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WWF-Indonesia. Distinct Job Manual


Academic year: 2021

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Copyright 2004 © Parardhya Mitra Karti Printed on 2/8/2011 2:26 PM Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment C ons ult an t


Distinct Job Manual

Master Doc.

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Job Name

: MPAG Conservation Coordinator

Job Code


Job Class


Job Family


Job Region


Superior :




Subordinate(s) : TBA


Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment Con sult an t

Job Description

Job Mission

Pernyataan singkat dan jelas yang bertujuan untuk menjawab mengapa jabatan tersebut ada/diciptakan di organisasi.

USAID/Indonesia’s “Marine Protected Areas Governance (MPAG) Program” will focus on improving marine projected area (MPA) governance through strengthened data analysis, policy development and capacity building for improved marine protected area (MPA) management to yield the optimal fisheries and biodiversity conservation benefits. Specifically, the project will provide technical assistance, training and other support for the Indonesia Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) with the goal of strengthening marine protected area (MPA) management through the development of a national MPA system linked with priority MPA field sites in both national and local MPAs.

Job Illustration

Terdiri dari beberapa paragraph terstruktur yang menceritakan aktivitas-aktivitas kunci yang dilakukan pemangku jabatan dalam menghasilkan output penting jabatannya

The MPAG Conservation Coordinator provides technical and strategic support to this USAID/Indonesia funded project and works under the supervision of the MPAG Chief of Party (COP). The Conservation Coordinator assists in establishing and maintaining a strong communication program, project implementation and reporting. S/he works with the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer to consolidate reporting for USAID Indonesia, and provides key information to the COP on project implementation strategy and overall program integration.

Job Dimension

Besaran-besaran penting yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi bobot tanggung jawab utama pemangku jabatan

Supervisor : Chief of Party (CoP) Direct Supervisor : One Scope of Work : National Tools : one PC or Notebook


Date of Analysis: Date of Approval: Approval by: Consultant: Remarks: Page 3 of 6

Copyright 2004 © Parardhya Mitra Karti Printed on 2/8/2011 2:26 PM

Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment Con sult an t

Main Responsibility Key Performance Indicator

Ringkasan dari output penting yang menjadi kewajiban pokok dan

melekat bagi pemangku jabatan untuk dipenuhi Indikator-indikator yang penting dan relevan untuk diukur guna mengetahui tingkat pemenuhan setiap tanggung jawab utama oleh pemangku jabatan

1. Ensures the timely implementation of MPAG activities by working in close association with MPAG Consortium partners, MMAF, local governments, and the MPAG COP by providing technical support and advice to those stakeholders. For consortium member and partners in particular, the Conservation Coordinator will provide support and monitor the technical aspects of

implementation of the MPAG work plan including identifying potential problems as well as

opportunities for improved program implementation and actively participating in problem solving for the implementation of the work plan.

2. Liaises with Consortium members and partners and key staff to ensure the timely flow of information including ad-hoc information required by USAID-I and MMAF and ensure accountability of targets and milestones in each site.

3. Assists Monitoring Evaluation Specialist in the gathering of information for Performance Management Plan (PMP) and custom indicators and the preparation of monthly bullet point updates, quarterly reports and work plans as required by USAID.

4. Oversees annual work plan development, budgets and contracts with field offices, and participates in development of new initiatives and strategic opportunities.

5. In coordination with communications staff, develops reports, newsletters, and web content to

communicate information about the MPAG project and its progress. In particular, this position is responsible for providing technical content of any MPAG publication or communication products. 6. Maintains knowledge of relevant MPA practices

across Southeast Asia so as to serve as a resource to MPAG partners by establishing links and working relationships with CTSP country leads and other organizations working on MPA issues.. 7. Serves as Acting Leader in the absence of the

Chief of Party.

8. Performs other duties as assigned.

1. Activities are implemented in the timely manner

2. Information are distributed correctly and in time

3. PMP is generated with the right information, monthly point updates are provided monthly, and work plan is done in a timely manner

5. Contents for communication products are provided


Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment Con sult an t Main Authority

Hal-hal penting dan relevan yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemangku jabatan untuk pemenuhan tanggung jawab utamanya tanpa memerlukan persetujuan atasan terlebih dahulu

Job Environment

Uraian yang menggambarkan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang dihadapi pemangku jabatan

Working in the room with AC. Travelling to site.

Inborn Relationship Within Job

Interaksi yang dilakukan oleh pemangku jabatan, selain dengan atasan dan bawahan langsungnya, dalam rangka mendukung kelancaran pemenuhan tanggung jawabnya

1. Internal to WWF: Works with WWF-US, CTSP staff based at the RPO, WWF-Indonesia staff, including the Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) team leader based in Bali.

2. External to WWF: Maintains regular contact as needed with all NGOs members of the MPAG NGO Consortium especially on financial and management issues related to MPAG. Liaises with USAID/Indonesia and the IMAC project as well as with MPAG partners including conservation organizations, national and sub-national government representatives, universities and research institutes.


Date of Analysis: Date of Approval: Approval by: Consultant: Remarks: Page 5 of 6

Copyright 2004 © Parardhya Mitra Karti Printed on 2/8/2011 2:26 PM

Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment Con sult an t

Job Requirement

Job Pre-requisite

Hal-hal yang harus dipenuhi selain kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh pemangku jabatan

Education/Experience: a minimum of a BS degree in marine resources management or another relevant discipline. A Masters degree is desirable. The candidate should have at least five years of technical and management experience demonstrating knowledge of marine protected area management and biodiversity conservation. Prior experience working on USAID projects is a plus.

Competency Requirement

Kompetensi minimum yang harus dipenuhi oleh pemangku jabatan untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaannya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.

The Conservation Coordinator will be responsible for technical and management support and is expected to have: • Strong demonstrated leadership and management capabilities;

• Good speaking and writing skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English; • Ability to work effectively and cooperatively with a wide range of people;

• Proven ability to accurately plan, schedule and budget entire programs as well as small and large projects;

• Proven ability to identify programmatic implementation successes and/or issues; and • Excellent problem solving skills.

Competence Propensity Gauge

Hal-hal yang dijadikan ukuran bahwa sesorang memiliki kompetensi yang harus dipenuhi

Education: University Master Degree Sector Experience (In Yrs): 10 Skills:

• Excellent written and oral English language communication skills.

• Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to lead and work effectively in insecure environments is critical

• Strong computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook • Demonstrated ability to systematize and streamline organizational operations


Pa ra rd hy a Mitr a Ka rti In tegr at ed an d Com pr eh ens iv e H uman R es ou rc e Man age ment Con sult an t

Job Structure Diagram

Posisi jabatan dalam organisasi. Diagram harus digambar sedetil mungkin.

Chief of Party


Coordinator M&E Coordinator Communication



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