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Padanan Makna Budaya dalam Karya Sastra : Kajian Kasus Terjemahan Novel Anilam Farm dalam Bahasa Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen- house for the night, but he was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes (hal 1).

Tuan Jones pemilik peternakan “Manor”, malam itu ia baru saja mengunci kandang ayam. Karena kelewat mabuk, ia lupa menutup lubang kecil tempat ayam keluar masuk (hal 1).

2. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side(hal 1)

„Menggengam lampu minyak yang sinarnya berayun kesana kemari (hal 1)‟ 3.

He lurched across the yard (hal 1) „ia terhuyung-huyung melintasi pekarangan (hal 1)

4. Drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery (hal 1).‟meneguk habis gelas bir penghabisan (hal1).

The barrel in the scullery tidak diterjemahkan.

5. As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering through the farm building (hal 1).

„begitu lampu kamar tidur padam, terdengarlah suara berisik di antero kandang (hal 1).


Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar (hal 1).

„ tersebar berita di sepanjang hari, si tua bangka Major – babi putih yang pernah menang kontes (hal 1).Kata Middle tidak diterjemahkan.

7. It had been agreed that they should meet in the big barn as soon as Mr. Jones was safely out of the way (hal 1).

‟Sudah disepakati, semua harus kumpul di kandang besar, begitu tuan Jones sudah tak menampakkan diri lagi (hal 2).

8. Old Major (so he was always called, though the name under which he had been exhibited was Willington Beauty) (hal 1).

Si gaek Major (begitula ia selalu dipanggil ketika ikut kontes Willington Beauty‟ (hal 2).


At one the of the big barn, on the sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconed on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam (hal 1).

„di penghujung kandang besar itu, di bagian yang agak ketinggian, si babi Major sudah menata diri di atas tempat tidur jeraminya persis di bawah lampu gantung yang tercantel di sebatang balok (hal 2).

10. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pitcher, and then the pigs who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform (hal 1).

„Mula-mula datang 3 anjing Blubell, Jessie, dan Pitcher, kemudian menyusul babi-babi yang segera menempati tumpukan jerami, persis di depan beranda kandang (hal 2).

11. The hens perched themselves on the windows-sills, the pigeons fluttered up to the rafters, the sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs and began to chew the cuds (hal 2).


12. The two cart-horses, Baxter and Clover (hal 2).

Dua kuda penarik kereta Boxer dan Clover (hal 2).


There should be some small animal concealed in the straw (hal 2).

„takut kalau-kalau ada binatang yang kebetulan tersembunyi di bawah jerami (hal 3).


Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eihteen hands high (hal 2).

„Sedangkan Boxer benar-benar kuda penarik kereta yang tinggi besar, ada barangkali 18 jengkal (hal 3).

15. After the horses came Muriel, the white goat, and Benjamin, the donkey (hal 2).

sesudah kuda datanglah Muriel, seekor domba putih, kemudia Benjamin, seekor keledai (hal 3). 16.

Benjamin was the oldest animal in the farm (hal 2).

Benjamin usianya paling tua dari semua binatang di peternakan itu (hal 3).


Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed (hal 2).

„Dan dia satu-satunya binatang di peternakan itu yang tidak pernah ketawa (hal3).

18. The two of them usually spent their Sundays together in the small paddocks beyong the orchards, gazing side by side (hal 2).

„Keduanya biasa menghabiskan hari

Minggu berdua-dua di ladang

rumput, makan rumput

berdampingan (hal 3). 19. When a brood of ducklings, which had

lost their mother, filed into the barn (hal 2).

Ketika anak-anak bebek yang kehilangan induknya berbaris masuk kandang (hal 4).


At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr.Jones‟s trap , came daintly in, chewing at a lump of sugar (hal 2).

„Akhrnya datang Mollie, kuda betina yang cantik penarik bendi tuan Jones melenggak lenggok dengan genitnya seraya mengunyah potongan gula (hal 4)

21. ... hoping to draw attention to the red ribbon it was plaited with (hal 2).

‟supaya hadiri tertarik dengan kalung merahnya yang melibat disana (hal 4). 22.

There she purred contentedly through out Major‟s speech without listening to a word of what he was saying (hal 3).

„Di situlah ia mendengkur sejadi-jadinya selama si babi Major menyampaikan dia punya pidato (hal 4)

23. I have had much time for though as I lay alone in my stall (hal 3).

„Cukup banyak aku berpikir kalau aku lagi menelungkup di kandang (hal 5). 24. „Now,

comrades, what is the nature of

this life of ours?‟ (hal 3).

„Sekarang, hai sahabat-sahabatku, apa itu sesungguhnya hakekat kehidupan

kita?‟ (hal 5)

25. And those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength (hal 3).

„Kita dijejali makanan hanya sekedar


26. No, comrades, a thousand times no! (hal 3).

Tidak, sahabat-sahabat, sejuta kali tidak‟ (hal 6).

27. This single farm of ours would support... (hal 3).

Peternakan kita yang satu ini saja dapat menjamin...(hal 6).

28. How many thousands of gallons of milk have you given during this last year? (hal 4).

Sudah berapa ribu gentong susu yang sudah kau hasilkan dalam setahun

ini?‟ (hal 9).

29. How many eggs have laid this year? (hal 4).

Sudah berapa banyak telur yang kau loloskan dari pantatmu setahun ini? (hal 10).

30. And how many have you hatched into chickens? (hal 4).

„Dan berapa dari telur-telur itu kau tetaskan jadi anak-anakmu? (hal 10). 31. And you, Clover! where are those four

fouls you bore? (hal 4).

„Dan engkau, Clover, Mana dia itu

keempat anak-anakmu yang sudah kau lahirkan susah payah (hal 10)

32. What have you ever had except your bare rations and a stall? (hal 4).

„Paling-paling diberi sekedar jatah makanan menyambung hidup dan sebuah kandang berteduh (hal 10). 33. Every one of you will scream your lives

out of the block within a year (hal 4).

„Kalian semua, satu demi satu, akan menjerit dan menggelepar dan mati dalam setahun ini di luar kandang (hal


34. There were only four dissentients, the three dogs and the cat (hal 6).

„Hanya tiga kelompok yang menolak:

ketiga anjing itu dan kucing‟ (hal 14).

35. I merely repeat, remember always your duty of enmity towards Man (hal 6).

„Camkan betul-betul, jangan sampai lengah: pelihara terus kebencian kalian kepada bangsa manusia‟ (hal 14). 36. It was a dream of the earth as it will be

when Man has vanished (hal 6).

„Itu mimpi tentang keadan bumi bilamana bangsa manusia sudah sirna‟ (hal 15).

37. My mother and the other sows (hal 6). „Ibuku dan babi-babi wanita lain‟ (hal 15).

38. Old Major cleared his throat (hal 7). „Si babi major merapikan dia punya tenggorokan‟ (hal 15)

39. Of the golden future time (hal 7). „Senandung agung jaman dahulu‟ (hal 16)

40. And the fruitful fields of England (hal 7). „Dan tanah seluruh Inggris tercinta‟ (hal 16)

41. Rings shall vanish from our noses (hal 7). „Rantai di leherakan tiada‟ (hal 16) 42. Wheat and barley, oats and hay (hal 7). Gandum, jagung, beras dan ketela‟

(hal 16). 43. Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels (hal



44. Shall be ours upon that day (hal 7). „Menjdi milik kita tiada duanya‟ (hal 16). 45. Brights wil shine the fields of England

(hal 7).

Mentari akan bersinar di Inggris Raya‟ (hal 16).

46. Purer shall its water be (hal 7). „Airnya lebih jernih bagaikan kaca‟ (hal 16).

47. Sweeter yet shall blow its breeze (hal 7).

„Anginnya berhembus bagai usapan sutera‟ (hal 16).

48. Almost before Major had reached the end (hal 8).

„Belum lagi si Major menghabisi lagunya‟ (hal 17).

49. They had the entire song by heart within a few minutes (hal 8).

„sudah hapal seluruh bait hanya dalam

beberapa menit‟ (hal 17).

50. And then after a few prelimnary tries, the whole farmburst into the „Beast of

England‟ in tremendeous unison (hal 8).

„Dan kemudian, sesudah mengulangi

sedikit lathan, seluruh kandang

menyanyikan lagu “BINATANG – BINATANG INGGRIS‟ bersama-sama bagaikan guntur‟ (hal 17).

51. Unfortunately, the uproar awoke Mr. Jones, who sprang out of bed, making sure that there was a fox in the yard (hal 8).

„Guntur yang gegap gempita itu

membangunkan tuan Jones. Ia lompat dari tempat tidurnya, mengintip-ngintipkalau-kalau ada srigala menghampiri pekarangannya‟ (hal 17).

52. The pellets burried themselves in the wall of the barn (hal 8).

Pelor-pelor itu merobek dan tersangkut di dinding kandang‟ (hal 18).

53. Every one fled into his own sleeping place (hal 8).

„Masing-masing berhamburan ke tempat tidurnya masing-masing‟ (hal 18).

54. The birds jumped on to their purches (hal 8).

„Burung-burung melompat ke tempat hinggapnya‟ (hal 18).

55. The animals settled down in the straw, and the whole farm was asleep in a moment (hal 8).



56. Three nights later old Major died

peacefully in his sleep (hal 9).

„tiga malam sesudah itu si babi tua Major meninggal dengan tenang serta tenteram‟ (hal 19)

57. His body was burried at the foot of the orchard (hal 9).

„Jenajahnya dikebumikan di tepi kebun‟ (hal 19).

58. Major‟s speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm completely new outlook on life (hal 9).

„Pidato si babi Major sudah sepenuhnya merubah pandangan hidup di antara penghuni kandang yang kecerdasanya

cukup lumayan‟ (hal 19).

59. Pre-eminents among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon (hal 9).

„Yang paling menonjol di antara babi-babi itu adalah dua babi muda usia Snowball

dan Napoleon‟ (hal 19).

60. The only Beckshire on the farm (hal 9). „memang satu-satunya babi jenis Beckshire di peternakan itu‟ (hal 20).

61. The very first question she asked was:

„Will there be sugar after the Rebellion (hal 10).

„Pertanyaan pertama yang diajukan kepada

Snowball adalah: “Apakah masih ada gula

sesudah revolusi?” (hal 21). 62. We have no means of making sugar on

this farm (hal 10).

„Kita tidak punya sarana untuk bikin gula

di peternakan ini‟ (hal 21) 63. You will have the oats and hay you

want (hal 10).

„Kita akan dapat gaplek dan rumput kering‟ (hal 21).

64. “And shall I still be allowed to wear ribbons in my mane?” asked Mollie (hal 10).

„Apakah aku masih diijinkan memakai

kalung di bulu kudukku?‟ tanya Mollie (hal 21)

65. Those ribbons that you are so devoted to are the bagde of slavery (hal 10).

kalung yang kau gandrungi itu adalah

lambang perbudakkan‟ (hal 21).

66. He claimed to know the existence of a mysterious country called Sugarcandy Mountain (hal 10).

„Ia mengaku mengetahui adanya negeri

misterius bernama “Gunung Permen” (hal 22).

67. In Sugarcandy Mountain it was Sunday seven days a week, clover was in season all the year round, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges (hal 10).

Di Gunung Permen “ tanaman tumbuh sepanjang tahun, gula serta biskuit tumbuh di perdu-perdu‟ (hal 22).

68. Their most faithful diciplines were the two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover (hal 10).

„Babi-babi kader itu punya pengikut paling setia, yaitu kedua kuda penarik kereta‟ (hal 22).

69. They were unfailing in their attendace at the secret meetings in the barn, and let

the singing of „Besat of England‟, with

which the meetings always ended (hal 11).

„Keduanya merupakan peserta setia

pertemuan rahasia di kandang, memimpin nyanyikan lagu “BINATANG BINATANG INGGRIS” yang jadi kunci

penutup pertemuan‟ (hal 22).

70. Now, as it turned out, Rebellion was „Kini terbukti pemberontakan terjadi


71. In past yeras Mr.Jones, although a hard master, had been capable farmer, but of late he had fallen on evil days (hal 11).

„Di tahun-tahun belakangan ini, kendati tuan Jones seorang pemimpinan yang keras yang punya kebolehan, tapi akhirnya ia terjerumus ke dalam rawa-rawa tak terpuji‟ (hal 23). 72. For whole days at a time he would

lounge in his Windsor chair in the kitchen (hal 11).

„Berhari-hari ia duduk terperenyak di korsi dapur‟ (hal 23).

73. Ocassionally feeding Moses on crusts of bread soaked in beer (hal 11).

„kadang-kadang memberi makan Moses roti kering yang dicelupkannyake dalam bir‟ (hal 23).

74. The fields were full of weeds, the buildings wanted roofing, the hedges were neglected (hal 11).

ladang penuh ditumbuhi alang-alang, bangunan-bangunan bocor atapnya, pepohonanterlantar‟ (hal 23).

75. June came and the hay was almost ready for cutting (hal 11).

„Bulan Juni tiba dan rumput sudah hampir

waktunya dipotong‟ (hal 23).

76. When Mr.Jones got back, he immediately went to sleep on the drawing-room sofa with the News of the World over his face (hal 11).

„Ketika tuan Jones kembali, ia segera jatuh tertidur di sofa dengan lembaran mingguan

News of the World” menutup mikanya‟ (hal 23).

77. One of the cows broke in the door of the store shed with his horns (hal 11).

„Salah seekor sapi mendobrak pintu menyeruduk dengan tanduknya‟ (hal 23). 78. All the animals began to help

themselves from the bins (hal 11).

„binatang-binatang lain berhamburan

menolong diri mereka masing-masing keluar dari kandang‟ (hal 23).

79. The next moment he and his four men were in the store-shed with whips in their hands, lashing out in all

directions (hal 11).

„Dengan cemeti di tangan, tuan Jones dibantu keempat pegawainya melecut ke

segala jurusan‟ (hal 24).

80. Mrs.Jones looked out of the bedroom window (hal 12).

Nyonya Jones melihat dari jendela kamar

tidurnya‟ (hal 24).

81. Meanwhile the animals had chased Jones and his men out on to the road and slammed the five-bared gate behind them (hal 12).

„Binatang-binatang itu megejar terus hingga terhalau ke jalan raya, Seudah itu , mereka tutup pintudengan hempasan bengis‟ (hal 25).

82. Then they raced back to the farm-building to wipe out the last traces of

Jones‟ hated reign (hal 12).

„sesudah itu mereka buru-buru kembali ke bangunan peternakan, menyapu bersih seluruh bekas-bekas kekuasaan terkutuk tuan

Jones‟ (hal 25).

83. The harness-room at the end of the stables was broken open; the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chain, the cruel knife which Mr. Jones had been used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were flung down the well (hal 12).

Ruang simpan pakaian kuda yang

terletak di ujung kandang diobrak-abrik; besi gigitan kuda, gelang yang biasa dikaitkan di hidung, rantai anjing, pisau jahanam yang biasa dignakan tuan Jones mengebiri babi dan domba, kesemuanya


84. The reins, the halters, the blinkers, the degrading nosebags were thrown on to the rubbish fire which was burning in the yard (hal 12).

Tali kekang, tali kulit pelibat kepala kuda, penutup mata, keranjang maknan yang diikatkan di kepala kuda, juga semua itu dijebloskan ke dalam bakaran sampah yang terletak di pekarangan‟ (hal 25). 85. So were the whips (hal 12). „Begitu pula cambuk-cambuk‟ (hal 24). 86. „Ribbons,‟ he said, „should be

considered as clothes, which are the marks of a human being (hal 13).

“Kalung” katanya, “mesti dianggap seperti pakaian tak terpisahkan diri bangsa

manusia‟ (hal 25).

87. When Boxer heard this he fetched the small straw hat which he wore in summer (hal 13).

‟ Ketika si kuda penarik kereta Boxer mendengar kaedah ini, ia campakkan topi jerami kecil yang dipakainya di musim panas‟ (hal 26).

88. Napoleon then led them back to the store-shed and served out a double rations of corn to everybody, with two biscuits for each dog (hal 13).

„Napoleon mengantar mereka kembali ke

gudang, menyediakan ransumdobel terdiri dari jagung kepada setiap warga, khusus tambahan dua keping biskuit buat anjing‟ (hal 26).

89. They all raced out to the pasture together (hal 13).

„mereka sama-sama lari bergegas ke padang rumput‟ (hal 26).

90. A little way down the pasture there was a knoll that commanded a view of most of the farm (hal 13),

„Tak berapa jauh dari padang rumput, ada unggukan bukit kecil, diperuntukkan buat mengawasi seluruh bagian peternakan‟ (hal 26).

91. And gazed round them in the clear morning light (hal13).

„dan menggannyang rumput yang ada di bawah matahari pagi yang begitu segar‟ (hal 26).

92. They cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass (hal 13).

„mereka kunyah rumput muda musim panas‟ (hal 27).

93. Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spiney (hal 13).

„sesudah itu mereka jalan keliling lakukan

inspeksi seputar peternakan, memeriksa dengan rasa kagum tak terucapkan: tanah bajakan, padang rumput, kebun buah-buahan, kolam, dan saung‟ (hal 27). 94. Then they filed back to the farm

buildings and halted in silence outside the door of the farmhouse (hal 13).

„Sesudah itu, mereka jalan berurutan ke

gedung peternakan, berhenti disitu tanpa mengeluarkan suara di depan pintu‟ (hal 27).

95. After a moment, however, Snowball and Napoleon (hal 13).


96. Gazing with akind of awe at the unbelievable luxury, at beds with their feather mattrees, the looking glass, the horsehair sofa, the Brussel carpet, the lithograph of Queen Victoria over the drawing-room mantelpiece (hal 14).

„Hampir-hampir tak percaya mereka melihat barang-barang begitu mewah. Merka awasi tempat tidur berlapis bulu, cermin besar menempel di dinding, sofa terbuat dari bulu kuda, permadani dari Bruseel, lukisan Ratu Victoria‟ (hal 27).

97. And the barel of beer in the scullery

was stove in with a kick from Boxer‟s

hoof (hal 144).

Peti bir yang tersimpan ditendang oleh kuku Boxer sehingga jadi puing‟ (hal 28)

98. Today we begin the hay harvest (hal 14).

Hari ini kita mulai menuai rumput‟ (hal 28).

99. An old spelling book which had

belonged to Mr.Jones‟s children and

which had been thrown on the rubbish heap (hal 14).

„diambil dari buku pelajaran anak tuan Jones yang sudah dibuang ke keranjang sampah‟ (hal 29)

100. Napoleon sent for pots of black and white paint and let the way to the five-barred gate that gave on to the main road (hal 14).

„Napoleon membawa kaleng cat warna hitam dan putih, berjalan menuju pintu gerbangdi jalan raya‟ (hal 29).

101. After this they went back to the farm buildings (hal 14).

„Sesudah itu mereka kembali ke gedung peternakan‟ (hal 29).

102. Where Snowball and Napoleon sent for a ladder which they caused to set against th end wall of the big barn (hal 14).

„Snowbal dan Napoleon bawa tangga yang disandarkan di dinding kandang besar‟ (hal 29).

103. They explained that by their studies of the past three months, the pigs had succeeded in reducing the principle of Animalism to Seven Commandments (hal 15).

„Mereka menjelaskan, berkat hasil studi dan penelaahan serta penalaran yang tak henti-hentinya selama tiga bulan ini, babi-babi itu berhasil menyingkat

prinsip-prinsip “BINATANGISME” menjadi

TUJUH PEDOMAN UTAMA” (hal 29) 104. Snowball climbed up and set to work,

with Squealer a few rungs below him holding the paint-pot (hal 15).

Di beberapa anak tangga agak ke bawah, Squealer – babi potong gendut dengan pipi bundar memegangi kaleng cat‟ (hal 29).

105. The Commandments were written on the tarred wall in great white letters that could be read thirty yards away (hal 15).

Pedoman itu ditulis di atas dinding yang dilabur tir. Hurufnya besar-besar, bisa dibaca dari jarak 20 meter‟ (hal 29).

106. all the animals nodded in complete agreement (hal 15).

„Semua binatang mengangguk tanda

sepakat sepenuhnya‟ (hal 30).

107. „Now, comrades,‟ said Snowball, throwing down paint-brush, „to the hayfield! (hal 15).


108. Let us make it a point of honour to get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do (hal 15).

„Adalah satu kehormatan apabila kita

bisa potong rumput itu lebih cepat dari yang dilakukan oleh tuan Jones dan pegawai-pegawainya‟ (hal 30) 109. After a little thought, the pigs sent for

buckets (hal 15).

„sesudah berpikir sebentar, babi-babi mengambilember‟ (hal 31).

110. Soon there were five buckets of frothing creamy milk (hal 16).

„Tak seberapa lama ember-ember itu sudah penuh susu‟ (hal 31).

111. „Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our mash, said one of the hens (hal16).

“Tuan Jones kadang-kadang mencampurkannya ke dalam

makananku,”kata seekor ayam (hal 31).

112. The harvest is more important (hal 16).

Potong rumputlebih penting‟ (hal 31).

113. The hay is waiting (hal 16). „Rumput-rumput sudah menunggu‟ (hal 31).

114. So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest (hal 16).

„Maka binatang-binatang itu pun jalan berbaris menuju padangrumput.Akan mereka siangi, akan mereka pangkas‟ (hal 31).

115. „Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our mash, said one of the hens (hal16).

“Tuan Jones kadang-kadang mencampurkannya ke dalam

makananku,”kata seekor ayam (hal 31).

116. The harvest is more important (hal 16).

Potong rumput lebih penting‟ (hal 31).

117. The hay is waiting (hal 16). „Rumput-rumput sudah menunggu‟ (hal 31).

118. So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest (hal 16).



119. How they toiled and sweated to get

the hay! (hal 16).

„Tak usah dipersoalkan bagaimana

kerja keras mereka, bagimana peluh sudah bersimbah, bagaimana rumput-rumputitu terpotong‟ (hal 32).

120. But their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped (hal 16).

„yang jelas karya mereka layak

dihargai. Bahkan panen melampui

target yangmereka harapkan‟ (hal 32)

121. And it was a great drawbac that no animal was able to use any tool (hal 16).

„Merupakan suatu kemunduran luar

biasa tak ada satu binatng pun yang mampu menggunakan perkakas‟ (hal 32).

122. As for the horses, they knew every inch of the field and in fact understood the business of mowing and raking better than Jones and his men had ever done (hal 16).

„Akan halnya binatang kuda, mereka

paham benar tiap jengkal tanah perladangan, mengerti betul hal ihwal membabat dan meratakan, lebih pandai dari tuan Jones dan pegawai-pegawainya‟ (hal 32)

123. Boxer and Clover would harness themselves to the cutter or horse-rake (no bits or reins were needed in these days) and tramp steadily round and round the field (hal 16).

„Kedua kuda penarik kereta – Boxer dan Clover – melakukan sendiri mulai memotong rumput, meratakan, berjalan mengelilingi ladang dengan langkah-langkah berat‟ (hal 33).

124. With a pig walking behind and callig

out „Gee up, comrade!‟ or „Whoa back,comrade!‟ (hal 17).

„sedangkan seekor babi berjalan di belakang mereka seraya berseru “Ayo terus!” atau “Kebut lagi, sahabat!” (hal 33).

125. And every animal down to the humblest worked turning the hay and gathering it (hal 17).

„Tiap binatang, hingga yang paling

lemah sekali pun, bekerja membabat rumputdan menghimpunya (hal 33)‟ 126. Even the ducks and hens toiled to

and fro all day in the sun, carrying tiny wisps of hay in their peaks (hal 17).

„Sampai-sampai angsa dan ayam betina bergulat hilir mudik di bawah sengatan matahari, mengangkut helai-helai rumput yang dijepit di patuk

(hal 33)‟.

127. In the end they finished the harvest in two days‟ less time than it had usually taken Jones and his men (hal 17).

„Akhrnya, mereka mampu

merampungkan urusan potong memotong rumput dua hari lebih cepat dari yang biasanya dilakukan oleh tuan Jones beserta orang-orangnya (hal 33)‟.

128. Morover, it was the biggest harvest that the farm had ever seen (hal 17).


129. There was no wastage whatever; the hens and ducks with their sharp eyes had gathered up the last stalk (hal 17).

„Dan tak ada ... yang hilang di korup atau dicolong. Binatang ayam dan angsa dengan mata mereka yang jeli mengumpulkan hingga lembar rumput penghabisan(hal 33)‟.

130. Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure (hal 17).

Tiap suap makanan betul-betul kesenangan sejati‟(hal 34)‟.


For instance , later in the year, when they harvested the corn, they had to tread it out in the ancient style and blow the chaff with their breath, since the farm possessed no threshing machine (hal 17).

„Misalnya, apa yang terjadi kemudian di tahun itu. Tatkala panen jagung. Dengan mengunakan kaki mereka injak-injak, kemudian selaputnya mereka tiup lewat hembusan napas, karena peternakan itu tidak memiliki mesin penggiling(hal 34)‟.

132. There were days when the entire work of the farm seemed to rest upon his mighty shouldres (hal 17).

Seakan-akan, semua kerja di peternakan dipanggul oleh dirinya

seorang (hal 34)‟.


From morning to night he was pushing and pulling, always at the spot where the work was the hardest (hal 17).

„Mulai pagi hingga malam, ia

mendorong atau menhela, dan senantiasa menghadapi jenis kerja yang

paling berat (hal 34)‟.


He had made an arrangement with one of the cockerels to call him in the morning half hour earlier than anyone else (hal 17).

Si kuda penarik kereta Boxer pesan kepada seekor anak ayam jantan yang belum lagi setahun umurnya, agar membangunkannya setengah jam lebih dulu dari yang lain-lain (hal 34)‟.


His answer to every problem, every setback, was „I will work harder! – which he had adopted as his personal motto (hal 18).

„Menghadapi tiap masalah, tiap

kesulitan, Boxer senantiasa berkata “Aku akan kerja lebih keras lagi!”. Kalimat itu sudah merupakan mooto pribadinya(hal 35)‟

136. The hens and ducks, for instance, saved five bushels of corns at the harvets by gathering up the stray grains (hal 18).

„Misalnya, ayam betina dan angsa, kerjanya mengumpulkan biji-biji jagung yang tercecer (hal 35).‟

137. Old Benjamin, the donkey, seemed quite unchanged since the Rebellion (hal 18).

Benjamin, si keledai, tampaknya tidak berubah sejak pemberontakan terjadi

(hal 35)‟.

138. And after breakfast there was a ceremony which was observed evry week without fail (hal 18).

„Sesudah sarapan, ada upacara yang tak

pernah dihapus atau ditunda (hal 36)‟.

139. First came the hoisting of the flag (hal


140. Snowball had found in the harness-room an old green tablecloth of Mrs. Jones (hal 18).

Babi kader teladan Snowball menemukan taplak meja berwarna hijau milik nyonya Jones di gudang pakaian kuda(hal 36)‟. 141. This was run up the flagstaff in the

farmhouse garden every Sunday morning (hal 18).

„Bendera itulah yang dikerek di pelataran kandangtiap Minggu pagi (hal 36)‟.

142. The flag was green, Snowball explained, to represent the green fields of England, while the hoof and horn signified the future of Republic of the Animals (hal 18).

Babi kader teladan Snwball menjelaskan warna hijau melambangkan hijaunya ladang-ladang Inggris. Kuku dan randuk warna

„Sesudah menaikkan bendera, binatang -binatang itu berbaris menuju kandang utama. Mereka mengadakan sidang umum. Forum itu disebut „Pertemuan”(hal 36).‟

144. Even when it was resolved – a thing no one could object to in inself – to set a side a small paddock behind the orchard asa home of rest for animals who were past work (hal 19).

„Bahkan ketika diputuskan untuk menyediakan lapangan kecil di dekat kandang untuk istirahat mereka yang habis kerja (putusan yang sebenarnya tak perlu dengan nyanyian gegap gempita “BINATANG-BINATANG INGGRIS”.

Sore hari disediakan buat rekreasi (hal 37).‟

146. The pigs had set aside the harness-room as a headquarters for themselves(hal 19).

Babi-babi menggunakan gudang simpanan pakaian kuda buat markas besar mereka

(hal 37).‟

147. Here, in the evening, they studied blacksmithing, carpentering, and other necessary arts from books which they had brought out of the farmhouse (hal 19)

„Disini, kalau hari malam, mereka pelajari seluk-beluk pertukangan besi, bikin karpet, dan lain-lain keperluan lewat buku-buku yang mereka ambil dari gedung peternakan(hal 37).‟

148. Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees (hal 19).

Babi kader teladan Snowball juga menyibukan dirinya mengorgaisir binatang-binatang lainya, membentuk “Komite Binatang”(hal 37).‟


He formed the Egg Production Committee for hens, the Clean Tails League for the cows, the Wild Comrades‟ Re-education Committee (the object of this was to tame the rats and rabbits), the Whiter Wool Movement for the sheep, and the various others, besides instituting classes n reading and writing (hal 19).


150. And sometimesused to read to the others in the evenings from scrpas of newspaper which she found on the rubbish heap (hal 20).

„malahan kadang-kadang membackan sobekan-sobekan koran yang dipungutnya dari tong sampah (hal



After much though Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could be reduced to a single maxim, namely:

Four legs good, two legs bad.‟ (hal 20).

„setelah merenung dalam-dalam, babi kader teladan Snowball mengumumkan


UTAMA” dapat dipersingkat dengan dalil ringkas, berbunyi: “EMPAT


BURUK”(hal 39, 40).‟


This, he said, conatined teh essential principle of Animalism (hal 20. 21).

„Ini, kata Snowball, merupakan inti

pokok ajaran “BINATANGISME”

(hal 40).‟


Napoleon took no interest in Snowball‟s

committees (hal 21).

Babi kader teladan lainnya, Napoleon, samasekali tak menaruh perhatian kepada panitia-pnitia yang didirikan

Snowball (hal 41).‟

154. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies (al 21).

„Misalnya, apa yang terjadi pada anjing

Jessie dan Bluebell. Tak lama sesudah panen rumput, keduanya melahirkan 9 anak, digabung jadi satu (hal 41).‟ 155. He took them up into a loft which could

only be reached by a ladder from the harness-room, and there he kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot ther existence (hal 210).

„Ia gondol mereka ke atas para-para yang hanya dicapai lewat tangga dari gudang pakaian kuda, mengucilkan mereka, sehingga segera para binatang

di peternakan melupakan

kehadirannya (hal 41).‟

156. It was mixed every day into the pigs‟ mash (hal 21).

„Rupanya susu itu tiap hari diaduk ke

dalam makanan babi(hal 41).‟ 157. The early apples were now ripening,

and buah-buah apel the grass of the orchard was littered with windfalls (hal 21).

„Sementara itu, sudah mulai masak, dan

rumput di pelataran berhamburan

ditiup angin (hal 41).‟


One day, however, the order went forth that all the windfalls were be collected and brought to the harness-room for the use of the pigs (hal 21, 22).

„Tapi satu hari keluar perintah : semua

yang jatuh atau terbang karena tiupan angin harus dikumpulkan dibawa ke gudang untuk keperluan ... babi (hal


159. „Comrades!‟ he cried. „You do not

imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and previlege? (hal 22).

”Sahabat!” teriaknya. “Tentunya



160. By the late summer the news of

what had happened on the Animal Farm had spread across half of the country (hal 23).

„Di penghujung musim panas, berita-berita apa yang sudah terjadi di peternakan “BINATANG”(hal 44).‟


Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons whose instructions were to mingle with the animals on neighbouring farms, tell them the story of the Rebellion, and teach them the use of „Beast of England‟. (hal 23).

„Tiap hari, babi kader Snowball dan Napoleon menerbangkan burung-burung dara dengan tugas mencari koneksi, menyatu dengan binatang-binatang yang berada di peternakan sekitar. Ceritakan kepada mereka kisah tentang pemberontakan dan ajari mereka lagu “BINATANG – BINATANG INGGRIS

(hal 44).‟

162. Most of his time Mr. Jones had spent sitting in the tap-room of the Red Lion at Willington (hal 23).

„Nyaris seluruh waktu tuan Jones menhabiskan waktu duduk-duduk di bar “RedLion” di Willington(hal 44).‟

163. He had suffered in being turned out of his property by a pack of good-for-nothinganimals (hal 23).

„yang sudah didritanya, diusir dari tanah

miliknya oleh segerombolan binatang sialan itu(hal 44) .‟

164. It was lucky that the owners of the two farms which adjoined Animal Farm were on permanently bad terms (hal 23).

„Untungnya pemilik dua peternakan yang bergabung dengan peternakan “BINATANG” selamanya dalam keadaan

serasi (hal 45).‟

165. One of them, which was named Foxwood, was a large, neglected, old-fashioned farm, much over grown by woodland, with all its pastures worn out and its hedges in disgraceful condition (hal 23).

„Salah satu di antaranya bernama

“Foxwood”, luas, tak terpelihara, pertanian dan peternakan model kuno, ditumbuhi belukar, padang rumputnya tidak terurus, walhasil porak poranda (hal 45).‟

166. Its owner, Mr. Pilkington, was an easy-going gentleman farmer (hal 23).

„Pemiliknya, tuan Pilkington, seorang yang tingkah lakunya seenaknya,

gampang-gampangan (hal 45).‟

167. The other farm, which was called Pinchfiled, was smaller and better kept (hal 23).

„Pertanian dan peternakan lain, bernama “Pinchfiled” lebih kecil dan lebih terawat

(hal 45).‟

168. They put it about that the animals on the Manor Farm (they insited on calling it the Manor Farm; they would not tolerate the name „Animal Farm‟) (hal 24)

„Binatang-binatang di peternakan “MANOR” itu (mereka masih tetap menggunakan sebutan “MANOR” dan tak

sudi menyebut peternakan

“BINATANG”)(hal 45,46)‟

169. It was given out that the animals there practice cannibalism, torture one another with red-horseshoes (hal 24).

„Terdengar kabar, para binatang


170. Bulls which had always been tractable suddenly turned savage, sheep broke down hedges and devoured the clover (hal 24).

Kerbau, yang biasanya mudah dikendalikan, tiba-tiba menjadi beringas. Domba-domba mendobrak pagar dan mengganyang tanaman bunga (hal 46). 171. Above all, the tune and even the words

of „Beast of England‟ were known every where (hal 24).

„Dan di atas segala-galanya, lagu berikut


INGGRIS”(hal 46, 47).‟

172. The blackbirds whistled it in the hedges, the pigeons cooed it in the elms (hal 24).

Burung kutilang bersiul lagu itu di pagar, burung dara mengeram dengan

lagu itu (hal 47).‟

173. Early in October, when the corn was cut and stacked and some of it was already thrashed, a flight of pigeons came whirling through the air and alighted in the yard of Animal Farm in the wildest excitement (hal 25).

„Awal bulan Oktober, ketika pohon-pohon jagung panen, dan batang-batangnya sudah ditumpuk, biji-bijinya sudah dipreteli, serombongan burung dara berputar-putar di udara dan turun hinggap di peternakan “BINATANG”

(hal 47).‟

174. Jones and all his men, with half a dozen others from Foxwood and Pinchfield, had entered the five-barred gate and were coming up the cart-track that led to the farm (hal 25).

„Tuan Jones berikut pegawai -pegawainya, dan selosin orang lain dari peternakan “Foxwood” dan peternakan “Pinchfield”, memasuki gerbang menempuh jalan kecil menuju ke peternakan(hal 47).‟

175. Snowball, who had studied an old book of Julius Caesar‟s campaigns which he had found in the farmhouse (hal 25).

„Babi kader Snowball sudah menyimak baik-baik buku tua pertempuran Julius Caesar yang didapatnya di gedung peternakan(hal 48).‟

176. While they were dealing with this, the geese who had been hiding behind the hedge (hal 25).

„Ketika bangsa manusia itu teralih

perhatiannya, angsa-angsa keluar berhamburan dari persembunyiannya di sela pagar(hal 48).‟

177. Snowball now launched his second line of attack (al 25).

„Snowball melancarkan dia punya

serangan kedua (hal 48).‟

178. And suddenly, at asquel from Snowball, which was the signalfor retreat, all the animals turned and fled through the gateway into the yard (hal 25).

„Tiba-tiba,Snowball mendengus, itu artinya pertanda supaya mundur, dan semau binatang berbalik dan lari menuju ke pekarangan(hal 49).‟

179. As they were inside the yard, the thre horses, the three cows, and the rest of the pigs, who had been lying in the ambush in the cowshed, suddenly emerged in their rear, cutting them off (hal 26).

„Ketika mereka sudah sampai di


180. The pellets scored bloody streaks along

Snowball‟s back, and a sheep dropped

dead (hal 26).

„Peloritu menyerempet punggung snowball. Seekor domba langsung

tewas (hal 49).‟

181. Rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great iron-shod hoofs like a stallion (hal 26).

„menendang dengan kaki belakang

begitu derasnya, bagaikan perbuatan seekor kuda jantan(hal 49).‟ 182. I forgot that I was wearing iron shoes

(hal 26).

„Lupa aku, kakiku pakai telapak besi

(hal 50).‟


Mollie in fact was missing (hal 27). „Mollie – kuda betina penarik bendi tuan Jones– memang hilang (51). 184. In the end, however, she was found

hiding in her stall with her head burried among the hay in the manger (al 27)

„Binatang kuda itu bersembunyi di

kandang, menyusupkan mukanya ke kotak berisi jerami(hal 51).‟


The flag was run up and „Beast of England‟ was sung a number of times, the the sheep who had been given asolmn funeral, a hawthorn bush being planted on her garve (hal 27).

„Bendera dikerek, dan lagu

“BINATANG – BINATANG INGGRIS” dinyanyikan berulang -ulang. Domba yang tewas kena pelor bedil tuan Jones dimakamkan denan upacara syhadu. Sebatang pohon kamboja ditancapkan di atas gundukan

kuburnya (51).‟


The animals decided unanimously to create a millitary decoration, „Animal Hero, FirstClass‟, which was conferred there and then on Snowball and Boxer (27).

„Dan para binatang memutuskan

dengan suara bulat, supaya

dilembagakan adanya bintang mliter “Pahlawan Binatang, Kelas Satu”, yang kemudian dianugerahkan kepada babi kader teladan Snowball dan kuda penarik kereta Boxer‟ (hal 52).

187. There was also „Animal Hero, Second Class”, which was conferred

posthumously on the dead sheep (hal 27),

„Juga ada bintang “Pahlawan Binatang, Kelas Dua”, yang

dianugerahkan secara anumerta kepada

domba yang tewas (hal 52).‟


In the end it was named the Battle of the Cowshed, since that was where the ambush had been sprung (hal 27).

„Akhirnya diputuskan nama yang tepat

“PertempuranKandang Sapi”,

karena dari kandang itulah penyergapan bermula (hal 52)

189. And it was known that there was a supply of cartridge in the farmhouse (27).

„dan sudah ketahuan ada persediaan pelor di gedung peternakan(hal 52).‟ 190. The anniversary of the Battle of the

Cowshed, and once on Midsummer Day, the anniversary of the Rebellion (hal 28).


BAB 5 191.

...chewing a stalk of hay (hal 28). „... serta mengunyah batang jerami (hal 53).‟


This morning I saw you looking over the hedge that divides Animal Farm from Foxwood (hal 28).

„Tadi pagi aku lihat engkau melongok

pagar yang memisahkan peternakan “BINATANG” dengan peternakan “Foxwood”(hal 53, 54).‟

193. One of the Pilkington‟s men was standing on the other side of the hedge (hal 28).

„Salah seoramg pegawai tuan Pilkington berdiri di sebelah sana pagar(hal 54).‟ 194. Without saying anything to the

others, she went to Mollie‟s stall and turned over the straw with her hoof (hal 28,29).

„Tanpa memberitahu binatang-binatang lainya, ia pergi ke kandang Mollie (hal


195. Hidden under the straw was a little pile of lump of sugar and several bunches of ribbons of different colours (hal 29).

„Tersembunyi di bawah jerami itu terdapat potongan gula beberapa untai kalung yang berwarna-warni (hal 54).‟ 196. She was between the shafts of a smart

dogcart panited red and black, which was standing outside a public-house (hal 29).

„Dia berada di depan sebuah delman yang bercatkan hitam putih, di muka sebuah gedungpertemuan(hal 54).‟


A fat red-faced man in check breeches and gaiters, who looked like a publican, was stroking her nose and feeding her with sugar (hal 29).

„Seorang pria bermuka kemerahan,

berbaju leher ketat dan bresepatu lars, tampaknya seorang hansip atau pemungut pajak, sedang menhusap-usap hidungnya serta memberinya gula(54, 55).‟

198. Her coat was newly clipped and she worea scarlet ribbon roung her forelock (hal 29).

„Peragkat pakainnya baru, pita ungu

melingkar di jambulnya (hal 55).‟


Many meetings were held in the big barn (hal 29).

„Pelbagai rupa forum “Pertemuan” diselenggarakan di kandang utama (hal


200. If one of them suggested sowing a bigger acreage with barley, the oether was certain to demnd a bigger acreage of oats (hal 29).

„Bila yang seorang mengusulkan perluas areal tanaman jawawut, yang lain sudah pasti mengusulkan perluas areal tanaman gandum(hal 55).‟

201. And if one of them said that such and such a field was just right for cabbage, the othe would declare that it was useless for anything except for roots (hal 29).

„Bila yang seorang menganggap tanah ini atau tanah itu cocok buat tanaman kol, yang lain sudah pasti menganggap tanah itu tidak berharga sepeserpun kecuali buat alang-alang(hal 55).‟


At the meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant



Of late the sheep had taken to

bleating „Four legs good, two legs bad‟ both in and outthe season, and they often interrupted the meeting with this (hal 29, 30)

„sehingga domba-domba ini tak kenal waktu , kapan saja, menjerit semboyan “EMPAT KAKI BAGUS, DUA KAKI BURUK”, begitu serunya sehingga forum “Pertemuan” menjadi terganggu

karenanya (hal 56).‟


Snowball had made a close study of some back numbers of the Farmer and Stockbreeder which he had found in the farmhouse (hal 30).

„Akan halnya kader teladan Snowball, ia

menekuni benar-benar halaman-halaman akhir buku “Petani dan Cara Beternak” yang ditemukan di gedung peternakan



He talked learnedly about field- drain, silage, and basic slag, and worked out complecated scheme for the animals to drop their dung directly in the fields, at a differnt spot every day to save the labour cartage (hal 30).

„Secara ilmiah ia bicara tentang

kekeringan ladang, tentang pengawetan makanan ternak, tentang arti penting sisa buangan. Dan ia menekuni rencana rumit tentang bagaimana para binatang berak langsung di ladang, dan di tempat yang berbeda tiap harinya, sehingga menghemat kerjapembersihan(hal 56).‟

206. In the long pature, not far from the farmbuilding, there was a small knoll which was the highest on the farm (hal 30).

„Tak seberapa jauh dari gedung peternakan, ada bukit kecil yang merupakan bagian tertinggi di peternakan itu(hal 57).‟


Snowball declared that this was just the place for a windmill, which could be made to operate a dynamo and supply the farm with electrical power (hal 30).

„Sesudah melakukan pengamatan

seksama, babi kader teladan snowball menegaskanbahwa disitulahtempat yang tepat buat kincir, untuk menggerakan dinamo, dan pada gilirannya membangkitkan tenaga listrik buat keperluan peternakan(hal 57).‟


This would light the stalls, and warm them in the winter, and would also run a circular saw, a chaff-cutter, a manger-slicer, and an electric milking machine (hal 30).

„Bila listrik masuk kandang, maka kandang akan jadi terang benderang, dan memberi rasa hangat di musim salju. Bisa menggerakan gergaji. Menggerakan mesin penyosoh gandum, mesin pengiris umbi-umbian buat makanan ternak. Bahkan mesin pemerah susu (hal


209. The animals had never herad of anything of this kind before (for the farm was an old-fashioned one and had only the most primitive machinery) (hal 30).

„Para binatang tak pernah dengar seumur -umur barang-barang begituan (karena peternakan model kuno dan menggunakan mesin-mesin primitip) (hal


210. Within a few weeks snowball‟s plan for the windmill were fully worked out (hal 30).


211. The mechanical details came mostly from three books which belonged to Mr>Jones – One Thousand Useful Things to Do about the House, Every Man His Own Bricklayer, and

Electricity for Beginners (hal30)

Penjelesan Terperinci mesin-mesin itu sebagian terpokok terambil dari 3 buku milik tuan Jones – 1000 Alat Bermanfaat Buat Rumah Tangga – Tiap Orang Bisa Jadi Tukang Batu – Listrik Buat Pemula (hal 57)

212. Even the hens and ducks came (hal 31).

„Bahkan ayam dan angsa ikut saksikan

(hal 58). „

213. Only Napoleon had a loof (hal 31). ‟Tentu saja, cuma babi kader Napoleon yang menjauh (hal 58). 214. He had declared himself against the

windmill from the start (hal 31).

„Dia sudah menegaskan

penentangannya terhadap rencana kincirsejak dari awal (hal 58).‟ 215. He walked heavily around the shed (hal


„Dengan langkah berat ia berjalan

keliling ruang(hal 58).‟ 216. The whole farm was deeply divided on

the subject of the windmill (hal 31).

„Segenap peternakan terbelah dua dengan tajamnya dalam perkara kincir

itu (hal 58).‟

217. And that if they wated time on the windmill they would all be straved to death (hal 31).

„sehinggga kalau para binatang

menghabiskan tempo ribut soal kincir,

mereka akan mati kelaparan (hal 59).‟

218. The animals formed themselves into two factions under the slogans, „Vote for Snowball and the three-day week‟ and „Vote for Napoleon and the full

manger‟.(hal 31).

„Akibat dari dua pola pikiran itu,

binatang-binatang terpecah dalam dua kelompok. Pertama, kelompok yang mengumandangkan semboyan “Pilih Snowball dan kerja 3 hari

seminggu”. Dan kelompok kedua meneriakkan semboyan “Pilih Napoleon dan makan kenyang”.(hal 59)

219. Windmill or no windmill, he said, life would go on as it had always gone on – thai, badly (hal 32).

Ada kincir atau tidak ada kincir, kata Bejamin, tak akan bedanya. Hidup berjalan sebagaimana yang sudah-sudah. Hidup akan begini-begini juga. Artinya, susah!(hal 59)

220. Apart from the disputes over the windmill, there was the disputes over the windmill, there was the question of the defence of the farm.(hal 32).

„Lepas pertengkaran ihal kincir, ada masalah bagaimanana mempertahankan peternakan terhadap serangan (hal


221. It was fully realized that though the human beings had been defeated in the Batlle of the Cowshed they might make an other adn more determined attempt to recapture the farm and reinstate

Mr.Jones (hal 32).

„disadari sepenuhnya, kendati bangasa



And made the animals on the neighbouring farms more restive than ever (hal 32).

„sehingga membuat binatang-binatang di peternakan yang berdekatan jadi semakin bandel, bengal, badung, dan pelawan (hal


223. At the Meeting on the following Sunday the quetion of whether or not to begin work on the windmill was to be put to vote (hal 32).

„Di dalam forum “Pertemuan” di hari Minggu berikutnya, permasalahan apakah mulai kerja atau tidak di kincir, ditempuh

lewat pungut suara (hal 60. 61).‟

224. When the animals had assembled in the big barn (hal 32).

„Ketika para binatang sudah berkumpul di

kandang utama (hal 61). 225. Set forth for his reasons for

advocating the building of the windmill (hal 32).

„memaparkan alasan-alasan pendirian bangunan kincir(hal 61).‟

226. He said very quietly that the windmill was nonsense (hal 32).

„Dengan amat tenang dia berkata, kincir itu omong kosong saja (hal 61).‟

227. Broke into a passionate appeal in favour of the windmill (hal 32.33).

„Berkobar-kobar ia himbau supaya beri dukungan terhadap rencana kincir(hal 61).‟ 228.

In glowing sentences he painted a picture of Animal Farm (hal 33).

„Melalui kata-kata memukau, ia bayangkan betapa indahnya peternakan “BINATANG”

(hal 61).‟


His imagination had now run far beond chaff-cutters and turnip -slicers (hal 33).

„Angan-angannya sudah melambung begitu jauh: teknik potong jeramiteknis iris umbi-umbian, semuanya itu akan mengalami revolusi (hal 61).‟


Electricity, he said, could operate threshing machines, ploughs, harrows, rollers and reapers and binders, besides supplying every stall with its own electric light, hot and cold water, and an electric heater (hal 33).

„Listrik, kata babi snowball, bisa

menggerakkan mesin tumbuk, bajak, garu, giling, dan mesin aduk. Listrik, kata babi Snowball, bisa menerangi kandang dengan lampu pijar. Bisa rubah air dingin jadi air panas, atau sebaliknya, tergantung selera. Dan, bila musim salju tiba, tiap binatang bisa berhangat-hangat lewat pemanasan ruang Itu semua berkat listrik. Sekali lagi, listrik! (61, 62).‟

231. At this there was a terible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs waring brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn (hal 33).

„Persis saat itu, di luar terdengar salak anjing. Belum lagi sempat diketahui apa yang terjadi, 9 ekor anjing bertubuh amat besar menerjang

masuk (hal 62).‟


Snowball was racing across the long pasture that led to the road. He was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels (hal 33).


233. Then he put an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more (hal 33).

„Denagn kekuatan ekstra yang ada padanya,

babi Snowball membelok masuk ke dalam lubang di semak belukar. Dan .. lenyaplah

(hal 63).‟


Silent and terrified, the animal crept back into the barn (hal 33).

„Tanpa buka mulut dan dicekam rasa takut,

binatang-binatang menggeleser masuk lagi ke kandang(hal 63) (hal 33).‟


At first no one had been able to imagine where these creatures came from, but the problem was soon solved: they were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately (hal 33).

„Mulanya tak ada yang mampu bayangkan ,

dari mana anjing-anjing itu asalnya. Seperti jatuh begitu saja dari balik awan. Atau jatuh dari sela-sela atap. Tapi, akhirnya masalahnya terungkap juga: Ke 9 binatang pengajar Snowball itu tak lain tak bukan anak-anak anjing yang dipisahkan babi Napoleon dari induknya dan dibesarkannya

sendiri (hal 63).‟

236. Napoleon, with the dogs following him, now mounted on to the raised portion of the floor where Major had previously stood to deliver his speech (hal 34).

„Kini, diiringi anjing-anjing di belakangnya, babi kader teladan Napoleon naik ke lantai bagian atas yang dulu pernah digunakan oleh mediang babi Major, menyampaikan dia punya pidato(63,64).‟

237. He announced that from now on the Sunday Morning Meetings would come to an end (hal 34).

„Terhitung mulai sekarang dan seterusnya,

forum “Pertemuan” Minggu pagi

ditiadakan (hal 64).‟


Four young porkers in the front row uttered shrill squels of disapproval, and all four them sprang to their feeet and began speaking (hal 34).

„Misalnya, babi-babi muda yang duduk di barisan depan, menggerutu dan berseloteh menyatakan ketidak setujuan, bahkan 4 ekor dari mereka berdiri tegak dan mulai angkat

bicara (hal 65).‟


But suddenly the dogs itting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls, and the pigs fell silent and sat down again (hal 34).

„Tapi, tiba-tiba para anjing yang nongkrong di sekeliling babi Napoleon menggeram bengis, menunujkkan taring-taringnya sehingga tanpa disuruh babi-babi muda itu terdiam dan kembali duduk (hal 65).‟


After words squealer was sent round the farm to explain the new arrangement to te oters (hal 34).

„Sesudah, itu diutuslah babi gendut Squealer

keliling peternakan, menjelaskan aturan terbaru kepada warga binatang lainnya (hal



Do not imagine, comrade,that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility (hal 34).



No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal (hal 350.

„tak ada binatnag yang begitu yakin seperti

sahabat Napoleon bahwa semua binatang itu sama derajatnya. Duduk sama rendah berdiri sama tingi. Senang sama senang, susah sama susah (hal 65, 66).‟


Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills – Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal? (hal 35).

„Andaikata kalian sudah ambil putusan ikut

Snowball dengan dia punya putusan rencana kincir yang kemilau tapi hakekatnya kosong melompong itu, lantas bagaimana jadinya? Apa bukannya jadi berantakan?! Apa bukannya jadi tersandung-sandung?! Apa bukannya jadi sesat?! Sebab, seperti kalian sudah lama maklum, Snowball itu tak lebih tak kurang dari bajingan tengik! Familinya setan dan dedemit!”(hal 66) 244. Bravery si not enough,‟ said

Squealer. Loyalty and obedience are more important. (hal 35).

Berani saja sama sekali tidak cukup!”

jawab Squealer. “Kesetiaan dan Kepatuhan

jauh lebih penting!.‟(hal 66)

245. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watcword for today. (hal 35).

Disiplin, sahabat-sahabat, disiplin baja! Itula slogan kita sekarang (hal 66)

246. And from then on he adopted the maxim „Napoleon is always right, in additionto his private motto of „I will work harder.” (hal 35).

„Maka sesudah itu, ia menciptakan dalil baru “NAPOLEON SELALU BENAR”, sebagai tambahan motto pribadinya “Aku akan kerja lebih keras lagi”. (hal 67)

247. By this time the weather had broken and the spring-ploughing had began (hal 35).

„Kini, datanglah pergantian musim. Saat

membajak di musim semimulai (hal 67).‟ 248. The shed where Snowball had

drawn his plans of the windmill had been shut up (hal 35).

Ruang tempat tempo hari babi Snowball menggambar kincirnya, kini sudah ditutup

(hal 67),‟

249. Every Sunday morning at ten

o‟clock the animals assembled in

the big barn to receive their orders for the week (hal 35).

„Tiap hari Minggu pagi jam 10, para

binantang berkumpul di kandang utama menerima perintah-perintah apa yang mesti

dilakukan (hal 67).‟

250. The skull of old Major, now clea of flesh, had been disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the flagstaff, beside the gun (hal 35).

„Tengkorak tempurung kepala mendiang babi

Major sekarang sudah digali dari kuburnya, dibersihkan, diletakkan di batang pohon kering persis di dekat tiang bendera (hal


251. ...before entering the barn (hal 36). „ ... sebelum masuk kandang(hal 67).‟ 252. ... who had aremarkable gift for

composing songs and poems, sat on the front of the raised platform

(hal 36). „...

yang punya bakat luar biasa mencipta lagu dan sajak duduk di tempat ketinggian (hal


253. The buiding of the windmill, with various other improvements, was expected to take two years (hal 36).

„Bangunan kincir, dengan pelbagai rupa penyemprnaan, diharapkan selesai

rampung dalam 2 tahun (hal 68).‟

254. That evening Squealer explained to the other animals that Napoleon had never opposed to the windmill (hal 36).

„Malam itu, si babi gendut Squealer

menjelaskan secara pribadi kepada semua warga binatang, sebenarnya Napolean tak pernah menentang kincir(hal 68).‟


The windmill was, in fact,

Napoleon‟s own creation (hal 36).

„Walhasil yang namanya kincir itu sebenarnya kreasi Napoleon sendiri (hal


256. He had seemed to oppose the

windmill (hal36). „Ia tampaknya menentang kincir(hal 69).‟ 257. This, said Squealer, was something

called tactics (hal 36). „Begini ini yang namanya taktik(hal 69).‟ 258. He repeated a number of times,

Tactics, comrades, tactics!‟ Skipping round (hal 37).


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