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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Frida Purusadani

Student Number: 051214077




AThesis on



By Frida Purusadani Student Number: 051214077

Approved by


Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. May 15, 2010


AThesis on



By Frida Purusadani Student Number: 051214077

Defended before the Board of Examiners on May 6, 2010

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________________

Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________________

Member : G. Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. __________________

Member : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________________

Member : Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. __________________

Yogyakarta, May 6, 2010

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University


Drs. Tarsisius Sarkim, M.Ed., Ph.D., Ph.D.


I dedicate this thesis to

My Almighty God, Jesus Christ,

My beloved parents, sisters, and brother, and

My lovely friends wherever they are.



I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, May 10, 2010 The writer

Frida Purusadani 051214077




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Nomor Mahasiswa : 051214077

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Pada tanggal: 20 Mei 2010

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Frida Purusadani



Purusadani, Frida. 2010. Using Fun with English as Audio-Visual Materials to Develop Speaking Skill of Junior High School Students. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill in English is important for everyone who studies English, especially students in junior and senior high schools. However, students’ speaking skill is low, for example, students of SMP N 4 Ngaglik. From an observation in the classroom, it was revealed that the causes were the lack of practices and interactive activities, the lack of motivation and interest, the lack of confidence and media, and the use of conventional method. Theoretically, those problems and all related causes can be solved by using audio-visual materials. Audio-visual materials attract students’ attention and interest, increase students’ motivation, and build interaction. Here, the researcher chose Fun with English. It is visual and auditory materials using live pictures. It uses natural language, fulfills the bidirectional learning, meets students’ needs based on the curriculum, and facilitates the integrated teaching learning process. Because Fun with English

covers all students’ needs, it is important to implement the use of Fun with English to develop students’ speaking skill through research.

This research was a Classroom Action Research which aims to solve students’ problems related to the low mastery of speaking skill. There are two problems to solve in this research. First, how is Fun with English as audio-visual materials implemented to develop English speaking ability of junior high school students? Second, how does Fun with English as audio-visual materials improve the English speaking ability of junior high school students? To answer the first research problem, the researcher observed the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Ngaglik behaviors and attitudes during the teaching learning process using classroom observation checklist. Meanwhile, to answer the second research problem the researcher used questionnaire as the instrument. The researcher also employed hypothesis testing (based on score of pre test and post test) to know the improvement of the students’ achievement. The procedure of the implementation of Fun with English to develop students’ English speaking skill was as follows: plan, action and observation, reflection.

The implementation of the use of Fun with English to develop speaking skill of junior high school students was done in two cycles. In the first cycle, the researcher implemented the use of Fun with English only. There were six activities in this cycle. They were watching a film taken from Fun with English,

doing a quiz taken from Fun with English, discussing the answer, making a short dialogue using the expressions taken from Fun with English, practicing the dialogue in pairs, and conducting a formative test. The result of the first cycle was that there was no improvement in students speaking skill. In the second cycle, there were nine activities. They were Shout me Loudly (drilling pronunciation taken from Fun with English), Watch Out (watching a film taken from Fun with


English), discussion, Grammar Mastery (doing exercises on grammar), Act As

(practicing conversation), Reading (reading a text based on topic from Fun with English), practicing the dialogue in pairs, Performance (conducting a formative test). The result of the second cycle was that students made some progress on their speaking skill. From the questionnaire, it was found that the use of Fun with English was effective. It was motivating, encouraging, clearer, more interesting, more understandable, more useful, and builds students’ confidence and interaction. From the hypothesis testing, it was found that the standard deviation of post-test (0.88) was lower that the standard deviation of pre-test (1.72). It means that the improvement is significant and it makes students skill more homogeneous.

There were several suggestions proposed based on the results of the study. The first suggestion was for teachers. They might use these research findings to make some progress on their students’ achievements by adding several communicative activities. The second suggestion was for readers, especially would-be teachers. They might use these research findings for various educational purposes. The last suggestion was for other program developers. They should add several activities which make students active, creative, and interactive if they are going to create audio-visual learning materials.



Purusadani, Frida. 2010. Using Fun with English as Audio-Visual Materials to Develop Speaking Skill of Junior High School Students. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Keahlian berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting bagi siapa saja yang belajar Bahasa Inggris, terutama bagi siswa SMP dan SMA. Akan tetapi, keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa rendah. Sebagai contoh, keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa SMP N 4 Ngaglik. Dari hasil pengamatan di kleas, terungkap bahwa penyebabnya adalah tidak adanya latihan-latihan berbicara dan aktifitas interaktif, tidak adanya motivasi belajar dan ketertarikan terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, hilangnya rasa percaya diri siswa, tidak adanya media pendukung, dan penggunaan metode konvensional. Secara teori, masalah-masalah dan semua penyebab tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan materi pembelajaran audio-visual. Materi pembelajaran audio-visual mampu menarik perhatian dan minat siswa, meningkatkan motivasi, dan mampu membangun interaksi siswa. Di sini, penulis memilih Fun with English sebagai media yang diterapkan. Fun with English adalah materi pembelajaran audio visual yang menngunakan gambar bergerak. Fun with English menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana, mencakup pembelajaran dua arah, mencakup kebutuhan siswa sesuai dengan kurikulum, dan memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar secara integrative. Karena

Fun with English mencakup semua kebutuhan siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, maka penting untuk menerapkan media ini untuk mengembangkan keahlian berbicara siswa melalui penelitian.

Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah siswa berkaitan dengan rendahnya penguasaan keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Ada dua masalah yang diselesaikan melalui penelitian ini. Pertama, bagaimana

Fun with English sebagai materi audio visual diterapkan untuk mengembangkan keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa SMP? Kedua, bagaimana Fun with English

sebagai materi audio visual dapat meningkatkan keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa SMP? Untuk menjawab masalah penelitian yang pertama, peneliti mengamati perilaku dan sikap siswa kelas tujuh SMP N 4 Ngaglik selama mengikuti proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Pengamatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar pengamatan kelas. Sedangkan untuk menjawab masalah penelitian yang kedua, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumennya. Peneliti juga menerapkan hypothesis testing (berdasarkan nilai pre-test dan post-test) untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Langkah-langkah penerapan Fun with English untuk mengembangkan keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa adalah sebagai berikut: perencanaan, tindakan dan observasi, refleksi.

Penerapan penggunaan Fun with English untuk mengembangkan keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa SMP dilakukan dalam dua putaran. Putaran yang pertama adalah penggunaan hanya Fun with English. Ada enam aktifitas pada putaran ini. Aktifitas-aktifitas tersebut antara lain: menonton film yang diambil dari Fun with English, mengerjakan kuis, berdiskusi, membuat percakapan pendek menggunakan


ekspresi yang diambil dari Fun with English, mempraktekkan percakapan yang dibuat, dan melaksanakan tes formatif. Hasil dari putaran pertama adalah bahwa siswa tidak mengalami peningkatan pada keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka. Pada putaran ke dua, ada sembilan aktifitas yang dilakukan. Aktifitas-aktifitas tersebut antara lain:

Shout me Loudly (melatih siswa mengucapkan kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang diambil dari Fun with English), Watch Out (menonton film yang diambil dari Fun with English), berdiskusi, Grammar Mastery (mengerjakan latihan-latihan tata bahasa), Act As (mempraktekkan percakapan), Reading (membaca teks berdasarkan topic dari Fun with English), mempraktekkan percakapan secara berpasangan, Performance

(melaksanakan tes formatif). Hasil dari putaran kedua adalah siswa mengalami peningkatan pada keahlian berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka. Dari hasil analisa kuesioner, ditemukan bahwa penggunaan Fun with English sangatlah efektif. Fun with English mampu memotivasi siswa, mendorong siswa, lebih jelas dalam menyampaikan materi, lebih menarik, lebih mudah dipahami, lebih menguntungkan, dan dapat membangun rasa percaya diri dan interaksi siswa. Dari hasis hypothesis testing, diperoleh data bahwa standar deviasi pre-test (0.88) lebih rendah daripada standar deviasi post-test (1.72). Ini berarti bahwa peningkatan yang terjadi pada siswa adalah signifikan dan metode ini juga mampu menyeragamkan keahlian siswa.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ada beberapa usulan yang diajukan. Usulan pertama ditujukan kepada para guru. Para guru dapat menggunakan hasil-hasil penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa mereka dengan menambahkan aktifitas-aktifitas yang komunikatif. Usulan yang kedua ditujukan kepada para pembaca, khususnya para calon guru. Para calon guru dapat menggunakan hasil-hasil penelitian ini untuk tujuan-tujuan pendidikan. Usulan yang terakhir ditujukan kepada para pengembang materi pembelajaran. Para pengembang materi pembelajaran sebaiknya melengkapi materi pembelajran audio visual mereka dengan aktifitas-aktifitas yang membuat siswa aktif, kreatif, dan interaktif.



I am very grateful to Jesus Christ who is faithfully leading me and

blessing me every time, everywhere, and everyday so that I could finish this

thesis. I realize that all I have done can not be apart from God’s blessing. Without

God’s blessing, I could not do anything.

I would like to sincerely thank Gregorius Punto Aji S.Pd, M.Hum., my sponsor, for every suggestion and assistance. I would like to give my very special

word gratitude for my beloved parents: Drs. G. Suharto, M.Pd and Veronika Tuginah for their love, affection, support, prayer, and everything. I would also like to thank them for always cheering up my life, encouraging me when I am

down, and understanding my feeling. I would also never forget to thank them for

every suggestion given for the better of my life.

I would like to thank my lovely sisters and brother: Irmina Riris Widiastuti, S.E, Maria Arum Puspita Prihatmi, S.E; and Yohanes Magna Hariarto, S.Pd; who always cheer me up every time I feel sad and encourage me every time I feel desperate and feel disappointed with myself.

I greatly appreciate all the members of SMP 4 Ngaglik, Sleman,

especially for the seventh year students (class C); Wakijo, S.Pd, the principal;

Isniati, S.Pd, the English teacher; classroom teachers; and all the staffs. They have helped me finishing this research.

I would like to thank all lecturers of Sanata Dharma University who

taught me from the first time I studied in this university until the end of my time


to be one of the students here, for the patience and willingness in giving me

knowledge. All lecturers in this university are great and unforgettable.

I would like to express my appreciation to all my friends who have

helped me from the beginning of semester 1 to the end of semester 3; Beni, Ayuni, Retno, Agnes, Olive, and all my classmates from semester 1 to 7. I would also like to thank them for our friendship and their willingness to share knowledge

so we grow together up to this level.

I would also like to give my special thankfulness to my best friends:

Oki, Eka, Lia, Dewi, and Titin who always support me psychologically so that I always have spirit to finish my study. I would never forget to thank my best

friends: Taju, Nita, Dian, and Nancy for always making me laugh, tough, and brave to face every problem in my life. I would also like to thank all Spring

members: Koko, Fandi, Yason, Thomas, and Andre who also played an important role in my study.

I thank all my English private students who I cannot mention one by

one. They are my future. Because of them, I have the opportunity to always

sharpen my saw and keep it bright. They are my wonderful students.

Last but not least, I would also send my gratitude to my guardian angel

who always accompanies, loves, and protects me.

Frida Purusadani




TITLE PAGE ……….. i




ABSTRACT ……… vii

ABSTRAK ……… ix



LIST OF TABLES ……….. xvi




A. Research Background ………... 1

B. Problem Formulation ……… 6

C. Problem Limitation ……… 7

D. Research Objectives ………. 7

E. Research Benefits ………... 7

F. Definition of Terms ……… 8



A. Theoretical Description ………. 12

1. Audio-Visual Materials ………. 12

2. Development of Speaking Ability ………... 13

3. Communicative Language Teaching ……….. 15

4. CALL ………. 16

5. Effective Learning ……… 17

6. Classroom Action Research ………. 19

B. Theoretical Framework ………. 24


A. Research Method ……… 28

B. Research Participants ……… 31

C. Data Gathering Technique and Instrument ……… 32

1. Type of Data ………. 32

2. Data Needed ………. 34

D. Data Analysis Technique ……….. 36

E. Research Procedure ……….. 38


A. The Implementation of the Audio-Visual Material to Develop Students’ Speaking Ability ………. 41


1. Cycle 1 ……… 41

2. Cycle 2 ……… 42

B. Students’ Improvement in English Speaking Ability ………... 47

1. Improvement on Students’ Achievement ……… 47

2. Improvements in Teaching-Learning Process ……… 51


A. Conclusion ………... 56

B. Recommendations ……….. 57

C. Suggestions ……….. 58

REFERENCES ….………... 60





2.1. Correlation between listening, reading, and

writing with speaking ability ……… 26

3.1. Scoring Sheet ……… 32

3.2. Categories in the Questionnaire ……… 33

3.3. The Data Needed ………. 34

4.1.1 The Changes Activities from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2……… 45

4.1.2 The Reflection on Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ……….. 46

4.1.3 The Suggestion on Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ………. 46

4.2. Improvement on Students’ Achievement (N=37) ……… 50

4.3. Data from Calculator Casio fx-3600P ……….. 50

4.4.1 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Effectiveness (N=37) ………. 51

4.4.2 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Interest (N=37) ………. 51

4.4.3 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Clarity (N=37) ……….. 52

4.4.4 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Benefit (N=37) ……….. 52

4.4.5 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Creativity (N=37) ………. 53

4.4.6 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Confidence (N=37) ……… 53

4.4.7 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Motivation (N=37) ………. 53

4.4.8 Improvement in Teaching-Learning Process Based on Interaction (N=37) ………. 54





2.1 Action Research cycle by Stephen Kemmis ………... 22




Appendix 1 Syllabus ………... 62

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan ………... 66

Appendix 3 Student’s Handouts ……… 72

Appendix 4 Teacher’s Handouts ……… 86

Appendix 5 Questionnaire for the students ……….. 100

Appendix 6 The Result of the questionnaire ……… 103

Appendix 7 Classroom Observation Sheet before students were taught using mediated-method …….. 106

Appendix 8 Classroom Observation Sheet after students were taught using mediated-method ………. 107

Appendix 9 Classroom Observation Sheet when students were being taught using mediated-method ………... 108

Appendix 10 Question Sheet of Pre-test ……….. 109

Appendix 11 Question Sheet of Post-test ………. 110

Appendix 12 Pre-test Score ………... 111

Appendix 13 Post-test Score ………. 112

Appendix 14 Scoring Criteria ………... 113

Appendix 15 Hypothesis Testing Result ……….. 114



This chapter discusses the background of the study which is explained

broadly in the rationale. It also discusses the problem formulation, problem

limitation, research objectives, research benefits for teachers, students, and for

researchers, and definition of terms used in the study.

A. Research Background

English is not only used in educational fields but also in work fields. Many

books which are used in educational fields are written in English, and even poems,

novels, and comics are also written in English. English is used as an international

language in the world. Also, it is used as an instructional language in some

schools in Indonesia. Recently, there are many elementary schools, senior high

schools, and junior high schools are growing to be international schools in which

English is used as the instructional language for every subject the students take.

Some elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools choose one

day to be an English day. It shows that English is now being an important

language in Indonesia.

Therefore English is formally taught at school for children starting from

kindergarten and informally taught at home starting from baby period. A mother,

who gives a birth, tries to collect English songs for her baby as a lullaby because

she wants to make her babies accustomed to English words. She expects her


she wants to make her babies accustomed to English word. She expects her

children will be easier in mastering English when they have to start to learn

English in school. Parents who have children in a kindergarten school, in a junior

high school, and in a senior high school also try to find an English course or

private English course for the sake of their children’s mastery and fluency in


Everyone is suggested to be able to speak English fluently. Why speaking?

It is because speaking plays a crucial role in building a communication. Shannon

and Weaver (1949) state: “As part of social behavior, communication is any

means by which one person or creature brings about a change in the knowledge or

behavior of another person or creature.” Also, they said that communication is

sending and receiving messages. It means that we need a good sender and a good

receiver in building a good communication. Good senders are those who can

transmit their message orderly and clearly. Good receivers are those who

understand clearly the transmitted message. It means that in building a good

communication, we need good speaking skills and good listening skills.

For many people, being fluent in speaking English is not easy since English

is not our mother tongue. They should develop their four basic skills to master it.

They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Nevertheless, developing only

four basic skills is not enough. People should also develop the other skills like

pronunciation mastery, vocabulary mastery, and grammar mastery. Frequently,


cannot reply those using English. It seems that they are afraid of making mistakes

and they are not confident enough with their ability in speaking English. It might

happen because they lack practices inside or outside the classroom.

Whereas speaking skill can be said to be good indicators of success in

learning English, we see the fact that English speaking ability of junior high

school students, especially those which are located in small cities or remote

places, shows unsatisfying results. The example of this case is SMP 4 Ngaglik

Sleman. When the researcher discussed this case with the English teacher of the

seventh grade, she said that it was true that her students’ English speaking ability

was not good. It was because students never practice speaking English. She also

explained that the school did not have interesting and effective media to develop

the students’ speaking skill. She also said that she only used textbooks in her

teaching learning activity so there were not many interactive activities to be used.

In fact, the school has a laboratory with a television and VCD player which is

very useful to support the teaching learning activity but the school does not have

recorded materials so the teachers cannot take advantage of them. Because the

teacher only uses the conventional method, consequently the students often get

bored and less interested in the teaching-learning process. They tend to think that

English is difficult and complicated.

When the researcher tried to introduce students to Fun with English, the

researcher observed their attitudes and behaviors during the lesson and the


activity. The teacher was also interested in implementing it. Then the researcher

asked students about their feeling after being taught using Fun with English.

Almost every student said that they were more enthusiastic, happier, and easier in

understanding the materials given. Knowing such a condition, the researcher

concluded that using media in teaching English is crucial because it can attract

students’ attention and interest. It also helps students to know the real situation so

that they can practice it without any hesitation. But, the researcher is not really

sure about this because it was the first time for them to learn with Fun with

English. Since the researcher did it only once, she needs to do the study of using

Fun with English more intensively.

Japanese National Commission for Unesco (1971) stated, “audio-visual

materials play a unique role in conveying what is hard to transmit through

textbooks and present in the classroom lesson.” Audio-visual materials are better

than textbooks in terms of expressing or communicating messages. It is clearer

and more understandable. It is also said by Edling and Paulson (1980) that

instructional media play a key role in the design of systematic instruction because

they establish learners to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes from the

condition that is produced.

It means that audio-visual materials are important and effective to be

implemented in improving students’ achievement in English because it shows the

real situation related to the topic so that students get the exact ideas and there will


understanding. If the students do not really understand the material, they are still

able to guess the meaning of the words by paying attention on what is done by the

pictures they watch. It enables learner to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes


Besides, the success of using media does not only depend on the students,

but also on the teachers, methods, and the school environment. Teachers using

conventional method, in which only teachers play a big role in teaching learning

process, will block the students’ creativity in exploring their ideas and make them

become passive students because they do not have chance or time to practice

speaking and show their ability in the class. In contrast, teachers using

mediated-method in teaching learning process will enable students to explore their creativity

and build their confidence to show their ability in the class. It also makes students

become active because they have much more time and chances to move and speak

up in the class or in the public.

Realizing the benefits of using a recorded material, the researcher chose Fun

with English as the media to help students of SMP N 4 Ngaglik Sleman develop

their speaking ability. Fun with English is an audio visual material which is

recorded in the form of compact disc (CD). The researcher chose elementary level

because seventh grade means the first grade for students to develop their speaking

ability so elementary level is appropriate to be implemented. The researcher chose

Fun with English because it meets the students’ need as stated in the curriculum,


the integrated teaching learning. The researcher thinks it is appropriate to be

implemented in this school because it has the television and the VCD player. It

also has students in low intelligence so that the researcher wants to help them

catch up from the middle and high-intelligent students. This study will be done in

collaboration between the English teacher and the researcher. The material was

designed by the researcher with the help of the teacher, and then it was

implemented. It is aimed to make the learning more effective and more efficient.

By implementing Fun with English, the teachers are expected to be able to use it

as their effective way to develop their students’ speaking ability because speaking

is used as the best indicator of the success in language learning. It is also expected

that the students will be fluent in speaking English after being taught using Fun

with English so that they are ready to continue their study in the higher levels and

ready in facing the global era.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems that will be answered through this study. They are:

1. How is Fun with English as audio-visual materials implemented to

develop English speaking skill of junior high school students?

2. How does Fun with English as audio-visual materials improve the English


C. Problem Limitation

Because the researcher wants to apply mediated-method to improve English

speaking ability of junior high school students, teaching method implementation

is the area limitation of this study. Here, the researcher uses pictures as the media.

Pictures are divided into two. They are still picture and live picture. Fun with

English uses live pictures in conveying the materials given. That is why the

researcher gives limitation only on the using of live pictures.

D. Research Objectives

The objectives of the study are:

1. To describe how Fun with English can be implemented effectively to

improve student’s speaking skill.

2. To describe the good impacts Fun with English gives in improving English

speaking skill for junior high school students.

E. Research Benefits

This research is conducted to give some benefits for the teachers of junior

high schools, for the students of junior high schools, and for the researcher.

1. The teachers of junior high schools

This research helps them improve the learning achievement of speaking skill

of junior high school students. It is also expected that speaking skill of students


also helps teachers to know whether Fun with English is effective to develop the

junior high school students' speaking ability.

2. The students of junior high schools

Through the implementation of the use of Fun with English, students are

expected to be able to understand the material easier because they are interested in

the teaching learning process. It is also expected that the students’ speaking skill

will improve significantly after being taught using Fun with English so that they

become fluent in speaking English.

3. The researchers of this study

The researcher of this study hopes that Fun with English could be

implemented successfully to improve speaking skill of junior high school

students. The researcher also wants to help English teachers of junior high schools

provide an interesting and effective media for their English teaching-learning

activities. Besides, through the implementation of the use of Fun with English the

researcher will know will know to what extent Fun with English develops English

speaking skill of junior high school students.

F. Definition of Terms

The terms used in this study are defined as follows.

1. Fun with English

Fun with English is a film. It is a visual and auditory English learning


focuses on the development of learners’ speaking skill. It is an English learning

medium which is interesting, practical, and easy to understand starting from

pre-elementary to advance. It is developed by experts, professionals, and native

speakers who systematically work together applying a modern English learning

method. It consists of four categories. They are pre-elementary (pre-school to 6

years old), elementary (7 years old to 12 years old), intermediate (13years old to

16 years old) and advanced (students of university). Fun with English provides

grammar, vocabulary, phonetic, and six basic skills in learning a language, that is

watching, listening, understanding, speaking, reading and writing.

2. Audio-Visual Materials

Japanese National Commission for Unesco stated in “The Use of

Audio-Visual Teaching Materials in Schools in Japan”, published in 1971, that

audio-visual materials can be defined as “audio-visual and auditory media for the education of

elementary and lower secondary school pupils.” There are many kinds of

audio-visual materials, such as films, movies, overhead projectors, and pictures.

Huebener (1960:3) stated: “The use of audio-visual materials and methods

increase the effectiveness of learning by helping the pupil to assimilate ideas in a

more meaningful and interesting manner”. Through eye and ear, audio-visual

materials can improve students’ knowledge and skill. Audio-visual materials

accomplish effectively most objectives of education if it is planned, concentrated,

completed by using a good devices. The proper use of audio-visual materials


communication, encourage pupil participation, and provide for group thinking and


Kinder (1965:7) said,” Audio-visual materials can be more than helpers.

They can be actual learning materials in their own right, and they should never be

considered merely secondary or auxiliary tools”. Audio-visual materials should

become initial tools for students. It is very important to have such materials

because students will be very helpful in improving their achievements through

this media. Audio-visual materials present the intended situations in which

students could get the exactly meaning of the messages being conveyed. Students

will know the actual information which wants to be delivered.

The importance rule of audio-visual materials also stated by Wittich and

Schuller (1953:13), they said

“One important means by which instruction can be improved is to be found within area of audio-visual materials and techniques and their relationship to be more effective accomplishment of the modern school curriculum”.

Audio-visual materials will be effectively used if they accomplish by

appropriate teaching techniques. This compilation will improve the quality of the

teaching learning process. It will also give good impacts for students in their

development of their skills, knowledge, and achievements. That is why modern

school curriculum used audio-visual materials to be one of their sources or initial


3. Speaking Skill

What is meant by speaking skill here is the ability to express meaning using

simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and acceptable in the transactional

and interpersonal to communicate with the closest environment and or academic

contexts using the expression of asking and giving information, saying gratitude,

asking and giving forgiveness, and expressing politeness (Standar Kompetensi

Lulusan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP-SBI 2007).

4. Junior High School Students of SMP N 4 Ngaglik

Junior high school students are students in the grade of seven to nine. They

extend from the age of twelve to fourteen. SMP N 4 Ngaglik Sleman is the most

favorite junior high school in Ngaglik sub-district. It is located at Palagan Tentara

Pelajar Street Km. 9. It has nine classes. Each class consists of forty students. The

7th year consists of three classes as well as the 8th and the 9th year do. The class

division is based on the students' intelligence. Students of high intelligence are

placed in Class A, students of middle intelligence are placed in Class B, and

students of low intelligence are placed in Class C. SMP N 4 Ngaglik Sleman has a

biology lab which provides a television and a VCD player. It also has a computer

lab, a “pendopo” that is used to conduct dancing class, a “mushola” (small




Talking about the implementation of using Fun with English to develop

speaking skills of seventh-year students means that we have to know the theory of

audio-visual materials, the development of speaking ability, communicative

language teaching, the theory of computer-assisted language learning, the

effective learning, and classroom action research. This chapter will discuss them


A. Theoretical Description 1. Audio-Visual Materials

Audio-Visual materials are recorded materials using live or motion pictures

which provides experiences which are directly related to the real life situation.

The characteristic of audio-visual materials is that learners can only watch the

pictures and listen to the sounds and they cannot directly contact with the media.

Motion pictures have more benefits than textbooks have in case of presenting the

materials given. Motion pictures present messages clearer than textbooks do. It

also raises students’ interest because they enjoy the media and attracts much more

students’ attention because they have to watch and listen carefully on the video;

otherwise they know nothing about it (The Use of Audio-Visual Teaching

Materials in Schools in Japan, 1971:1-3)


There are three significances of using motion pictures in teaching-learning

activity. First, it can record events as they happen and make the events available

again. Using motion pictures, we can repeat events in the past as if they happened

again in this present. Here, students are supposed to look at the real events so that

they can more understand easily. Second, it motivates students because they enjoy

the medium. Teenagers have a great potential and a great capacity to learn

something interesting for them. They prefer responding situations with their own

thought and experience while watching. They can explore their mind whenever

they look at something they never see before or at something which relates to their

experience. They will memorize it longer than they will do when they only read

textbooks. Third, it can recreate historic events accurately, detailed sets, costumes,

and animation. Historic events already happened in the past when students were

not born yet so it is difficult for them to imagine what was happening through text

only, how the settings are, and what kinds of costumes the people used. Through

motion pictures, we will explicitly present how the events happened, the setting

and the costumes people used when the events happened (The Use of

Audio-Visual Teaching Materials in Schools in Japan, 1971:34).

2. Development of Speaking Ability

Developing speaking skills not only has something to do with fluency but

people also should consider with their speaking ability. Harmer (1989:269) stated

that there are two elements of speaking. The first element is knowledge of


Knowledge of language features includes the ability to produce individual

phoneme, to use fluent connected-speech, expresses devices, lexical and grammar,

and negotiation language. The ability to process information includes language

processing, interacting with others, and on the spot information processing.

Willis (1981:104) suggested several activities that can be used to improve

students’ speaking ability are among others conversation drill, using picture cues,

imaginary situations, and role play. Conversation drill can be done through

dialogues or practice a short conversation containing expressions used in the daily

life situation. Pictures can be used to help students describe objects that impress

them much. It helps them in making statements because students know the detail

parts of the objects so that they will be able to produce a lot of sentences as they

want to say. Imaginary situations can be done through writing a dialogue that

presents situations related to the daily life. Role play trains students being

confident in speaking in front of public. In role play grammar mastery, diction,

spelling, and content become the focus of the learning.

Goh and Silver (2004) added, “Good speaking abilities are also need for

clear expression of ideas and maintaining of interaction.” In building a good

speaking ability, students need to know the effective strategy in learning English

and the other aspect like vocabulary mastery to be able to express their idea

clearly. If they can express that idea clearly, they will be able to maintain

interaction well.


that size and even larger set of vocabulary items that they can comprehend in context.” (Goh and Silver, 2004:121-122)

It means that vocabulary mastery for students is important. Students should master

10.000 English words, at least, to be able to communicate in English. By

mastering a lot of vocabulary in English since they are in the first grade of the

speaking development phase, students will be able to develop their speaking

ability easily when they are in the higher level. That is why giving a list of new

vocabulary or difficult word that relate to the topic is very useful for students.

Learning vocabulary has something to do with pronunciation, stress, intonation,

spelling, and meaning. Drilling is the effective way to complete the learning

activity in this section.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that elements of speaking

that should be developed among junior high school students are fluency, accuracy,

and acceptability in the daily life context.

3. Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative language teaching uses activities that engage learners’

participation in communicational situations. The activities usually used in

communicative language teaching are dialogues, drilling, and pronunciation

comprehension. Wilkins (1972) described two types of meaning in

communicative uses of language: they are notional categories (time, sequence,

quantity, location, and frequency), and categories of communicative function

(requests, denials, offers, complaints). Littlewood (1981) has distinguished two


a. Functional communication activities that are aimed to develop language

skills which involve communication.

b. Social interaction activities, such as conversation and discussion sessions,

dialogues and role plays.

The objectives of communicative language teaching are:

b. Students will learn to use language as a means of expression.

c. Students will use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

d. Students will learn to express the functions that best meet their own

communication needs.

The communicative language teaching emphasize on “what to teach” and

“how to teach”. The “what to teach” aspects of the Communicative approach

stressed on the use language forms appropriately in a variety of contexts and for a

variety of purposes. In the “how to teach” of the Communicative approach plenty

of opportunities are important for student’s development of knowledge and skill.

Activities in CLT typically involve students in real or realistic communication.

Thus role-play and simulation have become very popular in CLT. The importance

of the activities here are that students desire to communicate, students have the

purpose for communicating, and students focus on the content they are saying or

writing. (Harmer: 84-85)


Computer-assisted language learning is a rapidly evolving academic field


evolved from a behavioristic model, to communicative and integrative models, to

include finally a more collaborative approach. Supported by the socio-cognitive

view of learning, integrative CALL referred to technology to create authentic

learning environments, which integrated reading, listening, speaking, and writing

skills in a target language. Both integrative and developmental CALL support

highly interactive and communicative language learning. CALL focuses on the

learning. It is a student-centered learning material in which students take more

participation than teachers do. In student-centered learning students are motivated

to be active and more creative. (Woung and Cadierokaplan, 2004: 141)

CALL builds students confidence. The use of media tends to make the class

and the learning more interesting, helps students develop their ability, and

stimulates students’ thought to think creatively in doing their speech or

communication with others. CALL provides an authentic learning. Students can

develop their four basic skills by the help from the native speaker. Students can

use or produce sentences in real communication situation so that they will feel

more confident to communicate with others.

5. Effective Learning

Learning is a process of how we get knowledge, how we develop

knowledge, and how we improve our understanding and skills. Learning does not

only a matter on what score students get but it is more about how students develop

their skill and knowledge. Learning is effective if it focuses on how the students


entertaining teaching learning process. They are happy if they see that their

students enjoy and happy with the way they teach. They often forget about the

way to reach the goal of the learning, the appropriate methods that should be

implemented, and the strategies that should be used to help their students reach

the learning goal.

Effective learningfocuses on how we learn. It gives invaluable insights into on how you can develop your portfolio of skills and knowledge by managing and improving your ability to learn-positively and systematically. Practical exercises and clear guidance are given on:

1. recognizing the importance of “achieved” learning.

2. understanding the learning process-the learning cycle and learning styles preference.

3. taking best advantage of learning opportunities. 4. creating and implementing personal development plan. 5. encouraging and managing a learning culture.

Munford (1999:65) stated that an effective learning provides chances for

students to be able to manage and improve their ability so that they can develop

their skill and knowledge in a positive and systematic way. Here, students need to

recognize the learning achievement they should reach. They should also

understand the learning process which is carried out to help them find their

learning styles preference so that the learning process will be effective and

efficient. If students have the ability to recognize and understand those, they will

also be able to take advantages for every opportunity given by the teachers.

Finally, they can create and implement their own personal development to

encourage their own learning culture for the sake of their success.

In Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP-SBI,


learning, group learning, effective learning without any pressure, independent

learning, good model, and creative learning. The indicators of learning

achievement are that students are able to develop their four basic skills during the

process of learning, students are able to use more than one language skill in their

language activity, students are able to build interactions with others in a team

work, students are active and creative in developing their language skill, students

are able to work individually without any pressure, and students are able to

behave intellectually inside or outside classroom.

6. Classroom Action Research

Considering all theories described above, the researcher concludes the

classroom action research can be used as good method to be implemented to

improve the students’ speaking ability. Action research is a group activity

(Kemmis and McTaggart 1988:6). It is done by teachers in their own classroom

which aimed to increase the effectiveness of learning and solve problems in

learning. Action research is problem-focused. It is done in order to solve problems

in education. Personal review is important here. That is why an interview,

questionnaires, and personal reflections are used in collecting the data needed.

Because action research aimed to make improvements in student’s achievement,

teachers not only focus on the materials but also in the activity and practice.

Action research is a form of collective self-reflective enquiry undertaken

by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice


these practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out. Groups

of participants can be teachers, students, principals, and parents (Stephen Kemmis

and Robin McTaggart: 1992 page 5).

Lewin (1946) described action research as proceeding in spiral of steps, each

of which is composed of planning, action, and the evaluation of the result action.

Planning should be done carefully for the sake of a successful action. In action,

researcher should follow the plan to know whether the activities are effective or

not. To know the effectiveness of the process done in the action, researchers

should evaluate the process. This evaluation can be done through an interview,

questionnaires, or student’s reflection.

In The Action Research Planner, edited by Kemmis and McTaggart

(1992), there are three steps in doing action research: plan, action, observation,


a. Plan

The plan is a crucial part in research. A good preparation will result in a

benefit improvement. Plan is preparation section before a researcher does actions.

The activities done in the plan are observing problems in education, finding the

reason why the problems arise, choosing the problems that is needed to be solved

soon, finding the effective solutions to be applied, preparing instrument used in

collecting the data needed, and preparing for the activities which are going to be

used. The problems that are chosen must be critical and risky. It should bring


act more effectively, wisely, and prudentially, so it does not raise new problems.

(Kemmis and McTaggart: 1992 page 12).

b. Action and Observation

Action is guided by planning. In the action section, practitioners do their

plan as they constructed before. The action should reflect what are going to

achieve and what should be achieved. Here, the practitioners apply the method or

strategies they prescribed in the plan. The practitioners teach the class while

observing the situation, the students’ attitudes and behavior in the classroom, and

the learning atmosphere. (Kemmis and McTaggart: 1992 page 12).

Observation has the function of documenting the effects of action. The

observation of the process result can be done through students’ reflection,

interviews, or questionnaires. The careful observation is necessary because action

will always be controlled and organized. Observation should be planned so that

the documentary of sequences is objective, responsive, and open-minded.

(Kemmis and McTaggart: 1992 page 13).

c. Reflection

Reflection is aimed to make the process, problems, and issues become clear.

Reflection has an evaluative aspect. It includes researcher’s experience in order to

judge whether the learning activities give good impacts or not to students’

development. Reflections are also used to give suggestions to the next cycle. In


activities which are going to be done in cycle two. (Kemmis and McTaggart,



There are several key points about action research (Kemmisand McTaggart,


1. Action research is an approach to improve education by changing it and

learning from the consequences of changes.

2. Action research is participatory: it is research through which people work

towards the improvement of their practices.

3. Action research develops through the self-reflective spiral: a spiral of cycles of

planning, acting, observing, reflecting and re-planning, further

implementation, observing and reflecting.

4. Action research is collaborative; it is done in collaboration between others.

5. Action research is a systematic learning process in which people act


6. Action research involves people in their practicing about circumstances,

action, and consequences and to understand the relationship between

circumstances, actions, and consequences in their own lives.

7. Action research puts students’ practices, ideas, and assumptions about the

material given.

8. Action research involves keeping a personal journal in which we record our

progress and our reflections for the sake of the effectiveness of the process.

9. Action research involves people in making critical analyses of the situations

(classrooms, schools, systems) in which they work.


B. Theoretical Framework

The first theory that is used in this study is the theory of Audio-Visual

Materials. Audio-Visual materials are recorded materials using live or motion

pictures which provides experiences which are directly related to the real life

situation. Here, the researcher chose Fun with English because it is a visual and

auditory material using live pictures which presents daily life situations related to

the students’ experience in their daily live. There are several reasons why the

researcher chose Fun with English to develop speaking skill of junior high schools

students. The first reason is Fun with English uses natural language input. The

language that is used is simpler so that students could understand the materials

given easier. The second reason is that live pictures could be good models for

students in developing their speaking ability. It could convey the meaning

authentically so that students could understand the messages accurately. The third

reason is Fun with English facilitates the integrated teaching-learning process as

stated in the computer-assisted language learning. Students could develop their

listening skill integrates with their speaking skill or writing integrates with

speaking skill or reading skill integrates with writing and speaking skill. Besides,

the language activities vary so that students would not be bored in following

lessons. Live pictures and the listening activity train students to watch, read,

listen, write, and speak. Listening and reading activities helped students

understand the meaning of the words and pronounce the words correctly. When

students read the reading passage loudly, the researcher made correction on their


grammatical items could be corrected together so that students know the right

grammar should be used. The last reason is that Fun with English fulfills the

bidirectional learning. Students and the teacher could learn to each other so that

there is a good interaction between students, between students and teachers, or

between teacher and students. Answer and question section, discussion, and

practicing conversation create a good interaction in the classroom so that there

will be a live teaching learning activity. A good interaction in the classroom

shows that the students are active.

Willis (1981:104) suggested several activities that can be used to improve

students’ speaking ability are among others conversation drill, using picture cues,

imaginary situations, and role play. Here, the researcher includes those activities

in her teaching learning activities. Drilling is used to train students pronounce the

English words taken from Fun with English so that students will not be confused

while watching the film. Imaginary situation is presented in writing activity.

Students are asked to write their own conversation so that they could write and

imagine what kind of situations they want to write. Role play is conducted as the

formative test. This test aims to know students mastery of speaking skill, their

confidence, and their fluency in speaking English.

Those activities also usually used in communicative language teaching. The

other focus in this teaching is that teachers should know “what to teach” and “how

to teach”. In “what to teach” the researcher focuses on the students’ needs based

on the curriculum so that the indicator of the learning achievement could be


characteristic of the students. Students need activities which make them

interested, motivating, and help them understand the material given. The theory of

communicative language teaching relates to the theory of effective learning.

The other theory to develop students speaking skill is the theory of

computer-assisted language learning. It is student-centered learning. Students are

given a lot of opportunities so that they will actively speaking in the classroom.

Computer-assisted language learning is integrative learning. Like in developing

speaking skill, teacher should integrate students’ skills because there is correlation

between listening, reading, and writing with speaking skill. The following

diagram will explain the correlation clearly.

Listening Reading Writing


The last theory to answer the research problems is the theory of classroom

action research. Classroom action research is the appropriate and effective method

to be implemented to solve the problem related to students’ low mastery in

English speaking ability. There are several reasons why classroom action research

can effectively and significantly improve the students’ speaking ability. The first

reason is that the researcher could design the learning activities accurately based

on problems related to the low mastery of speaking ability. The second reason is

that the researcher could record everything happened during the teaching-learning

process so that the researcher knows which parts of activity are interesting for

students and which parts of activity are boring for students. The third reason is

that the researcher uses questionnaire to know whether the activity gives good

impacts for students’ speaking ability or not. The last reason is that the researcher

has the opportunity to revise the activities to improve the quality of the learning



This chapter discusses the research method, research participants, data

gathering technique and instrument, data analysis technique, and research

procedure. The method used in this study is classroom action research (CAR). It

consists of three sequences. They are plan, action & observation, and reflection.

All of those will be discussed in the following sections.

A. Research Method

To know the implementation and to what extent Fun with English can

develop English speaking skill of junior high school students the researcher used

classroom action research (CAR) as the method of the research study. In

implementing this study, the researcher collaborated with the classroom English

teacher. The researcher implemented this study to improve students’ score and to

make the process of teaching-learning process became different from the

conventional method. The score improvement is shown in the students’ learning

achievement, while the improvement of the process is shown in the students’

interaction with their classmates through discussions and students’ feeling with

the activity. This study was conducted in collaboration between the classroom

English teacher and the researcher so everything done by the researcher had been

discussed with the classroom English teacher. There are three stages in conducting


classroom action research. They are plan, action & observation, and reflection

(Kemmis and McTaggart: 1988 page 11-14).

1. Plan

The first thing that the researcher did was choosing the problem related to

the students’ low speaking ability and defining the research objectives. Before

choosing the problems, the researcher observed students’ difficulties in learning

English. Then, the researcher observed students’ achievement. From their

achievement the researcher found the problems they were facing. Then, the

researcher looked for the reasons why the problems arose. After finding the

problems, the researcher looked for some solutions through collaboration with

classroom teacher. From those several solutions, the researcher chose the most

effective strategy among them to be used. Finally, the researcher chose Fun with

English as the media. This solution led the researcher into the formulation of the

objectives. After that, the researcher chose the participants. Then, the researcher

chose seventh year students of SMP N 4 Ngaglik. The researcher chose SMP N 4

Ngaglik because the school has the media and the students’ achievement in

speaking English is not really good. After choosing the participants, the researcher

designed the materials. In designing the materials, the researcher collaborated

with the English teacher. It was because the implementation of this study should


2. Action and Observation

After designing the material, the researcher implemented the use of Fun with

English. But before it was implemented, the researcher conducted a pre-test. The

pre-test was conducted to know the students’ entry behavior (fluency, grammar,

and pronunciation) in speaking English. The pre-test was about two topics. They

are the expressions on shopping and WH-question in simple present. Then, the

researcher implemented Fun with English for the first topic, Expressions on

Shopping. Because this was a collaborative study, the teacher helped the

researcher in teaching by observing the process of teaching learning activity. The

observation included the students’ behavior during the teaching learning process

and the class situation. After finishing one topic, the researcher conducted a

formative test. The formative test was aimed to know whether the students had

already understood about the topic given. Then, the researcher taught the second

topic, WH-question in simple present. After finishing this topic, the researcher did

another formative test. Finally, the researcher conducted the test. The

post-test was aimed to know the improvement students did after being taught using

Fun with English. Then, the students were asked to fill the questionnaire. The

questionnaire is aimed to know how Fun with English improves their English

speaking ability.

After conducting pre-test and post-test, the researcher analyzed the result of

both tests. Then, the researcher compared students’ pre-test results with the

post-test results. This was done to know how much the students made improvement.


Table 2.1. Correlation between listening, reading, and
Figure 2.1 Action Research cycle by Stephen Kemmis (1988)
Table 3.1. Scoring Sheet
Table 3.2. Categories in the Questionnaire


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