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Watershed Management Stakeholder Analysis


Academic year: 2019

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M odu le 1 – ( L1 - L3 ) I n t r odu ct ion a n d Ba sic Con ce pt s

Con ce pt of w a t e r sh e d, in t r odu ct ion t o w a t e r sh e d m a n a ge m e n t , diffe r e n t st a k e h olde r s a n d t h e ir r e la t ive im por t a n ce , w a t e r sh e d p , m a n a ge m e n t policie s a n d de cision m a k in g.


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t &

St a k e h olde r An a lysis

1 1



L2 – W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t &


L2 W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t &

St a k e h olde r An a lysis

Topics Cove r e dTopics Cove r e d

 Wat ershed syst em ; Wat ershed Managem ent ( WM) Wat ershed syst em ; Wat ershed Managem ent ( WM)

--Obj ect ives, Com ponent s & Benefit s; WM

Obj ect ives, Com ponent s & Benefit s; WM-- Mult iple use, Mult iple use, Obj ect ives, Com ponent s & Benefit s; WM

Obj ect ives, Com ponent s & Benefit s; WM Mult iple use, Mult iple use, Mult i disciplinary approach, St akeholder analysis,

Mult i disciplinary approach, St akeholder analysis, Role of st akeholders in WM developm ent plans; Role of st akeholders in WM developm ent plans; People’s part icipat ion; Case St udy.

People’s part icipat ion; Case St udy.





Wat ershed m anagem ent obj ect ives, Developm ent Wat ershed m anagem ent obj ect ives, Developm ent plans, Mult i disciplinary approach, St akeholder analysis, People plans, Mult i disciplinary approach, St akeholder analysis, People part icipat ion.

part icipat ion.


Goa ls: W a t e r sh e d Syst e m I n t e gr it y

Goa ls: W a t e r sh e d Syst e m I n t e gr it y







Resource Standards Conservation goals

Resources/ St andards / Conservat ion

Environmental Objectives

Watershed Approach

Conservat ion Goals


Natural Resource Management Nat ural Resources Managem ent programmes tools

Wat ershed Approach


g p g

And Resources

Nat ural Resources Managem ent Program m es t ools and resources


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t a t

W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t a t

D iffe r e n t Le ve ls

D iffe r e n t Le ve ls

D iffe r e n t Le ve ls

D iffe r e n t Le ve ls

Wat ershed Managem ent

Wat ershed Managem ent

Local Wat ershed

Social Fram ew ork

St at ewide

Fram ew ork

Social Fram ew ork

I ndividual

Wat ershed


Fram ew ork

Wat ershed

Prot ect ion Proj ect


Fram ew ork


Obj e ct ive s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

product ion-- m ini

m ini.. hazard

hazard t o

t o nat ural

nat ural resources


I ndust rial ut ilizat ion & developm ent of lands:

I ndust rial ut ilizat ion & developm ent of lands:

Conserve w at er, m ore incom e, reduce drought

Conserve w at er, m ore incom e, reduce drought

Prevent ion and ret ardat ion of floods t hrough

Prevent ion and ret ardat ion of floods t hrough

const ruct ion of reservoirs

const ruct ion of reservoirs

const ruct ion of reservoirs

const ruct ion of reservoirs

Provision of adequat e w at er for agricult ural,

Provision of adequat e w at er for agricult ural,

indust rial and dom est ic purpose

indust rial and dom est ic purpose

indust rial and dom est ic purpose

indust rial and dom est ic purpose

Abat em ent of soil, w at er and air pollut ion

Abat em ent of soil, w at er and air pollut ion

Creat ion of recreat ional facilit ies e.g. lakes

Creat ion of recreat ional facilit ies e.g. lakes



Ut ilize nat ural resources

Ut ilize nat ural resources-- im proving agricult ure

im proving agricult ure


Com ponent s of Wat ershed Managem ent

Com ponent s of Wat ershed Managem ent

1 Foundat ion Pract ices:

1 Foundat ion Pract ices:

1. Foundat ion Pract ices:

1. Foundat ion Pract ices:


Engineering & biological m easures for

Engineering & biological m easures for

soil and w at er conservat ion

soil and w at er conservat ion

soil and w at er conservat ion

soil and w at er conservat ion


Cont our farm ing, diversion bunds,

Cont our farm ing, diversion bunds,

grades of veget at ive bunds, t erraces,

grades of veget at ive bunds, t erraces,

check dam s et c.

check dam s et c.


Wat er st orage st ruct ures : Nullah

Wat er st orage st ruct ures : Nullah

bunds gully plugs bunds percolat ion

bunds gully plugs bunds percolat ion

bunds, gully plugs, bunds, percolat ion

bunds, gully plugs, bunds, percolat ion

t anks

t anks


Alt ernat e land uses in t he non

Alt ernat e land uses in t he non-- arable

Alt ernat e land uses in t he non

Alt ernat e land uses in t he non arable



lands: Afforest at ion and plant at ion of

lands: Afforest at ion and plant at ion of

fodder and fuel t rees

fodder and fuel t rees


Con t d

Con t d….




I m proved Product ion pract ices

I m proved Product ion pract ices



I m proved Product ion pract ices

I m proved Product ion pract ices

I n

I n-- sit u w at er conservat ion

sit u w at er conservat ion

Agricult ural w at er m anagem ent

Agricult ural w at er m anagem ent

I m proved crop and cropping syst em s

I m proved crop and cropping syst em s

I m proved crop and cropping syst em s

I m proved crop and cropping syst em s

Foundat ion pract ices depend upon financial

Foundat ion pract ices depend upon financial


id d b



id d b


assist ance provided by t he governm ent

assist ance provided by t he governm ent

Product ion pract ices depend upon t he

Product ion pract ices depend upon t he







people part icipat ion

people part icipat ion


Be n e fit s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

Reduce erosion and sedim ent product ion

Reduce erosion and sedim ent product ion

Ensure ecological balance

Ensure ecological balance

Maxim ize com bined incom e

Maxim ize com bined incom e

Maxim ize com bined incom e

Maxim ize com bined incom e

St abilize incom e in unfavorable condit ions

St abilize incom e in unfavorable condit ions

8 8

Social uplift m ent

Social uplift m ent


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t St r a t e gie s

W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t St r a t e gie s

Prevent ive st rat egies

Prevent ive st rat egies

ii ii

Prevent ive st rat egies

Prevent ive st rat egies

preserve exist ing preserve exist ing sust ainable land use st rat egies.

sust ainable land use st rat egies. –

– Prevent problem s in a wat ershedPrevent problem s in a wat ershedPrevent problem s in a wat ershedPrevent problem s in a wat ershed 

– To rest ore condit ions once problem s occurred.To rest ore condit ions once problem s occurred.

I n m ost cases

I n m ost cases –

– WM bet w een t w o ext rem es:

WM bet w een t w o ext rem es:


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t –

– m u lt iple u se

m u lt iple u se

Aim of m ult iple use:

Aim of m ult iple use:

To To m anage nat ural resources m anage nat ural resources

--m ost beneficial co--m binat ion m ost beneficial com binat ion Re sou r ce s Pr odu ct s

Wat er I rrigat ion,

Municipal m ost beneficial com binat ion m ost beneficial com binat ion

for present & fut ure uses for present & fut ure uses

Resource Orient ed:

product ion capabilit ies of product ion capabilit ies of nat ural resources

Minerals Depends on t ype of m ineral


M u lt i

M u lt i-- D isciplin a r y Appr oa ch in W M

D isciplin a r y Appr oa ch in W M

Scopin g a n d da t a ga t h e r in g

Pla n n e r s, Scie n t ist s, pu blic

ou t r e a ch e x pe r t s, st a k e h olde r s

Asse ssm e n t Ecologist s, H ydr ologist s, En gin e e r s, Econ om ist s

Pr ior it ie s a n d t a r ge t s

St a k e h olde r s, Officia ls, Scie n t ist s, Pla n n e r s

Pla n

D e ve lopm e n t

Pla n n e r s, St a k e h olde r s,

Officia ls, Scie n t ist s, En gin e e r s D e ve lopm e n t

I m plem ent at ion

Officia ls, Scie n t ist s, En gin e e r s

St a k e h olde r s, Re gu la t or s,

11 11

I m plem ent at ion , g ,


Con ce pt of St a k e h olde r s

Con ce pt of St a k e h olde r s

“ St akeholder”

“ St akeholder”


AnyAny groupgroup ofof people,people, organizedorganized oror unorganized

unorganized w how ho shareshare aa com m oncom m on int erestint erest oror st akest ake unorganized,

unorganized, w how ho shareshare aa com m oncom m on int erestint erest oror st akest ake in

in aa part icularpart icular issueissue oror syst emsyst em ..

12 12 Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


I m por t a n ce of st a k e h olde r s

I m por t a n ce of st a k e h olde r s

St akeholders involvem ent

St akeholders involvem ent -- key aspect s in t he

key aspect s in t he

success t o im plem ent developm ent act ivit ies

success t o im plem ent developm ent act ivit ies

success t o im plem ent developm ent act ivit ies

success t o im plem ent developm ent act ivit ies

I nvolvem ent of st akeholders helps

I nvolvem ent of st akeholders helps -- dovet ailing

dovet ailing

f f


l f


d h

f f


l f


d h

of funds, supply of goods and hum an

of funds, supply of goods and hum an

resources required for proj ect im plem ent at ion

resources required for proj ect im plem ent at ion

I nvolvem ent of st akeholders

I nvolvem ent of st akeholders -- leads t o a

leads t o a

confidence building process for com m unit y

confidence building process for com m unit y









based proj ect s

based proj ect s

13 13 Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002


St a k e h olde r An a lysis ( SA)

St a k e h olde r An a lysis ( SA)







St akeholder analysis

St akeholder analysis -- generat e know ledge

generat e know ledge

about relevant act ors

about relevant act ors -- t o underst and t heir

t o underst and t heir

about relevant act ors

about relevant act ors t o underst and t heir

t o underst and t heir

behavior , int ent ions, int er

behavior , int ent ions, int er-- relat ions, agendas,

relat ions, agendas,

int erest and influence and resources t hey

int erest and influence and resources t hey

bring t o bear on decision m aking process

bring t o bear on decision m aking process

St akeholder analysis

St akeholder analysis -- t ool for policy

t ool for policy

form ulat ion and im plem ent at ion

form ulat ion and im plem ent at ion


Developed -- t o



t o challenge

challenge of



of m ult iple

m ult iple obj ect ives



obj ect ives



and int erest s

int erest s

14 14


St e ps for St a k e h olde r An a lysis ( SA)

St e ps for St a k e h olde r An a lysis ( SA)









St akeholder I dent ificat ion

St akeholder I dent ificat ion

Developm ent of relevant issues and t heir

Developm ent of relevant issues and t heir

Developm ent of relevant issues and t heir

Developm ent of relevant issues and t heir

charact erizat ion

charact erizat ion

Discussion wit h regional and local subj ect

Discussion wit h regional and local subj ect

Discussion wit h regional and local subj ect

Discussion wit h regional and local subj ect

m at t er expert ( form al as w ell as non

m at t er expert ( form al as w ell as non-- form al

form al

int erview )

int erview )))

Focused group discussion

Focused group discussion

Sem i

Sem i-- st ruct ured int erview s

st ruct ured int erview s

Developm ent of I nfluence

Developm ent of I nfluence-- int erest m at

int erest m at



15 15

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


St a k e h olde r s I de n t ifica t ion

St a k e h olde r s I de n t ifica t ion


D e ve lopm e n t a l I ssu e s & M e t h ods

D e ve lopm e n t a l I ssu e s & M e t h ods



 Cross cut t ing syst em & st akeholder int erest sCross cut t ing syst em & st akeholder int erest s 

 Mult iple uses and users of t he ResourcesMult iple uses and users of t he Resources 

 Mult iple uses and users of t he ResourcesMult iple uses and users of t he Resources 

 Subt ract abilit y and t em poral t radeSubt ract abilit y and t em poral t rade-- offsoffs 

 Povert y and underPovert y and under-- represent at ionrepresent at ion

M e t h ods

M e t h ods

 Focus group discussion Focus group discussion –– People’s opinion People’s opinion ––

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

I nt eract ive

I nt eract ive –– gives dat a & insight . Eg. Wom en groupgives dat a & insight . Eg. Wom en group

 Sem iSem i-- st ruct ured int erviews: about nat ural resources, st ruct ured int erviews: about nat ural resources,

problem s & solut ions.

int erest s and influence of t he st akeholders int erest s and influence of t he st akeholders


USEPA Appr oa ch e s

USEPA Appr oa ch e s

 St akeholder involvem ent is essent ial t o t he developm ent St akeholder involvem ent is essent ial t o t he developm ent

– eg. Wat er pollut ion m anagem enteg. Wat er pollut ion m anagem ent

 USEPA USEPA –– Two approachesTwo approaches

Tradit ional sim ulat ion and decision m aking approach Tradit ional sim ulat ion and decision m aking approach –– based on com m and & cont rol

Decision support syst em for st akeholder involvem ent Decision support syst em for st akeholder involvem ent

--I l t k h ld t k t d i i

I l t k h ld t k t d i i

I nvolves st akeholders t o m ake m anagem ent decisions I nvolves st akeholders t o m ake m anagem ent decisions -- Guides st akeholders t hrough t he decision m aking Guides st akeholders t hrough t he decision m aking process

process –– Fit s t he needs Fit s t he needs –– Mult iple opt ions accessible.Mult iple opt ions accessible. 

 WARMF WARMF -- Wat ershed Analysis Risk Managem ent Wat ershed Analysis Risk Managem ent Fram ework

Fram ew ork -- Dat a Module, Engineering Module, Dat a Module, Engineering Module, Knowledge Module


St a k e h olde r An a lysis

St a k e h olde r An a lysis-- r oa d m a p

r oa d m a p

Module for st akeholders t o

Module for st akeholders t o

Organize t hem selvesOrganize t hem selvesgg 

Develop a work planDevelop a work plan 

I dI d t if tt if t lit lit ii

List Organization

I dent ify w at er qualit y issuesI dent ify w at er qualit y issues 

Learn about river basinLearn about river basin Simulate

Form ulat e alt ernat ivesForm ulat e alt ernat ives 

Perform analysisPerform analysisyy 

Research ConsensusResearch Consensus

Consensus hi d?

19 19

Carl and Joel (2004)


SA in W M

SA in W M -- Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion

Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion

 Sust ainabilit ySust ainabilit y ofof WMWM program m eprogram m e isis notnot


possible ifif t het he peoplepeople areare bypassedbypassed inin planning

planning andand decisiondecision m akingm aking processesprocesses

 RoleRole ofof proj ectproj ect im plem ent at ionim plem ent at ion agenciesagencies 

 Com m unit yCom m unit y organizat ionsorganizat ions and/ orand/ or NGOsNGOs 

 They should m ake effort s t o ensure t hat They should m ake effort s t o ensure t hat 

 They should m ake effort s t o ensure t hat They should m ake effort s t o ensure t hat

people have cont rol over ent ire process people have cont rol over ent ire process

 Ent ire processEnt ire process-- planning and planning and 

 Ent ire processEnt ire process planning and planning and

im plem ent at ion, including financial and im plem ent at ion, including financial and t echnical m onit oring and evaluat ion

t echnical m onit oring and evaluat ion


SA in W M

SA in W M -- Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..

Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..


Promotion of

of sustainable

sustainable economic

economic development


 OptimumOptimum utilizationutilization ofof land,land, waterwater andand vegetationvegetation toto mitigate

mitigate thethe adverseadverse effectseffects ofof droughtdrought

 ProvideProvide employmentemployment andand locallocal capacitycapacity buildingbuilding toto generategenerate income


















I mproving

I mproving living

living conditions

conditions of

of the

the poorer

poorer through



more equitable

equitable resources

resources distribution


21 21


more equitable

equitable resources

resources distribution



SA in W M

SA in W M -- Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..

Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..

Ref: A. K. Singh, Eldh o T. I ., D. Prinz, ( 2002) , ‘I nt egrat ed wat ershed approach for com bat ing

22 22 Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

g , , , ( ) , g pp g


SA in W M

SA in W M -- Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..

Pe ople Pa r t icipa t ion ..

Ref: A. K. Singh, Eldh o T. I ., D. Prinz, ( 2002) , ‘I nt egrat ed wat ershed approach for com bat ing drought in sem i- arid region of I ndia: A case of Jhabua wat ershed’, Jou r n a l of W a t e r Scie n ce a n d Te ch n ology, Vol. 46( 6- 7) , 2002, pp. 85-92.

Natural Resources

M i

Social Mapping

Mapping Mapping

Village Volunteers

Participatory Volunteers

Participatory Appraisal


I mplementation

23 23


Ca se St u dy: Jh a bu a w a t e r sh e d

Ca se St u dy: Jh a bu a w a t e r sh e d

Cat chm ent Area- 1800 km2 Avg. rainfall ~ 750m m / annum .

57% bl l d

24 24

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

~ 57% arable land


W a t e r sh e d Re la t e d Pr oble m s

W a t e r sh e d Re la t e d Pr oble m s

 Econom ically am ong m ost backward regions in I ndiaEconom ically am ong m ost backward regions in I ndia 

 Forest cover Forest cover -- sparsely dist ribut ed on sloping landssparsely dist ribut ed on sloping lands 

 Wat ershed has poor soil dept h Wat ershed has poor soil dept h -- 0.300.30-- 0.40 m in hilly 0.40 m in hilly

areas and 1

areas and 1-- 2m in valleys2m in valleys

 Classified as drought prone based on agroClassified as drought prone based on agro-- ecological ecological 

 Classified as drought prone based on agroClassified as drought prone based on agro ecological ecological

classificat ion classificat ion

 SocioSocio-- econom iceconom ic charact erist icscharact erist ics -- usersusers ofof nat uralnat ural

eso es

eso es at ego i edat ego i ed belobelo po e tpo e t lineline resources

resources cat egorizedcat egorized belowbelow povert ypovert y lineline

 SeasonalSeasonal m igrat ionm igrat ion (( 5050%% )) t ot o nearbynearby urbanurban cent erscent ers inin


search ofof j obsj obsjj

Maj or crops:

Maize, Cot t on, Peanut s, Soyabeans; G Bl k b Oil d

25 25 Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


D e ve lopm e n t a l I n t e r ve n t ion s

D e ve lopm e n t a l I n t e r ve n t ion s

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

Developm ent al int ervent ions t aken place at

Developm ent al int ervent ions t aken place at


Jhabua Wat ershed

Wat ershed

NGOs (

NGOs (

1990s & 2000s)1990s & 2000s)


Jhabua Wat ershed

Wat ershed –

– NGOs (

NGOs (

1990s & 2000s)1990s & 2000s)

Wat er harvest ing for supplem ent ary irrigat ionWat er harvest ing for supplem ent ary irrigat ion 

Soil and wat er conservat ionSoil and wat er conservat ion 

Joint Forest Managem entJoint Forest Managem ent 

Joint Forest Managem entJoint Forest Managem ent 

Com m unit y part icipat ion and local capacit y buildingCom m unit y part icipat ion and local capacit y building 

Wom en em powerm entWom en em powerm ent 

W tW t l t i l t i

26 26

Wat er regulat ionWat er regulat ion

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002


Com m u n it y pa r t icipa t ion a n d loca l

People in

People in Jhabua



Jhabua wat ershed

wat ershed -- involved in

involved in

developm ent al act ivit ies

developm ent al act ivit ies -- concept ion,

concept ion,

planning, financing and m aint enance

planning, financing and m aint enance


Eg. Social m apping & resources m apping was

. Social m apping & resources m apping was

undert aken t oget her w it h village com m unit y,

Efficient ut ilizat ion of funds

Efficient ut ilizat ion of funds


im plem ent at ion act ivit ies

im plem ent at ion act ivit ies

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

27 27

im plem ent at ion act ivit ies

im plem ent at ion act ivit ies


Wat er Regulat ion & Forest Managem ent

Wat er Regulat ion & Forest Managem ent

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

 Local people Local people -- developed syst em of wat er m anagem entdeveloped syst em of wat er m anagem ent 

 Account ing uncert aint ies of rainfall and ret aining t he Account ing uncert aint ies of rainfall and ret aining t he

ff f h h d

ff f h h d

runoff from t he wat ershed runoff from t he wat ershed

 Sharing of wat er Sharing of wat er -- fam ily size & locat ion of fields close fam ily size & locat ion of fields close

t o source

– Life support ing syst em t han needsLife support ing syst em t han needs-- during droughtduring drought

 Joint Forest Managem ent Joint Forest Managem ent –– Forest com m it t ees Forest com m it t ees

--con ce pt of

“Socia l Fe n cin g”

28 28 Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


I m pact Assessm ent

I m pact Assessm ent

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

• Forest developm ent – in 10 years ( 1991- 2000) – from 16% t o 25- 30% forest cover.

16% t o 25 30% forest cover.

 Wat er availabilit y im proved considerably Wat er availabilit y im proved considerably -- About 2- 4m

wat er level increase is observed in select ed wells.

d l l

d l l

 I m proved agricult ural out put : 30I m proved agricult ural out put : 30-- 100% increase100% increase 

 Drought proofingDrought proofing 

 No m igrat ionNo m igrat ion 

 No m igrat ionNo m igrat ion 

 Children goes t o schoolChildren goes t o school 

 Wom en em powerm entWom en em powerm ent Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

 Overall social & econom ical im provem entOverall social & econom ical im provem ent


W M Ca se St u dy– Le sson s Le a r n e d

 I nt egrat ionI nt egrat ion-- appropriat e t echnical & m anagerial m easuresappropriat e t echnical & m anagerial m easures 

 Successful t echnical aspect s: Successful t echnical aspect s: Success uSuccess u ecec ca aspec sca aspec s

-- Syst em at ic wat ershed developm ent work, Syst em at ic wat ershed developm ent work, -- Priorit izat ion of wat er conservat ion m easuresPriorit izat ion of wat er conservat ion m easures -- Harvest ed wat er for supplem ent ary irrigat ionHarvest ed wat er for supplem ent ary irrigat ion

 St akeholder analysis in WM St akeholder analysis in WM 

 People’s part icipat ion from incept ion t o im plem ent at ionPeople’s part icipat ion from incept ion t o im plem ent at ion 

 People s part icipat ion from incept ion t o im plem ent at ionPeople s part icipat ion from incept ion t o im plem ent at ion 

 Rest orat ion of ecological balance t hrough com m unit y Rest orat ion of ecological balance t hrough com m unit y

part icipat ion & sust ainable developm ent of nat ural part icipat ion & sust ainable developm ent of nat ural resources


 Encouragem ent of available low cost affordable Encouragem ent of available low cost affordable

t echnologies for easy accept ance t echnologies for easy accept ance

30 30

t echnologies for easy accept ance t echnologies for easy accept ance


Re fe r e n ce s

St a k e h olde r I n volve m e n t . Journal of environm ent al engineering, ASCE.Journal of environm ent al engineering, ASCE.

St a k e h olde r I n volve m e n t .

St a k e h olde r I n volve m e n t . Journal of environm ent al engineering, ASCE.Journal of environm ent al engineering, ASCE.

 assessm ent , m onit oring and evaluat ion in t he com m unit y forest ry”

assessm ent , m onit oring and evaluat ion in t he com m unit y forest ry”


Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion s!.?.


Discuss t he wat ershed m anagem ent

issues at different levels.

issues at different levels.

B) I llust rat e wat ershed m anagem ent as a

B) I llust rat e wat ershed m anagem ent as a

m ult i disciplinary approach.

C) Discuss t he USEPA approaches of



St akeholder analysis.


Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!.


A) What are t he im port ant com ponent s of

wat ershed m anagem ent pract ices?

wat ershed m anagem ent pract ices?.

B) What are t he im port ant benefit s of

wat ershed m anagem ent ?

wat ershed m anagem ent ?.

C) I n st akeholder analysis, discuss t he

developm ent al issues wit h exam ples.

developm ent al issues wit h exam ples.

D) I llust rat e St akeholder analysis w it hin t he

perspect ive of “ People part icipat ion” ?.







Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?.



A) What are t he im port ant obj ect ives of

wat ershed m anagem ent ?

wat ershed m anagem ent ?.

B) Discuss wat ershed m anagem ent wit hin

t he perspect ives of “ m ult iple uses” of

t he perspect ives of m ult iple uses of


C) Describe t he wat ershed m anagem ent

C) Describe t he wat ershed m anagem ent

st rat egies w it h exam ples?.

D) Wit h t he help of a case st udy, show t he




im port ance of St akeholder Analysis in

Wat ershed Managem ent ?.


Un solve d Pr oble m !.

Un solve d Pr oble m !.

•• Consider a hypot het ical sit uat ion of canal wat er Consider a hypot het ical sit uat ion of canal wat er supply for a village in I ndia, where wat er is drawn supply for a village in I ndia, where wat er is drawn supply for a village in I ndia, where wat er is drawn supply for a village in I ndia, where wat er is drawn and regulat ed from m edium size irrigat ion t ank t o and regulat ed from m edium size irrigat ion t ank t o bot h u/ s and d/ s com m and areas. Draw various bot h u/ s and d/ s com m and areas. Draw various st akeholders form al and inform al involved for it st akeholders form al and inform al involved for it st akeholders form al and inform al involved for it , st akeholders form al and inform al involved for it , t heir individual int erest s and int erest

t heir individual int erest s and int erest -- influence influence m at rix for t hem .

A. Governm ent al agency; B. Village Elect oral Represent at iveGovernm ent al agency; B. Village Elect oral Represent at ive C. Form al Associat ions; D. Associat ion of indust ries

C. Form al Associat ions; D. Associat ion of indust ries A

A RR h h ii ii / / A.

A. Research organizat ion / t eamResearch organizat ion / t eam

 I nform al st akeholders I nform al st akeholders 1.

1. Farm er’s group; 2. Village level com m unit y groupFarm er’s group; 2. Village level com m unit y group


Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho

Professor, Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, pp gg gg

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076.

Mumbai, India, 400 076.


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in

36 36


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in

Phone: (022)

Phone: (022) –– 25767339; Fax: 2576730225767339; Fax: 25767302 http://www.


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