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2.7. Appositives and Restrictive and Non-restrictive Clause ... 35


ii Chapter IV

Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1. Book 1 Entitled : KURA-KURA DAN KATAK ... 43

Book 2 Entitled : MONYET DAN PANGERAN ... 52

Book 3 Entitled : TIKUS DAN BURUNG HANTU ... 62

Book 4 Entitled : KANCIL JADI RAJA ... 70

4.2. Meaning Transfer ... 80

Chapter V Conclusion and Recomendation 5.1. Conclusion ... 104

5.2. Recomendation ... 106

5.3. Limitation of the Study... 106

Bibliography ... 107








Table 1. Book I entitled: Kura-Kura dan Katak... 43

Table 2. Book II. Entitled: Monyet dan Pangeran... 52

Table 3. Book III. Entitled: Tikus dan Burung Hantu... 62




Appendix 1 The Text Analysis of Translation Strategies ... 113

Appendix 2 Book I entitled: Kura-Kura dan Katak ... 184

Appendix 3 Book II. Entitled: Monyet dan Pangeran ... 202

Appendix 4 Book III. Entitled: Tikus dan Burung Hantu ... 220




1.1. Background

English has become a lingua franca (Harmer, 2001:1). It means that English is widely applied in many countries as means of communication. In Indonesia, the English language is the first foreign language that can be taught in Elementary School start from the first grade as a local content subject (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture No.0487/4/1992 and No. 060/U/1993). Moreover, nowadays English language teaching and learning is not only implemented in elementary school level but also in Kindergarten level. All the instrument of policy often changes to accomodate this situation.



Based on the explanation above, the writer has decided to conduct a research which focused on the strategies applied by the translator in translating Indonesian into English children storybooks written in both languages. A series of bilingual children storybooks (Indonesian-English) entitled: Monyet dan Pangeran, Tikus dan Burung Hantu, Kancil Jadi Raja and Kura-kura dan Katak published by Dinar Media, Jakarta have been

chosen as the sample.

1.2. Purpose of the Study

In accordance with the main problems above, the purpose of this study are to investigate:

1. To investigate the Translation strategies applied by the translator in translating bilingual children story books in the perspective of skopos theory.

2. To identify whether or not the meaning in the bilingual children storybooks are successfully transferred.

1.3. Research Questions

In line with the purposes of the study above, this study is expected to answer the following research questions:

1. What strategies are applied by the translator in translating the bilingual children story books in the perspective of Skopos theory?

2. Is the meaning in the bilingual children story books successfully transferred?

1.4. Significance of the Study


knowledge in translation strategies and knowledge on how a translator transfer the meaning of a text which is comprehensible by the reader.

For teachers, this study provides some information on how to translate a text with the strategies which are provided by the experts and which strategy which is appropriate with the target text and target reader which finally produce a comprehensible translation product.

For translators, this study is expected to provide more information on how to appropriately translate bilingual children storybooks using several strategies of equivalent based theory and produce comprehensible translation products for the target readers.

1.5. Organization of Research

The organization of the research is arranged as follows:

Chapter I: Introduction discusses the background of the research and then followed with the statement of research problem, purpose of the study, research question, significance of the study and the organization of research.

Chapter II: Literature Review introduces the definition of translation, followed with the explanation of Skopos Theory, principles of translation and the Skopos Rules, process of translation , the unit of translation, the types of translation, the strategies of translation, problems of translation, the translation evaluation and the explanation regarding children storybook.

Chapter III: Research Methodology discusses the research design, followed with the participants, data resources, data collection and data analysis.

Chapter IV: Findings and Discussion describes the analysis of the translation strategies that are applied by the translator in the Skopos theory perspective and to identify whether the meaning from Source Language to Target Language are successfully transferred.


4 1.6. Clarification of the Terms

Translation : Put something written or spoken into a different language.

TRL : Translation

Skopos : Purpose/aim/goal of the translation.

TT : Target Text

ST : Source Text

TL : Target Language

SL : Source Language

Translatum : The Target text

Strategy : Technical devices, procedures or method intended to achieve a particular purpose in in translating a text.

Client/Commissioner : The individual who contacts the translator. Brief/Commission : The instructions the client gives to the

Translator. The more common term would ‘Job Description’ or ‘Instructions’.




This chapter presents the research methodology which consists of research design, the samples, the instrument, research procedures, data analysis and conclusion.

3.1. Research Design

This study employed descriptive qualitative design. This design was applied in order to obtain detailed information about a phenomenon and describe or discovered what was going on with it without influencing it.

In line with the above theories, the study was concerned with investigating the strategies applied by the translator in the skopos theory perspective in translating the bilingual (Indonesian-English) children storybooks and identifying whether or not the meaning in the bilingual children storybooks were successfully transfered.

3.2. Total Sample

The total sample consists of a series of bilingual children storybooks (Indonesian-English) entitled: Kura-kura dan Katak in appendix 1, Monyet dan Pangeran in appendix 2, Tikus dan Burung Hantu in appendix 3, and Kancil Jadi Raja in appendix 4 published by Dinar Media, Jakarta. The genre of the storybooks was fable. The series consist of four books with one story for each book. All the texts consist of 185 sentences.



In qualitative research, the role of the researcher as the primary data collection instrument was crucial. In this research, the instrument was the writer herself as the translation critics.

3.4. Research Procedures

In this study, the reseach was conducted at the beginning of September 2011 to early December 2011. It applied the documents analysis procedure which reading every sentences of the bilingual children storybooks (Indonesian-English) and took some notes was an obligation. To analyse what types of strategies applied by the translator, the writer analysed the text based on Micro Structural analysis, because this analysis was at sentence level. This procedure was conducted because all the texts were the data and it was expected to obtain optimum results in the analysis of the translation strategies.

3.5. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next phase was to identify the strategies applied by the translator using the Microstuctural analysis. It compared both the ST (Source Text) and TT (Target Text) in two different parts. Afterwards, from the comparison, the strategies can be identified bu the identification of the selection of words from the ST to TT and the sentence’s form in from the ST to TT. Related to the meaning in the bilingual children storybooks, if both ST and TT had the same meaning, thus it can be defined that the meaning was successfully transferred.


are dynamic style (simple syntactic constructions with finite verbs are preferable), readability and speakability.

3.6. Conclusion




This chapter comprises three parts. The first one is the conclusion drawn from the study. The second one is the suggestion addressed to the translators who are concerned with translating children storybook. The last one is the limitation of the study and recommendation for future researchers who are going to conduct a similar study.

5.1. Conclusion

Based on the analysis and the findings of the study with regards to the research questions, the conclusion were as follows:

The first research question had to do with the translation strategies applied by the translator in translating bilingual chidren storybooks. It can be identified that there were fourteen (14) translation strategies applied by the translator which was in line with skopos theory, among others: Cultural Equivalent 97 (data), Modulation 70 (data), Couplets 67 (data), Reduction 49 (data), Expansion 39 (data), Triplets 29 (data), Transposition 27 (data), Transference 12 (data), Synonymy 13 (data), Quadruplets 13 (data), Paraphrase 3 (data), Notes 2 (data), Recognised translation 2 (data) and Descriptive Equivalent 1 (data) with the total of 424 translation strategies. Thus, it can be concluded that the strategies was suitable with the Skopos theory. And it can also be concluded that this translation product was suitable with the skopos theory. It can be identified from the rules of skopos:

1. A translatum (or TT) is determined by its skopos.

2. A TT is an offer of information (informationsangebot) in a target culture and TL concerning an offer of information in a source culture and SL.


4. A TT must be internally coherent. 5. A TT must be coherent with ST.

6. The five rules above stand in hierarchical order, with the skopos rule predominating. In rule no.1 the skopos of the translation is to help the young learner in Indonesia to learn English using bilingual children storybook and to be well accepted in the market. In rule no.2, since the books were meant to be read by Indonesian Children, then the culture was not changing. In rule no.3, the original text or literary text, it was an advanced text. Therefore it was the translator’s obligation to formulate it in a much more comprehensible text to be read by the target receiver and for that reason; the translation could not be retranslated in a reversible way. In rule no.4 it can be concluded that the TT in children bilingual storybooks was coherent. In rule no 5. The TT must be coherent with ST. For these bilingual children storybooks, it can also be concluded that the TT was coherent with ST. Moreover, when the TT fulfill the Skopos, then it was functionally (to help children learning English) adequate (appropriate).

The second research question has to do with the transfer of meaning. The result showed that there were thirtyfive (35) data which had unclear meaning which consist of: Modulation 14 (data), Reduction 9 (data), Couplets 7 (data), Triplets 2 (data), Paraphrase 1 (data) and Expansion 1 (data) which have unclear meaning. However it did not change the meaning of the whole texts of the four books and the texts were still coherent. This means that the meaning was successfully transferred.



Mr.KORE, etc), readability (easy to read and understandable): these books were readable, and speakability (easy to read aloud fluently): the bilingual children storybooks were also speakable.

5.2. Recommendation

The recommendations are as follows:

First, the translator must increase his/her translation competence in order to produce a good translation product which is suitable and clearly understood by the target readers or receivers, especially the young learner.

Second, the editing process must be conducted for several time for the same reason.

Third, for the readers, parents or teachers, it is expected that children read many books which have and educating content, interesting story and illustrations in one package. Many experts have conducted the research related the increase of children’s vocabulary, speaking and writing skill with the constant exposure of the storybook. By reading the storybooks, children will obtain the knowledge of some unfamiliar words and the meaning.

5.3. The Limitation of the Research and Recommendation for Further Study




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FIGURE 2.4:  Nord's Translation Process Model.....................................................25
Table 2. Book II. Entitled: Monyet dan Pangeran..............................................


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