodificd Direct Sun Drying by Employing Gro.:enhouse Effect

Authors: Hanim Z. I\manah. Sikia Jnsanl'vluli:1\\'ati and Sri Raha)oe



lheGョャセイョセエッッョ。ャ SymPOS'U'l'l on Agfleult",ral and BIOSYSlem (ngllleenng (lSA8£1 2013

NOll Destructive Measurement


Catechin Content in GUlllbir


gal1lbir Roxb.)

Using NI R Spectroscopy

AndasuQ'anil V.A. Purwanto2I W. Budiastra 2 K. Syamsu,l and lady C.F.:.Ch,Lcngkeyl IphD srudenlal Department of Agricultural Engineering. Faculty of Agricultural Technolog)

and Engineering. Bogor Agricultural Uni\crsiry, Bogar. Indonesia. Email: ancb ....ul) ani!a grn;lll.cofl1_

"Dcpal1ll1ent of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering. Faculty of Agricultural T\.'chnotogy and Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University. 13ogor. Indonesia.

;Departmenl of Agro industrial Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bogar Agricultural University. Bogor. Indonesia.


Gambir is one of Indonesian export commodities. Catechin content is main determinant of gambir quality, In tnlditional market. determining of the gambir catechin content is condllctcdqllalitutively based onexperience ofthe assessor which led to subjeclivemeasuremenl. Chemical method 10 detennine catechin 」ッュセQャi of gamblr quantil3tively, Thismethodis notefficiem since il requires cxpensivechemical reagenb.takes 3

long lime. and destnlclive. ,t=ar infrared ( IR) セー・」Hイッウ」ッーケ is one of Ihe non dcstmctiw Icchniques which can infonn gumbir quality. The objective of this study was to demonsmlle of i\IR speclroscopy 10 measure of catechin content in gambir. PaniaJ Leasl Square (PLS) method by combination pre-treatment between normalization between 0 and I (nOl). and firs! derivative Savitzky-Golay 9 pOInts (dgt) WilS llsed tu develop calibration model. Value of

consistency and V-Set PRESS was used 10 detell11ine the optimu111 !lumber of ilLS エィ」エッイセN

The result showed Ihal calibrmion model with 6 PLS factors was the bcsi prediCli\c models for catechin content since it provided a high accuracy as well as precise models. \1odel for catechin conlent showed thc bias value - 0.10%. SEC == 3.560 0 , SEP = 3.27 00.correlalion coefficient (r) = 0.95, CY = 4.86 %. and RPD = 3.60. The rcsull demonslrated that NIR spectroscopy might be applied to meClsure catechin content in gambir accur;'lIcly_

kHセ|woャG、ウZ gmllbil'. carechin, .rv'IR spcclrw;copy, 11011 deslrllcliw:, lHi;'aS/tr(!I!Il'III, PiS


Gambir is an extr.lcted product from the leaves andyoungtwigsof gmnbir((;ncari.,

gambierRoxb.) pl:ml. Gambir is one of Ihe Indonesian export commodities. It contributes to

around 80% of the gClmbir trading in tile world (Glimbira-Sa'id, 2009),50111e studies rdated the presence of catechin in gambir revealed that it is USllCllly tile most abundant bioacllve compound (Taniguchi et al.. 2007a: Apca-Bah et al.. ZOOt): Anggraini et al.. 2011). It is potential as araw malerial in various indllstrie:o.. particularly phannaccuticaJ anucusmetic inUuslries. Catechin content in gambir is used as one of the quality parameters of garnbir in accordance with lhe Indonesia gamblr Imding standard. St 101-3391-2000. Tradilionally. delennining of the gambir catcchin cOlllent is conducled qualitatively based on experience of Ihe assessor which Jed 10 subjective measurement. rvleanwhile. there is chemical melhod to delenlline catechin content of gambir quantitatively. However, this method is not efficient since it requires expensive chemical re,lgCnlS and takes a long time. In addition. this method


The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Eng,neenng (ISABE) 2013

is destructive, Therefore, an efficient and non-destl11ctive method is needed 10 detennine

gambir catechin content,

In recent years, Near Infra Red (NJR) spectroscopy isone of non-destructive techniques for measLlrillg qualityparamelers of different commodities. NIH. spectroscopy is particularly sensitive to the presence of molecules containing the C-I-LO-H, and \J-H groups (Abu-KhalaC 20(2). N1R spectroscopy has deClsive advantages comparcd to traditional methods, whereby it analyse sample rapidly (a few seconds per sample) and no necd sample preparation (Guggenbitchler et a!., 2006; Pissard et aI., 2012; Saleh, 2012). In additIon. it is a chemical-free (limited to the reagents required for reference analyscs1 and no waste is produced (Yan et al.. 2009; Pissard et al.. 2012) and can be carried Ollt on-hnt (Saleh. 2012) and can be applied quickly, accurately and nOll destructive which has grown rapidly and can replacethe old chemical analysis (Chen el 01" 2009). NIR spectroscopy has been applJed to delennine bioactive compound such as carotenoids, glucosinolates, phenolics, fatty aCIds (McGoverin et al., 2010),The objecll\'e of this study was to demonstrate ofNIR spectroscopy to measure of catechin COlllent in gambir.

Materials and methods


The 162 raw gambir llsed in this study were randomly divided into two groups of samples: the first group was used to develop the calibration models (108 samples) and the other for predicting quality and model vaildation purposes (54 samples). The samples wereobrainedfromSigunturvillage, Koto IlTarusan subdistrict. Pesisir Selatan District. West Sumatera, Indonesia,



Delermining catechin content of gambJr was conductedby reklTing to Indonesia National standard namely was SNI 0j-3391-2000. Instrument of SpcclrophotometerU-20 10, Hitachi was used to measure gambircatechincontent.

Spectra acquisition

This study used inslrumclll Buchi NIRFlex N-500 Fiber optics solids wlmh had [·esolution of4cm-I and 8 scans, tocollect samplc spectra, The instrument was operated using software NIR Ware 1.2 (Bi.ichi Labortechlllk AG, Flawil. Switzerland). Spectnt data was collected from 10000 to4000cm-1

(\000 to 2500 nm) WIth interval of4 cm-I• Measurements

of each sample were conducted three times at different positions in a room temperature 01'25


Spectrum which was produced by each samples, was averaged prior to build a calibration model.


Chem01l1etricsanalysis in this study used NIRC1IS.2(Bl\chi LabortechnikAG, Fbwil. SWitzerland) byusmg Partial LeastSquare(PLS) algorithm. ThiS study did nOI only use Ihe originalspectra(original), but also combination of normalization between 0 and j

(nOI)witbfirst derivative Savitzky-Golay 9 points (dgl). Selection the number ofoptimumPLS factors \vas done based on value 0[consistency(80-IIO°/'1) andas smallest as


SEC(%) セ

The Intern"tional Sympo'lum on Ajllcultur.al ilnd BloSySlem Engineering IISAB{jl013

possiblt: value of PredicledResidunISumSquareError(PRESS) of iィ・カ。ャゥ、。ャゥッョセ」エHvMウ・ャᆳ

PRESS). The number ofPLSfnctorswas )10 15.

Data analysis

Stulislicalpammeli:rsusedloc\ alu31elhe resultc-d model \\ ere bla". )wndard errorofcalibmlionset (SEC). standard errorofvalidalionsel (SEP). coefficient corrdation (r).ccoefficienlofvnriation(CY) and ratio of prediction to deviation (RPD).

Bias (%)




(XII - Yn)

_1_,\(, _ Y )'

n⦅ャセGョ n

SEP (%)




(xo - Yo - Bias)'











CV(%) セ -_-









(x" - Yo)'

SEC Consistency





WhereNisthe number of samples: Xn is value of reference catechin: Yn i:-Ihe \altlc of\IRprediclion clIlechin.

Resulls and discussion

Data of Gambir Catechin allCl Spectra


Table I shows the statistics summa!)' for all samples calechin COtHenl in the calibration sci and \'alidation seL Standnrd de\intion bd\\een the calibration sel and \alidutlon )et showed insignificant differences. Therefore. lhe \'ariance of data in the SCi calibration and validation sel are equal.

Table 1, SIal istieal


value of gilmbir catechincOlltcnt (')/1) \v/w)

Srunplセ SCI Number of sample i'vlinimul1l Maxilnllll1 Av-:r:lge sエセョ、Zオ、

dc\ Intion

Calibration Set 108 40.71 84.79 65.65 11.88

Vahdalion Sel 54 41.54 83.91 67.21 11.76

The original rencctance spectra of some gmnbir samples revenl some \'illleys III the region of 1000-2500 nm (Figure 1). The:-e \alle):- exist hecuuse molecule SlrtlClurcs of catechin contain has many hydnc groups. However, as NIl{ spectra ill thl.: region ッヲRRョLセセ


tセ IlllernilUOl\ollsvューッセGャNャュ on Agr {U Wfill ilndrioセセャ・ュ [ngmeelOlli I,SA8£1 2013

- 2500 nm showed high noise, it wa,> climinated for al1aly'>ls. Therefore spectra in the region 1000 . 2222.22 11m were used to develop the model.


セ 0 "


セ 0



'- 1-000 1«.0 I 2OCO

\\ 3\\'ll'ogth (om)

Figure I.The original reflectance spectra of some gambir samples

The influence of differentpre-processing methodsand number offat'lorsto 。cャGャャイ。エBセ of PLS J\lodcl

PLS IS an effective dimension reduclion method in near-infrared spectroSCOP)

analysis. The spectrum infonnmion of sample componems are showed the lalent variable:>. Funhennore. the selection of number of PLS factors was \ery essential 10 イ・、lャョセ nOIse and use of speclral information fu lly (Chen et a1.. 201 3), Figure2sho\\"s influence of the Ilumber uf PLS filctorS to consistency and V-sel PRCSS valuc, If spet'tril pre-processing treiltment was not applied, a minimum of validation en·or was observed in the 15 PLS factors,It provided consistency value 98.69 % and V-set PRESS value 948.51. Optimal number 01" factor obtained while using nOI in combination with dgl pre-trealmem method was 6. This number of factor provided consistency 108.960/0 value and V-sel PRI:.SS value 566.126.11 was found

that if spectra pre-processing method W;'lS applil:'d. Ihe number of PLS-faetor. cuuld be

reduced.It could be explained that spectra pre·processing lnl:'thod of tho: 、・イゥ|ュゥ|セ could overcome the overlapping spectra and throw other components excepl calechin which left

factot"s thal inform about catechin only,

. . . .セ A to セ , ' - ' セ

MNセッ セ


...,-;, t> <> ...






, • " ' I ''- I' , \ ,.LセNG ,,'セiG "',....

",.. 6





















i:. .'"









__ ...






セ セ


.. '" II 1セ ,,1.\



oエセセ ..1












Figure 2. The influence anhe number ofPLSfactorslOconsislency and V-Sel-PRESS

Perfom1ance of paramelers of the model using different pre-processing melhods to predict catechin con lent of gambir arc given in Table2. Spectra pre-processing method ofnO 1 in combination with dgl increased C01Tc!ation coefficient between calechin references and predicted from 0.94 10 0.95 whilst SEP value decreased from 4.14 % to 3.27 % and numher


The InternaClonal SympoSium on Agncult",ral and 6i05ystem Engineering (lSABEJ2013


of PLS factors decreased f!"Om 15 to 6, It could be concluded thai sp('ctm pre-pl'ocessing methodand number of faclOr had effects on the rrediclion pafonnance of model PLS.

Table 2. The result ofcalibrmionandvalidation ofgambircmcchin content Prc-


Consistency Calibration Set

processing Factor (°0 )




Original 15 98.70 4,09 0.94

nOI. dgl 6 10H.96 3.56 0.95




C\' Bias


(°0) (" 0) (Uoj

-l,14 094 6,16 -0,K6 :2.K"

.1.27 0.96 -U..6 0.10 3.60

Prediction of Catcchin ContE'nt in Cambir

Figure 3shows calibration model forpredicting catechin contenL II \\as y - 0.91 .\ Nセ 5,90.The model provided low v<llue of SEC (3,56%)and SfP (3,27 %). In addition, the SI:::P

valuc was not greater than two times ofSEC prevented over fining (HrtlschJ.;a. 1990). The

values of SEC and SEP which were generated by the model indicated that lhe modd has high precision. Bias values closed to zero indicated thaI the model has high accuracy (Williams and Norris, 1990). II means thai th.: model will be maintained for the prediction of catechin content in gambir. Furthennorc. the modelalsoshoweda goodcOlT.:Jationbd\\..:cn therd"er.:nce calechin content withNIRpredktion catechin, as indicated by thehiglnalue ofthccorrelationcoeflicicnl(r>O.90) (Williams andNorris, 1990),

The model obtained CVvallle<5%. which indicatedthauhe reslilted modeh\3S appropriate to predict catechin content of gambir in the newdata


RPO was measurement abilit)' of NIR modeltopredicta componenl lefficiently (Williams and Noms. 1990). Bast'd onobtained RPDvallies (3.6).then theresulted modeh\3S e.\cdlenltoprcdict the gamblr catechin conten1.RPO value above 3.0 b \c-ry good for predicting {iv!oua7en eta!.. .:!005).\t could be concluded thaI ll1o{id witharpliciltion of pre-processing mcthod of 1101 in combination with dgl showed higher aecm<lcyandrrecisionthan the originall1lodel. It indicated that pre-processing methodwas importanl prior 10 modelingas itwould improve the

accuracy and precision of calibration model (Schulz ctaL 1999: UdelhovenclaJ., 2002: and Ouyangetal., 2012).


The loterniltlOoillsケューッsiセュ on Air cullurillilnd Blosystem Engml:'l:'rrng (·SABEI2013



Y'" 091" ... 5.90




80 SF:P - .'-+"







u 60






40 50 60 70 80 90

Measured cat.:chin byイ・ヲ・イセョ」・ method(00)


8C'liibr,ltionS..:l OVlllidiHion set

Figure 3. Scaner plot of measured versus predicted catechin content U''1ng nOI In combination with dgl and 6 PLSfactors


The prediction modelwas developed using thePLSalgorithm to explain rellilionship between :'-IIR spectra data and catechin cOIuent.The model hada lowSECandSEP. a hIgh rand aslighlly difference between SEC and SEP values. These イ・セャャャエ were achieved when nOI 11l

combination with dglpre-processing method and 6 PLS 1'actors was applied.Tllls smd} dcmonstrated capability of l\'IR spectroscopy as a methou which could replace trnuitional ns well as chemical method to detennine emechin content of gambir. It is also showed that there is possibility10develop non-deSlnlClive method 10 measure gambir catechin content.


The authors express their appreciation for the linaneial suppOrt by Strategic Research Granl of DGHE Ministry of EduC:lIion and Cullure. The Republic of Indonesia No. SO IT3.41.2 Ll SPKJ2013 (01 \1ei 1013).


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Table 1, SIal istieal or value of gilmbir catechincOlltcnt (')/1) /w)
Figure I. The original reflectance spectra of some gambir samples
Table 2. The result ofcalibrmionandvalidation ofgambircmcchin content
Figure 3. Scaner plot of measured versus predicted catechin content U''1ng nOI Incombination with dgl and 6 PLSfactors


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