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Academic year: 2017

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General Terms

Ø The participants are college’s student in JABODETABEK;

Ø Registration fee :

· Speech Contest IDR 50.000 / person;

· Debate IDR 30.000 / group

Ø The contest is individual and group;

Ø Every college is allowed to send maximum 3 participants for every contest;

Ø The contestant have to come in technical meeting;

Ø The theme for speech and design is prepared by the committee

Ø When registration, contestants have to bring : a. Form registration.

b. Photocopy of identity card (KTP, KTM, or Student Card) . c. The payment proof.

Ø The contestant have to do re-registration at technical meeting.

Ø For payment you can pay immediately on technical meeting day or transfer

by ATM:

· Speech contest:

Please confirm to the contact person, send the picture of printed struck transfer payment and bring the printed struck on technical meeting day.

· Debate competition:

Please confirm and send the picture of printed struck transfer payment to the contact person.

Ø Contact Person: ryan 087880409250 (WA only)

Technical Implementation


Ø When technical meeting the participants take the number and show up the

proof of acquittal payment;

Ø The contestant have to come 30 minutes before the competition starts;

Ø The contestants will called 3 times;

Ø If the contestant had been called 3 times but contestant don’t attend, will be


Ø Fee registration can’t return if the participant resigns.

Special Terms


Ø Contestant will demonstrate a speech made by him/herself (original) and

not plagiarism based by theme that have chosen. If the speech script is plagiarism and known by the judges, then the contestant will be disqualified;

Ø The speech script is a manuscript that has not been performance in any

previous speech contest. If contestant bring a script that had been perform previously and is known by the judges will be charged a points deduction.

Ø The speech script is typed with font “Times New Roman”, font size 12, line

space 1,5 and printed in A4 paper;

Ø The script is have to made 3 copies (2 hardcopy and 1 softcopy send to

ecfipunj@gmail.com) and submitted with green map (write your name and university @ map) to the committee at the technical meeting.

Ø In the right corner of the speech script is written the names of contestant,

college and the theme chosen.


Ø Contestant is allowed to speech with or without the script;

Ø The theme is Infinity Creativity , and the contestants can choose in the


a. Education b. Social

Ø The champion are I (the first), II (second), and III (third);

Ø Assessment are based by 4 criteria : Content, Fluency, Performance,


Ø Assessment is carried out by 3 judges;

Ø The score is start from 0 and score maximum is 100


Ø Debate system is Australian Asia Parliamentary.

Ø Limitation of argument, contestant must be not out topic

Ø The motion will be informed by committee at technical meeting

Ø Election the motion will be randomly 30 minutes before the competition starts;

Ø Contestant must be ontime when deliver the argument;


· 1st speaker

a. Introducing team

b. Giving the motion, parameter, the time line and team split

c. Argument.

· 2nd speaker

a. Rebuttle the 1st speaker of negative speaker team.

b. Argument

· 3rd speaker

a. Rebuttle the 1st speaker of negative team

b. Giving reinforcement the 1st and 2nd speaker with evidence and data

c. Giving the conclusion for totally of arguments

Ø Contestant be able to bring the note;

Ø Contestant not be able to bring gadget;

Ø Argument must be appropriate with motion ;

Ø Contains of arguments must not SARA;

Ø The debate is held between two teams of three members each. These two teams


are assigned positions as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd speakers. For each debate, a motion is given from us.

Ø After the motion is given, teams are given thirty (30) minutes to prepare for

each debate.

Ø Each of the speakers will deliver a substantial speech of five (5) minutes

duration and either the 1st or the 2nd speaker on both sides will deliver the reply speeches for their teams. Reply speeches will be two (2) minutes.

· Thus, the complete order of speaking during a debate is as follows:

· 1st Affirmative – 5 minutes

· 1st Negative – 5 minutes

· 2nd Affirmative – 5 minutes

· 2nd Negative – 5 minutes

· 3rd Affirmative – 3 minutes

· 3rd Negative – 3 minutes

· Negative Reply – 2 minutes


Ø Assessment is carried out by 3 judges;

Ø The score is start from 0 and score maximum is 100

Ø Carracteristic of assessment :

1. Adequacy of participation • maintenance of interaction • initiative,expansiveness

1. quality of ideas

• maturity and quality of thought;

2. Interpersonal skill • engagement, rapport • nonverbal behaviour

3. Coherence and Expression •clarity of idea

•cohesion and coherence

4. Register and Tone • level of formality • politeness

• directness and tone of voice

5. Llinguistic Criteria • language


• breadth and precision of expression •accuracy

6. Production • pronounciation

• intonation stress and rhythm •voice quality


Ø Speech and debate contestant have to wear the mark and number of


Ø Contestant wear a formal outfit (almamater for College Student).

Ø This terms is can’t be interfered.

Ø The judges’ decision should not be interfered. Parties protested against the

judges’ decision imposed the administrative burden of Rp.1.000.000;

Ø Things that are not listed above will be determined by the committee based

on the conditions set;


Technical Meeting 5th November 2016 75 minutes IDB 7th Floor


(Speech Contest) November 2016 and 390

minutes Maftuhah Competition Days

(debate competition )

12th and 14th November 2016

300 minutes and 390 minutes

IDB 7th Floor & Aula Maftuhah

Announcement the winner of competition


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