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Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:M:Mathematical Biosciences:Vol168.Issue2.Dec2000:


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Subject index to volumes 163±168

Active membrane kinetics, 166 (2000) 85 Additivity, 163 (2000) 105

Age-structure, 168 (2000) 39

Aggregation, 165 (2000) 63; 165 (2000) 135 AIDS, 167 (2000) 1

Allee e€ect, 165 (2000) 63

Analytical solutions, 166 (2000) 101; 166 (2000) 123 Angiogenesis, 168 (2000) 77

Angiostatins, 168 (2000) 77 Antagonism, 163 (2000) 105

Antiretroviral treatment, 165 (2000) 115 Association, 164 (2000) 139

(Asymptotically) almost periodic functions, 166 (2000) 173 Atapuerca, 165 (2000) 147

Aujesky's disease, 165 (2000) 1

Backcalculation method, 167 (2000) 31 Backward bifurcation, 164 (2000) 183

Backward Kolmogorov equation, 163 (2000) 75 Backwards bifurcation, 165 (2000) 1

Basic reproduction number, 168 (2000) 117 Basic reproductive number, 167 (2000) 1 Beta binomial distribution, 165 (2000) 135 Bidomain model, 166 (2000) 85

Bifurcation, 164 (2000) 1 Binomial testing, 166 (2000) 23 Bioinformatics, 163 (2000) 131 Bioremediation, 167 (2000) 177 Birth and death process, 164 (2000) 93 Birth±death migration, 168 (2000) 57 Birth±death process, 168 (2000) 161 Bordetella pertussis, 164 (2000) 161

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus, 165 (2000) 1 Branching process, 167 (2000) 109

Branching processes, 168 (2000) 39 Branching-process models, 165 (2000) 115 Breast cancer, 168 (2000) 187

BST, 163 (2000) 131

Cancer treatment, 163 (2000) 159 Case-distribution, 166 (2000) 149 Catenary, 167 (2000) 145 CCR5, 167 (2000) 1 Cell-quota, 164 (2000) 65

Chain binomial distribution, 167 (2000) 31

Channel dependence and independence, 166 (2000) 23 Chaos, 164 (2000) 147

Characteristic equation, 165 (2000) 27 Chemostat, 167 (2000) 177

Chemotherapy, 164 (2000) 17; 168 (2000) 187 Clonal expansion, 168 (2000) 167

Columbia River, 165 (2000) 97 Communicable disease, 164 (2000) 161 Comparison methods, 166 (2000) 123 Compartmental model, 167 (2000) 145 Competition dynamics, 166 (2000) 69 Competition, 163 (2000) 159; 167 (2000) 177 Complexity, 163 (2000) 91; 167 (2000) 163 Computational model, 167 (2000) 123 Connectedness, 163 (2000) 97 Contact tracing, 164 (2000) 39 Contingency tables, 164 (2000) 139 Control-distribution, 166 (2000) 149 Correlation index, 168 (2000) 9 Cumulants, 168 (2000) 57 Cyclic variation, 166 (2000) 1 Cytokines, 163 (2000) 35

De®brillation, 166 (2000) 85 Delay, 163 (2000) 201

Demographic variance, 168 (2000) 9 Dendrites, 166 (2000) 101

Dendritic Na‡ P channels, 166 (2000) 123

Dengue disease, 167 (2000) 51 Density-dependence, 164 (2000) 1

Dermal±epidermal interaction, 165 (2000) 41 Dipole moment, 163 (2000) 59

Discrete distribution, 164 (2000) 147 Discrete-event simulation, 166 (2000) 45 Dispersal, 165 (2000) 163

Dissipativity, 166 (2000) 173 Dynamic modelling, 163 (2000) 159

Dynamic system, 164 (2000) 147; 166 (2000) 173; 167 (2000) 65

Early intervention, 165 (2000) 115 E€ective population size, 166 (2000) 1 E€ective size, 168 (2000) 39

Endemic equilibrium, 167 (2000) 51; 167 (2000) 65 Enzyme kinetics, 167 (2000) 87

Epidemic, 163 (2000) 1

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Epidemic model, 164 (2000) 39; 166 (2000) 173; 168 (2000) 117

Epidemiology, 167 (2000) 65 Evolution, 165 (2000) 163

Evolutionarily stable strategies, 167 (2000) 163 Evolutionary entropy, 168 (2000) 9

Evolutionary formalism, 168 (2000) 9 Evolutionary stable strategy, 168 (2000) 9 Extinction probability, 164 (2000) 93 Extinction, 165 (2000) 115; 168 (2000) 201

Failure-rate function, 166 (2000) 149 Fast and slow gating, 166 (2000) 23 Feasibility, 163 (2000) 97

Feedback loops, 163 (2000) 35 FeLV, 165 (2000) 79

Food web, 163 (2000) 97 Force of infection, 164 (2000) 161 Free boundary problems, 164 (2000) 103 Functional di€erential equations, 166 (2000) 173

Galton±Watson process, 164 (2000) 39; 164 (2000) 93 Game theory, 165 (2000) 163

Generalized mass action, 167 (2000) 87 Genotype, 164 (2000) 1

Geometric distribution, 165 (2000) 135 Gibbs sampler, 167 (2000) 31 Global existence, 165 (2000) 79 Green's function, 166 (2000) 101 Group of symmetries, 163 (2000) 59 Grouping, 165 (2000) 135

HAART, 165 (2000) 115 Hemoglobin, 163 (2000) 59

Hepatocarcinogenesis, 168 (2000) 167 Hermite polynomial, 166 (2000) 149 Heterogeneity, 167 (2000) 1 Hexagonal bilayer, 163 (2000) 59 Hitting time, 168 (2000) 161

HIV, 163 (2000) 201; 166 (2000) 69; 167 (2000) 1 HIV incubation distribution, 167 (2000) 31 HIV infection, 165 (2000) 27

HIV infection distribution, 167 (2000) 31 Homosexual, 167 (2000) 1

Hopf bifurcation, 163 (2000) 159 Horizontal transmission, 168 (2000) 1 Hyperbolic systems, 165 (2000) 79

Identi®ability, 167 (2000) 145 Immunotherapy, 163 (2000) 159 In situ experiments, 167 (2000) 87 In vivo kinetics, 165 (2000) 115 Indistinguishability, 168 (2000) 137

Individual-based population dynamics, 167 (2000) 19 Infectious disease, 165 (2000) 79

Inhibition, 164 (2000) 65

Inhibitor, 164 (2000) 103; 167 (2000) 177 Integral of Markov process, 168 (2000) 161 Intercellular delay, 165 (2000) 27

Interrupted feeding, 167 (2000) 51 Interval identi®ability, 167 (2000) 145 Ionic cable theory, 166 (2000) 101

Juvenile salmon, 165 (2000) 97

Keratinocyte growth factor, 165 (2000) 41 Kinetic models, 163 (2000) 131

Liapunov function, 163 (2000) 97 Life history pattern, 165 (2000) 147 Limit cycle, 164 (2000) 203

Linker±dodecamer con®guration, 163 (2000) 59 Lotka±Volterra, 163 (2000) 91

Lower bound, 167 (2000) 163 Low-level irradiation, 167 (2000) 19

Macrophages, 163 (2000) 35 Mammillary, 167 (2000) 145 Management models, 165 (2000) 97 Markov models, 166 (2000) 23 Markov process, 163 (2000) 1

Markovian infection process, 166 (2000) 45

Mathematical model, 163 (2000) 35; 163 (2000) 105; 164 (2000) 17; 164 (2000) 161; 167 (2000) 65; 167 (2000) 177

Matrix models, 165 (2000) 163 Maximum likelihood, 167 (2000) 109 Maximum sustainable yield, 168 (2000) 201 Metabolic networks, 163 (2000) 105; 163 (2000) 131 Metabolism, 167 (2000) 87

Method of moments, 166 (2000) 149

Michaelis±Menten enzyme kinetics, 168 (2000) 77 Microcirculation, 167 (2000) 123

Migration, 164 (2000) 1; 165 (2000) 97 Model, 167 (2000) 19

Moment closure, 168 (2000) 57 Mucosal infection, 166 (2000) 45

Multiconductance level burst theory, 166 (2000) 23 Multistability, 164 (2000) 183

Multi-stage models, 168 (2000) 167

Network-valued epidemic model, 166 (2000) 45 Neuronal modeling, 166 (2000) 101; 166 (2000) 123 Non-homogeneous coecients, 163 (2000) 75 Non-linear ionic cable theory, 166 (2000) 123 Northern pikeminnow, 165 (2000) 97 Noti®cation data, 164 (2000) 161


Optimum density, 166 (2000) 123 Oxygen transport, 167 (2000) 123

Pair formation model, 166 (2000) 45 Parabolic equations, 164 (2000) 103 Parameter bounds, 167 (2000) 145 Partitions, 165 (2000) 135

Pathogen eradication, 165 (2000) 115 Payo€, 167 (2000) 163

Pearson's chi-squared statistic, 164 (2000) 139 Periodic stationarity, 166 (2000) 149 Periodicity, 163 (2000) 159

Permanence, 166 (2000) 173; 168 (2000) 201 Persistence, 165 (2000) 63; 166 (2000) 173 Persistence and extinction, 163 (2000) 159 Persistent sodium channels, 166 (2000) 101 Perturbation expansion, 166 (2000) 123 Perturbations, 164 (2000) 147

Phylogeny, 164 (2000) 81 PMPA, 165 (2000) 115 Polya urn models, 164 (2000) 81 Population dynamics, 165 (2000) 163 Power law, 163 (2000) 105

Predator switching, 163 (2000) 91 Predator±prey system, 164 (2000) 203 Prey patchiness, 165 (2000) 97 Primary HIV infection, 165 (2000) 115 Primary SIV infection, 165 (2000) 115 Prior distribution, 167 (2000) 31 Probabilistic approach, 165 (2000) 147 Probability distribution, 163 (2000) 59 Progenitor cells, 167 (2000) 109 Prothrombin time, 166 (2000) 149

Quadratic form, 167 (2000) 163 Quasi-stationary state, 164 (2000) 39 Quasi-stationary, 163 (2000) 1

Random disasters, 164 (2000) 93 Random error, 164 (2000) 147 Recovery, 165 (2000) 63

Reinforced random walks, 168 (2000) 77 Reparameterisation procedure, 168 (2000) 137 Reproductive number, 167 (2000) 65 Reproductive potential, 168 (2000) 9 Ricker model, 164 (2000) 147 Rodent tumor analysis, 163 (2000) 75

Saddlepoint approximation, 168 (2000) 57 Scrapie, 168 (2000) 117

Selection, 164 (2000) 1

Sensitivity analysis, 163 (2000) 105; 163 (2000) 131; 167 (2000) 87

Simulation, 166 (2000) 23 SIS model, 164 (2000) 183 SISI epidemic model, 165 (2000) 1 Spatial processes, 168 (2000) 57 Spatial stochastic model, 168 (2000) 1 S-system, 167 (2000) 87

Stability, 163 (2000) 91; 163 (2000) 159; 165 (2000) 27; 167 (2000) 65

Steady state, 165 (2000) 27 Stereology, 168 (2000) 167

Stochastic approximation, 167 (2000) 109 Stochastic system model, 167 (2000) 31 Stochastic, 163 (2000) 1; 168 (2000) 187 Stochastic-covariate process, 166 (2000) 149 Striated muscle, 167 (2000) 123

Subcritical endemic steady states, 165 (2000) 1 Symmetry of the prey isocline, 164 (2000) 203 Synaptic integration, 166 (2000) 101 System analysis, 163 (2000) 131

Tail probabilities, 168 (2000) 57 T-cells, 163 (2000) 201 Th1/Th2, 163 (2000) 35 Threshold, 164 (2000) 65

Threshold conductors, 167 (2000) 65 Threshold number, 167 (2000) 51

Threshold of the harvesting, 168 (2000) 201 Threshold theorem, 164 (2000) 39

Time averages, 166 (2000) 173

Transmembrane potential, 166 (2000) 85

Transmission dynamics, 167 (2000) 65; 168 (2000) 117 Travelling waves, 165 (2000) 41

Treatment, 167 (2000) 1 Trees, 164 (2000) 81 Truncation, 168 (2000) 57 Tumors, 164 (2000) 103 Tumor growth, 168 (2000) 77

Unidenti®able systems, 168 (2000) 137 Uniform persistence, 164 (2000) 65 Upper bounds, 167 (2000) 163

Vaccination, 164 (2000) 183; 167 (2000) 1 Vascular tumors, 164 (2000) 17

Vertical transmission, 167 (2000) 51; 168 (2000) 1; 168 (2000) 117 Viral life cycle, 163 (2000) 201

Vpr protein, 166 (2000) 69

Waring distribution, 165 (2000) 135 Wound healing, 165 (2000) 41

Yule model, 164 (2000) 81


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