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Sampling Methods Beberapa istilah


Academic year: 2018

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Sampling Methods

Beberapa istilah

1. Populasi

2. Sampel


Some of reason for the sampling are :

1. To contact the whole population would

be time consuming

2. The cost of studying all the items in a

population may be prohibitive

3. The physical impossibility of checking

all items in the population.


Methods to Select a Sample

a. Simple random sampling → a sample selected so that each item or person in the population has the same chance of being included.

b. Systematic random sampling → a random starting point is selected, and then every kth member of the population is selected.

c. Stratified random sampling → a population is divided into subgroups, called strata, and a sample is randomly selected from each


d. Cluster sampling → a population is divided into clusters using naturally occurring geographic or other boundaries. Then, clusters are


Sampel random sederhana memillih sampel

dengan metode yang memberikan kesempatan yang sama kepada setiap calon anggota sampel dari anggota populasinya untuk menjadi anggota sampel. Misalnya dalam suatu proses recruiting karyawan baru terdapat 4 orang pelamar yaitu A,B,C, dan D. Dari pelamar ini akan dipilih 2 pelamar untuk mengikuti tes wawancara.

Kombinasi yang mungkin sebanyak 2 yang dipilih dari 4 pelamar dengan kesempatan yang sama kepada setiap pelamar adalah pasangan


Sampel sistematis memilih anggota sampel dari suatu populasi dengan interval sama, biasanya

diukur dengan ukuran waktu, urutan, ranking atau tempat. Misal kita menginginkan informasi

mengenai penghasilan rata-rata pedagang kaki lima dengan menggunakan interval urutan,

terlebih dahulu ditentukan urutan yang ke berapa dari anggota populasi yang dipilih menjadi

anggota sampel.Misalnya pemilihan menggunakan daftar nama pedagang kaki lima, kemudian akan dipilih secara random dimulai dari urutan kelima

sebagai data pertama. Pengambilan anggota sampel


Sampel bertingkat memilih anggota sampel

dengan cara membagi populasi menjadi beberapa lapisan, disebut strata, secara acak. Misalnya

pada suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui minat masyarakat terhadap penggunaan ATM.

masyarakat yang akan diteliti dibagi menjadi

beberapa lapisan, misalnya pedagang,pegawai negeri, pegawai swasta. Anggota sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian merupakan

penjumlahan dari anggota masyarakat yang


Sampel berkelompok memilih sampel dengan membuat populasi menjadi beberapa kelompok misal dalam satu penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pola perubahan pengeluaran masyarakat di kota Bengkulu. Maka kita bagi kota Bengkulu

menjadi beberapa lokasi pemilihan sampel, yaitu Kec.Gading Cempaka, Kec. Selebar, Kec. Muara Bangkahulu, Kec Teluk Segara dst. Pada masing-masing kecamatan dipilih beberapa keluarga

secara acak untuk


Sampling Distribution of The Sample Mean

Sample distribution of the sample mean → a probability distribution of all possible sample means of a given

sample size

Example :

Tartus industries has seven production employees.The hourly of each employee are given in table :


The Questions


What is the populations mean?


What is the sampling distribution of the

sample mean for the samples of size 2?


What the mean of the sampling

distributions ?


What the observasions can be made

about the population and the sampling



The Answer

a.What is the populations mean?

μ = $7 + $7+ $8 +$8 + $7 + $8 + $9 = $7.71 7

b. What is the sampling distribution of the sample mean for the samples of size 2 ?

NCn = N! = 7! = 21 n!(N-n)! 2!(7-2)!

c. What the mean of the sampling distributions ?

μx = Sum of all sample means Total number of samples


d. What the observasions can be made about the population and the sampling distribution?


The Central Limit Theorem

Central limit theorem → if all samples of a particular size are selected from any population, the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately a



Point Estimate → the statistic, computed from

sample information, which is used to estimate the population parameter.

Confidence Interval → a range of value constructed from sample data so that the

population parameter is likely to occur within

that range at a specified probability. The specified probability is called the level of confidence.

Confidence interval for the population mean (n > 30) = X + z s


Example :

The American Management Assosiation

wishes to have information on the income

of middle managers in the retail idustry.

A random sample of 256 managers reveals

a sample mean of $45,420. The standard

deviation of this sample is $2,050.


Questions :

a.What is the population mean?

b.What is a reasonable range of values for

the population mean?


The Answers :

a. What is the population mean ?



What is a reasonable range of values for the population mean?

The association decides to use the 95 percent level of confidence. To determine the

corresponding confidence interval we use : X + z s = $45,420 + 1.96 $ 2,050

√ n √ 256 = $45,420 + $251


c. What do these results mean?

Suppose we select many samples of 256

managers, perhaps several hundred. For

each sample,we compute the mean and

the standard deviation and then construct

a 95 percent confidence interval, such as

we did in the previous section. We could

expect about 95% of these confidence

intervals to contain the population mean.

About 5% of the intervals would not


A Confidence Interval for Proportion

Proportion → the fraction, ratio, or percent

indicating the part of the sample or the population having a particular trait of interest.

Sample Proportion : p = x n

Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion p + zσp


Confidence Interval for A Population Proportion

p + z = √ p(1-p) n

Example :

The union representing the Bottle Blowers of

America (BBA) is considering a proposal to merge with the teamsters union. According to BBA union Bylaws, at least threefourths of the union



What is the estimate of the population proportion ? Develop a 95 % confidence interval for the

Population proportion. Basing your decision on this Sample information, can you conclude that the


Answer :

First, calculate the sample proportion from formula p = x = 1,600 = 0,80

n 2,000

Thus, we estimate that 80% of the population favor the merger proposal. The z value corresponding to

the 95% level of confidence is 1.96

p + z √ p(1-p) = 0.80 + 1.96√ 0.80(1-0.80) n 2,000 = 0.80 + 0.018

the endpoints of the confidence interval are .782


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