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Learning style, English speaking ability, and academic performance of the vocational high school students.


Academic year: 2017

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Jacobus Yuli Triastadi. 2015. Learning Style, English Speaking Ability, and Academic Performance of the Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta : The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University

This research is intended to find out the correlation between students’ learning style, English speaking ability and academic performance of the students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School in 2013/2014 academic year at the second semester. The objectives of the study are to find out the correlation between students’ learning style and the English speaking ability, to find out the correlation between students’ learning style and the academic performance, to find out the correlation between students’ learning style and the English speaking ability, and to find out the correlation between both students’ learning style and English speaking ability to the academic performance.

The research was conducted in Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School. The population was 62 tenth grade students and the researcher took 30 students as the samples to represent the characteristics of the 3 research variables. Since the research employed a mixed-method approach, then the data were divided into numerical and narrative data. The numerical data were gained from questionnaire and scoring sheets. The narrative data were gained from interview transcripts of 3 students, each representing low-achiever, medium-achiever, and high-achiever of English speaking ability. The analysis techniques of the data were through Pearson Product Moment Correlation for 2 variables correlation and Multiple Correlation for 3 variables correlation, followed by the description and interpretations of participants’ lived-experience on 3 variables of research.

To answer the hypothesis statistically, there are 4 findings. First, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style and academic performance (r = 0,44 at sig = 0,02 < 0,05). Second, there is a positive correlation between students’ English speaking ability and academic performance (r = 0,88 at sig = 0,00 < 0,05). Third, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style and their English speaking ability (r = 0,48 at sig = 0,01 < 0,05). Forth, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style, English speaking ability, and their academic performance (r = 0,88 at sig = 0,00 < 0,05)



Jacobus Yuli Triastadi. 2015. Learning Style, English Speaking Ability, and Academic Performance of the Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta : Program Pasca Sarjana, Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa, kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris dan prestasi akademik siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 di semester dua. Tujuan penelitian ini secara rinci adalah untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara gaya belajar siswa dan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris, mencari hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan prestasi akademik, mencari tahu hubungan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka, dan mencari hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa bersama-sama dengan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris berkaitan dengan prestasi akademik.

Penelitian ini diadakan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang. Populasinya adalah 62 peserta didik kelas 10 dan peneliti mengambil 30 siswa sebagai sampel untuk mewakili karakteristik 3 variabel penelitian. Karena penelitian ini menggunakan teknik gabungan, maka data yang dipakai adalah data angka dan narasi. Data angka didapatkan dari kuesioner dan lembar penilaian. Data narasi didapatkan dari transkrip wawancara dari 3 siswa, masing-masing mewakili kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris bawah, menengah, dan tinggi. Teknik data analysis adalah menggunakan Korelasi Pearson Product Moment untuk korelasi 2 variabel dan Korelasi Ganda untuk korelasi 3 variable, diikuti oleh deskripsi dan interpretasi dari pengalaman para siswa berkaitan dengan 3 variabel yang diteliti.

Untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian, muncul 4 penemuan. Pertama, ada hubungan positif antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka (r = 0,44 di sig = 0,02 < 0,05). Kedua, ada hubungan positif antara kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka (r = 0,88 di sig = 0,00 < 0,05). Ketiga, ada hubungan positif antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka (r = 0,48 di sig = 0,01 < 0,05). Keempat, ada hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa, kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka, dan prestasi akademik (r = 0,88 di sig = 0,00 < 0,05).







Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Jacobus Yuli Triastadi











Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Jacobus Yuli Triastadi








At first, I would like to express my gratitude to my great Savior, God the Almighty, who has given me His blessing anywhere and anytime, moreover in finishing my thesis. Without Him, I will never exist in this world. May God always be with us. I also would like to express my special gratitude to Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., for his guidance and support so that I always had a comfortable situation when I was stuck in finishing my thesis and also during various learning activities in his classes throughout the graduate program in English Language Studies. He was so patient and smart in directing me how to finish my thesis. My special gratitude also goes to F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Dra. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A (Hons.)., Ph.D., and Dr. J. Bismoko who had shared knowledge and experiences during their lectures. They gave me enlightenments how to live better and how to face the reality in this world.

Secondly, I give many thanks to the big family of English Language Studies students and graduates who had helped me understand various materials during our graduate studies. To Mbak Lely at the secretariat of the English Language Study Program, she was one like my sister who always cheered me up. Then, I would like to extend my big gratitude to my students at Tarcisius 2 Pangudi Luhur Vocational High

School in Semarang, especially to Destri, Birgitha, A’Rafiq, and all ten grade students

who had assisted as the research participants. To Brother Agung, thank you so much for all the advice and encouragement to lift my spirit.

Finally to all my family especially to my parents, thank you so much for all of your supports. I am so proud to be your son. To Rena, you are my angel. I feel that I am the luckiest person in the world because of your existence beside me. I would not be able to finish my thesis without your escort. May God always guide us all.















ABSTRACT ... xiv

ABSTRAK ... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Identification ... 13

C. Problem Limitation ... 15

D. Problem Formulation ... 17

E. Research Goals ... 18

F. Research Significance ... 18

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Review ... 20

1. Learning ... 20

2. Language Learning ... 24

3. Learning Style ... 28

a. Kolb’s Learning Style ... 31

b. Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory ... 35



a. Speaking Ability Activities ... 45

b. Speaking Ability Assessment ... 47

5. Academic Performance ... 49

6. Vocational (High) School ... 53

7. English Curriculum in Vocational High School ... 57

8. Related Studies ... 60

B. Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis ... 62

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 68

B. Data Nature ... 69

C. Population and Sample ... 74

D. Data Collection Methods ... 76

E. Data Analysis and Interpretation ... 77


1. Quantitative Research Findings ... 80

a. Descriptive Statistics ... 80

1) Students’ Learning Style (x1) ... 80

2) English Speaking Ability (x2) ... 81

3) Academic Performance (y) ... 82

b. Data Normality and Linearity ... 83

1) Test of Data Normality ... 84

2) Test of Data Linearity ... 85

c. Correlation and Hypothesis Testing ... 87

1) Correlation and Hypothesis Testing between Students’ Learning Styles (x1) and Academic Performance (y) ... 87

2) Correlation and Hypothesis Testing between English Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic Performance (y) ... 89



4) Correlation and Hypothesis Testing between Students’ Learning Style (x1), English Speaking Ability (x2), and

Academic Performance (y) ... 92 2. Qualitative Research Findings ... 92

a. AR’s Learning Styles, English Speaking Ability, and Academic

Performance ... 93 b. BA’ Learning Styles, English Speaking Ability, and Academic

Performance ... 98 c. DA’s Learning Styles, English Speaking Ability, and Academic

Performance ... 102 B. Research Discussion ... 106

1. Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and Academic

Performance (y) ... 107 2. Correlation between English Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic

Performance (y) ... 110 3. Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and English

Speaking Ability (x2) ... 113 4. Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1), English

Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic Performance (y) ... 115


A. Conclusions ... 118 B. Suggestions ... 122





Table 2.1 Relationship of Behaviour Level and characteristics of Kolb’s

Learning Styles ... 38

Table 3.1 Blueprint of Students’ Learning Style Questionnaire ... 70

Table 3.2 Likert Scales on Questionnaire Answers ... 71

Table 3.3 Blueprint of Speaking Ability Indicators and Scoring System ... 72

Table 3.4 Blueprint of Academic Performance and Scoring System ... 73

Table 3.5 Guideline of In-depth Interview ... 74

Table 3.6 Reliability of Questionnaire ... 75

Table 4.1 Data scores of Students’ Learning Styles (x1), English Speaking Ability (x2), and Academic Performance (y) ... 79

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Learning Style (x1), English Speaking Ability (x2), and Academic Performance (y) ... 80

Table 4.3 Normality Test for Students’ Learning Style (x1), English Speaking Ability (x2), and Academic Performance (y) ... 84

Table 4.4 Linearity test between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and Academic Performance (y) ... 86

Table 4.5 Linearity test between English Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic Performance (y) ... 86

Table 4.6 Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and Academic Performance (y) ... 87

Table 4.7 Degree of correlation based on Correlation Coefficient ... 88

Table 4.8 Correlation between English Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic Performance (y) ... 89

Table 4.9 Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and English Speaking Ability (x2) ... 91

Table 4.10 Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1), English Speaking Ability (x2), and Academic Performance (y) ... 92

Table 4.11 Themes and Qualitative Result of AR’ ... 94

Table 4.12 Themes and Qualitative Result of BA’ ... 98

Table 4.13 Themes and Qualitative Result of DA’ ... 102




Figure 2.1 Kolb’s Division of Learning styles based on Learning Cycles ... 33

Figure 2.2 Theoretical Framework Mapping of the Research ... 66

Figure 3.1 Research Method ... 69

Figure 4.1 Histogram of Students’ Learning Style (x1) ... 81

Figure 4.2 Histogram of English Speaking Ability (x2) ... 82

Figure 4.3 Histogram of Academic Performance (y) ... 83

Figure 4.4 Scatter Plot of Correlation between Students’ Learning Style (x1) and Academic Performance (y) ... 89

Figure 4.5 Scatter Plot of Correlation between English Speaking Ability (x2) and Academic Performance (y) ... 90




KTSP : Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan CE : Concrete Experience

RO : Reflective Observation AC : Abstract Conceptualisation AE : Active Experimentation ELT : Experiential Learning Theory KLSI : Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory MTs : Madrasah Tsanawiyah

BSNP : Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan LS : Learning Styles




I employed interview transcripts as the qualitative data to support the interpretation of quantitative data. In order to focus in phrases and sentences supporting the quantitave data interpretation, I employed a coding system. For example for coding I/11032014/P2/AR- LA, the coding system is interpreted as below :

I : Interview

11032014 : Date of Interview is March 11th, 2014

P2 : The Number of Participant’s Answer from the Interview Transcript

AR : Initial of Participant



Jacobus Yuli Triastadi. 2015. Learning Style, English Speaking Ability, and Academic Performance of the Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta : The Graduate Program in

English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University

This research is intended to find out the correlation between students’ learning style, English speaking ability and academic performance of the students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School in 2013/2014 academic year at the second semester. The objectives of the study are to find out

the correlation between students’ learning style and the English speaking ability, to find out the correlation between students’ learning style and the academic

performance, to find out the correlation between students’ learning style and the

English speaking ability, and to find out the correlation between both students’

learning style and English speaking ability to the academic performance.

The research was conducted in Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School. The population was 62 tenth grade students and the researcher took 30 students as the samples to represent the characteristics of the 3 research variables. Since the research employed a mixed-method approach, then the data were divided into numerical and narrative data. The numerical data were gained from questionnaire and scoring sheets. The narrative data were gained from interview transcripts of 3 students, each representing low-achiever, medium-achiever, and high-achiever of English speaking ability. The analysis techniques of the data were through Pearson Product Moment Correlation for 2 variables correlation and Multiple Correlation for 3 variables correlation, followed by the description and interpretations

of participants’ lived-experience on 3 variables of research.

To answer the hypothesis statistically, there are 4 findings. First, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style and academic performance (r = 0,44 at sig = 0,02 < 0,05). Second, there is a positive correlation between

students’ English speaking ability and academic performance (r = 0,88 at sig = 0,00 < 0,05). Third, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style and their English speaking ability (r = 0,48 at sig = 0,01 < 0,05). Forth, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning style, English speaking ability, and their academic performance (r = 0,88 at sig = 0,00 < 0,05)

The result of quantitative analysis is supported by qualitative analysis through



Jacobus Yuli Triastadi. 2015. Learning Style, English Speaking Ability, and Academic Performance of the Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta : Program Pasca Sarjana, Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa, kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris dan prestasi akademik siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 di semester dua. Tujuan penelitian ini secara rinci adalah untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara gaya belajar siswa dan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris, mencari hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan prestasi akademik, mencari tahu hubungan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka, dan mencari hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa bersama-sama dengan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris berkaitan dengan prestasi akademik.

Penelitian ini diadakan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang. Populasinya adalah 62 peserta didik kelas 10 dan peneliti mengambil 30 siswa sebagai sampel untuk mewakili karakteristik 3 variabel penelitian. Karena penelitian ini menggunakan teknik gabungan, maka data yang dipakai adalah data angka dan narasi. Data angka didapatkan dari kuesioner dan lembar penilaian. Data narasi didapatkan dari transkrip wawancara dari 3 siswa, masing-masing mewakili kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris bawah, menengah, dan tinggi. Teknik data analysis adalah menggunakan Korelasi Pearson Product Moment untuk korelasi 2 variabel dan Korelasi Ganda untuk korelasi 3 variable, diikuti oleh deskripsi dan interpretasi dari pengalaman para siswa berkaitan dengan 3 variabel yang diteliti.

Untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian, muncul 4 penemuan. Pertama, ada hubungan positif antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka (r = 0,44 di sig = 0,02 < 0,05). Kedua, ada hubungan positif antara kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris para siswa dengan prestasi akademik mereka (r = 0,88 di sig = 0,00 < 0,05). Ketiga, ada hubungan positif antara gaya belajar para siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka (r = 0,48 di sig = 0,01 < 0,05). Keempat, ada hubungan antara gaya belajar para siswa, kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka, dan prestasi akademik (r = 0,88 di sig = 0,00 < 0,05).




This chapter discusses the framework background of the research so that the readers understand the issue of the research. This chapter consists of six major sections. They are research background, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, research goals, and research significance.

A. Research Background

Language is the essential part of human life since language is the bridge of direct or indirect interaction among the language users. By using the language, people are be able to organize what they feel and want related to their social lives. People need to adjust the condition of their environment by telling to other people what they expect to hear, to see, to feel, to taste, and to smell. The language users need to deliver their intention of certain topics in a conversation in order to create further communication or confirmation. Pope (2002) states that language is shared and shaped in groups of the language users. The groups establish dialogues using the language to transfer information from one person to other persons. The form of the information transfer can also be monologue in which the communication is only one way.



Nevertheless, if those people ask for breakfast in China, they will may a bowl of noodles as the special food in China. The language forms used are the same, related to breakfast. But the culture of having breakfast dishes in Indonesia and Cina are different. Therefore, language is interrelated with the language users’ culture. In the culture, the idenfication of behaviours, beliefs, values and attitudes is defined (Heuberger 2001). When the language users start delivering their speakings, common listeners or other speakers identify the language users’

environment based on the language style or content of the speaking.

The use of language is contextual based on the topic of conversation. Language can be natural in use if the context is informal. On the other hand, language users have limitation in language variation use if the context is formal. This proposition is supported by Elden and Levin (1991) which state that language style can change in use based on the formal or informal use. People need to learn about the use of language with different situation so that they are able to adjust with various context of situation. People who have various knowledge of language style have more options of natural interaction with any context of situation. If the language users have enough capability to use the language smoothly, they can attract other people to follow their language style. On the other words, they can create their own language culture.



involve with the topic of conversation. They argue or give opinions based on what they feel best about the agreed topic of conversation. If their arguments or opinions are not accepted with other speakers, they start thinking better ideas to convey and, hence, formulate the ideas in verbal communication. People add their intention in delivering messages by using gestures in order to bring deeper identification of the ideas.

English is one of the languages in the world which has the biggest influence in global communication. The use of English as international means of communication motivates many people to understand English. The widespread use of English creates a worldwide understanding that English is the main language should be mastered if one wants to interact with other people and fields globally. The perception is supported by Quirk (1990) which states English as the most widely used language in the world. Singapore, Malaysia, and India are some examples of many countries in the world which place English as the main language although their mother tongue languages are not English. English is also the major language of any field in life such as trade, diplomacy, and media. Even one of the main prerequirement to apply a job in most job vacancies is the capability of using English. It means that the use of English dominates the global business and market.



countries often use those two countries products or works as the benchmarking of producing similar products or works. For example, the concept of Indonesian Idol, a popular television program in Indonesia, is adapted from American Idol. The popularity of Queen Elizabeth from England and Barack Obama as the President of United states of America is known worldwide. Even the learning of English language is based on the use of English in those two countries. Therefore, with the role of Britain and United States of America as the superpower countries and their products domination around, the international use of English is unavoidable.

Indonesia is one of the biggest countries in the world which regards English as the language should be mastered related to its international use. Moreover, the use of English increases in Indonesia since many working and educational fields (schools) require English mastery as the general competence people should possess. The role of schools as the places for students to learn English is significant since schools are the official places for students to get basic and advance English learning materials, assisted and guided by the school teachers or instructors. The teachers are obliged to give correct understanding of English learning and to teach English properly based on the school curriculum, adjusted with the students’ need. The progressive usage of English is very helpful for

students to get them used to with English usage and conversation. Therefore, the English learning activities must be arranged systematically considering the students’ need and the school curriculum in order to achieve the best English

academic performance for the students.



encourage all school elements, especially students, to practice active English continuously. These kinds of schools sometimes establish many English activities, such as inviting English native speakers and establishing various English competitions, to improve the students’ English competence. The process of English teaching and learning is essential point to be planned and then to be done systematically in order to carry out clear framework of students’ activity during

their learning. The role of systematic English learning is significant since various materials with different emphasis in learning exist in English such as studying grammar or mastering vocabularies. The learning process must provide clear and complete teaching and learning administration such as syllabus and lesson plans as the guidance of learning activities. The English teachers or instructors must give awereness to their students that English is not merely a second language or first foreign language, but also another primary language they must master considering the huge impact of English use in worldwide communication (Lowenberg 1991)

For some students, English subject is scary since they assume that English not directly related to the students’ culture and also their lack of awereness related



teachers do not recognize yet what their students want and need. The students need to have continuous understanding that English is important subject to learn with its international use and impact for their future. They have to realize that this subject is significant to learn since it is also one of the subjects need to be passed in national examination (Ministry of National Education 1994).

Learning English as a foreign language or second language can be complicated if the students are not comfortable with the materials being learned and also the situation of learning. Shepard (2000) states that learning is socially constructed, mediated through language and other tools which are congruent with the culture in which the student and learning are situated and develops over time. Shepard’s statement indicates that language is the means of learning. The students

should understand the language of the learning materials learned so that they are able to understand the topic and content of the materials. Therefore, the students’ learning process has to shape the students’ habit to learn independently with their surrounding in order to create autonomous learning system of the students.

Problems related to learning activities occur when the way students learn does not match with the result of academic performance expected. These problems occur because the students are not able to recognize their preferred learning style. Assistance from the teachers to create a good class atmosphere during English teaching-learning activities is significant to support the exploration of students’ learning style. Sometimes, some students are introvert to accept and



help the students to have relax condition and they will have fresh condition to accept any learning materials and situation.

Learning styles is viewed as the abstraction of students’ adjustment to the class environment during teaching and learning activities. In accordance, learning style is embodied as the manner in which students of all ages are affected by sociological needs, immediate environment, physical characteristics, emotionality and psychological inclinations (Carbo, Dunn & Dunn 1986). It means that every inner and outer aspect of the students shape the students’ learning style. The integrity of all those aspects is significant so that the students can apply their learning styles with the proper learning strategies. Gregorc (1979) asserts that learning style derives from distinct behaviors that serve as indicators of how one learns and adapts to the environment. This statement indicates that learning styles derive from the learning experience as well. The more learning styles diversities exist, the more learning experiences are embodied.



How and where the students are treated from they were born determines the students’ personality. The students’ environment is reflected from their

information processing, social interaction, and instructional methods.

The proper application of preferred students’ learning style shapes the

significant academic performance result. Academic performance relates to final scores in the certain study period for example semester test. The academic performance, hence, is valid compared to the students’ learning style. In the future, the result of students’ academic performance will give foundation for long life learning. The students will know their weaknesses and strenghts so that they will be able to develop their learning outside the class. If the students already have basic knowledge of certain learning materials, their teachers can conduct the teaching and learning process more communicative. The communication between teachers and students will be counterbalanced. That is why, the teachers should realize the intuitive appeal that students may develop their learning styles outside the class and hence, the teacher should facilitate the students with proper materials and learning environment to support their learning styles development.



reluctant to communicate using English with their surroundings. In fact, English students on universities still use Indonesian as their daily means of communication although they come from English majors. Dickinson (1992) supports the idea by giving proposition that students’ activeness in practicing the language determines the success of language learning. In this case, the more students practice English, the more they master English.

The capability of students to apply English in internal or outside school communication is the real reflection of how far the students are able to comprehend English learning. In addition, the students’ capability in English communication can also be seen from their academic performances. To gain reliable academic performance result, the teacher should organize clear framework of academic performance test and provide guidance for the students so that they are able to study appropriate learning materials. The results of English academic performance affects the further usage level of English by the students. When the students get good result in their academic performances, they will construct a concept that they are able to perform their English proficiencty in wider situation.



speaking is regarded as the essential part of the four skills. The English teacher is able to score their students directly after they deliver their English speaking based on the aspects of speaking elements such as fluency or grammatical accuracy. Of course, the students must listen to their teachers’ instruction to understand what

the students have to do next. Speaking is the functional skill to establish oral communication among speakers. Being active in speaking English is the starting point to open wider fields of jobs since people can interact with more people from foreign countries and across fields. The English learning process should be practical if the orientation is to explore the students’ activeness in using the


One of the educational institutions in Indonesia which emphasizes the practical use of learning materials is Vocational High School (VHS). The school orients the students to have a job after they graduate. The school applies the School Based Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), in which every school has its own syllabus related to what area of skills will be developed and the learning materials chosen although the core of the syllabus content is still relied on the National Curriculum ruled in Education Standard National Institution or Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (BNSP). The English subject taught in Vocational school is practical English adjusted with the school programs available. Practical here means the emphasis of speaking skill. The subject introduces learners to functional English such as to what they need in the field of after they graduate



learners to have English communication skills in the communicative context needed for vocational program. Communication skill is one of the students’

competencies that students should master in Vocational High School. The skill is used by the students to work effectively and efficiently in their future job fields. Vocational High School also prepares the graduates to have further education level based on the Vocational programs (Vocational School Curriculum 2004). It means that students have more options after they graduate from Vocational High School since they are able to work directly or to proceed to higher level of education.

Based on the nature of Vocational High School as the level of education which has job-oriented after the students graduate, the application of English is oriented to the speaking and listening skills rather than writing and reading skills. This orientation relates to the future condition that the graduates from Vocational High School are prosecuted to speak English well in order to be more communicative. Therefore, the students must understand the meanings of what other people say in order to respond appropriately. In addition, speaking is the second competency that must be emphasized in English learning and teaching after listening and before reading-writing (Law Government 2003). It means that the demand of competent Vocational High School students and graduate relates to the proficiency level of their speaking ability.

Speaking ability usually involves whole students’ scores during certain

study periods. A teacher is able to determine the grade of students’ speaking



oral interview, singing English songs and giving comments in English after watching movies need to be established to deepen the students’ activeness in English speaking practices. Various speaking activities encourage students to explore their curiosity in delivering fluent English speaking. Teachers are also able to give direct feedbacks to the students about their weakness and strength.

To speak means to communicate with other people. When the students speak, it means that they intend to gain further information from their environment. The oral skill of producing utterances is the main point of how speaking functions. Nunan (2003) states that speaking ability is an oral skill to express intention of the speakers. Speakers select appropriate words, sentences, and expressions to deliver the messages contextually. In class activities, the level of students’ speaking ability is defined by having continuous and systematic

speaking activities with coherences speaking materials. The speaking activities and materials should be matched with students’ need and their practical usage

after they graduate.

After the students’ speaking ability is defined, usually the students are able to formulate the best way to have their expected result academic performance which is usually held in the end of a study period. One of the methods to get students’ academic performance is usually by a semester test. Related to speaking,



English speaking competence is reflected from the students’ English speaking

abilities and academic performance, therefore this research intended to investigate the correlation between students’ learning style which affect to the degree of English proficiency level, their speaking ability, and academic performance in Vocational High School.

B. Problem Identification

English, as a global language, plays important role in connecting global speakers since English is used as international language in the most countries in the world. The ability of mastering English is not merely an added value, but it already becomes a demand or need for the English language users to widen the network with wider environment. Learning English as global language needs deep understanding from the learners in order to blend with the English culture. The way learners study English should be adjusted with the content of the learning materials. In formal schools, the students becomes the learners and they should be provided adequate learning facilities. Defining the students reaction to different learning materials or tasks is the beginning step to formulate the students’ learning style. Hartley (1998) states that learning style is the way student approach different learning tasks. The students may not be aware that they use inappropriate approaches to face different learning materials.



ability is the communicative skill they should have so that they can interact more globally with other people especially in their job fields. In order to be communicative in English, they have to understand the meaning of the language. Hymes (1972) states that English communicative competence deals with the proficiency of English speakers in conveying and interpreting meanings. Vocational High School students need to practice their English speaking capability continuously in order to increase their English speaking knowledge and skill, not only related to forms but also the cultures of the language. If the students blend with various English forms and cultures, they will be more communicative in wider area of job fields since they can interact with more people who are familiar with English from the various cultures.



To recognize the students’ learning style, detail indicators reflecting how students learn must be visible. The nature of learning involves 4 cycles (Kolb 1984). They are Concrete Experience or CE, observing and reflecting the experience (Reflective Observation or RO), forming an abstract concept and/or generalization (Abstract Conceptualization or AC), and testing the concept in new situation of learning (Active Experimentation or AE). The modes are in ongoing process because the students experience the modes everytime they study. Based on every two combination of the stages, four kinds of learnings styles are formed (Kolb 1985). They are diverger (CE and RO), assimilator (RO and AC), converger (AE and AC), and accommodator (AE and CE). Using the Kolb’s inventory in identifying students’ learning style, the researcher would identify each student’s

style in learning English and then would find the correlation between their learning styles, their English speaking ability, and their academic performance.

C. Problem Limitation



researcher’s time and capability in finishing the research. Hopefully, the further

research will cover larger population and the research result can be applied for other Vocational High Schools.

The data of the research were quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data were taken from the questionnaire of students’ learning styles and the scoring

sheets of English speaking ability and academic performance. To deepen the research finding and analysis, I employed the narrative data from the interview transcripts of 3 participants by exploring their lived-experience. Bradley (2002) states that lived-experience covers two senses. The first sense is the past experience which accumulates over time and affects the recent responses to the world. The second sense is the present experience which derives from the effect of the past experiences. Further, the lived-experience of the students relates to their behavior manifestation which differentiate the students’ unique identity with other

students. The students’ lived-experience was textually transcripted to reflect their meaningful expressions of the research variables as Van Manen (1990) which states that people’s lived-experience is legible since they can express their conscious events in their lives using the language.



with their job fields. The students are prosecuted not only to be able to speak English but also competent in which they have to be capable in English in formal or informal situations.

D. Problem Formulation

This research investigated correlation among variables of students’ learning style, English speaking ability and academic performance. The interview transcripts analysis of participants’ lived-experience related to the variables were exposed to support the quantitative analysis. The problems of the research were formulated as :

1. Is there a correlation between students’ learning style and their academic performance of the tenth grade students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School?

2. Is there a correlation between students’ English speaking ability and their academic performance of the tenth grade students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School?

3. Is there a correlation between students’ learning style and their English

speaking ability of the tenth grade students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School?

4. Is there a correlation between students’ learning style, their English speaking ability, and their academic performance of the tenth grade students of Pangudi Luhur Tarcisius 2 Semarang Vocational High School?



E. Research Goals

This research focused on the correlation of students’ learning style which was identified by using Kolb’s learning styles inventory with the principle of experiential learning theory, English speaking ability, and academic performance. The students’ learning styles and English speaking ability were the independent variables to complement the students’ academic performance as dependent variable. The first goal was to find out the correlation among the research variables based on the quantitative and qualitative research findings. To get the data of students’ learning style, questionnaire of Kolb’s Learning Styles inventory and in-depth interview with 3 participants were used. For the English speaking ability data scores, I used the scoring sheet from speaking class activities. For the students’ academic performance, I used the scoring sheet of the second semester

test of English speaking.

The second goal was to find out the best conceptualisation resulted from the statistical correlation among variables. In accordance, this second goal provided an analysis and interpretation based on the quantitative and qualitative results. The data to meet quantitative analysis and interpretation were from the statistical analysis result of correlation between students’ learning style, their English speaking ability, and academic performance. The data to meet qualitative analysis and interpretation were from interview transcripts.

F. Research Significance



preferred learning styles and their English speaking ability to get better academic performance. The proper learning styles and their English speaking ability were regarded as the significant factors so that the students had more participation in the English learning activities. Various English materials needs various ways of learning as well since the emphasis of learning outcomes was also different. The recognition and identification of how students learn and also the role of English speaking ability as learning experience affected the students’ academic performance. Added by the fact that English is not the second language for most students, awareness of how importance to master English was needed.



This chapter defines the research problems logically. Theoretical reviews and previous studies related to variables of the research are exposed. The first section is theoretical review and the second section is theoretical framework and hypothesis. The first section explores the theories related to learning style, English speaking ability, academic performance, and Vocational High School are rolled out. Then, previous studies are included as the next reference in order to support the wider view of current research. The second section summarizes the theories of the first section to predict the hypothesis.

A. Theoretical Review

In this part, theories related to learning style (learning and language learning), speaking ability, academic performance, and vocational school including its curriculum are presented.

1. Learning

Learning is the process of getting new knowledge which embodies new learning experience. Burns (1995:99) states that “learning is a behaviour change of learners whether it is observable behaviour or internal processes such as thinking and emotion”. If the learners are able to memorize their learning experience and then they are motivated to add their learning experience, then the change of learners’ behaviour occurs frequently. The learners need the support of



learners when they interact each other. In every interaction, there must be a trade of information which may be new information for some learners. The transfer of learning experience is critical since the learners must have previous knowledge of learning materials before they get new knowledge or they will get misled with the new knowledge. For example, if some learners face a theory of English passive sentence but they have not mastered the theory of verb agreement, then the learners will not be able to comprehend the English passive sentence accurately. Burns (1995) also considers the role of educational background of learners as the aspect of the learners’ behaviour changes. Learners tend to behave differently after they finish certain education levels to show the learners’ degree of education.

Learners also can get the learning experience from the formal or informal learning and teaching activities. Educational institutions as the places for the learners to get the learning and teaching activities play important role to increase the learners’ understanding of certain learning materials. Bransford and Schwarts

(1999) state that learners are able to improve their own education level when they get new information or knowledge. Learners which possess creativity, motivation, and curiosity are able to search for other relevant learning materials. Hence, learning materials based on the learners’ expectation need to be provided so that the learners can find the learning materials and confirm their understanding of learning materials quickly.



their environment includes learning, thinking, and acting as a cyclic process. These modes of learning are integrated in one mode and they affect each other. It means that learning, thinking, and acting relate each other since once a mode changes in the quantity and quality of learning, other modes follow the changes automatically. More materials are learned, more thinking and acting are established. The learners are able to conduct their own learning system based on their learning experience and learning objectives. The learners do not need to wait for their teachers or instructors’ guidance to learn something. They improve their

own understanding of learning materials if they do not get sufficient learning materials from their teachers.

The learners’ experience in learning plays an important role in speeding up the process of further learning. In this case, learning experience becomes the trigger of gaining learners’ curiosity in finding related previous learning materials.

Kolb (1984) defines learning theory as experiential learning which refers to learning experience. In experiential learning theory, the learners’ knowledge and

skill are 2 improved capabilities once the learners increase their learning experience. Thus, knowledge and skill gained in one situation of learning activities become the instruments of understanding various learning situations that follow. In addition, the learners are able to overcome any problems may occurs during the process of learning since they already have basic understanding of the learning materials.



understanding theories and applying the theories in the learners’ real lives or adding new theories from new learning materials. Then, learning is a continuous process of searching the personal benefit to the learners. Certain topics in the learning materials can be used by learners to improve their lives quality. Any objects around the learners can be used as the tools for learning exploration. Then, learning is regarded as the developmental process of the learners.

Previous learning materials that the learners have mastered become the basic pre-knowledge in learning new materials. Brown (1994) states that any learning situation can be meaningful if the learners have meaningful learning system which arranges a disposition to relate the new learning task to what they already know. Once the learners have good basic knowledge, they will be easier and quicker to learn new learning materials. The learning system provides learners clear framework of what, how, and when to learn. The learning task results to how good the learners understand the learning materials. The learning task also encourages the learners to find more learning materials in order to fulfill the curiosity of learning task completion.



and understanding also changes adjusted to the characteristics of the learning situation. Sociocultural perspective considers the process of learning based on social, cultural, historical, and institutional context. The emphasis of this perspective is on the interaction of learners with their environment. Interaction becomes the main tool to get more learning experience.

Students and teachers are parts of educational institutional which should integrate the learning experience they posses to exchange knowledge and skill. To enrich the learning experience, students as the main object of teaching and learning process have to find the source of knowledge not only from their teachers, but also from various learning sources such as internet and books. Hsu (1999) states that learning is an interactive process resulted from students’ and teachers’ activity in a specific learning environment. Focusing on the teachers in a

learning process may lessen the students’ creativity in organizing the learning materials since the learning activities are already constructed and instructed by the teachers. On the other hand, not all students have the same levels of receiving knowledge or mastering skill transfer capabilities. Therefore, the students have to be creative in improving their learning activities based on their level of learning competences.

2. Language Learning



language is means of learning. The culture of the language defines how the language may be interpreted differently by the language users. Learning a language which uses internationally, for example English, is very useful to support the learners interact more globally. The role of English as the bridge of global communication brings more motivation for the learners to master the language. Language learning becomes more important if the language being learned is used more frequently in the learners’ lives.

Scarino and Liddicoat (2009) view language learning from behaviourism, cognitive, and sociocultural paradigms. Based on the behaviourism paradigm which focuses on the learners’ behaviour based on their learning experience, the

emphasis of language learning is on the grammar or translation method. The level of mastering grammar or translating affects the learners’ behaviour to apply the

language in their lives. In this case, the learners may have different meanings of certain language if they do not master the grammar yet and they will respond inappropriately as the consequent. The cognitive paradigm emphasizes the language learning on the knowledge building system through determined interaction such as during the lesson. The learners get additional knowledge from the interaction with their classmates or teachers. The sociocultural paradigm deepens the language learning based on the interaction through general social lives of the learners.

Language users’ experiences in facing and involving various conversation



language learning is open for changes or dynamic in used based on the culture of where the language is used. To understand the language culture, the language users need to understand the environment which forms the language application. The language users have to interact with various environments in order to gain more culture of the language application. Then, language is used as a tool of creating social activity. School as a formal educational institution also provides social activity for the school elements especially for the students. The students become the focus of language learning since they hope for progress in language knowledge and skill.

Language can also be used as a tool of learning or a subject to be learned. Halliday (1992) proposes a language learning models with three outcomes. They are students learn language, students learn through language, and students learn about language. Learning a language is an ongoing process since learners can study the language and learn through language as a stretch from the process of interaction. The outcomes show that social interaction between students and other learners enables students to develop a resource for making meaning, a tool for interpreting and organizing reality and knowledge about language. In this case, when certain students have difficulty in understanding language learning materials, they can ask other learners to clarify the problems. By enhancing social interaction, the students are able to enrich their language knowledge from different culture of the language learners.



means the level of basic comprehension and knowledge that the learners originally have. When they interact with other learners, then they may adjust their language learning based on the culture they deal with (nurture). Naturally, the learners also use the understanding of their first language to learn second language. When learning a new language, the learners should adjust the grammatical rules and language culture of their first language to the new language. Some problems occur if the pronunciation and the grammar of the first and second language is different. Therefore, the understanding of general use of language learning should be defined by the learners in order to understand the culture of learning new language.


28 3. Learning Style

Various individuals possess various ways in understanding or mastering learning material. The learning style of the individuals represents the best way of acquiring learning materials on the learners’ perspectives. Harmer (1983) states

that learning style is personal character which differentiate the way the person learns with other persons. Students at school become learners when they deal with certain subjects based on the school curriculum. The way students learn varies based on from what they feel, see, hear, and concern in their previous learning experience. Learning style is a continuum in which the style can change along with the duration of learning experience (Kolb 1984). The process of learning is done to achieve certain goals. The process results to the preference of how students learn and deal with the learning materials. Learning style keeps changing since the students expect more in their academic performances. The change can be affected by the dissatisfaction of the previous learning styles and their academic performances.



the teachers already establish the learning activities which must be followed at the class.

Learners use one of their senses or the combination of the senses to deal with different learning materials. Dunn and Dunn (1979) state that learning style is the learners’ variation to use one or more senses to understand, organize, and

retain experience. The learners choose their preferred learning styles based on what they feel the most comfortable and sometimes the demand of using certain learning style to get good result in academic performance. The ability to understand the learning materials is the way the learners have to define their preferred learning style. Once they understand the learning materials with specific learning materials, they apply the same learning material in the next learning.



Commonly, learners feel that their learning styles are the best rather than their fellows’. Learners commit learning activities by themselves before they are affected by others’ learning styles. Hence, learners are able to improve their

learning experience by interacting with other learners. Learning experience also change learners’ trait related to their cognitive, affective, and physiological senses

(Keefe 1979). Once learning style preference is already formulated, behaviours of learners change accordingly based on the demand of further academic performance. Learners keep interacting with their environment if they are not able to find the preferred learning style yet.

The difference of learning style among learners can also be used as the tool to complement the learners’ learning style in order to formulate their preferred learning styles although the combination of learning styles is sometimes inappropriate to face certain learning materials. Dunn and Griggs (2000:9) state that “learning style is biologically and developmentally determined set of personal

characteristics that make the identical instruction effective for some students and ineffective for others”. The previous statement supports the idea that personal learning style may not be applicable for other learners. Learning style relates to how the learners adjust their life habits to their learning activities. Learners from a Vocational High School, with the characteristics of having practical ability, tend to apply practical study in facing learning materials. When they deal with English materials, for example, they prefer to learn how to pronounce certain English words or how to apply the topic of learning materials in their daily activities.



on the demand of learning activities. This idea is supported by Ladd and Ruby (1999) which state that certain learning style occurs from the learners’ adjustment to their teachers’ instruction and learning task. The adjustment also relates to the learners’ expectation to get good scores from their teachers since scoring system

deals with how learners are able to follow learning activities. Here, learning style is the reflection of cognitive learning activities to get determined learning objective. Personality of learners is also adjusted if the learning task requires students to do certain instructions. Then, when a teacher knows students’ learning style, they are able to provide more appropriate learning materials to the students’ need.

a. Kolb’s Learning Style

Learning style can be formed by the level of learning experience of the learners. Kolb’s learning style model represents the need of learning experience in



Kolb (1984) describes 4 cycles which individuals posses in order to identify their learning styles. The first cycle is Concrete Experience (CE) in which individuals deal when they commit learning activities. The second cycle is Reflective Observation (RO). This cycle deals with how individuals compare their learning styless to others in order to have the preferred learning styles. The third cycle is Abstract Conceptualisation (AC). This cycle deals with how individuals start shaping their preferred learning styles. The last cycle is Active Experimentation (AE). This cycle deals with how individuals commit continuous learning activities to get the individuals’ preferred learning style.

Further, Kolb (1985) divides learning styles based on two dimensional scales of experiential learning. They are perceiving and processing information. Perceiving information is the scale in which students experience varied learning styles from their learning environment. From this first scale, the cycles of CE and AC are established. CE derives from the peer orientation and discussion among the learning participants. Then, the learners conceptualize in their minds what preferred learning style should be applied and becomes AC cycle. The second scale is called processing information. This scale involves AE and RO cycles. The cycle is started after the learners have various learning experience in their mind. Then, they commit new experiments as the collaboration of the various learning experience they got before (AE). They will reflect what they have done in the previous mode to take their preferred learning styles (RO).



strength to improve their learning styles. The second one is assimilating. The groups transform AC they have into RO. They create the logical review to support their learning styles. The third one is converging. Convergers grasp the experiences through AC and transform it through AE. The strength of this style is in the acquisition of answering any curiosities (questions). The forth one is accommodating. Accommodators grasp the experience through CE and transform it through AE. Their strength is in the focus of doing and practice. I describe the previous Kolb’s learning styles division is described in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1

Kolb’s Division of Learning Styles based on Learning Cycles


McCarthy (1987) defines the characteristic of each Kolb’s learning style division. Divergers start identifying their learning styles by perceiving any information or knowledge concretely. Then they have their own learning experience which they believe that their learning experience is better than other learners. When they feel that they need to deepen certain learning experience, they

CE 1. Involvement 2. communication

RO 1. Open listening 2. Collecting data

AC 1. Structuring ideas 2. Testing theories AE

1. Setting targets 2. Applying decision






organize their commitment to fulfil their learning curiosity by having learning materials clarification from their environment coming from different learning culture. Divergers process the information they receive by themselves and avoid direct clarification with their environment.

The assimilators tend to support their learning materials by collecting various theories from experts. When the assimilators interact with other groups, they keep information in their mind and they process the information reflectively. They use their own judgement to clarify which information is appropriate for them. Added with additional theories they seek for related to learning materials, they are able to construct ideas of what information is being discussed. They look for the relevant theories in detail and do not stop formulating ideas until they are able to prove that the ideas are applicable in their live. Therefore, they commit experiments over and over in order to find justification of the ideas they have constructed. On the other words, they combine theories and practices to develop their learning experience.



theories since they tend to have direct justification of their basic ideas using practical experiment rather than finding various relevant theories.

The accommodators tend to interact with their environment and clarify the information or knowledge they get directly with other people. This group focuses on the repetitive actions of having information justification. Therefore, they sometimes ignore theories relevant to the information. In addition, they are interested in concrete things which support the justification of the information. Concrete things here include people who become the direct source of the information. Hence, they tend to have intensive conversation with other groups of people which can give them effect of how to analyze the information. They are easy to adapt to any situation since they are flexible in thinking and constructing their ideas of information and knowledge.

b. Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory

Kolb’s Learning Styles inventory (KLSI) is based on the Experiential


Figure 2.1
Figure 2.1 Division of Learning Styles based on Learning Cycles
Table 2.1 Relationship of Behaviour Level and Characteristic of
Figure 2.2


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