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Submitted to the board of examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in English and Education Department

113 01 064





Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi

ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan.

Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi

yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di

luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggungjawabkan

kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, 6 Januari 2006






The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute

( STAIN ) Salatiga

A ssa la m u ’a la ik u m Wr. W b.

After reading and correcting SITI BAROKAH’S thesis entitled “A





have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational

faculty we hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

W a ssa la m u ’a la ik u n t Wr. Wb.





SITI BAROKAH 113 01 064

Heis been brought to the board of examiners in February, 28th 2006/Muharram, 29th 1427, and hereby considered to completely fullfill the requirement of Saijana Degree in the English Department of Educational Faculty.

Salatiga, Muharram, 29th 1427 February, 28th 2006

NIP. 150 262 646 NIP. 150 301 298


“ Science without religion is blind and religion without science is lame” (Albert Einstein)


My beloved Dad, Mom and Grand-ma

Mr. Ramin, Mrs. Siti Khuzaimah and Mrs. Mutinah Who teach me to love Allah and knowledge,

Thank for your sacrificies.

My wonderful Brothers and Sisters

Ka’ Alis and Mba’ Anie, Ka’ Thofa and Mba’ Yah, D e’ Nafis and D e’ Ifah

Who always give me support and

thank full o f your motivation, kindness and love.

My lovely Niece and Nephew

Oelya and Izoel

Special Best Friends

Vie-ta, Zul-ie, Nel-ly, You-la, Lie-na, Sie-tie, Poe-jie and Pop-pie Thank for your help, kindness and togetherness.


prophet Muhammad. Alhamdulillah, everlasting thanks to Allah, the writer must be deeply

grateful to Allah for his blessing, whose without help the writer would have not been able

to finish this thesis. Those who ask help to Allah will never feel disappointment.

This thesis is presented to English Department of State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Saijana degree. The

writer is aware that she would not have been able to finish her thesis without the help of

the following, in particular, to whom the writer is deeply indebted to:

1. Drs. Badwan, M. Ag, the head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga, for

allowing her to conduct a research.

2. Drs. Sa’adi, M. Ag, the dean of English Department of Islamic Studies Institute of

Salatiga, for his guidance and encouragement.

3. DR. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd as the first consultant and Ruwandi, S.Pd, the second

one who is always ready to give help in solving her problem concerning the writing

for the finishing of the thesis. Thanks you very much for you patience and guidance.

4. H. M. Amirin Aftaiss, B.A, the headmaster of MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal,

Batang, for allowing the writer to have a research at his school.

5. All of the lectures of English Department, the writer deeply thanks you all for not only

giving knowledge, but also insight.

6. My beloved family; father, mother, grand ma, brothers, sisters, my niece and my

nephew too, which has facilitated, giving pray and encouraged the writer to finish her

study. I could have never thanked you enough and never been able to repay what you


8. My friends in Pengilon (Rahma, Nung, Jannah, Ema, Zizzah, Wiwiek, and Noeroel), “

Don’t forget our togetherness

9. Special person in my live, who always patiently for giving support, guidance and

suggestion although we far. f

10. My friends of KKN Dayugo ( Papa Habieb, Mama Riecha, Mami Istiq, Mba’ Sietie,

Mba’ Tarie, Mas Rofiq, Mas Daman, Mas Achyar and Mas Saliem ), “ I have always

been very grateful with your nice favour

11. All my friends, especially the students of TBI ’01 (Mba’ leny, Ana, Mba’ Iskay, Anik,

Heny and the oterswho cannot mention one by one).

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is imperfect The writer gladly accept

constructive criticisms and evaluation to make this thesis better.

Salatiga, 6 January 2006









A. Background of the Problem... 1

B. Identification of the Problem...3

C. Statements of the Problem... 3

D. Objective of the Problem... 4

E. The Benefit of the Research...4

F. Outline of the Thesis... 5


A. Teaching... 7

B. Learning...8

C. Teaching Learning Process...9

D. Method in Teaching Learning Process... 11

E. Divisions of Methods...12

F. Use of Methods in Teaching Learning Process...13

1. Eclectic Method... 14



I. Theoretical Hypothesis... 20


A. Research Approach... 21

B. Type of the Research... 21

C. Brief History of MTs Ahmad Yani...22

D. Sample... 27

E. Technique of Sampling... 29

F. Data Collection Method... 29

G. Research Design...31

H. Method of Data Analysis... 32

I. Statistical Hypothesis... 34


A. Data Analysis...35

B. Reseach Result...42


A. Conclusions... 44

B. Suggestions... 45




This chapter presents about the background of the problem, the

identification of the problem, the statements of the problem, the objectives of the

research, the benefit of the research and outline of the thesis.

A. Background of the Problem

Education is a way to realize the ideals of a nation including Indonesia.

The education occupies an important role in developing Indonesian people.

Therefore, the Indonesian government always tries to increase the quality of

education by improving several aspects that contributes to determine the quality of

education in teaching learning process including teaching learning of English. For

the reason the result of education cannot be separated from a few elements dealing

with English teaching learning because education in general and English teaching

in particular is a combined effort of several forces to achieve a common goal.

Factors like the students, the teachers, time allotment, the use of visual aids,

methodology, teaching material and other facilities work together to bring about

the final result of teaching.1 2 One of the elements that influences language teaching

learning is method. The success or the failure of teaching program is usually

measured by the method used, because the method will establish the content and

the way to teach language.

1 Ramelan, Introduction to Linguistics fo r Students o f English in Indonesia,Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni IKIP Semarang, 1984, P. 7 8

2 Muljanto Sumardi, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, Sebuah Tinjauan Dari Segi Metodologi,Bulan Bintang, Jakarta, 1974, p. 7


In English teaching, there are many methods that can be used by English

teachers. Every method has its strengths and weaknesses. Thus teachers should try

to choose and select the best method that is appropriate for teaching certain

language skills or language elements.

In Madrasah Tsanawiyah, the use of teaching method is adjusted with the

national curriculum recommended that can be found in GBPP of MTs. To

increase the quality of language teaching, Education Department of Indonesia

efforts to establish and to create one of language teaching method which is more

effective and efficient, although there is no best method/

Because there is no best or worst method, teachers have to choose the

most suitable method in order to reach the purpose of language teaching. Abu

Tauchid says that:

The relation between method and purpose of education can be described as the cause and effect linkage. Its means that if the method used is the best and appropriate, the formulated purposes can be reached satisfactorily.3 4

In fact, the curriculum changes from time to time. Consequently the

methods used in teaching learning process may change too. Unfortunately, there

are still many teachers who use a method for teaching all language skills or

language elements.

All the methods usually concern to all language skill as speaking,

reading, writing and listening although they have different emphasis. In this case

eclectic and grammar translation methods concern those aspects, while the eclectic

3 Umar Assasuddin Sokah, Problematika Pengajaran Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris, Nur Cahaya, 1982, p. 12


method itself is the combination between direct method and grammar translation


Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to conduct a research






B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, there are many problems relating with

teaching learning process and the methods used. The problems identified can be

proposed as follows:

1. Teachers still consider that method is the level of theory while teaching is


2. There are many teachers who do not understand the variations of methods

3. The teacher stands still to use one method

4. One teaching method is used for all English skills and English elements.

C. Statements of the Problem

Based on the discussion above, the writer proposes the problems as



Wonotunggal, Batang taught by eclectic method?

2. How far is the students’ English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani

Wonotunggal, Batang taught by grammar-translation method?

3. Is there any significant difference of the effectiveness in the use of eclectic

method and grammar-translation method to English achievement of the second

grade students of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang?

D. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To find out the students’ English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani

Wonotunggal, Batang taught by eclectic method.

2. To find out the students’ English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani

Wonotunggal, Batang taught by grammar-translation method.

3. To find out the significant difference of the effectiveness between the use of

eclectic method and grammar-translation method to English achievement of

the second grade students of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang.

E. Benefit of the Research

1. For the researcher

a. To more understand about eclectic method and grammar translation

method used.

b. To improve the ability in the use of eclectic method and grammar


2. For the teachers

a. The teachers know the importance of using different methods; those are

eclectic method and grammar translation methods in English teaching

learning process.

b. To recommend teachers to choose and select the best method.

3. For the students

a. The students are expected to have more attention and interest in English

teaching learning process because it has an interesting role in their

following career.

b. To motivate students, especially the students of MTs Ahmad Yani in order

that they can manage the learning time so they can reach the best


F. Outline of the Thesis

This research consists of five chapters as the following:

Chapter one is introduction; that consists of background of the problem,

identification of the problem, statements of the problem, objectives of the

research, benefits of the research, and outline of the thesis.

Chapter two is review of related literature that consists of teaching,

learning, teaching learning process, methods, divisions of methods, use of

methods in teaching learning process, students’ achievement and theoretical



approach, type of research, population, sample, technique of sampling, data

collection method, data analysis and statistical hypothesis.

Chapter four is discussion and presentation, consists of data analysis

and research summary.


This chapter discuss everything relating with the teaching, learning, teaching

learning process, the methods in teaching learning process, the divisions of methods,

the use of methods in teaching learning process, students’ achievement and

their head ‘ so as to yield theories of teaching”. Teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting condition for learning.1 A.S Horn by

says that teaching is to give the instruction to somebody that causes somebody to

know or be able to do something.2

According to Ronald T. Hyman in his book Ways o f Teaching, there are two

definitions of teaching:

1. Teaching is a system of action intended to induce learning.

2. Teaching occurs when teachers by virtue of their instructional activities succeed

wholly or in part in enabling pupils to learn.3

Teaching ideally involves the systematic arrangement of a learning

environment using relevant principles of human learning matched with the learner’s

1 Douglas Brown, Principles o f Language and teaching, prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1980, p. 8. 2 A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary o f Current English, Oxford University Pers,


3 Ronald T. Hyman, Ways o f Teaching ( 2nd Edition ), J. B. Lippincott Company, New York, 1974 P.



The kinds of the “ Learning “ terms above automatically result the kinds of

definitions. All of them, however, have same meaning and aim. Basically, learning is

an activity or a process which is signed by understanding, attitude, behavior, skill

and the receiving and reaction power. It can be said “ Learning “ if there are subject

and object. The subject is the human, while the object is the thing or the material.

C. Teaching Learning Process


Teaching can mean as a process in organizing a potential source correctly, so

that the process of learning happens.7 The implication is that the roles of teachers are

not only distributing the knowledge to the students, but they are the directors of

learning among the students. Directors mean that teachers are not the most dominant

learning sources. Based on the cognitive, effective and psychomotoric method, they

have to be able to take the students into the awareness and then make them

understand how much important studying is.

In the process of teaching and learning there are four factors which are

relevant. They are teacher, students, the material and environment.8 These four

elements interact and set up the teaching learning process. Dealing with the teaching

learning English, there are several factors that should be kept in mind.

l.The Factor of Teacher

In the teaching learning process, teachers hold the major role to reach the aim

of learning. Therefore, they should posses the skill of teaching, the skill of

managing the step of learning, the skill of mastering the approach, method and


technique,the skill of using medium, and the skill of dividing the time.9 These five

skills are the approaches as used by teacher in communicating the teaching activity

in order to reach the aim of learning.

2. The Factor of Student

In teaching learning process, students are subjects that will deal the learning

purpose in real study product. Gollnick says that in students there are

characteristics which can influence teaching learning process. They are age, social

class, ethnic and race.10 Gollnick divides age in four categories: childhood,

adolescence, adulthood and the aged.11

3. The Factor of Material and Curriculum

The writer use these terms, because both of which is interrelated. Material

consists of curriculum. It consists of the grade that will be widened in material

developments that suit whit the students’ ability to reach the purpose of study. The

material in curriculum must be organized to make the students easy understand.

The material arrangement is required in teaching learning process. The

arrangement aids to give instruction of materials more effective, for the students

are unbored and tired with the material conveyed.12

9 D. N. Robinson, A s a s -A a s Praktek Mengajar ( Saduran : Suparno, Sulaiman Sahlan, Ruslan

Efendi), Bhrata, Jakarta, 1998, p. 21.

10 Donna M. Gollnick and Phillips C. chin, Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society, Prentice - Hill, Inc, New Jersey, 1998, p. 306.

11 Ibid, p. 260.

12 Sudrajad Miko, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Dalam Menunjang Kecakapan Hidup Siswa,


4.The Factor of Environment

Environment is the context as the study experience takes place. Environment

around the students as well as in and out of the classroom needs to be used

optimally in order to make the interaction in teaching learning process more

effective and efficient. In other word, environment is useful to help teaching.

D. Method in Teaching Learning Process.

Teacher is responsible for guiding students, and thus it is he who determines

the appropriate method for doing. In order to dedicate with appropriate method, the

teacher needs criteria to teach. Teacher should consider the students, the situation

and himself while drawing on his understanding of the various methods.

In language teaching, there are many methods. A method is a comprehensive

planning relating with the materials that are directly given and are based on an


According to Richards, method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation

of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon

approach.14 Approach is Axiomatic a method is procedural. Within one approach,

there can be many methods. Learning English as a foreign language is more difficult

from that of English as a second or national language, because the success of

learning purpose depends on method and presentation in teaching and learning.

13 Muljanto Sumardi, Pengajaran Bahasa A sing Sebuah Tinjauan D ari Segi M etodologi, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta, 1974, p. 12.


Several factors in orderly presentation will be influenced by the nature of the

students’ language as compared to English. Teaching English to Javanese speakers

differs methodologically to that to Chinese speakers. The age of the students, his

cultural background, and his previous experience with English modify the method

employed. The experience of the teacher and his level o f English mastery are

significant. The goal of course must be considered, whether it is aimed at reading,

fluency in speech and inculcating translation skill.

An appropriate way to encounter theories in practice is to examine major

language teaching approaches and methods of the twentieth century. Eveiy language

teaching method has its certain theoretical underpinnings. Since these foundations

almost always combine more than one discipline, we have seen language teaching is

not just linguistics or just psychology but involves both, along with pedagogical,

sociological and other interdisciplinary considerations.

E. Divisions of Method

When we have an interaction in class in order to reach the purpose of

teaching learning process, we need some approaches or methods to support the

success of teaching learning process itself. The varieties of methods are:


7. Translation Method

8. Grammar - Translation Method

9. Eclectic Method

10. Unit Method

11. Language - Control Method

12. Min - Mem Method

13. Practice -Theory Method

14. Cognate Method

15. Dual Language Method.13

Each of the methods has specific characteristics. It depends on teacher to

apply. Thus the teacher has to know and to be more selective in choosing the most

suitable method in order to reach the purpose of teaching learning process.

F. Use of Method in Teaching Learning Process

To present instructional materials well, teachers need select the most

appropriate method to be applied. The methodological selection process commented

when they propose lesson plan. Since there are sorts of methods they must be

conscientious to identify before considering what kind of domains they want to teach

and what kind of skill they emphasize and would like to achieve.

Exactly the method used has always attached when teaching learning process

is being prepared, so the choice of the appropriate method is a crucial step. It starts

from the very beginning when teachers construct their lesson plan. They have to 15


consider what sort of method they want to make use. It cannot be designed

coincidently and directly when the class is going on, so they should choose


In the consideration, they should realize that there is no best or worst

method. It has its superiority as well as inferiority. One method may be perfect for a

certain material but it is counter productive for the others.

There are some methods that can be implemented in classroom. However, in

this thesis the writer only compares two methods. First is eclectic method. In this

method the aspect of speaking, writing, reading and listening skill is more

emphasized. The second one is grammar - translation method. In this case only

aspect of writing and reading skill is emphasized.

1. Eclectic Method

Eclectic method is a mixed method consisting of element of direct method

and grammar - translation method.16 Eclectic method is the way to teach foreign

language through several combinations of several methods.

Based on the definition above, the writer will describe the elements of

eclectic method as following:

a). Direct method

Direct method is conducted orally and directly in the foreign language

without translation. The attempt is to be as “natural “ as possible in the

classroom, with grammar and deductive thinking, and with a concentration on

communicative practice.


L. Sauver in book of Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching a

foreign language says that it could be taught without translation or the use of the

learner’s native tongue if meaning is conveyed directly through demonstration and


According to Franke, a language could best be taught by using it actively

in the classroom, rather than analytical procedures that focus on explanation of

grammar - rules in classroom teaching. Teacher must encourage direct and

spontaneous use of the foreign language in the classroom.18 Direct method is a

teaching method where no translation is allowed. In fact, the direct method

receives its names from the fact that meaning is to be connected directly with the

target language, without going through the process of translating into the student’s

native language. Learners would then be able to induce rules of grammar. The

teacher replaces the textbook in the early stage of learning. Speaking begins with

systematic attention to pronunciation. Known words could be used to teach new

vocabulary, by using mime, demonstration and pictures.

The principles of direct method, are as follows :

1) . Classroom interaction is conducted exclusively in the target language.

2) . Only everyday vocabulary and sentence are taught.

3) . Oral communication skills will be built up in a carefully graded

progression organized around questions and answer exchanges between

teachers and students in small, intensive classes.

17 Jack C. Richard, op. cit, p. 9.


4) . Grammar is taught inductively.

5) . New teaching point is introduced orally.

6) . Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, object and

pictures, abstracts vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.

7) . Both speech and listening comprehension are taught.

8) . Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized,

b). Grammar - Translation Method

This method stresses on reading ability, the study of the grammar as an

aid to reading comprehension, and a great deal of both written and oral


Through eclectic method students will be given many exercises, for

example oral practice, reading aloud, discussion, translation and sometimes the

use audio visual aids.

2. Grammar - Translation Method

Grammar - translation method is combination between grammar method

and translation method.19 Grammar - translation method is a way of studying

language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its

grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of

translating sentences and text into and out of target language.20

Robert Lado says that the grammar - translation method begins with

definitions of the part of speech, declensions, conjugations, rule to be memorized,


example illustrating the rules and exception.21 In this method the aspect of writing

and reading skill are more emphasized so this method stresses reading ability. The

study of the grammar is an aid to reading comprehension, and a great deal of both

written and oral translation. Spontaneous oral work is de-emphasized;

pronunciation is important only for classroom intelligibility.

Although the grammar — translation method often creates frustration for

students, it makes few demands on teachers. It is still used in situation where

understanding literary texts is the primary focus of foreign language study and

there is little need for a speaking knowledge of the language. Contemporary texts

for the teaching of foreign language at college level often reflect grammar-

translation principles. The principle characteristics of grammar - translation

method are:

a) . The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its

literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual

development that result from foreign language study.

b) . Reading and writing are the major focus.

c) . Vocabulary selection is based solely on reading texts used, and words are

taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study and memorization.

d) . The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice.

e) . Accuracy is emphasized

f) . Grammar is taught deductively.

g) . The student’s native language is the medium of instruction.


Consequently, though it may be true to say that grammar - translation

method is still widely practiced, it has no advocates. It is a method for which there

is no theory. There is no literature that offers a rationale or justification for it or

that attempts to relate it to issues in linguistics, psychology, or educational theory.

G. Students’ Achievement

In general, achievement is personal accomplishment, attainment of goals f

set by individual or society in educational psychology. The terms are applied to

specified level of proficiency in academic purposes. The definition of achievement is

measurement of students change in term of test result.

The achievement measurement can be interpreted in six ways, they are:

1. Main level of achievement.

The main level of achievement is normally represented by the test score or to be

designed by grade.

2. Average or distribution of achievement.

It provides more information that main level can be used to interpret individual

achievement level related to a group average.

3. Group Achievement.

It is related to larger group average or distribution.

4. “ Mastery” level achievement.

5. Achievement.

6. Effect size.22


H. Use of Method in Teaching Learning Process and the Students’ Achievement

In teaching learning process one of case which often floodlighted by a

people is method. Successful and failure of teaching learning process often valued

from used method, because method is determining the target and the way of study.

In reality each method is used in teaching learning process got change. This

matter is happened because new ideas are which represent the development, repair

and completion from old ideas, oftentimes represent the rejection for what have been

reached before.

For example, the method used in language study. The teachers’ opinion

about language is article of course will using long time to teach with the learning

activities in the form of charcoal rock, made resume, and less pay attention to the

practice of utterance and practice structure drill. Different with the natural method,

which emphasizing the importance of memorizing and analogy because this method

is based by a principle that in learning foreign language, a student must stay in the

same situation and condition like he learn mother language in small time.

The explanations above indicate that the difference between one method

and the other method can be caused by the difference base of language theory,

difference of portraying language and also because different opinion about how

somebody get language ability.

The differences of that methods causing the difference in teaching learning

process too, and its impact is students’ achievement. Sometime, in teaching learning


is clever, but the method used by his cannot acceptable, so, the student will difficulty

in accepting lesson that moment.

Based on the explanation above, it clear that the use of methods in teaching

learning process will influence students’ achievement. Because, within reached an

achievement is a result of teaching learning process. I. 2

I. Theoretical Hypothesis


The writer tries to propose the theoretical hypothesis as follows:

1. There is difference between the use of eclectic method and grammar-translation

method in English achievement.

2. There is a significant difference of the English achievement of the second year

students of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang taught by eclectic method


This chapter presents the research approach, the type of the research,

population, sample, technique of sampling, data collection method, method of data

analysis and statistical hypothesis.

A. Research Approach

The research uses quantitative approach. A quantitative study consistent with

the quantitative paradigm, is an inquiry of a social or human problem, based on

testing of a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed

with statistical procedures, in order to determine whether the predictive

generalizations of the theory hold true.1

Quantitative approach recommends that the researcher should make distance

and be independent to object being researched. Quantitative approach is divided into

two kinds: surveys and experiments. In these extremes, a researcher attempts to

control and select a systematic sample and be objective in assessing a situation.2

B. Type of the Research

This is an experimental research. Sutrisno Hadi says1 2 3, the aim of the

experimental study in educational field is to know the value of the influence of a

treatment toward students’ behaviour or to examine the hypothesis whether there is

1 John W. Creswel, Research Design Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches,Sage Publication, New Delhi, 1994, p. 2.

2 Ibid,p. 6.

3 Sutrisno Hadi, Metodologi Research 4,Andi Offeset, Yogyakarta, 1991, p. 428.


or there is no influence of the treatment. The purpose of this research is to know the

effectiveness of the use of eclectic method and grammar - translation method to

English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang in the academic

year of 2005 / 2006. In this research, the researcher would compare two groups that

are given different treatments in teaching learning process. The first group is the

experiment group, which was taught by using eclectic method in their teaching

learning process. The second group is the control group that was taught by using

grammar - translation method in their teaching learning process.

The use different treatments is to prove that there is a significant different of

the English achievement between the students who are taught by eclectic method and

the students who are taught with grammar - translation method in their teaching

learning process.

The procedures of this research are first, all groups, the experiment and the

control groups were given the same test, namely pre - test. Through this test the

writer knows their basic competence before getting different treatments. And to

know the result of the different treatments, they were given a post - test. Then, the

data were analyzed to get the conclusion of this research.

C. Brief History of MTs Ahmad Yani.

Based on the document gotten, this school was built in July 14, 1986 on Jl.

Wonotungal 108 Batang, 51253. This location is very strategic because it is in the

central of village.

This institution is under Islamic Centre Foundation (YIC) Batang. This


The background of building this school is based on the assumption that

religious and non religious educations must be matched. The aim of this education is

to prepare the students to be skillfull in applying religion and science compatibly to

encounter competition in globalization era.

MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang has been built since 1986 on Jl.

Wonotunggal 108, Wonotunggal village, Wonotunggal district and includes Batang

regency. Although it has been built since 1986, but it statue was decreed on 5

December 1987 with certificate No. wk/ 5.c/ 5/ Pgm/Ts/1987 and its statistsical

number 212332501016 and school status: accredited.


8 Headmaster office 1

2. The profile of teachers and staffs

Education in general is combined efforts of several forces to achieve

common goals. One of those forces is teacher. In formal education, it needs

qualified people as teachers and staffs as administrators to run the teaching

learning process well.

The teachers and staffs of MTs. Ahmad Yani are as follows:




1 HM. Amirin Aftaiss,BA Headmaster Arabic

2 Musbihin Counseling Affairs

and teacher

Biology and Chernies

3 Untung Joko Atmadi Teacher Mathematics

4 Ali Subhi Teacher Islamic historical


5 Dra. Masruroh Curriculum Affairs and Teacher

Fiqh, Ke NU-an and Civics

6 Amin Purwaningsih,S.Pd Teacher English and Civics

7 Naili Hilmiyatie,S.Ag Teacher Physics, Arabic and


8 Arumsari,S.Sn Teacher Geography, javanese

and art

10 Masykur,S.Ag Teacher Indonesian, Ke NU-


11 Teguh Budiono Student Affairs and


Sport and Physic

12 Susanti,S.Pd Teacher Civics and art

13 Uma Faizah,S.Pd Teacher Geography and


14 Agusno Dwi Purwo,SE Teacher Mathematics and


15 Aida Sofmti,S.Pd Teacher Indonesian

16 Nurul Wahidah,SE Teacher Mathematics and


17 Uswatun Hasanah,S.Pdi Teacher Qur’an Hadist and

Islamic historical culture

18 Nur Kholimin,SH Teacher Sport, Mathematics






1 VII A 22 25 47

2 VII B 24 24 48

3 VIII A 20 15 35

4 VIII B 19 16 35

5 III A 12 20 32

6 III B 14 20 34

7 m e 17 15 32

Total 128 135 263

4. The school’s organization structure

The writer would like to present the organization structure as in scheme as




recommended in order to improve their achievements.

Those extracurricular activities are as the following:

a. Scout

It is held on Friday. It has also its own organization structure but This is

included into the intra- school Students Association.

b. Drumband

c. Computer

d. Sport (volley ball and foot ball)

e. Red cross

f. Qiro’ah (the art of reading the holy qur’an)

g. Schools security

Each of those extra activities is held once a week. Besides improving

students’ achievement the activities also aim at training the students’ discipline,

growing up their talent and ability and strengthening and confirming and

developing positive attitude and behavior.

D. Sample

A chosen sample must really represent the population, because the result of

the research will be generalized toward the whole population. Representative sample


In MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang there are 70 second year

students. Because the total number of subjects is less from 100, the research took all

the subjects as sample. They are divided into two groups. Each group consists of 35






No Student Name No Student Name



A. Abdillah 1


Abdul Mujid

2. A. Ghozali 2. Afin Murtadlo

3. A. Tapsirudin 3. Agus Syahidin

4. Agus Supriyanto 4. Ahmad Salim

5. Ahmad Khafid 5. Ahmad Zulfikar

6. Aji Kusworo 6. A. Shofi

7. Alwafak 7. Ariswati Widiastuti

8. Cassandi 8. Dewi Kumiasih

9. Een Wiranti 9. Casuni

10. Ifa Iklassiyah 10. Eko Casudi

11. Jinta Nur Pricahyo 11. Fatchur

12. Khoirul Umam 12. Happy Ratna Sari

13. Kholilah 13. Joni

14. Latifatul Mila Sari 14. Khotimah

15. Lina Pujiyanti 15. Lailatul Badriyah

16. Lutfil Hakim 16. Lisa Pratiwi

17. M. Dwi Hanata 17. M. Anwar Fatoni


19. Marwiyah 19. M. Zuhdi

20. Miskiyatul Barorah 20. Moh. Hadidinana

21. Muhsinin 21. Moh. Romadhon

22. Muslichin 22. Mudrikah

23. Ning Hidayatur. R 23. Muhatadin

24. Riyah Indayani 24. Muslimah

25. Riza Riskiana 25. Nurul Huda

26. Rohana 26. Nias Ayu

27. Saeri Murtadlo 27. Risma Yunaidah

28. Siti Choeriyah 28. Sapuan

29. Siti Rojaonah 29. Siti Aliyah

30. Sukro Yahya 30. Siti Khoiriyah

31. Sunaryo 31. Sriatun

32. Tajudin 32. Syafiq Maulana

33. Tatik Rohayati 33. Ulfah Zulfiana

34. Triwayat Abdul. M 34. Wiwik Widiyanti

35. Wahyuni 35. Yulecha

E. Technique of Sampling

This research uses sample random sampling. All the subjects in this

population will be considered as sample.4 The writer chooses VIII A as the

experiment group and VIIIB as the control group.

F. Data Collection Method

There are a few data collection methods used in this research, namely test

and documentation.


To get accurate data, the researcher needs a qualified instrument. The

instrument that is used by the researcher is the same test given to the different

groups. The questions consist of some items distributed to the students. There are

10 multiple choice (That are 5 items for reading tests and 5 items for grammar

test), 10 items for vocabulary tests and the other items are essay types consisting of

reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar.

In this research, the researcher gave twice tests, they are:

Pre-test is used to find out how far is the students’ abilities of the two groups

before being given the different treatments in teaching learning process.

1). Calculation of means of the two groups.6

2). Calculation of t-test:7

5 Suharmi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek ( Edisi Revisi II), Rineka cipta, Jakarta, 1998, P. 123

6 Sutrisno Hadi, op.cit, P. 445. 7 Ibid, P. 443.

a. Pre - Test

To = M a - Mb


b. Post - Test

It is done after the students got different treatments (group A was taught by

using eclectic method and group B was taught by using grammar - translation

method). The aim of the post-test is to find out how far is the students’

achievement after they were given different treatments.

1). Calculation of means of two groups:


2). Calculation of t-test

To = M aM b

~ Z X a 2 + Z X b 2 ~ ' 1 1 '

n a + n b - 2 na nb

2. Documentation

The documentation used are in the form of notes, book transcript, and the

book history of MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang. This method is used to

know the condition of teachers, staffs, students, the structure of organization and

location of the school.

G. Research Design

To make the data in this research complete and clear, the researcher




No. Experiment Group Control Group

1. Teacher gave the students pre-test Teacher gave the students pre-test

2. Teacher gave the topics of the lesson,

they were: kinds of clothes, making

clothes and cloth.

Teacher gave the topics of lesson, they

were: kinds of clothes, making clothes

and cloth.

3. The teacher read the text, then taught

the grammatical rules inductively, it

means that the researcher gave the

example, and the students concluded

by them self.

The teacher read the text, then taught

the grammatical rules deductively, it

means that the researcher gave the

exercise to the students with


4. The teacher gave the subject matter

for the students in the form of oral

practice, reading aloud and

The teacher gave the subject matter for

the students in the form of

understanding o f grammatical rules.

.. _ discussion. translation and interpretation.

5. The teacher gave task for the students

to retell the subject matter orally.

The teacher gave task for the students

H. Method of Data Analysis.

The data analysis used in this research is comparative analysis. It means

that both experiment group and the control group are compared. The result of the

comparison is used to measure whether there is significant difference between the

use of eclectic method and grammar - translation method in teaching learning


achievement of the control group and experiment group before and after getting


The-test randomized designed formula used is as follows:

M a -M b

Xa : Deviation of the individual score of Ma

Xb : Deviation of the individual score of Mb

na : Number of students in Class A

nb : Number of students in class B

To find out the significant difference between the two groups, the writer

compared the result of t-test with the t-table. Through pre-test, it is expected there is

no significant difference between two groups, so, the first theoretical hypothesis is

accepted or if the result of the t-test is less than or equal with t-table. In short, when

the score of the calculation indicates that t-test is less than or the same with t-table

that there is no difference between the experiment group and control group before

being given different treatments.

The acceptance or refusal of the hypothesis is based on the comparison of

the coefficient score by calculating t-table and t-test. The coefficient of the t-table got


the number of group. In the research na = 35 and nb = 35, and the level of

significance of 5%, that is 2,00.

If the calculation is less than t-table; the statistical hypothesis that says

there is no significant difference between two groups (eclectic method and grammar

- translation method) to English achievement is refused. But if the calculation is

more than or same with t-table, the statistical hypothesis that says there is significant

difference between two methods (eclectic method and grammar translation method)

is accepted.

I. Statistical Hypothesis

Statistical hypothesis is justified based on statistical data analysis. Based

on the research methodology explained above, the writer formulates the statistical

hypothesis as follows:

1. There is no difference between the use of eclectic method and grammar-translation

method in English achievement.

2. There is no significant difference of the English achievement of the second year

students of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang taught by eclectic method


This chapter consists of data analysis and research summary. In this chapter,

the writer explains the calculation of means and the result of the t-test.

A. Data Analysis


There are two kinds of test that are needed in this research. They are pre-test

and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Pre test is used to find out students’ achievement before they are given different

treatments. The steps of the calculation is divided into two kinds:

a. The calculation of mean

The calculation of mean is used to find out that there is difference of the two

groups or not. The formula used is as follows:

b. t-test

t-test is used to find out that there is significant difference or not. The formula

used is as follows:

To = M a - M b

Z X a 2 + Z X b 2 ' i r na + n b - 2


na nb


2. Post-test

Post-test is used to find out the students’ achievement after they are given

different treatments. The steps of the calculation are as follows:

a. The calculation of mean

The calculation of mean is used to find out that there is difference of the two

groups or not. The formula used is as follows:

b. t-test

t-test is used to find out that there is significant difference or not. The formula

used is as follows:

Xa Xa-Ma=Xa Xa2 Xb Xb-Mb=Xb Xb2


7 55 -6,26 39,19 7 65 3,26 10,62

15 56 -5,26 27,67 15 50 -11,74 137,82

16 63 1,74 3,03 16 62 0,26 0,06

17 65 3,74 13,99 17 71 9,26 85,74

18 64 2,74 7,51 18 78 16,26 264,38

19 60 -1,26 1,59 19 . 58 -3,74 13,98

20 55 -6,26 39,19 20 46 -15,74 247,74

21 65 3,74 13,99 21 63 1,26 1,58

22 62 0,74 0,55 22 57 -4,74 22,46

23 61 -0,26 0,07 23 70 8,26 68,22

24 65 3,74 13,99 24 72 10,26 105,26

25 61 -0,26 0,07 25 65 3,26 10,62

26 65 3,74 13,99 26 71 9,26 85,74

27 58 -3,26 10,63 27 54 -7,74 59,90

28 61 -0,26 0,07 28 55 -6,74 45,42

29 63 1,74 3,03 29 62 0,26 0,06


7 55 -6,26 39,19 7 65 3,26 10,62

15 56 -5,26 27,67 15 50 -11,74 137,82

16 63 1,74 3,03 16 62 0,26 0,06

17 65 3,74 13,99 17 71 9,26 85,74

18 64 2,74 7,51 18 78 16,26 264,38

19 60 -1,26 1,59 19 58 -3,74 13,98

20 55 -6,26 39,19 20 46 -15,74 247,74

21 65 3,74 13,99 21 63 1,26 1,58

22 62 0,74 0,55 22 57 -4,74 22,46

23 61 -0,26 0,07 23 70 8,26 68,22

24 65 3,74 13,99 24 72 10,26 105,26

25 61 -0,26 0,07 25 65 3,26 10,62

26 65 3,74 13,99 26 71 9,26 85,74

27 58 -3,26 10,63 27 54 -7,74 59,90

28 61 -0,26 0,07 28 55 -6,74 45,42

29 63 1,74 3,03 29 62 0,26 0,06


31 67 5,74 32,95 31 61 -0,74 0,54

32 60 -1,26 1,59 32 58 -3,74 13,98

33 60 -1,26 1,59 33 58 -3,74 13,98

34 58 -3,26 10,63 34 69 7,26 52,70

35 75 13,74 118,78 35 77 15,26 232,86

I 2144 -0,1 542,76 I 2161 0,1 2550.42



Xa Xa-Ma = Xa Xa2 Xb Xb-Mb=Xb Xb

1 63 -4,68 21,90 1 65 2,69 7,23

2 61 -6,68 44,62 2 65 2,69 7,23

3 65 -2,68 7,18 3 55 -7,31 53,54

4 80 12,32 151,78 4 77 14,69 215,79

5 64 -3,68 13,54 5 52 -10,31 106,29


12 75 7,32 53,58 12 65 2,69 7,23

13 70 2,32 5,38 13 56 -6,31 39,81

14 80 12,32 151,78 14 75 12,69 161,03

15 55 -12,68 160,78 15 63 0,69 0,47

23 64 -3,68 13,54 23 76 13,69 187,41

24 80 12,32 151,78 24 71 8,69 75,51

25 60 -7,68 58,98 25 68 5,69 32,37

26 57 -10,68 114,06 26 57 -5,31 28,19

27 64 -3,68 13,54 27 69 6,69 44,75

28 60 -7,68 58,98 28 66 3,69 13,61

29 65 -2,68 7,18 29 58 -4,31 18,57

30 71 3,32 11,02 30 53 -9,31 86,57

31 80 12,32 151,58 31 75 12,69 161,03

32 75 7,32 53,58 32 65 2,69 7,23

33 69 1,32 1,74 33 64 1,69 2,85

34 70 2,32 5,38 34 62 -0,31 0,09

35 75 7,32 53,58 35 56 -6,31 39,81


2369 0,2 2207,46


2181 0,77 1901,83

Ma 2369

35 Mb

2181 35


1. The Pre - Test Data Analysis.

The writer began the experiment by giving a pre-test to find the ability of the

students before getting the different treatment. The result of the pre-test was

calculated as follows:

The result of the pre-test was calculated as follows:

a. The score of experiment group ( A )

Na : 35

c. The difference of rate between two groups:



-0.48 1.65

= -0.29

This formula is used to know whether the difference of both groups are

significant or not. From the calculation above, the result is -0,29 it is consulted to the f

1. The post - test data analysis

After getting different treatments, both of the groups got the post - test it is used

to find the result of the experiment. The post - test was calculated with t - test

formula. The steps are as follows :

a. The score of experiment group ( A )


c. The difference of rate between two groups are:

B. Result of the Research.

Based on the calculation above the writer is able to report as follows:

1. Pre-test

Based on the calculation of pre-test it can be concluded that there is no

difference between experiment and control groups because Ma is lower than Mb.

In addition, there is no significant difference between experiment and control


2. Post-test

Based on the calculation of post-test it can be concluded that there is

difference between experiment and control groups because Ma is higher than Mb.

Besides that, there is also significant difference because t-test is higher than t-

table by the level of significance of 5%.


This is the last chapter. This chapter consists of conclusions and


A. Conclusions.

Based on the finding in this research, the writer can draw conclusions as


1. The students’ English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang

who are taught by eclectic method more better than the students’ English

achievement who are taught by grammar-translation method. The mean of

eclectic method (experiment group) is 67,68.

2. The students’ English achievement of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonotunggal, Batang

who taught by grammar-translation method are lower than the students’

English achievement who taught by eclectic method. The mean of grammar-

translation method (control group) is 62,31.

3. There is a significant difference of the English achievement of the second year

students of MTs Ahmad Yani Wonptunggal, Batang taught by eclectic method

and grammar-translation method because the result of t-test is 2,82 higher than

t-table (2,00), so, the hypothesis is accepted.


B. Suggestions.

To improve English teaching learning process, the writer suggests as


1. To the institution

a. The number of references available in the library should be gradually


b. To give the opportunity to the teacher in training and applying the

appropriate methods.

2. To the teacher

a. The English teacher should use difference method in teaching learning

process that will influence the students’ ability to learn.

Teachers should pay attention to the fact. Students’ motivation should be

increased. The use of various methods are suggested to make the students

more interesting.

b. The English teachers should give motivation opportunity them, and

explaining them that English is such an easy way to study.

c. The teacher should be more creative in teaching learning process of


Brown, H. Douglas. 1980. P rin c ip le o f L a n g u a g e L e a rn in g a n d T each in g. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.

Creswel, John W. 1994. Research Design, Qualitative and Quantitative Approach.

Sage Publication. New Delhi

Danim, Sudarman. 1995. Media Komunikasi Pendidikan. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.

Golnick, Donna M. and Philips C. Chin. 1998. M u ltic u ltu ra l E d u ca tio n in a

Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni IKIP Semarang

Richards, Jack. C. and Rodgers, Theodores. 1998. A p p ro a c h e s a n d M eth o d s in L a n g u a g e T ea ch in g A D escrip tio n a n d A n a ly sis. Library of Congress

Cataloging. Cambridge.


Suprayekti. 2003. I n te ra k s i B e la ja r M en g a ja r. Depdiknas. Jakarta..


I. Choose the best answer in the following test items by crossing a, b, c or d!

Read the text below to answer questions 1 - 4!

Most people want to wear clothes that make them attractive, even if its

chief purpose is protection or communication. Such protective clothes as

raincoats, jackets and sweaters come in bright colours and bold patterns. Many

women wear expensive furs to look more beautiful. Even military uniforms are

designed to improve the appearance of servicemen and servicewomen.

1. Based on the text, the function of clothes is for .... 4

a. protection c. decoration

b. communication d. protection and decoration

2. The main purpose women wearing expensive furs is for ....

a. beauty c. protection

b. warmth d. communication

3. Here are the protective clothes, except....

a. Raincoats c. Sweaters

b. Ties d. Jackets

4. The words from the text that have antonym is ....

a. wear ; make c. beauty ; warm

b. servicemen ; d. colour ; pattern


b. she takes her shawl and coat d. I took my shawl and coat

6. Fahmi : Have you ironed father’s shirt?

Fauzi : No, I haven’t

Fahm i: ...?

Fauzi : Right away!

a. Will you do it c. When will you do it

b. Do you want to do it d. What are going to do

7. Aning doesn’t like to wear a jacket. If it is cold, she usually wears a ....

a. sweater c. coat

b. t-shirt d. raincoat

8. Desi : Where’s Linda?

Ika : ... to bed.

a. She is c. She has gone

b. She is gone d. She goes

Doni : How long ... married?

Niko : Since 1992.

a. you are

b. have you been

c. you have been


II. Match the Englsih words with the Indonesian synonyms!

1. To include = ... a. Alasan

2. Uniform b. Hangat

3. Probably = ... c. Melindungi

4. Warm = ... d. Menutupi

5. History = ... e. Mungkin

6. To protect = ... f. Sejarah

7. Reason = ... g. Termasuk

8. Shelter = ... h. Seragam

9. To cover = ... i. Berat

10. Heavy = ... j. Tempat tinggal

III. Read the text below to answer the following questions!

At Pasar Baru

Some boys and girls are at “Pasar Baru”. Didi is looking for a T-Shirt. He

wants a brown one. Hasan is going to buy a white shirt, and Ali is looking for

trousers. Titi, Ani and Nia are looking at some dresses. Ani is going to buy a blue


2. What is Didi looking for?

3. What colour is he going to choose?

4. Who wants jeans?

5. Who is Nia waiting for?

IV. A. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

1. Buy - make - cloth - they - uniforms - to - will - some.

2. Want - 1 - buy - new — a - to - dress.

B. Translate these sentences into Indonesia!

3. Person wear clothes differently one another.

4. People wear clothes based on conditions.

C. Translate this sentence into English


Student’s Number : ...

I. Choose the best answer in the following test items by crossing a, b, c ord!

1. Susi :...?

Oki : Nothing.

Susi : Would you like to join me to “Toko Kain Merapi?”

Oki : Sure!

a. What are you going to do this weekend

b. Are you okay

c. Are you doing something

d. How are you today

2. Father : ...?

Mother: They’ll go to Mrs. Delti’s house.

Father : What for?

Mother: I asked them to take my dress there.

a. Will they go somewhere

b. When will they go

c. How will they do it

d. Where will they go to

3. My father wears a tie and a ....


b. since six month d. in six month

We ... a holiday last year.

a. don’t have c. haven’t had


b. didn’t had d. didn’t have

Read and complete the text below to answer questions 6 - 8 !

Colour (6) ... one of the first things you notice about a garment. You

should always choose colours that look right on you. A girl who (7) ... not look

pretty in bright new purple shade could not buy a dress in that colour, however

fashionable it may be. Skin colour is the most important guide. To find her most

attractive clothing colours, a girl should hold samples do to her face and (8) ...

the most suitable ones.

6. a. is c. was

b. are d. were

7. a. is c. does

b. was d. do

8. a. should choose c. to choose

b. choose d. chosen

9. A tailor needs ... to make clothes.


10. Father : What is she doing in the living room?

Rina : ....

Father : Well, let me see her myself.

a. She’s cooking the dinner.

b. She’s washing her sweater

c. She’s making the bed

d. She’s reading a newspaper

II. Match the sentences in column A with in column B!


1. That jumper is nice. a. I’ll get a bottle of milk

2. I’m thirsty b. I’ll get the pasta

3. The cat wants to go in c. I’ll answer it

4. The water is boiling d. I’ll buy it

5. I haven’t got anymore stamps e. I’ll get a towel

6. The baby is hungry f. I’ll clean it up

7. The phone is ringing g. I’ll go to the post office

8. It’s hot h. I’ll open the window

9. Somebody splits the coffee i. I’ll open the door


metres of cotton and 30 feet of black leather. They want to make some clothes

for a school fashion show.

Answer the questions!

1. Who have bought some clothes?

2. Did Sofia buy the same material as Andrie?

3. How many metres of wool has Sofia bought?

4. How many feet of leather has Andrie bought?

5. What do they want to make some clothes for?

IV. A. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

1. You — made - of - have — cotton — pyjamas — ?

2. Now - wearing - they - leather - are - gloves - their.

B. Translate these sentences into Indonesia!

3. India is one of the country which has been highly industrialized in

making clothes.

4. Songket cloth is increasingly popular in Indonesia.

C. Translate this sentence into English!


2. A 2. D

3. B 3. E

4. B 4.G

5. C 5. F

6. C 6. C

7. A 7. A

8. C 8. J

9. C 9. D

10. D 10.1

HI.1. at Pasar Baru

2. a T - shirt

3. a Grown one

4. Nina

5. Tini and Ani

IV. A. l.They will buy some cloth to make uniforms.

2 .1 want to buy a new dress.

B. 3. Setiap orang memakai baju berbeda dengan yang lain.

4. Orang -orang memakai pakaian sesuai dengan kondisinya.


2. D

3. She has bought two metres of wool

4. He has bought thirty feet of leather

5. They wants to make some clothes for a school fashion show

IV. A. 1. Have you pyjamas made of cotton ?

2. They are wearing their gloves leather now.

B. 3. India adalah satu Negara penghasil tertinggi dalam pembuatan kain

4. Kain songket meningkatkan kapopuleran Indanesia.



/si K onsultasi Catatai. Pembimbing Para f

“ : ...■' ...i > . ~

*) Lembar konsultasi ini harus dibawa setiap berkonsumsi dengan 'Vn.himbing/Asislen Pembimbing **) Corel yang lidak perlu

Asisten Pembimbing

P-OlAiAMPi, C, f d, fn-A {f- RdHfUAT H/VfyAPI IH .fcJ

n». 150



Program Studi Judul Skripsi


b 1r ! LAH NIM .jI.^


A (KJlWr/'t'-ATH/F Ctup/ 5»N Itlt ff fU ] IViPUs' <Sf USIN& ECLECTIC '

AN p ALtttiviwij/i e>f

7HV -/(/?- !?F Ki> AHMAl? -/AN) &At/n£> Ja t/a ccL

Pfc. P^hr^T . Hru'iyn


Asisten Pemlrmbing :.LV.w<,\n (L/.. 5.'/?;..1? ^

rs. !ir.am Sutomo, M. Ag NIP. 1.50216814




Nomor : 173 / MTs.AY / 1 / 2006

Assalamu’alaikum W r. Wb.

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini kepala MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggai Batang, dengan ini

menerangkan bahwa :


NIM : 11301064

Jurusan : Tarbiyah

Program Studi: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris- PB I)

Benar-benar telah melakukan tugas penelitian di MTs. Ahmad Yani Wonotunggai - Batang, pada

tanggal 22 Agustus s. d 22 September 2005.

Demikian surat keterangan ini di berikan untuk dapat dipergunakan seperlunya.

Wassaiamu’alaiktim Wr. Wb.




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