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Pertemuan Ke 9 (Sifat Mekanik Besi Karbon)


Academic year: 2018

Membagikan "Pertemuan Ke 9 (Sifat Mekanik Besi Karbon)"


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Nurun Nayiroh, M.Si

Pertemuan ke 9



Brinell, Rockwell

Yield Strength

Tensile Strength


% Elongation


Mechanical Properties: Influence of Carbon Content

Gambar 1. Pearlit, cementit, dan ferit

Sementit bersifat lebih keras dan lebih rapuh dari perlit karena itu dengan menaikan fraksi Fe3C pada baja sementara elemen lain konstan maka material akan lebih keras dan lebih kuat, grafik sifat mekanik pearlit bisa dilihat pada Gambar 1. Ketebalan lapisan pearlit sementit juga mempengaruhi sifat mekanik sifat bahan.

Pearlit halus lebih keras dan kuat dibandingkan dengan pearlit kasar. Hal ini dperlihatkan secara grafik pada Gambar 2. Alasan kenapa pearlit mempunyai sifat ini dikarenakan fase sementit lebih kuat dan kaku dibandingkan ferit yang lebih lunak sehingga bisa menahan deformasi dan dengan kata lain sementit sebagai penguat ferit.

Pearlite halus akan lebih kuat di bandingkan dengan pearlit kasar karena butiran pearlit halus lebih banyak sehingga luas batas fase perunit volume akan lebih besar sehingga


Gambar 2 Sifat Mekanik Pearlite

Spheroitide mempunyai kekuatan dan kekerasan

dibawah pearlit. Fenomena ini bisa diterangkan

dengan metode penguatan oleh sementit dan

hambatan gerakan dislokasi.

Luas permukaan batas butir spherodit pesatuan

volume lebih sedikit dari pearlit sehingga

kekuatannya dan kekerasannya lebih rendah.


Dari bagian bentuk struktur mikro paduan baja,

martensit adalah yang paling kuat dan keras

namun paling rapuh.

Kekerasannya tergantung kandungan karbon.

Pengaruh kandungan karbon terhadap kekerasan

martensit bisa dilihat pada Gambar 3.

Kekuatan dan kekerasan martensite tidak

dikaitkan dengan struktur mikro tetapi lebih

dikaitkan dengan efektifitas atom karbon yang

larut dalam bentuk interstisi yang akan

menghalangi gerakan dislokasi dan juga karena

sistem slip yang lebih sedikit untuk kristal BTC.


Martensit bersifat keras sehingga sebagian besar tidak

bisa dipakai aplikasi.

Disamping itu tegangan internal karena proses quencning

juga memberikan efek perlemahan.

Ketangguhan dan keuletan martensit bisa ditingkatkan

dan tegangan internal bisa dibuang dengan cara

perlakuan panas yang disebut tempering.

Tempering dilakukan dengan memanaskan baja martensit

sampai temperatur di bawah eutectoid pada periode

waktu tertentu. Biasanya tempering dilakukan pada

temperatur antara 250 650 0C. Tegangan internal akan

hilang pada suhu ± 200



Proses tempering akan membentuk “tempered


martensite (bct, satu fase)

tempered martensite (α + Fe3c)

Foto struktur mikro tempered martensite

sama dengan spheroidit hanya partikel

sementit lebih banyak dan lebih kecil.

Tempered martensit mempunyai sifat sekeras

dan sekuat matensit namun ketangguhan dan

keuletan lebih baik.


Tempering reduces internal stresses caused by quenching. The small particles are cementite; the matrix is α%ferrite

Gambar 4. Tensile dan yield strength dan ductility versus tempering temperature untuk paduan baja yang diquenching dg minyak

Hardness versus tempering time for a water%quenched eutectoid plain carbon steel (1080) that has been rapidly quenched to form martensite.


Pada proses tempering beberapa baja bisa mengalami

penurunan ketangguhan, hal ini disebut perapuhan

temper. Fenomena ini terjadi bila baja ditemper pada

suhu diatas 575


C dan diikuti pendinginan lambat sampai

temperatur ruangan, atau jika tempering dilakukan pada

suhu antara 375 – 575



Perapuhaan ini disebabkan oleh kandungan elemen lain

dalam jumlah yang cukup signifikan seperti mangan,

nikel, crom dan phospor, arsen, timah putih.

Perapuhan temper bisa dicegah dengan :

1. Pengontrolan komposisi

2. Tempering diatas 575


C atau dibawah 375


C diikuti

dengan quenching pada temperatur ruang.


Kekuatan dan kekerasan beberapa paduan

logam dapat dikembangkan oleh pembentukan

partikel kecil terdispersi secara ekstrim dan

uniform (precipitates) pada fasa kedua dengan

matrika fasa utama.

Alloys that can be precipitation hardened or age


Copper beryllium (Cu Be) Copper tin (Cu Sn)

Magnesium aluminum (Mg Al) Aluminum copper (Al Cu) High strength aluminum alloys


Maximum solubility of 1 component in the other (M); Solubility limit that rapidly decreases with decrease in temperature (M→N). Process:

Solution Heat Treatment – first heat treatment where all solute atoms are dissolved to form a single phase solid solution. Heat to T0and dissolve B phase. Rapidly quench to T1

Nonequilibrium state (αphase solid solution supersaturated with B atoms; alloy is soft, weak no ppts).


The supersaturated αsolid solution is usually heated to an intermediate temperature T2 within the α+βregion (diffusion

rates increase).

The βprecipitates (PPT) begin to form as finely dispersed particles. This process is referred to as aging.

After aging at T2, the alloy is cooled to room temperature. Strength and hardness of the alloy depend on the ppt temperature (T2) and the aging time at this temperature.

Precipitation Heat Treatment

Heat treatable aluminum alloys gain strength from

subjecting the material to a sequence of processing

steps called

solution heat treatment, quenching

, and



The primary goal is to create sub micron sized

particles in the aluminum matrix, called


that in turn influence the material properties.

While simple in concept, the process variations

required (depending on alloy, product form, desired

final property combinations, etc.) make it sufficiently

complex that heat treating has become a professional


The first step in the heat treatment process is solution

heat treatment. The objective of this process step is

to place the elements into solution that will

eventually be called upon for precipitation hardening.


solution heat treatment times and



supersaturated solid solution


unstable and if, left alone, the excess


will precipitate out of the


phase. This

process is called



Types of aging:

Natural aging

process occurs at room


Artificial aging

If solution heat treated,

requires heating to speed up the


After solution heat treatment the material is ductile,

since no precipitation has occurred. Therefore, it may


worked easily.

After a time the solute material precipitates and

hardening develops.

As the composition reaches its saturated normal state,

the material reaches its maximum hardness.

The precipitates, however, continue to grow. The


precipitates disappear

. They have

grown larger

, and as


Precipitation Heat Treatment

PPT behavior is represented in the diagram:

With increasing time, the hardness increases, reaching a maximum (peak), then decreasing in strength. The reduction in strength and hardness after long periods is

overaging(continued particle growth).

Small solute enriched regions in a solid solution where the lattice is identical or somewhat perturbed from that of the solid solution are called Guinier Preston zones.

Guinier Preston (GP) zones Tiny clusters of atoms that precipitate from the matrix in the early stages of the age hardening process.


• 2014 Al Alloy:

• TS peak with precipitation time. • Increasing T accelerates


precipitation heat treat time


1min 1h 1day 1mo 1yr



• %EL reaches minimum with precipitation time.


1min 1h 1day 1mo 1yr precipitation heat treat time

Effects of Temperature

Characteristics of a 2014 aluminum alloy (0.9 wt% Si, 4.4 wt% Cu, 0.8 wt% Mn, 0.5 wt% Mg) at 4 different aging


Alloys that experience significant

precipitation hardening at room temp, after short periods must be quenched to and stored under refrigeratedconditions. Several aluminum alloys that are used for rivets exhibit this behavior. They are driven while still soft, then allowed to age harden at the normal room temperature.

Several stages in the formation of the equilibrium



) phase.


0 10 20 30 40 50

composition range

available for precipitation hardening



• Particles impede dislocation motion.

• Ex:

Al%Cu system

• Procedure:

%%Pt B: quench to room temp. (retain αsolid solution) %% Pt C: reheat to nucleate

small θparticles within




%%Pt A: solution heat treat (get αsolid solution)

Pt A (solution heat treat)


Pt B


Pt C (precipitate θ)

At room temperature the stable state of an aluminum copper alloy is an aluminum rich solid solution (α) and an intermetallic phase with a tetragonal crystal structure having nominal composition CuAl2(θ).


Aging either at room or moderately elevated

temperature after the quenching process is used

to produce the desired final product property


The underlying

metallurgical phenomenon

in the

aging process is

precipitation hardening

. Due to

the small size of the precipitate particles, early

understanding was hampered by the lack of

sufficiently powerful microscopes to actually see


With the availability of the transmission electron

microscope (TEM) with nanometer scale

resolution, researchers were able to actually

image many precipitate phases and build on this

knowledge to develop improved aluminum alloy


Aluminum is light weight, but engineers want to improve the strength for high performance

applications in automobiles and aerospace.

To improve strength, they use precipitation hardening.


Quenchingis the second step in the process.

Its purpose is to retain the dissolved alloying elements in solution for subsequent precipitation hardening. Generally the more rapid the quench the better, from a properties standpoint, but this must be balanced against the concerns of part distortionand residual stress if the quench is non uniform.


Gambar 1. Pearlit, cementit, dan ferit
Gambar 2 Sifat Mekanik Pearlite
Gambar 3. Kekerasan sebagai fungsi konsentrasi karbon untuk baja martensit dan fine peralite
Gambar 4.5


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