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Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi komposit Serat Palem Saray dengan Matriks Epoksi


Academic year: 2019

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1. Plat besi ( 2 buah ) 2.Cetakan komposit

3.Aluminum Foil 4.Neraca Analitik digital



7.Kempa Panas ( Hot Press ) 8. Electronics System Universal Tensile

Machine Type SC – 2DE

9.Impaktor Wolpert 10. Oven Pengering (Oven Drying) ( Tmaks = 100o C )



1.Serat Palem Saray ( Caryota mitis ) 2.Resin epoksi dan Hardener Versamide 140

dari PT Justus Kimia Raya cabang Medan.



1. Sampel Uji Tarik

Sampel sebelum diuji tarik sampel sesudah diuji tarik

2. Sampel Uji Lentur

Sampel sebelum diuji lentur sampel sesudah uji lentur 3. Sampel Uji Impak




1. Menghitung Densitas Komposit Serat Palem Saray – Epoksi (SPS-E)

Persamaan yang digunakan untuk menghitung densitas yaitu :

ρ =

Dimana :

ρ = densitas atau kerapatan (g/cm3

) m = massa komposit (gram) V = volume komposit (cm3)

a. Komposisi SPS 0 %

Massa komposit = 6,862 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3

Sehingga :




= 1,173 g/cm


b. Komposisi SPS 1 %

Massa komposit = 6,406 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3

Sehingga :






= 1,095 g/cm


c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Massa komposit = 6,134 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3

Sehingga :






= 1,049 g/cm


d. Komposisi SPS 3 %

Massa komposit = 5,224 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3

Sehingga :






= 0,893 g/cm


e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Massa komposit = 5,095 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3








= 0,871 g/cm


f. Komposisi SPS 5 %

Massa komposit = 5,019 gram Volume komposit = 5,85 cm3

Sehingga :






= 0,858 g/cm


2. Menghitung Daya Serap Air Komposit Serat Palem Saray- Epoksi (SPS-E)

Daya serap air dapat dihitung daya dengan persamaan sebagai berikut :

Daya serap air (%) = x 100 %

Dimana :

Mk = Massa kering komposit (gram) Mb = Massa basah komposit (gram)


47 Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 0,75 %

b. Komposisi SPS 1 %

Massa kering = 4,27 gram Massa basah = 4,34 gram

Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 1,64 %

c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Massa kering = 4,62 gram Massa basah = 4,72 gram

Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 2,16 %

d. Komposisi SPS 3 %


48 Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 3,05 %

e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Massa kering = 5,15 gram Massa basah = 5,35 gram

Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 3,88 %

f. Komposisi SPS 5 %

Massa kering = 5,32 gram Massa basah = 5,58 gram

Daya serap air (%) =

x 100 %


x 100 %

= 4,89 %

3. Menghitung Kadar Air Komposit Serat Palem Saray – Epoksi (SPS-E)

Kadar air dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut :


49 Dimana :

m1 = Massa awal komposit (gram) m2 = Massa akhir komposit (gram)

a. Komposisi SPS 0 %

Massa awal komposit (m1) = 4,84 gram Massa akhir komposit (m2) = 4,44 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %

= 0,9 %

b. Komposisi SPS 1 %

Massa awal komposit (m1) = 4,83 gram Massa akhir komposit(m2) = 4,75 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %

= 1,68 %

c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Massa awal komposit(m1) = 5,02 gram Massa akhir komposit(m2) = 4,9 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %


50 d. Komposisi SPS 3 %

Massa awal komposit(m1) = 5,15 gram Massa akhir komposit(m2) = 4,96 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %

= 3,83 %

e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Massa awal komposit(m1) = 5,19 gram Massa akhir komposit (m2) = 4,99 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %

= 4,01 %

f. Komposisi SPS 5 %

Massa awal komposit(m1) = 5,23 gram Massa akhir komposit(m2) = 5,01 gram

Kadar air (%) =


x 100 %



4. Menghitung Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Serat Palem Saray – Epoksi (SPS-E)

Nilai kekuatan tarik dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut :



Dimana :


= Kuat tarik (Mpa) F = Gaya (N)

A = Luas permukaan (mm2)

a. Komposisi SPS 0 %

Beban sampel = 44,12 kgf Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm

Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

= 15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2

Load/beban (P) = 44,12 x 9,8 m/s2 = 432,38 N

σ =


= 9,61 Mpa

b. Komposisi SPS 1 %


52 Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm

Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

= 15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2

Load/beban (P) = 45,63 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 447,17 N

σ =


= 9,94 Mpa

c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Beban sampel = 49,18 kgf Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm

Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

= 15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2 = 0,45 cm2

Load/beban (P) = 49,18 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 481,964 N

σ =



53 d. Komposisi SPS 3 %

Beban sampel = 60,35 kgf Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm

Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

= 15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2 = 0,45 cm2

Load/beban (P) = 60,35 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 591,43 N

σ =


= 13,14 Mpa

e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Beban sampel = 59,28 kgf Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

= 15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2 = 0,45 cm2

Load/beban (P) = 59,18 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 580,94 N

σ =


54 f. Komposisi SPS 5 %

Beban sampel = 45,31 kgf Tebal sampel = 3 mm Lebar sampel = 15 mm

Sehingga :

Luas (A) = b x d

=15 mm x 3 mm = 45 mm2 = 0,45 cm2

Load/beban (P) = 45,31 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 444,04 N

σ =


= 9,87 Mpa

5. Menghitung Kekuatan Lentur Komposit Serat Palem Saray- Epoksi (SPS-E)

Kekuatan lentur dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut :


Dimana :

P = Load atau beban (N)

L = Jarak Span (10 cm = 0,1 m) b = Lebar sampel (mm)

h = Tebal sampel (mm)


55 Load (beban) = P = 2,16 kgf Lebar sampel = b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m = 10 cm

Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 2,16 kgf

= 2,16 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 21,168 N

3PL = 3 x 21,168 N x 0,1 m = 6,35 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 = 270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3



= 23,52 Mpa

b. Komposisi SPS 1 %

Load (beban) =P = 6,65 kgf Lebar sampel = b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m = 10 cm

Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 6,65 kgf


56 3PL = 3 x 65,17 N x 0,1 m = 19,55 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 = 270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3



= 72,41 Mpa

c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Load (beban) = P = 9,63 kgf Lebar sampel = b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m = 10 cm Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 9,63 kgf

= 9,63 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 94,37 N

3PL = 3 x 94,37 N x 0,1 m = 28,31 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 = 270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3



57 d. Komposisi SPS 3 %

Load (beban) =P = 6,43 kgf Lebar sampel =b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m = 10 cm Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 6,43 kgf

= 6,43 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 63,01 N

3PL = 3 x 63,01 N x 0,1 m = 18,9 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 = 270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3



= 70 Mpa

e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Load (beban) = P = 5,12 kgf Lebar sampel = b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m =1 0 cm Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 5,12kgf

= 5,12 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 50,18 N


58 = 15,05 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 =270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3



= 55,74Mpa

f. Komposisi SPS 5 %

Load (beban) = P = 3,18 kgf Lebar sampel = b = 15 mm Tebal sampel = h = 3 mm

Jarak Span = L = 0,1 m = 10 cm Sehingga :

Load/ beban (P) = 3,18 kgf

= 3,18 kgf x 9,8 m/s2 = 31,16 N

3PL = 3 x 31,16 N x 0,1 m = 9,35 Nm

2bh2 = 2 x 15 mm (3 mm)2 = 270 mm3

= 0,27 x 10-6 m3 UFS =




6. Menghitung Kekuatan Impak Komposit Serat Palem Saray-Epoksi (SPS-E)

Nilai kekuatan Impak dapat dihitung dengan persamaan berikut :

Is =

Dimana :

Is = Kekuatan Impak Es = Energi serap (J) A = Luas permukaan (mm2)

a. Komposisi SPS 0 %

Energi serap = 2,43 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm Sehingga :

A = b x d

= 20 mm x 5 mm = 100 mm2

Is =


= 24,3 kJ/m2 b. Komposisi SPS 1 %

Energi serap = 3,02 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm Sehingga :


60 = 20 mm x 5 mm

= 100 mm2

Is =


= 30,2 kJ/m2

c. Komposisi SPS 2 %

Energi serap = 3,43 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm

Sehingga : A = b x d

= 20 mm x 5 mm = 100 mm2

Is =


= 34,3 kJ/m2

d. Komposisi SPS 3 %

Energi serap = 3,58 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm Sehingga :

A = b x d



Is =


= 35,8 kJ/m2

e. Komposisi SPS 4 %

Energi serap = 3,62 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm Sehingga :

A = b x d

= 20 mm x 5 mm = 100 mm2

Is =


= 36,2 kJ/m2

f. Komposisi SPS 5 % Energi serap = 3,85 J Lebar sampel = 20 mm Tebal sampel = 5 mm Sehingga :

A = b x d

= 20 mm x 5 mm = 100 mm2







Significance and Use

Before proceeding with these test methods, reference should be made to the specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, and testing parameters covered in the materials specification shall take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods. If there is no material specification, then the default conditions apply.

The pendulum impact test indicates the energy to break standard test specimens of specified size under stipulated parameters of specimen mounting, notching, and pendulum velocity-at-impact.

The energy lost by the pendulum during the breakage of the specimen is the sum of the following:

Energy to initiate fracture of the specimen;

Energy to propagate the fracture across the specimen;

Energy to throw the free end (or ends) of the broken specimen (“toss correction”); Energy to bend the specimen;

Energy to produce vibration in the pendulum arm;

Energy to produce vibration or horizontal movement of the machine frame or base;

Energy to overcome friction in the pendulum bearing and in the indicating mechanism, and to overcome windage (pendulum air drag);

Energy to indent or deform plastically the specimen at the line of impact; and Energy to overcome the friction caused by the rubbing of the striker (or other part of the pendulum) over the face of the bent specimen.



ft·lbf/in.). (See Appendix X4 for optional units.) The toss correction obtained in Test Method C is only an approximation of the toss error, since the rotational and rectilinear velocities may not be the same during the re-toss of the specimen as for the original toss, and because stored stresses in the specimen may have been released as kinetic energy during the specimen fracture.

For tough, ductile, fiber filled, or cloth-laminated materials, the fracture propagation energy (see 5.3.2) may be large compared to the fracture initiation energy (see 5.3.1). When testing these materials, factors (see 5.3.2, 5.3.5, and 5.3.9) can become quite significant, even when the specimen is accurately machined and positioned and the machine is in good condition with adequate capacity. (See Note 7.) Bending (see 5.3.4) and indentation losses (see 5.3.8) may be appreciable when testing soft materials.

Note 7—Although the frame and base of the machine should be sufficiently rigid and massive to handle the energies of tough specimens without motion or excessive vibration, the design must ensure that the center of percussion be at the center of strike. Locating the striker precisely at the center of percussion reduces vibration of the pendulum arm when used with brittle specimens. However, some losses due to pendulum arm vibration, the amount varying with the design of the pendulum, will occur with tough specimens, even when the striker is properly positioned.

In a well-designed machine of sufficient rigidity and mass, the losses due to factors 5.3.6 and 5.3.7 should be very small. Vibrational losses (see 5.3.6) can be quite large when wide specimens of tough materials are tested in machines of insufficient mass, not securely fastened to a heavy base.



covering that material and that the width be reported along with the impact resistance. In view of the preceding, one should not make comparisons between data from specimens having widths that differ by more than a few mils.

The type of failure for each specimen shall be recorded as one of the four categories listed as follows:

1. Scope

1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the resistance of plastics to “standardized” (see Note 1) pendulum-type hammers, mounted in “standardized” machines, in breaking standard specimens with one pendulum swing (see Note 2). The standard tests for these test methods require specimens made with a milled notch (see Note 3). In Test Methods A, C, and D, the notch produces a stress concentration that increases the probability of a brittle, rather than a ductile, fracture. In Test Method E, the impact resistance is obtained by reversing the notched specimen 180° in the clamping vise. The results of all test methods are reported in terms of energy absorbed per unit of specimen width or per unit of cross-sectional area under the notch. (See Note 4.)

Note 1—The machines with their pendulum-type hammers have been “standardized” in that they must comply with certain requirements, including a fixed height of hammer fall that results in a substantially fixed velocity of the hammer at the moment of impact. However, hammers of different initial energies (produced by varying their effective weights) are recommended for use with specimens of different impact resistance. Moreover, manufacturers of the equipment are permitted to use different lengths and constructions of pendulums with possible differences in pendulum rigidities resulting. (See Section 5.) Be aware that other differences in machine design may exist. The specimens are “standardized” in that they are required to have one fixed length, one fixed depth, and one particular design of milled notch. The width of the specimens is permitted to vary between limits.



Note 3—The notch in the Izod specimen serves to concentrate the stress, minimize plastic deformation, and direct the fracture to the part of the specimen behind the notch. Scatter in energy-to-break is thus reduced. However, because of differences in the elastic and viscoelastic properties of plastics, response to a given notch varies among materials. A measure of a plastic's “notch sensitivity” may be obtained with Test Method D by comparing the energies to break specimens having different radii at the base of the notch.

Note 4—Caution must be exercised in interpreting the results of these standard test methods. The following testing parameters may affect test results significantly:

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately). The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.

ASTM Standards

D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing

D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics

D3641 Practice for Injection Molding Test Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion Materials

D4066 Classification System for Nylon Injection and Extrusion Materials (PA)

D5947 Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens

D6110 Test Method for Determining the Charpy Impact Resistance of Notched Specimens of Plastics

E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method

ISO Standard

ISO180:1993 Plastics--Determination of Izod Impact Strength of Rigid Materials Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.



testing--Charpy; Impact testing--plastics; Izod impact testing; Loading tests--plastics; Notched plastic specimens; Notch sensitivity;

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 29.035.20 (Plastic and rubber insulating materials)DOI: 10.1520/D0256-10


Significance and Use

Flexural properties as determined by these test methods are especially useful for quality control and specification purposes.

Materials that do not fail by the maximum strain allowed under these test methods (3-point bend) may be more suited to a 4-point bend test. The basic difference between the two test methods is in the location of the maximum bending moment and maximum axial fiber stresses. The maximum axial fiber stresses occur on a line under the loading nose in 3-point bending and over the area between the loading noses in 4-point bending.

Flexural properties may vary with specimen depth, temperature, atmospheric conditions, and the difference in rate of straining as specified in Procedures A and B (see also Note 7).

Before proceeding with these test methods, reference should be made to the ASTM specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, or testing parameters, or combination thereof, covered in the ASTM material specification shall take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods. Table 1 in Classification System D4000 lists the ASTM material specifications that currently exist for plastics.

1. Scope



cannot be determined for those materials that do not break or that do not fail in the outer surface of the test specimen within the 5.0 % strain limit of these test methods. These test methods utilize a three-point loading system applied to a simply supported beam. A four-point loading system method can be found in Test Method D6272.

1.1.1 Procedure A, designed principally for materials that break at comparatively small deflections.

1.1.2 Procedure B, designed particularly for those materials that undergo large deflections during testing.

1.1.3 Procedure A shall be used for measurement of flexural properties, particularly flexural modulus, unless the material specification states otherwise. Procedure B may be used for measurement of flexural strength only. Tangent modulus data obtained by Procedure A tends to exhibit lower standard deviations than comparable data obtained by means of Procedure B.

1.2 Comparative tests may be run in accordance with either procedure, provided that the procedure is found satisfactory for the material being tested.

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values provided in parentheses are for information only.

1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Note 1—These test methods are not technically equivalent to ISO 178.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately). The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.

ASTM Standards

D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing D638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics



D4101 Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion Materials D5947 Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens

D6272 Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials by Four-Point Bending

E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines

E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method

ISO Standard

ISO 178 Plastics--Determination of Flexural Properties Keywords

flexural properties; plastics; stiffness; strength; Electrical insulating plastics; Flexural testing--electrical insulating materials; Flexural testing--plastics; Reinforced plastics; Stiffness--plastics; Unreinforced plastics ;

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 29.035.20 (Plastic and rubber insulating materials)


Significance and Use

This test method is designed to produce tensile property data for the control and specification of plastic materials. These data are also useful for qualitative characterization and for research and development. For many materials, there may be a specification that requires the use of this test method, but with some procedural modifications that take precedence when adhering to the specification. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to that material specification before using this test method. Table 1 in Classification D4000 lists the ASTM materials standards that currently exist.

Tensile properties may vary with specimen preparation and with speed and environment of testing. Consequently, where precise comparative results are desired, these factors must be carefully controlled.



desired, the greatest care must be exercised to ensure that all samples are prepared in exactly the same way, unless the test is to include the effects of sample preparation. Similarly, for referee purposes or comparisons within any given series of specimens, care must be taken to secure the maximum degree of uniformity in details of preparation, treatment, and handling.

Tensile properties may provide useful data for plastics engineering design purposes. However, because of the high degree of sensitivity exhibited by many plastics to rate of straining and environmental conditions, data obtained by this test method cannot be considered valid for applications involving load-time scales or environments widely different from those of this test method. In cases of such dissimilarity, no reliable estimation of the limit of usefulness can be made for most plastics. This sensitivity to rate of straining and environment necessitates testing over a broad load-time scale (including impact and creep) and range of environmental conditions if tensile properties are to suffice for engineering design purposes.

Note 5—Since the existence of a true elastic limit in plastics (as in many other organic materials and in many metals) is debatable, the propriety of applying the term “elastic modulus” in its quoted, generally accepted definition to describe the “stiffness” or “rigidity” of a plastic has been seriously questioned. The exact stress-strain characteristics of plastic materials are highly dependent on such factors as rate of application of stress, temperature, previous history of specimen, etc. However, stress-strain curves for plastics, determined as described in this test method, almost always show a linear region at low stresses, and a straight line drawn tangent to this portion of the curve permits calculation of an elastic modulus of the usually defined type. Such a constant is useful if its arbitrary nature and dependence on time, temperature, and similar factors are realized. 1. Scope



1.2 This test method can be used for testing materials of any thickness up to 14 mm (0.55 in.). However, for testing specimens in the form of thin sheeting, including film less than 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) in thickness, Test Methods D882 is the preferred test method. Materials with a thickness greater than 14 mm (0.55 in.) must be reduced by machining.

1.3 This test method includes the option of determining Poisson's ratio at room temperature.

Note 1—This test method and ISO 527-1 are technically equivalent.

Note 2—This test method is not intended to cover precise physical procedures. It is recognized that the constant rate of crosshead movement type of test leaves much to be desired from a theoretical standpoint, that wide differences may exist between rate of crosshead movement and rate of strain between gage marks on the specimen, and that the testing speeds specified disguise important effects characteristic of materials in the plastic state. Further, it is realized that variations in the thicknesses of test specimens, which are permitted by these procedures, produce variations in the surface-volume ratios of such specimens, and that these variations may influence the test results. Hence, where directly comparable results are desired, all samples should be of equal thickness. Special additional tests should be used where more precise physical data are needed.

Note 3—This test method may be used for testing phenolic molded resin or laminated materials. However, where these materials are used as electrical insulation, such materials should be tested in accordance with Test Methods D229 and Test Method .

Note 4—For tensile properties of resin-matrix composites reinforced with oriented continuous or discontinuous high modulus >20-GPa [>3.0 × 106-psi) fibers, tests shall be made in accordance with Test Method D3039/D3039M. 1.4 Test data obtained by this test method are relevant and appropriate for use in engineering design.

1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.



establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

A3.1.1 This test method covers the determination of Poisson’s ratio obtained from strains resulting from uniaxial stress only.

A3.1.2 Test data obtained by this test method are relevant and appropriate for use in engineering design.

A3.1.3 The values stated in SI units are regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

Note A3.1—This standard is not equivalent to ISO 527-1.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately). The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.

ASTM Standards

D229 Test Methods for Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulation

D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension

D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing

D651 Test Method for Test for Tensile Strength of Molded Electrical Insulating Materials

D882 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics

D1822 Test Method for Tensile-Impact Energy to Break Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials

D3039/D3039M Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials

D4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Materials

D4066 Classification System for Nylon Injection and Extrusion Materials (PA) D5947 Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines



E132 Test Method for Poissons Ratio at Room Temperature

E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method

E1012 Practice for Verification of Testing Frame and Specimen Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive Axial Force Application

ISO Standard ISO 527-1 Determination of Tensile Properties ISO 527–1 Determination of Tensile Properties

Keywords modulus of elasticity; percent elongation; plastics; tensile properties; tensile strength; Engineering criteria/design; Reinforced plastics; Tensile properties/testing--plastics; Unreinforced plastics;


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