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The Denotative and Connotative Meanings of Some Phrases and Sentences in The Translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree (S-1) of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.


Ayu Masruro

Reg Number : A83212153





The Denotative and Connotative Meanings of Some

Phrases and Sentences in The Translation of Surah

Yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan


Ayu Masruro






Masruro, Ayu. 2016. The Denotative and Connotative Meanings of Some Phrases and

Sentences in The Translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. A Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key words : Semantics, Denotative and Connotative meaning, Context and Translation of Surah Yusuf.

This thesis discusses the denotative and connotative meanings of some

phrases and sentences in translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din

Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. In this thesis, the writer proposes two research questions as follow : (1) What denotative meanings do phrases and

sentences in Surah Yusuf Translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan have? (2) What connotative meanings do phrases and

sentences in Surah Yusuf Translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan have? This thesis explores the meaning of some

phrases and sentences that appear in the translation of Surah Yusuf.

Based on the explanation above, this study focuses on the meaning some

phrases and sentences that appear in the translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. The writer applied semantics theory especially denotative and connotative meaning by Geoffrey Leech (1981) to conduct the research. The writer uses qualitative approach because the data collected are in the form of words. The procedure of data collection are collecting data related on phrases or sentences in the translation of Surah Yusuf, identifying the phrase or sentence, then analyzing each of phrase and sentence have denotative and connotative meaning that found in the translation of Surah Yusuf. Having analyzed the data, the writer found out that phrases or

sentences in the translation of Surah Yusuf can have denotative and connotative

meanings is depend on context based on Tafsir Jalalain. After that the writer

explains the meaning of some phrases and sentences that appears in the translation of Surah Yusuf.

The meaning has written based on interpretation of the writer reading of Tafsir Jalalain. There are many meaning of some phrases and sentences that

appear in the translation of Surah Yusuf. The meaning of phrase and sentence is



Masruro, Ayu. 2016. The Denotative and Connotative Meanings of Some Phrases and

Sentences in The Translation of Surah Yusuf by The Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel


Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. A Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci : Semantik, Makna Denotatif dan Konotatif , Konteks and Terjemahan Surah Yusuf

Tesis ini mendiskusikan tentang makna denotatif dan konotatif dari beberapa frase dan kalimat yang terdapat pada terjamahan Surat Yusuf karya Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal dan Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Dalam thesis ini, penulis mengemukakan dua pertanyaan yaitu : (1) Apa makna denotatif pada frase dan kalimat di dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf karya Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal dan Muhammad Muhsin Khan ? (2) Apa makna konotatif pada frase dan kalimat di dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf karya Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal dan Muhammad Muhsin Khan ? Thesis ini mencari tahu makna beberapa frase dan kalimat yang muncul dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf.

Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, penelitian ini berfokus pada makna beberapa frase dan kalimat yang muncul dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf karya Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal dan Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Penulis mengaplikasikan teori semantik khususnya makna denotatif dan konotatif oleh Geoffrey Leech tahun 1981 untuk melakukan penelitian. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena pengumpulan data berbentuk kata atau teks. Prosedur pengumpulan data berhubungan dengan frase dan kalimat dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf, mengidentifikasi frase atau kalimat, lalu menganalisa setiap frase dan kalimat yang bermakna denotatif dan konotatif yang ditemukan dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf. Setelah menganalisa data, penulis menemukan bahwa frase dan kalimat dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf dapat bermakna denotatif dan konotatif berdasarkan pada konteks dalam Tafsir Jalalain. Setelah itu penulis menjelaskan makna pada frase dan kalimat yang muncul dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf.

Makna ditulis berdasarkan interpretasi penulis dari membaca Tafsir Jalalain. ada banyak makna pada beberapa frase dan kalimat yang muncul dalam terjemahan Surat Yusuf. Makna frase dan kalimat didasarkan pada konteks. konteks mempunyai peranan penting dalam menginterpretasi makna.


Table of Contents

Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside Tittle Page... ii

Motto ... iii

Declaration Page ... iv

Dedication Page ... v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... vi

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page ... vii

Acknowledgment ... viii

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xii

Abstrak ... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2Statement of the Problem ... 6

1.3Objectives of the Study ... 7

1.4Significance of the Study ... 7

1.5Scope and Limitation ... 7

1.6Definition of Key Terms ... 8


2.1.1 Semantics ... 11

2.1.2 Denotative ... 15

2.1.3 Connotative ... 18

2.1.4 Surah Yusuf ... 21


3.2Technique of Data Collection ... 23

3.2.1 Source of Data ... 23

3.2.2 Instrument ... 23

3.2.3 Procedure of Analysis ... 24

3.3 Tehcnique of Data Analysis ... 25


4.1.1 The meaning of some phrases ... 26

4.1.2 The meaning of some sentences ... 28

4.2 Discussion ... 56


5.2Suggestion ... 59





The writer will introduce the present study in this chapter. It contains

background of study, statement of problems, objectives of study, scope and

limitation of study, significance of study, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Al-Quran is the most important book of Islamic religion. It is guidance

for people in the world. As people, we should know the meaning of

Al-Quran. The content of Al-Quran is perfect and complete. The composition

and structure are very beautiful. Ibnu Katsir, Walid bin Mughirah said “ From

Allah, this is not the magic, poetry and the words of madman. It is

Kalamullah that has the sweetness and beauty. Really, it (Al-Qur'an) is very

high (exalted) and not that surpass” (juz 4:443).

Dr. Thoha Husein, an Egyptian Alumnus who was very famous in the

Europe recognizes, “ Words are divided into three, namely poetry, prose, and

Quran. However Qur`an has its own style. It is not poetry or prose, but

Quran is Quran. It is not subject to the rules of prose and poetry. It has its own rhythm that can be felt on the composition and order of verses

pronunciation.”It means that Al-Quran has many benefits and miracles in our

daily activity.

Talking about daily activity related to society or people,



daily activity. Sometimes, communication makes fighting because addressor

and addressed does not understand each other. Thus, they will get problems

through communication.

Understanding of meaning about words is not an easy thing to do

because sometimes misunderstanding and disagreement will appear. The

meaning of one word can consist of more than one meaning because the

meaning of a word is defined in part by its relation with other words in

language (Saeed, 1997:53). The study of meaning is called Semantics.

Semantics is needed to understand text or context. Yule (2010:112) stated that

semantics is the study of meaning of word, phrase and sentence. It means that

word, phrase or sentence has meaning. On the other hand, Leech (1981:11)

stated that there are two categories of meaning. The first is conceptual

meaning (denotation) and associative meaning (connotation). Conceptual

meaning or called as denotative is to be central factor in linguistic

communication. Denotative meaning is words which have specific and exact

meaning, excluding all of its extended uses and emotional colorations.

The connotative meaning is defined as the secondary meaning of

words or expression besides its explicit or primary meaning (Al-adaileh,

2012:1). Besides that Binkert (2003:163) said “A connotative meaning is any

meaning carries some special implication or association.” It means that

connotation of words seems require common sense and word knowledge.

Denotative and connotative meanings can not be separated because they exist



focused on some phrases and sentences in Surah Yusuf, because word to word

have related meaning each other in Surah Yusuf.

The hole of surah in Al-Quran have many benefits and miracles. The

reason why the writer chooses Surah Yusuf is as follows :

Yusuf is the most handsome prophet. He has a good knowledge, sign

of honesty and morality. It is explained in Surah Yusuf. Surah Yusuf is a

unique surah. Usually, many surah in Al-Qur’an have many themes. Surah

Yusuf has only one theme. It is about Yusuf Story. Al-Quran usually tells a

story in one episode or two episodes, but Surah Yusuf told only Yusuf

Prophet in many episodes. Fuad al-Aris stated Surah Yusuf called Ahsan

Al-Qashash means the great story in Al-Qur’an. Surah Yusuf also has many advices and warning to be a good person. It makes us realize that when living

in the world we experienced phase by phase to be success. The writer

interested in analyzing this surah, because this surah has a good meaning,

good structure, and its really different from other surah where it tells about

The Journey of Yusuf story. The most interesting is about love. There are

many love cases are mentioned by Allah Swt in Surah Yusuf. Moreover,

human automatically learn to love each other. Then, the writer focused on the

meaning of Surah Yusuf especially the denotative and connotative meanings.

Researcher choosen translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-din al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan because one book but have two writers. So that,



Interpreting the denotative meaning in the translation of Surah Yusuf,

the writer uses Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary. According to Feras

Hamza said “For the first time ever Tafsir al-Jalalayn is competently

translated into an unabridged highly accurate and readable.” Then, to interpret

the connotative meaning uses Tafsir Jalalain (August,5,2016).

There are some previous studies to inspire her. The first study is “The

Denotative and Connotative meaning in the AXE-advertisement” which is

made by Zaenal Muttaqien (2011). The writer researched each sign of

AXE-advertisement contains a system and it is supported by object, context, and

text in the advertisement. These elements contribute to the meaning of

denotative and connotative level upon AXE product. And the last, the writer

states that AXE- advertisement manipulated and created the symbol and sign

values of product to persuade the consumers. Second study is “A semiotic

analysis in the A-mild advertisement using Roland Barthe’s Theory”

conducted by Tazkiyatul Fikriyah A’la (2011). The content As like “The

Denotative and Connotative meaning inthe AXE-advertisement” is made by

Zaenal Muttaqien (2011), But it is different subject. This subject is A-mild


The Third is “An Analysis On The Denotative And Connotative

Meaning Of Lyrics Of Creed’s Songs” which is made by M Hasan

Hidayatullah (2008). The writer focuses in lexical meaning each the words.

Then, explain more about the kinds of denotative and connotative meanings



The fourth is “A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of Three English

Translations of Surat ‘Yusuf’ ” conducted by Tasneem Naser Addeen Ashaer

(2008). Study the work of three translators of the Holy Quran and analyze

their translations of surat “Yusuf” both semantically and pragmatically. The

three translations under study are Koran by the Christian orientalist George

Sale (1734), The Koran by the Jewish N.J. Dawood (1956) and The Meaning

of the Holy Quran by the Muslim A.Y. Ali (1934-1937).

Interestingly, the study has come to notice cases in which the

translators failed to grasp the intended meaning of a word or a speech act

(more discussion in chapter four), which leads to a lack and inaccuracy in the

translations leaving an effect on the readers other than the intended effect of

the original text. It is important to make it clear that the intention of this study

is not to undermine the importance of the works of the three translators and

their efforts in the field of translation.

The fifth is “An Analysis of ‘The Child’s Story’ by Charles Dickens:

Connotation and Denotation of adjective” conducted by Bayu Hernawan

Putra (2015). This thesis discusses an analysis of meaning adjective words in

the child’s story by Charles Dickens. This thesis explore the meaning of

adjective words that appear in the short story especially connotative and

denotative meanings.

The sixth is “Approaches to Denotative and Connotative Meanings in

The Translations of The Holy Quran” a journal made by Mazin Fawzi Ahmed



difficulty in translating the Al-Quran. The Arabic verses are analyzed and

compared to the different translations. Then, the different approaches to

translating these linguistic phenomena are critically analyzed and compared.

It is found that the translators approach to translating denotations and

connotations of words vary.

Based on the text above, there are five theses and a journal take

Semantics. Especially, they take and focus on the denotative and connotative

meanings, because of there are many things in the world to know and

understand about it. Learning and studying the denotative and connotative

meanings is the one way to make us be better understand to all things. Then,

the way to be successfull is written by Allah in Al-Quran.

The writer is concerned about the meaning of Surah Yusuf, that

appears in the SurahYusuf adopt extra meaning that hide message, especially

some phrases and sentences contain denotative and connotative meanings.

The researcher focused on Surah Yusuf translation by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

1.2 Statement of Problems

This study is conducted to answer the problems formulated in the

following questions:

1. What denotative meaning do phrases and sentences in Surah Yusuf

translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin



2. What connotative meaning do phrases and sentences in Surah Yusuf

translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin

Khan have ?

1.3 Objectives of Study

1. To describe the denotative meaning found in some phrases and sentences

in Surah Yusuf translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

2. To describe the connotative meaning found in some phrases and sentences

in Surah Yusuf translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study

The researcher focuses on observing the denotative and connotative

meanings of some phrases and sentences which contain the denotative and

connotative meanings in Surah Yusuf translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din

Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Phrases include words, then

sentences include clauses also. Then, to describing of denotative meaning will

use Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, then to interprete connotative

meaning uses Tafsir Jalalain.

1.5 Significance of Study

The result of the study is picturing on how phrases and sentences not

only have denotative meaning but also connotative meaning. This study is



especially about the denotative and connotative meanings on Surah Yusuf

translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin


On the other hand, the result of the study would give contribution for

lecturers and the students of the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Surabaya, especially in English Department in Faculty of Arts and

Humanities. It is expected to be able to broaden the knowledge in

understanding the denotative and connotative meanings of one of the part

Al-Quran especially Surah Yusuf. Also it is hoped to give contribution for

readers who are interested in this study and it will be the alternative reference

for the readers who are interested in researching this area.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

These key terms are the method to get the right interpretation and

understanding of the study.


Denotative meaning is the meaning which contain actual meaning.


Connotative meaning is the meaning which contain figurative meaning in

certain situations.

Surah Yusuf

Surah Yusuf is the 12th Surah of Qur’an. Sūrat Yūsuf (Arabic: فسوي) is

the 12th surah (chapter) of Quran. It has been revealed in a single sitting,



narrates the story of Yusuf. While other surah tend to jump between

topics, it is special in sticking to its central theme throughout, telling a

coherent story in chronological order (September,15,2015).

Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan

The writers of translating Al-Quran content more explanation about every

verse. Muhammad taqi-ud-din al-hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan are

the english translation of the meanings of Qur'an and Sahih Al-Bukhari.

Their translation of Qur'an has been described as ambitious, incorporating

commentary from Tafsir al-Tabari, Tafsir ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qurtubi

and Sahih al-Bukhari. It has also been criticized for inserting the interpretations of the Wahabi School directly into the english rendition of

Qur'an. It has been accused of inculcating muslims and potential muslims

with militant interpretations of islam through parenthesis, as teachings of




This chapter includes the discussion of theoretical framework and

some related theories. Related theories which have links with this study are

semantics, connotative and denotative meanings, and Surah Yusuf. The main

data of analysis is the translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-Ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan and it will be supported by some


2.1 Theoretical Framework

Figure 3.1

Based on the picture above, the basically of theory this analysis is

Semantics. Semantics is the study of meaning. In semantics, there are two

kinds of meaning, denotative meaning and connotative meaning. Includes of

text form have denotative or connotative is word, phrase and sentence. semantics

Denotative Connotative

Word Phrase Sentence Word Phrase Sentence



According to Hook connotative meaning have three kinds; positive, neutral

and negative.

2.1.1 Semantics

According to Leech (1981 :x), “ Linguistics ... has brought to the

subject of semantics a certain degree of analytic rigour combined with a

view of the study of meaning as an integrated component of the total

theory of how language works.”

Keidler stated Semantics is the systematic study of meaning.

Beside that, study of how language organize and express meaning

(2002:3). On the other side, Lyons (1995:138) concludes that semantics

is the study of meaning. The term of meaning in the theory of semantics

can be described from the mind of speaker to the mind of hearer by

embodying them, as it was in the form of one language or another. If

the term meaning is described as ideas or concept, then it will not help

us to answer such that question because the term concept is not clearly

defined, and it is too vague and general. Moreover, he states that the

word meaning may not have the same range of application as any single

word in other languages. For examples: there are contexts in which

“meaning” can be translated into French with signification or sense, and

the context of meaning (signification or sense) does not match with

“bedeutung and sinn” in German.

Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through



sentences. An independent component of semantics is identified, one

central issue is the relationship between word meaning and sentence

meaning. Knowing a language, especially one’s native language

involves knowing thousands of words. As mentioned earlier, we can

call the mental store of these words a lexicon, making an overt parallel

with the lists of words and meanings published as dictionaries. We can

imagine the mental lexicon as a large but finite body of knowledge, part

of which must be semantic. This lexicon is not completely static

because we are continually learning and forgetting words. It is clear

though that at any one time we hold a large amount of semantics

knowledge in memory. Phrases and sentences also have meaning of

course, but an important differences between word meaning on the one

hand, phrase and sentence meaning on the other concerns productivity.

It is always possible to create new words, but this is a relatively

infrequent occurrence. On the other hand, speakers regularly create

sentences that they have never used or heard before, confident that their

audience will understand them. (Saeed, 2009: 38)

Yule stated Semantics is study of meaning of words, phrases and

sentences (2010 : 112). On the other hand, Simmons said “A noun

phrase include a noun- a person, place, or thing – and the modifiers

which distinguish it” (2014:1). According to Andersen, a sentence is a

complete set of words that conveys meaning (2014:1). The definition of



between of words or sentence and their meaning. Meaning also figures

at levels of language below the word and above it (Widdowson,

2006:53). So, relating from words to phrases or phrases to sentences

have connected which appear their own meaning. Doing semantics is

attempting to spell out what it is we all know when we behave as if we

share knowledge of the meaning of a word, a phrase, or a sentence in a

language. Semantics is concerned to identify with the meaningful

elements of specific language. For example, english words like make

and real and affixes like –r of Maker and –un of unreal. It is showed

with describing how such elements go together to express more

complex meaning in phrases like the unreal maker and sentences like

The maker is unreal and telling how these are related each other.

Ginet and Chiercia said “Semantics is the branch of linguistics

devoted to the investigation of linguistic meaning, the interpretation of

expressions in a language system” (1996:9). While semantics is the

study of meaning in language, there is more interest in certain aspects

of meaning than in others. We have already ruled out special meanings

that one individual might attach to words. We can go further and make

a broad distinction between conceptual meaning and associative

meaning. Conceptual meaning covers those basic, essential components

of meaning that are conveyed by the literal use of a word. It is the type

of meaning that dictionaries are designed to describe. Some of the basic



sharp, steel instrument.” These components would be part of the conceptual meaning of needle. However, different people might have

different associations or connotations attached to a word like needle.

They might associate it with “pain,” or “illness,” or “blood,” or

drugs,” or “thread,” or “knitting,” or “hard to find” (especially in a

haystack), and these associations may differ from one person to the

next. These types of associations are not treated as part of the word’s

conceptual meaning. In a similar way, some people may associate the

expression low-calorie, when used to describe a product with “healthy

but this is not part of the basic conceptual meaning of the expression

(i.e. “producing a small amount of heat or energy”). Poets, song writers,

novelists, literary critics, advertisers and lovers may all be interested in

how words can evoke certain aspects of associative meaning, but in

linguistic semantics we are more concerned with trying to analyze

conceptual meaning. (Yule , 2010 : 113)

According Leech, there are seven types of meaning :

Conceptual meaning or sense Logical, cognitive, or denotative


Associative Meaning

Connotative Meaning

What is communicated by virtue what language refers to

Social Meaning What is communicated of the social circumstances of language use

Affective Meaning

What is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker / writer

Reflected Meaning

What is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression

Collocative Meaning



occur in the environment of another word

Thematic Meaning

What is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.

Table 3.1

Based on the table above, Leech said that “There are seven types

of meanings. The first is conceptual meaning or sense. Then,

connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected

meaning, and collocative meaning include associative meaning. The

last is thematic meaning.”

2.1.2 Denotative

Denotative meaning is the objective (dictionary) relationship

between a word and the reality to which it refers (Crystal, 1987:418).

Leech stated conceptual meaning (sometimes called denotative or

cognitive meaning ) is widely assumed to be the central factor in

linguistic communication, and i think it can be shown to be integral to

the essential functioning of language in a way that other types of

meaning are not (which is not to say that conceptual meaning is the

most important element of every act of linguistic communication)


Lyons (1977), the relationship between an expression and its

extension is called denotation.

Let us see what the problems involved are by looking at a



(1) Pavarotti is an Italian singer.

Sentence is generated by combining the NP Pavarotti with the

verb phrase (VP) is an Italian singer. We might say that the VP is an

Italian singer has a property as its semantic value. Properties can be

predicated of individuals. The result of predicating a property of an

individual is something like a state of affairs or situation. So, sentence

might be regarded as having a situation (or a state of affairs) as its

semantic value. intuitively, one in which Pavarotti has the property of

being an Italian singer. It might be possible to extend this strategy to

more complex constructions. Forming an hypothesis concerning the

denotation of other categories besides NPs, and in particular concerning

the denotation of sentences, might help us in this task. To see this, let us

take a first stab at the hard problem of such nonreferential NPs as every

woman or no woman. We might try to analyze such NPs along the

following lines. Let us say that these NPs indeed lack a denotation. This

does not mean that they do not play any semantic role. The semantic

role of, say, no woman would be that of combining with a property

(such as, say, the one associated with the VP smokes) to yield a

situation or state of affairs in which no woman smokes. The idea is to

specify the semantic role of nonreferential NPs indirectly via the

contribution that they make to the specification or description of the

state of affairs associated with the sentences in which they occur. The



(such as and, because, etc.). Of course, to pursue this line of analysis we

would have to overcome many more problems (for example,

nonreferential NPs com- bine with expressions of many different

syntactic categories, prepositions, for example, as in “ I walked with

every student, “ etc.). But the above considerations do lend some

preliminary support to the idea that our overall strategy of providing a

referential analysis for various kinds of expressions may be viable. If

so, we could have an arguably elegant account for the productivity of

meaning in terms of a primitive denotation relation. Here is how we

proceed. We can classify objects in various semantic categories (say,

individuals, properties, situations, etc.), and we can individuate various

ways of combining those objects (for example, predication combines

individuals with properties to give states of affairs). Expressions of

different syntactic categories would be associated with objects of

different semantic categories (or types); syntactic modes of putting

expressions together would correspond to ways of combining the

objects that those expressions denote. In this way one could always

compositionally figure out the object that any given expression denotes

in terms of objects that its component expressions denote and the way

in which they are put together. This also explains more precisely how

configurations of symbols carry information about arbitrarily complex

states of affairs. This program is thus of potential interest, for there are



language and the productivity of meaning, two important desiderata for

a semantic theory. There are, however, some further problems that call

for attention. We can bring them into focus by considering in more

detail the kinds of entities that we need to assume as semantic values

for expressions of categories other than NP. Let us consider in

particular sentence denotations, what we have intuitively called “

situations” or “states of affairs” (Chiercia, 2000 :59).

2.1.3 Connotative

More of what is distinctive about conceptual meaning will

appear when we contrast it with connotative meaning. Connotative

meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of

what it refers to,over and above its purely conceptual content.

At connotative meaning is not specific to language, but it is

shared by other communicative systems, such as visual art and music.

Whatever connotations the word baby has can be conjured up (more

effectively, because the medium is directly representational) by a

drawing of a baby, or an imitation of a baby’s cry. The overlap between

linguistic and visual connotations is particularly noticeable in

advertising, where words are often the lesser partners of illustrations in

the task of conferring on a product a halo of favourable associations. A

second fact which indicates that connotative meaning is peripheral

compared with conceptual meaning is that connotations are relatively



“culture, historical period, and the experience of the individual.

Although it is too simple to suggest that all speakers of a particular

language speak exactly ‘the same language’, it can be assumed, as a

principle without which communication through that language would

not be possible, that on the whole they share the same conceptual

framework, just as they share approximately the same syntax. In fact,

some recent semanticists have assumed that the same basic conceptual

frame- work is common to all languages, and is a universal property of

the human mind. Thirdly, connotative meaning is indeterminate and

open ended in a sense in which conceptual meaning is not. Connotative

meaning is open ended in the same way as our knowledge and beliefs

about the universe open ended: any characteristic of the referent,

identified subjectively or objectively, may contribute to the connotative

meaning of the expression which denotes it. In contrast, it is generally

taken as fundamental to semantic theory that the conceptual meaning of

a word or sentence can be codified in terms of a limited set of symbols

(e.g. in the form of a finite set of discrete features of meaning), and that

the semantic representation of a sentence can be specified by means of a

finite number of rules (Leech,1983:13).

Connotation is more complicated than denotation. J. N. Hook in

Widarso (1989:69) states that besides the denotative meaning, a word

sometimes has the emotional overtones or we call ‘connotative’



connotation is that the involvement of affective and emotive in our


Furthermore, Wilkins (1983:122) affirms that connotative

meaning is additional to denotative meaning and need be related to it

only in an indirect way. It is altogether more concerned with the

attitudes of the language user, his emotional reactions to the use of a


In addition, J. N. Hook in Widarso (1989:71) states that

connotative meaning can be divided into two kinds, namely positive

connotative (purr word) and negative connotative (snarl word). Besides

the positive and negative connotative meaning, there is neutral that is

most of them is jargon language.

Here are the examples of positive and negative connotative meaning (J.

N. Hook in Widarso) (1989:71) :

Positive Connotation Neutral Negative Connotation

Cottage Shanty/shack

Soiled linen Dirty Underwear

Sanitary engineer Dustman/ Garbage man

Marketing Selling Peddling

2.1.4 Surah Yusuf

Surah Yusuf is the 12th Surah of Qur’an. Sūrat Yūsuf (Arabic:

فسوي) is the 12th surah (chapter) of Quran. It is said to have been



verses and Makkah Surah, The text narrates the story of Yusuf (the

biblical Joseph). While other surah tend to jump between topics, it is

special in sticking to its central theme throughout, telling a coherent




This chapter describes the approach used in this study and the data

collection. There will be an explanation of the research approach, instrument, data

source, data, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

In completing this study, the writer applied the qualitative approach

because the study is intended to find out the phrases and sentences have

denotative and connotive meanings in the translation of Surah Yusuf.

Qualitative method are used to address to research questions that require

explanation or understanding of social phenomena and their context (Lewis

& Ritchie 2003 : 5). It means that basically qualitative research is descriptive.

The writer used qualitative methods because in the data analysis the writer

did not put any numeric data.

The writer used descriptive explanation as the methods to shows the

descriptive of information in his research. Descriptive research was used to

explain some information that contained the meaning words,phrase or

sentences which have relation with other words and context. On the other

words, it could be explained that descriptive research was used to give clear

explanation of the meaning of words which is used in the translation of Surah


In the qualitative research, the researcher is the most important



translation of Surah Yusuf as data, the researcher needs to observe the

translation of SurahYusuf by reading and understanding translation of Surah

Yusuf. The objective of this research is to describe and identify the denotative and connotative meanings of translation. So, the report will be in the form of

descriptive research. The main objective of it is to understand the translation

more deeply, and then, produce hypotheses to make a form of theory. The

analysis in each data required in descriptive form.

3.2 Technique of Data Collection

3.2.1 Source of Data

The writer used the translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khanas the main source

in this study. The data was taken from the translation of Surah Yusuf by

Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khanwhich

was consist of phrases and sentences have denotative and connotative

meanings, where many phrases and sentences appeared in the

translation of Surah yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and

Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

3.2.2 Instrument

The main instrument in this study was the writer itself. It deal

with Flick’s (2009) statement that as a researcher is the main instrument

of collecting the data and of recognition (106). The writer was collected



The phrases and sentences have denotative and connotative meanings

were taken from the text in translation of Suraf Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

3.2.3 Procedure of Data Collection

The data of this research were collected from the translation of

Surah Yusuf by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad

Muhsin Khan. To collect the data, the first step the writer searched and

downloaded the text translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan . The translation of

Surah Yusuf was taken from website :



After downloading the translation of Surah Yusuf, the writer

read the translation of Surah Yusuf from laptop because the writer has

the translation of Surah Yusuf in the soft copy file, then printed out the

translation of Surah Yusuf to make it easy in analyzing. The writer

found as many as possible the phrases and sentences have denotative

and connotative meanings in it. The writer identified by underlined the

phrases and sentences that have denotative and connotative meanings in

translation of Surah Yusuf that appeared in verses. To make easily

where is phrase or where is sentence, then the writer do for coding



and soon. sentences code with sign S1 for the first sentence, S2 for the

second sentence and soon.

3.3 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer did many steps in analyzing the

meaning of phrases and sentences especially denotative and connotative

meanings that appear in the translation of Surah Yusuf by Muhammad

Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

First, the writer listed all the phrases and sentences to get meaning

denotative and connotative meanings. Second, the writer sorted the phrases

and sentences from the translation of Surah Yusuf.

Then, the writer analyzed and classified each phrases and sentences

have denotative meaning that found in translation of Surah Yusuf uses Oxford

Advanced Learners Dictionary. The next step, the writer interpreted the

connotative meaning. In this case the interpretation is based on the condition

at the time. The writer also use interpretation based on the Tafsir Jalalain at

the time to find connotative meaning.

The last, the writer concluded the finding of phrases and sentences

have denotative and connotative meanings in the translation of Surah Yusuf.




This chapter presents the findings and discussion. The writer focuses on the

denotative and connotative meanings of some phrases and sentences in Surah Yusuf

translation by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khanthat

appears in some verses. By focusing on the meaning of some phrases and sentences

make the writer able to answer statement of the problems in this study consist two

issues. First is to answer the denotative meaning uses Oxford Advanced Learners

Dictionary. Afterwards, the writer would like to present the connotative meaning

based on context from Tafsir Jalalain of Surah Yusuf translation.

4.1 Findings

The table below shows some phrases and sentences that have meaning

of denotation or connotation that appear in the translation of Surah Yusuf by

Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilal and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

4.1.1 The Meaning of Some Phrases

No Phrase Denotative


Connotative meaning

1 Their meanings

“Their” is belonging to them, “meaning” is (1) thing or idea that a

word,sentence, etc


The true meaning of “alim lam ra”

2 Eleven stars

Eleven is number 11. Stars is large ball of burning gas seen as a point of light in the sky at night

The Yusuf‟s brothers

3 The sun

“The” is the definite article, “Sun” is star round which the earth

moves and which



gives it heat and light.

4 The moon

“The” is the definite article, “Moon” is the

round object that

moves round the earth and shines at night

Yusuf‟s father

5 His favour

“His” is det of or

belonging to him.

“favour” is thing you do to help

Prophecy of Yusuf

6 Perfected it

“Perfected” is be,look seem, “it” is a third person singular pronoun

The favour of prophecy.


A wolf



“A” or “an” is the

indefinite article, a wild animal that looks like a large dog

All of wild animal in the place

8 The losers


“The” is the definite

article, “Losers” is you

refer to some people as a loser.

People didn‟t defense his self.

9 False blood

“False” is wrong,

incorrect, blood is the red liquid that flows inside your body.

The blood of sheep

10 Young man

“Young” is having

lived or existed for a short time. “man” is

adult male human


The good single man.

11 Seven fat cows

“Seven” is number 7.

“Fat” is substance in the body animal and humans, stored ubder

the skin. “Cow” is

large female animal

kept on farms to

produce milk or beef.

A sign of

prosperous until 7 years

12 Seven lean

“Seven” is number 7.

“lean” is thin and




13 Seven green ears of corn

“Seven” is number 7.

“green” is colour of grass, “ear” is part of the body on each side of the head used for hearing, “of” is used

after some verbs,

nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce

extra information.

“corn” is any plant

that is grown for its grain, such as wheat.


A sign that they should plant of grain will be the great harvest

Table 4.1.1 The Meaning of Some Phrases

4.1.2 The Meaning of Some Sentences

NO Sentence Denotative


Connotative meaning

1 I saw (in a dream) eleven

stars and the sun and the moon


Yusuf (Joseph)

dream that

eleven stars, the

sun, and the


He saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon prostrated him. the pharse eleven stars is the brother‟s Yusuf, then the sun is Yusuf‟s mother, and the moon is Yusuf‟s father.

2 I saw them prostrating

themselves to me


Yusuf (Joseph)

dreamed that

eleven stars, the

sun and the

moon prostrate his.

Yusuf will be a great person.

3 O my son ! relate not your

vision to your brothers, lest they should arrange a plot againts you.

Ya‟qub prophet forbid Yusuf his son, to tell his dream for the




4 Shaitan (shatan) is to man

an open enemy




Emphasize that the brothers will be bad boy for Yusuf.

The bad creatures to make bad impact.

5 And said: “Come on, O



Zulaikha invites Yusuf.

Zulaikha seduce Yusuf to do Zina.

6 I seek refuge in Allah (or

Allah forbid) !


Yusuf remembered that Allah dislikes

the action (Zina)


The pray of

Yusuf to

attend her


7 Truly, he (your husband) is

my master ! he made my living in a great comfort! (so i will never betray him).


Yusuf try to explain to Zulaikha who is Her husband is a great master for Yusuf.

Yusuf try to make Zulaikha back to the good way and didn‟t follow her desire.

8 And indeed she desire him

Zulaikha spellbound Yusuf.

Zulaikha want to sex with Yusuf.

9 And he would have inclined

to her desire,had he not seen the evidence of his lord.



Yusuf refused

the invitationof Zulaikha.

Yusuf also want to did it, but suddenly he

remembered allah Swt and canceled it.

10 Thus, it was that we might

turn away from him evil and illegal sexual intercourse.

Tells that the action was forbiden by Allah.




11 He (Yusuf (Joseph) said “it was she that sought to seduce me,”


Yusuf explain

that Zulaikha

seduce him.

Yusuf try to defend his self when Zulaikha seduce him.

12 and a witness of her

household bore witness

(saying): “if it be that his shirt is torn from the front, then her tale is true and he is liar.”



After that, the household come to interpose the problem.

The household

to be a

mediator and

said that if

Yusuf‟s shirt torn form the

front means

that Yusuf

seduce her.

13 That this shirt is torn from

the back, then she has told a lie and he is speaking the truth!”


Explain that if Yusuf‟s shirt torn form back, Zulaikha seduce him. From the sentence, show that Zulaikha lack “loving” from her husband.

14 She said to Yusuf (Joseph):

“come out before them” then, when they saw him.

Zulaikha called Yusuf to show up in front of the guess.

Zulaikha show the beauty of Yusuf to the society

especially woman.

15 They exalted him (at his

beauty) and (in their

The guess



31 hands.

until cut the


they cut their hands not an apple.

16 They said “how perfect is Allah (or allah forbid) No man is this ! this is none other than a noble angel.”


Imagine how

Yusuf Prophet.

They be aproud to Yusuf.

17 One of them said: “Verily, I

saw my self (in a dream) pressing wine”



The Friend‟s

Yusuf in jail dream pressing wine.

He will out from the jail in

three days

later and be a waiter of the king.

18 The other said: “Verily, I saw my self (in a dream) carrying bread on my head and birds were eating there of. ”



The other friend

tell that he

dream carrying bread on my head and birds

were eating


He will out from the jail but then he will die which is hanged and crucified.

19 And the king (of Egypt)

said: “I saw (in a dream) seven fat cows, whom seven lean ones were devouring, and seven green ears of corn, and (seven) others dry. ”


The king tells his dream.

Egypt be

presporous until 7 years, after that will

come hard

trouble until

seven years

also, then

come again





20 Yusuf (Joseph): “For seven consecutive years, you shall sow as usual and that (the harvest) which you reap you shall leave it in the ears, (all) except little of that which you may eat. ”








Yusuf prophet

order to people plant grain.

It‟s explained previously verses, that the meaning of a dream.

21 “Then will come after that,

seven hard (yeras), which will devour what you have laid by in advance for them, (all) except a little of that

which you have







It will come hard trouble.

Yusuf remind about the trouble.

22 “Then thereafter will come a

year in which people will have abundant rain and in which they will press (wine and oil). ”







Yusuf explained the last meaning of dream.




23 And the king said: “Bring him to me that i may attach him to my person”


Command of the king to bring Yusuf prophet.

The king want to say thank for Yusuf and give a gift to Yusuf be a person of trust.

24 [Yusuf (Joseph)] said :“Set me over the store-houses of the land; i will indeed guard them with full knowledge”



Request Yusuf for the king

Show that

Yusuf be

smart with the counting and writing.

25 They [Yusuf (Joseph)

brothers] said : “If he steals, there was a brother of his [Yusuf(joseph)] who did steal before him ”

The Yusuf‟s

Brother explain that Yusuf also

ever steal



 Figure  3.1
 Table   3.1
Table 4.1.1 The Meaning of Some Phrases
Table 4.1.2 The Meaning of Some Sentences


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