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Academic year: 2023



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A Manuscript

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English


Ageng Wulan Yulista F2B018006






Developing Android-based Mobile Learning Media in Teaching Short Functional Text for Junior High School Students

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android dalam Mengajar Short Functional Text pada Siswa SMP

Ageng Wulan Yulista1, Muhimatul Ifadah2, Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih3 English Education Department, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang

Jl. Kedungmundu Raya No. 18, Semarang Agengwulany@gmail.com

Yulista, Wulan Ageng. 2022. Developing Android-based Mobile Learning Media in Teaching Short Functional Text for Junior High School Students. Final project.

English Education Department, Faculty of Foreign Language Culture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Advisor I: Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd;

advisor II: Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih, M.Pd

Keywords: Android-based Mobile Learning Media, Short Functional Text

The use of technology, especially mobile phone, has grown in almost every aspect of human life, including education. Mobile phones as one of technology based tools are believed can be used in teaching English to increase students' interest and motivation.

This research was conducted to design a simple android-based learning media in teaching short functional text. The first objectives of this study was to design the mobile phone application that will be used for android-based learning media and window learning media in online learning. In addition, this study also tried to analyze the effectiveness of English learning using Android-based mobile learning media. This study employed a research and development method, which taken in nine steps:

potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation by experts, product testing, product revision I, use trial, product revision II, and final product. The research instruments were questionnaires and tests. The data analysis were explained through descriptive statistics and independent sample T-test. The subjects in this study were the eighth-grade students at SMP N 4 Purwodadi. The results of this study had three findings. Firstly, the validation of media and material experts was a relevant interpretation of a valid product and android-based mobile learning media product was feasible to use. Secondly, the average pre-test and post-test results showed a high significance, this means that the android-based mobile learning media was very effective to be used as a learning medium in the learning process. Thirdly, the students' perception results obtained in a good category, with 75.5% of them agreeing to use Android-based mobile learning media in the learning process. In conclusion, android-


based mobile learning media can help students to comprehend short functional text of greeting card. Though, teachers are advised to use android-based mobile learning media in stimulating students’ interest to minimize the boredom during the process of learning.



In this era of globalization, the government realizes the important role of foreign languages in Indonesia, especially English. English's role is learning new concepts for children in understanding new languages that are adapted to children's daily lives.

Technological development has become a new concept in technology-based learning because it has contributed to community activities (Nurmantara et al., 2020). In this case, the teacher can make an innovation to teach English according to the times.

Mobile learning has received increasing attention because it offers a new approach in society (Moura & Carvalho 2009). Mobile learning affects the mobility of learners, which means that students can participate in learning activities without being limited by distance.

Presenting short conversations via cellphones is one aspect of language skills that has a very important role in efforts to make future generations smart, critical, creative, and cultured. Learning to express meaning in the form of short functional texts is important for students to interact with the surrounding environment. By learning to master these abilities, students will be able to express their thoughts and feelings intelligently according to the context and situation described in an article. Nunan (2003) argues writing is finding ideas, thinking about how to express them, and making them into a statement or paragraph that can be clearly read by the reader. There are several ways to increase students’ interest in learning English, such as using the right learning media. The teacher must know the elements in teachings, such as methods, strategies, learning models, learning objectives and materials so that teachers can convey the material well according to the child's characteristics. Evan & Lang (2006) emphasized good techniques are useless in the hands of teachers who do not know how to use them, and good teachers will not be effective if they use bad techniques.

Currently, technology can be used for communication media, either through applications or the web. Communication in the form of writing is often used by


someone who is far from his relatives, either by correspondence or through electronic media. This becomes interesting when the language used is a foreign language in this case is English. Because knowledge is needed in addition to the mother tongue as well as knowledge in the foreign language and it will be a problem if you do not master grammar, word selection (diction), and sufficient vocabulary.

Based on the pre observations in the eighth grade at SMP N 4 Purwodadi, it was found that some children were less enthusiastic in learning English and had difficulties, especially in learning short functional text. This could be caused by themselves as well as the teacher. This phenomenon occured because during covid 19, schools were required to conduct online learning and the media used by teachers only used the WhatsApp group application. It made students bored and the English learning process was not optimal. Students found difficult to write short functional text because it was difficult to organize their ideas when they already had ideas in their minds, but it was difficult to express them in written form. Besides, students also found it difficult to distinguish between greeting cards and short messages because the sentence structure was almost the same. Therefore, when learning online, teachers must facilitate students with android-based media. Android-based mobile learning media can be accessed by students anytime and anywhere. In addition, android-based mobile learning media can be accessed for free and does not require a lot of cellphone space storage. This media has several features such as those that can be used for learning, such as greeting card materials and exercises that can make students more familiar with greeting card material. In this application there are several quizzes, including a quiz to ask students to make greeting cards with the correct arrangement and sentences.

Seeing these conditions, the teacher has the task of teaching short functional text to be more fun with the right technique. Teachers must be creative and innovative in teaching so that students can be interested in learning English. One of the examples of innovations made by teachers in learning is by creating learning media and implementing new strategies for teaching writing. The strategies should be interesting,


useful, and fun to support students feel good about writing and learning some vocabularies.

In this research, I created an application to learn short functional text. The application that I developed is different from other applications. The design application used is my picture and musical instrument. The material in the application is also based on some literatures so that students can learn well in different atmosphere.

The use of Android-based media can be used in distance learning or online. The teacher will facilitate students by using an application through a smart apps creator as a learning tool. This will make students more interested in learning, and this application can be used anytime and anywhere. So, I conduct research entitled "Developing Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in Teaching Short Functional Text for Junior High School Students."


In this study, I used the Research and Development (R&D) method. The steps of the research is potential problem, data collection, product design of SAC, design validation by expert, product trial, revision of product I, usage trial, revision of product II, and final product. The subjects of this study were eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purwodadi. In the data collection technique, I use two instruments, namely a questionnaire and a test (pre-test and post-test). The data analysis in this research was to find out the response of expert and student validation to the use of Android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional text.



1. Developing of Android-based Mobile Learning Media

The result of the development of android-based mobile learning media was a form of Application Package File (APK), which could be opened in windows on any mobile phone with an Android or Windows base. In addition, this application only had a capacity of 39.4 MB on their mobile phones or computers so that students or users could easily install on mobile phones and computers. This application was like power point, but more interactive and easier to navigate. The Media could also be used to load video, audio, images and animations. In addition, android-based mobile learning media had provided practice and feedback to students. Mobile learning media was put into practice and easier to install on students' computers or mobile phones and devices.

This media had been developed and suitable for used in the learning process. This was in accordance with the expert validation test and the students' perceptions of android-based mobile learning media. In addition, student’s participation in the learning process using android-based mobile learning media could be seen significantly in the success of this study, the students would be active and enthusiastic because this media could also be used in online learning so that every material was on the student's cellphone.


2. The Effectiveness of Android-based Mobile Learning Media in Teaching process

Figure 4.10

The Result from the Comparison Chart Average of Pre-Test and PostTest

Based on the picture above, the results of the calculation of the average value of the pre-test in the experimental and control classes were 56.67 and 48.00. While the results of the average post test scores in the experimental and control classes were 90.67 and 80.00. In the experimental class, I found that there was a difference between the average pre-test and post-test scores, which was 34.00. I found that the post-test score was higher than the pre-test score before the students were given material using Android-based mobile learning media. I also found the difference between the average pre-test and post-test scores in the control class, which was 32.00.

The results of the effectiveness of English learning media using android-based mobile learning media, which could be used as an alternative in the learning process because it was flexible and allowed the students to learn anytime and from any


location. It could be concluded that android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional of text greeting cards had a significant impact, indicating that this media was effective in the teaching process.

3. The Students’ Perceptions in Utilizing Android-based mobile learning media.

The results of the students' perceptions of the use of android-based mobile learning media, could be concluded that from the experimental and small group testing in the field trials, the percentage was 75.5% with a good category of 30 students. Based on the student's perception, I concluded that the students needed the development of learning media which could increase student’s motivation and their learning effectiveness. Because android and smartphones had a significant impact on the world of education. Moreover, the teachers could develop android as a learning medium with these criteria being smartphones.


Based on the results of the research, the product in this research was an android and windows application known as android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional text of greeting cards for eighth grade of junior high school. Further, it can be explained as follows.

1. This study shows that the use of android-based mobile learning media for the eighth-grade students at SMP N 4 Purwodadi is effective. The final product was based on the criteria for evaluating teaching media. In a field trial, this media received positive responses from students. Therefore, the learning process using android-based mobile learning media could improve their learning participation.

In addition, the use of media could be used not only in teaching short functional text, but also in all English materials.

2. The effectiveness of this media could be seen in the results of the post-test and pre-test. The value of the post test was greater than the pre-test. Android-based


mobile learning media had a positive influence on the learning process, with a significance value (sig.) of 0.00 < 0.005. The experimental class and the control class had different pre-test and post-test results. The experimental class had an average pre-test score of 56.67 and a post-test score of 90.67. This meant that android-based mobile learning media was a good way to encourage students to actively participate in class. Some students thought that the learning process using android-based mobile learning media was fun and very helpful in learning greeting cards.

3. The result of students' perceptions of android-based mobile learning media shows a positive score of 75.5% of 30 students. In addition, the students gave positive responses to the media, the results of the students' responses in the questionnaire showed that they were helped by this application, and they were enthusiastic in learning English.

2. Suggestion

Based on the product's strengths and weaknesses, the suggestions for further development can be seen as follows.

1. This media is an alternative option for teachers that can be used in teaching short functional text of greeting card for students. Teachers are advised to use android- based mobile learning media in stimulating students’ interest in learning to minimize the boredom.

2. The design of android-based mobile learning media can be well designed to attract student’s attention. The improvement can be added in the form of interesting and interactive quizzes so that students are expected to easily understand the topic.

3. Students are still need to be stimulated in learning individually and autonomously in order to successfully master short functional text through greeting card aided by android based mobile learning. However, to optimize the function of this application, the teacher should evaluate students' English performance by


providing exercises in reading various material, and the chance to practising independently.



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