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Varicose Vein Removal the Twisted Problem


Academic year: 2017

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Varicose Vein Removal, the Twisted Problem Word Count:

408 Summary:

Varicose veins and spider veins damage the skin beauty radically. Enlarged, distended and twisted superficial veins, the varicose veins are both a medical and cosmetic problem. One suffering from the condition of varicose vein goes through the painful experience of ulceration, inflammation and hemorrhage.


varicose vein laser treatment, laser spider vein removal, laser treatment for spider vein

Article Body:

Everybody desires a soft and velvety complexion. Only a healthy skin gives these attributes to the human body. Varicose veins and spider veins damage the skin beauty radically. Enlarged, distended and twisted superficial veins, the varicose veins are both a medical and cosmetic problem. One suffering from the condition of varicose vein goes through the painful experience of ulceration, inflammation and hemorrhage. Also look of varicose vein area becomes distracting by the presence of these bluish and swelled veins. There are many factors that cause varicose vein, like sex, age, obesity, genetics and the amount of strain on the legs. Aging is the most important of all those factors. With age the veins undergo many wear and tear, because women are subjected to frequent hormonal changes. Pregnancy, pre menstruation and menopause take the toll to develop varicose veins. Then beginning as a brownish discolouration (stasis pigmentation), the veins become twisted, turned, swelled and extended.

There are many reasons why veins become elephantine. Usually it is a much-sitting lifestyle or a hereditary reason. These extra large varicose veins are found often on the backs of the calves or on the inside of the leg. During pregnancy, hemorrhoids, a type of varicose veins form in the vagina or around the anus. Thanks to modern medical breakthroughs, ultrasound guided sclerotherapy and surgical varicose vein removal have made the escape from the painful position easy and affordable.

The conventional vein removal involved much pain, bleeding and anesthesia. But modern practice has alleviates all those problems and employs various procedure for varicose vein removal. If the varicose veins are small and simple then an ultrasound sclerotherapy will serve the purpose best. In the much complicated conditions one has to undergo surgical removal procedure.

Varicose vein condition becomes complicated and carried over to surgical procedure after much negligence. If the veins are slimmer one can easily remove them by ultrasound sclerotherapy. If one feeling itching in the veins then it is the time for surgical procedure. Generally, the look conscious people finish the matter bit earlier as the presence of veins give an ugly look. Ultrasound guided sclerotherapy removes cluster of spider veins (slimmer and small varicose veins) in a painless method. It is also cost effective. Normally, varicose veins can be removed with simple procedures such as laser vein treatment and sclerotherapy but in some cases. In grave conditions the procedure involves removal by two methods, i.e., ligation (stripping) and ambulatory phlebectomy.

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