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Web-based reading exercises using hot-potatoes for seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.


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Vianarika, Fenty Yunia. (2014). Web-based Reading Exercises Using Hot-Potatoes for Seventh Grade Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Globalisation era has required teachers to keep up with technology development, especially in teaching-learning process. The newly-introduced curriculum, i.e. curriculum 2013, also requires teachers to make the use of information technology (IT) in teaching and learning process. Through the use of online learning media, teachers could design such interesting materials which can be accessed by students. Again, through the use of Hot-Potatoes program, teachers can design short, simple and interesting materials for students. This program provides an alternative enjoyable learning. This research deals with material design using Hot-Potatoes which is formulated to answer two research problems, e.g. (1) How is the Web-based reading exercises using Hot Potatoes for the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the design look like?

This research used R&D, stands for research and development as the research methodology. The steps on R&D were (1) needs analysis, (2) design material, (3) development material, and (4) evaluation the design result. This research held with data interview and questionnaire for the need analysis and design evaluation. Two English teachers involved in the interview and 127 students responded to the questionnaire. The evaluation of the design involved two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

The result of the preliminary field-testing, i.e. interview and questionnaire indicated that students need interesting reading exercises through online learning media as shown in the result of questionnaire that almost all students chose the agree parts (agree-strongly agree). Thus, the researcher designed a set of Web-based reading exercises within the use of Hot-Potatoes program. Then, the result of evaluation got positive result, because the evaluators chose the agree parts (agree-strongly agree). Indeed, the design could fulfill students’ needs and the evaluators agreed if the design is used as additional exercise. Then, this design needed to add some exercises and students’ reflections in 4 units as the evaluators suggested. The design result can be accessed at www.englishreadex.pbworks.com.

Since the reading exercises are in accordance with todays curriculum to fulfill students’ needs, hopefully, students are able to improve their reading skill. Therefore, the design in this research will help students in learning language.



Vianarika, Fenty Yunia. (2014). Web-based Reading Exercises Using Hot-Potatoes for Seventh Grade Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini, guru-guru hendaknya juga mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terkhususnya ketika proses kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung. Kurikulum yang baru saja diperkenalkan, yang dikenal dengan nama kurikulum 2013, menawarkan kepada guru untuk menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar mereka. Melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran secara online, guru dapat membuat berbagai macam materi yang menarik dan dapat diakses oleh siswa. Dengan menggunakan program Hot-Potatoes, guru dapat belajar bagaimana cara membuat materi yang singkat dan menarik bagi siswa untuk menjawab 2 rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana cara membuat soal latihan bahasa Inggris untuk kegiatan membaca dengan menggunakan Hot-Potatoes untuk siswa kelas tujuh di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? dan (2) Bagaimanakah wujud tampilan dari desain tersebut?

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R&D) untuk membuat desain materi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Langkah-langkahnya adalah: (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) mendesain materi, (3) mengembangkan materi, dan (4) evaluasi hasil desain. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui survey dengan wawancara dan kuesioner untuk analisis kebutuhan dan evaluasi desain. 2 guru bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta menjadi narasumber wawancara dan 127 siswa dari SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta berpartisipasi untuk mengisi lembar kuesioner. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan oleh 2 dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Sanata Dharma dan 2 guru bahasa Inggris dari SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.


kurikulum yang dipakai saat ini untuk menjawab kebutuhan siswa dan membantu siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Fenty Yunia Vianarika Student Number: 101214058








Vianarika, Fenty Yunia. (2014). Web-based Reading Exercises Using Hot-Potatoes for Seventh Grade Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Globalisation era has required teachers to keep up with technology development, especially in teaching-learning process. The newly-introduced curriculum, i.e. curriculum 2013, also requires teachers to make the use of information technology (IT) in teaching and learning process. Through the use of online learning media, teachers could design such interesting materials which can be accessed by students. Again, through the use of Hot-Potatoes program, teachers can design short, simple and interesting materials for students. This program provides an alternative enjoyable learning. This research deals with material design using Hot-Potatoes which is formulated to answer two research problems, e.g. (1) How is the Web-based reading exercises using Hot Potatoes for the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the design look like?

This research used R&D, stands for research and development as the research methodology. The steps on R&D were (1) needs analysis, (2) design material, (3) development material, and (4) evaluation the design result. This research held with data interview and questionnaire for the need analysis and design evaluation. Two English teachers involved in the interview and 127 students responded to the questionnaire. The evaluation of the design involved two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

The result of the preliminary field-testing, i.e. interview and questionnaire indicated that students need interesting reading exercises through online learning media as shown in the result of questionnaire that almost all students chose the agree parts (agree-strongly agree). Thus, the researcher designed a set of Web-based reading exercises within the use of Hot-Potatoes program. Then, the result of evaluation got positive result, because the evaluators chose the agree parts (agree-strongly agree). Indeed, the design could fulfill students’ needs and the evaluators agreed if the design is used as additional exercise. Then, this design needed to add some exercises and students’ reflections in 4 units as the evaluators suggested. The design result can be accessed at www.englishreadex.pbworks.com. Since the reading exercises are in accordance with todays curriculum to fulfill students’ needs, hopefully, students are able to improve their reading skill. Therefore, the design in this research will help students in learning language.

Keywords: instructional design, reading, Web-based and weblog, and Hot-Potatoes.



Vianarika, Fenty Yunia. (2014). Web-based Reading Exercises Using Hot-Potatoes for Seventh Grade Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini, guru-guru hendaknya juga mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terkhususnya ketika proses kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung. Kurikulum yang baru saja diperkenalkan, yang dikenal dengan nama kurikulum 2013, menawarkan kepada guru untuk menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar mereka. Melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran secara online, guru dapat membuat berbagai macam materi yang menarik dan dapat diakses oleh siswa. Dengan menggunakan program Hot-Potatoes, guru dapat belajar bagaimana cara membuat materi yang singkat dan menarik bagi siswa untuk menjawab 2 rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana cara membuat soal latihan bahasa Inggris untuk kegiatan membaca dengan menggunakan Hot-Potatoes untuk siswa kelas tujuh di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? dan (2) Bagaimanakah wujud tampilan dari desain tersebut?

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R&D) untuk membuat desain materi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Langkah-langkahnya adalah: (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) mendesain materi, (3) mengembangkan materi, dan (4) evaluasi hasil desain. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui survey dengan wawancara dan kuesioner untuk analisis kebutuhan dan evaluasi desain. 2 guru bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta menjadi narasumber wawancara dan 127 siswa dari SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta berpartisipasi untuk mengisi lembar kuesioner. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan oleh 2 dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Sanata Dharma dan 2 guru bahasa Inggris dari SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa cenderung lebih tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan media online seperti hasil yang diperoleh dari data kuesioner bahwa hampir semua siswa menyatakan setuju (setuju-sangat setuju). Hasil dari tahap evaluasi memperoleh hasil yang positif, bahwa semua pengevaluasi menyatakan setuju (setuju-sangat setuju). Dan itu artinya bahwa hasil desain sudah menjawab kebutuhan siswa. Grup evaluasi juga menyetujui jika hasil desain tersebut digunakan sebagai materi pelengkap. Selain itu, hasil desain perlu ditambahkan beberapa latihan dan refleksi siswa di setiap unitnya. Hasil dari desain materi dalam penelitian ini dapat diakses di www.englishreadex.pbworks.com.

Melalui kegiatan dan latihan soal membaca ini, siswa mampu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca. Tetunya, soal latihan membaca sudah disesuaikan dengan kurikulum yang dipakai saat ini untuk menjawab kebutuhan siswa dan membantu siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.




Firstly, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His amazing blessings in doing this thesis till the end. I know that I am nothing without Him and I could not

finish my study to achieve Bachelor degree without His super blessings.

Secondly, I also give my deepest gratitude for my thesis advisor who guided me during the process on my thesis, Veronica Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., for her precious time during the thesis consultation and in reading my thesis. My sincere thanks also go to the evaluators’ group from the English Language Education Study Program lecturers who helped me to evaluate

the reading exercises design in this research, they are Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., and Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., Ed.D. And also, the interviewees and evaluators’ group from English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta,

Andrea Ismargyaning Utami, S.Pd., and Yohanes Bondan Rachmat Subagya, S.Pd.Then, I give my deepest gratitude to my seventh grade students from 7 B, E, and G of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. My sincere thanks also go to Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D.,and Antonius Siwi Darmajati, S.J.,for their time in reading and correcting my grammar.

Thirdly, my sincere thanks also go to English Language Education Study



Fourthly, I give my deepest gratitude to SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

members, especially for the former headmaster of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1, Antang Hartoko, S.Pd., and the secretary staff, who allowed me to do research in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

Fifthly, I give my special and deepest gratitude to my family members. They are Mak Ipo, Mak, Kohde, Kucang, Kolek, Om Ive, Abi, and especially to my beloved father, Novian Karyanto for his advice, guidance and amazing discussion between father and daughter.

Sixthly, I would like to give my big hug and thanks to my ministry teams

at GBI Keluarga Allah Yogyakarta, they are d’Victory and Blitz cell groups and also ESBC’s crew (Elite Soldier Boot Camp) for their kindness, support and pray so that I could do my best in doing my thesis. The last, I would like to give my big hug to my dearest friends from the English Language Education Study

Program batch 2010, they are Sani, Gaby, Yuli, Maki (Lina), Dessi, Cha-cha, Gaplek (Ega), Pandhu,GOWN” PBI Play Performance, the 2nd Undergraduate Conference Commitee 2014, my PPL friends (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta 2013, my KKN group (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) at Karangpakis 1.

Finally, I give applause to myself because I could do my best in doing this thesis. I also appreciate all people who helped me in writing this thesis.











ABSTRAK ... vii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 3

D. Research Objectives ... 3

E. Research Benefits ... 4




A. Theoretical Description ... 9

B. Review of Related Study ... 20

C. Theoretical Framework ... 21


A. Research Method ... 23

B. Research Setting ... 32

C. Research Participants ... 32

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 34

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 36

F. Research Procedures ... 38

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 39 A. The Result and Discussion in Designing Reading Exercises 39 1. The Result and Discussion of Interview ... 39

2. The Result and Discussion of Questionnaire ... 42

3. The Result and Discussion of Evaluation ... 46

B. The Final Presentation of Reading Exercises Design ... 53

1. The Presentation of Unit 1 as Design Revision ... 53

2. The Presentation of Unit 2 as Design Revision ... 54

3. The Presentation of Unit 3 as Design Revision ... 56

4. The Presentation of Unit 4 as Design Revision ... 57


A. Conclusions ... 59

B. Recommendation ... 60





Table 1. Main Competence English Language Grade VII ……… 12

Table 2. Lesson Plan Unit 1 ... 26

Table 3. Lesson Plan Unit 2 ... 26

Table 4. Lesson Plan Unit 3 ... 27

Table 5. Lesson Plan Unit 4 ... 28

Table 6. Questionnaire ... 35

Table 7. The Meaning of Agreement Points ... 35

Table 8. The Meaning of Agreement Points ... 36

Table 9. The Arrangement of Data Questionnaire ………... 37

Table 10. The Arrangement of Data Questionnaire ………... 37

Table 11. The Result of Questionnaire ……….... 43

Table 12. The Description of Evaluators ………... 46

Table 13. A Statistic Description of Evaluators’ Feedback Using Evaluation ………... 48

Table 14. A Statistic Description of Evaluators’ Feedback Using Evaluation ………... 49

Table 15. Lesson Plan as Final Product Revision Unit 1 ... 53

Table 16. Lesson Plan as Final Product Revision Unit 2 ... 54

Table 17. Lesson Plan as Final Product Revision Unit 3 ... 56




Appendix A. Research Permission Letter from Sanata Dharma ... 65

Appendix B. Interview ... 68

Appendix B. Questionnaire ... 69

Appendix B. Evaluation ... 71

Appendix C. Raw Data Interviews ... 75

Appendix C. Raw Data Questionnaire ... 78

Appendix C. Raw Data Evaluation ... 79

Appendix D. Main Competence and Basic Competence ... 82

Appendix E. Course Outline (Syllabus) SMP/MTs ... 88

Appendix F. A Compilation of Teacher Guideline ... 93




Picture 1 ……….. 29

Picture 2 ……….. 29

Picture 3 ……….. 30



In this part of the study, the researcher wants to present the introduction of this research. There are six sections included in this chapter. They are research

background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Education at school had been integrating with the technology usage.

Teachers should design new materials for students which can fulfill students‟ needs in the learning process. It would make the students more eager to learn English language as they were born in this era and had become digital natives.

According to Reeves (1998), media and technology are tools which are implemented for students‟ learning process so that the students can get positive

impact in using those tools (p. 1). Again, Rude (1986) also reviews the past computer-assisted instruction (CAI) that it has been already proven in science, math, and foreign language, it can improve some subject areas significantly,

students are more interested in the use of computer technology in their learning process, students can learn faster in dealing with computers in their learning



2008, Huot, Lemonnier & Hamers introduces, “L2 teaching and learning have

seen an increasing interest in the use of computers, the Internet, multimedia resources, and what is now called ICT” (p. 84). ICT stands for information and communication technology which is now integrated in language learning, because

technology has essential role in language learning.

Since English becomes one of the most essential subjects in Indonesia for

junior high school, the teaching of language which integrates information technology (IT) has spread over the countries for almost four language skills, e.g., reading, writing, listening and speaking. Due to the fact that reading is one of the

four skills which the students need to develop, it offers an opportunity to create and design reading materials by using technology. Therefore, this research intends

to design materials for reading skill which integrates with the use of technology. SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta facilitates and supports students‟

learning process through the use of technology. The aim of this research is to maximize and optimize the facilities at school. For instance, there are Internet connection, a computer laboratory, teachers‟ weblog for online tasks, and each

student has personal computer. One example of teacher‟s weblog only provided summary of the lesson which has been explained in the class session and the

summary was in the form of Microsoft Word file which uploaded in the weblog. However, the students prefered to open social networks and online game. If the students needed the summary, they downloaded it and vice versa. Therefore, this


3 B. Research Problem

The researcher is going to solve two questions through this research. The questions are as follows:

1. How are the Web-based reading exercises using Hot-Potatoes for the

seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta designed? 2. What does the design look like?

C. Problem Limitation

In conducting this research, the researcher determines with five

limitations; first, the researcher specifies this research in reading skill. Second, the researcher designs the reading exercises within the use of curriculum 2013 as the

newly curriculum. Third, the researcher focuses on seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Fourth, the researcher uses Hot-Potatoes program

which has six basic programs. However, the researcher only uses three out of those basic programs in designing the reading exercises. They are JMatch, JCross, and JQuiz. The last, the researcher uses weblog to help the researcher in uploading

the reading exercises and the weblog usage is Pbworks.

D. Research Objectives

The researcher formulates two objectives in conducting this research. The objectives are as follows:



2. To present the design of Web-based reading exercises using

Hot-Potatoes for seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

E. Research Benefits

There are some benefits that can be obtained from this research. Since this

research is conducted in the educational area and for those who are interested in the use of technology for language learning, the researcher expects that this research can give motivation and contribution to English language teaching,

especially for:

1. Seventh Grade Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

This research is about the integration on the use of technology and designing students‟ reading exercise for students in language learning. Students

are supposed to be more interesting in learning language and have improvement in reading skill. By integrating the use of technology in students‟ exercise, therefore, students can maximize and optimize the school‟s facilities. Besides that, students

will interest in learning English and get better result.

2. English Teachers and Reading Leturers

In maximizing and optimizing school‟s facilities, this research provides teacher‟s guideline in designing the reading exercises using Hot-Potatoes program. Then, the teacher‟s guideline also consists of how to embed the program



fatigue in giving scores. The program calculates the scores directly and

automatically. Therefore, both teacher/lecturer and student may get positive impact in the use of Hot-Potatoes program in learning session.

3. Future Researchers

Through this research, hopefully, can give motivation and contribution for future researchers. Again, they may design another exercise with sophisticated

and others program. The future researchers can learn from this research if they conduct a similar research topic. As we know that technology always changing, therefore, the future researchers need to follow the technology development.

F. Definition of Terms

The researcher would like to discuss the definition of terms which are used in this research obviously as in the keywords from the research is related to the researcher‟s topic. The keywords are instructional design, reading, Web-based and

weblog, and Hot-Potatoes version 6.

1. Instructional Design (ID)

According to Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011), instructional design (ID) is a process designing materials which is started through identifying the problems, designing the materials and considering the instruction for students‟

needs. Again, they state that there are six factors of instructional design have an outcome in learning process. They are students need to completing the objectives



choose the appropriate technology or resources, the materials must have certain

indicators which can support students in their learning process, the materials design can measure students‟ accomplishment, and materials designer must revise the design if the trial program cannot match with the expectations (p. 6). As a

result of designing instructional media, Kemp & Smellie (1989) note that the use of media in instructional design are assigned by “learners, objectives, content, and

instructional method.” They also add that, “media are not supplementary to or in support of instruction, but the instructional input itself” (p. 7). Therefore, this research integrates the use of technology in designing the students‟ exercises

through Hot-Potatoes program.

2. Reading

According to Brown (2004) there are three genres of reading, for example, academic reading, job-related reading, and personal reading. First, academic

reading includes general interest articles, technical reports, professional journal articles, reference material, textbooks, thesis, essays, papers, test directions, editorials and opinion writing. Second, job-related reading includes messages,

letters/emails, memos, reports, schedules, labels, signs, announcements, forms, applications, questionnaires, financial documents, directories, manuals, and

directions. And the last, personal reading includes newspaper and magazines, letters, emails, greeting cards, invitations, messages, notes, lists, schedules, recipes, menus, maps, calendars, advertisements, novels, short stories, jokes,



research takes academic reading as the genre of reading related with the school


3. Web-Based and Weblog

Lewis (2004) defines internet as World Wide Web (WWW) which

consists of text, video, pictures, and sound (p. 19). Another definition as in Teeler & Gray (2000) about World Wide Web is “a multimedia resource and communications tool based on hypertext, a system of clickable links” (p. 5).

Based on those two definitions, Web-based is a basic media to present reading exercises design in forms of weblogs or blogs. The weblog can be accessed by

using Internet connection.

Lewis (2004) states the function of weblogs or blogs are to post and

publish material or exercise on the Web by using text program (p. 19). Then the exercise consists of pictures, videos, audio files, and links related to the given topics. In this research, the weblog refers to the blog which provides students‟

reading exercises for seventh grade students at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

4. Hot-Potatoes Version 6

Hot-Potatoes program has six basic programs to create interactive Web-based teaching and learning process. Those six basic programs are JQuiz, JCloze,

JCross, JMix, JMatch, and the Masher. The function of Hot-Potatoes version 6 is to create an interactive Web-based exercise to help the teaching and learning process. This program is developed by University of Victoria. Then, the



(http://hotpot.uvic.ca/). The data includes questions, answers, and feedbacks or responses.

However, the researcher only implements three out of those six basic programs in this research. Those three programs are JQuiz, JCross, JMatch. (p. 5). First, JQuiz creates question-based quiz design which includes multiple choices

and short-answer. Second, JCross creates crossword puzzles design by choosing the number in the box of crossword; the program will show the given question.




In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the theories related to this research and it consists of two parts. They are theoretical description and

theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

Theoretical description discusses about theories which are used in this research. They are the description of research and development (R & D), reading,

types of reading, assessing reading, designing reading exercises and assessment tasks, weblog, Hot-Potatoes program and teaching adolescence which are going to be discussed in this research.

1. Research and Development (R & D)

According to Kemp (1989), research and development or

instructional-design plan supplies to answer three questions. They are: “What must be learned? What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning levels? How will we know when the required learning has taken place?” The first

question is the objectives, the second question is the activities and resources, and the last question is the evaluation process. Those three questions consider as



Morrison, Ross, Kalman, and Kemp (2011). The first research and development

by Kemp (1989) have eight components. They are considering and stating the general goals for teaching, arranging the learner characteristics, broadening the learning objectives, classifying the subject content, advancing pre-assessments to decide students‟ characteristics, adopting teaching and learning activities,

administering support service includes budget, personnel, facilities, and evaluating students‟ learning process to make design revision. Then, the second research and

development by Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011) have ten components. They are instructional problems, learner and context, task analysis, instructional

objectives, content sequencing, instructional strategies, designing the messages, developing of the instruction, evaluating the instruments, and ongoing process.

This research adapts four components out of those two theories of research and development. The description of the four components are as follows:

a. Need Analysing

The first component of research and development are to analyse the problems and to identify students‟ needs in their reading performance. The

researcher begins this research from analyzing and identifying the students‟ needs. As preliminary field-testing, two instruments are used to analyse and identify the students‟ needs. The two instruments are interview and questionnaire. The

researcher interviews two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta to get the problem analyses and teachers‟ view point. Then, the researcher



know the students‟ view point. Because the purpose is to discover what

acquaintance to assist students‟ reading performance, therefore, this part becomes

the most important thing.

b. Designing the Lesson Plan

The researcher starts with arranging the content based on the data instruments. As Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011) state “a well-designed

instructional strategy prompts or motivates the learner to actively make these connections between what the learner already knows and the new information” (pp. 150-151). The researcher adapts Web-based instruction as the instructional

strategy in this research. As Morrison et.al (2011) state about the term Web-based instruction will be assimilated into computer-based instruction (CBI). They also

find that there are three major characteristics of students within the use of computer-based instruction. They are student will work as individual learner, CBI

is self-paced instruction for students because they have to click the button in doing the reading exercises individually, and CBI may modify each student through the responses and feedbacks that the student will receive. The definition of self-paced

is an individual learning method which calls as “individualized learning or self-instruction” (p. 226). The researcher is not only designing the instruction, but also



The four main competencies of curriculum 2013 as in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Main Competence English Language Grade VII Main Competence

1. Respecting and comprehending the teaching of the students‟ religions and beliefs. 2. Respecting and comprehending good attitudes, e.g. honesty, discipline,

responsibility, care (tolerant and cooperation), politeness, confidentiality, through an effective interaction with others in society and nature.

3. Understanding the knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related with phenomena and reality.

4. Trying, exploring, and presenting in a concrete way (using, explaining, arranging, modifying, and creating) and in an abstract way (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and arranging story) appropriate with what is to be learned in school and another related source which has similar point of view/theory.

c. Developing the Students’ Reading Exercises

After designing the syllabus, the researcher develops the syllabus into students‟ reading exercises. The researcher focuses on students reading

comprehension and additional knowledge from the given reading texts. Certainty,

the researcher also designs the exercises by arranging the exercises from simple-to-complex. According to Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011), the basic principle of simple-to-complex materials usage is to make the students more relax

with the simple exercise in the first unit. Then, in the next units the students may encounter the difficult one where they have already experienced in the previous

unit (p. 218). Again, the researcher develops the syllabus into four units exercises. The design can be accessed at www.englishreadex.pbworks.com.

d. Evaluating the Students’ Reading Exercises



purpose of evaluation is “to make judgments about the worth or success of people

or things (e.g., lessons, programs, projects) and to determine student success in learning” (p. 272). Again, Morrison Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2001) inform that there are three types of evaluation. They are formative, summative and

confirmative evaluations. In evaluating the design, this research adapts formative evaluation, because it informs the instructor or planning team how well the

instructional program is serving the objectives as it progresses (p. 272). Where according to Morrison Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011), summative and confirmative description are:

... designed to examine the effectiveness of completed versions of

instruction. Summative comes after the instruction is first used, but before sustained implementation, whereas confirmative is used after

implementation has occured and the design has been used for a reasonable time (usually at least six months to a year) (p. 278).

According to Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011), formative evaluation is a

process of evaluating and developing the design through identifying the problems. The researcher needs to organize the evaluation strategies and instructional drafts. In gathering data revision, the researcher uses data information from the drafts. In

this step, the researcher also designs list of questions/statements for the evaluation as the instrument.


14 2. Reading

According to Mitchell (1982), the definition of reading is to understand a text as reader‟s capability. He also adds that a successful reader has ability to comprehend a text and can integrate the purpose in each sentence (p. 1).

Additionally, Wallace (1992) states that reading is a knowledge on how to use the language itself, such as reading for purpose and reading for understanding the

context (p. 3). Again, Wallace (1992) also adds that there are three reading purposes; they are reading for survival, learning and pleasure. Reading for survival means to give reaction in society. Reading for learning means to learn

and get knowledge from reading text. And the last, reading for pleasure produces fluency such as speed reading and simplify reading (p. 4). Therefore, this research

refers to the reading for purpose by providing reading for learning so that the students may learn from the given text and have a life value.

3. Types of Reading

According to Brown (2004), there are four types of reading perfomance; they are perceptive, selective, interactive and extensive reading. The purpose of

perceptive reading is to broaden the reading categories in a set of listening comprehension. The purpose of selective reading is to discover one‟s reading



The researcher also integrates both selective reading and interactive

reading as the types of reading text. Firstly, the researcher chooses selective reading to ensure students‟ reading acknowledgement includes lexical, grammar, and short reading text. Secondly, the researcher selects interactive reading to

interact a reading text by finding the meaning. The texts can be narrative, descriptive, procedure, recount, expository, announcement, memo, news report

and suchlike. Therefore, this research refers to the combination of both selective reading and interactive reading as the types of reading.

4. Assessing Reading a. Reliability

Brown (2004) states a reliable test should be consistent and dependable

with the issue by considering some factors. The researcher takes reliability in designing the reading exercises with up-to-date topics/issues. Therefore, this

research refers to the reliability by providing topic in each unit and the reading exercises are designed using multiple choices, matching tasks, and crossword puzzles (p. 20).

b. Validity

Gronlund (1998) defines validity as “the extent to which inferences made

from assessment results are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment” (as cited in Brown, 2004, p. 22). Again, Brown (2004)

defines the term of validity as the degree to which a test measures and what it



related evidence, construct-related evidence, consequential validity, and face

validity (para. 22). Otherwise, the researcher implements face validity in this research. Additionaly, Brown (2004) concludes in a statement about face validity:

Face validity is not something that can be empirically tested by a teacher or even by a testing expert. It is purely a factor of the “eye of the beholder” – how the test-taker, or possibly the test giver, intuitively perceives the instrument (p. 27).

Face validity informs that the students may encounter with a well-constructed exercise which the students will familiar with the given topic. Brown (2004) also

concludes that a design material can be said as valid if the design is in accordance with real-world context. A valid design material includes students‟ daily learning

and activities (p. 27). Therefore, this research refers to the validity by having time allotment in each unit to prevent students‟ boredom in the given topic, the language usage is not ambiguous, and each unit has own difficulties level from


c. Authenticity

Bachman & Palmer (1996) define the terms of authenticity as, “the degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a given language task to the features of a target language task” (as cited in Brown, 2004, p. 28). Again, Brown (2004) also

adds that an authentic exercise presents with using natural language, the items are contextualized and well-constructed, the given topics are interesting and in

accordance with real-world tasks and the exercises are organized through reading text. The topics are in accordance with academic subjects matter at school. The students are supposed to learn English as a lingua franca and get knowledge from



providing natural and simple language in each reading text and item so that the

students can get the meaning in doing the exercises.

5. Designing Reading Exercises and Assessment Tasks

According to Howard and Major (2009), designing an effective exercise

for language learner is a particular challenge for teacher. Some teachers may consider the advantages and disadvantages of designing materials. The advantages

that the teacher will receive are “contextualisation” materials, be able to meet the students‟ needs, “personalisation” and “timeliness” with up-to-date topics.

However, teacher may also encounter the disadvantages of designing students‟

materials based on the “organisation, quality and time constraint.” Further, teacher should consider some factors when designing students‟ materials. The factors are

target learners/students, curriculum usage, sources and supporting facilities, teacher‟s confidence and competence, copyright compliance, and time constraint

(pp. 101-104). In this research, the design instructions by Howard and Major (2009) should be contextualised from both the curriculum usage and students‟ needs, attracted, activated students‟ critical thinking from reading passage given,

proposed to integrate using language, authentic, suitable instructions and flexible by concerning the content. Therefore, this research refers to the design of reading

exercises and the assessment as seen in the description below.

a. Multiple Choice Task

Farrell (2009) defines multiple choice task as a test type which only has one correct answer and other answer‟s options are incorrect. Multiple choice has



major disadvantage of multiple choice usage is that the students could encourage

guessing (p. 92).

Therefore, this research refers to the use of multiple choice task. The purpose is to gain vocabulary building and reading comprehension. The task is

designed into vocabulary and picture-cued as selective reading, and comprehension questions as interactive reading.

b. Matching Task

The research applies the use of matching task is to gain vocabulary building and reading comprehension for both selective and interactive reading.

Those tasks are suitable for seventh grade students within the use of curriculum 2013. Therefore, the task has more varied exercise to increase students‟ interest in

doing the task.

c. Crossword Puzzle

The purpose of crossword puzzle usage in this research is to acquire students‟ vocabulary towards the given reading text. Those tasks are suitable for

seventh grade students within the use of curriculum 2013. Therefore, the task does

not lack of varieties.

6. Weblog or ‘Blogs’

The description of blog, a short for weblog, according to Newby, Stepich, Lehman, Russell, & Ottenbreit-Leftwich (2011):



In this research, the researcher uses blog to distribute students‟ material with the

help of Hot-Potatoes program. Another purpose is to share the lesson plan so that the students know the indicators in learning the material.

7. Hot-Potatoes Program

As cited from http://hotpot.uvic.ca/, “Hot Potatoes program is to enable teacher in creating interactive Web-based teaching exercises which can be

delivered to any Internet-connected computer equipped with a browser.” It needs Windows version programs such as Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or 7 to operate Hot-Potatoes program. Then, it also needs a modern Web browser such

as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer. There are five basic programs and an additional program in Hot Potatoes version 6. The description of those six

programs are as follows:

a. JQuiz program creates question-based quiz, such as multiple choice and

short-answer. Multiple choices provide specific feedback for both answers correct or wrong. While in short-answer questions, students must guess what the correct answer is. Then, students may ask by choosing the hint box to find the correct


b. JCloze program creates gap-fill exercises.

c. JCross program creates crossword puzzles. The program works when the students choose the crossword‟s number.

d. JMix program creates jumbled-sentence exercises.



Therefore, this research refers to the Hot-Potatoes version 6 by using three

out of those six programs. They are JQuiz, JCross, and JMatch as in accordance with the types of selective and interactive reading items.

8. Teaching Adolescence

Entwistle (1981) defines adolescence as students who need teacher to teach their progress by increasing their abstract ideas and knowledge at school.

Indeed, teaching adolescence needs exploration and reinforcement completely so that the teacher can help students to be able in presenting their new ideas related to their previous knowledge (pp. 257-258). Another viewpoint of teaching

adolescence is according to Hamacheck (1975), many adolescence students love to work in a group so that the teacher must divide the student into several groups.

The groups based on gender (same or opposite sex) and lottery (p. 117).

In this research, teacher helps the students in presenting their ideas toward

the text provided by answering the reading item. Then, students will receive feedback as students‟ reinforcement so that the students will interest in doing

more exercises. Therefore, teaching adolescence needs to integrate something new

for them. For example, the use of technology and the given materials are correlated with academic subject matter.

B. Review of Related Study

There is a related study in this research which the title is “Designing a Set



topic with this research. First, that research applied research and development

(R&D) as the research methodology. It also had a target skill in reading through designing a test. The target participant was the ninth grade students of SMA N 11 Yogyakarta, and the curriculum usage in that research was Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Then, this research applied Quizstar program as the tool in designing the reading test for the students.

Furthermore, that research was similar in the use of weblog as online learning media with different program as in this research. Indeed, this research applies Hot-Potatoes as the tool program which can be uploaded in a weblog.

Again, research and development (R & D) also applies as research methodology in this research. The target participant is seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi

Luhur 1 Yogyakarta who implements the use of curriculum 2013.

C. Theoretical Framework for Seventh Graders of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

This theoretical framework discusses about the stages of Web-based

reading exercises for the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta using Hot Potatoes according to an instructional-design theory. As a

part of synthesizing and summarizing, the theoretical framework applies all theories in theoretical description. The theoretical framework is to answer the research problems and to explain the steps in research design.



there are four major characteristics of instructional-design theories. They are “design-oriented” or goal-oriented in boosting students‟ learning and

performance, recognizes instructional “methods” to support and facilitate the learning process and instructional “situations” to implement the methods, the

instructional methods in instructional design can be ended into “more detailed component methods” in supplying more guidance to teachers, and the

instructional methods are “probabilistic.” Thus, they amplify the opportunities to accomplish the goals rather than to assure them (as cited in Reigeluth, 2009, p. 6). Therefore, the steps of instructional-design intention in this research are




In this chapter, it discusses the methodology usage in conducting research and answering the two research problems. The research methodology consists of

six parts; they are research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research applied research and development to obtain and solve the answer in the research questions related to the Web-based reading exercises using Hot-Potatoes for seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

This research combined two approaches of instructional design or research and development according to Kemp (1989) and Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp

(2011). Based on the research‟s needs, the researcher started this research with analysing the needs, designing the lesson plan, developing the lesson plan into exercises, and evaluating the design. The description of research and development

in this research as follows:

1. Analysing the Needs


24 a. Interview

According to Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2010), interview is a way to get data which cannot be obtained through observation. Basically, interview is someone‟s opinion, feeling, belief about something or situation (p. 438). In

addition, the researcher adapted focus group as category of interview, i.e. teachers group. The given questions conducted in open-ended questions using Indonesian

language. Further, the researcher also implemented qualitative structured interview as the type of interview. Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2010) define qualitative structured interview as scheduled questions which cannot be responsed

using yes or no and its function to get certain information related to the research, i.e., find the needs‟ analysis (p. 438).

In analysing the needs, the researcher interviewed two English teachers at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta who handled the seventh grade students.

Because of the researcher only focused on the English teacher and not other teachers, the researcher applied focus group interview as the type of interview. Therefore, this research provided eight open-ended questions covering the needs‟

analysis. The list of questions can be seen in appendix B.

b. Questionnaire

The researcher conducted the questionnaire in a form of close-ended questions within the use of Indonesian language. Best (1970) defines the term of questionnaire as:

Administered personally to groups of individuals have a number of



Since the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

answered the questionnaires, the given questions use Indonesian language. Thus, the students did not have any difficulties in answering the questionnaires. Therefore, the questionnaire had ten close-ended questions covering the needs‟

analysis in this research. Likert scale implemented in the questionnaire to find the meaning of agreement points. The list of questions can be seen in appendix B.

2. Designing the Lesson Plans

After the needs‟ analysis finished, the researcher needed to design the

lesson plans. It should be in accordance with the newly curriculum, i.e.,

curriculum 2013. The newly curriculum had four main competencies and the researcher created the lesson plans into four unit exercises. Certainty, the lesson

plans depended on students‟ needs as in the result of interview and questionnaire. The design of lesson plans from unit 1 up to unit 4 presented as follows:

a. Lesson Plan of Unit 1

First, the design of lesson plan in unit 1 integrated with Biology subject, i.e. body parts as the topic. The researcher applied descriptive text in this unit as

the reading text. Then, the descriptive text applied to describe the body parts and the function of body parts. Thus, the design of lesson plan in unit 1 can be seen in



Table 2. Lesson Plan Unit 1 UNIT 2


Descriptive text: Body

Parts 1x45‟

1) Students are able to identify the meaning of

body parts‟ vocabulary

by filling the crossword puzzles

2) Students are able to recognize the vocabulary of body parts through reading comprehension 3) Students are able to

answer the reading items based on the descriptive text 4) Students can mention

the names of body parts by answering the items

b. Lesson Plan of Unit 2

Second, the researcher designed and integrated the lesson plan in unit 2 with Geography subject, e.g. water cycle as the topic. The given text was in forms

of descriptive. It also applied to describe the process of water cycle. Therefore, the design of lesson plan in unit 2 can be seen in the Table 3 below.

Table 3. Lesson Plan Unit 2 UNIT 2


Descriptive text: Water

Cycle 1x45‟

1) Students are able to answer the items based on the descriptive text of water cycle in forms of song

2) Students are able to answer the items based on water cycle video 3) Students are able to


27 c. Lesson Plan of Unit 3

Third, the researcher designed the lesson plan in unit 3 with integrating the English materials with students‟ daily activity, i.e. evacuation plan as the topic.

Again, the researcher applied procedure text in this unit as the given reading text.

The procedure text functioned to give the steps of evacuation plan. Therefore, the design of lesson plan in unit 3 can be seen in the Table 4 below.

Table 4. Lesson Plan Unit 3 UNIT 3


Procedure text:

Evacuation Plan 1x45‟

1) Students are able to identify the vocabulary usage in giving

directions signs by filling the crossword puzzles

2) Students are able to answer the items based with students‟ daily activity. Thus, the researcher also applied photography as a

topic in this unit. There were two types of text in this unit, e.g. descriptive text and news report text. The researcher applied descriptive text to describe posed photography and candid photography. And then, the purpose of news report text



Table 5. Lesson Plan Unit 4 UNIT 4


Descriptive and News

Report Text: Photography 2x45‟

1) Students are able to identify the meaning of vocabulary usage in the descriptive text

2) Students are able to answer the items based

4) Students can give their opinions toward the news report text

Regarding the research‟s needs, the researcher designed the lesson plan

into four unit exercises without any implementation in a class session. Therefore,

the design of lesson plans were in accordance with the four main competencies in curriculum 2013,.

3. Developing the Lesson Plans into Reading Exercises Design

The researcher developed the lesson plans into reading exercises design which have four unit exercises. After designing the reading exercises, the

researcher created the exercises by using Hot-Potatoes program. Firstly, the researcher needed to install the Hot-Potatoes Setup. After the installation finished,

the researcher put a checkmark (√) in the bullet of “Launch Hot Potatoes” and selected “Finish” button. There will appear a dialogue box of Hot-Potatoes as in



Picture 1. Hot-Potatoes version 6

For instance, the researcher chose JQuiz to create multiple-choice task. There will

appear a dialogue box of JQuiz as in Picture 2.

Picture 2. JQuiz

The researcher needed to write down the question in the right side of Q1 for



feedback in the box provided. Indeed, the researcher chose one correct answer and

saved the quiz.

Then, the researcher selected JMatch to create matching task. There will appear a dialogue box of JQuiz as in Picture 3.

Picture 3. JMatch

The researcher wrote down the items in the left side or “Left (ordered) items” and also write down the answers in the right side or “Right (jumbled) items.” Indeed,

students selected the correct answer by moving it from the right to the left. The researcher, therefore, saved the quiz.

After creating multiple-choice task and matching task, the researcher also



Picture 4. JCross

The researcher wrote down the answers in “Words” and the questions in “Clues.” Then, the researcher needed to choose “Across” or “Down” as the format of

crossword puzzles. Therefore, the researcher must save the quiz.

After all the quizes finished, the researcher uploaded the file in Pbworks.

In uploading the file, the researcher needed to save the file by using jquiz, jcross, or jmatch formats and then, saved the file by choosing “Create web page” and “Standard format F6.” After that, the researcher gave a name in each file and


32 4. Evaluating the Design

In evaluating the design, the researcher distributed questionnaires as formative evaluation. The researcher evaluated the design with the help from evaluators‟ group. They were two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1

Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The evaluation had fifteen close-ended

questions and five open-ended questions covering the evaluation stages. The list of questions can be seen in appendix B.

B. Research Setting

First, the researcher started this research by gathering data interview in

SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta at Jalan Timoho II No. 29. The researcher conducted the interview on April 2014. Second, the distribution of questionnaires for students‟ group held on April-May 2014 in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.

And the last, the distribution of evaluation questionnaires for evaluators‟ group conducted at different places and different time periods. In June 2014, the first

evaluation conducted at school and in July 2014, the second evaluation conducted at Sanata Dharma University.

C. Research Participants

This section elaborates on the participants of the research as well as in


33 1. Teacher Group

The first group called teachers‟ group. Two English teachers participated in this interview as interviewees. Both two English teachers taught in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta for seventh grade students. The researcher

interviewed them with eight open-ended questions. Indeed as data analyses, the researcher took data interview results from the interviewees.

2. Student Group

The second group called as students‟ group. The seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta became the participants in answering the

questionnaires. They were from three different classes, e.g., 7 B, E, and G. Each class consisted of approximately forty students and the total amount of students

was one hundred and twenty seven students as the research participants. Therefore, the researcher took data questionnaire results to find the need analysis.

3. Evaluator Group

The third group called as evaluators‟ group. They were two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta and two lecturers of English

Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. They evaluated the students‟ exercises design. Finally, the researcher considered the



D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In order to acquire the data, the researcher implemented survey technique in this research within three instruments. They were conducting interview, distributing the questionnaires and evaluation questionnaires. The description and

example of those three instruments discussed as follows:

1. Interview

In the interview process, the researcher asked in Indonesian language to get more detail information. The interview consisted of eight open-ended questions covering the need analysis in this research. The example of interview‟s

questions as in appendix B (the English version):

1) Does reading skill in curriculum 2013 become a dominant skill besides other skills, e.g. speaking, listening, and writing?

2) What are your ways in designing materials for reading which relevant to the four main competencies of curriculum 2013?

In April 2014, the researcher conducted the interview for two English teachers of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The result of the interview

analyzed in a form of narrative description.

2. Questionnaire

In questionnaire, the researcher applied Indonesian language as the

questions/statements. The purpose is that the students may get better understanding in each statement. The example of interview‟s questions as in



Table 6. Questionnaire

No. Pernyataan

Poin Persetujuan

1 2 4 5

1. Kegiatan membaca akan lebih menarik apabila latihan soal yang diberikan berupa teks yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran lainnya, seperti ilmu pengetahuan alam dan sosial, sejarah, dan lain sebagainya.

1 2 4 5

2. Saya sangat membutuhkan latihan kosa-kata sebelum kegiatan membaca sehingga saya mampu memahami bacaan yang diberikan.

1 2 4 5

Ary, Jacobs, & Sorenses (2010) define a Likert scale or summated rating scale uses to assess students‟ attitudes related to the topic in the research which is going to be asked in the questionnaire. Again, Best (1970) states that “the

instrument yields a total score for each respondent, and a discussion of each individual item, while possible, is not necessary” (p. 175). In scoring the Likert

scale, the researcher cited from Ary et.al (2010), “strongly agree is scored 5, agree is scored 4, undecided is scored 3, disagree is scored 2, and strongly disagree is scored 1” (p. 210). The agreement points in this research can be seen in Table 7


Table 7. The Meaning of Agreement Points Point’s

Agreement Response Category Abbreviation

1 Strongly disagree SD

2 Disagree D

4 Agree A

5 Strongly agree SA


36 3. Evaluation

The researcher conducted the evaluation which was divided into three parts. The first part had ten close-ended-statements about the look of reading exercises. The second part had five close-ended statements about the Hot-Potatoes

program works in the website. Both parts adopted Likert scale in measuring the evaluation and the agreement points as the same as in Table 7 above. The last part

was the evaluator‟s feedback which had five open-ended questions. The evaluators wrote feedback, opinion, and suggestion as the design improvement. The meaning of agreement points can be seen in Table 8 below.

Table 8. The Meaning of Agreement Points Point’s

Agreement Response Category Abbreviation

1 Strongly disagree SD

2 Disagree D

3 Agree A

4 Strongly agree SA

Therefore, the purpose of agreement points was to arrange the students who chose

in agree part and disagree part.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher divided this part into three. They were data interview, questionnaire and evaluation.

1. Interview

In analysing the data interview, the researcher translated and summarized the data in narrative description using English. The response of interviewees can



interview. Then, the researcher summarized the data transcription of interview

Indeed, the researcher used the analysis to get the needs of students and teachers by interviewing the teachers.

2. Questionnaire

After the students answered the questionnaire, the researcher analysed it by classifying the number of students who had chosen certain answer. In

analysing the data questionnaire, the researcher‟s technique is arranging the score as in the points of agreement. The arrangement scores in the data questionnaire were as follows:

Table 9. The Arrangement of Data Questionnaire

Statement methodology as in analysing the data questionnaire. Therefore, the researcher

arranged the scores as in the points of agreement. The arrangement scores in the data evaluation are as follows:

Table 10. The Arrangement of Data Questionnaire


Points of Agreement Disagree Agree


38 F. Research Procedures

There were four procedures to obtain the data for this research such as follows:

1. The researcher conducted interviews and distributed the questionnaire as preliminary field-testing. The purpose of interview and questionnaire

distribution are to find the problems and the needs‟ analysis. The reading exercises were designed from both data. First, the researcher interviewed two English teachers who handled the seventh grade students. Based on the result

of the interview, the researcher interpreted the data and started to design the syllabus into four units.

2. After designing the syllabus, the researcher developed the syllabus into several exercises for four units by using Hot Potatoes. The design can be accessed at


3. The next step distributed the evaluation sheet for teachers and lecturers. After gathering data evaluation, the researcher started to revise the design.


Table 1. Main Competence English Language Grade VII Main Competence
Table 2. Lesson Plan Unit 1 UNIT 2
Table 4. Lesson Plan Unit 3 UNIT 3
Table 5. Lesson Plan Unit 4 UNIT 4


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