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Handling Some Second-Grade Students Who Do Not Obey The School Rules While Being an Assistant English Teacher at Palm Kids Primary School.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Dalam Tugas Akhir ini saya membahas masalah yang saya temui selama

masa magang di Palm Kids Primary School. Ketika saya bekerja sebagai asisten guru bahasa Inggris di kelas 2 SD, beberapa dari para siswa tidak mematuhi peraturan sekolah ketika belajar di kelas. Selama bekerja di Palm Kids, saya melihat adanya sebuah masalah yaitu beberapa murid kelas 2 SD tidak bisa mematuhi peraturan sekolah. Oleh sebab itu dalam Tugas Akhir ini saya membahas penyebab, dampak masalah, dan beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

Ketidakpatuhan murid dalam mematuhi peraturan tersebut disebabkan oleh tiga hal. Pertama, guru yang tidak tegas pada murid yang tidak mematuhi

peraturan. Kedua, ada gangguan pada lingkungan belajar. Ketiga, para murid merasa bosan dengan mata pelajaran. Masalah ini pun memiliki beberapa dampak. Pertama, waktu mengajar menjadi terbuang. Kedua, anak yang tidak patuh mendapatkan pengetahuan yang lebih sedikit. Ketiga, anak yang tidak patuh mengganggu anak yang ingin belajar.



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A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper








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1. The teachers were not strict 2. There were some external gained less knowledge from the teacher

3. The disobedient students bothered other students who were willing to learn 1. The teacher may seem less


2. The students are discouraged to participate actively, including asking questions or help when they have a confident with their actions through the day.

2. Through conducting the routines, the students can have more time to learn and the teacher can have less time spent to teach students to obey the rules

My chosen solution is the second and third. I will teach them routines to make a good habit


Maranatha Christian University APPENDIX : B


Name of interviewer : Syena Clarissa

Name of respondent : Endah Sulistiowati, S. Si Day & date of interview : Monday, January 28 2013 Place of interview : Principal Office

Syena : Selamat pagi miss? Maaf saya mengganggu waktunya. Saya sedikit ingin bertanya beberapa pertanyaan mengenai Palm Kids Primary School.

Ms. Endah : Selamat pagi miss Syena, iya tidak apa-apa. Saya punya banyak waktu hari ini..

Syena : Level yang ada di Palm Kids apa saja miss?

Ms. Endah : Levelnya mulai dari Primary 1 Fantastic dan Primary 1 Great, lalu ada Primary 2 sampay Primary 5. Semuanya 1 kelas kecuali Primary 1.

Syena : Miss, bagaimana hubungan antar departemen?

Ms. Endah : Kami saling kerjasama antar departemen sesama Palm Kids. Kalau anak yang dulu sekolah di Palm Kids Kindergarten biasanya di akhir ajaran akan diadakan kunjungan ke sini bersama para orangtua. Kemudian kami melakukan pengenalan terhadap orangtua murid tentang sekolah ini.

Syena : Palm Kids ini ada banyak cabang, apa materi yang diberikan antar Palm Kids itu sama atau beda miss?

Ms. Endah : Iya benar sekali, pusatnya itu ada di Palembang. Biasanya kita mengadakan study banding untuk menyocokan materi-materi yang akan diberikan, tetapi pada dasarnya semua Palm Kids itu sama, tetapi yayasannya sendiri berada di Palembang.

Syena : Terus, unsur utama yang sekolah beri untuk murid itu apa? Character building atau pendidikan?

Ms. Endah : Unsur yang utama Palm Kids beri untuk murid-murid disini itu keduanya, bukan cuma character building tetapi pendidikan itu juga, karena pada sekitar kelas 1 sampai 5 itu karakter dan kepribadian anak mulai tumbuh, dan kami sebagai guru membantu mereka mengarahkan ke arah yang benar sehingga mereka mempunyai kepribadian dan perilaku yang baik tidak hanya kepada guru atau teman-teman, tetapi kepada orang tua atau masyarakat.


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Ms. Endah : Kita disini mengajarkan dua bahasa internasional, bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin. Untuk bahasa sehari-hari, biasanya anak-anak lebih menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Tetapi, mereka tetap berbicara bahasa Mandarin selama pelajaran tersebut berlangsung.

Syena : Kalau begitu, anak-anak lebih suka menggunakan bahasa Inggris dari pada Mandarin miss?

Ms. Endah : Iya, dimulai dengan mengucapkan selamat pagi, mereka harus mengucapkan dengan “good morning” sampai pulang sekolah mereka mengucapkan “goodbye”.

Syena : Ok, sekarang saya akan bertanya mengenai guru-gurunya. Untuk staf dan gurunya sendiri ada berapa miss?

Ms. Endah : Semua berjumlah sekitar 20 orang. Kalau gurunya sendiri ada sekitar 13orang sisanya front office dan security

Syena : Kemudian bagaimana cara metode mengajar guru-guru disini?

Ms. Endah : Kami disini mempunyai metode mengajar yang berbeda-beda, tetapi kami punya satu point yang mengharuskan mengajar dengan metode yang menyenangkan tetapi tetap serius dan terorganisir.

Syena : okey, jadi cara mengajarnya yang berbeda tetapi maksudnya sama, yaitu mengajar dengan menyenangkan tetapi tetap serius dan terorganisir.

Ms. Endah : Iya, benar sekali.

Syena : Bagaimana dengan classroom management nya miss? Gimana guru-guru disini mengatur anak-anak dalam kelas?

Ms. Endah : Kami mempunyai cara yang berbeda-beda dalam menangani anak-anak disini, dimulai dari cara menangani anak primary 1 sampai primary 5, kami harus lebih memahami anak tersebut terlebih dahulu, sehingga kami mempunyai dasar untuk mengatur kelas, karena sifat anak berbeda-beda sehingga kami juga menangani anak-anak dengan cara yang berbeda pula.

Syena : Miss, kriteria guru yang seperti apa yang Palm Kids butuhkan untuk mengajar murid-murid disini?

Ms. Endah : Sudah pasti harus pintar dalam membina anak-anak, pintar dan cekatan serta peka terhadap kebutuhan anak-anak. Kita mengadakan test dulu, setelah nilainya memenuhi syarat, saya menginterview calon guru yang akan mengajar. Setelah banyak pertimbangan, baru menentukan bisa ditrima atau tidak. Setelah ditrima, tidak langsung mengajar. Selama 3 bulan menjadi assistant dulu, mengamati anak-anak dan cara belajarnya, setelah 3 bulan, baru diperbolehkan mengajar.

Syena : miss, kalau ada murid yang bertanya diluar mata pelajaran, dan miss sendiri tidak bisa jawab, apa yang miss lakuin?


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Syena : Ok miss, pertanyaan terakhir. Kalau ada anak yang nangis karena mungkin berkelahi dengan teman sendiri, bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya??

Ms. Endah : Biasanya saya panggil anak yang berantem itu, saya bawa ke ruang guru, disana saya bertanya kenapa bisa terjadi perkelahian, kemudian saya biasanya kasih nasihat buat mereka. Setelah itu saya suruh mereka untuk bersalaman atau berpelukan. Syena : Jadi miss kasih nasihat kemudan menyuruh mereka untuk bersalaman?

Ms. Endah : Ya.

Syena : Miss, terima kasih sudah kasih saya waktu untuk tanya-tanya sedikit tentang sekolah ini. Maaf kalau mengganggu waktu miss.

Ms. Endah : iya miss, sama-sama. Ini sama sekali tidak mengganggu waktu saya. Syena : Thank you miss.



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A. Background of the Study

It is important to build good behavior of young students. One of the

ways is through applying discipline at school. Students are expected to

have discipline by obeying the school rules in order to study harmoniously

with other students and to reach goals more effectively. As stated in

“Student Discipline In Government Schools” article that, a “statement of

purpose” should outline the aims of discipline in the school and the key

believe of principles upon wich the school’s policy is based” (par.3).

Thereby, in order to build good attitude of the young students, it is crucial

to instill discipline at school.

Discipline has a very important role for students, particularly in terms of

learning. Students who have discipline will demonstrate obedience to

school rules and have directed and organized learning. Moreover,

disciplined students will also be able to direct and control their behavior in

class. As stated in “On Obedience and Discipline” that, “discipline is used

to elicit obedience to a rule. It doesn't matter if it's you telling yourself to do



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you're able to carry the order out effectively” (par.2). When I had an

internship as a teacher assistant at Palm Kids Primary School, I found that

some students [10 students] in the second grade did not obey the rules.

The number of the students is about 20 students, 15 boys and 5 girls and

most of them are boys. They often demonstrated their disobedience to the

rules, especially during class activities, which disrupted the teaching and

learning process. Some examples of their disobeying the school rules are

namely, some students stood up and ran around the class, moved their

chairs back and forth and played toys during study time. Because of my

lack knowledge and experiences in making the young learners have

discipline, they still showed disobedience to the rules when my internship

was over. Therefore, through this term paper, I would like to find out the

solutions to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

I would like to analyze the problem through the following questions :

1. Why did some second-grade students at Palm Kids Primary School disobey the school rules?

2. How did the problem influence the teaching and learning process?

3. How is it to solve the problem?



Maranatha Christian University

In this paper I would like to find the causes, effects and solutions to the

problem I encountered when I had my apprenticeship, which is the

some students not obeying the school rules.

The benefits of this paper for the institution is whenever the institution

faces the same problem, this paper can be used as one of the sources to

solve the problem. For the readers, I hope this paper can give beneficial

ideas when they encounter similar problem. For me, when one day I face

similar problem, I hope I can know better ways to help the students obey

the rules.

D. Description of the Institution

This info Palm Kids Primary School is located at Jl.Sarwoendah IV Pancurawis – Purwokerto. Palm Kids is an international school and it

facilitates three languages which are English as the first language,

Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia. They also have six classes, ranging from

the first grade to the fifth grade. The current principal is Endah Sulistiowati,

S. Si and the vice principal is Kristina Widaninggar, S. Pd. The school’s

vision is to help students develop a strong personality so they may grow

into valuable, productive members of society. Their mission is to make

students learn more easily, more fun but still serious and organized.



Maranatha Christian University

To support my data, I did an observation during my apprenticeship. I

did an interview with the principal, also obtained some data from the

Internet and library to support my analysis.

F. Limitation of the Study

My term paper is focused on the problem I encountered when I

became an assistant of English teacher in Palm Kids Primary School,

Bandung. This term paper focused on some of the teachers, me as a

teacher English assistant, and some second-grade students who did not

obey the school rules in class during my internship from 11January until 7

February 2013.

G. Organization of Term Paper

In this term paper the first part is Abstract, the summary of all the

discussion in Indonesian. The next part is Declaration of Originality, which

contains the explanation that this term paper is original and authentic.

After that is Acknowledgements, which shows my appreciation to some

people who have supported me when writing this term paper. Next is

Table of Contents detailing the chapters and sub-chapters.

The paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I is the introduction of

the term paper. Chapter II is the problem analysis that discusses the

causes and effects of the problem that I faced. Chapter III discusses three



Maranatha Christian University

and negative effects from each potential solution. Chapter IV is the

conclusion that discusses the best solution to the problem with the

reasons why that solution is chosen. The paper ends with the

Bibliography, consisting of the list of references I use to write the paper.



Maranatha Christian University



Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter I would like to present the chosen solutions to solve the

problem. Before that, I would like to present the summary of the previous

chapters. The problem I found during my internship is the students did not

obey the school rules in the classroom. There are three causes of the

problem, the first is the teachers were not strict, the second is there were

external distractions, and the last is the students felt bored with the

subject. There are three effects of the problem, including, the study time

was wasted, disobedient students gained less knowledge from the

teacher, and the disobedient students bothered other students who were

willing to learn.

To solve this problem, I presented three potential solutions. The first

potential solution is the teachers should be strict to about the school rules.

The second potential solution is the teachers give a reward to the students

who obey the school rules. The third potential solution is the teachers



Maranatha Christian University

Based on the analysis of the potential solutions, as first solution can

make the students not to close with the teacher, because the teacher is

strict, I think the best solutions to the problem is the second and the third.

The second solution brings advantages of making the students happy

when their effort of obeying the rules is appreciated with the reward, and

they will be more enthusiastic in learning the subjects. The third solution

can also give benefits, including causing the students to obey the rules as

a habit and making the sudents be independent in doing assignments or

tasks. Therefore, the teaching and learning time will run smoothly and the

class will be more organized. By combining the solutions, it is hoped that

the students can obey the school rules in the classroom and will not find

the class boring anymore.

In conclusion, I think the problem of handling the students who do

not obey the school rules is really important. Thus, I would like to suggest

those who want to do an internship like I did, to improve their teaching

skills and their knowledge about how to teach and discipline the

second-grade students first and to apply the solutions presented in this term


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Source

Short, P.M. “Effective Disciplined Schools: Three Themes from Research”

Alabama: NASSP Bulletin 72/504 (1988):1-3

Theo, Kerstjens. “A Thesis on the Excitement of Learning is a Lesson We Will

Never Forget” Exciting Moment Versus boring Routine. Central Milton

Keynes: AuthorHouse, 3 March 2010.

Electronic Sources

Adrian, Tay. “Asiaone Education.” Teachers too soft on students? 15 May. 2013


Brown, Annabelle. “The Positive Effects of Classroom Routines” eHow Mom.

2 May 2013.



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IELTS Practice.Org IELTS Practice Tests and Preparation Tips.

16 June 2013. <


Hören, Besser. “Clasroom Noise.” Hear it. 1 May 2013.


Hughes, Candice. “Extreme Disobedience In Children”. 15 June 2013



Jacobs Richard M. “I've Gotta Stop Wasting Valuable Instructional Time...”

Student Teaching.16 Oktober 2012



Kirk, Karin. “Student Motivations and Attitudes: The Role of the Affective Domain in

Geoscience Learning” Motivating Students 14 May 2013


Lewis, Beth.“Should You Offer Extrinsic Classroom Rewards for Good Behavior?”

Elementary Education 3 May 2013


Maranatha Christian University

Linsin, Michael. “Why You Shouldn’t Reward Students For Good Behavior”

Smart Classroom Management . 10 May 2013


Mathews, Rose. “The Disadvantages of Rewarding Children” eHow mom.

15 June 2013


Meador, Derrick. “Classroom Discipline Decisions.” 1 May 2013


New South Wales Department Of Education And Training. Student Discipline In

Goverenment Schools. State of NSW: Student Welfare Directorate,

2006. 15 March 2013.



“On Obedience and Discipline”. Rudd-O.com 2000-2013. 22July 2013


Provini, Celine. “Rewards” Education World. 17 May 2013


Maranatha Christian University

Reiner, Dan. “How to Minimize Digital Distractions During the Virtual School Day.”

Virtual Learning Connections. 18 June 2013



“Set Up Rules and Routines.” Nea National Education Assosiation. 15 June 2013


“Strict Teacher.” IloveIndia.com. 16 May 2013


“Strict Teacher.” TOEFL GRE GMAT IELTS Essay Writing Center. 16 May 2013


Topalian, Kyrstin. “Lenient Teachers Rock.”

Varying Viewpoints: Are Strict or Lenient Teachers Better for Students?

Febuary 2009. 18 June 2013


“Which Type of Teacher Are You?” Giraffe English World. 16 May 2013


Maranatha Christian University

Wong, Rosemary. “Clasroom Routines” Primary Education Oasis. 17 May 2013


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