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An Analysis Of Figurative Expressions Depicted In The Book Three Of The New Testament


Academic year: 2019

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1.1 Background of the Study

Figure of speech is a beneficial wealth of language, used to various

thing to get certain effects. Figure of speech can also be explained as features of a

literary works of letters and exclusive way to convey their idea and feeling, directly

or indirectly. Speaking of figure of speech is not separated from the meanings of

words or group of words. As we know meanings are devided into two parts literal

and non-literal meaning (figurative expression). Literal meaning refers the words that

do not deviate from their defined meaning or words in literal expressions denote what they mean according to common or dictionary usage.


1. To eat is to put something into mouth

The words of eat does not have non-literal meaning

2. My brother drinks milk every morning to make him


In the word drink there is no a non-literal meaning

3. The price of black goat is very expensive

The literal meaning is the black goat which is black in colour.

Non-literal meaning (figurative expression) means that they are different

from the real meaning of the word. The words in figurative expressions connote—

they add layers of meaning.


Every night, the moon comes by just to say good night to me.

This sentence does not mean that the moon has legs to come and talk by saying

good night but the speaker wants to say that the moon always shines every night as


Non-literal meaning includes figure of speech or figurative expression.

Beckson & Ganz (1975: 80) state “Figurative language is language which makes use

of certain devices called figure of speech”. Figurative language used as the

techniques for comparing dissimilar object, to achieve effects beyond the range of

literal language. Semantics is a branch of linguistics that talks about meaning in

language. Considering that language is a tool to conveying the meaning, it means that

when we study a language we also study about the meaning automatically. Semantics

also becomes the centre of science of communication which is very important and

crusial whereas need to understanding of meaning more deep. As explained in the

beginning that meaning of words are devided into two parts that to is connote and to

denote meaning. In this case, figurative expression is an object that the writer will

analyze. It is because in figurative expression (non-literal meaning), the listener often

feels confused and hard to understand what the speaker means from his words,

because the figurative expression hides behind in the literal meaning. When a

listerner listens to something different from the literal meaning this is said figurative

expression (non-literal meaning).

In daily life we often listen to various meanings from the real utterances. So,

in this case we will find something different in speaking or writing. There are some

common kinds of figure of speech; they are hyperbole, an exaggeration that is so

dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true.

Irony, an expression of meaning which is contradictory to the stated one.

Example: The Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”

This verse has two sentences which is different in meaning. Figuratively,

the first sentence taught us not to worry about our life while the second

sentence shows us the standard of our life. The standard of our life is

more than food and the body is more than clothes. But in the first

sentence it is said that we should not to worry about anything. That is why

this data belongs to irony.


Example: Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.

The word ‘fruit’ is compared with behavior of a man. Literally this

verse means that by seeing the fruit we know what kinds of tree it is.

Similar to human life, attitude or behavior of someone reflect the

characteristics of him. So we know his character from how he acts and

how he speaks.

Personification, a figure of speech in which human characteristics are given to an

animal or an object.

Example: Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

It is impossible that dead can bury their own dead. Because the meaning of ‘dead’ is

plants, animals, person no longer which is not alive. The non-literal meaning of this

statement is ‘which means a man who is dead never become alive, human do not

have spare of breath. So, if a man is dead he automatically man alive which is bury

him. Literally meaning is, if you want to be God’s disciple you must ready every

time, every second not care about your situation example: when your mother/father

dead, when God say ‘follow Me’ you must want.

Simile is used to compare two different things which are regarded as the same.

Explicitly signed with words ‘like’ or ‘as’.

Example: “Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which man walk over without knowing it. ”

This verse describes about prophets teaching which is wrong. It is said

‘unmarked graves’. We can imagine how scare it is. For example if we die

one day and we do not have a mark in our graves surely, our graves will

walk of human. Non-literal mean that we are must have identities in the

world, about faith we should knows who we should prise, who had created

us. If we do not know who we are, we like unmarked graves.


Example: If someone strikes you on one check, turn to him the other also This sentence is a command and suggestion for us to let our cheek be

slapped by another. As we know, ‘cheek’ is a part of our body.

Figuratively, it represents not only the right or left cheek, but includes

the whole part of our body. So this verse means whatever from our

body that is hit by another, we should not to resist him. This is an

analysis from synecdoche terms.

Metonymy, the name of thing is substituted for another closely associated with it.

Example: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The word ‘heart’ literary means the part of body where the feelings

and emotions are thought to be. Then if we analyze the motion of

‘heart’ in this case metonymically, it means thought and affections.

Here, the meaning of ‘heart’ which is ‘thought’ is an attribute

associated with the feelings.

In daily life it, is very important to understand and to distinguish the literal meaning

and non-literal meaning, because, by this way we are able to avoid misunderstanding

when we are communicating to others. Someone who does not understand about the

non-literal meaning will find trouble when talking to others. So in this thesis, the

writer tries to analyze about figurative expression (non-literal meaning) as an object

of analysis, because I believe that this object is important enough to more understand it will be useful for society to keep a good communication with surroundings.

The source of the data in this thesis is taken from The Holy Bible. The Holy

Bible is the holy book used by Christian people as a means to convey God’s

message. The Holy Bible consists of two big parts, they are The Old Testament and

The New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from

approximately 1500 to 400 BC. It tells about the life journey of Israel before the birth

of Jesus Christ. The New Testament contains 27 books written from approximately

40 to 90 AD. It told about God’s promise to forgive the sin of His race from their

sins by giving His son, Jesus Christ. As we know when cristians read this holy book

they find problems to understand the non-literal meaning in it. This is one of the


In this thesis, the writer analyzed only one book from Holy Bible is: Book

Three in The New Testament (Luke). Luke the third book of the New Testament.

This book explains about an account of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. It

details HIS story from the event of HIS birth to HIS ascension. Luke book contains important advice and guidance for life. This book also was written in a unique style of

writing and contains some figurative of speech also the writer love is and interested in

analyzing this object. And must we remember that this is the only object of analysis

as a key to get graduation. Another reason for choosing the data from the Book Three

in The New Testament because it is interesting and the writer wants to know the

interpretation of meaning between the literal and non-literal contained in that it Holy

Book so that can be applied in our life. And for society by reading this thesis later, this is

enable them to improve new knowledge especially abou figurative expression

(non-literal meaning).

1.2 Problems of the Study

This analysis is a study of semantics, which focuses on the use of the

non-literal meaning found in the Holy Bible. In this case the text that is being analyzed

book Three of The New Testament. In this analysis, the writer has some questions as

the problem of the analysis:

a. What kinds of figurative expressions are found in Book Three of The new


b. What are the literal meanings of the figurative expressions found in

Book Three of The new Testament?

c. What are the frequencies of the figurative expression in Book Three of The New

Testament ?

1.3 Objectives of the study

Related to the problems of the study, the objectives of this analysis are:


b. To describe the literal meanings of the figurative expressions in Luke of Book


c. To find out the frequency of figurative expression used in Book Three of The New


1.4 Scope of the Study

The writer limited the scope to obtain a clear and detailed picture of the

matter that is being analyzed. In this book there are 11 pages, 24 sections and has

1151 verses There are various figurative expressions found in the literally works, but

in this thesis the scope of the analysis is only the text which have figurative

expressions in Book Three of the new Testament. And the types of figurative

expressions which was analyzed in this thesis are simile, metaphor, hyperbole,

metonymy, personification, synecdoche, and irony.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study can be useful for improving knowledge of the writer in

interpreting the text to understand the real meaning of the Bible. Practically this

thesis is expected to contribute something useful to the readers whose major is

language in terms of semantics, especially in non-literal meaning. Eventhough the

data that they will analyze are different from those in thesis. It also can be used as their review of related literature or as the basic to analyze in semantics’ point of


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