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Microbiology on fish and fisheries products


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Microbiology on fish and fisheries products"


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ide ntific atio n manual. Cab i Pub lishing: Oxfo rdshire . UK M

 Huss, H.H. 1 9 9 4 . Assuranc e o f se afo o d q uality. FAO fishe rie s te c hnic al

 Mahmo ud, B.S.M., Yamazaki, K., Miyashita, K., il-Shik., S., Do ng-Suk, C., Suzuki, T., 2 0 0 4 . Bac te rial mic ro flo ra o f c arp (Cyprrinus c arpio) and its she lf-life e xte ntio n by e sse ntial o il c o mpo unds. Fo o d Mic ro b io lo gy., 2 1 : 6 5 7 – 6 6 6 .



 Banwart, G.J. 1 9 8 9 . Basic Fo o d Mic ro bio lo gy 2ndEd. Van

No strand Re inho ld. Ne w Yo rk: UK

 Garbutt, J., 1 9 97 Esse ntial o f Fo o d Mic ro bio lo gy. Lo ndo n. UK.  Fo shyte and Haye s. 1 9 9 8 . Fo o d Hygie ne , Mic ro bio lo gy and

HACCP. ASPEN Public atio n: UK.

 Jay, J.M. 2 0 0 0 . Mo de rn Fo o d Mic ro bio lo gy. Aspe n Publishe r. Maryland: USA.



 The m ic ro bial o f fo o d c o nsist o f MO asso c iate d with RM.  Mo st fo o ds are subje c te d to m any po te ntial so urc e s o f MO.  The po te ntial so urc e s o f c o ntam inatio n are so il, wate r, palnts,

anim als, hum an be ings, se wage , pro c e ssing e quipm e nts, ingre die nts, pro duc ts & pac kaging m ate rial.

 MO c an be e xc hange d be twe e n o the r so urc e s

 Why sho uld we be c o nc e rne d with so urc e s o f c o ntam inatio n?

EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)



 Tro pic al and sub tro pic al wate r

 Marine wate r

 Brac kish wate r

 Fre sh wate r








EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)


Wate r is po te ntial s o urc e o f MO

c o ntaminatio n

Wate r lands may c o ntaminate d by

s o il Mo s .

Se wage & fe c e s

c o ntaminate s o il

& wate r lands .



 Wate r c o ntac t during harve sting, handling, & pro c e ssing .

 Wate r is a dire c t suo rc e o f c o ntam inatio n  MO in wate r c o ntam inate the surfac e , gills, &

inte stinal trac t in fish & she llfish.



EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)


 Mo st o f se wage , human c o rpse , plant tissue , e tc b urie d in so il.

 Afte r se ve ral ye ars the y c hange s into o rganic and ano rganic c o mpo und -- > MO

 5 main c o mpo ne nts o f so il: mine ral partic le , o rganic mate rial, wate r, gas, &

mic ro o rganism.

 Fe rtile so il has ric h MO

 MO c hange s so il c he mic al sub stanc e s thro ugh se ve ral b io c he mistry pro c e ss.


So il is natural habitat o f s o me Mo s

Type s & numbe rs o f MO vary with type s o f s o il

MO gro wth is limite d to are as o f o rganic mate rial

Fac to rs affe c ting MO gro wth : c he mic al c o mpo s itio n,

rate o f de c o mp., & e nvi c o nditio n.

EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)


MO quite pre vale nt

Bac illus &

Clo stridium

MO c o mmo n in fo o d & so il

Ac ine to bac te r, Alc alige ne s,

Arthro bac te r, Bac illus, Clo stridium,

Co ryne bac te rium, Flavo bac te rium,

Mic ro c o c c us, Pse udo mo nas, &

Stre pto myc e s.

C. bo tulinum A & C are fo und in so il.

MO in so il be c o me inac tivate d by

pre dato rs, bac te rio lytic e nzyme s, &

to xin.



MO c o ntaminate to RM & pro duc t

by dire c t c o ntac t.

MO numbe rs are influe nc e d by

de gre e o f c o ntamanitio n o f s o il.

Marine s e dime nts -

MO range

1 0


– 1 0


/ g

The s e bac te ria are

Ae ro mo nas ,

Bac illus , Chro mo bac te rum,

Citro bac te r, Es c he ric hia,

Ps e udo mo nas , & Vibrio


EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)



EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)





 The re is no natural / no rm al MO o f air.  Mo lds spo re s > pre vale nt than o the r MO  Co ntam inatio n o f the air is c ause d by gusts.

 So urc e s MO 4 air c o ntam inatio n : spraying, splashing, vibratio n, bursting, e tc .

 Type s o f MO: Kle bs ie lla, Bac illus , Flavo bac te rium, Stre ptic o c c us ,& Mic ro c o c c us.

 Mic ro flo ra air in fo o d pro c e sing re fle c ts sanitary c o nditio n.

 Type s ye ast in air: As pe rgillus , Pe nic illium, Clado s po rium, Alte rnaria, He lmintho s po rium

EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)


Stability o f Mo s in air is affe c te d by Rh, te mpe rature ,

O2 , s o lar fac to rs , & c he mic al c o mpo ne nts .



EKO SUSANTO – DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY (e ko _ thp@ undip.ac .id)

Animal & plant

s o urc e o f c he mic al

& bio lo gic al c o ntaminatio n o n fo o ds .

Mic ro o rganis ms in animal fe e d c an

c o ntaminate the fe e t, hide , hair, &

fe athe rs o f animals .

Plant o f fo o d may c o ntain o rganis m

that c an c o ntaminate he palnt &

as s o c iate human fo o ds .



 Plants are c o ntam inate d by MO fro m se ve ral so urc e s (dirt, wate r, air, fe rtilize r, anim als, & hum an).

 Pse udo m nas are quite pre vale nt o n ve ge table s.

 Se ve ral flo we rs o f fruit are inhabite d by se ve ral ye ast suc h as Sac c haro myc e s , Hans e nula, To rulo ps is , Candida, Rho do to rula, & Klo e c ke ra.

 De c aying plant is im po ttant so urc e o f MO.


MOs in animals are fo unds in gastro inte stinal, nasal

pasage , c utne o us le sio ns, & skin, fe e t, hair / fe athe r.

Animals able to tranfe re d patho ge n bac te ria to fo o ds.

Flie s have a part in spre ading o f

Salmo ne lla, Shige lla,

Vibrio , Es c he ric ia c o li,

& o the r MO c ausing fo o d spo ilage .

Pre do minant o rganisms in the inte stinal flo ra o f bo th

animal & human ar o bligate s anae ro be suc h as

Bac te rio de s


Pe pto stre pto c o c c us .



 Staphylo c o c c i are pre do m inant o n no rm al infant skin.

 The c o lo nizatio n o f MO is abundant in no se , o ral c avity, thro at, re spirao ry, dige stive , & uro ge nital trac ts.

 The pre do m inant MO o n the skin are staphylo c o c c i, c o ryne bac te ria, & pro pio nibac te ria.

Mic ro c o c c us , Bac illus , Alc alige ne s , Ps e udo mo nas ,

Ente ro bac te r, Kle bs ie lla, Pro te us , Es c he ric hia, & Citro bac te r are quite pre vale nt o n hum an skin.


 Fe c al flo ra o f infants is c o m po se d prim arily spe c ie s o f Bifido bac te rium .

 Fe c al adult

 Die t influe nc e s the fe c al m ic ro flo ra

 Mo st bac te ria in re st ro o m is Salmo ne lla / Shige lla  In fish pro c e ssing, pro c e ss that c o ntac t with hum an m ay

pro vide c o ntam inatio n o f fo o d with hum an patho ge ns.


Animal manure may pro duc e s ubs trate may

c o ntain mic ro o rganis m, inc luding human

patho ge n.

Inpro pe r s e ptic tank may c o ntaminate

s o il/ e nviro nme nt.

Salmo ne lla are quite pre vale nt in raw s e wage .

Se wage s ludge

agric ultural land --- >

e nte ric virus


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