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Academic year: 2019



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(A Classroom Action Research of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Eva Nuryani







ِ إ

اًرْسُي ِرْسُعْلا َعَم َّن





اًرْسُي ِرْسُعْلا َعَم َّنِإَف

“For indeed, with hardship (will be) ease. Indeed, with hardship (will be) ease.”

(Al-Insyirah: 5-6)

“Education is not learning of fact, but the training of the mind to think”

“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dream is

more powerful than the one with all facts”



This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My lord, Allah SWT…Thank to Allah for gives me guidance and strength in my

life, especially to finish this graduating paper.

2. My beloved parent, my mother (Maspiyah) and my father (Wur Sriyanto) who

always prays guide and motivate me to become better person.

3. My big family that supported for my education and finishing this graduating


4. My honorable consultant (Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, M.A) who always gives me

suggestion and patience throughout my graduating paper. Thank you very much!

5. Thank you for all lecturers of Education faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga, who always teach me brilliantly, give me the best advice. I will

never forgetting to you.

6. Thank you for my struggle friends Agustina Ridho Utami, Aning Sulistyaningsih,

Dwi Ratnasari, Istifarini, Puji Ningsih,




In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the king of universe and

space. Thank you to Allah because the researcher can complete this graduating paper

as one of requirement to finish the study in English Department of States for Institute

Islamic Studies Salatiga.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance

and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special

thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmad Haryadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, as a Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Nor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Language Teaching Department of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Maslihatul Umami, M. A. as counselor who has bring up, espoused, and given the

researcher advices, suggestion and recommendations for this graduating paper

from beginning until the end. Thank you for patience and care.

5. All the lecturers in the English Language Teaching Department who have given

much knowledge, the researcher deeply thank you all.

6. My beloved family, thanks for your spirit and patient.

7. All of staff who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper



Nuryani, Eva. 2017. “The Use of Task Based Learning to Improve Students Writing Skills.” graduating paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga.

Consultant: Maslihatul Umami, M.A

Key Words: Task Based Learning, Improvment, Writing Skills.



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Statement of Problem ... 3

C. The Objective of the Study ... 3

D. Benefits of the Study ... 4

E. Limitation of the Problems ... 5

F. Definition of Key Term ... 5

G. The Outline of the Study ... 6


B. Literature Review ... 10

1. Task Based Learning ... 10

a. Definition of Task Based Learning ... 10

b. Task Based Learning Methodology ... 13

c. Teacher Rules in Task Based Learning ... 14

d. The Advantages of Task Based Learning ... 15

2. Writing Skill ... 16

a. Definition of Writing ... 16

b. Genres of Text ... 19

c. The Writing Process ... 21

d. Teacher Roles in Teaching Writing ... 22

e. Scoring of Writing ... 23

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Research Setting ... 26

1. General Situation of MA Utsmaniyyah... 26

2. The Schedule of Research ... 27

3. The Subject of Research... 28

B. Method of Research ... 29

C. Procedure of Research... 30

D. Technique of Collecting Data ... 34



A. Research Implementation ... 40

B. Statistical Analysis ... 60

C. Analysis and Discussion ... 75

1. Analysis ... 75

2. Discussions ... 76

CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusions ... 79

B. Suggestions ... 81

1. Teacher ... 81

2. Students ... 81

3. Other Researcher ... 82





Table 2.1 Rubric scoring of writing ... 23

Table 3.1 The schedule of research ... 27

Table 3.2 List of XI IPS class ... 28

Table 3.3 Kemmis and MC Taggart’s model ... 31

Table 4.1 Teacher’s observation checklist cycle 1... 47

Table 4.2 Students’ observation Checklist cycle 1 ... 49

Table 4.3 Teacher’s observation checklist cycle 2... 56

Table 4.4 Students’ observation Checklist cycle 2 ... 58

Table 4.5 The students’ score in pre-test cycle 1 ... 60

Table 4.6 Count of passing grade pre-test cycle 1 ... 62

Table 4.7 The students’ score in post-test cycle 1 ... 63

Table 4.8 Count of passing grade post-test cycle 1 ... 64

Table 4.9 Difference square of pre and post-test score in cycle 1 ... 65

Table 4.10 The students’ score in pre-test cycle 2 ... 69

Table 4.11 Count of passing grade pre-test cycle 2 ... 70

Table 4.12 The students’ score in post-test cycle 2 ... 71

Table 4.13 Count of passing grade post-test cycle 2 ... 72




A. Background of the Study

Language is a system or tool of communication. Communication means

act or process using words, sounds, signs or behaviour to express information or

to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings to someone else. According to Sapir

(1921, p. 8), language is a purely human and non instinctive method of

communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily

produced symbol. It means that people use it to communicate each other, to share

their ideas and to deliver the messages from the writer or speaker to the reader or

listener. According to Ahmed, R. Z & Bidin, S. J (2016) English language has

emerged as the most important and widely used language all over the world, so it

is required to learn English everywhere in all continents. In it fact that English

has become international language. It is familiar for people around the world.

Almost all of countries use it to communicate each other. Most of people learn

English to communicate and socialize with others in the world. English has four

basic skills; they are writing, speaking, reading and listening. In this section, the

researcher focuses on writing skill, because the researcher thinks that writing

skill is the most important skill among the others. According to Tillema, M

(2012, p.1) writing is one of the most important skills for educational success,


Writing is difficult to learn, because writing is a productive skill, so

students who are learning writing have to learn how to find ideas, and express

them into writing. However, writing should be learn. Writing has advantages,

such as it helps developing students’ crusial thinking, it gives information to the


Effective writing skills demand knowledge, discipline, effort and

organization (Mahmoud, 1992, p. 11). It means that good writing demand of

their knowledge and experience. Writing habit is good for students in expressing

their ideas and make them creative in writing paragraph.

The researcher observes in MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto Grobogan. The

researcher meet one of the English teacher named Mr. Edi Christanto, S.Pd. and

interview him. In that interview, the researcher asks some questions to the

teacher related to students’ writing skill. From that interview, the researcher

finds some students’ difficulties in writing. The students are lack of vocabularies.

They do not know how to make an appropriate grammar work, and they have

less understanding with the contexts so these become the major problem for

students. These problems causes students can not write paragraphs well.

Based on the condition above, the researcher tries to apply Task Based

Learning to improve students’ writing skill. Task Based Learning is activities

that require the use of target language in order to complete a writing task. In

Task Based Learning, the students are learning by doing. The lesson is focused


Based Learning to Improve Students’ Writing Skills (A Classroom Action

Research of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto,

Grobogan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018).”

B. Statement of Problems

Based on the research above, this research is aimed at giving answer on

the following problems:

1. Can the implementation of Task Based Learning improve students’ writing

skills for the eleventh grade students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan

in the academic year of 2017/2018?

2. How significant is the use of Task Based Learning to improve students’

writing skills for the eleventh grade students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto,

Grobogan in the academic year of 2017/2018?

C. Objective of the Study

The general purposes of the study is to know the degree of Task Based

Learning that is suitable with class condition. The specific objectives of this

study are:

1. To find out whether the implementation of Task Based Learning can improve

the students’ writing skills for the eleventh grade students of MA


2. To find out how far the use of Task Based Learning can improve students’

writing skills for the eleventh grade students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto,

Grobogan in the academic year of 2017/2018.

D. Benefit of the Study

The result of this research is expected to give benefit for:

1. For the Teacher

The expeceted of this research is help the teacher enrich about

approach of teaching English particularly in writing skill and to solve the

problem of students. This research not only gives additional contribution for

English teacher to develop language teaching, but also the teachers are able to

improve the quality of teaching learning process.

2. For the Students

For the students, this research can be used to solve their problems in

writing, so they can improve their writing ability.

3. For the Researcher

This research is hoped to be able to give a new knowledge for the

researcher in order to make a better research in teaching and learning cases.

Furthermore, it will help the further researcher to solve the students’ and


E. Limitation of the Problems

This research will be conducted at MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan.

The population of this research is the eleventh grade students of MA

Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan in the academic year of 2017/2018. The topic

must be limited in order to investigate and solve the problems more accurately,

clearly and correctly. Therefore, this research only focuses on improving

students’ writing skills by using Task Based Learning, especially in Report Text.

F. Definitions of Key Term

There are key terms of this research:

1. Task-Based Learning

According to Alsagheer A & A Hasan (2014, p. 254) Task-Based

Learning is an instruction in the field of language acquisition and learning. It

focuses on the students doing meaningful task using target language.

2. Improvement

Improve means become or make better, meanwhile improvement is

process of becoming or making better (Oxford dictionary 2011, p. 222). It

explains the students writing skill will be better if they use Task-Based


3. Writing Skills

According to Sitepu, A. S. R., & Siregar, M. (2014, p. 2) Writing is


G. The Outline of the Study

In order to make systematic research, the researcher organizes this

research into five chapters, they are as follows:

Chapter I is Introduction. It contains of background of study, research

questions, objectives of study, significant of study, limitation of problems, the

definition of key term, previous research and the outline of the study. Chapter II

is Theoretical Framework. It contains of previous research result and literature

review. Literature review consists of the underlying theories that include the

definition of Task Based Learning and writing skill. Chapter III is Method of

Research. It contains of the setting of research, the method of research,

procedure of research, technigues of collecting data and the data analysis.

Chapter IV is Research Implementation and Analysis. It contains of the

implementation of using Task Based Learning to improve students’ writing

skills. It also contains the significant improvement of using Task Based Learning

to improve students’ writing skills. Chapter V is the Closure. It contains of

conclusion and suggestion. After that, it is followed by references and




In this chapter, the researcher presents Theoretical Framework. It is

aimed to give relevant of the study. Therefore, this chapter describes some

information involving: Previous Research Results and Literature Review.

A. Previous researches

In order to improve the understanding this research, the researcher

presents five relevant studies. The first research has been done by Ruso (1999)

entitled “The Influence of Task Based Learning on EFL Classroom”.

Increasing learners’ motivation and performance has always been primary

concern of language teacher. The present study adopt in Action Research

approach. A new approach, TBL, is applied to a traditional classroom

situation with the aim of finding solution to certain problems such as poor

learner motivation. 55 EFL students from two English classrooms and the

researcher, a Turkish teacher, participated in the study. In this study, learner’s

opinions about TBL are investigated through different data collection.

Method: as a questionnaire, diaries and semi structural interviews. The finding

of the study reveals that implementing of TBL approach in EFL classes

creates variety for the students. Moreover it enhances their learning, since


improvements regarding their language performance. The research

participants suggest that they do not like teacher-directed lessons where they

cannot find enough opportunities to express themselves in the target language.

The second research has been done by Charles. D. (2002) entitled

Implementing TaskBased learning with young learners”. This article

draws on qualitative classroom observation data from case studies of three

EFL classes in Hong Kong primary schools. It analyses four themes relevant

to the classroom implementation of task‐based learning with young learners,

namely, noise/indiscipline, the use of the mother tongue, the extent of pupil

involvement, and the role of drawing or coloring activities. For each of these

issues, strategies for classroom practice are discussed. It is suggested that the

paper carries implications for teachers carrying out activities or tasks with

young EFL learners in other contexts.

The third research has been done by Murphy. J. (2003) entitled

Taskbased learning: the interaction between tasks and learners”.

Recent research into task‐based learning claims that manipulation of task

characteristics and processing conditions can focus a learner's attention on the

competing goals of accuracy, fluency, and complexity. However, it is also

necessary to consider the ways in which learners interact with tasks within the

classroom environment, and this small‐scale study investigates the


manipulation of task characteristics and conditions may not achieve the

intended pedagogic outcomes, and that new ways are needed to focus learners'

attention on form without sacrificing the meaning‐driven principles of

task‐based learning. Teachers are in a unique position with regard to their

understanding and knowledge of individual learners, and a closer partnership

between teachers and researchers would be beneficial to support this process.

The fourth research has been done by Septiarini (2011) entitled

“Improving Students’ Speaking skill Through Task-Based Learning by

using Creative Task of the Fifth Grade of MI Islamiyah Gumukrejo

Teras Boyolali in the Academic Year 2011/2012”. The students are

enthusiastic and interested to take part in the classroom activities. The result

of the analysis shows that students are able to pronoun the word well and their

vocabulary is also increase.

The last research has been done by Siska /11308096, entitled

“Improving Students Reading Ability by Using Task Based Learning

(TBL) for the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN I Boyolangu”. She says

that, implementing task based learning improve students’ writing ability

because the mean score of the students’ reading ability achieved the criteria of

success. By implementing TBL, the researcher can make students feel enjoy,


collaborator, she concludes that the students can understand about reading,

especially in descriptive text.

However, the fifth researches above investigate the use of Task Based

Learning. The first research investigates the influence of Task Based Learning

on EFL (English as a foreign language) classroom. The second research

investigates the implementation of Task Based Learning for young learners.

The third research investigates of interaction between task and learners in

Task Based Learning. The fourth research investigates the improvement of

Task Based Learning in students’ speaking skill. The last research investigates

the improvement students’ reading ability using Task Based Learning. In this

research, the researcher uses Task Based Learning to improve students’

writing skill.

B. Literature Review

1. Task Based Learning

a. Definition of Task Based Learning

According to Soni, M. & Yadav, D. (2015) task based learning is

an approach which offers students to actively engage in

communication in order to achieve a goal or complete a task using

language. According to Ganta, T. G. (2015, p. 2760) the prominence

of Task Based Learning in the present day context is evident from the


Teaching. Task based approach focuses on communication and

conveying message.

History of Task Based Learning goes to back to 1980s it

emerged out of the Communicative Language Teaching project in

India by Prabu, Prabu (1987) quoted by Ahmed, R. Z & Bidin, S. J

(2016). According to Prabhu (1987) as quoted by Harmer (2001, p.

86), he said that the idea of Task-Based Learning was greatly

popularized by N Prabhu who, working with school in Bangalore,

Southern India, speculated that students were just a likely to learn

language if they were thinking about a non-linguistic problem than if

they were concentrating on particular language form. Richards (2005,

p. 29) as quoted by Littlewood (2007, p. 243) said that includes both

task-based and control-based instruction as extension of the CLT

movement but which take different routes to achieve the goal

communicative language teaching-to develop learners’ communicative

competence. It means that task based learning is extension of CLT.

Task based learning (TBL) also is called task based language teaching

(TBLT). Based on Nunan (2003) as quoted by Littlewood (2007, p.

243) in several countries, teacher already being urged to move on from

earlier form of CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) and


instruction or task- based learning, henceforth referred to here as


According to Willis (1996, p. 34) defines that task based learning

is a goal-oriented communicative activity with a specific outcome,

where the emphasis on exchanging meanings not producing specific

language forms. It means that the task is a students’ activity which use

language to achieve a specific outcome.

Richard (1986: 289) quoted by Nunan (2004, p. 2) task

becomes pedagogical task. The definition of pedagogical task:

“Task is an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language (i.e. as a response).

For example, drawing a map while listening to a tape, listening

to an instruction and performing a command may be referred to

as task. Task may or may not involve the production of

language. A task usually requires the teacher to specify what

will be regarded as successful completion of task. The use of

variety of different kinds of task in language teaching is said to

make language teaching more communicative since it provides

a purpose for a classroom activity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake.”

Based on definition above, the researcher concludes that Task

Based Learning is an approach to teach language that is teaching and


given to the students to know the students achievement. Task Based

Learning is a study which learning by doing.

b. Task Based Learning Methodology

According to Willis (1996, p. 38) frameworks for Task-Based

Learning are:


Introduction to topic and task

Teacher explores the topic with the class, highlights useful words and phrases, helps students understand task instruxtions and prepare. Students may hear a recording of other doing a similar task.


c. Teacher Rules in Task Based Learning

According to Willis (1996, p. 40-41), there are some teacher

roles in Task Based Learning, they are:

1. Teacher as a facilitator

The teacher is generally a facilitator. They have responsible

to control the conditions for teaching and learning process.

Usually, they help students to understand the lesson.

2. The teacher is involved in setting task

The teacher is involved in setting task up, ensuring that

learners understand and get on with them, and drawing them to a


3. The teacher as a controller

Although the learners doing task independently, the teacher


4. Teacher act language guide

The part the teacher plays during each component of the task

framework also varies according to its aim. At the end of the

framework, where the focus turns to language form, the teacher

acts as language guide.

d. The Advantages of Task Based Learning

According to Willis (1996, p.35) said that there are some

advantages of TBL like:

1. It gives learners confidence to try out whether language they

know, or think they know, in the relative privacy of a pair or small

group, without being wrong or of being corrected in front of the


2. It gives learner experience of spontaneous interaction, which

involves composing what they want to say in real time,

formulating phrases and unit of meaning.

3. It gives learner a change to benefit from noticing how to express

similar meaning. Research show they are more likely to provide

corrective feedback to each other (when encouraged to do so) than


4. It engages learners in using language purposefully and

co-operatively, concentrating on building meaning, and not just using

language for display purposes.

5. It make learner participate in a complete interaction, not just

one-off sentences. Negotiating opening and closing, new stages of

change of direction are their responsibility. It is likely that

discourse skills such as these can only be acquired through


6. It gives learners more changes to try out communication strategies

like checking understanding, paraphrasing to get round an

unknown word, reformulating other people’s ideas, and supplying

words and phrase for other speaker.

7. It help learners gradually gain confidence as they find they can on

co-operation with their follow students to achieve the goals of

these task mainly through use of the target language.

2. Writing skill

a. Definition of Writing

In the language learning, students learn some of language skill.

There are four language skills: speaking, writing, listening and


ideas or feeling to others in written form. In this study, the researcher

tries to explain the definition of writing:

There are a lot of definitions of writing. The first definition is

taken from Paker, T & Eraslan, A. (2015, p. 1) writing is one of the

most important skills to be developed for people learning a second

language, and this is more emphasized in academic world.

The second definition of writing is taken from Langan (2006, p.

13) a realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing

is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing or cooking and like any skill,

it can be learned.

The last definition is taken from Eric Lenneberg, (as quoted by

Brown, 2001, p. 334), he said that different from speaking in which

people learn language through a natural process or human behavior as

learning to ‘walk’, writing is a learned behavior as learning to ‘swim’,

people need someone to teach them.

It means that people learn to write if they are members of a

literate society and usually if they teach students.

The genres of writing this is slightly shorter, you should be

aware of surprising multiplicity of options of written genres that

second language learners need to acquire. (Brown, 2004, p. 219)

1. Academic writing


Essays, compositions

Academically focused journals

Short-answer test reports (e.g. lab reports)

Thesis, dissertations

2. Job-related writing

Messages (e.g. phone message)


Memos (e.g. interoffice)

Reports (e.g. job evaluations, project reports)

Schedules, label, announcements


3. Personal writing

Letters, email, greeting card, invitations

Message, notes

Calendar entries, shopping list, reminders

Financial documents (e.g. checks, tax forms, loan applications)

Forms, questionnaires, medical reports, immigration document,

diaries, personal and journal


b. Genres of Writing

According to Law (2013, p. 2-30), there are some genre of text,

they are:

1. Narrative

Narrative uses to entertain and engage the reader in an

imaginative experience.

2. Recount

Recount tells the reader what happened and this may involve

the author’s personal interpretation of events.

3. Procedure

Procedure is written text to explain how something is done,

in a series of sequenced steps.

4. Report

Report is written to describe or classify the way things are or

seem to be. The generic structures are general classification and


5. Explanation

Explanation is written to explain how something works or the


6. Persuasive

Persuasive text is written to argue or persuade. Persuasive

texts are organized with: proposition to be argued, arguments in

logical order and reiteration.

7. Descriptive

Description is a type of text that describes a particular

person, place or thing detail. The generic structures are

identification and description.

8. Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is text that uses to reveal the readers

that something is the importance case. The generic structures are

thesis, argument and reiteration or conclusion.

9. Hortatory Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a type of text that uses to persuade

the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

done. The generic structures are thesis, argument and



Procedure is a type of text that uses to help readers how to do

or make something completely. The generic structures are goal or


c. The Writing Process

According to Rahayu and Prayitno (2015, p. 43) there are four

main stages in the writing process, they are:

1. Pre-writing

Choose and narrow the topic to a particular aspect of the

general one. For example if the topic is about environmental you

can narrow it from the environmental pollution to the pollution of

ocean and finally you can narrow it to the most specific topic.

2. Planning

Plan what to write, when to start, and how to end. Making

planning is important because from this point you will decide your


3. Writing and revising draft

As soon as you have planned, you directly execute writing with

all the techniques that you have learnt then practice it. After

writing the draft you have done, do not forget to revise it. Finally,

writing process should be accomplished.

4. Writing the final copy

Writing the final version takes some time, hence it should be

done very carefully. Then you are ready to hand in your lecturer


d. Teacher Roles in Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2001, p. 261), he said that the teacher

needs usual process when the students are asked to write, the ones that

are especially important are as follows:

1. Teacher as a Motivator

One of our principle roles in writing task will be to motivate

the students, creating the right conditions for the generations of

ideas, persuading them of the usefulness of the activity and

encouraging them to make as much effort on our part for longer

process writing sequence.

2. Teacher as a Resource

In writing task, the teacher should be ready to supply

information and language where necessary. The teacher needs to

tell students in offering devices and suggestion to look their


3. Feedback provider

The teacher needs to give feedback on writing task. The

teacher should correct the task and respond positively to the


e. Scoring of Writing

Assessing writing product divided into five components, they are

content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic (Brown

2007; as quoted file:///C:/Users/ASp%20E1-422/Downloads/rubrik%)

access on Monday 24th 2017.


Scoring writing Rubric

Aspect Score Performance Description


 Topic

 Details

4 The topic is complete and clear and the

details are relating to the topic

3 The topic is complete and clear but the

details are most relating to the topic

2 The topic is complete and clear but the

details are not relatingto the topic

1 The topic is not clear and the details are

description are arranged with proper


 Description 3 General condition is almost complete

description are arranged with misuse of


inaccuracies but not affect on meaning

2 Numerous grammatical or agreement


1 Frequent grammatical or agreement


Vocabulary 4 Effective choice of words and word


3 Few misuse of vocabularies, word


2 Limited range confusing words and

word form

1 Very poor knowledge of words, word

form and not understandable


 Spelling

 Punctuation

 Capitalization

4 It uses correct spelling, punctuation and


3 It has occasional errors of spelling,

punctuations and capitalization

2 It has frequent errors of spelling,

punctuations and capitalization

1 It is dominated by error of spelling,




A. Research Setting

1. General Situation of MA Utsmaniyyah

The research is conducted at MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan in

the academic year 2017/2018. MA Utsmaniyyah is an Islamic senior high

school which consists of 3th grade of the students. There are 3 classes.

Beside of the classroom, there are other room and facilities at MA

Utsmaniyyah, like library, computer room, teachers’ room, headmaster

room, toilet, parking area and field sport.

Name of school : MA Utsmmaniyyah

NSS : 131233150037

NPSN : 69894829

Address : Jl. Abdurrohman Ganjur NO. 01 Ngroto, Gubug,

Grobogan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Phone : 085740754780

E-mail : ma.utsmaniyyah@gmail.com


2. The schedule of research

The schedule of research can be drawn in the table below:

Table 3.1The schedule of research


August 7th, July 2017 and post-test cycle 2 Utsmaniyyah


3. The subject of research

The subject of the study is XI class of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto,

Grobogan in academic year 2017/2018. The researcher takes XI class,

there are 20 students which consist of 11 females and 9 males. Based on

the researcher’ observation, this class has low score in English term,

especially in writing. Therefore, the researcher wants to apply Task Based

Learning approach in order to improve students’ writing skill. The

position of the researcher in this research is as an observer. Moreover, the

teacher of this research is the teacher from this school itself.

Table 3.2

List of the XI IPS class of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan in

the Academic Year 2017/2018

No Name Sex

1 Ahmad Ju Ifan Male

2 Ahmad Miftakhul Ihsan Male

3 Alfiatur Rohmaniyah Female

4 Anikmatul Khoiriyah Female


6 Aris Mudi`an Male

7 Linda Rizky Pawuri Female

8 Mukhamad Abdul Aziz Male

9 M.Masmin Male

10 Much Ali Imron Male

11 Muhamad Arifin Male

12 Muhammad Anan Fuadi Male

13 Munawaroh Female

14 Natasya Arista Putri Female

15 Nur Fitri Rohmaniah Female

16 Nurul Fauziah Female

17 Putri Kristiyanti Female

18 Ryan Munif Efendi Male

19 Sinta Sinambela Female

20 Umi Muryani Female

B. Method of Research

In this research, the researcher uses classroom action research. There

are some definitions of classroom action research.

According to McNiff (1998, p. 1) action research is the name given to


teacher to be reflective of his own practice in order to enhance the quality of

education for himself and his students.

According to Fraeknel, W & Hyun (2012, p. 589) action research is

conducted by one or more individuals or groups for the purpose of solving a

problem or obtaining information in order to inform local practice.

According to Elliot (1991, p. 54), he said that action research

integrates teaching and teacher development, curriculum development and

evaluation, research and philosophical reflection into a unified conception of a

reflective educational practice.

Based on definitions above, the researcher concludes that classroom

action research is research or practical interpretation is conducted by a person

in educational practice or teaching learning process to know the situation

when they are studying. The researcher identifies the problem which is found

in the class before applying Classroom Action Research.

C. Procedure of the Research

Kemmis, S. & McTaggart (2007, p. 278) makes a spiral model of

action research that has four steps. The spiral model is illustrated in the figure




1. Planning

The activities in the planning are as follow:

a. Preparing syllabus, lesson-plan, rubric, pre-test, Post-test, media,


b. Preparing validation sheet for lesson plan and syllabus

c. Preparing students’ worksheet

d. Preparing the teacher’s and students’ observational checklist

e. Preparing teaching aids of learning in the class (e.g. worksheet, power


2. Action

In action activities, as an implementation of the planning, the

researcher presented them in the following:

a. Providing some pictures that related with the material

b. Guiding students to identify the picture based on the characteristics


c. Giving feedback of the picture

d. Giving a complete Report Text

e. Giving opportunity to the students by asking the difficulties problems

f. Asking the students to identify the generic structure of the text

g. Asking the students to write based on the instruction of the teacher

(students’ worksheet)

h. Asking the students to present their assignment

i. Summarizing and discussing the result of the presentation

j. Helping students to get main point of the lesson

3. Observation

In this research, the researcher is an observer and the teacher is the

teacher of the school itself. In this activity, the researcher observes the

teacher and students’ activity during the lesson. It is started from pre-test

until post-test. All of situation in the class are observed and written in an

observational checklist. The observational checklist for teacher is


a. Teacher enter the class and greeting students before the lesson.

b. Teacher ask the students to read praying.

c. Checking students’ attendance.

d. Giving ice breaking that related to the material.

e. Explaining the material fluency by using Task Based Learning


f. Giving pictures in power point thet related with the material and ask

the students to describes generally.

g. Asking students to identify the text based on the generic structure.

h. Giving worksheet (picture) to the students.

i. Asking the students to write simple sentence based on worksheet

j. Asking the students to present their assigment

k. Asking one of students write the their sentence on the board

l. Evaluating students’ assignment and giving feedback for their work.

m. Asking students to summarize the lesson

n. Informing next material for nex meeting

o. Closure

Later on, the result of the students’ observation checklist are explained


a. One of students lead the praying

b. Students enjoy the ice breaker


d. Students active in class after the teacher explain the material

e. Students sharing their knowledge based on the picture with describing

the picture

f. Students identify the text based on generic structure

g. Students write simple sentence based on worksheet

h. Students present their assigment

i. One of tudents write their sentence on board

4. Reflection

The observer’s reflection discuss with the teacher to know the

changes happened toward students, classroom atmosphere. The researcher

would analyze the observation sheets and identify the problems to find the

alternative decision to solve the problem. Then the next cycle can be

decided or designed.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher uses some technique to collect the data,

as follows:

1. Observation

According to Khosy (2005, p. 99), observation plays an important

part in any kind of data-gathering and most action research project this

instrument. Observation is a natural process to observe use this action and


2. Interview

According to Khosy (2005, p. 98) states that the main purposes of

interview is to gather responses which are richer informative than

questionnaire data. The researcher uses interview to know the problems

happening in the class. Before conducing class room action research, the

researcher interviews the teacher.

3. Test Instrument

Test is a set of question or exercise or other instrument used to

measure knowledge, intelligence, ability or attitude of groups or


a. Pre -Test

Pre test is used to know how far is the student’s ability in

writing skill before using Task Based Learning.

b. Post- Test

Post test is used to know how far the students writing skill

after the application Task Based Learning.

4. Documentation

The researcher would record visual data about learning process or

result of learning in the class. So, the researcher knows about the learning

activity of the students in the class. According to Hopkins (1993, p. 140)

stated that document surrounding curriculum or other educational concern


E. Techniques of Data Analysis

In this study, the researcher uses quantitative data. According to

Khosy (2005, p. 86) states that quantitative can be measured and represented

by numbers. The researcher analyses the numeric data by calculating the mean

of pre-test and post-test. The researcher uses statistical technique to know the

students’ score. A statistical technique is used to summarize the data using

number. This technique is used to know the students’ score of writing in each

cycle. Statistic is a body of mathematical techniques or processes for

gathering, organizing, analyzing and interpreting numerical data (Malvino &

Leach, 1981, p. 219). The researcher uses statistical techniques through some

ways, they are:

1. Mean calculation

Central tendency is a single value that attempt to describe a set of

data by identifying the central position within that set of data. There are

three commonly which is used central tendencies are mean, median and

the mode. Analyzing the data in this research, the researcher only uses one

central tendency, which is mean. Mean is formula to know the average of

the students score. The formula is:

(https://statistics.laerd.com/statistical-guides/measures-central-tendency-mean-mode-median.php) access On


M =


M : Mean of the student’s score

∑X : The sum of student’s score

N : The total of number of students

2. Calculate Mean of Difference

According to Sudijono (2009, p. 306), to calculate the t-test the

following formula should be used Calculate Mean of Difference. The

formula is:

MD =


MD : Mean of difference

∑D : Total of difference between pre-and post-test.

3. Standard Deviation Calculation

Standard Deviation is a statistic that tells you tightly all the various

examples are clustered around the mean in set of data (Robert Niles; quoted

from http://www.robertniles.com/stats/stdev.shtml access on Thursday 20th,

2017. The formula used for calculating standard deviation is as follow:



: Standard Deviation

D : Different between pre and post-test

N : The number of students

4. Standard Error Mean Difference

According to Sudijono (2009, p. 307) to calculate the t-test the

following formula should be used:



:Standard Error Mean Difference

: Standard Deviation

N : The number of students

5. T-test

After calculating SD, the researcher calculates t-test to know is

there any significant improvement or not between pre-test and post-test.

According to Sudijono (2009, p. 307) the formula is:



To : T-test

: Standard Error Mean Difference




This chapter focuses on analyzing the data collection. The researcher collects

the data from eleventh grade students of Utsmaniyyah Ngroto Islamic High School

academic year 2017/2018. It shows the finding of the data collected from the

beginning until the end of the research. The findings consist of the results of pre and

post-test of cycle 1 and cycle 2. In this study, the researcher arranges two cycles

which use Task Based Learning to improve students’ writing skill.

A. The implementation of Task Based Learning to improve students’ writing

skill for the eleventh grade students of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan

in the academic year of 2017/2018.

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

The activities in the planning were done by the researcher as follows:

1) Preparing the syllabus (Report Text)

2) Preparing the lesson plan (Report Text)

3) Preparing the pre-test and post-test based on indicator

4) Preparing rubric (scoring of students’ writing and score fill the blank)

5) Preparing the students’ worksheet

6) Preparing the students’ and teacher’s observational check list for cycle


7) Validating the lesson plan and syllabus with the teacher in order to

confirm its compability

8) Preparing teaching material (Report Text)

9) Preparing the media (Slides of Power Point Presentation)

10) Preparing the students’ attendance list

11) Preparing the tools of learning in the class(a projector and laptop)

12) Preparing the camera to take pictures and videos

b. Implementation of Action

The first cycle was done on July 27th, and 31st 2017. The researcher

gave the pre-test to the students on the first day on July 27th, 2017. For the

second day was on July 31st , 2017, the researcher gave treatment and

post-test to the students.

1) Pre-test

In the first day, the researcher gave pre-test and introduced

herself to the students. The researcher gave instruction how to do the

pre-test. The researcher gave two points of test. The theme of A point

was “Beach”, the students were asked to fill the blank space with the

given words. For B point, the students were asked to write 10

sentences generally about “Mobile Phone”. The researcher walked

around the class in order to check the students during the test.

In the pre-test, the students worked A point, but they did not


each blank in A point, it was caused that they did not know the

appropriate word. For A point, the researcher also asked the students

to write down again in order to know how the students’ writing ability.

On B point, the students did not write down their ideas yet. Actually,

the researcher provided some words that related to the topic in the

whiteboard. In addition, those words helped the students to write their

ideas. Unfortunately, the students were still confused to write what

they want to write. The students also got some difficulties to make a

simple sentence within correct grammar.

2) Treatment and post-test

a) Treatment

The second day of this cycle, the researcher gave the

treatment for the students. The teacher entered the class and

greeted the students. Starting the lesson, the teacher asked one

of the student to recite basmallah and pray together. Then, the

teacher checked students’ attendance list. The teacher gave an

brain storming to invite the students’ interaction. In the class,

the researcher helped the teacher to operate the computer. The

researcher also observed the students’ and the teacher’s

activities during the lesson. The researcher had a partner who

helped the researcher to take video or photos for


In this research, the researcher used Task Based

Learning to improve the students’ writing skill. In Task Based

Learning, there were 3 methodologies in the learning process.

The first stage was pre task activity, the teacher introduced and

explained the topic. The second stage was cycle task activity

which consists of three parts such as planning, task and report.

For the third stage was language focus which consists of 2

parts such as analysis and practice.

The first stage of the method was pre-task activity. The

teacher gave a brain storming the material. It helped the

students to understand the material. When the students enjoyed

it, the students understand what the teacher taught easily. In

this activity, the teacher explained the generic structure and

language function of the text. The teacher gave a complete

explanation about the report text on PowerPoint Presentation.

Besides, the teacher gave an example of report text about

“Teacher” in a piece of paper. After the teacher explained the

material, the students still paid attention, but there were no

question from the students. The teacher tried to build the

students’ interest by giving pictures that related to the topic.

Indeed, the students were interested in the lesson by giving


Task Based Learning focused on the learning by doing,

so the teacher gave some task of this cycle. The teacher asked

the students to analyze the generic structures of the text and

also looked for the verb of the text. The discussion could not

be success because the students were still confused to

determine the generic structure and verb on the text. Then, the

teacher reviewed the material. Finally, most of the students

were easy to understand the materials.

The second stage was cycle task activity. It consists of

3 parts; they were planning, task and report. In the planning

activity, the teacher gave a picture about school equipment

(Eraser). In the task activity, the teacher asked the students to

write down simple sentences based on the picture. They were

still confused to write simple sentences. However, the teacher

tried to give some clues to the students, so they could write

simple sentences even though they still making some mistakes.

In the report activity, the teacher asked students to present their


The last stage was language focus activity. It consists of

analysis and practices. In the analysis activity, the students

examined and discussed the specific feature of their sentences.


assignment. Then, the teacher gave feedback to make the

students more understand the lesson. The teacher helped the

students to summarize the main point of the lesson, so the

student might remember the material. After that, the teacher

closed the lesson.

b) Post-test

After the treatment, the researcher gave post-test for the

students. The students were not ready because they were given

assignment for twice. Then the researcher explained it to them

to make the students understand. The researcher also said that

the question were almost same with the pre-test. The researcher

gave an instruction that the students were allowed to open their


In the post-test, the students’ improvement in analyzing

the incomplete sentences could be seen by answering the

questions of A point is better than pre-test. For B point, some

students tried to write simple sentences based on the

researcher’s instruction. They had some grammatical error, like

Many people like they”, it should be written “Many people

like them”. Besides, the researcher had found the difficulties in

translating words, like “Rabbit is which very cute”, it should


researcher felt proud of them, because they were so responsible

with their assignment. The researcher concludes that the

students still adapted with the process of the study.

c. Observation

In the first cycle, the researcher observed the teaching and learning

process. The researcher made two observational checklist for the teacher

and students. The explanation of the result of the teacher’s observational

checklist are as follows:

Table 4.1

Teacher’s Observation Checklist of Cycle 1

No Teacher’s activities Yes No

1 The teacher enters the class and greeting

students before starting the lesson

2 The teacher asks the students to pray

3 The teacher checks students’ attendance

4 The teacher gives brain storming related to the


5 The teacher explains the material by using Task

Based Learning method


related with the material and asks the students

to describe generally

7 The teacher asks the students to identify the text

based on the generic structure

8 The teacher gives worksheet (picture) to the


9 The teacher asks the students to write simple

sentence based on worksheet

10 The teacher asks the students to present their


11 The teacher asks one of students to write their

sentences on the board

12 The students evaluates and gives feedback for

students’ assignment

13 The teacher asks the students to summarize the


14 The teacher informs the next material for next



The teacher forgot to inform the next material. The students did

not present and write their assigment in front of the class because they were

shy to express their assignment and also they were afraid if their

assignment was wrong. In this research, the researcher used KTSP

curriculum which consists of 3 stages, there were Exploration, Elaborate

and confirmation.

Later on, the result of the students’ observation checklist were

explained below:

Table 4.2

Students’ Observational Checklist of cycle 1

No Students’ activities Yes No

1 One of students lead the praying

2 The students enjoy the brain storming

3 The students pay attention and listen the

teacher’ explanation

4 The students are active in class after the

teacher explain the material

5 The students share their knowledge based on

the picture with describing the picture



7 The students write simple sentence based on


8 The students present their assigment

9 One of tudents write their sentence on board

For the table above, the researcher concluded that the students had

participated the class well. The students gave good responses and asked

what they did not understand. The students shared their knowledge based

on the picture and described it, some of students did not present and write

their assigment in front of the class because they were shy to express their

assignment and also they were afraid if their assignment was wrong. The

researcher thought that the students still adapted with that implememtation.

d. Reflection

Based on the analizing of the first cycle, the researcher concluded

that the apllication of Task Based Learning in this class was not effective

yet. The students still adapted with this approach. In the first cycle, the

researcher thought that there were 2 causes that made the students difficult

to understand the lesson. The first cause was the researcher gave 3

categories of task, so the students felt bored and difficult to understand the


Learning for the students individually was not effective, so the researcher

would replace of task in order to make the students more focus in

understanding the lesson. Then, the researcher also wanted to change the

lesson in pair. The researcher should be creative in giving explanation,

because the students did not like the learning writing especially to write


The passing grade of English lesson was 70. The researcher had

found low score from the passing grade. The students who had score more

70 there were 25% from 20 students. The students who had score 70 there

were 5% from 20 students. Then, there were 70% from 20 students who

got less score from the passing grade. In this cycle , the students did not

reach the passing grade so the researcher should conduct the cycle 2 to

achieve the target.

2. Cycle 2

a. Planning

The activities in the planning were done by the researcher as follows:

1) Preparing syllabus (Report Text)

2) Preparing the lesson plan (Report Text)

3) Preparing the pre-test and post-test based on indicator

4) Preparing rubric (scoring of students’ writing and score of incomplete



6) Preparing the students’ and teacher’s observational check list for cycle


7) Validating the lesson plan and syllabus with the teacher in order to

confirm its compability

8) Preparing teaching material (Report Text)

9) Preparing media (Slides of Power Point Presentation)

10) Preparing students’ attendance list

11) Preparing tools of learning in the class(a projector and laptop)

12) Preparing the camera to take pictures and video.

b. Implementation of Action

The cycle 2 was done on August 3rd and 7th 2017. The researcher gave

the pre-test to the students on the first day on August 3rd , 2017. For the

second day was on August 7th ,2017, the researcher gave treatment and

post-test to the students.

1) Pre-test

In the first day, the researcher gave pre-test to the students. The

researcher also gave an instruction how to do the pre-test. The theme

of A point was “Elephant”. The students were asked to fill the blank

space with the given words. For B point, the students were asked to

write 10 sentences generally about “Rabbit”. The researcher walked


In the pre-test, most of the students worked A point well, but

there were some words inappropriate answer. In B point, the students

began to write down their ideas in short sentence. The researcher also

provided some words related to the topic in whiteboard. In this cycle,

students could write some simple sentences eventhough they got some

grammatical errors.

2) Treatment and post-test

a) Treatment

The second day of this cycle, the researcher gave the

treatment for students. The teacher entered the class and greeted

the students in the class. Before the lesson started, the teacher

asked one of student to recite basmallah and prayed together.

Then, the teacher checked the students’ attendance list. The teacher

gave a brain storming to invite the students’ interaction. In the

class, the researcher helped the teacher to operate the computer.

The researcher also observed the students’ and the teacher’s

activities during the lesson. The students were ready to follow the

lesson when the teacher asked them. The researcher’ partner was

also ready to take photos for documentation.

In this research, the resaercher used Task Based Learning

to improve the students’ writing skill. In Task Based Learning,


was pre task activity which the topic explained by the teacher. The

second stage was cycle task activity which consisted of three parts

such as planning, task and report. For the third was language focus

which consists of 2 parts such as analysis and practice.

The first stage was pre-task activity. The teacher gave a

brain storming related to the material. When the students enjoyed

the lesson, the students could understand what the teacher taught

easily. In this activity, the teacher explained the generic structure

and language function of the text. The teacher gave a complete

explanation about the report text on PowerPoint Presentation.

Besides that, the teacher gave an example of report text about

“Kangaroo” in a piece of paper. The teacher tried to build the

students’ interest by giving pictures related to the topic. Indeed, the

students gave good responses and asked what they did not

understand. The students were active in learning process. Some of

the students asked about grammar that could be used in report text.

They began to understand the lesson.

The second stage was cycle task activity. It consists of 3

parts: planning, task and report. In the planning activity, the

teacher divided the students in pair. The teacher determined their

pair based on their seat. The teacher gave pictures about animal


students to write down simple sentences based on the picture with

their pairs. The students could write simple sentences. In the report

activity, the teacher asked the students to present their sentences.

One of them wrote their sentences on the board. They discussed it

well. They also wanted to come forward to present their task.

The last part was language focus activity. It consists of

analysis and practices. In the analysis activity, the students

examined and discussed specific feature of their sentences. In the

practice activity, the teacher analyzed the students’ assignment.

Then, the teacher gave feedback to make the students more

understand and they fixed their mistake. It was done by discussing

the sentences with the students. The teacher helped the students to

summarize the main point of the lesson, so the students would

memorize the material. Then, the teacher closed the lesson and

greeted the students.

b) Post-test

After the treatment, the researcher gave post-test for the

students. There were two forms of the questions. Almost all of the

students answered the questions of A point better than pre-test. For

B point, some students wrote simple with correct grammar.

When the students did the post-test, the researcher saw the


TABLE 2.1 Scoring writing Rubric
Table 3.1The schedule of research
Table 3.2 List of the XI IPS class of MA Utsmaniyyah Ngroto, Grobogan in


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