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S SEJ 0802718 Abstract


Academic year: 2017

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Fajar Gunawan, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu| perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRAK


Fajar Gunawan, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu| perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRACT

This research paper entitled “The Development of Slum Area in Jakarta from 1960 to 1969.” The

main problem that was discussed in this research was how this slum area exist in Jakarta, and how the government has been solving this problem. The method that was used was a historic method that was a process of tested and analysed critically data and historical memento in four steps such as, heuristic, critic, interpretation and historiography. The research technique that was used was an interdisciplinary approach which placed history as a main discipline knowledge. The finding of the research showed that the history of slum area in Jakarta from 1960-1969 happened in the middle of the build of Jakarta that was preparing for Asian Games 1962. Buildings, Sports Complex, Statues and Roads were prepared for that event. Jakarta experienced massive changed at that time. At the same time, the urbanization flew was massively increased. People from the village were moving to the city due to the poverty and separated movement happened across the country. Those reasons made the number of people in Jakarta increased. There have been three million people in Jakarta in 1961. Those people need shelters to stay alive. Some people who have enough money built an adequate shelters. On the other hand, people who didn’t have enough money and also vagrants could only build impermanent shelters made from wood, bamboo or even carton. They worked as blue collars, small merchants and Pedi cab rider, and

other informal sectors which didn’t generate adequate financial result. Until 1965, the slum area

kept developing in Jakarta. The local government hasn’t able to solve this problem due to the

political influence from the national authority. The development of slum area was a result of an uncontrolled inhabitant explosion in big cities, either by urbanization or uncontrolled rate of birth. Thus, this problem made unbalance between inhabitant addition with government ability to provide new and adequate residence area. Hence, those people chose to live in slum area as an alternative to survive living in the city. The existence of slum areas, the areas which were seen to grow city problems which led to misbehaviour such as: crime, and other social problems. Generally, problems that usually grew in slum area were narrow buildings and didn’t fit with the standard adequate house, close quarters buildings which can easily trigger fire, inadequate access of road, and inexistence of drainage system, lack of fresh and clean water, mess electrical

network and bad hygiene facility. On the other hand, the local government hasn’t provide the


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