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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh







Baiatunnisa, Atini ABA BSI

Jl. Kramat Raya No. 25 Jakarta Pusat


Translation is a process of transferring or replacing the Source Language into the Target Language. A translation can be said successful or not depends on the methods used by translator. The writer tries to find out what approaches used by the translator in translating The Hunger Games. In translating the novel The Hunger Games, the translator used phonological translation and transferred word translation. Phonological translation means translating a word from the Sources Language into the closest sound in the Target Language. Meanwhile, transferred word translation means transferring a word in Sources Language into Target Language. In this paper, the writer analyzes how the translator uses the methods of phonological translation and transferred word translation. The data is taken from the novel of Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games from both the English and Indonesian version. The goal of this paper is to find out whether or not translating using the method of phonological translation and transferred word translation into Indonesian would better be understood by the reader than the standard one. From the discussion, it can be concluded that phonological translation is also commonly used nowadays in translating. Using phonological translation could sound better and could deliver the meaning of the words itself with the play sound, since many words from phonological translation are commonly used in daily life and society.

Keyword: Phonological Translation, the Hunger Games


In this paper, the writer will analyze the novels The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins in translation point of view. The writer finds this matter would be interesting to be analyzed because there are many words that are not translated based on dictionary, but they are transferred directly or if they are translated, the translator only translated them in the same sound as the Source Language (English). Although the words that are not translated sound common and familiar, but they are not the standard form as written in dictionary.

The topic, to be analyzed by the writer, is interesting and important because there are many translations done in daily life. Commonly, translation done in our country is a translation from English into Bahasa, like the novel that the writer analyzes, The Hunger Games which was translated by Hetih Rusli. Therefore, a good translator should be able to translate the source in English into a good translation in Indonesian. The fact that there are still translators that cannot produce a good translation bothers the

writer very much. One of them is the translation of the novel where the translator translated the words with his or her personal interpretation.

Based on the writer opinion, the translator should consider the reader expectation and the purpose of the novel written. The writer takes the title: “AN ANALYSIS OF USING PHONOLOGICAL TRANSLATION ( A CASE STUDY BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN SUZANNE COLLINS’ NOVEL; THE HUNGER GAMES)”, because the novel is very interesting to read and the writer finds some message from this novel, like : how must survive in our life and how to be useful for everybody around us.


Theoretical Review Definition of Translation

According to Bassnett as quoted by Wills (2006:3) stated that ‘’Translation is a procedure which leads from the written source language text to an optimally equivalent target language text and requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text pragmatic comprehension by the translator of the original text”. That means translation is important procedure that transfers source language into target language optimally in the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and pragmatic comprehension text.

Based on Hatim (2004:58) said that “Translation is a phenomenon that has a huge effect on everyday life”. It means that the act or a phenomenon of translating usually happens in a written or spoken language everyday in human life.

Shuttleworth and Cowin (1997:181) expressed that, “Translation is the first of these two senses relates to translation as a process, the second to the product. This immediately means that the term translation encompasses very distinct perspectives. The first sense focuses on the role of the translation in taking the original as source text and turning it into a text in another language. The second sense centers on the concrete translation product produced by the translator”. It can be drawn that Translation has two meanings. The first is related to a process of translation that focuses on the uses of translation which transfers the source language into a target language. The second is related to the result of translation. It focuses on the result that has been transferred by the translator.

From several definitions about translation as mentioned above, the writer draws a conclusion that the main idea of translation is a replacement or transfer of Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL) in the same or the closest equivalent with the Source Language.

Definition of Phonological Translation

Newmark (2001:157) stated the description about phonological translation. “Phonological translation is usually accepted that the phoneme cluster ‘fl-‘ has a certain common meaning in, at least, flame, flicker, flare, flitter, flash, flee, flit but not in ’flat’ or ‘flank’. Whether such sounds can be translated is an open question”. The statement above means that phonological translation has a category of the phoneme words.

Catford (1995:23) stated about phonological translation. He stated that in phonological translation, “The Source Language (SL) phonology is replaced by

equivalent Target Language (TL) phonology. The replacements are done only in grammatical or lexical changes as the result from phonological translation”. That means is the phonology Source Language changes by equivalent Target Language phonology, only done in grammatical or lexical.

In the same book, according to Catford (1995:56), phonological translation is “Restricted translation in which the Source Language (SL) phonology of a text is replaced by equivalent Target Language (TL) phonology”. The writer assumes, that limited of translation in Source Language (SL) phonology text restored by equivalent Target Language (TL) phonology.

From the statement above, the meaning of phonological translation divided into six main types, as following:

1. The basis for translation equivalence in phonological translation is relationship of Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL) phonological units to ‘the same’ phonic substance.

2. In phonological translation, as in translation at other levels, one must distinguish between formal correspondence and translation equivalence.

3. Phonological translation is thus seen to parallel ‘total translation’ quite closely; for any one Source Language (SL) phonological item there may be more than one Target Language (TL) phonological translation equivalent.

4. Phonological translation, like total translation, may involve change of rank, or regrouping and reorganizing of features of substance into the formal units of the Target Language (TL). 5. Another example of the reorganization of phonic

substance into Target Language (TL) phonological units which may occur in phonological translation is provided by the following true story.

6. Phonological translation is practiced deliberately by actors and mimics when they assume a foreign, or dialectal, pronunciation.

From point of view of phonology translation, the writer assumes, it may be regarded as translation from Target Language into Source Language at the phonology level only, since it is replacement of Target Language phonology by equivalent Source Language phonology (lexis and grammar remaining unchanged).


main types of phonological correspondences between source and receptor language, as following:

1. Transliteration of borrowed lexical units. It is used when the translator meet the proper names to translate. The translator would borrow it since there are no languages that exactly have same sounds. So, the translator would adjust the sound of the borrowed word into Target Language. For example is in translating the name of Mickey Mouse in Source Language English into Indonesian. In Indonesian, the name of Micky Mouse becomes Miki Mouse. The sounds same like the Source Language but in written different. 2. Plays on words which are phonologically similar. It means that a translator translates a word in Source Language into Target Language that has same sound. For example, the word Canvas in Source Language English that is translated into Kanvas in Target Language Indonesian. It sounds same; the differences only in the consonant ‘c’ and ‘k’.

3. Patterns of form-sound style, involving (a) alliteration (the beginning of two or more stressed syllables of a word group by the same sound or combination of sounds), (b) rhyme, and (c) acrostic arrangements. The three of them are almost the same as in play on words. The differences are only in the beginning sound of the words, the rhyme, and the same sound in the beginning or the end of the words. For example, the word compulsive in English is translated into kompulsif in Indonesian. The syllable of com in English is translated into kom in Indonesian and the syllable of –sive in English is translated into –sif in Indonesian.

From the several theory about phonological translation, the writer conclude phonological translation is the way in translated words without changes the sound but can be differences in written.

From all the definition about phonological translation as mentioned above, the writer concluded, phonological translation as a process of translation from the Source Language (SL) phonology replaced by equivalent Target Language (TL) phonology, it only done in grammatical or lexical. And phonological translation is done if the translator cannot finds the suitable word in Target Language.

2.1 Principles of Translation

Catford (1995:35) stated that a translation is said to ‘”have the same meaning as the original (the Source Language). He said meaning is a property of a language. An SL text has an SL meaning, and a TL text has a TL meaning”. In translation, there is substitution of TL meanings for SL meanings but there is no transference of SL meanings into the TL.

The SL and TL items rarely have ‘the same meaning’ in the linguistic sense; but they can function in the same situation. The TL text must be connected to at least some of the situational features in the SL text. The greater the number of situational features common to the contextual meanings of both SL and TL text, the ‘better’ the translation. That means that a translation is a substitution of Source Language into Target Language; where the situational words of Source Language can not be deleted but have to be found the common words in Target Language.

According to Nida (1994:164), stated that there are four basic requirements of translation written on page that are:

1. Making sense.

For the example word in the novels of The Hunger Games that making sense, like: Primrose, Dandelion, Sweetheart, etc. 2. Conveying the spirit and manner of the original.

The example words in the novels that conveying the spirit and manner of the original, such as: Berry, Lynx, Monster, Caesar, etc.

3. Having a natural and easy form of expression. The words that having a natural and easy form of

expression in the novels as following: Pink, Zigzag, Shock, etc. 4. Producing a similar response.

The words that producing a similar response in the novels are: Wig, Eyeliner,


The writer assumes, it is obvious that at certain points the conflict between content and form (meaning and manner) will be acute, and that one or the other must give way.

Based on Savory (1998:50), stated that there are eight points principles of translation:

1. A translation must give the words of the original. 2. A translation must give the ideas of the original. 3. A translation should read like an original work. 4. A translation should read like a translation. 5. A translation should reflect the style of the


6. A translation should possess the style of the translator.

7. A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.

8. A translation should read as a contemporary of the translator.

From eight points above, principles of translation is the translation words of Target Language must closest with the original words or Source Language.


to translate from Source Language words or sentences with some determiner to the Target Language.


In this paper, the approaches used are the phonological translation and transferred words from English into Bahasa. The writer then reads the Sources text (English) and read the Target text (Indonesian). After reading both version, the writer lists all the words to be analyzed that function as the writer’s data. Then, the writer finds the definition of the words in dictionary. The writer then will compare between the definition written in dictionary and the words that have been translated.


In analyzing the translation of novel The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins, first the writer reads both the novels that are written in English as the Source Language and in Indonesian as the Target Language. Second, the writer collects the data from both novels. Last, the writer analyzes the data based on the theory on chapter two.

Beside that the writer collects some books from the library in Jakarta and finds the theory from authors to support this paper. From the theory in chapter two, the writer finds some words as a group from phonological translation in the novel Hunger Games to be analyzes in chapter three. After that, the writer makes a table of the sentence and words to be analyzes.

To make it easier, the writer would use the word SL for Source Language (English) and the word TL for Target Language (Indonesian). The way is done, because the translation in using phonological translation approach is rarely to use, but it doesn’t mean cannot uses. As for the purpose from this paper is how to know the phonological translation approach to make the readers understand the contents of the novel Hunger Games.

Result and Findings

Translation can be done in many ways. The writer describes them into three ways. First, translation can be done by looking at the term of equivalents (Natural equivalents, Linguistic equivalents, Functional equivalents). Second,

translation can be done by looking at the term of the product of translation that identifies the target reader. Third, translation also can be done by looking at the term of context where the translator has to identify the target reader, the situation and the purpose of the context. Therefore, the translator cannot translate perfunctorily because there are many considerations to do it. The translator should know whether it is suitable to the context or not. Besides the ways stated above, there is another way to translate, that is by using phonological words. In phonological translation, the translator not only has to know how to use it but also he/she must to see whether it is suitable to the text or not. If it is not suitable to the text, it will make a mistake. The process is by translating the words in the Source Language where the translator simply changes some consonant or vowel into the closest sound of the Target Language. Therefore, the writer thinks that the phonological translation is better done when the words are commonly used in daily life and society.

Translation is also commonly used nowadays in translating. Using phonological translation could sound better and could deliver the meaning of the words itself with the play sound, since many words from phonological translation are commonly used in daily life and society.


Analysis of Phonological Translation

In analyzing this novel, the translator uses phonological translation because the translator of the novel uses the same sound in translating the Source Language (SL) into the Target Language (TL) for example: the word eyeliner in English is translated into eyeliner. It is done because those two words have the same sound. This below the writer will describe the phonological translation used in the novel.

In this following, the writer would describe the analysis of phonology translation into fourth classifications: Kinds of Plants, Kinds of Animals, Kinds of Places and Borrowed Words.


Example 1:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Prim’s face is as fresh as a raindrop, as lovely as the primrose for which she was named. (p.3)

Wajah Prim sesegar tetesan hujan, semanis bunga primrose, seperti namanya. (p.9)

Primrose :

Pohon yang berbunga kecil dan menyerupai tabung dengan warna yang bermacam-macam, warna kuning muda.

In the example above, the word ‘primrose’ is not translated because the word ‘primrose’ can be said as a proper name of plants. In Indonesia, the plants of

‘primrose’ is nothing, so the translator still use the word ‘primrose’ directly to make the sentence have making a sense.

Example 2:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Prim named him Buttercup, insisting that his muddy yellow coat matched the bright flower. (p.3)

Prim menamainya Buttercup, berkeras menyatakan bahwa warna bulunya yang berwarna kuning lumpur mirip seperti warna bunga yang cerah. (p.9-10)

Buttercup :

Sejenis bunga berwarna kuning yang berbentuk mangkok.

In the example above, the word ‘buttercup’ is not translated into Indonesian but the translator keeps it the same as the English. Translated the word ‘buttercup’ like the definition above will sound

incorrect and can make the reader confuse. And the translator knows the flower of ‘buttercup’ not found in Indonesia.

Example 3:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

On the table, under a wooden bowl to protect it from hungry rats and cats alike, sits a perfect little goat cheese wrapped in basil leaves. (p.4)

Di atas meja, di bawah mangkuk kayu, untuk melindunginya dari tikus dan kucing kelaparan, tersembunyi sepotong kecil keju kambing yang terbungkus daun basil. (p.10)

Basil :

Daun kemangi, selasih.

In the example above, it can be seemed that the word ‘basil’ is not translated. The translator keeps it in the same as the Source Language, English. If the word ‘basil’ translated based on the dictionary given above,

the sense and the meaning of sentences cannot be gotten because the word ‘basil’ is proper name of a flower.

Example 4:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

A thicket of berry bushes protects it from unwanted eyes. (p.6)

Semak-semak berry yang tebal melindunginya dari mata orang-orang yang tak diinginkan. (p.13)


Buah berry, biji kering dari bermacam-macam tanaman misalnya biji kopi.

In the example above, the word ‘berry’ is a loan word form English. There is definition about word, but it


‘berry’ in Indonesia may be different with ‘berry’ in the novel of Hunger Games.

Example 5:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

I dropped my gaze, embarrassed, and that’s when I saw it. The first dandelion of the year. (p.32)

Aku menunduk, malu dan saat itulah aku melihatnya. Bunga dandelion pertama tahun ini. (p.41)


Sejenis bunga berwarna kuning, pohon bunga ini.

In the example above, the word ‘dandelion’ is adopted into ‘dandelion’ in Indonesian. If the translator translated the word ‘dandelion’ according

to the definition above, it will lose the sense of the sentence. In Indonesia, the flower of ‘dandelion’ doesn’t found.

Example 6:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

A willow, not terribly tall but set in a clump of other willows, offering concealment in those long, flowing tresses. (p.155)

Pohon willow yang tidak terlalu tinggi tapi berada di antara pohon-pohon willow lain,

memberikan tempat persembunyian di antara deretan

pepohonan. (p.173-174)


Pohon yang daunnya sempit dan bunganya panjang, hutan yang penuh dengan pohon-pohon.

In the example above, the word ‘willow’ in English is directly translated into ‘willow’ in Indonesian. The translator used the phonological translation because it is easier than translated into ‘pohon yang daunnya

sempit dan bunganya panjang’ that might cause the sentence become meaningless. The ‘willow’ trees not found in Indonesian country.

b. Phonological Translation Used in Kinds of Animals

Example 1:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Then when this crazy lynx started following me around the woods looking for handouts, it became his official nickname for me. (p.7)

Kemudian ketika ada lynx – kucing liar berukuran sedang – yang sinting dan mulai mengikutiku selama di hutan menunggu sisa buruanku, maka nama Catnip resmi jadi nama julukanku. (p.14)


Binatang buas sejenis harimau yang terdapat di Amerika Utara, mempunyai kaki yang panjang, berekor pendek, berbulu panjang dan berwarna kuning.

In the example above, it can be seen that the definition is too long if it must be translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the translator just adopted directly from the English ‘lynx’ since it is

proper name of an animal. The animal of ‘lynx’ doesn’t found in Indonesia, it’s just found in North America.

Example 2:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Instead, the jabberjays mated with female mockingbirds,

Malahan, burung-burung jabberjay itu kawin dengan



creating a whole new species that could replicate both bird whistles and human melodies. (p.43)

mockingbird betina menciptakan spesies baru yang

bisa meniru siulan burung dan melodi manusia. (p.53)

meniru suara burung lain.

In the example above, the word ‘mockingbirds’ in English is loaned without any changes. There is definition for the word ‘mockingbirds’, but the definition is too long. While the translator will know the word ‘mockingbirds’

better than the definition given above. Another reason why the translator still uses the word ‘mockingbird’, cause in Indonesia the bird of ‘mockingbird’ is doesn’t found and only found in America.

Example 3:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

But of…of what? Some sort of animal? It looks about the size of a raccoon, but it hangs from the bottom of a branch, swaying ever so slightly. (p.185)

Tapi…benda apa itu? Semacam binatang? Ukurannya sebesar raccoon, tapi tergantung pada bagian bawah dahan pohon, berayun-ayun pelan. (p.206)


Sejenis binatang mamalia kecil di Amerika Utara dan Selatan yang tinggal di pohon, bulu raccoon.

In the example above, it can be seen that the definition is too long if it must be translated into Indonesian. Therefore, the translator just adopted directly from the English ‘raccoon’ since it is the proper name of an animals. The translator keeps the word ‘raccoon’, cause this animal only found in North America and South America.

c. Phonological Translation Used in Kinds of Places

Example 1:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

It holds three chairs, a podium, and two large glass balls, one for the boys and one for the girls. (p.17)

Di sana ada tiga kursi, podium, dan dua bola kaca ukuran besar, satu bola untuk nama anak lelaki dan satu lagi untuk anak perempuan. (p.25)


Panggung, mimbar, podium.

In the example above, the word ‘podium’ is not translated because the word ‘podium’ common uses in daily conversation. So, the translator still uses the

original words being translated and has the familiar sound.

Example 2:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Our horses pull our chariot right up to President Snow’s mansion, and we come to a halt. (p.71)

Kuda-kuda berhenti tepat di depan mansion milik Presiden Snow, dan kami semua berhenti berjalan. (p.83)


Rumah yang besar dan indah.

In the example above, the word ‘mansion’ in Indonesian is loaned from the English ‘mansion’. There is definition for ‘mansion’ that is ‘rumah yang besar dan indah’. The translator still uses the word ‘mansion’, because like the definition above

‘mansion’ is ‘rumah yang besar dan indah’ physicly there is different between Indonesia and America house. So, the translator still uses the original word to get the meaning from the novel story.

Example 3:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Breakfast and dinner are served on our floor, but at lunch the twenty-four of us eat in a dining

Sarapan dan makan malam disajikan di lantai kami, tapi saat makan siang dua puluh



room off the gymnasium. (p.97) empat peserta makan di ruang makan tidak jauh dari gymnasium. (p.110-111)

In the example above, the word ‘gymnasium’ is borrowed from the Source Language, English. The definition for ‘gymnasium’ is ‘gedung untuk

bersenam’ but in sentence will sound improper. To avoid loses the meaning from the novel it self, so the translator still uses the word ‘gymnasium’.

Example 4:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

As I stoop to pick it up, Claudius Templesmith’s voice booms into the arena. (p.342)

Aku membungkuk untuk mengambilnya, ketika suara Claudius Templesmith membahana di arena. (p.374)


Gelanggang, tempat pertandingan atau pertarungan.

In the example above, the definition given in dictionary was not used by the translator since the word ‘arena’ is proper name for place. The word

‘arena’ is adopted directly from the Source Language, English. Indonesian people usually uses the word ‘arena’ in daily conversation.

Example 5:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe an hour or so, when Cato hits the ground and we hear the mutts dragging him, dragging him back into the Cornucopia. (p.337)

Aku tidak tahu sudah lewat berapa lama, mungkin sekitar satu jam, ketika Cato terjatuh ke tanah dan kami mendengar para mutt menyeretnya, menyeretnya kembali ke Cornucopia. (p.369)


Lukisan atau ukiran tanduk yang ditaburi atau dihiasi dengan buah-buahan atau bunga-bunga, tanduk kemakmuran, tempat atau wadah yang berbentuk kerucut.

In the example above, the word ‘cornucopia’ is not translated into Indonesian but translator keeps it the same as the English. Translated the word ‘cornucopia’ like the definition above will sound

incorrect and could make the reader confuse. If the translator uses the definition above in the sentence, it will loses the meaning from the novels it self.

d. Phonological Translation Used in Borrowed Words

Example 1:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Bright and bubbly as ever, Effie Trinket trots to the podium and gives her signature, “Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor” Her pink hair must be a wig because her curls have shifted slightly off center since her encounter with Haymitch. (p.19-20)

Effie Trinket yang selalu cerah ceria menjejakkan kaki ke podium dan menyampaikan salamnya yang terkenal, “Selamat mengikuti Hunger Games! Semoga keberuntungan menyertaimu selalu! Rambutnya yang berwarna merah jambu pasti cuma wig karena ikalnya



agak berubah letak sejak dia ditabrak Haymitch. (p.27-28)

In the example above, the word ‘wig’ is translated directly into ‘wig’ in Bahasa Indonesia. If the translator translated the word ‘wig’ according to the definition above, it will have sound unfamiliar and

improper in the sentence. And the word ‘wig’ usually uses with the woman who have a hobby to changing the new hair.

Example 2:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

“Your pin?” I say. Wearing a

token from my district is about the last thing on my mind. (p.38)

“Pin milikmu?” tanyaku.

Memakai tanda mata dari distrikku nyaris tak terlintas dalam benakku. (p.48)


Peniti, perhiasan peniti, bros.

In the example above, the word ‘pin’ is borrowed directly from the Source Language, English ‘pin’ though there is definition for the word ‘pin’ that is

stated above. A translator keeps uses the word ‘pin’, cause in daily conversation the Indonesian people still uses the word ‘pin’.

Example 3:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

The only concession to self-alteration seems to be metallic gold eyeliner that has been applied with a light hand. (p.63)

Satu-satunya tampilan yang ditambahkan tampaknya cuma eyeliner berwarna emas metalik yang dipulas dengan halus. (p.75)


Alat rias untuk membuat garis di atas bulu mata.

In the example above, the word ‘eyeliner’ is adopted from the English. There is definition for the word ‘eyeliner’ itself, but if it translated like the definition in the dictionary, the sentence will be too long and

will miss the meaning of the sentence. Beside that, the word ‘eyeliner’ bring conveying the spirit and manner of the original word it self.

Example 4:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

I hate her, too, with her knowing reproachful eyes that call me a coward, a monster, a puppet of Capitol, both now and then. (p.118-119)

Aku membencinya juga, membenci matanya yang penuh tuduhan, yang menyebutku pengecut, monster, boneka Capitol. (p.134)


Tanaman atau binatang yang ganjil bentuknya, makhluk khayalan dalam cerita, benda atau binatang yang sangat besar.

In the example above, the word ‘monster’ is not translated based on the definition in dictionary. The translator only replaces the word ‘monster’ into Bahasa Indonesia, because if it used the definition

above, it would be too long and did not match with the sentence. The word ‘monster’ usually uses in daily conversation in Indonesian people.

Example 5:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

“When the gong sounds, get the hell out of there. You’re neither

“Ketika gong berbunyi,

langsung lari dari sana. Kecuali


of you to the blood bath at the Cornucopia. Just…”. (p.138)

kalian siap menghadapi banjir darah di Cornucopia. Segera…”. (p.155)

In the example above, the word ‘gong’ is also translate into ‘gong’ though there is definition for ‘gong’ that is ‘gong’ or ‘canang’. Between Source

Language and Target Language have the same sound and same meaning. That’s way the translator keeps it similar like in Source Language, English.

Example 6:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

All the general fear I’ve been feeling condenses into an immediate fear of this girl, this predator who might kill me in seconds. (p.150-151)

Segala ketakutan yang kurasakan kini memadat menjadi ketakutan terhadap gadis ini, predator yang bisa membunuhku dalam waktu beberapa detik. (p.168)


Orang atau binatang yang membunuh sesamanya untuk dimakan.

In the example above. The word ‘predator’ is not translated based on the definition given in dictionary. The translator only transferred the word ‘predator’ the

same as the English one. It is done because ‘predator’ is proper name of wild animals and the ‘predator’ in America and ‘predator’ in Indonesia are different.

Example 7:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

A pack of crackers. A pack of dried beef strips. A bottle of iodine. (p.154)

Sebungkus biskuit, sebungkus dendeng sapi kering. Sebotol iodine. (p.172)


Yodium, obat merah.

In the example above, the word ‘iodine’ is again transferred to ‘iodine’ without any changes. Meanwhile, in dictionary there is definition for the

word ‘iodine’ which is ‘yodium’ or ‘obat merah’. The translator still uses the word ‘iodine’ do not avoid the meaning from the sentence it self.

Example 8:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

I’m reminded of those last few kernels that burst when Prim and I pop corn over the fire at home. (p.223)

Aku jadi teringat pada biji-biji jagung terakhir yang meledak ketika aku dan Prim membuat pop corn di atas api. (p.247)

Pop corn:

Jagung yang dipanasi atau dimasak hingga mekar, butir atau biji yang dimekarkan.

In the example above, the word ‘pop corn’ is not translated based on the definition given in dictionary. The translator only transferred the word ‘pop corn’ the same as the English one. If the translator

translated the word ‘pop corn’ according to the definition above, it will sound unfamiliar and improper in the sentence. The word ‘pop corn’ has familiar sound in Indonesia.

Example 9:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Our part of District 12, nicknamed the Seam, is usually

Bagian wilayah kami di Distrik 12 ini dijuluki Seam, pada jam

Shift :


crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift at this hour. (p.4)

sepagi ini biasanya disesaki para penambang batu bara yang sedang menuju tempat kerja memulai shift pagi. (p.10-11)


In the example above, the word ‘shift’ is not translated. The translator keeps the word ‘shift’ similar like in English because if the word ‘shift’ is

translated, the word ‘shift’ is too long. In Indonesia the word ‘shift’ usually uses in daily life, especially in the company.

Example 10:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

“Your mentor has a lot to learn about presentation. A lot about televised behavior.” (p.46)

“Mentor kalian harus belajar banyak tentang penampilan. Juga banyak belajar tentang bagaimana bersikap saat disorot televisi.” (p.56)


Penasehat yang bijaksana.

In the example above, the translator again did not translate the word ‘mentor’. The translator should consider the other definition given in dictionary. There is definition for ‘mentor’ that is ‘penasehat

yang bijaksana’. Therefore, the translator still uses the word ‘mentor’, it’s usually uses with Indonesian people in daily conversation.

Example 11:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

The one who advises you, lines up your sponsors, and dictates the presentation of any gifts. (p.46)

Orang yang memberi kalian saran, mencarikan sponsor, dan menentukan hadiah-hadiah apa yang diberikan. (p.57)


Penanggung jawab, orang atau perusahaan yang membiayai penyelenggaraan siaran radio, acara televisi, partai politik, dsb.

In the example above, the word ‘sponsors’ is translated directly into ‘sponsor’ because it sounds same. If the translator used the definition as written in English-Indonesian dictionary, it will make the

sentence lose the meaning of the word because the definition given in the dictionary is too long. In daily conversation, the word ‘sponsor’ has familiar sound in Indonesia people.

Example 12:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

“You’re golden, sweetheart. You’re going to have sponsors lined up around the block,” says Haymitch. (p.137)

“Kau hebat, sweetheart. Sponsor akan mengantre

panjang untuk mendapatkanmu,” kata

Haymitch. (p.153)


Kekasih, (slang) orang yang sangat baik atau sesuatu yang sangat indah.

In the example above, the word ‘sweetheart’ is not translated but taken as loan word ‘sweetheart’ in Target Language, Indonesian. Meanwhile, there is

definition for ‘sweetheart’ which is ‘kekasih’ that most Indonesian people would understand better than the word ‘sweetheart’ itself.


Source Language Target Language Dictionary Whatever vague plan I had

conceived regarding returning to my pond is wiped from my mind as I zigzag and dive and leap to avoid fireballs. (p.175)

Apapun rencana samar yang kupikirkan tentang kembali ke kolam langsung terhapus dari benakku ketika aku berlari zigzag, menyuruk, dan melompat menghindari bola-bola api. (p.196)


Berbelok-belok tajam, ditandai dengan belokan-belokan tajam.

In the example above, the word ‘zigzag’ is translated into ‘zigzag’ in Indonesian. It can be said the translator just transferred the word although there is definition in dictionary that can be understood better

by Indonesian reader. The word ‘zigzag’ having a natural and easy form of expression from both the novels.

Example 14:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

I start hurling myself against the glass, shrieking and I think I just catch a glimpse of pink hair – it must be Effie, it has to be Effie coming to my rescue – when the needle jabs me from behind. (p.348)

Kubenturkan tubuhku ke kaca sambil menjerit-jerit dan kupikir sekilas aku melihat bayangan rambut pink – pasti rambut Effie, pasti Effie datang menyelamatkanku – ketika jarum suntik menusukku dari belakang. (p.380)

Pink: Merah muda.

In the example above, the translator again did not translate the word ‘pink’. The translator only translated directly the word ‘pink’ into Bahasa Indonesia. The word ‘pink’ having a natural and easy

form of expression in the sentence and Indonesian people are familiar with this word. Therefore, the word ‘pink’ has a definition in dictionary ‘merah muda’, but the translator still uses the word ‘pink’.

Example 15:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

Thank you, Caesar! I think, and then go with his idea. (p.368)

Terima kasih, Caesar! pikirku, lalu aku meneruskan idenya. (p.400)


Pemimpin dan gubernur kerajaan Romawi, kaisar, diktator, raja lalim.

In the example above, the word ‘caesar’ is adopted from the English. There is the definition for the word ‘caesar’ itself, but if it translated like the definition in

the dictionary, the sentence did not match. The translator knows the leader in Indonesia name is President not Caesar.

Example 16:

Source Language Target Language Dictionary

“Katnis, I know you’ve had a shock, but I’ve got to ask. The moment when you pulled out those berries. What was…”. (p.369)

“Katnis, aku tahu kau shock, tapi aku harus bertanya. Pada saat kau mengeluarkan buah-buah berry itu. Apa yang…”. (p.402)



In the example above, the word ‘shock’ is borrowed directly from the Source Language, English ‘shock’ though there is definition for the word ‘shock’ that is ‘goncangan yang tiba-tiba’ or ‘sesuatu yang mengejutkan’. The translator keeps this word, because the Indonesian people usually uses this word in daily conversation.


Translation of transferred words simply means transferring the words into the Target

Language. However, the translator should understand whether the words could be transferred directly or not. The risk of this approach is that if the translator is using many transferred words, it could bring the impression that he or she is not able to translate or too lazy to translate; and the better way to cover his or her laziness is by using as many transferred words as he or she can. Therefore, this kind of translation, according to the writer, is better used when the transferred word is proper names, the transferred word has wider definition, and the transferred word is accepted by the readers as

common words. If the translator would like to use the transferred word translation, he or she should give the standard meaning (based on dictionary) on the brackets at the end of the sentences or write them as a footnote.

To translate using phonological and transferred words well, first, the translator should understand the content of a text. Then, the translator should know what approach, which is more appropriate in translating it; Second, the translator

should consider the expectation of the reader before he or she uses phonological translation and transferred words translation. If it sounds possible to translate based on definition given in dictionary, it is better to use it rather than translating using phonological or transferred it directly; The last, the writer wish from this paper, all the readers knows how to translate using phonological translation approach.


Collins, S. 2009. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic International Inc

Collins, S. 2009. The Hunger Games (Hetih Rusli). Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Newmark, P. 2001. Approaches to Translation. Great Britain: A. Wheaton & Co.

Ltd., Exeter.

Nida, E.A. 1994. Toward A Science of Translating. Netherlands: E. J. Brill, Leiden.

Salim, P. 1996. The Contemporary English-Indonesia Dictionary (7th ed.). Jakarta: Modern English Press.

http://transbahasa.wordpress.com/articles/definition-and-kinds-of-translation/. (May 28, 2010).

Collins, David. 2010. The Meaning of Article. Taken From: http://www.ardictionary.com/article. (5 September 2010)

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation an Advanced Resource Book. New York: Routledge.

Hornby, AS. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press.

Newmark, Peter. 2001. A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall.


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