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International Online Application for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Admissions - International Admission - Universitas Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Faculty of Medicine Medical Science Faculty of Dentistry Dentistry Faculty of Public Health Public Health

Public Health Nutrition Environmental Health Occupational Health and Safety Faculty of Nursing Nursing Science

Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics and Natural Science Physics

Chemistry Biology Geography Geophysics

Geology Statistics

Faculty of Computer Computer Science Science Information System Faculty of Technic Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering

Metalurgy and Material Engineering Architecture

Chemical Enginering Industrial Engineering Naval Engineering Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering Interior Architecture Bioproses Engineering

Faculty of Law Law Faculty of Economics Economics and Business Management

Accounting Shari’ia Economics

Islamic Business

Faculty of Humanities Korean Studies Dutch Studies

Archeology Philosophy

Library Science

History Arabic Studies

Chinese Studies Javanese Studies Indonesian Studies English Studies Japanese Studies German Studies French Studies Russian Studies

Faculty of Psychology Psychology Faculty of Social and Political Science Political Science Communication Science Sociology Anthropology

International Relations Social Welfare Studies


Faculty of Administration State Administration Science Business Administration

Fiscal Administration

BACHELOR (REGULAR CLASS) General Requirement

a. Highschool graduated or equivalent no longer than 3 years at the time registration (e.g. admission 2017 for High School graduates in 2017, 2016 and 2015)

b. Demonstrate good skill in Bahasa Indonesia Documents Required

c. Highschool certiicate or equivalent d. Highschool academic transcript or equivalent

e. English proiciency certiicate: International TOEFL (http://www.ets. org) with minimum score of 173 (CBT); or 60 (iBT) or IELTS (http:// ielts.org) with minimum score of 5.5. TOEFL/IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date. If you have or will have received a degree from an institution where English is the primary language of

MASTER General Requirement

a. Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline

b. Demonstrate good skill in Bahasa Indonesia (not required for MM-MBA applicant)

c. Demonstrate good skill in English Documents Required d. Bachelor’s degree certiicate e. Bachelor’s degree transcript

f. English proiciency certiicate: International TOEFL (http://www.ets.org) with minimum score of 173 (CBT); or 60 (iBT) or IELTS (http://ielts.org) with minimum score of 5.5. TOEFL/IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date. If you have or will have received a degree from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction, you do not need to submit the TOEFL.

l. TIBA (Indonesian languange proiciency test) with minimum score of 4, or BIPA (Indonesian language course) with minimum level 3. TIBA / BIPA is mandatory for all applicants except those with Bachelor’s degree conducted entirely in Bahasa Indonesia.

m. Statement of purpose g. Passport h. Health Insurance Additional Document

i. Common entry examination (e.g., the subject GRE, GMAT) for Faculty of Economics and Business applicant

Checking the status of your application or checking that all documents have been received by UI can be done by logging back into your online application.

DOCTORAL General Requirement

a. Master’s degree in a relevant discipline b. Demonstrate good skill in Bahasa Indonesia c. Demonstrate good skill in English Documents Required d. Master’s degree certiicate e. Master’s degree transcript

f. English proiciency certiicate: International TOEFL (http://www.ets.org) with minimum score of 173 (CBT); or 60 (iBT) or IELTS (http://ielts.org) with minimum score of 5.5. TOEFL/IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date. If you have or will have received a degree from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction, you do not need to submit the TOEFL.

g. TIBA (Indonesian language proiciency test) with minimum score of 4, or BIPA (Indonesian language course) with minimum level 3. TIBA / BIPA is mandatory for all applicants except those with Bachelor’s degree conducted entirely in Bahasa Indonesia.

h. Statement of purpose i. Passport j. Health Insurance k. Letters of recommendation

Additional Document

l. Common entry examination (e.g., the subject GRE, GMAT) for Faculty of Economics and Business applicant

Checking the status of your application or checking that all documents have been received by UI can be done by logging back into your online application.

Welcome to the most magnificent green campus in Indonesia.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides more than just the quality

education but also the vibrant and enjoyable learning

environ-ment with all facilities needed for optimal and rich learning


Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Architecture

Metalurgy & Material Engineer-ing

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering Industrial Engineering Economics Management Accounting Law

Medical Studies Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Architecture

Metalurgy & Material Engineering Chemical Engineering

Computer Science Psychology Economics Management Accounting Communication Science

Single Degree


Double Degree

Faculty of Dentistry Basic Dentistry Community Dentistry

Faculty of Public Health Hospital Administration Public Health Epidemiology

Occupational Health & Safety

Faculty of Nursing Nursing Faculty of Matemathics Matemathics and Natural Science Physics Chemistry Biology

Oceanography/Marine Science Geography

Material Science

Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Science Herbal

Faculty of Technic Industrial Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Metallurgy & Material Engineering Architecture

Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Computer Information Technology Science Computer Science Faculty of Economics Economics

and Business Planning & Public Policy Management Science Master of Accounting Accounting Science Master of Management

Master of Population & Labor Economics

Faculty of Humanities Archeology Philosophy

Library Science Linguistics

Literature Studies History

South East Asia Area Studies

Faculty of Psychology Psychology

Professional Psychology Applied Psychology

Faculty of Law Law Notary

Faculty of Social Communication Science and Political Science Political Science Sociology Criminology

Social Welfare Science Anthropology

International Relations

Faculty of Administration Administration Science Science

Interdisciplinary Studies Police Studies Environmental Studies National Resilience Studies Urban Studies Gender Studies American Area Studies European Area Studies Japanese Area Studies Middle East & Islamic Studies Biomedical Technology

Faculty of Medicine Biomedical Science Nutrition Science Medical Science

Faculty of Dentistry Dentistry Science Faculty of Public Health Public Helath Epidemiology Faculty of Nursing Nursing Faculty of Matemathics Material Science and Natural Science Chemistry Biology

Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy


as a modern, comprehensive,

open-minded, multi-culture and humanistic campus, welcoming all the new students joining us this year to study at the one of most outstanding academic institutions in the Asia. UI simultaneously strives to be one of the leading research university that shown by UI as the only university in Indonesia that enters the top 100 universities in Asia and ranked 1st in Indonesia. As a world class research university, UI seeks to achieve the highest level of distinction in discovering, developing and diffusion of advanced knowledge regionally and globally with various academic invention and research activities.

The University offers a wide array of scientific disciplines including 13 Faculties, one Post-graduate program (Graduate School), and one Vocational program (Vocational School). UI also offers International Undergraduate Program with double degree scheme. Upon graduation,

students will obtain two degrees; one from UI and one from partner universities such as University of Queensland, Monash University, University of Tilburg, University of Groningen, The School of Computer Science & Information Technology RMIT, Curtin University and others. UI International Undergraduate Program provides high quality education in the international level.

UI provides an outstanding quality in educational programs, best learning and research, outstanding teachers, international experiences, as well as recreational and sporting facilities. UI also provides a variety of extracurricular activities to enhance students - capabilities in soft skill, and to make students- life even between their academic and social life. Through variety of activities, the students could stimulate their teamwork ability, leadership, communication skill, and other skill that are needed in their life.

Universitas Indonesia, a

Vibrant and Enjoyable Learning


Regular Undergraduate Programs are conducted in Indonesian language and follow the single degree program scheme.

International Undergraduate Programs use English as the medium of instruction. This program allows student to obtain single or double degree. For single degree, student will be awarded a degree from Universitas Indonesia. For double degree student will obtain one degree from Universitas Indonesia and one from partner university.

#Undergraduate Programs


# International

Undergraduate Programs

(International Class)

UI Admission Ofice

Gedung PMB UI (ex. BNI),

Balai Sidang UI

Depok Campus, 16424

Phone. +62 21 786 4126,

7884 9104, 7884 9129

e-mail. admission@ui.ac.id

Online registration on


February 1st - March 30th 2017

Registration fee cost US$100

and is not refundable.

instruction, you do not need to submit the TOEFL.

f. TIBA (Indonesian language proiciency test) with minimum score of 4, or BIPA (Indonesian language course) with minimum level 3. TIBA / BIPA is mandatory for all applicants except those with Highschool conducted entirely in Bahasa Indonesia.

g. Motivation Statement h. Passport i. Health Insurance Additional document

j. SAT (http://sat.collegeboard.org) strongly recommended to support your application

Checking the status of your application or checking that all documents have been submitted can be done by logging back into your online application.


a. Highschool graduated or equivalent no longer than 5 years at the time registration (e.g. admission 2017 for High School graduates in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013)

b. Demonstrate good skill in English

c. Demonstrate good skill in Bahasa Indonesia for Faculty of Medicine applicant

Documents Required

d. Highschool certiicate or equivalent e. Highschool academic transcript or equivalent

f. English proiciency certiicate: International TOEFL (http://www.ets. org) with minimum score of 173 (CBT); or 60 (iBT) or IELTS (http:// ielts.org) with minimum score of 5.5. TOEFL/IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date. If you have or will have received a degree from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction, you do not need to submit the TOEFL.

g. Motivation Statement h. Scanned of Passport i. Scanned of Health Insurance

j. Faculty of Medicine applicant required to hold TIBA (Indonesian language proiciency test) with minimum score of 4, or BIPA (Indonesian language course) with minimum level 3. TIBA / BIPA is mandatory for all applicants except those with Highschool conducted entirely in Bahasa Indonesia.

Additional document

k. SAT (http://sat.collegeboard.org) strongly recommended to support your application

Checking the status of your application or checking that all documents have been received by UI can be done by logging back into your online application.

Faculty of Technic Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Metallurgy & Material Engineering Architecture

Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Computer Computer Science Science

Faculty of Economics Economics and Business Management Accounting

Faculty of Humanities Archeology Linguistic Literature History Philosophy

Faculty of Psychology Psychology Faculty of Law Law

Faculty of Social Communication Science and Political Science Political Science Sociology Criminology

Social Welfare Science Anthropology

Faculty of Administration Administration Science Science

Interdisciplinary Studies Environmental Science


Master and Doctoral Programs are conducted in Indonesian language.

#Postgraduate Programs



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