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The responses of the blacks and the whites toward racial prejudice in 1930s as portrayed in Harper Lee`s To Kill A Mockingbird - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 035









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 035









His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary

I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No.

Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned.

Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things. I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.

God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

May God Bless You,

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"

"Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "



I dedicate this thesis to my dearly beloved parents;

Sudarti Maria Albertine


Titus Budiyono

And my lovely sisters;

Fransisca Romana Ninik Werdiningsih


Natalia Ririh Budyarti,

My beloved mate,

and those who love and support me.






Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Sylvia Puput Pandansari

NIM : 074214035

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Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

The Responses of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Harper Lee’s to Kill a Mockingbird

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kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan

royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 15 November 2011





Above all, I would express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ and

Virgin Mary for giving me spirit while acomplishing the undergtaduate thesis.

They give me inspiration and motivation.

I would like to express my gratitude to my undergraduate advisor, Ms. Ni

Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M. Hum. and my co-advisor, Maria Ananta Tri

Suryandari, S. S., M.Ed. for guidance, suggestion, and encouragement from the

beginning up to the end. I really appreciate your patience and understanding

during the process of finishing my undergraduate.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Sanata Dharma University and

the Department of English Letters for giving knowledge both academically and

non academically. My gratitude is also directed to my academic advisor, Ms. Elisa

Dwi Wardani, S.S.,M.Hum. for the guidance during my studies in Sanata Dharma

University Yogyakarta.

I dedicated this thesis to my dearly parents, Titus Budiyono and Sudarti

Maria Albertine, and also to my lovely sisters, Fransisca Romana Ninik

Werdiningsih and Natalia Ririh Budyarti for their love, affection, and supports to


My sincere gratitude goes to Callixtus Fedy Purnawan, for his love,

support, and patience. It is delighted to spend the time with him.

I also express my gratitude especially for my best friends, Irene Ossi

Widyastuti, Henrica Angelia, and also Denty Setya Putri, Ayu Primasandi, Cyrilla




Ganis Widyapsasmi, Monica Risky, and Adi Prasatya, and also for my cousin,

Astrid Rosaria for always encouraging me to face these stressful and panicky

days. Yogyakarta would not be so wonderful without them.

I would not forget to say thanks to my friends of 2007: Yudha, Zi pit,

Hellen pib-pib, Ani, Aya, mba Hindra, Diko, Yona, Natasya, Kenan, Simon, Lala, Dito, Gogor, Putra, Satria , Soni, Herman cheng, Martin, Rohman, Harry mungil, Risang, Putra, Natan, and also my friends in Ambarawa: Ratih, Astri Qnco,

Evarista, Maya, mba Timtim, Enggar, Alex, mas Andre fosil, Max, Boni bonce, Arip surip and for our lovely friendship during my lifetime, and others whom I cannot mention one by one, also thank for supporting me in this undergraduate.

Sylvia Puput Pandansari







ABSTRAK... xii


A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 7

C. Objectives of the Study... 7

D. Definition of Terms... 7


A. Review of Related Studies... 9

B. Review of Related Theories... 13

1. Theory of Character ... 13

2. Theory of Racial Prejudice... 15

C. Review on the Blacks’ Condition on 1930s... 19

D. Review of the Blacks’ Responses and the Whites’ Responses.... 23

E. Theoretical Framework... 26


A. Object of the Study... 27

B. Approach of the Study... 27

C. Method of the Study... 30


A. The Description of the Blacks’ and the Whites’ Character in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird... 32

B. The Revelation of Racial Prejudice of the Whites’ toward the Blacks’ in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird... 46






Appendix 1... 69

Outline of the First Problem Formulation... 69

Appendix 2... 70

Outline for the Second Problem Formulation... 70

Appendix 3... 71

The Application of Racial Prejudice in Revealing the Unfair Treatment of the Whites toward the Blacks in Maycomb in 1930s... 71

Appendix 4... 74





SYLVIA PUPUT PANDANSARI. The Responses of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Harper Lee’s to Kill A Mockingbird. Yogyakarta : Department of English Letters, Facutly of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011


In this thesis, the main concern is about the Blacks and the Whites’ relation. Their relation was severe in 1930s because the Blacks were considered as slaves. The Whites think that the Blacks is inferior.When they first came in North, the images or stereotypes which is formed were stupid, dirty, and ugly race. Stereotypes ignore the unique and identical fact of people. The era of 1930s was also the time when some sudden changes happened. The great suffering of economic and agricultural sector gave contribution for racial prejudice toward the Blacks. The migration from South to North makes the rate of unemployment increased. Worstly, racial prejudice and discrimination still exist for the Blacks.

The First problem formulation is about the description of the Blacks and the Whites’ in Maycomb county society. The second problem formulation is about the revelation of racial prejudice through the Whites in Maycomb county society. The third problem formulation is about the responses of Blacks and Whites toward racial prejudice which happened in Maycomb county society.

The method which is used in this thesis is library research method. The data and references which were employed in this research gathered from books, encyclopedia, journals and some on-line references.

The result of the analysis is that racial prejudice is revealed through the White people of Maycomb. The practice of racial prejudice happens in social life and especially in court. The Whites seems to limit the Black people’s right in court. The Blacks have no access to argue. Meanwhile, the Whites earn much power in court, for example as a member of grand juries. Grand juries take important part of court because they decide whether people are guilty or innocent. The writer also discusses about the struggle of Atticus against racial prejudice by defending a Black man named Tom Robinson. Some positive responses come from the people who really against racial prejudice, but some others negative responses also come from the people who support the exsistence of racial prejudice in Maycomb county society.





SYLVIA PUPUT PANDANSARI. The Responses of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Harper Lee’s to Kill A Mockingbird. Yogyakarta : Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Dalam skripsi ini, objek utama penelitian penulis adalah hubungan antar ras kulit hitam dan ras kulit putih. Hubungan keduanya sangat tidak baik, pada tahun 1930 karena ras kulit hitam diidentikan sebagai kaum budak ras kulit putih. Mereka merasa ras kulit hitam sebagai golongan nomor dua dalam masyarakat. Gambaran ras yang terbentuk dari ras kulit hitam ketika menjajaki daerah Utara pertama kali yaitu ras yang tidak berpendidikan, tidak hidup higienis, dan tidak menyenangkan untuk dilihat. Pandangan stereotip dari ras kulit putih ini tidak menghiraukan keunikan dan ciri khas setiap kelompok masyarakat tertentu.Ketimpangan besar terjadi pada sektor perekonomian dan pertanian mengakibatkan krisis moneter yang parah. Migrasi dari daerah Selatan ke Utara mengakibatkan angka pengangguran yang meningkat. Keadaan ini semakin parah karena masih adanya kesenjangan ras dan diskriminasi bagi orang kulit hitam.

Fokus utama dalam skripsi ini adalah respon kaum kulit hitam dan kulit putih terhadap kesenjangan ras yang terjadi di masyarakat kota Maycomb. Untuk mendukung analisis tersebut, penulis menggunakan dua pertanyaan lainnya. ertama, penggambaran karakter dari tokoh dalam novel. Kedua, pembahasan tentang kesenjangan ras yang dilakukan oleh ras kulit putih terhadap ras kulit hitam dalam masyarakat Maycomb.

Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian perpustakaan. Data dan referensi yang digunakan berasal dari buku, ensiklopedia, jurnal dan beberapa referensi on-line.





A.Background Study

Race relation is one of the vital concerns in the world because it plays an

important part in the world. Race relation deals with the treatment by one group to

another group including the condition that influences the treatment .“By race

relations we mean the treatment of one racial group by another and the situation

which give rise to such treatment,” (Lafarge, 1943: 11). The specific topic that

will be discussed is the Black and the White relation. The relation of the Black

and the White in the Great Depression era of 1930s is severe. Both Black and

White people were involved in the slave voyage history.

In the past, around fifteen century, Portuguese were interested to move

their comodity from gold trade into slaves trade in Africa. It was because they saw

the high capability of negro in working under any climate. From that moment, the

Whites considered the Blacks as inferior but profitable because they had much

experience in agriculture or plantation but they were uneducated and powerless.

The Whites made the same scale between human and things. If a person has many

slaves in a field or house he will be considered richer than other persons who

have few slaves as what Norton states as follows:


Uncounciously, the Whites built their own mindset, their own belief and

their own prejudice toward Negroes. Prejudice is basically irrational because it

depends on subjective and negative feeling about ethnic or group. The prejudice is

not always true, but because of the hatred feeling. It seems right to judge people

based on their subjective feeling. Kitano in the book, Race Relation, states below. It is generally agreed that race prejudice is an irrationally based negative attitude toward a racial or ethnic group, and it is maintained through stereotypes: “They smell bad.” “They breed like rabbits.” “They lower property of values”. (1974: 50)

Racial prejudice creates stereotypes. The negative opinion of a group of

people form an image, for example that Whites’ prejudice toward Blacks. Blacks

are consider as slaves when they first come in North, so the image or stereotype

which is formed is as stupid, dirty, and ugly race. Stereotype ignore the unique

and identical fact of people. Everyone or every group are created by their own

characteristics. Uniqueness means different from others. So there are totally

different characteristic between one group to another.

After the abolition of slavery was declared under the Thirteenth

Amendment in 1865, Blacks finally had the legal rights, but otherwise, racial

prejudice still persisted. It seemed harder to live freely and to get the job

opportunities of because the Whites’ seen the Blacks’ position was as the

competitor of White people in 1930s in Maycomb.

Worstly, the 1930s was also the time when some sudden changes

happened. The great suffering of agricultural sector causes a Great Depression as


“A distressed agricultural sector had been one of the causes of the Great Depression. In the 1930s conditions only got worse, especially for farmers on the Great Plain” (1999: 682)

Great Depression was the worst economic crisis problem in that time.The

income was low and unemployment increased. Companies and factory were

bankrupt. Cooper and Terrill stated that,

In the nation as a whole, unemployment rose from around 3 percent in 1929 to about 25 percent in 1932, and except for one year, it remained above 15 percent until 1940....Bankruptcy even threatened goverments. Lousiana, South Carolina, and Arkansas defaulted on their debts. (1991: 663)

It shows that Great Depression gave contribution for causing racial

prejudice toward Blacks.” ...., the depression markedly slowed the urbanization of

Black Americans.” (Boyer, 1990: 908). It was because the African American or

Black people migrated to America before World War I. Urbanization from South

to North makes the rate of unemployment increased. Worstly, racial prejudice and

discrimination still exist for Blacks. So, they live poorly without any jobs. If they

get a job, it is only a job as servant, like what Henretta describes as follows. “...the

Great American Depression, as you call it, “ one man remarked. There was no

such things. The best he could be is a janitor or a porter or shoeshine boy.”


Because of the economic condition in South getting worse they sought

other opportunities in North. Quarles in Karenga’s Introduction to Black Studies

stated that,


by manufacturing companies who sent recruiting agent in South to solicit Black labor as well as by Black newspaper who induced Blacks to come North for greater opportunities. (1969: 193-194)

On the contrary, the North was not the promised island where Negroes can

live happily. Racial prejudice that was transformed into racial discrimination

began. First, the Whites only think about negative beliefs and feelings or prejudice

about a group of people, then they manifested the negative feelings and beliefs

overtly to that certain group. Both are connected each other as Rose stated,”...as

both analytical and concrete concepts they should not be confused. The difference

between prejudice as an attitude and discrimination as overt behavior...”


As the writer stated in previous paragraphs, the Whites felt that Blacks

were the competitor of jobs and opportunities. They could not accept the fact that

Blacks had the same legal right as theirs. The tension became worse because of

the Whites’ mindset since the past that the Black was inferior. It resulted in poor

relation between Black and Whites especially in 1930s.

The practice of racial prejudice in 1930 is written in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Racial prejudice that happened and existed during the great depression in the Maycomb county society is clearly pictured in that book. In that

book, prejudice is the major theme which is done directly by the Whites in

Maycomb as the ethnic group toward a Black man named Tom Robinson. In the

court, Tom Robinson was denied to be innocentbecause he is a Black man. The

gconversation between the advocate and Tom Robinson shows that the advocate


“Were you so scared that she’d be hurt you, you ran, a big buck like you?” “No suh, I’s scared I’d be in court, just like I am now.”

“Scared of arrest, scared you’d have to face up to what you did?” “No suh, scared I’d hafta face up to what I didn’t do?” (1960: 225)

He was claimed to rape a White girl and he was sentenced to death. The

people of Maycomb do not really care about his testimony. He was forced to

admitt as a guilty man who raped Mayella.

Responding to this racial issue, the people in Maycomb county took their

different responses. Some of them accepted the legalisation of racial prejudice but

the others refused it. People like judges or juries supported this injustice among

the two races. They even saw the Blacks as inferior creatures.

Meanwhile, some people who refused racial prejudice and who were

straightly against this criminal action like Atticus kept struggling their vote to

abolish racial prejudice. Atticus Finch, a county lawyer in Maycomb county, took

the risk by defending Tom Robinson. Atticus should pay much for this. Because

Atticus Finch was a White man, it became a problem to him and his family. It was

a shame for Whites to defend Blacks. His children, Scout and Jem were mocked

by their friends in the school and their neighbors in Maycomb.

The Whites did not want Blacks to earn same right or to be treated

justifiable. The Whites considered that they had much more rights than Blacks.

Little in his article, Race and Society stated that “ Moreover many people for both in the Southern part of United States and in the Union of South Africa continue to

argue that the Negro is biologically inferior to the white men.” (1956: 165). From

the quotation, The Whites seemed completely arbitrary. They used the parameter


They thought anyone whose their characteristics are like white, light skin, straight

hair and small nose can be called as the highest among the others.

When this kind of mindset appears, the minority group will be judged

based on the dominant group’s mindset, not based on their own quality. These

mindsets make certain race and culture seem worse than its reality, as Rose stated in his article entitled The Roots of Prejudice below, 

Many of the false belief take the form of what social scientists call stereotype. These are exaggerations of certain physical traits or cultural characteristics which are found among members of the minority group and are then attributed to all members of the group. When stereotype exist, an individual is judged, not on the basis of his own characteristics, but on the basis of exaggerated and distorted belief regarding what are thought to be the characteristic of his group. (1965:219)

In this case, stereotype will also create assumption to the minority group,

which is the Black. Like what Rose stated in The Roots of Prejudice, “Negroes in South Africa and United States, for example depict them as brutal, stupid, and

immoral, but also as happy generous and faithful, ” (1965: 219).

There are only few people who are brave enough to fight racial prejudice

in the dominant society. For this reason, the novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee is chosen as the novel that reflects the racial prejudice of Whites

toward Blacks in 1930s. In the novel, some characters wanted to change the strict

rules in the society. By their responses, they intended to show their justifiable


B.Problem formulation

For analyzing the issue, the writer would like to analyze some problems

that can be formulated into these three following questions which based on the

background mentioned above.

1. How are the Blacks and the Whites described in Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird?

2. How is the racial prejudice of the Whites toward the Blacks revealed in the


3. How are the responses of the Blacks and the Whites toward racial prejudice in the novel?

C.Objective of the Study

In this writing, the objective of the study is to answer the problems

formulation in sufficient and concise way. The writer will focus the analysis on

describing the people which are Blacks and Whites. Further, the writer will focus

on the practice of racial prejudice which happened in Maycomb county society

that was revealed through the Whites. The next point, the writer will focus on the

responses of Blacks toward the practice of racial prejudice happened to them in

their society.

D.Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding on certain terms, there are some terms that


The term race as applied to man has been variously used-by politicians, military leaders, philologists, human biologists, demographers, and historians. Some “races” constitute language groups, often of peoples whose only kinship is that they speak a common language. Such what the original meaning of the so-called Aryan race. Some “races” are simply hypothetical, invented to embrace present distribution of such genetic (heredity) characteristic as stature or hair colour. (1983: 348)

The second term is the word prejudice. Based on Rose in the book, They and We, Racial and Ethnic Relation in the United States, describs as follows “...defined as a system of negative beliefs, feelings, and action-orientations

regarding a group of people.” (Rose, 1997: 113)

The third term is the phrase racial prejudice, as what Roth states in the

book International Encyclopedia of Ethics is defined as “unequal valuation of persons on the basis of race. It diminishes respect for person and promotes social

injustice.”(1995: 721)

The fourth term is the word response, based on Roth, in the book

International Encyclopedia of Ethicsis “the awareness of doing or the memory of having done the action when held accountable in a judgement context of sahred

relevant moral values.” (1995: 742)

The fifth term is the word Mockingbird, based on Nauvoo, in the book,

Encyclopedia Americana International edition volume 19, is





A.Review of Related Studies

Nelle Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that mostly tells about racial prejudice in Maycomb County, Alabama. Atticus Finch, was a lawyer

in Maycomb, ordered to fight racial prejudice by defending a Black man who is

accused of raping white woman. It is a difficult choice for Atticus. Despite

dealing with a matter of justice and equality toward Blacks and Whites, his

children, Scout and Jem will be put in danger. People in Maycomb society

thought that Whites is more educated than Blacks. So, in other words, if the man

even did not rape the White woman, still he would be guilty. That is why it is a

shame for Whites to help Blacks. Stratton in his review from the online source,

(http://www.hoboes.com/Mimsy/Books/to-kill-mockingbird/),  entitled Mimsy were the Borogoves states as below, 

Atticus Finch, is a lawyer charged with a defense that is making him an outcast to half the town. He was appointed by the town judge as public defender to a black man accused of raping a white woman. The town seems divided on the case: half think it doesn’t matter whether he did it or not, because he’s black. The other half take the larger view and think that it doesn’t matter whether he did it or not, the blacks have been getting uppity and need to be put in their place. Atticus and a few friends are not of either kind.

From the quotation above, we can see that Stratton implicitly says that the

Whites do not really care about the Black man’s virtue. It is sure that the Black

man will be accused as the guilty one. So, whether or not Atticus defended the


Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was published in the ‘right time’. It can be a critical issue for the relation of the race in the world. It was published in

the era of Civil Right Movement in 1960s when the Blacks began to build their

power movement. It is also states in Mimsy were the Borogoves, from (http://www.hoboes.com/Mimsy/Books/to-kill-mockingbird/) as follows.

This was when the civil rights movement was still a black movement, after Brown v. Topeka ordered desegregation at “all deliberate speed”, and the South responded with more deliberation than speed. “To Kill a Mockingbird” came at the right time, and it “said what it had to say”. She has yet to write (or at least to publish) another one. She has supposedly been able to live comfortably off of the book and movie proceeds, thus making her my hero for life.

From the quotation above, we know that To Kill a Mockingbird is the novel that is used to criticize the world in the era of racial prejudice and

discrimination which has climax on segregation. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, was written for supporting equality between Blacks and Whites.

In 1962, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was visualized through a film. Monroeville, Alabama, where Harper Lee grew up and lived, was made a

record on universal Studios’ set. The film lifted the same value as the novel, like

justice and equality. The criticism is to oppose prejudice which happened in South

as what Dirks states in the article entitled The “Greatest” and the “Best” in Cinematic History as follows.


The remarkable fact is that it received three awards from The Academy

Award as what Tim Dirks reviewes in the article entitled The “Greatest” and the “Best” in Cinematic History as follows from (http://www.filmsite.org/toki.html)

It was honored with three awards, Gregory Peck won a well-deserved Best Actor Award for his solid performance as a courageous Alabama lawyer, Horton Foote won the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar, and the team of Art Directors/Set Decorators also received the top honor.

Atticus struggled for helping people, no matter what their races were, by

his job as a lawyer, but further his important purpose was also for his children’s

personality in the future. In his daily life, Atticus was nice and kind to both

Blacks and Whites. His action of defending black man was one protest toward the

government and the people in Maycomb County as what Okkie Maryanna states

in her thesis entitled The Reaction of Atticus Against the Practice of Racism in the Society as Seen in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird as follows.

Atticus as the protagonist character in the novel is a good lawyer who defends people without considering their race... his reaction are for the purpose of building up his children’s personality... Atticus’ reaction are as form of the disagreement against the practice of racism. (1999: 30)

From the quotation above, Atticus struggled to form equality for Blacks

and Whites in Maycomb county. He attempted to treat Blacks and Whites equally.

One of the form is by defending the truth about Tom Robinson’s case in court.

From that point, Atticus had another purposefor his children’s personality. He

hoped that his children in the future would have the understanding about racial

prejudice. He also hoped that in the future his children would follow his own step.

Further, he hoped that there were less of people who would have misconception


The next review comes from Mike Peters in the National Association for

the Teaching of English’s article entitled Examining a set text – To Kill a Mockingbird fifty years on. He stated that an English teacher in London’s Lilian Baylis Technology School named Sharpe admitted that the novel was an effective

tool to teach. She never had a class which did not like the novel. She added that

the actor of Boo Radley and the courthouse scene invited views from the students

as what Peters in http://find.galegroup.com/gps/infomark.do says below.

I've never had a class that didn't love it,' says one enthusiast. 'There are few book like it for raising issues surrounding responsibility within the community,' claims Caroline Sharpe, an English teacher from London's Lilian Baylis Technology School, who goes on to say that the character of Boo Radley and the court-case 'raise passionate views from students ... It's the best device I can think of for illustrating the atrocious treatment of black folk at the hands of a white only judicial system at that time in history. (http://find.galegroup.com/gps/infomark.do)

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel about a White man who assisted an accused black man. The black man was mistakenly accused because of the

stereotype of Whites toward Blacks. The Whites prejudiced that Black is inferior.

Since this stereotypical image existed in the society of Maycomb, to help or to

defense a black man was considered as an embarrassing mistake. Even the Finch

family who was immensely popular in Maycomb was also considered

embarassing because of Atticus act in defending a Black man. For defending a

black man in the court was a useless thing because they would always be as guilty

rather than White would. But Atticus and some friends kept fighting for the


It was really unacceptable for the Whites for being the same and equal to

Black in the court and other parts of their lives. For this reason , the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is chosen by the writer to reveal racial prejudice of the Whites to Blacks. This research entitled, The Responses of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is different from others because this research does not only focus on Atticus’

response but also some others characters’ responses of Blacks and Whites in

Maycomb county.

B.Review of Related Theories

In this research entitled The Responses of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the writer applies two theories. They are theory of character and theory of racial


1. Theory of Character

Most stories contain a central character, who is relevant to every event in

the story; usually the events cause some changes either in the character or in

readers’ attitudes toward the character. Every author wants their readers to

understand the characters and the motivation properly, but not at once. The

readers need to let each new clue qualifies the impression and avoid a sudden

interpretation until they see all of the evidences.

To understand a character, we should be critical in analyzing the author’s

explicit description or the way the author describes the character explicitly, as


author explicit description and comment upon the character. Personal description

almost always helps us both to visualize the person and understand his character.”

(1965: 17-18)

Stanton also added other information for recognizing major characters’

characteristics from other characters’ characteristics. Usually, the attitude of the

other characters toward the major character will also help us in determining the

characteristics of the major characters.

“A third type of evidence, is provided by the other characters in a story, even the minor ones. Obviously, their attitudes toward major characters are important. Not so obviously, their similarities to, or differences from him helps to define the most significant traits.” (1965:18).

But all of those ways to understand a character, the most important and

basic thing is by analyzing the behavior and the dialogue of the character, as what

Stanton states, “The most important evidence of all is the character’s own

dialogue and behavior. In good fiction, every speech and every action is not only a

step in the plot but also manifestation of characters.” (1965: 18)

The point is that the readers do not really read the characters before they

know how the author formulates the characters; until then they know them only as

they know the conversation of strangers on a bus. Through our knowledge of the

characters, the readers understand their actions; through their actions, the readers


2. Theory of Racial Prejudice

There are many definitions of prejudice. It is because prejudice is a

difficult subject to study because people might be confused of the stereotype and

the target which have posibility to change .

The definition which is used in this writing is Kitano’s. Although he said

that many kinds of definition revealed, he decided one which explained about

exploitation as what Kitano states below,

There are many explanation of prejudice. One is its use in exploitation. The dominant group can avoid feelings of sympathy and empathy for the dominanted through stereotypes or overexaggerations of negatives qualities. (1987: 50)

For completing this theory, the writer also takes theory of racial prejudice

from Rose. As what Peter I. Rose (1997: 113) says that “prejudice may be defined

as a system of negative belief, feelings, and action orientation regarding a group

of people”. Rose means that prejudice has a negative characteristic because

prejudice usually is a result from hostile mind. Later, Rose divided the idea into

three levels of theory of prejudice. It contains of the cognitive or beliefs, the

affective or feelings, and the conative or behavior in the particular way as what

Rose said as follows.

The definition of group prejudice stated above incorporates the three major dimensions of all attitude systems: the cognitive (beliefs), the affective (feelings), and the conative (predisposition to act in particular way,or policy orientation). (1997: 113)

Cognitive is one component of prejudice which applies knowledge and


stereotype and misconception to certain groups of society. Rose in the book, They and We, Racial and Ethnic Relation in the United States says as follows.

The cognitive component pertains to the “intellectual” side of prejudice, for it involves knowledge, however faulty. This is expressed in stereotypical conception and misconceptions of various social groups by others,… (1997: 113)

In other words, cognitive may judge people by their own beliefs. Things

without consider whether it is right or wrong will motivate people to make a

stereotype. Moreover, the people who have the stereotype got their wrong


Cognition means a cranial reaction in people’s mind. Individually people

who judge depend on their own belief will use their particular ideas to argue in

different situation. They make generalization for groups which they do not

understand much as what Rose states as follows.

Cognition refers to “cranial” reactions, that is, pictures in the mind’s eye. While ethnocentric individuals frequently generalize about groups they know little or nothing about, prejudiced individuals generalize about groups they think they know well. (1997: 113-114)

From that quotation, Rose implicitly says that cognitive can be told as the

basic idea or the brain in the people’s mind. It can create stereotypes which

furthermore can kill the relation between certain races. Rose also explains about

the relation of ethnocentric and prejudiced. “Ethnocentrism or the belief that one’s

own family and society are unique and correct is another explanation of

prejudice.” (Kitano, 1987:50). One who has ethnocentrism will consider their


The ethnocentric of personal makes the people know a little or even

nothing about certain groups, while the prejudice makes the people use their belief

to judge other races that they think they know well.

The second component is affective or feelings. Affective deals with feeling

and emotion of people. It is a strong feelings rather than a careful thought. The

emotion of people appears as revulsion or as a strong feeling of horror, as what

Rose describes as follows.

The second dimension, called “affective”, refers to the way one feels about what is perceived. The emotion evoked are “visceral” in that they are often manifest in gut feelings or revulsion, fear, hate, or indignation, …(1997: 114)

It comes from feeling and change into a revulsion such as anger, surprise,

hatred, and fear. But, people who get feelings are first based on their stereotype

like what Rose explains as follows “Often emotion aroused in the prejudiced

person are based upon the stereotypes he or she holds of certain people”


For making the reader understand, Rose provides some example like, “If

ones believes that Mexicans typically carry knives, one may feel frightened when

confronted by a member of this group” (1997: 114)

The third level is conative or behavior in a particular way. Thoughts and

Feelings take a part in prejudiced people. Prejudice has a logic emotion rather

than a logic reason. So it can be said that prejudice is a structure of false belief but

it has an intention, however the doer is in unconscious condition, as what Rose


Group prejudices involve both thought and feelings about people. “However false as to fact, prejudice has a certain logic, a logic not of reason but of the emotions…Prejudice is more than false belief; it is a structure of false belief with a purpose, however unconscious.” (1997: 114)

People will act in particular way to response racial prejudice, but this is

only a predisposition to act toward certain group in society rather than the act of


So, the writer can conclude that based on Rose’s theory of Racial

Prejudice, there are three basic elements in racial prejudice. The elements are

related to each other and accomplish like a pattern in the mind. Further,

discrimination appears as the result of prejudice’s manifestation.

For supporting the third problem formulation, the writer adds two theories

about it. Allport in his book, The Nature of Prejudice, said that on the issue such as prejudice found that frustration may make something hostile and aggressive.

But the commonest responses to prejudice may be a simple act to deal with as

what Allport says as follows.

On the other hand, we must be careful not to give this process, important as it is, undue weight. It is simply not true, as some enthusiasts have said, that “frustration always lead to some sort of aggression.” If it were, then all of us (for we are all frustrated) would harbor vast stores of aggression, and would be prejudice-prone. The commonest reaction to frustration is not aggression at all, but a simple and direct attempt to surmount the obstacle in our path. True, the young infant’s response to frustration is usually anger. But in the process of learning, the child, and later the adult acquires a considerable degree of frustration tolerance, and learns to substitute perseverance, planning and intelligent solution for the initial tendency to rage. (1979: 348)

In other words, many frustration and rejections may respond in simple act


movements. Passive violation and resistance are the important tactics to protest

racial prejudice because the people are powerless to argue and defend.

Resistance is one of response which is unlimited behaviors because someone is

powerless. Based on Vic Napier in the Hitt’s book entitled Uppled Saddle River. There are six factors that can make people contribute resistance which are Inertia,

Mistrust, Lack of Information Lack of Clarity, Lack of Capabilities and Lack of

Incentive as what said as follows

Hitt traces resistance to change as in interaction between people and organizational structure. They identify six factors that contribute to people either not perceiving a need for change or actively resisting seeing such needs – Inertia, Mistrust, Lack of Information Lack of Clarity, Lack of Capabilities and Lack of Incentive. (Napier, 2009)

Based on Napier in Williams’s book entitled Management which is William inspired by Kurt Lewin’s Life Space theory for explaining resistance. He

sees resistance as a model of life cycle. When the balances of cycle are disturbed,

the stress is produced and creates a defense, one of the defenses is resistance as

stated follows.

He cites Kurt Lewin’s Life Space theory to explain resistance to change. Lewin did most of his work in the 1930’s and followed the discoveries physics was making at that time. Inspired by the idea of field theory then being advanced in physics, Lewin’s Life Space was a model of the interaction between an individual’s needs and the psychological environment in which one finds oneself. According to Lewin, people are normally in a state of balance with their environment. When this balance is disturbed stress is produced and the individual is compelled to restore balance. Efforts to restore balance can result in either positive or negative outcomes.(Napier, 2009) 


C.Review on Blacks’ Condition on 1930s

It is necessary to apply this review since the writer uses


significance condition in 1930s which happened in the history and the civilization

of Montgomery, Alabama in Maycomb society. This review supports the analysis

by giving notifications in the South during racial prejudice and discrimination.

Boyer in his book, The Enduring Vision, A History of American People, volume two describes that the Great Depression in 1930s make American Blacks, Hispanics, and Indians are in hardship situation. Depression made slower the

urbanization of Blacks. Four hundred thousand Blacks people moved from South

to North in 1930s. This big urbanization made the Great Depression become

extreme. It was because many unemployment in the North, as what Boyer states

as follows.

...., the depression markedly slowed the urbanization of Black Americans. Some 400,000 southern Blacks moved to northern cities in the 1930s-far fewer than in either the 1920s or the 1940s. In 1940s about 77 percent of the nation’s 12 million Blacks still lived in the South. (1990: 908)

Since the Blacks who came in the past are slaves, the Whites

underestimates them. The Whites treated them unfairly, they limited jobs for

Blacks. so, the number of unemployment increased. Black people who had

already got jobs as farmer and sharecoppers, forced to leave their land, Boyer in

his book, The Enduring Vision, A History of American People, volume twoIstates as follows.

Not only did southern Black tenant farmers and sharecoppers frequently face eviction, ...., but the jobless rate among Black industrial workers far exceeded the rates for Whites, largerly because of deep-seated patterns in Chicago reported “a prevailing sentiment that Negroes should not be hired as long as there are White men without work.”(1990: 908)

It seem that the Blacks’ misery is not ended yet. The Blacks had no access


were lynched in the 1930s and some others were sentenced to death by the Grand

juries who consisted of White people. The Whites made a rule that legalized

abortion toward Blacks’ babies, Boyer in his book, The Enduring Vision, A History of American People, volume two states as follows.

Lynchings and miscarriages of justice contiued as part of the reality of American life for Blacks as well, espcially in the South. Twenty four Blacks died by lynching in 1933, the year that President Rosevelt took office. In 1931 eight Blacks youths were sentenced to death by an all-White jury in Scottsboro, Alabama, on highly suspect charges that they had raped two White women in a freight car. (1990: 908)

In his book, American society; Problems of Structure, second edition, Turner also describes the situation of Blacks in 1930s. The hunger and

unemployment were increased because during the Great Depression the Blacks

migration to urban area are stooped. If any supplay came, the allocation for

Blacks and Whites were totally different as what Turner says as follows.

During the depression, Black migration to urban area are stopped, while both those rural and urban areas suffered enourmously from unemployment and hunger. In the mid 1930s great masses of Blacks received some form of public assistance; but even so, welfare allocations were differently bestowed on Blacks and Whites. (1976: 190)

The other review on Racial Prejudice comes from Molefi Kete Asante in

the book The Survival of the American Nation, Erasing Racism, whowrote about these two societies, one Blacks and the other Whites, which settled in one land,

America. Because of the state of being in their own land, Whites felt superior and

practiced the racism. Asante stated that Blacks presence is socially and culturally

weak and uncertainly. Asante added that racism can trigger off another effect in

the society, something like alienation, destruction and violence as what Asante


Of course, the mean street of experience teach a sort of hopelessness about the will of white Americans to overcome the practice of racism. The social and cultural exsistence of African Americans itselfis fragile, a cup of water balanced on the tip of a long narrow pole. Indeed, racism can create a depressing psychic condition that leads to alienation, destruction, and violence. (2003: 34).

From Asante’s quotation above, the phrase ‘mean street experience’ means

violence in the black community itself is an impact from the Whites racial


Asante gives the same powerful books about racism in American society

by Andrew Hacker and Derrick Bell. African American population were the

realiable critics for American society, as what Asante stated, “ Both authors

contend that African American population has been the critical thermometer of

social injustice in American society.” Hacker’s review is about the situation of the

American society which was separated but never equal, although both Blacks and

Whites considered an agreement about race and ethnicity, as what Asante says as


In fact, Hacker has proclaimed that there are essentially only two critical societies, -separate, unequal, and hostile- in the United States. These two societies, one black and the other white, constitute the major axis around which all other question of race and ethnicity revolve. (2003: 35)

While, as what Asante stated about Bell in The Survival of the American Nation, Erasing Racism, Bell’s review is about racism which lasts for long time in American society, “Bell believes that racism particulary as it is expressed against

African, is a permanent feature in the American society.”

These two reviews are about the relation between Blacks and Whites


situation of two different economic opportunities is revealed. As we know, Blacks

are always poorer than Whites, as Asante states below,

The Kenner Commission Report said that there were essentially two nations, one white and richer and the other black and poorer. In the succeeding decades, little has changed in the economic positions of the two communities. Whether one analyzes salary or state wealth, the African American community, on the whole, is far poorer than the white community. (2003: 35).

D.Review of Black Responses and White Responses

In 1930s, there was only few of Black who struggle their rights from

injustice and unequality. Henretta, in the book, American History since 1865 2nd Edition, states about few responses which is against racial prejudice and discrimination. Black people in Southern resists the White oppression and declare

a boycott as What Henretta says as follows.

Like Blacks of Grimes County, southern Blacks in Many places resisted White oppression as best they could....Atlanta Blacks declared a boycott, and over the next fifteen years there waere boycott against segregated streetcars in at least twenty-five cities.(1993: 599)

Many defendants were killed before the court. Blacks felt it is an very

unfair treatment. Many struggle of Blacks can not continue further because they

had no access to fight. Blacks named Ida Wells Barnett and Robert Charles strike

back by agaisnt lynching so they forced to move from the city. Henretta in the

book, American History since 1865 2nd Edition describe as follows.


While, some Whites people who cared about the humanity and civil rights

make a programme for struggle the equality between Black and White. Although

there were much attemption to reach the deal with the situation of that era. The

programme called Affirmative Action, the programme provide fairness to create

Black and White’s Equality, Chima and Warton, in their article, African Americans and the Workplace: Overview of Persistent Discrimination, states as follows.

While Affirmative Action, a program to provide equal ooportunity for all Americans, is being debated for its fairness, the United States has the ultimate responsibility to seek new paradigms of sustainable human development and protection from abuses for all citizen. The effort to end discrimination against African Americans or anyone in the workplace almost certainly should come with increased awareness of this problem. (Chima and Warton, 1999: 50)

Based on www.u-s-history.com/pages, NAACP was establish by bi-racial

activist in 1909 in New York. It is an oldest civil right organization called

National Negro Committee. In the other hand, United is in the opposition to them.

United tried hard to persuade the Blacks people to accept racial prejudice and

segregation as states as follows.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 in New York City by a group of bi-racial activists. Originally called the National Negro Committee, it is the nation's oldest civil rights organization... United in its opposition to the preaching of Booker T. Washington, who urged blacks to accept segregation, the NAACP first sought to make whites aware of the need for racial equality.

In 1920s and 1930s, NAACP dedicated their struggle to publish the

lynching of Blacks throughout the United States. To make the world knew that


conference in Atlanta, Georgia, remembering that at that time there was the huge

klan named Ku Klux Klan as stated as follows based on


In the 1920s and 1930s, the NAACP devoted much of its energy to publicizing the lynching of blacks throughout the United States. To show to the world that the members of the organization would not be intimidated, it held its 1920 annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia, considered at the time to be located in one of the most active Ku Klux Klan areas in the nation.

In the era of 1930s when Great Depression was happened, NAACP tried to

help the Blacks people to get a job. After much tension with the Whites labor

union, NAACP cooperated with newly formed Congress of Industrial

Organizations to convince the President to make something illegal about job as

described as follows in www.naacp.org/pages/naacp-history

 During the Great Depression of the 1930s, which was disproportionately disastrous for African Americans, the NAACP began to focus on economic justice. After years of tension with white labor unions, the Association cooperated with the newly formed Congress of Industrial Organizations in an effort to win jobs for black Americans. White, a friend and adviser to First Lady and NAACP national board member, Eleanor Roosevelt, met with her often in attempts to convince President Franklin D. Roosevelt to outlaw job discrimination in the armed forces, defense industries and the agencies spawned by Roosevelt's New Deal legislation.

Based on www. Blackpast.org, “The League of Struggle for Negro Rights

(LSNR) was the primary civil rights organization of the American Communist

party (CP) during the early and during the early to mid 1930s. ” This party

struggle for the land redistribution in the South and for the equality between the


One of their case is about racial injustice, Scottsboro Boys which is notorious by raping a woman.

E.Theoretical Framework

In this part, the writer would like to explain about the contribution of some

theories and review in solving the problem in this research, The Response of Blacks and Whites toward Racial Prejudice in 1930s as Portrayed in Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Firstly, theory of character is a theory which is chosen for solving the first problem formulation which is description of the Blacks and

Whites in Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Secondly, theory of racial prejudice is a theory chosen for solving the second problem formulation which is the way racial

prejudice be revealed through the Whites in the novel and also for solving the

third problem formulation which is the way Whites and Blacks responded racial

prejudice in the novel.






A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled To Kill a Mockingbird which is written by Nelle Harper Lee. A hardcover edition of To Kill a Mockingbird was originally published in 1960 by J.B Lippincott Company. The copyright of To Kill a Mockingbird was published by HarperCollins Publisher and was printed in the United States of America. The first perennial classics edition published in 2002

and the first Harper perennial modern classics edition published in 2006. To Kill a Mockingbird won the pulitzer prize despite critical review. But this novel was highly popular because it was sold until fifteen milion copies. Besides, the novel

was remade into a movie in 1962 which was successful, with Gregory Peck as

Atticus Finch.

Lee published her first and only novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, in 1960

after a two-year period of revising and rewriting under the guidance of her editor,

Tay Hohoff, of the J. B. Lippincott Company.

On June 1966, Harper Lee was named by President Johnson to the

National Council of Arts. She only wrote a few short essays since her novel was


B. Approach of the study


set between certain historical period which is 1930s in the certain society which is

Maycomb society, Alabama.

Sociocultural-historical approach is an approach that convey people in

certain group, their attitudes, and their problems surround the group or society.

Deeply, social background of the people is needed to know better about certain

society as what Rohrberger and Woods states as follows.

...the only way to locate the real work is in reference to the civilization to produced it. They define civilization as the attitudes and actions as its subject matter. They feel, therefore, that it is necessary that the critic investigate the social milieu in which a work was created and which it necessarily reflects. (1971: 9)

Rohrberger and Woods figure out that people’s attitude and action is the

realiable reference that can be used to understand a literature. The social

background for the period of time also influence the literature. For an instance, in

the 1930s is the era of the great deppression, the economic condition is poor

because many people are jobless, the social condition is aware because many

violences. While condition for Blacks are minority group toward the Whites. That

is all the examples of social background which are necessary to undersatnd the

whole of literature.

Rohrberger and Woods’ sociocultural-historical approach is considered

suitable to the research because they place the real work as a reference. They also

see the social background of the certain period time to know better about the

literature as what they states as follows.


such historical knowledge is the chief purpose of literature. (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 9)

Guliver Travels is a classic children's story, but it is actually a work of

political and social satire by an Anglican priest, historian, and political


As a critic, student should be fair to judge the literature as a work study.

Students should avoid a sudden judging to literature only by paraphrasing the

event happened in certain period time and believe it to be true. The student should

gain much attention to sociocultural factors. So, the analysis does not seem too

narrow and surfaced as what they said as follows.

..,but, again, the student must be cautioned to avoid certain danger . Too rigorous an application of a narrow ethical system might lead the student to judge as good as only literature that expresses ideas he believes to be true. Further, the student should avoid judging a piece of literature as though it were merely a historical document, illuminating the past only, without relevance to contemporary life. (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 10)

For avoiding the sudden judging, Rohrberger and Woods apply two

factors that should be include in the sociocultural-historical approach. The first

factor is the capability to completely give correct information about historical

events that happened in certain period of time. The second factor is the capability

to completely giving an important historical events that happened in certain period

of time as what Rohrberger and Woods’states as follows.


If the focus is on sociocultural-historical background, the author’s fact is

not necessarily observed in detail. Also, for the literary work, the students only

needs the fact about the significant time and history, but not the literary

significance itself.

C. Method of the Study

In analyzing this research, the writer applies a library research method

because the source is token from printed books. The data and references which

were employed in this research was gathered from books, encyclopedia, journals

and some on-line references. The primary data which is used for this research is

entitled To Kill a Mockingbird. It is written by Nelle Frances Lee. The secondary data is from books, encyclopedia, journals and on line references for example

were They and We which is fifth edition by Peter I. Rose, Writing about Literature

by Edgar V. Roberts, and International Encyclopedia of Ethics edited by John K. Roth.

In conducting the analysis, the writer applied some theory which were

theory of character and theory of racial prejudice. Theory of character by Robert

Stanton is used for helping the writer to describe the Blacks and Whites in the

novel. While theory of racial prejudice by Peter I. Rose is used for helping the

writer to reveal the practice of racial prejudice in the novel and also for helping

the writer to know the response of the Blacks and Whites in the novel.

Some steps were accomplished in doing this research. First, the step taken


find an important elements. By reading the writer also included the activities of

making questions, important notes and writing a summary. Second, the step was

reading but it was added by linking the information gathered with the information

from the novel. This step also included finding and matching the suitable theories

with the novel and the question. Then the third, was answering the questions one

by one. It limited the analysis on describing the people which are Blacks and

Whites, focusing on the practice of racial prejudice which happened in Maycomb

County society revealed through the white. For the next question, the writer

answered on the responses of Blacks toward the practice of racial prejudice

happened to them in their society. The last step is making a conclusion for overall

analysis which had been taken.






As we come to the analysis part, it is necessary to give brief explanation

about the content. This chapter consists of three subchapters for answering the

problem formulation. The first subchapter descibes about Blacks and Whites’

characteristics. The second subchapter discusses about the revelation of racial

prejudice which were done by the Whites toward the Blacks. The third subchapter

discussed about the reponses of Blacks and Whites toward racial prejudice in

Maycomb county.

A.The descriptions of Blacks and Whites’ Characters in Harper Lee’s To Kill

a Mockingbird

1. The description of Blacks in Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

a. Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson is a black man in Maycomb county. He is poor. He lives in

small and dirty place in Maycomb, as what Lee states in her novel as follows.

”Atticus sighed. I’m simply defending a Negro-his name’s Tom Robinson. He

lives in that little settlement beyond the town dump”(1960: 86). Tom is a poor

man because his house is only part of the town dump where people usually leave

garbage or rubbish. The town dump is dirty and smell bad.

Tom Robinson is twenty five years old. He had married and got three

children. “Tom was twenty-five years of age; he was married with three


He is handicapped. He can not use his left hand properly. He can not stand

normally like anyone else, A crippled man whose arms are not exactly the same as

what Lee states as follows.

”Tom Robinson’s powerful shoulders rippled under his thin shirt. He rose to his feet and stood with his right hand on the back of his chair. He looked oddly off balanced, but it was not from the way he was standing. His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right, and hung dead at his side. It ended in a small shriveled hand,...(1960: 211)

Tom Robinson works for White, Mr. Link Deas, who has plenty of pecan

trees in his field. For the rest of their life, Blacks should get a job although the

income is not sufficient for their family. Tom Robinson is a humble, honest and

hardworker. He never takes any advantage for his own as what Lee states through

Mr. Link Deas statement as follows. ”I just want the whole lot of you to know one

thing right now. That’s boy worked for me eight years an’ I ain’t had a speck

o’trouble outa him. Not a speck.” (1960: 222)

Tom Robinson is a humble man , he respects any other folks of

people,especially women, no matter Blacks or Whites as what Lee states, “He

would not have dared strike a white woman under any circumtances....”(1960:


b. Calpurnia

Calpurnia is a Black woman who works for long time Finch Family. Finch

is a White family in Maycomb society, she works for Atticus Finch. Her primary

duty is cooking, cleaning and taking care of Atticus’ children, they are Scout and

Jem. Calpurnia was nearsighted and squinted. This condition is worse because she


uncapable and weak woman. Otherwise, Calpurnia is a tough woman as what Lee

describes, “Calpurnia was something else again. She was all angles and bones: she

was nearsighted: she squinted: her hand was wide as bed slat and twice as hard.”

(1960: 6)

Behind her limitation, Calpurnia has strength. She is a smart woman, she

learns and practices about proper English which people usually used. In the novel,

Calpurnia is the only Black woman who can speak and write well among Black

people as what Lee describes, “When in her tranquility, her grammar was as good

as anybody’s in Maycomb. Atticus said Calpurnia had more education than most

colored folks.” (1960: 27). Besides teaching alphabet to Scout, Calpurnia also

taught her son, Zeebo, to learn English well.

Another characteristic of Calpurnia is motherly. She loves Jem and Scout

as her own children, she takes care them nicely, so the children loves her eitherly

as what Lee describes through Atticus dialogue to his sister, Alexandra.

If anything, she’s been harder on them in some ways than a mother would have been ...she never let them get away with anything, she never indulged them the way most colored nurses do.(1960:155)

Living in the growth of racial pejudice does not make Calpurnia

discriminates Whites. Still she advises children that they do not allow to pick

friend based on their appearances as what Lee states through the conversation of

Calpurnia and Scout below.


c. People attending in the court

Many people come in the day Tom Robinson brought to court. Both Black

and White enter the court and look for their seat. Black and White people have

their own seat separately based on their colors. For Black people, it is located in

the balcon as what Lee states as follows. “Reverend Sykes came puffing behind

us, and steered us gently through the black people in the balcony. Four Negroes

rose and gave us their front-row seats.” (1960:186)

Blacks are so kind and friendly to others. It is not because the rule says

that Blacks should give their seat to White in the Balcon, they only should wait

until the Whites enters the courtroom. Moreover, no Whites will intend to have a

seat together with Black in the balcon. From the quotation above written that four

Black people stand and give their seat to Jem and Scout when they found that

there is no seat anymore in the downstairs. Reverend Sykes who is the Black

preacher in the Calpurnia Church offers Scout and Jem to have a seat with him in

balcony, so still they can see the court session as what Lee states as follows

through Reverend’s dialogue.“There’s not a seat downstairs. Do you all reckon

it’ll be all right if you all came to the balcony with me?”(1960: 186)

2. The description of Whites in Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

a. Atticus Finch

Atticus is a lawyer in Alabama, Maycomb county. He has one brother and

one sister, Jack and Alexandra. Atticus is a widower, her wife died because of the


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