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Academic year: 2017



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Domestication of Marble Goby (

Oxyeleotris marmorata


Indogenous Fish of Citarum River

Titin Herawati *1, Ayi Yustiati 1, Atikah Nurhayati1, Salzsa Sera Natadia2 1Lectures of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University

2Alumni of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km 21, UBR 40600

*email : herawati.h19@gmail.com


Research on domestication of Marble Goby has been conducted from September 2014 until

March 2015 at Research Station, FPIK Unpad. The aim of the research is to find out optimum feed

rate that produce highest growth. This research used experimental method, there are three treatments

feeding living tilapia rates of 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively. Observed parameters are growth rate and

water quality. The results showed that the growth rate with feeding rate of 2% - 4% of marble goby

increase 0,52

0,82 g/d at the second month. However, at the third month, its growth rate tends to

decrease to be 0,32

0,44 g/d.

Feeding up to 4% is not yet generating the optimum amount of feed to

get fish growth maximum.

The quality of water i.e temperature, pH and dissolve oxygen are still in

optimum range. But the light penetration is below its optimum range.



Marble Goby living in the Cirata Reservoir is Indogenous fish of Citarum River. The result of the communication with the local fishermen claimed that the presence of populations on Cirata Reservoir is already

experiencing a downturn, nature catching businesses is difficult, yet the demand from the consumer is very

high and the continuity of production depends on natural conditions. Further mentioned that the selling

price in Cirata Reservoir differ depending on the level of the fishing types capture tool used at the moment of

arrest and the size of the fish, the fish fishing rods or nets between Rp.60,000 – Rp.80,000/kg of fish caught

with fish traps priced between Rp.80,000 – Rp.110,000/kg.

These fish have a great potential for cultivated because it has important economic value,

its existence in nature is already difficult and mostly are wild catch product and very little amount that comes

from cultivation, whether its fry or size of consumption.

Factors to look for in fish farming in Marble Goby outside its habitat is the procurement of stem and

frys as well as growth. Fish growth was slow, it need a necessary effort so that cultivated Marble Goby growth

can be maximized by the selection of the type and quantity of the proper feeding.

Darmawiyanti 2005, in 2013 Kordi stated that the feed is the factor that holds very important

and decisive in the success of the efforts of fisheries, and the availability of feed is one of the main factors to

produce the maximum production. Terms of a good feed that is has a high nutritional value, easily obtained,

processed, easily digestible; the price is relatively cheap and does not contain toxins.

The preliminary result of the study, the primary Marble Goby feeding in Cirata Reservoir is fishes,

crustacean, and Mollusca. Based on the results of the preliminary test, live fish, which feed naturally on

research this is Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), because it has a high tolerance to changes in the

environment, due to its nature that often are at the bottom of the waters so easily captured by Marble Goby, and

has a high protein content, test result proksimat Tilapia used as feed protein levels of 49,60%.



Research was conducted from September 2014 to March 2015. In September-November 2014 fish procurement and acclimatization of fish to be used in research, in December 2014-March 2015 is the primary research. Research conducted in outdoor experimental pool of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of



The absolute weights and weights added daily on Marble Goby during two months of cultivation with different feeding are presented in Figure 1 and 2.

Figure 1. Absolute Weights added to Marble Goby during two months cultivation

Figure 2 Daily weights added to Marble Goby during two months cultivation


accordance with statement of Kordi (2013) which says that the fish Marble Goby are small growth lower than fish large. Arifin and Rupawan (1997), stated that Marble Goby that fed with live fish produces the highest weights are added.

Marble Goby weigh between 20 – 50 grams given feed as many as 2% for 2 months of the the cultivation generating absolute weights 18 grams with daily weights added 0.29 g/day, fish weigh 51 –75 gram added weights 29 grams of absolute weigh daily 0.47 g/day, fish weigh 76 – 100 grams of absolute weights added 37 grams with a daily weight 0.6 g/day , and fish with weigh > 100 grams of absolute weights added 44 grams with daily weights 0.71 g/day.

Marble Goby weigh between 20 – 50 grams with feeding as many as 3% of the value of the absolute weights 20 grams with daily weight 0.32 g/day, fish weigh 51 – 75 gram weights 40 grams of absolute weighing daily 0.68 g/day, fish weigh 76 – 100 grams absolute weight added 40 grams with daily weight 0.65 g/day, and fishwith weigh > 100 grams absolute weight added to 50 grams daily weighing 0.81 g/day.

Marble Goby weigh between 20 – 50 grams with feeding as many as 4% of the value of the absolute weight of 21 grams with daily weights 0.34 g/day, fish weigh 51 –75 gram absolute weight added 41 grams with daily weight 0.66 g/day, fish size 76 – 100 grams of absolute weight added 52 grams with daily weight 0.84 g/day, and fish size > 100 grams of absolute weights added 90 grams with daily weights 1.45 g/day.

The average value of the absolute weights of Marble Goby on all size with feeding groups of 2%, 3%, and 4% are presented in table 1.

Table 1. The average value of the absolute weights of Marble Goby on all size after 2 months of cultivation

Treatment Average Absolute Weights

Description: the average value of the marked similar letters not different of BNT assay based on the real extent of 5%

The absolute weights of Marble Goby on all group sizes with feeding as much as 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively yielded an average value of the absolute weight of 32 grams, 37.5 grams, and 51.0 g, on average the highest weight value added is obtained by feeding the 4% (table 1).

The results of the statistical analysis using the F test show that feeding effect on absolute weight Marble Goby added. Advance test BNT test feeding 2% yield increase the weighting of different real absolute feeding with 3% and 4%, while feeding a 3% and 4% did not differ markedly in the extent of 5%.

Marble Goby weights added during cultivation relatively low, low weights are alleged to be caused by the murky water conditions or light penetration into the water is low, the penetration of light in outdoor experimental range 15 – 34 cm, the penetration of the Sun's light is needed in order to make the growth optimum growing Marble Goby above 45 cm. Water conditions causing the closing of gills by the dissolved and suspended materials , so that the binding process oxygen hampered especially in oxygen solubility 18.00 3.5 – 5.7 mg/l, by 23.00 WIB solubility of oxygen 2.4 – 5.9 mg/l, and 06 oxygen solubility 3.4 – 5.3 mg/l. Solubility of oxygen in water is low causing disruption of metabolic processes.


daily weight 0,16 g/day, the 51 – 75 g sized fish produces the absolute weights added 10 grams daily with 0.24 g/day, fish size 76 – 100 g produce absolute weights added 23 grams with daily weights 0.26 g/day , and fish size > 100 gram produces absolute weights added 54 grams with daily weight 0.60 g/day.

The absolute weights added in fish size between 20 – 50 grams with feeding as much as 3% is 18 grams daily with 0.20 g/day, the 51 – 75 grams sized fish is 39 grams with daily weight 0.43 g/day, fish size 76 – 100 grams by 33 grams with daily weight 0.37 g/day, and fish size > 100 grams by 47 grams daily weights 0.52 g/day.

The absolute weights added in fish size between 20 – 50 grams with feeding as much as 4% is 16 grams daily weight 0.18 g of fish/day, measuring 51 – 75 grams of 22 grams daily weight 0.24 g/day, fish size 76 – 100 grams of 46 grams daily weights 0.51 g/day, and fish size > 100 grams of 76 grams daily weight 0.84 g/day (Figure 3 and 4).



Figure 4. Daily weight Increase After 3 Months of Cultivation

Decline of fish weights added Marble Guby on 3rd month caused less efficient feed, water quality and the process of spawning. Measurement results of 24 hours of temperature resulting difference of 2.5 °C, the temperature of the water at 6 a.m. 23.5 °C and 26 °C 12.00 noon. The low temperature of the water at 06.00 WIB causing oxygen consumption decreased so that metabolic processes in the body of the fish declines lowering the absolute weights of Marble Goby. In addition, the ingredients are dissolved and suspended height which can cause closing on gills so it reduced and oxygen diffusion process can reduce fish vision in search of feed, the observations indicate that the feed provided is not eaten, in addition on the 3rd month is the month of March, there are some who do betutu spawning (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Marble Goby Eggs on a Pipe (Salzsa)


in Alwi (2009) stated that development of the gonads can inhibit or be a rival of the growth of somatic cells, most of the nutrients or energy will be used for maturation of the gonads.

The average value of the absolute weights of Marble Goby for all feeding groups with sizes of 2%, 3%, and 4% from biomass after 3 months of maintenance are presented in table 2.

Table 2. The average value of the absolute weights of Marble Goby on all size after 3 months of cultivation Treatment Average Absolute Weight

Description: the average value of the marked similar letters not different of BNT assay based on the real extent of 5%

The results of the statistical analysis using the F test show that feeding does not have an effect on absolute weight added to Marble Goby. 4% feeding produce the highest value added amounted to 40,0 g, the high of absolute weights added is caused by availability of a lot of feed so chances of fish feed in order to get high feeding chance, the 2% feeding yield increase of the absolute weight of 28.2 grams, and 3% produce 34.2 grams.


To find out the number of optimum natural feed (Tilapia) that can generate the highest Marble Goby growth, analyzed using regression equations.

Figure 6. Feeding Relation with Absolute Added Weight with 25-50 grams of weight Marble Goby during Cultivation


Figure 7. Feeding Relation with Absolute Added Weight with 51-75 grams of weight Marble Goby during Cultivation

Figure 7 is the regression equation models the relationships between feeding with absolute added weight to Marble Goby with size 51-75 grams for 2 months cultivation y = 6 x + 18,67, with coefficient determination (R2) = 0,812, correlation value (r) = 0.9, this shows that the growth of Marble Goby is affected by the feed by 90%, meaning that the existence of a high association between the number of feeding and growth, after 3 months of cultivation produce the equation y = 27,667 , with coefficients determination (R2) = 0, and a value of correlation (r) = 0, this indicates that the growth of Marble Goby is not affected by the feed. The optimum amount of feed that produced the highest growth of Marble Goby at size 51-75 grams is not achieved.

Figure 8. Feeding Relation with Absolute Added Weight with 76-100 grams of weight Marble Goby during Cultivation


Figure 9. Feeding Relation with Absolute Added Weight with >100 grams of weight Marble Goby during Cultivation



Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Marble Goby can be domesticated outside its habitat, for example ponds, fish can grow and can do does it weigh spawning naturally. Marble Goby that fed 2%, 3% and 4%live Tilapia generate daily weights added 0,52 g/day, 0,61 g/day and 0.82 g/day in the second month, in the third month added weight has decreased compared to the second month i.e. 0.32 g/day, 0.38 g/day and 0,44 g/day. Feeding up to 4% of the biomass is not yet generating the optimum amount of feed to get fish growth Marble Goby maximum. Water quality such as temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen is still in a range that is optimal for Marble Goby, except water brightness.




Alawi, Hamdan, Nuraini, dan Sapriana. 2009. Induksi Triploid Ikan Selais (Kryptopterus lympok) Menggunakan Kejutan Panas. Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan, 14 (1): 37-47

Arifin, Z. dan Rupawan. 1997. Pertambahan Bobot dan Tingkat Sintasan Ikan Betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata Bklr)dengan Pemberian Pakan yang Berbeda. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia. III (3): 22-26.

Effendie, Moch. Ichsan. 1997. Biologi Perikanan. Yayasan Pustaka Nusantara. Yogyakarta.


Figure 1. Absolute Weights added to Marble Goby during two months cultivation
Figure 3. Absolute Weight Increase in Marble Goby After 3 Months of Cultivation
Figure 4. Daily weight Increase After 3 Months of Cultivation
Figure  6. Feeding Relation with Absolute Added Weight with 25-50 grams of weight Marble Goby during Cultivation


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