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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Written By:


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نيدلاولااضر يف للها اضر

نيدلاولا طخس يف للها طخسو

“Allah’s pleasant is on parents’ pleasant, Allah’s anger is on parents’ anger”

(H.R Bukhari and Muslim)



حانملا انلن اننأف انب فر

"Know our self, so we’ll get the fortune”




I dedicate this graduating paper to;

1. My God, Allah SWT who always besides me, listens to me, takes care of

me, and gives me the best thing ever.

2. All of my family, especially for my small family, my parents Mrs. Siti

Musyarofah, Mr. Marwi, and my brothers Ulil Azmi, Hilmy Murtaja

thanks for guidance, motivation and everything till I finished




Assalamua’alaikum Wr. Wb.

All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

because of His wonderful blessing and His mercy, the writer can finish this

graduating paper successfully. The incredible blessings make realize that

nothing is impossible in the eyes. Thanks for Your will and endless blessing in

my life.

Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad

SAW that Moslem hopes his blessing in the Judgment day. However, this

success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help and

encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, the writer would

like to express the deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd., Dean of Teacher Trainig and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education Department.

4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd., as the counselor of this research,

thank for suggestion and recommendation for this research from beginning

until the end.

5. All lecturers of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga, thank for



6. My beloved family who always support and advise me.

7. All of big families JQH AL FURQAN IAIN Salatiga for your kindness,

brotherhood, love, and smile and soon. I will never forget it.

8. My best friends (Honang, Nafik, Faiz, Hasan, Wahyu, Rifqy, and

Dzulfikar,), thanks for being by my side for your support and success for

you all.

Salatiga, 2 August 04th 2015 The writer




Ghozali, Lutfi. 2015. The Analysis of Rhetorical Messages of Character Building

in Short Functional Texts of Jakarta Post. Graduating Paper English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Counselor: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd..

Keywords: Rhetorical, Messages, character building, short functional texts, and Jakarta Post.




TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v







CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problems of the Study ... 3

C. Purposes of the Study ... 3

D. Significance of The study ... 4

E. Limitation of the Study………....4



G. Outline of the Graduating paper ... 6

CHAPTER 1I : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature ... 7

B. Rhetorical Messages ... 8

C. Character Building ... 9

D. Short Functional Texts 1. Definition of Text ... 12

2. Definition of Short Functional Texts ... 13

3. Kinds of Short Functional Texts ... 14

4. Definition of Jakarta Post ... 21

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Approach ... 23

B. Type of Research ... 23

C. Object of the Study ... 24

D. Source of Data ... 24

E. Data Collection Method... 25

F. Data Analysis ... 25


1. Kinds of Short Functional Texts ... 26

2. Analyzing Rhetorical Messages of Character Building... 52



A. Conclusions ... 63

B. Suggestions ... 63






Table 2.1 Standard Competencies ... 13

Table 4.1 Kinds of Short Functional Texts ... 26

Table 4.2 Announcement Table ... 28

Table 2.4 Agent Column ... 29

Table 4.4 Apartment Column ... 30

Table 4.5 Cars Rent Column ... 33

Table 4.6 Cars for Sale Column ... 34

Table 4.7 Courses Column ... 39

Table 4.8 For Lease Column ... 40

Table 4.9 Massage Column ... 40

Table 4.10 Moving Column ... 42

Table 4.11 Translation Column ... 43

Table 4.12 Services Column ... 43

Table 4.13 Pet Shop ... 46

Table 4.14 Funeral Home ... 48



Table 4.16 Hotel Column ... 50

Table 4.17 Offices Rent Column ... 51

Table 4.18 Notice ... 51

Table 4.19 Invitation Card ... 52

Table 4.20 Caring (Announcement) ... 53

Table 4.21 Trustworthiness (Announcement) ... 54

Table 4.22 Responsibility (Announcement) ... 54

Table 4.23 Trustworthiness (Advertisement) ... 55

Table 4.24 Caring (Advertisement) ... 59

Table 4.25 Responsibility (Advertisement) ... 59

Table 4.26 Caring (Notice) ... 60






A. Background of the Research

Everybody in this world needs some ways to communicate with

others. Therefore, they have to master language. As human being, people

tend to live or interact with other. It proves that human beings are social

creatures who need to interaction each other. As social creatures, the most

important thing is that naturally motivated to interact with other people to

express their existence, needs, and opinion. Additionally, they try to

understand others about what they read to get information, looking for

solution and so on. The importance of language includes a lot of aspects,

because experience, feeling and idea of someone can only be known by

other people by using language. It means that language is for


According to Wardhaugh (1992:1), “language is what the members

of a particular society speak”. Language is the way to communicate

element between nation and society that used to consign an idea and

someone feeling (Kamil, 1982:7). From the statement above the writer can

take the lesson that what important language is, in this world. Comparing

the language, the writer can know between one nation with others.

English is an international language. It is used in almost the whole



communicate and interact with other. Beside that, English is also prestige;

people who are able to communicate using English are considered as

modern and civilized people. That is why it becomes a necessity to master

that language.

There are four skills to master language that is reading, listening,

writing, and speaking. Reading is the important part among four language

skills, by reading we can understand knowledge and enrich our perception.

Islam has been teaching us to read. It has been figured by our prophet

Muhammad when he accepted the first revelation. It shows in Al „Alaq: 1:








Meaning :Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and

Cherisher, Who created (Al Alaq:1)

In social life, reading is one of the important parts of people to get

information in their circle life. They can‟t avoid from reading activity.

Furthermore, they often meet lot of reading texts materials such as

announcement, advertisement, greeting cards, short message, notice,

caution, invitation cards, postcards, shopping list, and food label. Those

are related texts above, the writer often meet in magazine, newspaper,

billboard, announcement board and so on. Need to remember, from that

many texts, there are texts that refers to character building and nor. It gives



As a good reader, they should be able to give critics, message, and

comment to reading material that have been read. Are the texts suitable

with context or not, updated or not? That‟s all that have to be cleared.

Nowadays, our country is affected by moral degradation. It‟s showed

by brawl accident everywhere, the son killing his father, and so on. As

young people and next generation, they should learn actively to get what

they wish for their future and get their goal. But in fact that‟s not all like

that. Here mass media and some kinds of it are very influential toward

reader mind set. According to Wiryanto (2006:22), “the all-powerful

media are able to impress ideas on defenseless minds”.

Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to analyze

character building that is found in jakarta post of short functional texts

form. So the title taken by writer is about “The Analysis of Rhetorical

Messages of Character Building in Short Functional Texts of Jakarta post”.

B. Problems of the Study

1. Is there any kind of character building values in the Jakarta post?

2. What are kinds of short functional texts in the Jakarta post?

C. Purposes of the Study

1. To analyze rhetorical messages of character building values in the

Jakarta post.


4 D. Significance of The study

This study hopefully gives some benefits to;

1. Readers

Through this research:

a. They get new knowledge about the kinds of short functional text

and character building values.

b. They can enrich their knowledge and comprehension how to

analyze short functional text and character building values.

c. They can take positive subject in the Jakarta post.

d. They get the importance of analyzing character building values in

the Jakarta post.

2. Other Researcher

The result of the research can be used to develop various

research of character building. It can be used as enriching references

on character building.

E. Limitation of the Study

This study is focused on the describing and analyzing the kinds of

short functional texts and rhetorical messages of character building in

printed media of Jakarta post Newspaper edition 14 February and


5 F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Rhetorical

According to Hornby (1974:728), rhetorical is using a style

designed to impress or persuade; artificial or exaggerated in language.

2. Message

According to Harlow (2003:1205), message is a spoken or

written piece of information that you send to another person or leave

for them.

3. Characters Building

Endang Mulyasa (2011: 3), propose Wynee opinion that the

term of character is taken from Greece language is „to mark’. This

term more focused on how to attempt the implementation good values

in action form or behavior.

4. Short Functional text

Functional text is used for everyday information. Its presents

information or ideas and aimed to show, tell or persuade the audience

(Mark and Kathy, 1997: 3).

5. Jakarta Post

The Jakarta post is a daily English language newspaper in

Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara, and the

head office is in the nation's capital, Jakarta.

[Accessed on 2015, 30 September. Retrieved from


6 G. Outline of the Graduating paper

This study consists of five chapters. The writer organizes the

graduating paper to make readers more easily in comprehending the


Chapter I: Introduction that includes the background of the study,

problems of the study, purpose of the study, significance of

the study, limitation of the study, definition of key terms,

and outline of graduating paper.

Chapter II: Review of related literature, such as previous research

review, theoretical foundation which includes the meaning

of rhetorical messages of character building, short

functional texts and Jakarta Post.

Chapter III: Research method. This chapter describes of research

approaches, type of research, object of the study, source of

data and data collection method.

Chapter IV: Data Analysis which contains of data analysis research


Chapter V: Closure containing conclusion and suggestion. The last part




A. Previous Research Review

Sari Anjani is the student of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University (UIN) of Jakarta in academic year of 2014. Her title is “The

Effectiveness of Using Authentic Materials towards Student’s Reading

Comprehension of Short Functional Texts”. In her research, she focused on

“Effectiveness of Using Authentic Materials towards Students‟ Reading

Comprehension of Short Functional Texts”. She used quantitative method.

The result of her research was using Jakarta post. The effectiveness in

teaching students‟ reading comprehension is using short functional texts,

and the result of the statistic was said that the calculation indicated the

value of t0 = 2,29 and the value of df (degree of freedom) 68 % with

significance 5 % is 1.66. Comparing the t0 with each values of degree

significance, the writer finds that t0 is higher than ttable . The result showed

that t-test (t0) > t-table (tt) (2.29 > 1.66).

Ainnia Balchis Vella Desia, the student of State Institute For Islamic

Studies Salatiga in academic year of 2014. His title is “An Descriptive

Analysis of Character Building Values Seen in “I AM SAM” Script”. She

used qualitative method. The purpose of this research is to analyze moral



the teacher and students to learn or behave well and politely in the

teaching process.

Based on thesis above, some of key terms are same with this

research, which is applied as character building and short functional texts.

The uniqueness of this research compared with other researches above is

use of Jakarta post as object of this research. Jakarta post is the one of

Indonesian newspaper that use English language and it is the most popular

newspaper in Indonesia. This research can be reference to choice which

one text that include character building and not.

This chapter the writer shows review of related literature used in this

study. This chapter is giving information concerned with the research

problems. It consists of: the definition of rhetorical messages, character

building, short functional texts definition, and Jakarta Post.

B. Rhetorical Messages

Rhetorical messages are consist of two words, that are rhetorical

and message. Rhetorical is using a style designed to impress or persuade;

artificial or exaggerated in language (Hornby, 1974:728). While, message

is a spoken or written piece of information that you send to another person

or leave for them (Harlow, 2003:1205).

Furthermore, it can be conclude that rhetorical messages is

message that send from one person to another person persuasively event

exaggerated in language.


9 C. Character Building

Endang Mulyasa (2011: 3), propose Wynee opinion that the term of

character is taken from Greece language is „to mark’. This term more

focused on how to attempt the implementation good values in action form

or behavior.

Others definition based on Lickona quoted by Muslich (2011: 50),

there are three components of characters; moral knowing, moral feeling,

and moral action. Therefore, hopefully the people can understand feeling,

and doing useful values.

Mustikasari (2014: 9) said that character building is to be

implemented in teaching and learning process because teachers play an

important role to educate students. So, the teacher as educator should learn

about student character because it can make him to master and manage the

student if there is a problem, and he takes an apart to educate the student.

William and Burden (1997: 120) in Mustikasari motivation may be

constructed as:

“a) state of cognitive and emotional arousal. b) Which leads to conscious decision to act. c) Which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and or physical effort. d) In order to attain a previously set goal (or goals)”

Therefore, everybody who can construct themselves have real

character. Furthermore, he can get strong principle and will not be easy to

change. Knowing other people and knowing environment around is



According to Linda and Richard (1997; vi), There are several kinds

of character values: they include the universal concepts such as bravery,

peace ability, self-reliance, self-discipline, loyalty, respecting others, and

love and affection

1. Honesty is the strength and confidence that come from within (Linda

and Eyre, 1997: 3)

2. Brave to try the good stuff though difficult. Brave to say no to an

invitation to do a breach. (Linda and Eyre, 1997: 17)

3. Peace ability, the Poise and patience in adopt opinion from other

people. Understand that the differences are rarely resolved through

conflict; the differences should be resolved by peaceful (Linda and

Eyre, 1997: 35)

4. Self-reliance, overcome the tendency to blame others when

experiencing difficulties. Believe in the ability of self (Linda and

Eyre, 1997: 48)

5. Self- discipline, can to activate and organize of yourself, to control

your emotions and be able to control in personal desire (Linda and

Eyre, 1997: 64)

6. Loyalty, loyal to family, job, state, school, and other organization and

institutions to which we are responsible. Prepared to support, serve,



7. Respecting others, respect for life, respect for parents, respect for the

older, and respect for the beliefs. Civilized and courteous behavior

(Linda and Eyre, 1997:112)

8. Love and affection, love to yourself more than just a loyal and

respectful. Affection to friends, love to neighbor, love to hate us and

put the responsibility for love life to family (Linda and Eyre, 1997:


The writer suggests that not all of people have chosen characters, but

in reality everybody have two and three character maximally. Character

values of person can be seen when he did something continuously and


Character based on Foester in Sutarjo (2012: 77) is something that

makes one qualified. Character becomes identities, distinctive feature,

constant characteristic, that contains experience that is always changed.

Therefore, character is set of values that become habitual life and become

constant characteristic inside the ones.

Furthermore, there are some traits that can be used as a guide for

analyzing characters building in this research. The following is the six

pillars of character building:



people fairly. 6) Citizenship: cooperate, involve in community affairs, stay informed, and obey rules”.

(Adopted from http://charactercounts.org/sixpillars.html,

quoted by Mustikasari, Rr. Dewi Wahyu.(2012). Boosting character

building through an integrated-skills Task an ICT‟s usage)”.

Based on the explanation above, the writer uses six pillars as a

character building to analyze the data. Because there are aspects of

character building that can be used as references in the research. The

aspects of character building above are as the main sources.

D. Short Functional text

1. Definition of Text

Based on Anderson cited by Floriasti (2012;3), text are pieces of

written or spoken language created for a particular purpose and

context. That definition tells us that text is not always in written form.

It can be spoken text, not always in printed form because it can be a

word or as thick as a book. When the words put together although

spoken or written but the meaning is communicated meaning, the text

is created.

J House in Spolsky (1999: 598) give opinion can be seen:



least because of the influence exerted by studies in the fields of „text linguistic‟, cognitive text processing models, „discourse analysis‟, functional theories of language and text, and „contrastive rhetoric‟”.

Respond on the J. House‟s opinion that text has existed since

years ago. However, written text consider as not creative work

because usage oral language is more creative.

2. Definition of Short Functional Text

Based on Mark and Kathy in Anjani‟s graduating paper (2014:

13), functional text is used for everyday information. Its presents

information or ideas and aim to show, tell or persuade the audience.

Based on Standar Isi is called Standar Kompetensi. The

complete standard competencies, particularly about Short Functional

Texts in year XI, 2nd semester that are cited from BSNP or Badan

Standar Nasional Pendidikan (National Standard of Education

Bureau) are as follows:

Table 2.1 Standard Competencies

Standard of Competence Basic Competence


11. Understanding meanings

in short functional and

simple essay texts of

narrative, descriptive and

news item in daily life

contexts and to access


11.1 Responding meanings

accurately, fluently, and

acceptably in formal and

informal of short

functional texts (e.g.

announcement, add,

invitation, etc.) that use the



expression in daily life


11.2 Responding meanings and


procedures accurately,

fluently, and

acceptably in simple essays

that use in daily

life contexts and to access

knowledge in the

form of narrative, descriptive

and news item texts

In the standard competencies there are some of short functional

texts that can be learned by students of senior high school. The

character building aspects are useful for learners studying in schools.

Curriculum can be reference for both teachers and educators.

3. Kinds of Short Functional Text

Based on Anjani‟s graduating paper (2014: 14) there are ten

kinds of Short Functional Text as follows;

a. Announcement

Announcement is an important of official statement that


15 1) School Announcement


There will be a flag ceremony next Monday. All students must wear white uniforms. Do not be late.


Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 14

To: All grade IX Students

From: Headmaster

Please choose one of the activities: swimming, painting or singing. Report to your class teacher or class captain which activity you choose.

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 14

2) Wedding Announcement

Mr. Lowrence James Fox And

Miss Eleanor Rebecca Smith

Announce their marriage on Saturday, the sixth of November two thousand and ten

Chesterfield, Derbyshire

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 14

3) Outdoor Program Announcement

Weekend Outbound Let‟s have weekend outbound!

If you‟re the nature lovers, please join us on our program. It will be held on Sunday, 26 September 2010 in Puncak

Campsite. The opening ceremony will be held at 7.am. If

you are interested, please come and join us. Contact us and

register your group of four. Wear your blue jeans and white

T-shirt. Don‟t forget to bring necessary equipments, foods


16 The Chairman,


Contact person: Mikaela Ahnaf (085814143801)

Jl. Kintamani 75, Bekasi.

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 15

b. Advertisement

Advertisement is a picture or set of words used to persuade

people to buy a product or use of service, or it gives information

about a job vacancy that is available. Example of advertisements:

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 15




Male max 35 years old


S1 in English Education program


3 to 5 years working experience

Send your application not later than

October 31st, 2010 to:

SMAN 101 Bekasi, JalanBekasi Raya

No. 12

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 16 Grand Opening

Special offer HAPPY-HAPPY MALL



17 c. Greeting Cards

A greeting card is a card, with a picture in front and a

message inside, that you send to someone on their birthday or on a

special occasion/ holiday.

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 16

d. Short Message

A short message is a written piece of information that you

send/leave to another to another person. Example of short


Hey Tina, I don’t think I can meet you tonight

because I have to pick up my grandma at the



Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 17

Dear Vera,

Meet me in the library after school. I have something to show you. Please be there.

Angga Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 17

Happy Birth Day….


18 e. Notice

A notice is a sign or printed statement that gives information

or a warning to people. Example of Notices:





Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 17

f. Caution

A caution is a warning or piece of advice telling you to be

careful. An example of caution:





Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 18

g. Invitation Cards

An invitation card is used to invite someone to attend the

event like birthday party, wedding party, informal dinner, etc.

1) An invitation card should give more information about: The

name of the event

a) When the event will be held

b) Where the event will take place


switch off

the light


you don’t



c) Additional information (e.g., dress code, RSVP)

2) Some common expressions used in an invitation cards are:

a) You are invited to ……

b) …… cordially invites you to ……

c) Come and share our wedding

Example of invitation cards:

You and Your partner are invited to attend


14 Birthday in Hilton hotel.

December 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 18

h. Postcard

A postcard is a card that can be sent in the post without an

envelope, especially with a picture on it. It is used for sending a

short message.

The message in a postcard usually consists of several parts:

1) Opening (greeting/salutation)

2) Body (the message)

3) Pre-Closing (it may be the conclusion of the message)


20 An example of postcard:

Dear Maria,

Yesterday, Uncle Tumijo took me and my cousin to the beach. It‟s called Parangtritis Beach and we had most beautiful view. Its large wave was really awesome.

Unfortunately, we could not swim in this beach. There were so many deep hollows along the beach. People can easily be drowned. We played beach volleyball in the afternoon. Then, we took a traditional cart called andong and enjoyed the sunset. It was fun!

Yours. Anne



Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 18

i. Shopping list

A shopping list is a list that you make of all the things you

want to buy when you go shopping. Example of shopping list:

Some celery 1 ounce garlic 1 ounce onion 1 kilos chicken

Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 20

j. Food Label

A food label can be found on the back of most food products.

This label gives information about the products, and can be useful

if one is trying to eat healthy or one needs to avoid anything one is




Source: Anjani’s graduating paper, p. 18

E. Jakarta post

The Jakarta post is a daily English language newspaper in

Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara, and the

head office is in the nation's capital, Jakarta.

The Jakarta post was started as collaboration between four

Indonesian media under the urging of Information Minister Ali

Murtopo and politician Jusuf Wanandi. After the first issue was

printed on 25 April 1983, it spent several years with minimal

advertisements and increasing circulation. After a change in chief

editors in 1991, it began to take a more vocal pro-democracy point of

view. The paper was one of the few Indonesian English-language

dailies to survive the 1997 Asian financial crisis and currently has a

circulation of about 40,000. The Jakarta post also features both a



daily print edition [Accessed on 2015, 30 September. retrieved from



1. Research Approach

Concerning the research problems and objectives, the writer used a

descriptive qualitative approach in this research paper. Descriptive

qualitative approach does not apply the detail arithmetic calculation or

statistic which contains sentences or description of the objects.

In this research, the writer used a descriptive method to analyze the

data. According to Azwar (1998:6), in a descriptive method, the researcher

analyzes and presents the fact systematically therefore it can be understood

and concluded easily.

2. Type of Research

The researcher used a qualitative research, which is defined as a

research of which the data in the form of written or oral words that is

descriptively analyzed. According to Anselm and Juliet (2007:4)

qualitative research is kinds of research that finding of this research is not

gets through statistic procedure or the other count. In a qualitative

research, the researcher tends to prior in accurate explanation to analyze


24 3. Object of the Study

The object of the research is analyze rhetorical messages of character

building in short functional texts in the Jakarta post edition February 9-12,

and March 9-12 edition 2015 as jakarta post.

Explanation about how to analyze the data;


No Name How Often It Appear Code of texts

1 Kementerian





Explanation: Apx = Appendix (you can see in appendix)

JP = Jakarta post as an jakarta post media

2015 = Year of newspaper published on

01 = List number of short functional texts

An = Announcement

Ad = Advertisement

Inv = Invitation

Nt = Notice

4. Source of Data

For this case, the researcher looked for the source data from Jakarta

post newspaper and finds one hundred fifty eight kinds of short functional

text from Jakarta post newspaper, edition 9-14 February and 9-14 March



newspaper in Indonesia and the one of Indonesian newspaper that uses

English language.

5. Data Collection Method

Data Collection Method is one of important part in the research.

According to Azwar (2010:36) there are many ways to collect the data,

such as observation, instrument of collecting data and documentation.

In this case the writer used documentation as the way to collect the

data. Documentation is looks for data about condition or variable like

notation, transcript, book, newspaper, magazine, historic inscription,

meeting notation, agenda and so on (Arikunto, 2010:274).

To obtain the data, the writer used Jakarta post newspaper as the data

source and focused on character building in short functional text that found

in Jakarta post newspaper, edition 9-14 February and 9-14 March 2015.

6. Data Analysis

In order to collect the data, the writer did research through these

steps as follows:

1. Reading the Jakarta post newspaper, edition 9-14 February, and 9-14

March 2015

2. Selecting the kinds of short functional text

3. Arranging data into some part based on classification

4. Writing the data

5. Analyzing the data, which one include character building




A. Discussion

1. Kinds of Short Functional Texts

There are 1018 of short functional texts. It can be seen in table

4.1 and chart art 4.1.

Table 4.1 Kinds of Short Functional



Chart 4.1 Distribution of short functional texts in the data.


Number of Short Functional Texts Percentage

Table and chart 4.1 shows the distribution of short functional

texts in the data. It can be seen that not all of short functional texts are

displayed in the Jakarta Post. Just as what has been explained that in

this research, the writer uses Jakarta Post. Furthermore, in the Jakarta

post has regulation to give information for the society. In the table 4.1,

the writer finds advertisement occupies the highest position 98, 8%.

Announcement is about 0.39%, notice 0.29%, and invitation card

0.81%, and other kinds of short functional text are cannot be found in

the proposed edition.

Based on explanation above, the writer would like to account

short functional text that has percentage on the table, so the details are


28 a. Announcement

The explanation about announcement data has been described

totally in the beginning of the chapter IV. The detail of the data

can be seen in the 4.2 table

Table 4.2 Announcement Table

No Name How Often It Appear Code of texts

1 Kementerian





2 Kementerian


four announcement names that consist of two institutions and two

the companies. It appears one times during 9-14 February and 9-14

March 2015 and different date in newspaper. The details of

complicated texts can be seen in appendix column of


29 b. Advertisement

On the table 4.1, advertisement dominates the totals of short

functional text with 1005 (98. 8%). There are so many of

advertisement columns in the Jakarta post. Those are agent

columns, apartment columns, cars rent columns, cars for sale

columns, courses columns, for lease columns, massage columns,

moving columns, services columns, translation columns, vacancy

columns, pet shop columns, funeral home columns. The details are

as follows;

a) Agent Column

The table below shows the table of agent column which

is only one company that fills. The details are as follows;

Table 4.3 Agent Column

No. Name How Often

It Appear

Code of Texts

1. PT Aneka Jasa Lima

Benua 10



Total : 10

Total agent column table are 10 with the same company in

different date. It shows the company above is always updating


30 b) Apartment column

In the beginning of clouds column usually column of

apartment is always in the top.

Table 4.4 Apartment column

No. Name How Often It

3 Antasari Height



9 Setia Budi Residemce




16 Kusuma Chandra Apt


18 Aston Rasuna Residence


Total apartment columns are 47 appearances, with the various

and different apartment. It can be seen at the table, aditya


33 c) Cars Rent column

The table below is rent car column. That is services

preparing cars then loaning for others. The details are as


Table 4.5 Cars Rent column






6 PT Best Rental 2

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &




Total : 15

The result is Nirmala Rent is leader in this column, and one of

the companies that active promotes the product. In order to his

merchandise is can be sold.

d) Car for sale column

The advertisements below are about buying selling, here

people can sell their cars. The details as a follows;

Table 4.6 Cars for sale column

No. Name How Often It

Appear Code of Text

1 Abba Cars 4


Feb & 09-14


2 Adonai Auto 24

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb & 09-14 Mar-15-02Ad-C.F.R

3 Auto High 15 Apx-JP-09-14



10 Executive Auto



The column above is the most advertisements that has a big

appearance. It can be seen in the table total 421 appearances.

There are some of advertisements that appear several times at

the same time. The advertisement which often appears in this

column is Executive Auto Gallery with 41 scores

e) Courses column

The table contains ABSE language course & Smart. The

details as follows;

Table 4.7 Courses column

No. Name

How Often It


Code of Text


ABSE Language Course &

Indonesian 11

Apx-JP-14 Feb & 09-14 Mar-15-01Ad-C.C


Smart 1

Apx-JP-14 Feb & 09-14 Mar-15-02Ad-C.C

Total 12

The total of the course column are 12. The top position column

is ABSE language course & Indonesian with 11 scores, and the


40 f) For lease column

There are eight name of lease column, the details are;

Table 4.8 For lease column

No. Name

How Often It


Code of Text

1 089628989708 5

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb & 09-14 Mar-15-01Ad-L.C

Total 5

Based on the table above, there is no identity name, because

the sender is not mentioned in the advertisement. It becomes

the data which often appear during 9-14 February and 9-14

March 2015. The totals are 5 appearances

g) Massage column

The table below constitutes member of services column

actually, but the writer divides it in to some divisions, the

details are as a follow;

Table 4.9 Massage column

No. Name

How Often

Appear Code of Text

1 Anita Massage 5



2 Dewi Health Massage and

Spa 7

10 Adorable Angel Special

Massage 8




11 Surabaya Massage 1

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb & 09-14 Mar-15-11Ad-M.C

Total : 68

Based on the table above Abaaaaa Miss Model gets the top

position between others, the scores are 12. The total of the data

is 68 appearances.

h) Moving column

In the moving column, there are two column only; Santa

FE, and Uni Group Kotaisan. The details as follows;

Table 4.10 Moving column

No. Name

How Often It


Code of Text

1 Santa FE (Moving Services) 12

Apx-JP-14 Feb &



2 Uni Group Kotaisan 12

Apx-JP-14 Feb &





Based on the table above, the totals are 24 appearances and

they appearing in different time.

i) Translation column

There is one of Translation columns, follows;

Table 4.11 Translation column


& Interpreting 12

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb

j) Services column

There are eight names of lease column, the details are;

Table 4.12 Services column





PT Perkasa Satria

Nusantara 12

PT Damai Sejahtera

Multiguna 6




Based on the table above, there are some of companies that has

high score. Therefore, the scores are 12. The total of the data

are 173 appearances.

k) Pet Shop columns

The table below shows six of kinds pet shop columns,

the details as follows;

Table 4.13 Pet Shop

No. Name

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-01


2 Sakura 9 Pet shop 14

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-02


3 Calico Pet shop 12

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-03



Kingdom Pet shop

and Pet Care 10

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-04



Himme Hammie

Pet Shop 5

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-05


6 Pet + Vet 13

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-06


47 7

Snoopy Pets Green

Garden 5

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-07


8 F.J Pet Shop 4

Apx-JP-09-14 Feb &

09-14 Mar-15-08

Ad-l) Funeral Home column

The table below shows six of kinds of pet shop columns,

the details as follows;

Table 4.14 Funeral Home




49 j) Vacancy column

The table contains of primary vacancy column, those are

language arts teacher, ahimsa, surabaya massage, and

moessong gallery. The details as follows;

Table 4.15 Vacancy column



The total of the table are 16. Recruitment got the top position

among others.

k) Hotel Column

The writer found 2 kinds of hotel columns, which are

Sovereign Bali and Borobudur Hotel. It can be seen at table

4.16 as follows;

Table 4.16 Hotel Column

No. Name How Often


Code of Text

1. Sovereign Bali 1

APX-JP-13-Feb-15-01 Ad-C.H

2. Hotel Borobudur 1

APX-JP-14-Feb-15-02 Ad-C.H

Total : 2

Table 4.16 shows there are 2 hotels in the different date and


l) Offices Rent Column

In this column which is only one company that fills. The



Table 4.17 Offices Rent Column

No. Name How Often Appear

Code of Text

1. Regus 2



Total : 2

The total tables above are 2 with the same companies.

c. Notice

On the table 4.1 has been described that notification has three

contributions on Jakarta post newspaper. The detail can be seen as


Table 4.18 Notice

No. Name How Often

It Appear Code of Text 1 Telkom Indonesia 1 Apx-JP-2015-01Nt

2 PT XL Axiata Tbk 1 Apx-JP-2015-02Nt

3 Antam 1 Apx-JP-2015-03Nt

Table 4.18 shows there are three names of notice which appears

one times during date 09-14 March and 09-14 February.

d. Invitation Card

Based on 4.1 tables, there are six of invitation card data, it



Table 4.19 Invitation Card

No. Name How Often It


How Often It Appears

1 Badan Layanan Pengadaan

Barang/ Jasa, Jakarta 1



2 Dine and Wine 1


3 NTPC Limited 1


4 PT PLN (Persero) 1


5 The Provincial

Government of West Java 1


6 Hotel Mulia 1


Total 6

On the table 4.19 can be seen, there are six name of invitation and

each of name appears one times with the different time.

2. Analyzing Rhetorical Messages of Character Building

In this chapter, the writer analyzes character building by using

six pillar of characters such as; trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,

caring, fairness, and citizenship and analyzes rhetorical messages that



a. Table Character of Announcement

Based on the data, there are some values of characters

contained in the announcement column. The detail can be seen in

4.20, 4.21, and 4.22 tables as follows;

Tables 4.20 Character (Caring) of Announcement

No. Sentences

To foreign firms are encouraged to establish a partnership with

indonesian firms 

* are encouraged to include 2. Showing careness 3. Express gratitude 4. Help people in need

On the table, there are two types of the same characters, but

different dates and there is no rhetorical message that found in the



Tables 4.21 Character (Trustworthiness) of Announcement

No. Sentences Trustworthiness Name

How often It Appear

1 2 3 4


Who has experience of nature and complexity equivalent to the works

Who has experience of nature and complexity equivalent to the works

3. Build a good reputation 4. Be royal

There is no rhetorical message that found in the data because no

persuade sentences.

Tables 4.22 Character (Responsibility) of Announcement

No. Sentences Responsibility Name

How often It Appear 1 2 3 4


Any proposal of the meeting agenda which

submitted by shareholders shall be complied with article


Expression of interest: must be delivered in a


55 Explanation :

1. Do the best 2. Plan ahead

3. Use self-controlling 4. Be self-disciplined

Total characters overall are six, that consist of two caring

characters, two trustworthiness characters, and two responsibility

characters and there is no rhetorical message that found in the data.

b. Table Character of Advertisement

There are some of characters which found in the

advertisement column. The detail can be seen at 4.23, 4.24, 4.25,

and 4. 26 tables as follows;

Tables 4.23 Character Building (Trustworthiness) of Advertisement

2 Strategic location

and exclusive * Antasari 1

Kitchen with full equipment all build in

* Kempenski 4


Apartment Fully Furnish and very good condition

* For Season 2

6 Residence fully


56 9 Apartment Fully

Furnished *


Chandara 1

10 Apartment nice

and good location * Somerset 1

11 Apartment Fully

Furnished * Aston Rasuna 1

12 Apartment good



For Expat, nice female, speak english, good price

* Anita Massage 5

45 with nice girl, &

really experience *

Dewi Health

Massage and Spa 7



massage that will refreshing and good price and service sitter services for

you, best price *

CV Bina Sejahtera


53 Professional

driver and we can *

Jasa Sopir


58 speak english


The best educate and deliver needs to provide

for personal * honest and driver

well *

3. Build a good reputation 4. Be royal

Based on table data above, there are many persuade or interest

sentences that used in the advertisement in order to the buyer is



Your child must be maintained and

The hotel can handle all the arrangements for you

Table above shows that there are sentences persuasively in order

to readers are interest with the product. Like; Best rental is here to

assist you.

Table 4.25 Character Building (Responsibility) of Advertisement

No. Sentences Responsibility Name How often

It Appear 1 2 3 4


Full responsibility, satisfaction and comfort is our goal


60 1. Do the best

2. Plan ahead

3. Use self-controlling 4. Be self-disciplined

Based on all of advertisement table, the total overall are

560 character values that found in the advertisement columns. The

details are 483 in the trustworthiness values column, 51 in the

caring values column, and 26 in the responsibility values column

and there is rhetorical message sentences that used artificial or

exaggerated in language.

c. Table Character of Notice

Based on the data, there is one character building in the

notice column. The detail can be seen on 4.23 tables as follows;

Table 4.26 Character Building (Caring) of Notice

No. Sentences Caring Name How often

It Appear 1 2 3 4


Those eligible to attend the AGMS shall be shareholders of the company and invitation for the shareholders meeting shall be announced

* Telkom

Indonesia 1

Total 1

In the table 4.25 can be seen there are two caring characters in the

one company. It appears one times and there are no rhetorical


61 d. Table Character of Invitation

In the data, there are two characters values in the invitation

column. The detail can be seen in 4.24 tables as follows;

Table 4.27 Character Building (Caring) of Invitation

No. Sentences Caring Name How often

It Appear 1 2 3 4


The RFQ document can be obtained upon fulfilling the following every Saturday to experience

* Hotel Mulia 1

Total 2

Can be seen on the table above, there are two characters values in

the invitation column. It shows different institution.

B. Finding

After analyze the data, writer finds the total kinds of short functional

texts in the Jakarta post as Jakarta Post. It‟s about 1018 kinds. The details

are 0. 39% announcement, 98. 8% advertisement, 0. 29% Notice, and 0.

58% Invitation.

The writer also finds the total of character building values about 569

characters building. The details are 6 from announcement, 563 from

advertisement table, 1 from notice column, and 2 from invitation.

The writer also has found in the advertisement texts words and



advertisements has to use interest sentences in order to buyers are interest




A. Conclusion

Based on the purpose of the study, that are analyze kinds of short

functional texts and find out the character building values in the Jakarta

post, the writer found the total kinds of short functional texts in the Jakarta

post as Jakarta Post. It‟s about 1018 kinds. The details are 0, 39%

announcement, advertisement 98,8 %, notice 0,29%, and invitation card 0,

58%. Therefore, the most the texts that appear in Jakarta post are


Furthermore, the writer also finds the total of character building

values. It‟s about 569. The details are 6 from announcement, 563 from

advertisement table, 1 from notice column, and 2 from invitation.

The writer also finds in the advertisement texts words and sentences

that include of rhetorical message, because every advertisements has to use

interest sentences, it can be artificial or exaggerated sentence in language

in order to buyers interesting to buy the product.

B. Suggestion

Reading is very important to get information in life. The short

functional text in Jakarta Post can be used for teaching in every text of

reading material contains of rhetorical message and character building.



character building in short functional texts which are focused in Jakarta



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Table 2.1 Standard Competencies
Table 4.1 Kinds of Short Functional
Table and chart 4.1 shows the distribution of short functional
Table 4.2 Announcement Table


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