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A Thesis



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Registration Number: 8136112007






Hasibuan, Derliana. Registration Number: 8136112007. Diagnosing Language Styles in Mandailing Batak Wedding Ceremony. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Post Graduate School. State University of Medan.2015.



Hasibuan, Derliana. NIM: 8136112007. Mendiagnosa Gaya Bahasa di dalam Upacara Pernikahan Suku Batak Mandailing. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan.2015.



Writing thesis is not as easy as it seems because of a few of factors. First, it requires serious thinking about choosing the topic to be discussed. Second, there should be a deeper understanding of the research procedures. Third, there should enough motivation to complete the academic assignment to earn a degree. In this case, the writer realizes that completing such as a task is difficult as she is still lack of the knowledge to conduct a scientific research which can contribute to the development of knowledge. Despite of many difficulties she was convinced that she would be able to accomplish it by the assistance of her professional lecturers and advisors. This thesis of course would not have been completed as it is without their assistance.

On this particular occasion, the writer would like to thank her first advisor, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, who has given her valuable time to check the contents of this thesis as well as guided her to accomplish it in due time. She has always provided information and advice dealing with the procedures of doing the research. A very special appreciation and appraisal is especially directed to her for being such a wise lecturer and great care to her students.


the English Applied Linguistics Study Program for his professional guidance and support in settling the administrative procedures.

She is also indebted to Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. and Dr.I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas, M. Hum., her reviewers and examiners for their valuable knowledge and inputs.

Next, she should express her gratitude to her beloved Parents Pontas Hasibuan and Marlina Siregar, S.Pd who have given her the best education to be more mature and responsible for the future life. Their never-ending love is the inspiration that has led her to realize her power in solving any problem in her life. Furthermore, her thanks also go to Drs. Syarifuddin Nst, the head of Marindal I Village Medan, for his cooperative attitude in allowing her to conduct the research in his village. All the writer’s friends and whose names are not mentioned she should also give appreciation for their encouragement that has made her achieve the success.

Finally, the thesis is dedicated to those who wish to learn more about Sociolinguistics. All the errors in this thesis are her sole responsibility.

Medan, Juli 2015 The writer,


2.1.2 The Factors Affecting of Language Styles ... 15

2.1.3 Philosophy of Mandailing Batak in Wedding Ceremony ... 17


4.1.2 Language style realized in MBWC ... 38

4.1.3 The reason language styles are realized in MBWC ... 41

4.2. The Findings ... 41

4.3.1 Language Styles in Mangupa Event ... 42

4.4 Discussion ... 48


5.2 Suggestions ... 50







1. The Speeches’ Tapescripts ……….. 55

2. List of Interview Questions ……… 71

3. Interview Transcripts ……….. 72

4. Informants ……….. 78

5 . Participants ………. 79

6 . The Terms Glossary of Mangupa event ……… 81



1.1. The Background of the Study

In Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony, there is Mangupa event. it is the

core of Mandailing wedding ceremony. It is attended by the elements of Dalihan

Na Tolu ( Kahanggi, Mora, and Anak Boru), and other people such as King and

Head or certain family name ( Harajaon and Hatobangon) as well. Those people

are invited to give speeches ( Hata-hata), which is usually contained with advises,

expectation, or even prayer that pointed to the new couple. Furthermore, this event

is conducted by using verbal communication and employ many kinds of things

which symbolize expectation and prayer of the attendants.

Mangupa event is the most unique and interesting event within the weddings

ceremony in Mandailing culture. Beside that, this event is usually crowded by

many people who are invited to celebrate the ceremony, including those who are

asked to give the speech (Hata-hata) in the event. There will be long speeches and

many cultural verses and expressions.

According to Joos (1967:153-155) that there are five categories of language

styles, they are: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and

intimate style. Joos (1967: 153-155) defines that frozen style is used for a very

formal setting such as in palace, church, speech of state ceremony and some other


Paragraph 1

“Harajaon Na Mulia” (“Kingdom which Great” or “The Honorable Kingdom”)

Paragraph 2

“Allah Swt. Na Uli Basa i” (Allah Swt. The Almighty and Merciful)

Paragraph 2

“Tuhanta Na Gumorgo Langit and Na Tumompa Tano(God, The Ruler of heaven

and earth)

Verse 1

“Adat mi ompunta na Robian” (The customs of our Ancestor)

Paragraph 32

“Mangidao maf ma hami ima tu Harajaon Na Mulia” (I would like to apologize

to my Honorable Kings)

The second style is formal style. It is used for important situation. It is also

used in addreesing spectator, especially when the spectator is in large number.

Example special expression from the groom side to the bride‟s side:

1. “Parjolo au marsantabi tu barisan ni dalihan na tolu, kahanggi,

anak boru, mora songoni tu barisan ni harajaon, sumurung lobi

tu raja panusunan bulung nadung juguk di juluan ni bagas

godang on”. (Paragraph 1)

(First of all, I would like to apologize to Dalihan Na Tolu,


Raja Panusunan who are all now sitting on the uluan of this

Bagas Godang). Below are the descriptions of the first paragraph:

a. Parjolo au marsantabi tu tu Dalihan Na Tolu


b. Au marsantabi tu tu Kahanggi


c. Au marsantabi tu tu Anak Boru


d. Au marsantabi tu tu Mora


e. Au marsantabi tu tu Harajaon


f. Au marsantabi ima tu tu Raja Panusunan


g. Sudena nadung juguk di juluan ni Bagas Godang On.

S P Complement Adverb of Time

The third is consultative style. It is used for semiformal situation. It is kind

of language which is required from everyday speaker. It is common from of

speech in a tiny group. Example Special expression in asking something uttered in

Bataknese ceremony :

1. Orang Kaya : “Maidia nakkin anak boruna….?”


In this case, Orang Kaya (Mc) asks Anak Boru to open the

cover of the rice, which is served in front of the couple. The

clause “Maidia nakkin anak boruna?”. In English becomes

“Where is his anak boru?” it means that, firstly, the Mc

consults the presence and readiness of anak boru to lift up the

rice cover, and at the same time anak boru responded by saying


The fourth is casual style. It is used for conversation in our relaxed or

normal condition that is proper to the conversation with our friends or some, such

as outside the classroom, when the students have a chat. Positively, casual style is

characterized by the use of the first name or even nickname rather than a little

name and the last name in addressing one another. Example Special expression in

– group friends uttered in Bataknese ceremony :

1. “Buka hamu bo pacopat anak boruna…!” (paragraph 6)

(open it fastly, anak boru….)

The fifth is intimate style. It is used for a completely private language

developed within families, lovers and the closest friends. After identifying all the

clauses, intimate style was not found in the participants‟ transcripts speeches. It

was due to the fact that all the speakers of the event employed custom (formal),

consultative, casual, and frozen styles while delivering the speeches and it was not

allowed using such intimate words since Mangupa event is a cultural occasion.

Based on the above explanations, the writer of this study is interested in


the Bataknese and the process of Mandailing Batak that takes much more time in

managing a marriage ceremony starting from Mangalap Boru until Mangupa

event as the final session of the wedding ceremony.

1.2 The Problems of Study

1. What language styles are used in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony?

2. How are language styles realized in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony?

3. Why are language styles realized in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony

the way they are?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

In connection with the problems of the study, the objectives are to:

1) Describe the language styles used in Mandailing Batak wedding


2) Explain the language styles realized in Mandailing Batak wedding


3) Discover the reasons of the language styles realized in Mandailing Batak

wedding ceremony.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study covers the analysis on the language styles used by Mandailing

Batak wedding ceremony. This study intended to find the existence of language

styles proposed by Joos namely frozen style, formal style, consultative style,

casual style, and intimate style in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony

particularly in Mangupa event.


1. - Theoretically, the findings are expected to be a guidance for those who

are interested in enlarging their horizon on Mandailing Batak culture,

particularly Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony (parhata) in Mandailing

Batak wedding ceremony.

2. - Practically, to keep using the language styles of wedding ceremony

the way it is.

- Findings are expected to be useful for other researchers who are

interested in analyzing language styles in Mandailing Batak wedding

ceremony. And the last for academically, findings can be helpful way

for developing and increasing the world science especially in

sociolinguistics subject. Furthermore, it is the specific contribution to




The study focused on language styles used by the participants of Dalihan

Na Tolu in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony. Based on the analysis, the

conclusions are started as the following:

1. Not all language styles are found in this Mandailing Batak wedding

ceremony however, there are four language styles namely: formal

style, frozen style, consultative style and casual style.

2. The participants of Dalihan Na Tolu in Mandailing Batak wedding

ceremony is mostly realized in formal style

3. Language style in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony is realized in

formal form because the event of Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony

is in important situation where the extended family of bride and

bridegroom gather together and in order to honour every side of bride

and bridegroom this formal style is used.

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are as the following:

1. The lecturers who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics to

give attention, not only for foreign language and Indonesian but also to the

cultures of vernacular. If they know more about culture of vernacular,


other regional cultures. In turn it can enrich not only lecturers’ horizon but

also the students as well.

2. The students of Linguistics Study program are expected to use these

research findings as a guidance for enlarging their horizon on Mandailing

Batak culture, particularly Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony (parhata)

in Mandailing Batak wedding ceremony.

3. To other researchers, it is expected to do more research about Mandailing

wedding ceremony from different emphasis. So, more information about

Mandailing language and its wedding ceremony can be presented not only

as a kind of information to the non-native of Mandailing people but also to



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Table 4.1       The classification of Types of Language Styles in Mangupa Event …….33


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